I slept 7 hours last night and still fell asleep tonight. Doing nothing today was exhausting. I can feel my mental health slipping just a little bit from not working which sucks because working also damages my mental health I'm going to need to figure something out needless to say I'm not enjoying the coronavirus arc very much
I know you said solo hobbies aren't your forte but in these times we find ourselves in all I can really say is to try and find one to dedicate yourself to. I'm not really good at brainstorming group activities and I doubt anything I can think up would be something that would be up your alley. So if solo activities are really not something you can engage in I hope you've got some other social circles you can find help from.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
help me write codez lets make online communities closer stronger grown up farther
I am going ot try to redo my workflow as much as I can to be over email I still really do not want to do the face to face parts of my job as much as possible
I really want to just be a hermit until it blows over
>>>/@dowmansayman/1239791734646648832 The new Trigger anime's MC is pretty cute but also very much an anthropomorphic animal. What a weird conflict for me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>817949 are you doin everything over video conferencing now or do you still see people in person
>>817939 no worries here! im kind of on a work project anyway it's really stressful because im getting radio silence from everyone else i dont know if im the only one working or what, but i still have to do my part just in case others are
>>817951 No, everyone in my field is generally technologically inept. Video conferencing is one of those things that is rarely used. We still use a lot of actual paper too.
I will have to give a serious think of how to do things. I honestly don't know how I'm going to do the things I need to do without meeting people face to face.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>817957 luddite holdouts! maybe this will make them get up to speed
a world covered in cables was never wired to last so don't act so surprised when the program starts to crash how can I, form a connection when we can't even shake hands? you're like the phantom greeting me we plot in the shadows, hang out in the gallows stuck in a loop for eternity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think today is manhattan day prepare for trouble
>>817980 I would totally expect Japanese businesses to also be wholly unprepared to do remote work where it isn't already present
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>817984 unfortunately yes get w the times ya isolationist workaholics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just learned there is a chess opening known as the Bong Cloud
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it involves taking at least 6 moves to make your king and queen switch places and that's it such disrespect
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sixth presser in a row (seventh? eighth?)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pumpin' wendys bk and mcdonalds thanks mr pres
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is literally nothing
So you're telling me a presser about fast food franchises consists of a nothingburger?
instead of going to telehealth, corporate wants us to simply reduce the hours our program covers from 8 hours a day to 3
and i mean ok but that's not going to slow or stop transmission...
It's probably also gonna reduce the effective help you all can do. Even eight hours of telehealth is probably more effective than three hours of in person.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're talkin about taking the UBI idea seriously throwin money from helicopters we are so fucked
it doesnt make any sense every country in the developed world is freezing evictions and rent and all of that the US is like "we'll just give you money to give your landlord"
but now the landlords get EXTRA money please think of the landlords please
the clinical director at work is mad that they took that sanitizer hoarder's shit and redistributed it to people who need it because it's not "free markets" man fuck your free markets people are dyin
But if you also give the landlords UBI they won't feel the need to demand your share of it to, right?
what about the windlords and the waterlords and even the firelords?
italy has shown roughly 5500 new cases every day for the last several days instead of increasing cases every day which suggests the lockdown is working to reduce spread
>You have been receiving informative updates from our medical director regarding the coronavirus. Please study and follow his valuable guidance. You will be receiving information from Dr. W. Please study and follow Dr. W’s valuable guidance. Let’s compete with the virus and win. The people we have the opportunity to treat placed faith in us. Let’s give it back to them by being smart in all we do, and we win by minimizing adverse effects. And that obviously also applies to how we treat our teammates.
Like, literally, what the fuck are you talking about, CEO-san. This says NOTHING.
>During the last several years our team has helped thousands of persons with very difficult issues and as a result they have a much better quality of life. We have survived some really big challenges and we have done so as a team. Now we get a real challenge thrown at us with a virus that is unpredictable and will challenge our judgment, maturity and poise. Let’s do what we do and love the challenge. It will get really rough. I believe we are tough enough to do well.
>Every day is another day for me to be very thankful to be your teammate. We treat others like we want to be treated and that works really well. Let’s keep it that way.
>with a virus that
Okay fuck off Internet. >with a virus that is unpredictable This is the most dumb cliched shit ever. A virus is easily predictable. This isn't some sci-fi horror where the strain is evolving faster than we can study it or anything. We know how the virus spreads and we know how to prevent new cases. It's not the virus which is unpredictable it's the dumb-ass human beings carrying it which are.
two of our clinicians are in quarantine due to contact with a potentially infected individual already and since there aren't readily available tests anywhere...
