
Thread #521194

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「I see you」

>making a thread this early
Kirara 🚗
see the fucking shitstorm there'd be if you had a "white month"
or "straight month"
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I sin because I can

This is actually a good fucking question why isn't there a native american month
or at least a week
Native Americans got shit on far harder than asians or indians and it's their native country
They could probably do with a month
also where is the "native american month"
or "indian month"
or "asian month"
you are missing the point
why th fuck is there a black month or pride month nowadays
Kirara 🚗
that's because whites and straight people get literally every month
both are just breeding division
There were Asian recognition months going on at my high school.
Or something along those lines.
I don't know if it was a particular thing to the school or part of the school board.
Don't know if they're still going on since I checked out of the school after I graduated.
Kirara 🚗
black history month and pride month are fuckin awesome
if straight white people are mad about it they can fuck off, they get literally every other month and like, every fuckin movie, and anything they basically want
straight white people that are cis get to play trans people in movies and shit

pride started as a protest against police brutality towards lgbtq people
and it grew into a month because lgbtq people want to be heard and they want to have fun and be loud
with kirara and sk
you never know when they are being ironic
or serious nowadays
Kirara 🚗
i don't think what i said seems ironic
meaning you were serious
Kirara 🚗
well yeah
but i don't expect straight white people to get it or anything
you are
a straight white person
when pridem ovement began
it was lgbt
not lgbtq
though nowadays it is lgbtqklöasdfjasdö+
Kirara 🚗
lgbt has always been lgbtq
lgb and t are all q
lgbt has been in use since 70s or 80s
it isn't untill late 90s that the q came into it
Kirara 🚗
yes, people started saying the q later, but it was always queer
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i went to an lgbtq thing in san francisco with my ex, their sister, and their sister's boyfriend
like, through an active avenue of lbgtq traffic on pride weekend rather, not specifically to be there for it
they were all so distressed by it
i thought it was amazing
Kirara 🚗
im gonna do stuff for the pride parade here this year, it's gonna be awesome
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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waiting waiting waiting
gonna be darth vader again
Please stop having fun.
Kirara 🚗
no, that was for a marathon, it's not related to pride
ill probably be a stormtrooper for that next time or maybe kylo idk
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my ex ultimately broke up with me for being bisexual
thinking that it meant i was unhappy with the relationship
if i was unhappy with it i wouldn't have kept with it for six years
kylo would fit fucking well
the bloody cuck he is
Kirara 🚗
ill run alongside the runners to give them water and just start sobbing
that is a weird reason to break up with someone
Kirara 🚗
yeah they didnt get it
like, "how are you still attracted to your own gender when you're with me, does that mean ..." and so forth
it was really upsetting
it was the beginning of the end at that point imo
but now they're living in san francisco??? so i can't help but imagine they've been forced to better understand it now
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How illogical.
I think
my first question would be an improper question joke "so you are open for a threesome?"
if my so told me she was bi that is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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That is pretty odd.
If you're with someone, it should be common sense that you want to be with them.
Kirara 🚗
or live in constant confusion
when i told fish i was nb, she just started talking about seahorses and shit
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well the community has come a long way in a short time
even though it was just 2012 vs 2016/2017, public perception changed a lot
i couldn't even openly identify at my high school a decade ago
now it's so much more welcome
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
it's pretty astonishing how quickly it has become more welcome
still a looooong way to go though
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i wish the community support was there when i was a teenager
i turned out so fucked up from the amount of shit i had to eat for being different
Kirara 🚗
the best thing you can do to someone who is different is to convince them they're confused and eventually they'll stop being different
just gaslight them for years until they stop being lbgt
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you need to convince they are sinful
and pray for them to get better
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microaggressions would have been a pleasantry in comparison to what i got
Kirara 🚗
i don't really like the word microaggression
like there's clearly a hierarchy of aggressiveness but microaggression is just a weird term
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
cause it was invented to NOT make sense
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Hibiki day is coming to a close, but it was a good day
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Not hard to understand it's just a unit of measurement.
that is just microsilly
Kirara 🚗
holy shi
that is a skeleton
Oh yeah Incredibles 2 is out.
Hope it's good.
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I need to watch that late night with all of the other fuck-ups.
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i think it makes sense, though i'm not sure if the way that it would make sense is congruent with the way that is used

things which aren't inherently or intentionally aggressive standalone, but through communal adoption make a hostile ecosystem/environment

not direct personalized aggression, but subtle, pointed aggression against ideals and sentiment which ultimately stifle them out through opposition, probably not consciously but just as a matter of comfort
it makes enough sense to me, and maybe i'm just adopting the word to refer to something it isn't meant to mean
but whatever that particular thing is
i'm being overbearing on moe again
no keep it up i like it
You're looking at the crown wizard, warlord, vocal cords so vicious
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what a beautiful boy
anime >>521257 →
Nice oufit desu ne
>when you get parry ohko'd by the OG giantdad and it deletes your game
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
should i play a dark souls game
Do you like fun video games
Then sure
b b b b b ang
hello my name is bang and i am sad
What's got you feeling down?
but why
b b b b b ang
going from least sad to most sad

kouhai is on a week long trip and won't be back until tuesday
i start my second job on monday and my free time is basically forfeit after that
i had to borrow money to make rent because of two weeks being unemployed
my roommate or my little brother (not sure which) broke my $200 sennheiser headphones, one of my most prized possesions
i live in a constant state of passive frustration that my license won't be valid until october
i don't think there's really any greater meaning for me to latch on to right now and it's draining my motivation to live
b b b b b ang
pick any 4 of those things and i'd probably still be completely fine
but all in the same week and it's like "fuck dude i'm sad"
Yeah I can get that.
Tuesday's only a few days off though.
Patience will remedy that before long.

I'd be pretty steamed if someone broke my Senns too.
I've done so much damage to them myself, sure, but they still work.
Replacing them's wouldn't really be an option for me at this time either and I'd be pretty frustrated if I lost them.
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yeah that's a pretty shitty week
At least she'll come back on Tuesday
So that problem solves itself

Borrowing for rent sounds like it'd induce some anxiety but you've got that work starting up soon so you'll be able to pay it back soon right
Can't do much about the sennheisers and having to go without good headphones when you like music so much must be shitty. But at least those can be eventually replaced can't they?
Is it possible your room mate or bro would fess up and replace them?
b b b b b ang
kouhai being gone is the most whatever of those
i'm still really happy for her, she's having a really fun time and seeing special people who are important to her that she almost never sees
it just so happens to be a week i'm feeling particularly emotionally needy but like you said that solves itself

starting my second job would be the most anxiety-inducing of those if it weren't for the fact that i'm pretty sure i'm going to quit that job as soon as my THIRD job starts
i just passed the interview for my third job a few days ago so i won't start that for a couple of weeks

borrowing money sucks because i already owe my mom a couple grand but i guess i already owe her a couple grand so what's a few hundredo n that
i'm about to make fat two-job money anyways

this is when we get to the REALLY fun ones

my sennheisers are really important to me
if i had to grab 5 things and run out the door, it'd be pants, shirt, wallet, ak47, and my sennheisers
i mean whatever, i have these 20 dollar sony headphones and my friend (who initally bought them for me as a birthday gift in 2013) says that he might be able to solder them if they can't be sent back for repairs under warranty
solder the sennheisers, i mean

nothing can solve the license thing, just time
that one fucking SUCKS
the last one is just me being a bitch but that doesn't make it any less depressing
b b b b b ang
the thing about the senns
it's like
if this happened two months ago, whatever
i buy new ones
if this happened two months from now, whatever
i buy new ones
if this happens when i'm so broke i'm borrowing money for rent and groceries....

my brother was trying to talk to my roommate about splitting the cost of new ones 50/50 but my roommate is unemployed and broke too

hopefully my boy benny can get them repaired under warranty or solder them himself but we'll see

they don't even make 558 HDs anymore i don't think
they're $217 on amazon
When it rains, it always seems to fucking pour, eh.
If they're under warranty, Senn might replace them with an equal value model too.
I don't really know their customer service since I always break mine outside of warranty.
b b b b b ang
>24 months
well damn
guess not that
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Don't listen to that anon.
You only ever have 8 months of defects.
You can fix them all.
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And yet you won't feel this connection.
You are so inadequate.
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You should only worry about yourself, you know.
The blood will come after.
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You feel the defects within yourself.
You know you have to eradicate them.
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Obliteration of all that makes you undesirable.
It will consume you too.
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You know I want to destroy them as much as you do.
Use me as a conduit.
Good image
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I'll kill them all.
Just for you.
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exterminate all of mankind for me
hey did you watch megalo box yet?
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In this one game I'm playing, I will bring all of them pain.
Nah do you wanna wath it tonight
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I failed.
I'd prefer to just kill myself from now on
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If I fucking can't kill teenagers in multiplayer I might as well murder myself
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yeah i was about to ask you the same thing
what if you can't even headshot yourself
see you on discord

