fellow stimmies do you ever sleep on fettermines it's like my favorite thing to do it feels so good but i have to unfortunately be working when im on them most of the time but man the sleep feels so intensely good >>519503 i know that there are other peoplehere prescribed stimulant medications so i'm affectionately calling those people stimmies
>>519502 I still don't know what the hell 'stimming' is
Kirara π
>>519502 i get the worst sleep of my life on them literally miserable sleep
Are you telling me one thing I saw fly by on my tl was literally about why autistic people consume a lot of stims?
>>519504 really i get like the best sleep on them idk though it might be because i tend to be underslept at the time anyway and it's only in comparison the normal of going to sleep drunk af >>519505 no idea i wouldn't really take anything i say ever to be common convention
Kirara π
>>519505 idk you'd have to show me the tweet autistic people do a lot of self stim so it may have been that
I would if I had actually bookmarked it, but I forgot It was during work, so
no, now that i think of it, i'm pretty much always able to sleep on fettermines, except sometimes during that tail end of when they crash that keeps me up sometimes but the inital kick, bam, sometimes i ride through that with a powernap and feeling really refreshed in an hour
caffeine too really sometimes chuggin an NRG drink will actually just make me feel immediately sleepy, without even being tired i have to question whether it's the precipitate of a state change, a transition or whether it's part of the stimulated state
i def know that there's a strong state change effect when taking nervous system depressants, moving from an excited state to a calm state, and definitely feeling the active shedding of that extra energy through a kind of burst of release i wonder if going from an unexcited state to an excited state has the reverse, and hence why i get incredibly sleepy immediately as i acclimate to the higher body tax burden while the excited state assimilates
Kirara π
>>519509 self-stim isn't using stimulants stimulants are not effective treatment of autism
i will die by thy hand and into hades my soul be sent
into glory ride is imo one of the weaker manowar albums
But that's not warriors of the world. into glory ride is pretty good IMO
what warriors is a really good one, even if just for the name bearing song of the album
louder than hell is best though it has no bad songs well manowar doesn't really have bad songs but
Umm. let's agree to disagree, I haven't listened to manowar in a long time, have to jog my memory before I can make a comparison. But I like the 80s works the most, after that it's just meh for me
though if I did have to choose my favourite, gods of war would prolly win
Hard choice really, I would litteraly pick something from into glory ride, I like all the songs there. The one I like the least would probably be call to arms and warriors of the world.
Oh yeah, that's a good one, 30 mins of pure extacy
and it actually tells the story of achilles in the war of troy
achilles is my spirtual animal
Thought s on helloween ? I like the early works, walls of jericho, and keeper 1 & 2, after kiske left, no thank you.
mm I like their newer stuff too
dark ride being my favourite from them
b b b b b ang
song not album
but yeah after kiske left their style changed quite a bit no more songs like Windmill and even when they did slower songs like Forever and once, the new guy can't remember name, isn't bad, but he doesn't have the voice for it really
Yeh, I just find his voice generic, I liked Kai Hansen too tho. He was also good imo.
They still did damn good songs eventhought he vocalist wasn't top notch anymore I maen judas Priest had the same problem whent he original guy left, he was so golden new guy wasn't bad, but he wasn't that top
What can I say, Kiske set the bar high.
but the guy can raelly sing when the song is more in his vocal territory like Dark Ride
but blind's waekest album is easy to name twist in the myth
Nightfall In Middle Earth ftw
nah I think Beyond the red mirror is their magnum opus so far
it is kinda rare for bands actually to keep making better songs usually metal bands have taht "peak" at some point and then they either just keep going, doing stuff, but never really surpassing THAT album or dispand
Indeed, artistic decline is quite common.
aside from twist, which has good songs too, but kinda lacks a n overall direction and isn't so "boom" as say nightfall, night at opera or at the edge of time were blind has just gotten better with each album
also curse my name is quite interesting in terms of theme >inspired by John Milton's writings on when it is right to depose a king and also when they did actually kill that king
contrary to the majority's opinion I like follow the blind.
>when did people sto believing in what they could see about the time when quantum physics became a thing'
Kirara π
they got fooled into believing gravity is real so sad
i wonder how badly silambs killed what was previously a thriving transgender community before the 90s i can only imagine how many girls who just wanted a friend suddenly started feeling fearful of the people she'd otherwise want to confide in
if buffy bill just had a gal friend to help him put on his makeup and reassure him, and trash talk prettier girls behind their back, instead of fearfully shunning him, i bet he'd have been just splendidly happy and well-adjusted
I hate what-ifs
what if we just removed conditionals from the world
but then you can't say dad in sentences without saying dad
over my head
over anyone one's head who doesn't speak finnish
but to open it up say word go "lΓ€hteΓ€" in conditional form is "LΓ€htisin" i would go the -isi is the conditional and isi separately as a noun means dad so conditional in finnish is also known as the "dad-case"
Now that would be a strategy game setting cloning dictators and famous people for your armies an army of hitlers fighting an army of stalins
Total annihilation's lore actually has similiar thing going on the Arm faction, name hailing them being rebellion that started in the galaxy's "arms" is composed of countless numbers of clones operating the war machines while the Core faction, has their minds duplicated infinitely inside their machine's computers whole conflict of the game having started from a dispute about transferring the mind into the machine
>>519610 Yeah, I meant to clarify but I decided to use and , I thought it was interesting addon to the human making conversation.