>>818026 Yeah, literally everything this virus has done was predicted. There are and have been clear guidelines for working through this pandemic since we found out its properties. Shutting it down would be extremely simple for any state with even merely infefficient resource allocation. The fact that the US can't respond to it just goes to show how little anyone cares which explains why we can't allocate our resources properly.
We're already out of respirators and these respirator companies have the ability to increase production by up to 500% without even abusing workers but they aren't doing it because it would cost them money.
well yeah it'll only kill the old poors anyway, they're not even making money for the job creators
>Your dedication to providing excellent treatment and support for our patients is appreciated very much and especially during a very challenging time created by the coronavirus. I care very much about the welfare of our patients and each of you. Thank you for paying attention to the emails that Drs. L and W and I have sent you. We will get through this and we will do so because we have the desire to provide great treatment and we care very much for our teammates. And, as I wrote you Sunday, we are tough.
>If you follow the guidance provided by Drs. L and W, we should all be doing what is right and feel positive about our decisions. If you feel you may have the coronavirus, or you have any symptom of respiratory illness, please stay away from your work facility. If you do not have any symptom, and are not sick in another way that would normally keep you away, our patients need you to work as scheduled. Until we change this policy, you will be paid if you do not work and it is likely your “paid time off” will be used if you stay away from work.
>We intend to provide services to our patients and have no desire to shut down any operations and will not shut any operations unless we are forced to do so.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we will get through this because we desire to work if you take off time you'll waste your PTO lol we ain't shuttin down shit
they're saying they're only allowing telehealth for clients at an outpatient level of care lol
It kinda demonstrates how they're really talking in such bad faith here. Like you can't claim to care about your employees and the patients they care for and then in the same breath say despite the severity of the pandemic we still want to you to work as normal. Either you 1., don't actually care about the people you claim to (Shocking!), or b), don't actually believe in the severity of the pandemic. Or honestly probably both.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? we even know there are asymptomatic carriers
Yeah the crisp turned out decent. I think the test run of chipotle powder is a no-go though. We had some in the cabinet so I figured I'd see how it works and it's not really doing much for me. The base of paprika and garlic powder is honestly pretty consistently a strong spice combination for these.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im comin down with a mild case of contango with clear signs of backwardation
you can still get the cash without a bank account but I still wouldn't like going out to do that
There's probably quite a number of Americans that don't have bank accounts whether through preference or circumstance. I wonder what the solution would be for that.
>>818061 Yeah, but only if the check is WITH the bank you're cashing it at. So you can't cash a bofa check with wells fargo for example.
I'm not sure what bank the government would use would be. It might be a generic check that has to be accepted anywhere.
What would a cheque from the federal government look like, yeah.
I've gotten cheques from the Canadian federal government in the mail. I don't think they're through any particular banking insitution I think it's just a cheque accepted country-wide.
you can take a bofa check to walmart and pay a check-cashing fee though ive done that with a couple checks ive gotten
a lot of people have to do that with every paycheck and it's brutal pay a fee just to get your meager wage poor people really get a hard dicking by society
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh yeah, that's true. You can get it cashed elsewhere for a fee.
i can't put cash in my paypal account either though sadly it is a pretty precarious situation
i might be able to go buy a visa prepaid card in cash, then make a paypal payment to myself with a fee using the prepaid card it's a mess though
i think if paypal ever realizes my attached bank account has been closed out for 5 years they'll probably put a hold on my account too unless theyve changed their policy recently it's such a jank system i have to go through
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>818067 can you open a Cash app account or somethin
maybe im not worried, i dont have a real issue atm its just hypothetical
can't wait for the 2020 coronavirus riots that ultimately change nothing
gonna loot some marrow
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bones, bones, bones
>>>/watch?v=PHUIV8DYptQ There's some real cozy games in the showcase that aired today. Also some kinda eh stuff but there are some nice things in it.
Oh that game from th e developer of Deadly Premonition and D4 is coming to Switch.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dirty deeds done dirt
what game the good life?
yeah, me and kannagi have been waiting for that forever it gon' be good
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the good life character models in that video look kinda weird i hope that's not final footage the cat's animations looked pretty bare bones too
i trust swery but i also know development hell is a painful place to be sometimes you have to make so many compromises to your work that it's just a pile of shit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thank god for coronavirus though all these game devs can quarantine and work on their games :)
>>>/watch?v=N8ReYYLtIJY I was kinda really looking forward to the Mineral Town Switch port since it's like the third-best of the classic Harvest Moon games. But I'm now not all that sold on the visuals, aside from the character portraits. It kind of reminds me of the 3D games from the Gamecube/DS era where the people and animals were all excessively blobby and rounded. I don't need realism but I would appreciate a bit more quality put into the designs.
