>>51292 to prison we'll be locked up in different places to start, but we'll keep being increasingly aggressive and getting rotated to different facilities until we end up in the same one it'll be so romantic
A guy came in and they were talking about how he got in trouble with child services for engaging in deviate sexual behavior while the child was in the home. It seemed like he liked to have men over to have sex with his (now ex) wife and he would watch them. He was like over six feet tall and super muscular too, not the kind of guy you would have figured for a cuck.
As you can imagine, it took all of my self control to resist the urge to yell "cuck" at him.
>>51305 unless they're really irresponsible, i don't see this as a child services issue i mean if they were trashy as hell it could be a bad environment, but you can have privacy with a child in the home
I spent some time in foster care it was awful It wasn't the worst thing ever but i just wanted to go home i eventually did even though things weren't stable and my dad had psychosis and my mom was alcoholic, i still felt relieved to be there i felt less scared i really hate the foster care system
we're playing ton's game but everything is going way later than i expected i'm on sleep aid so i'm trying desprerately not to fall asleep fish wants to go to bed jan is drunk haha
it's really a party >>51323 i'm literally dead right now two death saves in out of the four i have if i fail three more times to save i am permanently dead
>>51329 I didn't recognize it It was just kind of a weird, random comment like "oh you stayed in bed i guess i've got you hooked!" and i was just sort of confused, it was a weird comment
>>51338 Maybe you should have primed me for it first. You have to prime people for stuff like that. I've completely forgotten about stuff like that. My memory is pretty good but not that good! I don't remember every comic I see!
>>51339 Last time I primed you, you figured the whole thing out ahead of time and ruined everything. If you're going to be so sharp, be sharp all the time.
I didn't blame you last time when you figured out my plan while I was priming you. I am blaming you this time because your inconsistency messed it all up.
More importantly Looking at my new Lucina, she's +hp -ewa res that is
Which makes her a good lucina. My level 40 Lucina is -def +res which is pretty neutral. I wonder which I should use.
I'm not a merciless gm I'm just inexperienced! They killed all the other things I've thrown at them so far easily so I ramped up the difficulty a bit and now they're just dropping!
They've made it to the end boss of this dungeon for next week though.
One of them keeps getting confused and dropping his teammates.
Maybe I'll roll twice before the boss. That will give me a good enough chance to get a 16+. I wanted to try and use it in the first fight and against the boss, anyways. I figured I could probably save it by the time we made it to the end.
When I reached a certain age, and came to a certain level of maturity, it dawned on me that butts were clearly superior to breasts But as I grow even older and mature more, it becomes less clear I think I'm starting to understand things the way middle aged men understand them - the kind of men that truck advertisements are aimed at.
QUICK the world is ending now! your only hope of surviving is to enter the anime world of your choosing and live there until your natural death, lest your sould be ripped away during the apocalypse
>>51422 I see the truth in all things. So people who are blind to the truth don't get it.
>>51424 no i think what happened is that i tried to make a fun conversation and you attacked me for it and then when i tried to point that out, you said i was the one instigating but i mean w/e have your fun
>>51423 you get to decide how important your role is
i was hoping for interesting responses like an anime universe that wouldn't be expected maybe someone would want to pick ALL OUT and be a rugby forever or maybe someone would pick Horizon because they just want to live in that city for some reason there's a lot of answers that could potentially have a depth or reasoning or maybe certain aesthetics or cultural ideas appeal to some people more than others
words word words words words splash splash splash where are you now words words words words splash splash reverb words splash reverb i'm fading reverb i'm fading splash so lost, i'm fading
>>51554 I've been in a bit of an isolation-y mood the past couple days.
>>51560 At this rate I don't even know if I'll be awake at the time I need to be for the normal session, let alone an earlier one. Plus I kind of like having one of those nights free.
It is hard for me to understand because my sleeping habits are "sleep whenever and it's fine". Do you need to sleep at those times daily or bad things will happen?
>>51568 do you have a high caffeine intake a week without the stuff might help you reset
one of the only things i miss about being neet is thati get to sleep whenever i feel like it
I have a difficult time waiting out long periods of time when tired. If I start to feel sleepy at seven in the evening, waiting three hours feels like forever. Eventually I grow indifferent to doing anything but sleep and I go to lay down.
there's a lot of 2B fan art i guess that's gonna be a thing fo r a while
You just need good sleeping skills! Sometimes you have to force it.