Kirara π
>>519610 yeah, desbabies is just gene manipulation
Kirara π
taking your cloned dogs to see the elaborate grave of the dog they're cloned from is kind of creepy
and barb iis like 400 years old so this ancient lady is standing there with dogs which she has tried to make immortal, aware that she can never gain the immortality her dog has
Fucking hell that image is actually real. she actually cloned her dogs and took them to that fucked up gravestone That image felt like a parody or something. I can't tell what is real life anymore
>>519613 She'll clone herself to be pet owner for the dogs.
Kirara π
>>519617 it's a kind of immortality probably what she was grasping at, whether she knows it or not
the total annihilation universe btw is pretty much most powerful scifi universe that I have ran into >one commander unit can spawn infinite armies
all they need is some form of energy and that is that since they have mastered energy to matter conversion
land of the immortals
>>519619 do you ever think about the weepy voiced killer
so with core having infinite minds, that can be copied infinite times and arm having infinite clones it makes you think, that is actually each player in the game just one guy copied infinitely across every unit and building you built?
also the game is from what 95 or something and it has 3d gravity modelling for projectiles that vary from map to map and a wind that can affect them too with wind power being a thing
I was about to say "comically" misunderstanding abrevations is my shtick
Erectile dysfunction
Estrogen Department
i do read a lot of surgical literature, sometimes from trauma surgeons in ED i knew it wasn't that but i couldn't think of anything else besides, yeah, erectrile dysfunction i think it speaks a volume or two that encydramatica is that far removed from my consciousness that it wouldn't cross my mind
I don't think anyone decent has ED on their consciousness much
only reason I'd think of ED is the "finno-korean hyperwar" and then I'd have to think about "which site did this originate from"
hence no one decent
i dont think im gettin paid today i better make some ramen noobles and quit waitin barely slept or ate the past two days so not worf it
are onions how cheap over there btw?
pretty cheap what kind of onions are you talkin yellow, white, green, vidalia >>519651 okay, there are lots of onions there's green onions, which are stalks white and yellow onions are your typical onions but varying in size and then there's red
just onions
>>519650 we have like onions the normal type, red onions, small onions, and then the grass onions
Red onions are the best onions
>>519652g grass is green small is yellow normal is white red is red that's what im gonna assume i can probably get a few yellow onions for a dollar vidalia onions might cost one dollar for one but they're massive >>519655 idk i dont really buy them that much
few? as in kg?
some onions and potatos are good. you can make potato cakes with onion in the oven
here i think basic price is about 1β¬ for kg of yellows and 2β¬ for kg of reds I always have onions on me, cause onions + rice/pasta/whatever is instant food
i just meant like grabbing three yellow onions and payin a dollar maybe it depends where and how fresh we might have bigger onions here i'd pay a dollar for one vidalia white because they're big
>>519660 we got onions here that are about half a kilo each so idk
I like the smaller batches more, cause I can then throw one or two onion into a soup or soemthign and have enough but the summer things? You throw just half an onion in, and then you need to remind yourself to use the other half too before it goes bad
I've never really thought about different types of onions I usually just have the red and white uns and I've only ever had yellow ones in hot dogs
Small onion = 4 ounces by weight or about Β½ cup chopped. Medium onion = 8 ounces, or about 1 cup chopped. Large onion = 12 ounces, or about 1Β½ cups chopped. Jumbo onion = 16 ounces, or about 2 cups chopped
jumbo onion stroink
>>519657 one euro per kilo, one dollar per pound, that's roughly the same prolly get four or three small yellows to a pound so yeah that seems about right
onions are cheap everywhere potatoes are super cheap here like at best 50c a kg I got a kg of rice for 70c the other day which was incredible and it was actually decent rice too good enough to eat as it is with just a sprinkle of soy
there is cheaper rice too and has always been around but it is what we call "porridge rice" and it is only good for rice porridge hence the name in anything else, it is 100% crap
I usually got for potatos, onions, carrots and other veg and make stews to last a while Or I just make stir fry to go with my noodles
When I get back to the UK, I'm gonna have to make some stews to last me a while, I'll be short on money for a while
remember to not make jokes on social media
I hope some chinese imports get cheaper here with the railway to china operational now
how to tell whether i got a good deal on onions or literally just castrated myself on accident
>tfw only finland and russia trade with china with trains
I changed up my conditioner and now my hair is super poofy and curls up everywhere. I don't mind but it is suprising how much a different changing one product can make
the main reason I keep my hair short, is because even slight lenght makes it super maintenance needy I do words now right correct
>>519677 Nice words My hair is get longer and does need a fair bit of care but the right conditioner and not using too much shampoo is a bit improvement on maintence and also not using a shitty hairbrush
you have a sentence in your mind you are on "english mode" but for somereason it popped up practically in finnish but you just fire it up there in english and then it becomes >>519677
I don't brag it ever, since I don't much care but apprently my hair is really "high quality" according to the barbers/hair dressers I use but the other part is, it is raelly greasy during summers I need to wash my hair twice a day for it to not get all gooby
I wonder how my genes have rolled my father's side, from his father have 40-50yo balding but my mother's side has "dies with full head of hair at age 30000"
And like I said before, where the "blond hair" comes from is bit weird my mother is blond, but she is like pictured blond, not platinum blond but my father was also born blond, but his hair turned dark brown after army
vids like that sometiems make me think thoughts like >this guy has learnt to play piano this well >andw hat I have done? had a moment of fame as battle.net player in wc3
Magic hour was fun.