I can't wait for my corona virus check. I'd love to go out and spend it but everything's probably going to be closed by then.
fucking hot water is barelt warm stahp skimping on hot water housing company
it's gonna be really frustrating seeing people buy video games and shit with the coronavirus checks because so many of us are going to struggle to pay rent and the check won't even cover a portion of it for many
if they give me $1000 a month, i still have $200 of rent to pay and $300 of utilities
Yeah a thousand a month really isn't meant to like cover all your living expenses. That's kind of the wonk of UBI that a lot of people don't really get. It's never supposed to replace your need to work, just offset a bit of it to give common people breathing room.
Which is a nice notion but in a pandemic state where almost every opportunity to work is shuttered, it doesn't really work out properly.
>>818096 In my defense, I have to spend it because if I keep it I'll lose my social security benefits for having too much in savings.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean you're gonna lose your social security benefits when they cut them all none of this means much, they're just trying to get our votes honestly
>>818097 exactly $1000 a month would be super helpful if i were still making money from my job but if i can't work for a few weeks then ???
i've had to spend an extra $400 that i hadn't budgeted for due to my sinusitus and extra pandemic prep if i actually get coronavirus i am likely to need hospitalization which will cost so much money since i don't even have INSURANCE BECAUSE OF OBAMA
But then how would the rich get even richer if they can't profit off poisoning us and then treating us!
>>818106 >let's say you lose your parents insurance after 26. huh, why? uhh so it encourages them to get jobs i guess
>>818105 i got really lucky, my walk-in clinic visit last week was only $75 i mean they didn't do anything except look in my nose and ask me about my symptoms which is why it was so cheap but
I dunno man we've got public healthcare here and they still seem to manage fine.
>>818101 can attest each time the housing benefuts here get increased, most landlords raise their rents by about 90% of that next chance they get thank god i have index tied rent, meaning it is only increased by inflation basicslly
we have no choice but to kill every single landlord
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the democrats are forcing states to hold their primary elections today despite the CDC saying that it is extremely dangerous DNC says any state that postpones primary will lose delegates
>>818112 had ,y gramps not gone full senile so early, i might inherit property, but alas
>>818112 landlords are awful did you catch what was happening to me in Michigan? landlord really fucked us and he's drunk and psychotic so i can't even use them as a reference despite living there for two years
he was really obsessive and if anywhere called him for a reference he'd try to get my information from them or else drunkenly make shit up to spite me for not dating him it's so scummy
then he sold the property out while we were still renting it without notifying us and put us in a really impossible situation
no it isn't you want to see the actual document and not say 85% of the account number
It really is though.
also people have glasses for that purpose
Not everyone has glasses. Like I get you're pissy but calm your bosom there are people that use 300% magnification. Just because it's not currently useful for you doesn't make it useless to everyone out there.
if they are using a computer to pay their bills, I am quite sure they have glasses to fix their poor eyesight
and if not, they get an a4 sized document with the text on it
Why go fetch glasses when you can just zoom in. Why waste paper when you can just zoom in. Having the available zoom is a far more practical and accessible option.
and having 300% as the initial default setting is retarded
when you have to start by zooming out to see the full document even on full screen
just as an example
you are here __________________________________________________________________________________________ actual important information
Well those three posts could have been a single one so evidently you don't have a problem with wasting space anyway.
>>818140 888888 doesn't come by being frugal on posting and thinking ahead
Of course it does. Don't be stupid. Your spammy nature of posting isn't necessary for the count to increase. Posts will come regardless of how you post.