I can't force sleep. If I'm not tired I'll just toss and turn in bed for hours on end. When I was in a particular depressive slump there were days I wouldn't leave the bed for sixteen hours on end. I'd be sleeping for maybe only half of that at best.
>>51586 one time in highschool i had that kinda thing for the like 7 hours i was supposed to sleep i was trying to the whole tiem laying in bed changing positions and stuff
might get one eventually but two pillows works fine for me
I can sleep soundly regardless of the light, unless I'm doing something like staring right at a lamp. My room light was on all night tonight even though I slept.
Light can make it hard to sleep. I've taped over everything that has a light in my room, and I use an alarm clock that doesn't have any light on it unless I press a button.
I sleep with my room light on a lot of nights. The lightswitch is on the other side of the room as my bed and there's a lot of days I conk out with it still on.
i'm sitting at my desk listening to music and i suddenly get this urge to smoke a cigarette but it's not because i want the feeling or rather it's not because of the weird mental effect it has but it's the action of getting up, going outside, staring at the stars, and smoking a cigarette while listening to something heavy not heavy like metal heavy like atmosphere
i'm not going to, but i'm still going to think about it
I did not get a lot for my contribution. I am saving all of my flags to fight Ephriam. It's going to be everyone vs Lucina trying to stop her at that point.
what team are you on i'm on eirika but shes going to get destroyed by lucina so i will support ephraim
i went to lay down to sleep and i don't know why but masamune hit me a lot harder than an average romcom anime should be hitting me or anybody my feels
I dunno. When you're playing some random Japanese RPG maker game and you stroll into the backstreets to I'm a real nigga you start wondering where everything went wrong.
Sk phone
Listen to it
Sk phone
We don't even have anything comparable to a ghetto here Why do we import the worst parts of the US?
>he came all the way over here >to go to the hood >wearing a trump hat >"They can't attack me" This is going to be the worst decision I ever make.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>51747 i bet you'd get to meet trump he'd come to congratulate you on being such a good american and he'll offer you citizenship and then you can be like NO AMERICA IS FUCKING CRAZY
Sk phone
I'd take the citizenship and become a politics person
It's been going for like an hour They're so aggressive
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
reading that thread now wtf >For you it is, but only if they're women what a white knight sjw faggot this guy is
Sk phone
Female supremacist Not even a joke lmao
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also this image the girl has an easier time she can just go around the obstacles men have to jump over the things because that's the rules but if there are none then you can just avoid stuff only gotta get over the spears ez win
I've got all this alt-right stuff but then i retweet a shit ton of anti-trump stuff haha and my media is mostly an anti-trump protest but then i complement republicans compliment* it'll confuse your average liberal
Didya catch the shit with how the green maga hat had the wrong kind of clover? Confirmed shoutout to pol? They're gonna be worth a bit
Sk phone
Nobody has taken @koumeposter Gotta secure that when I get home
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i didn't see that but i doubt they're going to be worth a lot
Sk phone
They're super limited misprints that can be seen as a 4chan thing if you wanna They'll at least double in value
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they're oh there were misprints?
Sk phone
>>51820 They had a 4leaf clover instead of a shamrock
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wasn't that intentional?
Sk phone
Yeah but it's not very Irish if it's a cover Has to be shamrock
>>51824 Cause it's green It's clearly going for an Irish thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why would it be irish
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't understand why trump would go for an irish-design on an american MAGA hat
Sk phone
Who knows but why would he have a green hat with a 4leaf clover?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't know
Wasn't it for St. Patrick's day?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I have no clue It was originally just "green MAGA hat" with no description other than it was limited edition
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The Donald J Trump online shop is selling the "Official Make America Great Again Green Hat" ahead of St Patrick's Day on 17 March.
The description for the hat says it has an "embroidered four-leaf clover" on the back.
Many Twitter users were quick to point out that an Irish shamrock, used as a symbol for St Patrick's Day, is in fact a three-leaf clover.
A shamrock is a young sprig of clover and it is said that Saint Patrick used shamrocks to illustrate the Holy Trinity. As such, it has come to be associated with St Patrick's day.
Four-leaf clovers are said to bring good luck and are rarer in abundance.