>>519716 I was just thinking why I never learned to play the piano.
atleast I was quite good on guitar before I forgot it
>animenz I used to talk with him on /a/ , I used have a bunch of unlisted videos of him playing piano for /a/
>>519744 violet has its flaws but it is damn pretty
Kirara π
who are these new people with terrible taste
I quite like a lot of kyoani works, I do think Haruhii overrated a little because of past nostalgia
I liked it more when kyoani did some weird shit like lucky star or nichijou
>>519747 no idea, but aside from that i'm filling with this intense urge for a vitriolic outburst that's just harmful to everyone do you ever wonder maybe there's a community that appreciates that kind of energy that you've been procedurally trained to restrain, and that maybe your real expressions might be welcome there
Kirara π
>>519750 yeah, i think so ive read about some south american tribes that are like that
Kirara π
we could start a commune and foster a culture like that probably
i think i'm a very compassionate person, and i think there's some misnomer that being compassionate means being gentle i disagree on a lot of levels
fucking no and vice versa gentle doesn't mean compassionate
gentle seems dismissive to me not saying to be forceful about everything but you can't be compassionate while refusing to take on a burden of guilt or responsibility
I'd say gentle and compassionate are traits that are oft found in the same person but not necessarily
i think i am appropriately gentle when it's called for i think i can be a very gentle person but -- and tn, you know this -- i'm not always a very gentle person
or rather gentle usually comes with compassionate but compassionate may not come with gentle >>519757 to me you are more compassionate than gentle, atleast where I come from
I think too many people fall into being compassionate and being burden with having to have responsibilities they don't want. You can have empathy but you don't have an obiligation to abandon your own life for someone elses
>>519753 i think that our culture has made very broad generalizations where behaviors that are sometimes unpleasant are painted as always unpleasant our culture hates conditionals everything that can be unpleasant is just rejected even if it's very positive
Me, I have most likely 0 points in gentleness compassionate, who knows
No they are mamabears who only want best for their kid, but will kill the kid themselves if they misbehave
That sounds good too
finnish parenting is actually quite good
>>519746 only good thing about it, all the other stuff is shit
>>519760 a society built from oppression is taught to hate everything about themselves so when a new generation comes forth to reinforce things it's met with even more evocative shame and disgrace
I've been thinking about stuff recently. I've mostly been shutting down a lot of my self-expression, I really have been hiding from the fear of being bothered by what others think and say.
>>519770 let's travel the nation teaching people what intimacy really means
>>519771 being bothered by what other people think is an irrational fear because other people dont think
I think I'm gonna just break a lot of my own rules and not give a fuck about it I'd like a bit of self-expression, like I've never really dyed my hair and now I'm thinking about just doing it I've always thought it'd draw attention to me
not any more than you do, anyway which is to say they're mostly concerned about how they're being perceived nobody's really looking at anyone else with analytic intentions
>>519772 i wish but people won't fuckin listen they'll just call us crazy and the police will come shoot us
>>519775 imo one of the most important things about growing up is that you break your own rules and forge new rules you stop being what you were made into and start being what you wanna be
>>519777 i've only tried gardening turnips and radishes i dont think i'd want to plant one finn and end up with a whole field of them that sounds unpleasant
>>519783 I am not sure yet, I'm thinking of getting strips of colour in. I might go crazy and put some blue. I am bit tired of the brown I have. >>519780 I used to think I was living really responsibly and being mature by limiting myself and setting so many boundaries and rules. and as I get older, I've realised it sucks, I don't want to be limited and Its not even mature feeling anymore. >>519785 My family were always like roundabout mentioning money so If I wanted to do that I'd greeted with a whole lot of hedging about money. my dad would hate it though but he left when i was little.