I post in a conversational way, if I finish my thought I finish my post I don't leave it hanging in the off chance I do have somethign to add might as well finish it and then if I pop up another, make a new one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
To combat post inflation we (the doushio reserve) are implementing new Annotative easing measures. Starting in 5,000 posts from now, new posts will be issued fractionally depending on market volatility. We are setting expectations for 0.5 post number multipliers by 825000 and 0.25 by 830000
quite neat feature if you have decent upload speeds, you can syncwatch a thing, without others having to ahve the file
Apparently my mother and maybe her siblings have managed to convince their parents to cut short their wintering in Florida and come back to Canada. They're in their nineties now I think, so getting a serious illness like that would probably be brutal. Initially they were like "Oh it's fine we've got another six weeks here" but I guess the combined convincing of my aunts/uncles and maybe a dose of the Canadian news on the pandemic convinced them to come back.
the apartment complex sent me the email request for signatures and it's for a completely different unit and different agreed upon amounts for rent, deposit, and fees lmao these fuckin people are disgusting
also they have a late fee clause of 290 dollars if not paid on the 2nd of every month i know late fees are normal but that's so predatory everyone on disability gets paid on the third
a massive security deposit too. i wasted $100 on an application fee and a $100 holding fee for this place and they do this shit bait and switch im so fed up
>>818167 Do you know if the different unit is at least comparable in quality to the one they were showing you. I'm presuming arguing for the holding fee for an apartment you don't even get isn't really something to do.
>>818195 also hei did see the truth beyond the gate in darker than black it's why and how he unlocked the quantum particle manipulation, saved his enemies, defected from the syndicate, and fled the country with Yin
>>818205 because im tired of hearing it and i work at a hosptial s i know as soon as i grt back to normal work its gonna be 2 times as annoying
>>818190 I actually went in today because there was some pressing business that had to be taken care of.
oh no its over she's got the corona now
>>818222 Well I guess that at least helps cross one more day off for you. Maybe if you keep a finger to the pulse you'll have plenty of chances to avoid having to work from home.
>>818229 in NYC i guess the diners gave to all be closed fuckin RIP
>>818227 very cool and responsible to have voting on during a pandemic
>>818235 Everyone was standing pretty far away from each other and there were people disinfecting stuff. Our system is pretty fucked up, so if an election like this got delayed it would probably be canceled.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
very cool and very legal
This manga is super interesting. she wins the fight
how'd he die? used some material and died of exposure?
>Jimenez died in an accident at age of 65 in his studio in Hondo, New Mexico on June 13, 2006, when a large section of his 32-foot-high work Blue Mustang, intended for Denver International Airport, fell on him and severed an artery in his leg. The sculpture was based on the eight-foot-high sculpture Mesteño (Mustang), on display at the University of Oklahoma.[15]
>>818314 ain't you ever seen American pie c'mon man it's not good to waste >>818318 me neither I remember they used to air it a lot on tv but I never watched it not my thang
hmm oh the larceny seems like a quite good band or well duo
>>818323 >>818324 hmm I can see that however you would have to wonder how believable it is in the first place and WHO is out there believing wrestling isn't fake
it is not believable, but if you decide to ignore it and go with it, the audience helps a lot to get into the mood it is like magician shows you won't have fun if you don't get into the mood for it
I suppose never fully sat down to watch a full ep there's a Japanese pair though in the wwe they're cool
I wonder how long this will last I mean eventually, I suppose, enough people have had the wuflu and developed an immunity though it might actually become a permanent "seasonal influenza" world wide
one of my friends is already going cabin feverish, due to actually never spending time home
cute bernie
>>818342 Yeah, the coronavirus doesn't really transmit flu strains. It's more of a cold strain vector. Which is why Covid-19 is more symptom-similar to the cold than a flu. It's also why calling the disease the Coronavirus is dumb since it's just the vector that transmit it. About the same as calling car accidents, Cars.
>>818342 Well what I mean here, is how influenza viruses just stick around, mutate and come back every season so covid-19 might become like those thus the quotes
>>818348 nah covid-19 doesn't cause sars sars is only caused by sars-coronavirus I don't remember the precise strain name severe accute respitory syndrome or something
You might get sars like symptoms or as bad from covid-19, but it doesn't actually cause sars wuflu or wuhanvirus would be a good name for it
or something that sticks
which is why corona has stuck around easy to remember covid-19 just isn't fun to say
time to become an expert in dunning kruger
>>818350 Considering the already present racist kickback to the Chinese about the pandemic, no, referring to it by anything Wuhan related would be EXTREMELY careless of the naming organization.
More so in modern times we haven't really done "name the pandemic from the region it originated in" eg. Spanish Flu. It's much more common these days to name things by the original vector, like the Swine Flu or Avian Flu.
>>818352 guess bat-flu etc doesn't work since sars, ebola and so on are all bat related diseases also whil needless persecution is what reads on the label, I think it is a big time coming calling out on chinese and their habit of concocting environments where diseases jump from animals to people so easily
>>818350 coronavirus isn't a new term it's been around a long time people just hadn't heard about it besides in specialized fields
>>818353 Also this Waiting this long to get rid of wet markets was a mistake.