A US-based marketing strategist called out the error by illustrating the difference between a shamrock and a four-leaf clover.
She added: "Don't mess it up, #marketing geeks, for #StPatricksDay."
One user said the mishap made the president "culturally clueless".
Another dubbed it a scandal, using the hashtag #shamrockgate.
why would there be women and children they're arabian
Indeed but that is not what we are told "we must help them, think of the women and the children" >always 90% if not more young men
>iranian man paid 13k dollars to get to finland >a refugee in need I've never had that much money on me
>a murder rapist, condemned for a murder and two rapes >durigna brief "prison vacation" raped a minor ... we let a murder rapist on an outing from the prison...
I don't get it what do you get from virtue signaling? No rational person will think you are a better person for it most likely they will think you are a prick and a buffoon and clueless and quite oft, a hypocrite.
>>51847 I think best example from my own country is the loudest "open borders" people and speakers who btw, live in 100% native regions, where they heavily lobbed, no asylums were opened and frankly are too expensive for any refugee to move
Another good example is our prime minister Sipilä, who said "I will give my forest cottage for refugee use" that was a year ago guess if ANYONE has moved in there.
>>51850 >gets a mark from skipping work >at 2+ can be fired >ends up getting another mark >you're fired >"but this was my first time!"
>>51847 The general gist is when you say or do something not for the sake of actually making a positive change, but to let others know you hold a belief
Putting a flag over your profile picture when some shit goes down is a decent enough example It doesn't do anything, but you get to look good and righteous
imats the helix fossil posted again Though on closer inspection, those are gears, not a helix fossil
>twitter doesn't keep a video playing if you scroll down Fucking christ, Twitter is such a poorly designed everything
but the problem isn't that carson called them immigrants
But the outrage is about calling them immigrants
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the outrage is EVERYTHING but being simplified to calling them immigrants
The only real difference I can see is that Obama included a "in their own way" in it If Carson had put that in there, they'd be saying the same thing Like the exact same thing
Moving the goalpost is always a good idea, as long as you do it incrementally You've moved it so little, if he calls you out he s the one who looks bad
Though honestly I think that was already accomplished since he's the one explicitly saying not to be compassionate towards combat veterans
yeah but i think it'd be funny if he admitted glorifying violence and then we can be like "so that's why you don't think vets deserve compassion, you love violence"
You actually managed to say roughly what I wanted to, too, but I just couldn't word it cause I had to juggle work and shitposting My brain didn't find a way But you did
"normalizing" things is such a fucking feminist thing to moan about too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm surprised he even replied he must be really self-righteous to come back to this argument 3 hours later
He's a jewelry designer\photographer Pretty sure he's way deep into feminism just based on that tbh
What an easy job Just take pictures of rocks all day
>>51878 He's a fine art photographer specifically so I guess it only counts if they're really nice rocks
I wonder if changing to @koumeposter will change the text of previous mentions
>>51880 Yeah, it won't, that's why I'm putting it off until this conversation is dead I know it won't cause another account I have, I changed the name and it didn't change the replies
BREAKING: Meme forced by media outlets sticks around for months Meme created by chance from one comment in a TV show sticks around mocking it and the entire left for over a year
I still see CURRENT YEAR I haven't seen Drumpf in months The campaign wasn't even over yet and Drumpf was gone
Problematic things have to be addressed whenever they show up, especially when they come from our own ranks. How are we going to ask others to be respectful if we don't hold ourselves to the same standard as a group?
Marky Marx is just an egg, though? The guy I posted it at to begin with is a professor, but I didn't expect anyone to take the thread up because it's just memeing Even the most leftwing antifas won't justify silencing someone with "because I disagree" They'll at the least claim you're violent
>>51956 Every business with more than 50 employees will have the equivalent of their entire payroll's healthcare in extra cash floating around Expansion
Of course People won't have healthcare But maybe they can scrape together a really cheap plan with 8 dollars an hour
>>51969 Crazed Norwegian take control of Alleppo, demand tribute in form of brown goat cheese and potato-based baked goods
>>51972 >skandis save everyone from the brown menace by just making it safe to go back to the middle east
In the oppressive, Norwegian controlled slums of what used to be Alleppo, citizens live in constant fear that one of the occupants will get shitfaced drunk and yell loudly in a language nobody else understands, including his comrades "They're generally peaceful," one resident says, "but sometimes they will get really angry and leave the room because nobody has any fish"
>>51973 "We didn't want the fucking moslems so we just made it OK for them to stay." White nationalists save the world
For reasons unknown,e very rebuilt building now has a sauna
>>51974 >citizens all under a strict curfew as the machinations of the Norwegian occupancy occurs at night >they believe it has something sinister behind it >the soldiers just can't survive the heat of midday in the desert
"they're destroying the economy by stopping all commerce on sundays for seemingly no reason. Most of us aren't even allowed to work on Saturday either"
>>51979 Are muslims allowed to eat fishes anyways?