>>519775 i asked my sister to dye my hair in my teens she asked my dad and he said no, that people would think i'm homo but now he's dead but i'm also an adult and don't see very many people anymore
I dreamt that varg was my dad and that we played shogi
>>519784 yeah, it's really dumb, society tricks you into thinking there's a right way to live when you're growing up, like, this is the only way to live, and here are your Verified Acceptable Deviations fuck all of that shit
if your not a white girl with corn rows then are you really even trying
>>519794 Society really fucks you up, I want to just go crazy and be avoided for having fun. compared to be avoided or even worse accepted for being dull and rule abiding
>>519797 that's what i've done and people don't avoid me part of breaking free of the chains society puts on you is being able to connect with people and reduce the alienation that is forced on us
he did a purge of facebook accoutns to get rid of bots, but it also purged a lot of passive accounts too
Could be I had it deactivated for like almost a year maybe less, apperantly I broke the rules or some shit
idk satire websites are getting worse than the original things it's like, "Hey, let me pretend to be something stereotypical in an absurd way" but their perception of absurdity is intensely more cringey than the stereotypical flatline it shows a deeper level of perception of what they think about the topic, and in the case of these satire writers, tbh, the flatline is probably more developed than they are
That one isn't funny, I only linked that article because it was topical. Err The website is usually funny but that article isnt.
>>519808 I'e slowly opened up a lot of things and talked a bunch people I've never really interacted with before. I'm still awkward but Its feel liberating not feeling like I have self-police *to Although, I do think some self-policing is required simply because the world sucks and if you aren't careful with your expression others will punish you for it
and then replace it with TNkind imagine the world populated with people watching a house fire thinking "that is funny, but I think it would be more funny with a beer"
Time to take a beer from the fridge
oh and people are trapped inside the house dying
everyone has to die at some point, can't be helped
That additional information really adds to it
I think it is a given, but for some reason people don't seem to think that way
>>519814 yeah, you gotta know what you're doing but it's nice being able to actually talk to people without all that stupid bullshit "how are you i'm ok how are you just dandy thank you"
Also, why don't you replace the population with catgirls instead?
>>519831 what makes you think I am not a cat girl+
People asking me how I am is weird. I am almost always going to just give "okay", "alright", "fine" - its never like actually a question about how someone is but a meaningless exchange
yeah, it's weird to be like "how are you" conceptually
although people like moon and rika and some others ask me how i am because they genuinely worry about me and it's not expected to have that pretense that it does with most people
>>519843 well I don't want to tell it here to be honest
>>519846 well if I was popping out you could add me on steam or discord >>519845 I don't know how adjust myself, either I have close off or I end up talking alot intimately. and I constantly try to decide betwen the too *two >>519848 kannagimoe
>>519853 She's too tall, there is nothing better than being small
>>519856 Who is? Rider? Cause she's not actually tall. She's only tall by Japanese standards.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like small but tall is also fine in the right set of circumstances i.e. being fucking cute x
actually with that +1 coming now it will be 42 uhh I don't feel comfy deleting a dead person yet and I don't really have anyone I'd feel comfy deleting either
>>519862 Yeah, but I need to do a lot of testing with him. I have to show my proficiency as a clinician this semester by using a client to show off how good I am, and that I can do evaluations and stuff. I can't use any of my current clients for it because of various bullshit, so I'm stuck with Satan.
172 is about 190 for a man
>>519863 Not really >>519866 No it's not we can actually do a real one to one correlation by checking percentiles
average global male height is about 180 average global female height is somewhere between 160 and 165 depending on where you poll it and 172 and 190 are EXACTLY 10 cm of the actual global average so 172 is actually quite a lot taller than the average female is or do you say being 10cm taller than average is not being fucking tall?
I think it's kind of weird to be picky about something like height. But that's probably because I'm not.
>>519884 I'm not picky. Its just a minor turn off. >>519886 A ten cm height difference doesn't correspond to the same difference according to statistical records of heights
>>519883 yes I know and do you know what 10 cm is?
Kirara π
>>519886 mathematically, rei is right here percentiles are a more accurate way to make this comparison
I only care about my height for personal reasons otherwise I don't care.
>>519924 She was rather hard to understand So most likely >>519925 Nah I don't think I have any of those in my vicinity that I'm also friends with.
