Thread #521874
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-10 Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Devils Line Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 9-11 Last Period --Episode 9-10 Nil Admirari no Tenbin Shokugeki no Souma Gun Gale Online Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Uma Musume
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Oh, fast tonight. Gimme just a sec. Also see if you can find Jan.
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No sign of Jan huh okay nil devils line GGO tada-kun
NieL: Admirari>>521881 I don't know, is Jan alive?
is jan alive
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I don't think so okay nil lets start!
Wow. How shocking.
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I think I would just not believe him in that position.
We barely know these characters it's hard to really be engaged with these relevations.
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Yeah. It seems a little too convienent that they'd be father and son, too.
It's one of those things where I'm just gonna assume the reveal is better grounded in stuff the plot covers in the game.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
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Brother and sister really do look a lot alike.
You can never trust guys who keep their eyes closed all the time.
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You can if they're your super strong senpai. hmm let's sub souma for devils line and save devils line for jan so souma 23 okay lets start!
There might be some pretty good cooking this episode.
Oh maybe Isshiki's also got to save KanaHana from her bitchiness too.
Zawa zawa
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za book
Bukku men
Wow this Kaguya expy is kind of a bitch.
i worked late did i miss golden god
We've only watched Nil Admirari and half of Souma. GGO and whatever Rika wants for her comfy show are still on the table.
oh okay sorry
i just realized golden kamui comes out tomorrow anyway i got the day mixed up
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Oh, did we have Golden Kamui for tonght?
Yeah, Golden Kamuy airs for Monday nights.
Geez louise.
That's pretty nice of Isshiki. Crushing the opposition with the ingredients of his NAKAMA.
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This judge girl has provided a lot of fanservice so far.
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Yeah. The series has been really Souma-focused recently so there hasn't been a lot of fanservice. It's a solid reminder of where this series' roots are.
This dish sounds super tasty though.
Misutaa Isshiki
When Souma has that dumb look on his face you know there's no way he can lose.
Huh, they're not doing another cour immediately after this one? That'll be an even worse cliffhanger than cutting off the first season right before the Autumn Elections. I wonder if they've got a fourth series already slated.
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Did a new episode of golden kamui actually air? I don't see it on my list.
I'm not seeing it either. I think Jan was just mistaken. Like I said earlier, that show airs for Monday nights.
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i literally said i was mistaken like two minutes after my first post
Yeah but Rika doesn't read threads.
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That's okay. I was just mistaken too. okay GGO! okay let's start!
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>>521918 rika never replies to me outside of the anime thread she probably has me filtered
Wow, does a /moe/ Gold Pass let you filter people. I ought to get me one of those.
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>>521920 what no way that isn't true! I didn't see your post because I was distracted looking for golden kamui. I thought I'd missed it.
Wow Big Boss just used her real name. That's pretty brash of her.
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Wow she just unrepentantly spilled all the beans.
>Doesn't like shooting people >Plays a game involving shooting people
Fucking Pita.
>>521929 otoko janai
Oh wow she's finally suiting up for battle.
that gear looks pretty heavy
oh no the schoolgirls are going to get massacred
First one bites the dust.
>charging straight at the bunkered sniper this plan is really full retard
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Their team is really weird.
okay that part of the plan was pretty awesome at least
M's shield is supposed to be so strong. But she's got the stronger shield.
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Didn't he say he spent a lot of money on it?
Probably. But at the same time he dropped like fifty million credits or whatever for LLENN's friend. So M's probably rolling in e-money.
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I think the not so cute girl squad is still going to get trashed.
They're the distraction for LLENN, of course they're all gonna get squashed. Pita hasn't even begun to move yet.
Geez louise LLENN.
Oh hah hah hah. That angry woman got to her first.
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I think Pito is the kind of person I'd stop being friends with.
I think M's crushing on her hard. The kind of love that makes you stick by someone no matter how fucked up they are.
I guess the older VR models they had during the SAO days were junky pieces of shit.
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wow that makes a lot of sense she's rich so she probably just bought one of the illegal VR things
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I still don't really get how LLEN killing Pito is going to make her not crazy.
It's not gonna stop the crazy but Pita won't kill herself and force M to commit suicide.
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team smug in action
Wow I thought her masked squadron were gonna turn on her and M there. But it looks like they're in it for the thrill of the fight too.
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yeah they seem pretty cool
Hah hah M the fuck are you doing.
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Well it's just a game to them. CAn they even turn traitor once they've joined the team?
>>521959 presumably, you can kill your friends and yourself in the game wat
Oh hell yes a lightsaber. We Kirito now.
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not so smug anymore
Hah hah hah. Ah hah hah hah. What is this Rogue One Vader scene imitation. Pita is an excellent crazy motherfucker.
>>521960 The butch lolis showed us that friendly fire's definitely a thing. I figured they might try to shoot M and Pita and then act autonomous without a captain.
>Psycho LLENN Oh this sounds like it's going to be FUN.
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angery llenn
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okay since we have jan let's hinamatsuri okay lets start!
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i liked pito before i knew how crazy she was better
Hi na ma tsu ri
>Nitta >An intellectual Yakuza
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>>521971 well he is pretty smart.
i don't know if i'd even really call him a real yakuza though
He doesn't really act like one, but he is technically part of the gang.
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he strikes me as a criminal secretary i bet he just does desk work
>Her leg's broken, so I'm giving her a ride And who's fault is that, NITTA.>>521975 Well early on they sent him out to shoot up a rival Yakuza's base. So he seems to be considered a proper one within the family.
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>>521973 It's really been awhile since he even did anything yakuza-like.
Poor Nitta.
wow his cameraman is feeling bad
>really just an regular nice guy
Nitta's a sane person in a city of the insane.
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Looks like his life is getting a little more insane.
Wow they're dragging Hina into this too.
does that guy really want to piss off the yakuza
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haha they're having so much fun with it.
The rest of his family is having fun messing with him because of it.
Poor Nitta.
The reality that Nitta is going to have is that while Anzu is the goodest girl, Hina completes him.
Wow Nitta don't be a dick because she used to be poor.
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He's kinda doing the same thing the director of the video was doing to him.
He's going to lose to her absolute goodness.
the monster
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I guess this is the end of season crisis. Not that it's really a crisis since she's a super alien.
Nitta doesn't have Hina beside him in the ED again. That's a good detail they change in and out when it fits.
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just don't look for her
He doesn't seem to want to, does he.
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he'll have to anyway he has a heart as gold as his hair anzu and him are way better as family though
Yeah. He can try to run from his daughter but there's no escaping your BLOOD TIES.
they even look like family
I bet that's a skit they've done in the manga or something. Hina's the one that ended up his daughter but Anzu's the one that could actually fit better in the role. Or maybe it's just an intentional design choice for subtle humour.
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well thanks for anime monday time
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enjoy your work week mine's almost over
Mondai na>>522003 One's life is really just one long work week that you briefly get to stop and sleep at night.
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>>522004 living is the exact opposite of working let's watch uma musume some other time i'm gonna go to bed early today
>>522005 No problemo. No reason to rush the finale, eh.