Ebola and HIV migrated to humans because of the bush meat trade too.
oh yeah swine flu was the same strain as spanish influenza
the 2009 one that is
Although the bush meat trade would be more difficult to get rid of in Africa bbebecause of food shortages. It s also really bad ecologically because it drives species to extinction, and makes people sick. But getting rid of it would cause millions of people to starve. It's really problematic.
I had a dream last night where I had a bunch of bats attached to me and they were biting me and it took a long time to get all of them off.
>>818367 this park is invaded by bats it's rare that they aren't there >>818368 that sounds like a nightmare
damn they really made shotgun a realsitic gun you know, how it actually doesn't spread into a wall sized blast in 5 metres and can actually accurately hit into 100m+ distances
so rare in vidya games even in original hl games shust gun was a close range weapon only
where does the weeds, the grass and plants begin...
should just have an oil fill line not this check the residue on the dipstick shit
>>818377 You ever get hit with a dipstick? Also the problem with that is that is that the reservoir is recessed so you wouldn't easily be able to see a fill line. There are definitely better solutions though.
>>818389 nah, they hang out there and make a fair bit of noise I guess there's some incentive for them to stay maybe there's bugs in the tree or something
and build a tower of barrels and walk here is the real one if so cheeky
>>818396 I did a little research and there are diurnal bats. I think there are some in Australia.
oh well you were actually supposed to go here but I am still quite sure the game bugged on my end cause whenever I load a save at that point, the bridge goes full WHOOSH of noah with a water effect
>>818405 I couldn't find any species native to Australia that were diurnal but I did find a natgeo article suggesting that species of bats that are considered to be nocturnal may exhibit some diurnal behavior in eco systems where there are no birds with similar feeding habits.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>818417 What? Incidentally, do you ever recall seeing bats during the day?
okay I have been lied to I tossed a grenade in here and these barrels didn't go boom
I think I'm too amped up to fall asleep anytime soon The EARN IT bill is really pushing me over the edge. If it gets passed in the senate and the house the internet as we know it will basically be over.
who is pushing for it ? probably some dumb dems and republicans
trudeau just went back for his coat how responsible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow okay i see how options trading is basically gambling now i bought one put yesterday just to understand how this works lol all of these numbers sliding around what the fuck
SPY put from last night bought it a minute before close sold it right at open 108% return
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn that's crazy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have a spy put wonder if i should sell it right right now
depends. whens the expiration I only did it because I don't feel like today's going to be a big dip day and open is usually an explosion of price shifts. If you can make your sale at the peak of open, it's pretty good.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nevermind i got tissue paper hands and sold it expiry in april
ah, I would have held that the one I sold expired 3/20
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
o yea that's crazy soon
hoping for a lil pump action and then i guess i can re buy at 4pm? idk how any of this works i should have just held to be able to see how it performed well i guess i can still watch it he
gotta be careful with buying/selling like that. The past three days were really predictable circuit breaker drop day, recovery day, and then another dip because recovery day looks too green As far as how tomorrow goes, I'm not really sure though so I'm going to be listening in for news
main reasons I like doing things right at the edges is because >immune to changes throughout the day >don't have to stare at it all day for movement >spend 2 hours in morning and 1 hour afternoon making decisions that said, being wrong can hurt because open and close are volatile.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
diamond gloves of auto hold
I have an April put on SPY too. 4/3 $145 I got it at an average of 27c yesterday and it's at 30 right now. though at open it was at like 0.50 and that would have been a 2x flip as well. but it dipped faster than i could get to it so nyoro~n
>>818658 wow that is aggressive idk how to price a put like that at all hehe
it's not likely going to get there it just has to get close
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is this like musical chairs where someone gets stuck w the bag on 4/2
it absolutely is. options are a zero sum game of hot potato
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol fuck i can see that it is imperative i get this off my phone asap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like this is a road down which in 2 years either im 500k in debt, or ive written some neural net trading bot
Well, I can tell you the easy moments at least. Today is hard for me to assume anything but I'm probably going to go in on this put for a bit while it's low and keep getting more as it goes down. If it hits 15 cents, it'll be nice
like right now, is almost 12 and nothing's really shifting hard so I don't feel like I need to worry about much unless some crazy news comes down
another colleague is home sick with a fever one by one we fall three clinicians quarantined!