DC Restaurant Owners Sue Trump, Saying His Hotel Has An Unfair Advantage The lawsuit alleges that Trump's hotel not only competes for general customers, but specifically for clients seeking to do business with and influence US government officials.
>>51988 How can you sue someone for operating the same kind of business as you
I just read a very scary forecast of the future. But it's just a speculation. So now I'm going to read the article that the person got the inspiration from. >>52010 No, however, he certainly isn't going to be the kind of person to stem the tide of the issue brought up.
To cut it short, the guy's speculation goes like this: >There is wealth inequality >There are reasons that companies go public >Biggest reason: Access to more capital from people who will buy shares >extreme wealth concentration limits both the number of people who are able to buy and makes going public less attractive >Why go public when you can just buddy up with other rich people? >>>/@nosunkcosts/839870878968135680 >>>/@nosunkcosts/839871257529237505
I love that I won't get compensated if I don't use my pto and get laid off in the first wave or any of the waves really but the first wave is I think June 1st or so
>>52019 the contract between the company and the insurance ended so there's going to be less work, thus job cuts and I'll have to get a different one Whether here or elsewhere
>>52016 Well, there are reasons to go public. That are probably still better than sticking with people with millions of dollars. Which I would assume is usually about control of how things run but that still all comes down to negotiations. I think we'd have to get even more unequal for that to happen But that is still quite possible
Though if I get my lovely laid off package I can't work for this company for six months after
I just want to play video games and look at cute anime babes
https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-03-09/family-offices-dentists-and-quants >Who buys individual stocks? It has become an old-timey hobby for the modestly wealthy and eccentric, like model railroading.
a stockcase of 1 million stocks, each from different company
They're collecting stocks like pokeman cards aren't they?
> Dentists are the traditional backbone of our financial markets, educated people with money to invest but no professional investing expertise. This is a call out that I would love statistics for.
COME BE A DEEENTIST like how they aren't that wealthy and they aren't that numerous
Even if each one ahs 1 million in excess their numbers are too low to make a dent in one way or another in an economy as big as USA
There's making a dent in the economy and then being able to live in Long Island, NY chilling without worrying about bills and having the time to hang out with other dentists to talk about dividend growth and real investments
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data indicated that there were 146,800 total dentists in the United States as of 2012. The majority of dentists were general dentists, comprising 125,800 of the total. Orthodontists were the largest specialty category, with 7,500 practicing.
I'm not saying they're the backbone I'm saying they're wealthy
yes but not wealthy enough to be a factor as investors in the market as a group alone
I'm not saying they are I'm saying dentists are wealthy
Ah, the context is lost. >The foundational story of the American financial system is one of upper-middle-class financial capitalism, in which the ideal imagined investor is, let's face it, a dentist. Dentists are the traditional backbone of our financial markets, educated people with money to invest but no professional investing expertise. The point of the article is that, yes, these people really aren't that important in the market, but the "market itself" is based on such a lie.
>>52045 and I ment millionaire to multimillionaire
That's why he makes the statement in >>52030 Anyone who buys individual stocks at this point is a casual that doesn't really matter or move much anymore. It's all about indexes and people pushing money around.
Mine cost me about 130€ total, two visits, one a rush visit and visit to the xray added to that add medicine it would be about 150€ private would be maybe 400-500 if you did it on your own and not at your company's contractor
fuck this game
I've never had to get a tooth removed aside from wisdom, but the visits I've had in the past have been hundreds of dollars a session. But since my mother's a government employee, as kids we got dental insured too.
>>52060 It can be as low as $200 if you spend $800 monthly on health care
OH YEAH. IT'S THURSDAY. Time for more disappointment.