>>519917 why say "marxist-x" when it is quite marxist dream too
marxism is a collectivist political idealism, and before sk pops up "lol what is collectivism, I can't into dictionary", that is what they achieve for the same situation for everyone
the ideal society is one in which everyone can embrace their individuality and individual differences are accepted, but people still work together to make life better for everyone
>>519931 i wonder if you can make a voice changer that makes you sound like owo
The only way, realistically, that we would get a space colony is if the rich want to live off-planet and import poor people to wageslave for them. And that won't be a society I'd like to see exist.
>>519938 Yes but imagine "realistically" in some moments in history like could a person mid ww2 say "realistically speaking in just few decades we will plant a flag on moon" or a person prior to ww1 say "realistically speaking in five years we will have trans-atlantic flight"
For the second one, yeah. For the first one, maybe.
But those were very different times from now.
and reminder human flight was 1890s thing and airplane range went from like 1-2kms to 2000-3000kms in a span of 10 years, of course fueled by war in the end but that happened
and rockets went from "we might hit a target in 1 km radius 100km away" in 1944 to "we can hit the moon accurately to do a landing, with landing gear that has never been tested, with take off gear that has never been tested and pull it on the first try" in 1959
Humanity is crap how hopeless would ahve our ancestors been in say 30 year wars or plague times or crusades or during the jihads or whatever if we had had the modern internet, connectivity and media like we do have now
It's unlikely that we have the decades that are necessary to make the advancements we need to do space colonization.
Ironically, if we'd worked on it for as long as we should have been, we'd probably have it by now.
climate change isn't going to kill us it might at best cripple humanituy like the Black Death did whcih will be disastrous, but just like that catastrophe, it can in the big picture turn out for the best
only thing that can actually wipe us out is ourselves and RNG
Climate change, fuel shortages, China's economy is going to tank, we're going to have no money to invest in the technology we need because we're going to have to channel so much money into making cars move.
>>519946 this "to get cars moving" is what bothers me EU is trying to get Diesel engines banned by I can't remember the year but SOONish but why diesel? diesel can be fueled by very low polluting biofuel why ban diesel why not ban the traditional gasoline engine that is what pollutes way more
does one really need to explain why that is so?
Man I am going to fucking stream legacy of kain one day when I am sober and willing to do it and make you all watch
Gotta thank god for there being some billionaire like musk who uses his fortunes for benefit of mankind even if he dapples in quite quasi-science at times
cause the tech for his electric cars I fucking bet that has been around for ages, but no one has been around to fund it and to be brave enough to fund it
Kirara π
yeah, it's been around since the 60s but tesla's electric cars are honestly not that good and the improvements that keep being made on them are basically "a better radio"
>>519952 haha that's a scam i mean it's true that they're hard, but tesla cars have software coded limits that purposefully limit the battery capacity so that they can make more money off people at charging stations
>>519951 Yes the tesla cars are 90% designed for the rich upper middle class and beyond, but honestly speaking THAT IS THEIR MAIN TARGET AUDIENCE TOO that is the target market that will buy them too
and if I am not mistaken, they are constantly trying to make some models that are cheap enough for the lower middle-class or working class to buy too but for that the battery limit comes around quite quick >>519955 have you studied the material costs and such for making the cars?
Thank god I drive a GANOO/CAR
Kirara π
>>519953 they've been trying to make models that are cheap enough for the lower middle-class/working class of like 1990 which is to say, people that are rich today
Kirara π
>>519953 yeah, a little i also know that the company hasn't turned a profit in like 7 years
>>519956 yeah I realised this only recently the guy funds most of this shit out of paypal
and stealing inventions with the magnetic pipe train thing whatever he called it
hyperloop catchy name
fucking retarded idea
No matter how you do it how will you counter heat expansion of the travel pipes?
Kirara π
he made a profit with those pseudo-flamethrowers he sold civilians at least
How rich is Musk actually I bet he is top 20 or something
I mean nowadays Gates family is doing their best at making amends with their charity campaings, but really. a few millions a year, half or more gathered with money gathering campaigns you fucking twats could give BILLIONS to charity and still be billionaires
Kirara π
>>519966 looks like he's like 33% of zuckerberg's net worth .33 zucc, if you will
That is what the fucking "a rich man has it harder to make it to heaven than a camel through the eye of a needle" thing is all about YOU CAN DO ALL THE "CHARITY" work you want but if you don't fuckig mean it if you don't fucking actually want to make the world a better place it is all for nill
a fucking 1c charity give away can be more important tahn a 1 million if the 1c charity giver meant thatn from the bottom of their heart compared to the million giver >>519970 isn't the guy a christian?
Yeah but that's entirely irrelevant to someone who doesn't believe in Heaven.
>>519967 The gates family has given away billions to charity.
>>519973 You can tell they didn't do their research entirely though. Those on the left are Gen VI starters. I don't believe they've made it to that generation in Pokemon Go.