Don't let 'em win
You need a training arc
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i have so many memories of the nightmare frontier
geeze louise
maybe I've killed you there multiple times.
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Fuck I'm trash
It makes me fucking SICK
Hi trash I'm hungry
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I don't get how being a fucking god at fortnite means I'll be godly at every other game in existence like what the fuck
try to keep up
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If a nigga wanna try me, try me, Imma get his whole motherfucking family
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Just imagine this song while you bleed a lot.
And you will fucking bleed.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
hello hello
Moshi moshu
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
this peppered salami is the best invention ever
sweet heat
doin good takin this weekend easy workin lots hby
Hisashiburi Sam
How've you been?
Doing okay, got invited to a second round of interviews for a shitty data entry job.
Waiting to hear back if I've made it to the third.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
get a coding job bro
I don't have the qualifications.
Anyways I'm going to bed

Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
you can do iiiit
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If only you'd let go and bleed for others.
if only YOUUU
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WHen you post on the weekends thinking you'll get a response
oh, that 's off echojams, I thought that sounded familiar
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oy oy oy oy
drop the beat
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It's time for more painbow six.
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Fuck Elon Musk.
He can suffer for all I care.
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I put it too lightly.
He can eat shit and die for all I care.
more like
Elon Husk of a human being
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All of the sinners will meet a similar fate.
A strafe.
pretty good
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Motherfuckers actually listen to ZZZtentacion and not my fucking idiot 6ix9ine like the FUCK
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Dedicated to my 2hus >>>/watch?v=0OPxOmBYSbE
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Kirara 🚗
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put one step in front of the other
no wait one foot
i think that's it

i dreamed of bears
did you become a bear
Kirara 🚗
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nah, just hangin out with bears at a shop
one of them was following me around, it was kawaii
there were donkeys and bunnies there too
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Man I wouldn't mind being a bear
Just chilling
Catching fish
Sleeping for months
That sounds pretty great

what does a bear buy at a shop
Kirara 🚗
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I don't think they were shopping, I think they were just there.
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A grizzly bear walks into your shop and demands all your money
What do you do?
Kirara 🚗
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Provide my offering
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thats not legault
those arent nino
and the desperation rolls arent karla
that is arguably a slightly better iv faye
Kirara 🚗
did you know that an adult grizzly bear can crush a bowling ball in its mouth
Did you know that the jaw of a hippo is so wide and so strong that it could devour the Earth in one bite?
You should be grateful they allow us to exist

You're right I lie
The hippo can actually swallow the universe
Kirara 🚗
that's a lie. it's fake news. you can't fool me.
Kirara 🚗
shut up........ CNN
Kirara 🚗
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im gonna make a contract with a bear
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>tfw no bear wife
>tfw no bear gf to hibernate with
>tfw you'll never make hilarious bear puns with your bear gf
truly unbearable
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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this is me
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shouldn't you be wearing body armour or something
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>where is the "native american month"
>"asian month"
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Hispanic American Heritage lasts from the ides of September to the ides of October
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This is me
also this is the best song in the entire MCU >>>/watch?v=9eb7JNUUjxQ
Kirara 🚗
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Why would I?
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style and function

what happens if we run out of months
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Overlap them
We can make more months.
Julius Caesar the fucking calendar to celebrate more heritages.
Kirara 🚗
we can fuckin share months
Kirara 🚗
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i started playing into the breach
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>what about white month
Italian American: October
Greek-Am: March
Irish-Am: March
Germanic-Am: Sept 15-Oct 15 just like Hispanic-Am

To summarize, they exist. White people just don't give a fuck about them when they come because they're just being reactionary. They don't care to celebrate their culture, they're bothered that other people celebrate theirs loudly.

I, however, am all for a "White" history month, where we examine the history of race from the creation of the concept and all the things that happened because of it.
I don't think white people would enjoy a white history month though.
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If we're adding more months can we add more public holidays too

are you enjoying it
Its visual style is pretty cool
Kirara 🚗
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i like it a lot
it's pretty cool
i just got the team that moves enemies around and barely does damage with the useless push rockets that you have to upgrade to not harm buildings before you can actually use it
Kirara 🚗
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>I don't think white people would enjoy a white history month though.
they'd literally just circlejerk about how white people invented everything good in the world especially things that people of color invented
they'd ignore the thousands of years of murder and destruction
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Jewish American History Month is also May
Kirara 🚗
nobody really does much for it because jewish history is literally just jews going from country to country, trying to find somewhere that will allow them to exist, and occasionally surviving genocides
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Sounds like a lot
I'd love to construct it though.
The White History Month. I remember the idea from long ago about making a Kickstarter to have a video series explore different things in "White culture" every day of a month.
But have all the people in the KS be positive white people.
And after it gets funded, it's just a bunch of minorities like
"Okay, so today we're going to talk about the Trail of Tears"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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hello blue
hello Kirara
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and my pal maria and all the other folks
Kirara 🚗
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hello tales of nuclear weapons

lmao that kickstarter would probably actually get you fucking doxxed and murdered
hi ton of nukes
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hello ton I hope you have a good day today

I wish America was a bunny girl
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Sounds like a great hill to die on honestly. I don't think I have any better ones at the moment.
Kirara 🚗
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you die on a real hill when the white genocide finally comes
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Kirara 🚗
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that snake tweet you RT'd last night had me fuckin rolling
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I need your twitter, bluester
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The influx of art yesterday was really nice.
I'll miss it.
Kirara 🚗
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>not having every /moe/s twitter and their privs already
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The AD twitter
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the heck is a priv
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't know if I want to own those.
Kirara 🚗
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>not having kirara's priv
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My twitter is just news, bad news, infosec, video games, and at least 3 koi RTs per day
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I was under the impression I followed Kirara but now I can't find him to reverse engineer your twitter.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 04 [D378E(…).jpg)
@idlematts is my main twitter
do you have a priv other than the one you posted the camping pics on
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 396x526, [Kuusou] New Game! - 06 [FA90F(…).jpg)
i have @Idlematts, @argentmaddie, @worldisaflat
and i have @teacupchan which is technically my priv
i have an additional priv that /moe/ doesn't know about or have access to
and i also manage @spacecoastdsa
so i see
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Ok I think I nailed it
Kirara 🚗
nail this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I've been trying not to sperg out about vesperia but fuuuuuck dude
That entire cast is great

You can basically ship anybody with anybody because everyone has chemistry with each other except the little boy and the dog because he has a love interest and repede is a fucking dog
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yuri is so fucking good though
found imat's priv:
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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And as for something that only applies to me, I'll get to hear my favorite tales mage cast my favorite tales spell in a finalized dub voice which is fantastic for me.
Kirara 🚗
fuck now i gotta deactivate
>kiara invented the retire bitch meme
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm wiggling at incredibly high speeds
Remember when I wrote a cover letter for that job and almost sent an image of Nazrin on it
No that was the resume.

What did I write on that cover letter?
It was great alliteration.
Kirara 🚗
that was pretty funny
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yes, I remember that.
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gotta go find that cover letter
I might have saved it
gotta find my way
Kirara 🚗
gotta find out who kill my da
now you can in the new KLK geimu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
now with full dad customization!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Still can't Persona 5 event
What am I supposed to grind for now
Micaiah is amazing
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180617-085339_Fir(…).jpg)
Wow. They really pulled out the anti-micaiah
>40 res
Man I
Wish that were me
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>can't promote Earth Dance 1 seal to Geyser Dance 1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
good times
bad times
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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time to do something I haven't done in a while
and with the best team no less
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I got owned
i dont think white people care about a white history month because it's too vague and nonrelatable
i think german or scottish or english or irish appreciation of culture would probably go far within each sector
but really each white group doesn't particularly want to be clumped with the others
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Well, yeah, that's a good half of it.
fuck I forgot to buy coffee
i dont really think a hispanic month works so well either for the same reason
hispanic culture is overly granular
there's no way to broadly express it without being inclusionary of many groups to whom it's marginalizing to be clumped with larger hispanic mainstreams
like the dominicans for instance
their culture is so internal and rich, and it's a very influential staple of hispanic culture, but it's very different
there's so much dense political/national stuff with both the whites and hispanics really
not to mention half the europeans hate each other
That makes me wonder how "Asian month" works out
They've got their own cultures that are distinct from one another and it's not as if they don't have their own ethnic tensions
I guess that makes sense
feels like it is almost racist as a concept to just clunk all asian cultures into one month
asian cultures have a history of aggressively ignoring each other though, as opposed to the central american countries which are entrenched with each other so deeply
so i would see the asian cultures just doing their own thing independently there
how do you even define asian
indians and pakistanis and iranians for example are in asia
but you don't think of them as "asian" usually
asian ethnicity tends to refer to east asians, southeast asians, and pacific islanders
it's not a continental reference
at the risk of showing my ignorance or sayin somethin stupid, black americans prolly have the most solidarity to be celebrating their achievements as a whole collective, compared to the sprawling different cultures of white or hispanic groups
prolly makes the most sense to have a black history month in that regard
and other cultures just get particular days
youve got the dominican day parade, saint patty's day, cinco de mayo, i guess oktoberfest is a lot more than a day but still
stuff that's just organic
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why is there specifically dominican
oh day parade
not gay parade
I really need new glasses
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Well, if they wanted to do all those things regarding separation, they can. These aren't things etched into the weather or anything. I hardly hear about any of these other months. Maybe they do things silently, maybe not at all.
As far as the internet can tell me, they have a month for it.
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>Hello and good day, Reader of Resumes!
I am too good for myself.
Kirara 🚗