no tests available anywhere in our county one of them was driving 2 hours yesterday to get a test when they got called and told the testing was cancelled
meanwhile clients are starting to have breakdowns over fear of isolation
>>818671 i'm reluctantly excited its gonna be weird but its trigger so its gonna be good
>>818672 the hardest thing about this is that there is absolutely reason to be scared so it's hard for me to help people cope with it because how do you cope with the immenent shut down of the entire world like it's a whole different level of stressor compared to 99% of what goes on in people's lives typically
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
staying inside all day i have prepared for this most of my life
but yeah lots of normies aren't used to it this person in particular was supposed to discharge from treatment this week and go back home but her discharge planning is falling through because it was largely social e.g. working out at gym, attending 12-step meetings, spending time with friends and family, etc
quarantines are going to drive a lot of people crazy even after c19 is under control the psychological effects of our isolation and quarantine to it will have long lasting effects for many this whole situation may be pretty traumatic people live their lives with an illusion of safety, that those bad things they see on TV are so far removed from them when that illusion is broken like by a pandemic which they've believed was absolutely 100% impossible in the modern age to happen, it can lead to lasting traumatic reactions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hopefully they'll heal and become stronger in time
most people probably will but this is gonna be really interesting it's a prolonged, chronic traumatic stressor so who knows what'll happen it might mirror the effects of wartime on a populace but there's little literature on that that would be applicable to a place like the US and research like this wasn't established in early 1900s during the spanish flu we're in totally unknown territory
im gonna try looking at the literature to see if there are possibly psycho-anthropological works about spanish flu and trauma (although at the time of the spanish flu the illusion of safety was less than it is today)
a study indeed! looking at things like PTSD symptom severity, levels of distress, positive covid test, length of isolation/quarantine, etc and then maybe track these over the course of a year
the hard part is figuring out how to set it up i could aim to get people presently sick and then follow them or presently quarantined and have it follow them or i could aim to start it following recovery of the virus // from the virus and follow that using retroactive reporting for the quarantine data
i'll have to think about it but i think looking at the effects of this would be extremely helpful especially as we enter a world that will be characterized by ecological disaster
well as you can see a car takes the least amount of power to use then hazardous materials then a gun then a bow then an axe. how much energy you have to exert to kill
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
axe is the strongest
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3323345/ here's a study i'm lookin at examining trauma in SARS quarantine folks back in 2007 or so in toronto
>The 129 quarantined persons who responded to a Web-based survey exhibited a high prevalence of psychological distress. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression were observed in 28.9% and 31.2% of respondents, respectively. Longer durations of quarantine were associated with an increased prevalence of PTSD symptoms. Acquaintance with or direct exposure to someone with a diagnosis of SARS was also associated with PTSD and depressive symptoms.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>818689 ohh so i can tell my PS5 to go kill my boss
i have ring fit'd and I feel great I can't wait to not feel great in a few hours
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh ring fit is a great idea during quarantine hmmmMM
ring fit to bulk the body animal crossing to bulk the soul
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmfao that was the entire presentation
what did they even reveal? stopped watching after a minute
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they talked about how you need a really fast SSD so they can like upload compressed textures to the GPU and uh they talked about how everyone's ears are slightly different and so to have really nice 3D sound they'll have to like calibrate it and there's raytracing and backwards compat um yeah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they said it was powafuru
wan mirrion enemy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anything u can see, u can go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i lent my copy of botw away guess im playin DEATH ROAD TO CANADA for 14 days straight
what the fuck circuit breaker? really?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>818696 yeah yesterday I was like 'wtf why does my back hurt' and then I remembered today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>818706 how routine LOL oof really? stuck at 235.71?
>youtube's AI is treating puffy anime faces with blush as boobs and autodeleting streams today gee whiz youtube it'd be a shame if there was a large amount of people who are being affected by that
dark day for weebs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>818716 oh that's why you said you were having cardiac arrest
https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2020/03/18/dow-jones-when-stock-market-stop-going-down-bear-marke/5074110002/ this article isnt important just look at the first five seconds of the video
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol wow it's a bloodbath
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the FOMO is distracting time to pack up and head over to west village
don't sink into the FOMO, wait for the last 30 minutes of trading and then plan i'm going to buy some calls later
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's gotta bounce after all this eh
yep not by much tbh but say, SPY might rebound like 10$ that's why I wait for the end. because around the end is when people panic and double down into a direction. i usually run against that direction. especially now, because it likes to whip.
i sold most at 50 and then held onto the other third for 70 and it hit 74 looks around 63 last I checked. Might even reach a whole dollar before today is done but I got my money
ah, no, it's still retreating. Should have bought that call
>>818740 also, I have my eye on the 3/20 calls it really depends on how things close but i'm expecting a bump tomorrow so I might grab a few of those around market close
I too have my eye on 3/20 but for different reasons
The single is actually quite different, I think I like it more. Iirc it was only released on vinyl Either that or the cd/digital releases of it aren't from the master tape. The b-side is also really good. It introduced me to backwards snare drum samples.