>>519974 >come talk to the navy today and see what they can offer you! >the navy does a deal with nintendo to give out limited ultra rare shinies That's how you get people to sign up
>Gatesβ recent donation brings his total number of gifts to charitable donations to $50 billion, according to CNBC.
Kirara π
that's like .66 zucc
Kirara π
oh shit, thunder is shakin the shit outta my house i'm super losing power tonight
>>519976 Gates, the worldβs richest man, donated $4.6 billion worth of shares in Microsoft Corp in June β making this his largest donation in 17 years. Gates donated 64 million shares earlier this summer, according to a Securities & Exchange Commission filing released Monday and first shared by Bloomberg.
The shares account for 5% of Gatesβs fortune, and the donation reduced Gatesβs stake in Microsoft stock to 1.3%
The bolts of chaos within my heart are rampaging Sorry
>. It is unclear who the recipient of the gift is, but itβs likely it will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
>>519977 I think they might've reached the Gen III Pokemon.
>. It is unclear who the recipient of the gift is, but itβs likely it will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. >. It is unclear who the recipient of the gift is, but itβs likely it will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. >. It is unclear who the recipient of the gift is, but itβs likely it will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. >. It is unclear who the recipient of the gift is, but itβs likely it will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
>>519985 Yeah They have their own charity Because they've given away like 50 billion dollars and sometimes its better tto make your own charity than to give it to shittier existing charities like rred cross
it is 5% of gate's fortune not gate's total fortune implying his CURRENT fortune
I mean thank god he is doign that and why isn't every other billionaire or millionaire doing it giving away at the fucking very elast 1%of their profit each year to good things
But I am just saying why not transfer most of their money to that foundation already? say Bill Gates has 50 billion to his name RN why not move 45 of that tot he foundation 5 billion is MORe than enough to keep a family afloat through what fucking ever >>519996 so it is a tax scam?
Kirara π
their charity loses its charity status if they don't give away more than 5% of their assets every year or something >>519995 well, no i mean, partially, it's a way to reduce their taxes and stuff but bill gates does give away a lot to the needy, especially malaria stuff plus that's the charity, not bill gates bill doesn't have an amount he has to put in that charity yearly although the more he puts in, the lower his taxes are
I just had hope but I had hope for 10 minutes I had actual hope for 10 minutes not my optimist hope actual hope
christianity is dead
AND I will kill it
oh and btw judaism and islam are on the butcher table too
not the people just the faith
neo-gnosticism or how I choose to name it will replace it all
Fuck My plans for tomorrow are already falling apart.
i suspect people would be more comfortable with religion if religious zealots hadn't spent the last 5000 years killing people
IT IS NOT FUCKING EVEN CENTURIES OR MILLENIAS you can trace it back fucking decades and point out to the moments when the zealots went from zealoty things to "let's fucking be dick to everyone"
>>520004 or telling people what to do or they'll go to hell.
but the image is wrong because those absurd images are more associated with millennials than gen z gen z is stuff like saying "despacito" and t-posing in real life
Kirara π
and fortnite
And gathering in a high school bathroom to do a twenty-man chorus of the Halo theme.
>>520021 That would throw the world into enough chaos that I could go live in the woods like I want to and nobody would be able to stop me because there would only be like 10 million people left in the whole world.
>>520028 No, there wouldn't be any society. The entire world would have collapsed. The chances of meeting one of the 10 million people still alive in the entire world in some random town is pretty low, and even if I did, that's not society.
You seem to have the idea that I'm against everything produced by society, but I'm not!
>>520042 It seems like you and I have different understandings of what I want to do. Which makes sense, because you don't understand what I want to do at all!
Well, I can't respect a desire to go back to nature unless you're willing to go all the way back to nature. You may as well just build a nice house in the woods with power and internet and a toilet at this rate.
>>520052 I'll let you think about it for a while and see if you can figure it out. Why would someone bring the thing they're trying to escape from with them when they escape?
You're already bringing society with you. Drawing the line between toilet paper and electricty is just being arbitrary. You're not willing to truly suffer for your ideals.
Besides, setting aside the jokes, I obviously wouldn't be willing to go into town just for toilet paper. Plus, toilet paper would mean litter, and that's not good. I would use animal hides, like a normal person.
>>520067 What? Disinfecting it isn't even something I considered, that's bizarre. Just putting your ass in still water doesn't clean it after you defecate.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I will funnel this piping hot water into thine pooper I hope you are prepared for a searing beyond imagination I am an enemay of the people
Because the countries that just use water are the ones where they use a pressurized stream of water.
Nearly every society, from the ancient Romans, to the Indigenous Americans, have used something to wipe their ass. Because it's the only way to actually clean yourself.
Not pressurised stream, they just feel a basin with water pour https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_cleansing >In many Muslim, Hindu cultures, as well as Southeast Asia and Southern Europe, water is usually used for anal cleansing using a jet, as with a bidet, or most commonly, splashed and washed with the hand. This can be followed up with drying using a cloth towel or toilet paper.