The kids are okay.
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can it even be called a dance move
it's a gesture isn't it
is it wrong that im smiling?
Prince Harry, what are you doing, that's not even a dab
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My boy isn't dabbing, he's wiping his eyes.
He's just crying.
ah, the ol' blind crotch-grab
been around a lot longer than, and easily mistaken for, the dab
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i had a dream that i was in mongolia and testifying in court as a language expert to analyze and give a statement about a document
they wanted me to prove that this mongolian language transcript was evidence as criminal activity and they wanted to use it to put a friend of mine away for a long time
so i had to weasel in some talk about linguistic entropy and how the mongolian language is so beautiful and articulate but that its structuring is fundamentally untranslatable into english which is a much cruder language and unable to house such complexities, so it couldn't be determined what was meant by the translation
and the mongolian ministries were there and they just soaked up all the praise about mongolian nationalism so they accepted my testimony

ive been really work stressed lately i think
Kirara 🚗
my dad says he thought black panther was bad
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well is not like everyone likes the same movies
does your dad smoke cigarettes
Kirara 🚗
yeah, smokes cigs and pot
i thought so
just an odd question no real point
Kirara 🚗
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he thinks thor looks bad with short hair too

tobin isn't related to them
oh robin
i was wanting to make a family team
woth mmorgan fmorgan and tobin
i was conetemplatijng my shiny new chrom too but then how do they have black hair
when it dawned on me

oh sorry, im all thumbs
Your dad prefers long haired thors?
Kirara 🚗
yeah i guess so
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Well I too think thor looked better with long hair
Kirara 🚗
yeah but he still looks great with short hair
Kirara 🚗
I wonder how that will go down
ruby tuesdays, the aserver we had was surprised we got our steak medium and med-rare as everyone had been getting well done, what the hell
well this looks like a solid decision
Kirara 🚗
what's the worst that could happen
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Yeah is not like people will get the guns and for example
sell them to the cartels
Kirara 🚗
how is this news
I can't imagine they'll just give them out but its really weird that the country is advocating murder and supplying the tools to kill others with
like I've never really though of authoritarian leaders are ones to supply weapons to their own populace
Kirara 🚗
he doesn't really care much, he's one of those poorly written villains that just like death
he gave everyone the freedom to murder each other whenever they want as long as the victim is a drug user or dealer, and that was like two years ago now
it's pretty crazy
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Does show how powerful the cartels are in philippines
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Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
lol jimmy kimmel lost to ted cruz in a 1v1 basketball game
Summon Blue
can't beat the zodiac
was this recorded
Kirara 🚗
i keep seeing clips of jimmy talking shit while on the court so there's gotta be but i don't have it
i hope he invited ted cruz to do kid theater
Kirara 🚗
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jimmy kept talkin shit about ted not doin anything about the immigrant kid camps
they should make ted do mad libs
i watch this video way more often than i should
i wonder if there's a somewhat decent VR basketball thing
maybe we could have a /moe/ inhouse
Would be fun.
Kirara 🚗
i want to do team sports with /moe/
it really would be a great thing i think
we could use some /moe/ bonding time
adult life is yankin us apart
Kirara 🚗
yeah agreed
let's do /moe/ volleyball
Kirara 🚗
or soccer
Kirara 🚗
or tug of war
we could bunch ourselves into big balls and sumo wrestle
Or chess boxing
go soccer
i've got some volleyball aversion after playing it with the german exchange students
they were incredibly mean people
i thought it was just some fun dorm volleyball stuff and they invited me
but apparently they were incredibly prideful and competitive about it and it wasn't supposed to be a fun-for-all kind of thing
Kirara 🚗
oh, i remember this story
that shit's fucked up
ok let's play hockey
oh yeah haha i guess it was kind in recent history
i think tennis
maybe a doubles tournament
or, uh...
what's that one game called
with the ball and the points
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
oh shit lets do /moe/ bowling
bowling, pool, and darts triathlon
Kirara 🚗
hell yeah
let's do it
after the triathlon, we hit the hot spring, put on our evening kimonos and go to our rooms and wind the night off with ping pong
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darts can take a life time, though
Kirara 🚗
cant forget ping pong
we should do it
let's all go to Hot Springs, Arkansas or something
a group trip to hokkaido would be really fun
there was a hot springs resort i wanted to go to there with a buddy but they dipped on the plan
that was a long time ago
way too hard to coordinate though im sure there's a cool place we can do it locally
Kirara 🚗
they got hot springs out all over the place in nevada
just natural ones sittin around, don't even cost money
im not that great though
Kirara 🚗
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if you do bowling, gotta go glow blowling
oh nice
I wasnt expecting anything due to vesperia redux but heck yeah
Kirara 🚗
blowling is when you go bowling, but on cocaine
Kirara 🚗
i hate what harry potter did to people
What a moron.
b b b b b ang
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Hey banger
So I'm currently in the basement in my underwear with the fan on trying to escape the heat.
It's going pretty well.
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here have a cutie
That yours?
It's like 94° out today. Hasn't been that hot for a while.
nah, my grandmas
They're cute.
Kirara 🚗
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my identity is guns, superman, and, uhh, hail Hydra
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And they probably also like the band Split Enz.
From New Zealand.
Reminds me a bit of Sweet Shalquior
Or however its spelled
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im home
I had some really meta dreams last night
Where you wake up in bed but its another dream.
This happened several times.
Kirara 🚗
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Whenever I see "yoooo" I think of that boku no pico copy pasta.
Suddenly really tired
Might go back to sleep to escape the heat.
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Yeah, Kirara just read that.

Kirara 🚗
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what are yuu up to

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Not too much.
My AC is out again so I'm mostly trying to stay cool.
wait seriously? thats awful

pan is usually off thursday and im usually off wednesday. im out thuraday this week and low and behold hes wednesday this week
this is also awful
Kirara 🚗
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You can come over and use my AC.
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You're too far away, i have work tomorrow.
you can come over and use my ac
Kirara 🚗
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You can call out sick.
I'll skip, too. We can have a party like irresponsible people.
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I have way too much to do to call out sick.
heal the sick
Kirara 🚗
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Oh well, I guess we'll have to try another time!
b b b b b ang
b b b b b ang
b b b b b ang
i should throw a gigantic party for new years and ivite everyone ever
Kirara 🚗
what if there isn't a new year this time
b b b b b ang
what a twist
b b b b b ang
2018 is so far the best year of my lfie
i can definitely stay in it for a while if that happens
Kirara 🚗
we could probably recycle some if we had to
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Life without AC is hot.
it's a very hot day today
Kirara 🚗
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you'll get used to no AC
just drink lots of water
b b b b b ang
thank god i have AC
91 outside but 75 in here
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I won't get used to no AC, because I'm going to get it fixed. Again.
Kirara 🚗
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Even the AC doesn't cool my house down because I am very hot.
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b b b b b ang
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Kirara 🚗
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What does this face mean?
a life without AC would be terrible
electricity would cost so much!!! XD
oh boy i keep forgetting about that
b b b b b ang
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what is this face trying to convey
Craving for cake
Kirara 🚗
craving for death
Oh man its so cool in the basement. But its not upstairs.
I'm genuinely curious about whether or not the AC is set on a mode that uses a lot of electricity or not.
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Kirara 🚗
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I am shockingly good looking, so I can't blame you.
Kirara what's the temp where you are?
Kirara 🚗
outside? 95 i think
It's 94° here
As expected of Florida its even hotter there.
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im just glad it's not winter
this upcoming winter is gonna be tooooough up north
it's neat having sunset at 10:00pm though
Kirara 🚗
sun is all the way down by like 8:40 here
it's great
b b b b b ang
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I like long days.
The days where the sun sets at 9 or 10 are the comfiest days.
Kirara 🚗
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I am an early riser, but I need the sun to keep me strong, so early sunsets are the best.
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Summer is about big days and big skies!
The day isn';t supposed to end early.
b b b b b ang
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it doesn't matter when the sun goes up or down because the days are still 24 hours long and i still work 16 of those
Kirara 🚗
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The sun should go down around 9:00, so I can easily go to bed when the sun goes down.

