Hisone to Masotan Beatless Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 9-11 Last Period --Episode 9-10 Rokuhoudou Steins;Gate 0 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai --Episode 10-11
What are they all trying to do anyway? Lacia is trying to be with her husbando, but what do the other ones want?
Uh, I don't think they have the same complex wants as her. The red one wanted to destroy androids. Methode seems to just want to battoru and destroy things in general.
I guess Snowdrop might have a more complex mission considering all the power consolidation she's been doing. But at the same time, that might be all there is to her wants. Consolidate power.
And who knows what the one that's happy being a meido to that one ojou that got cryo-frozen for a hundred or two years wants.
Hah hah hah. She just chucked him at the other guy.
Both Teresa and Alec are pretty cute. Some of the Nipponjin are cute too though.
I guess Teresa's gone back to Europe overnight.
Poor Tada. The people he cares about leave him so suddenly.
most of the characters are pretty good i dont think ih ate anyone but i also dont really really like any of htem
I rarely, rarely ever "really really like" an anime character. Or a character in general I guess. The fact that they're all pleasant is good enough for me.
>>520392 are you from kingdom hearts cause you're heartless!!!!
Har har har. I have a heart. I just alsot don't blur the line between fiction and reality!