>In other cultures (such as many Western countries), cleaning after defecation is generally done with toilet paper only, although some individuals may use water or wet wipes as well.
It is pretty strange, actually. Very few groups of people have opted for that, mostly because it's literally dangerous.
In many cases, it's done by classes that have no upward mobility and no access to anything they could actually wipe with. Even the colonial Americans used fucking corncobs.
uuhh goys just wanna have fun
There plenty of muslim countries where it is normal method of cleaning. I don't see how running water down your ass is dangerous
>>520078 That is a mentally unpleasant visualization. Praise be for toilet paper.
>>520090 I find it a bit much to claim what a // whole countries of people do is unhygienic and dangerous. you've been raised to wipe. others have been raised to wash their bottom like they wash their bodies.
The ZADs can't possibly give me the environment I want. The people in ZADs aren't free. And there aren't going to be any ZADs in the forests or anything, they're all close to cities and shit.
I just want to live in an environment that isn't painful for me.
I don't like artificial lights. I don't really like electricity.
There's a reason I have been going to bed when the sun goes down for a while now. I don't want to use artificial lights. The only artificial lights in my entire house that have been turned on in the past week or two are the lights from my computer screen, TV, or phone, and I limit my usage of those a lot during the night time.
I walk around my home with an oil lamp now. Because the artificial lights make me uncomfortable.
>>520108 Of course I am. I'm not equipped for this kind of world. The world is set up for people that aren't like me. People like me have been excluded for a very long time.
Most people like me can't get anywhere, and many never realize why. But I've been lucky enough that the miserable life I've lived has helped me to realize the source of my pain. Even though I'm incredibly successful, this isn't my world.
>>520112 I don't like those either. They disgust me. As I looked out onto the Strip from my plane leaving Las Vegas, I wanted to vomit.
Do you dislike neon citylights as well Because I think those are beautiful at night
I can't comprehend what you mean by an existential pain caused by artificial lighting really but I can see how it's a problem
>>520112 They're light pollution. Also they're not neon Street lamps are sodium something and tthen the lights coming from buildings are fluorescent lights in the ceiling.
>>520111 Move to a forest, no other solution. survive!
>>520115 I'd like to, but you have to be rich enough to afford the land or you have to be willing to live on the run for the rest of your life.
>>520118 They don't live even remotely like I want to live.
>>520113 The lights, and many other things, cause me pain very deeply, on an existential level. They are constant reminders that I am living in an environment that I'm not suited for. They're like tiny little boxes that broadcast pain. I want to live somewhere that I'm suited for in a way that I'm suited for. I'm tired of living in a hostile world. I want to be free.
>>520111 i'm sorry life sucks. i think there's very litte can be done to help and it will never be enough.
>>520119 If I have to choose between the life I live now, where I can at least occasionally experience the life I want to live, or a life where I will never get to experience the life I want to live, I would rather choose this. I can avoid the artificial lights that I hate for the most part. I'm not going to trade one oppression for another.
>>520130 Does it make more sense now? I'm not sure how to explain stuff like that very well. moon would probably be able to put the idea in words better.
I understand it better at least I'm not sure it's the kind of thing that can be communicated properly
>>520141 Death finds us all eventually. It might not be the freedom you're looking for, but it's still a kind of freedom.
Ultimately, the freedom I want is the freedom to live and die as I please. I don't want or need a long life. I don't mind if I die after a month of freedom, as long as I get to return to nature. Even if I die before I get that freedom in life, I can still get the freedom I want in death because the // my corpse can still feed nature I just have to make sure they don't try to keep my corpse away from where it belongs.
That's one of the worst possible things that could happen to me.
Why is it sheepish, when you consider the most common usage of the adjective to mean shameful or embarassed. Neither of those things are particularly sheep-y.
>>520146 why do you think they grow so much wool They're embarrassed so they need to hide their faces
>>520147 Oh man, I love crypto puzzles like this. It's always so amazing to see what people can find hidden subtly. And even more incredible that they were hidden there in the first place. There's some really, really great ARGs that have been made through the use of puzzles like that.
Kirara π
People seem to think it's music or something. It's cool to see stuff like that.
When Don't Starve was in early-access, Klei would hide a bunch of ARG stuff in the update forum posts and the promotional videos for patches. Like they'd puzzle-piece-ify a QR code square and then throw all the puzzle pieces into single or minimal frames of a promotional video. So watchers would have to first find all the pieces, then reassemble the QR square. It then took people to a web page that either talked about the lore and story of the game, or upcoming mechanics they were toying with.
I think another time they encoded a web URL or some other hint to find a webpage into a little tune a music box played.