the American dream
>going down
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it's nice
i went for a walk at 9:00 yesterday and it was still nice and bright out
just a few months ago in missouri it was getting dark at 4:30, before i was even done with work
it was so depressing
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Yeah, I hate it when it's dark as soon as it's quitting time at work. How awful.
Kirara 🚗
do you even do anything outside
She walks to and from her car.
And drives.
Oh wait she swims too.
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Kirara 🚗
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Just use artificial lights
we should rent a pickup truck and just fill the bed full of water so we can go swimming while taking a road trip
Kirara 🚗
oh that sounds smart
if the titanic sank today i bet there'd be a bunch of people livestreaming the sinking
wouldn't it be amazing if we had that kind of archival from the past today
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man following something like that live on twitter and shit would be quite neat
Kirara 🚗
the hindenberg wasn't the first dirigible to ignite or crash
but it was the first one with footage distributed to the world
it wasn't even the worst

having real footage of stuff versus just hearing about it is a massive difference in public reception
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I think it is one of the worst if not the worst in terms of casualties
i believe i've heard otherwise but my memory is a little confused sometimes
i dont have time to fact check atm though
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naw I was wrong, it is top4
with uss akron being worst
>oh the humanity
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But anyhow, amusingly it is not oft the first, best or worsts that get remembered
but the ones with most publicity
be it say first flight vs first flight recorded on camera
or a disaster like hindenburg
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Artificial light is woefully inadequate.
Kirara 🚗
learn to see in the dark
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I could be wrong but you don't usually wear stockings and a garterbelt with your swimsuit do you
fake photons just aren't the same
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I can, but that's not really the issue.
I normally don't.
Kirara 🚗
If you can see in the dark, what's the problem?
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Darkness is depressing.
Then turn on a light.
And take vitamin D supplements.
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Artificial light is depressing too.
Nothing can beat the real thing.
Kirara 🚗
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Come live in the forest with me, where there won't be any artificial lights!
They have special lamps set up to be similar to sunlight that help with depression.
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No lamp is sufficient to replace the sun.
Lamps are so tiny.
The sun is important.

The forest won't make the sun set any later.
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sun is overrated
Kirara 🚗
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We'll use fire.
The sun is scary.
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Fire isn't much better than aritifial light.
Nothing can light up the sky.
You can't beat a summer afternoon.
a nuke can light up the sky
Nukes can
So can forest fires.
Kirara 🚗
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Fire can light up the sky.
and meteorites
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If you build a fire that big, you wouldn't have a forest to go back to.
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah you would.
The forest of the charred.
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You'd need to burn down the whole forest for one night of good light.
Big forests don't burn that quickly. Cause they're
You know
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (933 KB, 681x1000, Estelle1.jpg)
burn the forest to the ground
This is a dumb argument though so I'm done.
Kirara 🚗
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im touched that you have such faith in my stubbornness and obnoxiousness

no, it'll be fine
Look, if you really want to light up the sky, I'll let you bring a flare gun.
I'll leave it to Rika and Kirara
They're more than enough
Rika and Kirara have the best discussions on moe by far
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light the sky with hamburgers
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I think you're kind of underestimating the sun here.
The sun is really strong here. I never knew that the sun could be so bright coming from England
especially more than once a month
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (370 KB, 1024x1024, Skorpion_costume1.png)
You're overestimating the sun.

If you ever visit Florida, you'll learn how much of a deadly laser the sun really is.
You also I think have high humidty.
I don't think I'd survive.
I'd die
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No, you're totally underestimating the sun.
I said I like it bright and you suggest I sue a flare gun?
That's like not even close to being sufficient.
Flare guns are super bright, I don't know what kind of brightness you are seeking, flares can damage your eyes
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 885x1254, 63517534_p0.jpg)
Have you never used a flare gun?
You're underestimating them.

I'll keep you safe.
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They don't get rid of all the darkness, and they only light things up for a little wihle.
They're totally weak compared to the sun.

The sun will damage your eyes
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (593 KB, 1000x1415, 48739752 - METO (メト) - バレンタインデーの楓さん.jpg)
I shine brighter than the sun, so you'll just have to settle for me!
I'll brighten up your whole life! Kyun! ♥️
Dazzle the stage
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I don't really think you're a sufficient replacement for the sun either, sorry.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 274x197, 1500632995712.jpg)
You're not sorry.
You're a lost cause if you aren't satisfied with my brightness!

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i need an adult

so, my phone is just a brick right now
won't power on, won't even boot loop or access the restore settings
i need a new phone

can i just buy a new phone on amazon, have it delivered, and activate service from that? do i need to go to a service center and have them do something? there's definitely a way i can just switch to that phone myself and not have to go out into the public world, right?
From what I have experienced.
I can take out the sim, go to the website of the service I used and said I want keep my old phone number.
it takes a few minutes of the sim being in the new phone and it works.

But thats a English sim.
I had get a new phone and I had to get a new sim but keep my number so I got a new sim and the website let me transfer my number over
Search [iqdb] (640 KB, 500x833, 1496617988816.png)
Depends on your plan. It would probably be best to go to the phone store and you can probably get it cheaper that way.
I see now that you don't want to, though.
I don't know how to do it without going to the phone store.

Well you just can't do the stuff the sun does.
i dont wanna go to the phone store
it's scary
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i do need to, like, buy a phone that's manufactured for that service provider though right?
like they come pre-designated for the service provider unless i pay more for an unlocked one?
do i just plop the sim in and it's good to go or do i have to like activate it with the phone's serial number or something
how do i even get the sim card out it does not seem possible
it seems like they dont want you to be able to do that
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1024x1024, Carcano_M91∕38.png)
You can buy an unlocked phone online, which will work with a SIM from anyone.

You can usually just plop the SIM in, but sometimes you do have to go to the store. AT&T will make you go to a store for activation.

What kind of phone do you have? You should be able to get the SIM out.
You may be able to order a new phone from your provider's website, and they'd send a phone and new SIM. You'd have to call a number and respond to some robo prompts to activate it.
What your provider?
I've never had to go in a store but my experience isn't useful because I've only used a single provider in the UK.
where everything is online and doesn't have a store
at&t, lg g4
i really dont have very much money to spend and a new g4 is like 80 bucks on amazon, but it looks like it's not quick to get here
idk i really dont want to be spending 80 bucks at all but i guess i have to
i work so hard to barely scrape by and i hate having to waste money like this
I found this:!/wireless/KM1001034
You can use:
to activate online activate it online I think.
I don't know enough, it sucks that your phone fucked up.
thank you for the help!
idk i'm really bad at making decisions i dont know whether i should just get a replacement g4 and stay minimal or waste money to just get a contract plan with a good phone (doing per-month non contract billing now)

i really want a mattress and/or a chair so i don't want to waste the money i worked hard to save on somethin that'll just end up breakin in a few years anyway and just get a replacement temporarily instead
They have a sim card thing!/interactive/id/interactive_1500004093?make=LG&model=G4H810

I think its the same model you are taking about LG G4?
If it helps. I don't get a monthly because I rarely use my phone for heavy use, so I control how much money I put on it, it might cheaper for contract if you use it a lot.
I use a pay as you go sim and just put money on when I want. I only replace my phone when it breaks.
I kind of regret getting my current phone because I realised you can't remove the battery - I don't know how common that is now because I rarely replace my phone but if the battery dies
I hate that I have to replace the whole phone instead of getting a new battery
Sealed in batteries have become more commonplace. It can be rough to find a phone that doesn't have one like that.
There's an argument for them, since it can help prevent water damage to the phone if you don't have parts like that can be opened up.
Of course plenty of people will tell you it's only to let the manufacturers move more phones.
Fuck I split my nail testing if could remove the back cover my phone.
I keep being told its built in obsolescence
I would be inclined to disagree that it's just that.
The reality I see most feasible is they were designing the phone and realized "hey, we can improve the waterproofing on the phone AND contribute to planned obsolescence".