The typography on the cardboard sleeve is also pprpretty cool.
>>818760 deshou? i have extremely high hopes especially for the new content
There's at least one distillery here that has shifted production from drinkable alcohol to sanitizer because of everything. I think that's a pretty smart move, even if there's probably going to be quite a bunch of people drinking away the quarantine.
ahh this market close is rough
not stonks
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can't believe blue is a day trader now
All it took was a LITTLE bit of money and he completely ran away with the notion
it's not a little bit of money. every time I say "ahh, another small step today." I remind myself that the 'small step' in question is 3-4 paychecks. I have nearly doubled by money since I've started this. and that's with me being hesitant to do things that I'm 95% certain will work. hell if I didn't do that huge 6k gamble last week, I'd be even farther. It scares the hell out of me really.
But I also want to quit my job and that motivates me.
I got a friend that just day trades for a living he's like 60k in debt now not because of risky trading but because of his crippling cocaine addiction and penchant for traveling across europe seven months out of the year
moral of the story is don't be doing cocaine and trading
i don't want any of those things. i want to move out i want to sit at my computer and draw i want to play video games i don't want to wake up at 9pm for 23 years
now hold on, you started typing that before kirara ended with ketamine you might want to reconsider
>>818785 >i don't want to wake up wow fucking same
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>818785 you're gonna turn into a wealthy parasite if you don't work though
>>818790 yeah we're using it a place can't just prescribe it though they have to go directly through the company and adhere to a bunch of restrictions and the ketamine can only be used in facility
>>818784 I'm considering asking my psych if I can try ketamine. Its being used for depression now.
>>818789 I still want to do productive things. I just don't want to do this anyway, it's 3m to close, it's time to SEAL THE DEAL ... wow, I should have bought earlier oh no
>>818789 Hrrrrmmm Maybe I'll wait bit then One of my current meds is really expensive and also has diabetes a a potential side effect so I'm nervous about going on a higher dose.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive met their pharma reps and gotten my brain washed by them already it's good shit
you'll need to have tried and failed at least 3 antidepressants
>>818791 make a manga about cute girls doing risky trades
I can see the MADHOUSE adaptation already
>>818793 >tried and failed at at least three antidepressants Yeah I've done that Although I prefer to think of it as tem having failed me. *them
we're going to start with the ketamine here but we need a special room for it because a large amount of people who use the nasal spray dissociate a special room where you just sit in a comfy chair and dissociate sounds great tbh
if we get it soon our psychiatrist is gonna let me try the ketamine nasal spray
ehh, this was probably a bad trade. it wasn't that much though so oh well >>818794 [C]2 >>818797 i do want to make something. like a graphic novel or a game i also just dont want to think about money. let me get what i need and I can throw the rest away on cool things
Tomorrow I do battle with the hard part of the market. betting if it goes up rather than down.
Still, I really do wonder what options really are like in terms of how the financial markets move. You don't really hear about them when the news talks about the economy. It's more of a gambling market than anything. Futures, Forex, Stocks, all those are based on something. Value of a company, value of an asset, etc. An option is just "Betcha this stock goes down before Thursday!" and then it does and someone wants to buy it off of you. or it doesn't and you're left with a hot potato that explodes on your lap on Thursday.
>>818806 Yeah I was gonna say, you were talking about a Madhouse adaptation but this sounds straight up Doga Kobo's alley with cute girls in boring life situations.
hmmm maybe. Things sound pretty fun out there in Dominaria. But since I stopped talking to my neighbor, I havent really had anyone in person to talk MtG with.
>>818812 i don't know exactly how forex works but as far as I know it's really just trading foreign currencies (foreign exchange => forex) but that's whack like i'm being all kinds of heretical right now but i don't wanna be that guy who's like hon hon, ze dolleur, it is down. oui must claim stake in it, no?
i also fully intend on paying my taxes. this money is too easily made for me to be upset about it
yeah, more I think about it, the less I think this was a good thing to grab. but there's no point thinking about that now. I need sleep. ugh, shit today is school I should have slept earlier.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
easy money huh
Easy money is EVIL money!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats right
I mean all money is evil money so it's a moot point. But still.