Death Stranding's goona suck and you know it, Kojima lost his "touch" a long time ago.
>>520152 I thought people liked MGSV what makes you say he lost his touch At the very least most people seemed to agree that V had good gameplay
More importantly, what -was- his touch in the first place. If you're not going to define what he lost then how can you accurately say he lost anything really.
my neighbor is blasting rap music i want to escape the "civilized" world it's 10:00 i want to sleep
Some of my neighbours have been getting into late-night summer parties recently. One night a few houses down they were playing music in their back yard until like 03:00 in the morning. My immediate neighbours were also playing a lot of very Mediterranean music well into the late evening pretty much every weekend night for a bit. And they'll probably do it more this summer if they don't go travelling to Greece.
i don't think people realize how loud and disturbing their music can be
it's fine to have fun on a friday night but it's important to realize that other people exist
Are you going to knock on ttheir door and politely ask them to lower ttheir music?
Kirara π
no, we've got terrible thunderstorms and im not going to go get dressed and then put on a rain coat so i can ask people to chill i wouldn't be able to sleep after that anyway people should just be considerate it's a shame people are so alienated from each other that they become so self-centered
Sounds like city life is busy and annoying. i'm getting old and tired of noise as well.
Kirara π
the noise and the lights there's no escape
move into the third world
Kirara π
so i can live less comfortably than now, but equally far from the way i want to live? i don't even have the money to move into the third world and even if i could and i found some forest to live in, how long do i get to stay there? a year? maybe 5 years, until they come to chop it down for a quick buck
idk, but this world requires people to work to pay things, i wish you get to live your way but it's hard as fuck. like, even a wood place here requires money because taxes and stuff.
Kirara π
im looking forward to societal collapse everyone will be too busy to care about me living freely
like, my mom's plan is to move near the woods, work as a teacher and camp during periods of time with that money. but it's still like, she really wants to do it but it's not as simple.
Well, it can't be helped. I'm just an outlier, so it's natural that I have to struggle so pointlessly.
The world is full of people living happy, oblivious lives, never really understanding what they're doing or thinking about why they're doing it. People that have pain-free lives, people who have been through so little that their resistance is low enough that they can cry when someone is rude to them.
I'll just sit here in the painful artificial lights and wait to be free. Eventually the others will destroy themselves and hopefully not me with them.
>>520165 rural cambodia and rural peru are p much as granular and self-sustaining as you want
But I want to become a Columbian drug lord
Kirara π
>>520170 cambodia isn't an option bc it won't have forests to live in for very long peru is somewhat more viable but probably is only good for ~10 years peru also isn't a very good environment for me
Why not, you can play the flute and spend 100$ that you got for your birthday
>>520173 i don't think the forests of cambodia or thailand are going anywhere there's too many people living there basically in the conditions we've already described that's what the rural population there is
Kirara π
cambodia has the highest rate of deforestation in the world the forests there are disappearing and the rate at which they are disappearing is increasing every year
Here we are Hudson Yards 34th and 9th intersection The most likely spot for Amazon to jump to in its HQ2 bidding war
>>520176 how about vietnam go hunting for artifacts from the war in spare time
Kirara π
i don't want to live in Florida, But With Trees
then where DO you want to live? seems like there's simply nowhere suited for you from what I've seen
Kirara π
>>520180 seems like you don't know shit about anything and are trying to get involved in conversations that are built upon literally years of context that you don't have
Madison Square Garden is not square at all. It also doesn't like uploading o more To me >>520184 It's nice Free public transit is also nice I was hungry and bored so I came all the way to Manhattan for ramen.
sorry /moe/ im so irritable all the time now all the stresses and microstresses are driving me mad im up way later than usual, i should try to sleep again and maybe take another break
the anon i exploded at just now totally didn't deserve it, im bein an ass
It's okay, we're all mad here.
>>520193 sorry youre feelin stressed out i hope you feel a little better and fresher soon >>520192 yeah me too
>>520211 At least you played it, I have the jp version sitting, too lazy to search and dl the eng one. So in a few years I'll try it
I had the JP version too I did the translation hook thing I did not understand anything. W Other than the fact that they transferred docks to each other like an STI
Text hooker?
there looked to be a translation on the archive somewhere but it might just have been an MTL
Anyway My day is ending How are you I guess kira is kill tonight
>>520240 >oh man I really need some cookies shaped like reclining chairs >if only there was a reclining chair cookie cutter Is this a thought that people have? Is there a market for it?
>>520238 Do Americans eat reclining chair cookies on superb owl day
it looks more like a gravy boat maybe? or like north carolina maybe
I can see the chair reclining backwards, but it is definitely something that loses clarity with the low definition of just being a fucking cookie cutter. You could have definitely labelled it a "gravy boat cookie cutter" and I would have just as much gone "yep I can see that" as a reclining chair.