Really though, bar manufacturing errors, most phones have pretty decent batteries in this day and age.
If you're not stupid about overcharging the battery, you can keep your phone for a good four or five years at least without the battery dropping into "annoyingly low max charge" territory.
And warranties will usually cover the manufacturing errors that result in an early dead battery.
i think you probably don't have to be worried about replacing your phone because of a weak battery anytime soon.
I really feel for you moon, I hate having to spend money on something when I want to save for other things.
I feel really shitty when something has to be replaced
thank you, sorry, i was just venting a bit
it's not a major drama that needs empathy or anything sorry for overemphasizing it
really just wanted to know whether i can just buy a new phone and have it shipped so i dont have to go do things in public
i can do that but it causes such high anxiety on me and even if it's just a 30-minute thing, it drains my whole day's energy and i can't do anything else
it's so overstimulating to be in public and doing errands
and i'm really indecisive in general so being in an overstimulated situations and having to make decisions often ends in poor decisions being made because i'm anxious and can't think straight
i've become such a hikki
I didn't mean to dramatise it, It just struck a chord with me because I don't like going to stores and dealing with people no matter how quick and short it is.
and spending money when you don't have a lot is stressful too. I wish I knew more about american phones to help you a bit more but I basically picked my phone online had it ordered and
picked a service provider who were entirely online so I could everything from my room and that it was cheap too of course
Your a lot like me in these circumstances.
Kirara 🚗
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i don't really like to go do shit where i have to interact with strangers unless it's like an activist thing
the worst part is, yeah, i could go to an AT&T store and check their options
but i wouldn't even be able to cross-reference from my phone to see what cheaper prices i could get the same devices for online

phone stores are especially a pain point because, for some reason, they're always freaking packed with the worst kind of people
people who obsess over their phone and are doin like four conversations while checking out new wares
and the people who work at them tend to be really... i dont know the word
they think everyone loves technology as much as them
but the only technology they know is commercial communication devices

i've never had a pleasant experience at one of those stores, and i've very many times had experiences i would describe as moderately to severely unpleasant
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It is done
For me the pressure selling of goods is unpleasant, I don't want to deal with someone questioning everything I ask.
Just give me a phone, give me a sim and tell me what I need to know and let me leave
I don't want to have to turn down deal after deal and be persuaded about models of phones
got a goblet of green tea and some sausages
life is good
What kind of sausages?
Kirara 🚗
idk but they're moderately spicy
chicken sausages apparently
i don't get why people make sauages spicy, it makes them hard to eat
Gween tea flavoured sausages
Kirara 🚗
cawfee sawsafes
You could really ask that of any spicy food though.
tru, but i feel like some textures pair up well with spice
like i like my bbq chicken wings pretty hot
but sasuage is too pulpy and juicy
they're best sweet like kelbasa

>like i like
i am a brain genius
tryna find the name of someone who has a phd within a certain organization in a certain city so im googling that organization/city with "doctor" and google prioritizes medical doctors in the vicinity or directions from that organization to a doctor
because anyone who's googling doctor must be wanting to find a clinic they can go to right??
Kirara 🚗
i realized the other day that if Google thinks im misspelling something, it doesn't let me tell them i typed in exactly what i wanted to
it just corrects it
i was looking for the size of insulin one day and it was only giving me results for volumetric injection amounts for insulin
like that's not at all what i asked
Kirara 🚗
i hate google
Kirara 🚗
one of my colleagues is going to go backpacking in costa rica in august
maybe i should go
Sounds pretty fun.
I'd like to packback through some parts of the world.
Kirara 🚗
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i kinda want to go but idk how much i trust her
like i can trust her not to get me killed and stuff and she'd be a good backpacking companion but idk if i trust her to keep /// watch my back
Yeah, I can see that.
There's some people that I'd rather go on my lonesome than go with them.
Kirara 🚗
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i like her, i wouldn't mind doing it with her really
but i have these ptsd safety things and like
idk how to explain it, someone like jan, i can trust him to have my back no matter what
like if bullets are flying, i know he's going to be there with me and i feel like together, we could make it out of almost anything
if im in another country for the first time, backpacking, i need it to be with someone i have that kind of connection with to feel safe
I've been around you long enough to get that.
But I definitely don't have the PTSD-induced safety concerns, even if I can empathize on a paranoia level kinda.
But on a travel partner level the only limit to my comfort of being with them is whether or not I can handle being with them.
Drawing a parallel between stuff I experience and stuff other people experience is how I handle understanding other people's perception about things because I've long since given up on "oh I'm the exact same way" being immediately available.
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, I get it, haha

I guess I might feel comfortable if I knew more what she was capable of
She wanted me to start going to Synagogue with her
maybe i should take her up on that
That would be good.

some people can change personalities drastically when they're travelling, i wouldn't want to go to another country with anyone but a really close friend or a signifigant other
not for safety concerns or that typa stuff, but because people can become asshats when they're in new circumstances
Something like backpacking or a trip where I'm closely involved with other people, I think I'd be pretty choosy on who I travel with.
But I'm comfortable travelling with relative strangers. When I was travelling in Japan, I spent a lot of time with people I had barely even interacted with online and never in person before.
It might have risked being pretty awful but it turned out all right.
For every person who's miserable while travelling, I'd like to bank on there being at least one who's still an enthusiastic and enjoyable person.
when it's a group it's kinda different because you're all there for kind of the same reason and there's some social buffer
and you met them through the travel directly
it's a little different to agree with a stranger to go on a trip with them
like when i was roadtripping, i knew doc lived in vegas (i didnt know him well at the time) so im just like, "Hey you live in vegas wanna hang out when i pass through" and it was pretty cool
but i wouldn't have been like, "hey im takin a road trip want me to pick you up in vegas on my way to california"

i did ask noy that though when i was p drunk because i was going to a conference in the area and got a deservedly unpleasant response though haha
Well that sounds a little similar to what I meant talking about being closely involved.
Though yeah, being in a group helps intrinsically dilute it.
I don't think I'd roadtrip, at least a road trip that's more than just a half-day of driving, or backpack with someone I wasn't already closely familiar with.
is this maware maware girl?
also hello moes.
Kirara 🚗
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Another problem is that going on a backpacking trip with a lady may not be appropriate
Without Fish's approval at least
I don't think it is
Yeah I figured permission would need to be granted along those lines.
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
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I think the best thing about exploring a new place is err

I think new places are best explored with close friends
I don't rude but
Honestly if my gf was pregnant I wouldn't go anywhere
I wouldn't say it's wrong or something like that and it's of course something you two should talk about, but it might be best to stick around with herher. Being pregnant can't be easy

Kirara 🚗
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What do you mean?
The first trimester of pregnancy isn't that difficult. There is some occasional feelings of sickness, but generally, it's not problematic.
And I don't have a high expectation that Fish will be home by August.
isn't it hard carrying a baby around? Doesn't it involve a lot of emotional stress
I'm not a pregnancy expert
Huh maybe it's not an issue then
Kirara 🚗
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in, like, the last trimester, yeah
and towards the end of the second
but it's not emotionally stressful for most of it
I mean, it can be, depending on environmental factors.

Me being away for like a week wouldn't be an issue, probably.
I don't really want to be away from her, though.
Kirara 🚗
>Indonesian Woman Swallowed Whole By 23-Foot Python
Kirara 🚗
>“When they cut open the snake’s belly they found Tiba’s body still intact with all her clothes,” said the village chief, Faris. “She was swallowed first from her head.”
Big snakes are scary shit.
They don't even need venom to be a threat to things.
Kirara 🚗
there's a video of them cutting open the snake and unexpectedly finding tiba
this is the worst unboxing video ive ever seen
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
>Grandma strangles rabid bobcat with her bare hands
google is recommending me lots of interesting news today
I bet if you look through the comments on that snake article some vore fetishist will have commented "God I wish that was me"
Kirara 🚗
oh she's fucking 46
calling her grandma
you fucking bastards clickbaited me
Kirara 🚗
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alright bye bye
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
see you later bye
bye bye
She's still a grandma wow
Italian Elon Musk was a gift.
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Murder was the case that they gave me
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anime >>521874 →
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oh no the jam's going everywhere
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Its hot!

I have forgone my cleaniness for comfort
Kirara 🚗
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Six posts since midnight. Impressive.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
is that you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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p5 collab has finally started
More like
Slow eh?
Kirara 🚗
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lmao ICE is releasing official stuff with a picture of a guy with a white supremacist tattoo and calling him a hero

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>Joker can inflict coma
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he asks a piercing question
Kirara 🚗
jordan peterson is denying climate change now lol
cancer really does spread
Kirara 🚗
the plants are gonna liberate themselves
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Fucker of a plant
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But seriously
gardening and farming will eventually accidentally breed a so powerful and fast spreadinf weed, that it will consume the globe
forexample a dandelion that also spreads by root sprouts
that would be a nightmare
nettle is already a nightmare to get ridoff
or this guy
it takes root in your yard, only way to get rid off it is to dig up 1-2metres of soil and replace it
Kirara 🚗
can't wait for plants that just plant their seeds under the skin and just turn all life into plant food