The tanuki MC in Trigger's new anime is also a Michiru. I had a pretty good hunch it was a valid feminine name in Japanese but it's good to get affirmation. Also she's totes cute.
>>818832 Dowman has a history of furry preferences. In addition to many other preferences. So it makes sense they'd up the furry levels.
>>818850 Did you not like it because the mc was too alpha? Cause that's why it sold poorly in Japan. The otaku were enraged at how much of a Chad he was. That's why the protag in the author's other harem protag with the maou's daughter is a normal beta harem mc.
>>818848 When you were complaining about that other shitty anime by the same author with the loli succubus and the imouto I told you all the guy's works are equally trash. Then you went and watched it anyway!
>>818867 hey man just because I train to be stronk and spend a lot of time alone doesn't mean I'm a complete social retard
I'll probably watch it
It's okay. Pretty dumb but in a popcorn flick kind of way. I don't know why you're insistent on watching these doofy ecchi shows but if you're going to it's watchable at least. Probably.
>>818884 yes sir i would lock myself in this apartment and there's no where i can fling myself off of ... wait a sec... i could open the window remove the screen get in the fire escape and then jump there well it would be Difficult
>>818889 I'd sooner take the packed rush-hour TTC in this pandemic than visit a strip club even in healthier circumstances.
>>818891 There's a stripclub in vegas that tests their strippers for corona and gives away free hand sanitizer. They're the only one open in vegas right now and they're also the only one in Vegas where they get completely naked. It's really weird that no other strip club in vegas does that.
im wondering if full price stuff ever goes on sale like splatoon for 59.99 is paying full value but i can't get full value out of it since the events are all over it's gotta go on sale sometime right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its v rare for ninty 1st party games to go on sale but i suppose it must happen now and then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
getting a physical used cartridge at gamestop or such might be a better bet
oh yeah i forgot i can do that i think i will do that
are you gonna do animal xing
Motherfuckin' Deviljho Shows up right at the literal last minute to trip my shock trap and ruin a capture for me.
games like oxygen not included are more my style in that genre
Nintendo never calls for sales on their games but some times retailers will clear stock and put them on sale. I think Amazon will very rarely do that.
I dunno what the used markdown on games at GameStop is like down there but even if it's not really like a sale-y markdown it's probably the more reliable option, yeah.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh hey animal crossing is $10 off on amazon right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
physical copy only
Yeah they do that with most major releases I think. Shame that Animal Crossing's one of those games I would much rather have digital than physical. It's such a nice game to be able to pop in to for a short pop between other games. And having to eject cartridges and put AC in and then pop it out and put back the other one just makes things messy. Being able to boot up the digital copy is way nicer.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
amazon is shutting down new orders other than essentials
orders placed before yesterday will be sent out but until april 5, no non-essential orders are going through
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jesus. that is uhhh buy amzn puts
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope they'll still ship my video games ): i think they will bc i ordered them earlier this month anticipating this
>>818932 HHow much storage does the switch have? Cause my ps4 has a terabyte of storage and that doesn't even feel like enough.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not a lot internally but you can add an SD card also no 4k means games are tiny i'll give you some stats system mem looks like it has like 30 GB?? of which i've used 20 my SD card is uhhhh.... 128 GB? 256? idk
i have Super Smash Bros in physical format but it sitll takes up 2 GB resident for patches it's probably like a 16 GB game
I got a like 256GB SD card back in Boxing Day sales to prepare for Animal Crossing. And then more because it'll be nice to be able to play some indie download-only games on my Switch at long last.
Uh SD or microSD? Cause a lot of people say SD when they mean microSD these days.
botw is 13 GB splatoon 2 is 6 GB mario odyssey is 6 GB
yea if you get 128 you can buy a lot of games and if you get 256 or more it's basically unlimited
>>818944 Yes, because sd cards these days are more niche for things like DSLRs and they're priced differently I was at an electronics store te other day and the sd cards were more expensive because they generally were higher speed models than microsd cards with the same storage capacity.
I can already feel the miserable fury of the Animal Crossing fans that THEIR game didn't get the early release. A bunch of European chains have been selling the game early too so American fans are really getting the short stick hah hah
my mom and sister are really having a breakdown about everything going on it's very stressful
Yeah, I can imagine. I'm grateful in these moments that my family is very good at not worrying about out-of-our-control stuff like this. Like my mother's even got a bit of a sinus infection and I haven't heard her once say anything like worrying it's Covid-19.