it's horrifying isn't it
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please dont
that is prolly only thing I am 100% afraid of
which is why the ruins is my favourite horror novel
the movie is a good one too
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But honestly speaking, there is a reason why such plants don't exist
only things that do spread to living organism and use them as either outright "growing platform" or also "means to spread" are fungi
plants are too complicated for them to evolve naturally atleast like that
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and cordysepts, the nightmare stuff, are limited to insects
And masturbation. Apparently
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basically the same thing
i dont get it, is it a translation of the japanese?
its a bad google translation
So it's the masturbation skill that can inflict coma, huh?
Absolutely fascinating
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so does he do it or does he make other people do it and then they fall into coma?
They see his "dream needle" and faint from laughing too hard
cause the latter would be quite fucking OP ability
or they fall into coma because it is so girthy
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people who eat shrimp and crab are evil
what the fuck
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I eat shrimp and crab and am evil
can confirm
also that is not "make friends" that is
"can I nom this?"
nom nom
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Cancer season coming up, we're all gonna make it
b b b b b ang
ur all gay
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b b b b b ang
i want a "move i'm gay" shirt
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You so fuckin' precious when you smile
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Your smile is so precious I will cut it off your face
and lock it in a safe
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I'm so fuckin' happy you're alive
happy fucking you alive
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Kirara 🚗
>border patrol gets triggered by cbs
Kirara 🚗
the more pertinent joke would be that they admit they are looking people in cages, but would prefer that they aren't cages
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Jails are cages
and movable jails especially so
what I am thinking is, that the original report framed it so they treated them like animals and they wanted to, reasonably so, rebuke that
Kirara 🚗
these are children locked into small areas separated by chain link fences
and border control is treating them like animals, yesterday a bunch of lawmakers had to basically break into a border patrol facility because they were being kept from it, and the kids were all in cages, barely eating, nobody was changing infant diapers, etc
but really best way to tackle illegal immigration is to make legal immigration much easier
ofc by now it is a good question, do they just hunt anyone who recently arrive from mexico
or just fence hoppers
or "overstayes their tourist visa2
Kirara 🚗
yeah, but they don't actually care about illegal immigration
they care about Hispanic people
that's why they're also going after Hispanic permanent residents of the US
but what can they do to them aside detain them illegally?
you can't deport a legal residence
>this house is illegal, we shall deport it to canada
Kirara 🚗
detain them illegally, yeah
well, it's technically not illegal, even though it's illegal
Kirara 🚗
it's against the law but they're allowed to do it anyway
people are getting harassed and shit
people that are at US courts working on their legal immigration are being arrested by ICE lol
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I, for one, am very pleased that the debate is focused on whether non-citizens are to be treated as animals
That's a good debate to see, because it's positive to have this fucking discussion
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it would be fun to see the whole decision making process that lead to the border control acting as it does
or was it just "hey boys we got a not handed tht we have free hands to do anything we please, YEEHAW"
Kirara 🚗
ICE put out an advertisement with a guy they called a "hero" who had a white supremacist tattoo
pretty easily visible
i think i know about their decision making process
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Did they ever translate that whole greek tat?

And yeah the decision making process of ICE isn't exactly difficult to pinpoint lol
Kirara 🚗
no, can't see the whole thing
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Mm, but i am more thinking about on the pathway to them
it is still a government organisation, right?
That's basically the same process
Kirara 🚗
oh, well, it was established in 2003
along with the patriot act and stuff, back when they abolished privacy and stuff
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And every president has used it quite heavily since then.
But I am thinking about the current decision memo
did the big wigs go with actual "nap everyone hispanic"
or just "here's more funding and a get out of the jail free card"
Kirara 🚗
yeah, especially obama
the new stuff is just an extension of obama's policy
they were told to be more aggressive in finding undocumented immigrants but that's it afaik
cause to me the "Yeehaw" seems more likely
that seems so much like an organisation that attracts quite specific types of people.
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You watched the same election race we did, TN
yes and he said build a wall and nap the illegals
currently they seem to be taking anyone who is hispanic, damn their status of documents
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It would appear, TN, that the call for stronger enforcement on illegal immigrants was intended to, and effectively did, communicate a different message than the literal meaning
Perhaps it is linked to his other political points
Oh trump is a nazi yes yes and he wants to gas the blacks and hispanics
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The reality is that Trump is, with the support of his base, doing something which was certainly not the literal meaning of his words, and yet you completely dismiss the very possibility that he could have intended and communicated a meaning other than the literal meaning.
yes, but instead of jumping to conclusions that "it is all as planned and it is nazism"
I am thinking, is it just an organisations of fuckheads gone out of control due to incompetence
wouldn't be the first time that has happened
and most definitely won't be the last time
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If you simply assume that a magical mechanism within government to which none of us are privy did the thing, then why even bother trying to analyse the situation.
what the hell are yoy even saying
Kirara 🚗
i think it's more likely that there are a lot of white supremacists in government just because that's how it is and they now have opportunities to do little things, which are all adding up
i think trump does whatever the last person he talked to says
trump's hate is probably just him mirroring the hate from those around him, the parasites that have their little tendrils wrapped around everything
but what I am saying I doubt any big wig said "nap all hips"
but rather border control taking that stance
after gettign free hands
or some lower lvel guy switching messages
Yes yes world is a white supremacist global conspiracy
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They don't need to, TN
Kirara 🚗
well yeah
ICE has always attracted racists so all they had to do is give ICE more power, and they'll do what they do
obama was the one that started that power expansion and was probably unaware of or didn't care about what they were doing
What you're literally saying is you doubt they gave the order, and when I say they didn't need to (as in, literally the situation NECESSARY for it to be happenign without them giving the order, YOUR CLAIM) you make me out to be a fucking nutcase

This is why I never take you seriously on this shit
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cause this is what I think
and also that on the higher levels it is simply
1) willfull ignorance as in "we don't want to stop them cause we endorse them
2) actual ignorance as in incompetence
3) partisanship, willfully not stopping thinking it would make them seem weak, despite seeing the damage they are doing
and most likely a combination of all three
>ever attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
is a good line to live by
Kirara 🚗
something to keep in mind is that this is all systemic
it's a rot that is afflicting all parts of the system
one person can't be responsible for all of the evil
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corruption allowed systemic racism I guess
since they breaking the law
But nothing ofc is done about it, as in USA rule of law only applies when required
but that isn't just the current regime, but just proof of rot that has existed for ages
Kirara 🚗
yeah, it's been like this forever
and that leaves you witht wo options really when there is that much rot
to bring it all down to the foundations and rebuild, faster, but a lot more painful
or to slowly and systematically over a period of time clean it up and then keep it aired

eitherway, it can always just rot again if not constantly kept in good condition
Kirara 🚗
gotta tear it down
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that is the big fundamental difference between people
do they want slow costing in manpower and money/resources process
a quick change that will cost in actual lives, not to mention most likely completely overturning of the economy
One has less chance of radically changing the society into something that barely it resembles, but can just eventually bog down and never really accomplish anything
fight against corruption is afterall an eternal fight
the other well will succeed in its goal quite easily once set upon, but what comes after?
Even if you have a clear vision of the future, that vision can easily be hijacked and changed into something alien, be it violently from you or once you and your cohort pass away
Nation building is quite much like gardening when you think about it
it needs constant care or it will run wild and be filled with stuff you don't want it to be filled
and at some point
you will need to just tear it all down, dig up the soil and replace it
but that is just proof of never taking care of it
even if you do successfully tear it down and rebuild it, if in the first place no one had the interest to keep it tidy and "orderly"
why would the next iteration not just end up having to be scorched?
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The cool thing about the Nier InGame OST Rip is that I can overlay the lyrics onto anything.
I don't have to do isolations because it already is.
I'll probably find something cool to do that to later.
For now, I need... Samurai Flamenco OPs
is that a thicc kkokoro or is that thimbmail playng tricks on me
maybe you should clicc and find out
just finished up a huge work day
or a work two-days?
hi moe
but work
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I guess you'll have to wait
Morning Moon
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good evening and good night! ive been up a really long time
though im not sure i can get to sleep right now
i'll probably zonk tf out soon
worked almost 26 hours straight, took a couple one-hour breaks
im sure i'll be feelin it in the mornin
or, uh, night or whenever
Wait, do I get a +4 in Arena Assault for being Tier 20 or is this something else happening?
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i think they added somethikng maybe
i never really got amon tobin that much
i thought foley room was pretty good, but his style always crawled a little too slow for me
i // if i was feeling that i'd just go with matmos or something and dig that full experience
killer's vanilla was pretty lingering though, it stuck with me
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If you started from Chaos Theory, literally anyting else in his discohraphy will make the emotions pour in.

ISAM is still my most secret guilty pleasure.
Also, this is for you.

thanks i'll listen to it after >>>/watch?v=a21zHR8Y1_Q
i had to pull it up
for amon tobin bein fairly low on my list (still a list of artists i admire), this one still hits near the tops of individual tracks
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My Cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack
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have you heard spines
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Nah, is it this punk style rock I'm hearing rn on soundclout or are they someone else
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it's ryan mcneely

just one track i been postin it a lot lately
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I actually did hear that when I was on one of my drunken music binges
I love that style of synth cause it's like some old-school videogame stuff
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i could go for one of those about now
holy tits Overlord 3 is next season
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>memory stealing prison
this is actually a quite nasty concept
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Memory deleting technology is sorely needed.
All that unnecessary trauma and emotional scarring, gone with a click.
just make it gone with a dick instead
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Woulda done that a loooooong time ago if that was an option
I just need to suffer for 17 more years until the tech becomes commercialized
Kirara 🚗
prob wouldn't work with trauma memories
i can mail you mine
i dont use it anymore
>get pstd symtpoms but don't remember why
Kirara 🚗
trauma memories aren't coded into memory storage like normal memories
you have to restart the processing for them
then they code properly
at that point, no point in erasing them
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>breakinto random interrogation room
>start doing high kicks while to be interrogated guy just watches
>no dialog
>no nothing
>just me high kicking and him watching
the implications
what kind of WEIRD interrogation techniques do they use?
also interrogation?
When you have memory draining technology...
Kirara 🚗
Glad to know my coffin will be in a museum.
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Blaze it kirara
if they want me to be polite tot hem, they should stop being dicks to me
in what way do you mean they're coded unlike normal memories
i feel like they're there but with a higher energy activation, like a greater encryption barrier, but they're not otherwise different
idk if that's what you mean or not
a little vague i guess

kinda like you have to be really fuckin hungry to excite the instincts enough to open the cupboards above the sink instead of just opening the fridge to look for food
but instead of food it's horror
Kirara 🚗
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coded may not have been a good word

normal memories are processed through the amygdala and then more-or-less stored elsewhere
traumatic memories remain in the amygdala, they don't finish processing
they just sit there until you do something that triggers processing again

that's why EMDR works
it triggers re-processing of the memory that's stuck in the amygdala so that it can be stored normally

the most successful non-EMDR therapies work by forcing the person to manually re-process the memory, by constantly going through it over, and over
but traumatic memories are never gone for good, even if they get re-processed and stored properly, the impact that they have in your amygdala doesn't go away, so there's always sort of a traumatic residue left

that's the major theory right now, at least, based on lots of brain scans and other evidence
there's a lot of evidence for it
i should get an amygdala transplant
mine is so fucked up
the words traumatic and residue combined leave a particular trauma in one's mind
Kirara 🚗
luckily that's not a clinical term and just my own brain residue
clinical terms have a tendency not to rhyme with any dependency
Kirara 🚗
the effects of social alienation and non-communal living are strikingly devastating when you think about it
>new album from DJ Hurty Bones and MC Crushed Soul goes platinum, promoting the newest and hottest beats from the psych-hop scene
we should call up a neurosurgeon and ask about an amygdala transplant
we're both consenting adults
worst case scenario we both die
Kirara 🚗
sounds like we can't lose
if there's actual neural blockading going on in the amygdala that sounds conducive to seizures
i imagine that the relative brain is used to diffusing the signals safely, effectively ignoring them and redirecting anxiety
anxiety in the physiological context that is
i frequently wonder about why i don't have seizure issues now despite having them much worse in the past, under arguably worse chemical pressures and less mental stress
you'd think the activation threshold would be met easier, especially given the rekindling aspect of seizures and greater sensitivity to them

i have to postulate that it's because my brain has resolved a lot of pathways for diluting overwhelming stress
emotionally i'm still just as sensitive to it, but physiologically there's more room to place the excess flow
probably at the cost of my memory
xxxtentacion was shot and killed today
hours ago supposedly
looks like he's in critical condition according to the media
eye witnesses said he had no pulse though
Kirara 🚗
that's probably what i'd guess too
my memory for little things, like, where i parked, and shit
i pretty much totally lost that like two years ago when i started to learn to function again

fucking rip
i'm the other way around
my functional memory is extremely acute, more so than i am comfortable with
whole chapters of my life though are buried
i can recall them given the right stimuli, but unprovoked it's not even close enough to the top hierarchically for me to organizationally consider or recognize
but given my identity issues that's probably symptomatic and expected
it's super easy and lightweight to shed history and live in the present
i wonder if bein happy is a traumatic memory bc i sure af can't remember that
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babes in the shell
>my firs t is second when countign them all
>numbers from 0-9
>so it should be 1
>it was 2
well the guy was a retard
pronounced deceased at 5:40pm est
Kirara 🚗
oh, he got shot in south florida
sounds like he was askin for it
i never really get anything i ask for
little envious tbh
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I bet he beat up some niggas baby mama and got marked for that
Kirara 🚗
ikr same
is that the guy from death grips?
Kirara 🚗
no, that's mc ride
this is a white dude that beat the shit out of a pregnant woman and also a gay guy and like, tampered with evidence, and shit
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...oh wow
Kirara 🚗
It is pretty humid today.
Always makes the city smell interesting, to say the least.
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everything is so fucked
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hello hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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hello hello
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>go scout ahead before checking on destination
>fight happens
>game skips ahead in story and SKIPS the previous thing I wanted to listen thing and would have had to puzzle through
good coding there french
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The only good thing about Remember Me is the story.
It's fucking bugged to shit and unfinished.
Like every other game made after 2015.
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>discover who your parents are while rewriting your mother's memories
yeah it at times is quite solid, but at other times it just is clunky
be it hiding collectibles in supposible TENSE HIGH PACE MOMENTS
like what the fuck, me going to look for these COMPLETELY RUIN THE PACE OF THE STORY
not to mention the combat is either too easy, but kinda fun
or just "ugh"
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If someone's gonna make a game with all melee combat, the least they could do is give you multiple fucking weapons
or atleast more than 2 button combos, that sometimes just don't respond
with dodge sytem that is at best half working
with only sometimes the game allowing you to resume the combos post dodging
and if you knockout an enemy with a combo
that combo ends there
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Oh, no wonder it's unfinished.
It's made by like some really small studio.
Can't really blame them for fucking up the gameplay front, but I doubt any investments will come in due to how the game was recieved
I bet capcom pushed for early release, though
it would easily be a 8/10 or 9/10 if the platforming was more interesting
the combat flowed better, though the super abilities are fun
if they used that rewriting memories MORE
and if the hidden collectibles were well
just better placed in the environment
and also locking your background story and character bios, stuff that the player WANTS to know to get better immersion, as really obscure collectibles is a dousche move imo.
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I do like her ability to rewrite memories.
That could be such a powerful tool in any hands.
And humanity hasn't even written something powerful about this ability yet.

Yeah I think it's about a 5/10.
The importnant thing about games is the actual gameplay front
And it suffered a lot in that regard
I'd say 6,5/10 if you forgive the occasional bugs
like audio bugs and shit
and also since I am doing french audio, which is actually somewhat good I don't ahve to suffer through that shitty english voice acting
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but really just in today's session I had to reload twice, once an entire chapter from the beginning due to game just bugging out
and now I had tor eload another chapter due to me missing a story part
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Studio dubs are always trash
Best to stick to the main language the game was produced in I say
Metro Last Light in Russian was fucking intense
metro is great in russian, but too bad it has the same issue as this game
the subs are kinda...
well they aren't bad, but they are badly implemented
too quick
or too small
or the cutting is odd, like having entire screen wide text, but then just one word sometimes
and then ofc, never having random ambient dialog subbed
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Meh I don't read that shit anyway.
I just listen to the brutal emotion and intensity of the Russian audio
Plus the game on Ranger never gave me a break to think
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I just took the game at snail pace and sneaked through good bulk of the encounters
or stealth sniped with the air weapons
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I still think it's the most immersive FPs in existence
Something about sneaking through a military base full of reds or nazis then fucking up somewhere along the line and just going for a full bloody shootout
Brings me back to the thief days
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Also russian is a quite simple language so you can easily start to pick some dialog out
so it was sometimes fun to just camp at the neo-commie or nazi camps
and listen them talking about random shit
>you could make the commies and nazies re-engage their conflict
I dunno how you could do it, or rather don't remember
but you could do it
made it damn amusing
where do you get that he's white?
regarding beating up a homosexual, you realize that was in jail when the homosexual in question was attempting to force intercourse on him as a minor?
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I never finished 2033, though
I hadn't used the last chance to buy more ammo, so I did the last few chapters with practically 0 ammo
due to NOT STILL USING the money ammo on enemies
and then my mask got cracked in the very final chapter and
it checkpoint reloaded me so I just spawned each time only to suffocate in 2 minutes
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I think all you needed to do was headshot one of them.

The money ammo was the only way to kill demons and librarians, though.
And I wasnted to purify the earth from these disgusting monstrosities.
I hated the gorilla monsters
the harder difficulties aren't scaled properly btw with the monsters
the monsters take about same amount of damage as they do in others, while human enemies and you drop like flies to any bullet
but these fuckers
naw they still take entire clips to put down
clips you don't have in ranger
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I bet living in a radioactive wasteland for a dozen years makes you hardy as fuck.
Speaking of bullet sponges I'm playing the division rn
The intro will probably happen within our lifetimes
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but remember me just reminds me of a badly done prince of persia clone
with badly done devil may cry wanna be combat
or arkham asylum clone combat
they have "combo crafting"
but you have what 3 combo templtes
that you can just fit in with stuff
not really craft combos...
why not give just FULL customability on the kicks and punches
and it would have been much more interesting system
also ability to properly switch from target to target is fucking necessary for a beatemup/hacknslash game
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but really the library level in 33 felt just so badly designed compared tot he rest of the game
Made me relive all the horror that was Fear2's hard mode...
fucking 5 GIANT METAL BOLTS THROUGH HEAD and guy is "nah I am fine"
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I think it was designed that way on purpose.
To make you hate all of the monsters.
Yeah but I'm used to clearing room to room shit cmon I played Rainbow 6 black arrow for real
designed to be fucking annoying and hate the game and everything it stands for?
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but fear 2 was one of those
>so how do we make this game harder?
>I know let's give AI aimbot, double their hitpoints and make them know precisely each time when you are reloading
fear1 had good difficulty scaling
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That's like FEAR 1 on Insanity.
I literally couldn't get past that one office level cause there was 5 guys that spawn right in front of the helicopter spraying me down every reload
And they also had that one cannon that disintegrates your entire body into a skeleton
dope gun imo
it was super fun on the hardest mode
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I played the game pretty much with shotgun and never tried a difficulty than the hardest
it takes bit learning, but you have your OP timeslow and melee attacks which are one shot to all but the big guys so
and the AI doesn't get that much bullet spongier, rather they just become more accurate and actually smarter when you rank the difficulty
though the damage you take does become bit insane at times
But in fear 2 all the hard mod does is
bullet sponges
and I really mean that
5 penetrator shots in the head
and they were degenerate unarmoured clones, that had no helmets
and they kept spawning in random locations all over the train
sometimes right next to you
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That's every game made after 2012.
Devs can't make the actual AI intelligent, so they settle for aimbots and 20x the HP
It's rather sad.
It seems to me like the take a mathematical equation to a harder difficulty just so they can expend less effort.
Fucking Rainbow six vegas AI and Halo 3 AI were off tha charts
Mad fun and you had to think against them
But now, it's just bullet sponge city.
This si why I play online multiplayer a lot lol
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yeah but that is the weird thing
fear 2still had good part of the stuff that made the enemies so fun in fear 1
but for somereason they had no idea how to make harder difficulties well fun to play
and bullet sponges are 100% antifun
you should get that even from test groups and whatever shit studies the game devs use
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also get
#8ball (Can you repeat the question)
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Postal 2 has in my opinion one of the most amusing difficulty scalings
it does increase enemy hp and your damage taken a bit
but what it actually just does is
>gives everyone a small arsenal of weapons that can take down a country
can't go kick your neighbour's face when he pulls out a rocket launcher
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That brings me back to the pedestrians have guns cheat in GTA.
Come on, those were nights well wasted
It's like actual USA anarchy on the streets, everyone pulling out their AK's and M9's to shoot each other the fuck up.
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>press K
>grenade suicide
>watch through game over screen as everyone in the streets starts a battle royale to kill each other
>sneak sniper someone dead
>watch as anarchy explodes
>dress up as cop and attack people
>watch as army+cop vs civilians war erupts started by you
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are you asleep
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Oh yeah
Remember me also bit reminded me of Alan Wake
not in that alan wake was bugged or shit, but rather both of them kinda fall apart on the dullness and repetiveness of the gameplay quite quick
I mean even if RM had fluid combat and no bugs
it would still get quite dull quite quick
and AW had tht problem
it didn't make out in the survival horror fashion, as all you had was bullets, batteries and health items
and not really in so rare or "every shot counts" fashion that would make it intense or hard
but rather just annoying most of time
A solid game, but just really lacking in variety to keep the gameplay interesting
ofc game was interesting enough thanks to good plot and characters
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The environment carried me though that game.
Fuck I wanna live somewhere where the darkness is welcoming
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Basically the darkness and spookiness and good plot/writing got you through it
but if the gameplay had also been hooking, it would have easily been a second max payne
instead of a forgotten 3d horror game
look in 4D
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
buh buh buh buh buh bubs
wonder what happened to that quantum something remedy game
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Quantum Break kinda fullfilled that desire
It gave you a nice set of abilitys to move around the battlefield and clear enemies with skill rather than just power spam
But I think they fucked off on that series cause of Control.
Which I will be playing the fuck out of
i need someone who will look in 4D
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Haha I always guessed it would fall because of the tacked on series
I guess with the "what if we make alan wake seem like a tv series"
and then "what if for our next game we go full in that direction?"
I mean it might have worked, but...
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Yeah a whole chunk of the entire community had a problem with the netflix shit.
But I got to see more of my boys Lance Reddick and Adien Gillen so I was cool with it
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but something you gotta give to remember me, are the character animations
they look damn good, even the enemies
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nobody wants to help me find d
rook would help me find d i // if he was here
He's not white.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
good taste in image
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Literally someone could make a shrine to every single pixiv picture that I post.
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Well two things
One cause I have amazing taste
and two because the machine goddess accepts any and all idols towards her praise
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>machine goddess
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I dream abot the beings that lurk within the endless eternal darkness od space.
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Concept of omnissiah is herecy enough, but the martians are weird
but to say "machine goddess"
that will get you a visit from the inquisitors
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No organic being can
i dunno where i was going with this but let's just say there's a dyson spehere ot there on any star
literally leagues of technology farther than anything we've even come close to.
SOmething must control that
also I'm going mad incoherent rn so imma dip
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and that something is me
Apparently Kurt Eichenwald wrote a book about Enron.
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Why do people have to try and absolve someone that has already been punished?
Reality has already run it's course...
Kirara 🚗
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when do you wanna look in 4D
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
The professor for my non-fiction class has been really hokey throughout the semester.
It's been kind of entertaining but it's been hard to take him seriously.
I googled it
That's a good word
hokier than kirara's prof who does the philosophy finger puppets?
I remember seeing someone on tv whose last name is Hickey.
I wouldn't consider the finger puppets alone to be hokey.
A bit silly, but maybe the material being talked about is serious and acceptable.
But this guy - my professor, I mean - is really, really passionate about psychoanalysis and applies it to pretty much everything we've read or watched for the class.
I understand the field is a domain of psychology but the way it's applied as a lens for examining media makes it feel a lot more like philosophy, and it's philosophy I can't quite accept.

Like we read the graphic novel Persepolis for class last week, and there's many instances in the novel of characters looking at themselves in the mirror or mirroring the poses and arm motions of other characters.
And my professor got really into how when you look into a mirror you're seeing the you that you want to be and know you aren't, how looking into the mirror when you're an infant is what makes you identify what is "you" and what is "not you".
It's stuff which I have a hard time going "yeah, I can believe this" with. Maybe some of it, I could accept on less intense levels, but the sheer veracity he lectures on them with makes it all seem less believable to me.

Like I said though he's a crazy entertaining character.
did it work
I should probably shower now instead of in the morning, but I don't have any willingness.
How's the weather where you are right now?
I meant the temperature as well.
8 degrees celsius
Oh that's not bad.
It was 35°C here today.
It's 22.22222222222°C right now.
Fuck that

Maria, have you seen Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt?
I did
I liked it
I really like the episode that's just them sitting on the couch

fucking never
S2 when?
RIP Gainax
Uru in Blue never ever
Maybe they'll get it done before GAINAX finally files for bankruptcy.
Dream Machine never
>Gainax gets it done
>but they can't even afford to distribute it and no one else will
Actually I could have stopped my greentext at
>Gainax gets it done
It's supposed to be much cooler down here
Oh yeah
Last week
I saw a cop with the nname Colon on their vest.
I've probably asked you this before.
But maria, ddo you like Aqua Teen Hunger Force?
never seen it probably won't
Oh man
It's sooooo goood
This is from the greatest episode

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Ohio SK
Here's the end (excluding the part with the spaceship made of dicks taking off).
Don't worry its censored.
>censoring the dicks
>tfw no degree in dickology
There's an uncensored version but its not on youtube.
Oh I found it
If you really really want to see it ill post it
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gonna be starting the process of getting a driver's license next week
it'll take fucking forever though
Honestly the main benefit will be not needing to carpool with this fuckhead from work
Looking forward to being your own Initial D?
And blasting Eurobeat as you TEAR ASPHALT DOWN THE HIGHWAY
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Well yeah, that too
God ATHF was so good.
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Maria does this look familiar?
Oops spoiled it
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Photoshopping Carl from ATHF to look like anime characters was a hot meme a while back.
I know that reaction image
The source is Carl Brutananadilewski.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
look in my eyes when you say it say it
look in my eyes like you mean it mean it
Hey samurai
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
hiya rei
Mourning the ending of ATHF
It died before its time.
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Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i hear there's gonna be new harvey birdman content at least
Yeah I'm super stoked for that.
Stephen Colbert voices a character too.
Gonna attempt sleep
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
anime >>522322 →
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Kirara 🚗
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Wow, you're all so dead throughout the night.
It's no wonder I can't motivate myself to hang out late here.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>>522415 →
>>522415 →
>>522415 →