Oh no Off to Best Buy
>I should just do this freelance. Rent a room, print some flyers, put a tie on a British man, and then do a big reveal: "No, hahahaha, we're kidding, you just got scammed! Just for fun I mean. I'm not going to take your money, and I don't work for a regulator; I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Enjoy the free continental breakfast!" I wonder if I could raise some funding for this. I love Levine
>>52075 Thy're -They're still not providing store stock information online. It's been a week. Why this.
>I always assumed that the U.S. system of securities-professional licensing exams, whose main requirement is that you have to already have a job at a securities firm to take the exams that allow you to work at a securities firm,
to get experience, you must first get a job
>you need this qualification to get a job >you need this many years of experience to apply for this qualification program
> We've talked before about the recurring fad for financing college education with equity rather than debt, and really Stanford has the opportunity to be a leader in this space. what >Instead of charging tuition, it could just demand like a 5 percent stake in all of its students' future startups. >It's a portfolio model: Classics majors would just get free classics degrees, while the guy who builds the next Snapchat would pay a billion dollars in effective tuition. This is brilliant. I mean... why BEG your alumni to donate to the school when you can just... PUT IT IN THE CONTRACT
>"Adverse selection," you say, but you are wrong; this would probably attract more potential startup founders. Young founders seem to love giving away equity in return for external validation and mentoring. They're as credential-driven as the rest of us, which is why they go to Stanford. Anyway Stanford isn't doing this -- StartX is a more conventional funding/incubator sort of model -- but it should. ehhhhhhh
>>52093 it's just i dont know man i'm just so fucking gay i can't help it
There are worse fates.
>Longtime readers of this financial newsletter will not be surprised to learn that the most controversial thing ever published here may be yesterday's discussion of combining 3,000 Olympic-size swimming pools of sugar with 3,000 Olympic-size swimming pools of water to form 6,000 Olympic-size swimming pools of simple syrup, having Katie Ledecky swim through them, and then using the syrup to make approximately 3 trillion cocktails. There were four broad categories of reader objection to this discussion:
>Wilmar has been scooping up sugar by physically settling tens of thousands of futures contracts and collecting the commodity from ports across South America and elsewhere. The company has bought more than 6 million tons of sugar in this manner since 2015, enough to fill roughly 3,000 Olympic-size swimming pools at a cost of some $2.3 billion.
And then he has an entire paragraph dedicated to asking why people even make size comparisons like that
"That's as much as <number that's still too high for humans to properly handle> thingies" Stop
>>52102 >it'd take her 2 days How are the pools arranged, and is she swimming the long or short distance of that arrangement?
The four categories of nerds: >The volume of simple syrup is less than the combined volume of its components, because it is denser. >you can swim in simple syrup about as fast as you can in water, because while its viscosity creates more drag, it also allows you to generate more force >A 12:1 ratio of rye to simple syrup in an old-fashioned is pretty aggressive. >You need ice to make an old-fashioneds.
>>52104 The cap tells you how fast she's swimming, and whenever you're considering swimming pools you're pretty much always considering the length of them.
I wonder what the visual metric of my yearly sugar consumption is. I put a dash of it into my tea in each cup. At maybe twenty-five or thirty cups a week, over fifty-two weeks, is 1300-1550 dashes a year. But then there's also the occasional coffee or hot cocoa I have, which both involve sugar. And this is before any prepared products which would have amounts I don't really have on hand.
even in the sugar industry, it is an unprecedented amount so [insert-CIA-shrug-hete] here]
I miss artificial chaos. I miss the Y2K bug fucking up everything and then doing nothing. I miss believing that there were people above me that knew what they were doing. I miss definitions actually meaning something. >>>/@BraddJaffy/839891764974665728 I miss having insurance despite never paying for it and rarely going to a doctor's office.
My life is so boring I wish there was chaos in it.
Is mob psycho any good?
I think it's a better and more polished story than One-Punch Man. It's like everything good quality about OPM but turned up.
>naruto wasn't supposed to have Sasuke in it originally
Lol Author's pet
>Elins weren't going to be a playable race Design is magic, I know.
Is that the loli race in Tera?
I'm amazed I figured that out just from the post I've never heard their name before
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Looks like a couple of people at the CIA have okay taste in anime. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/03/a-look-at-the-cias-internal-dank-meme-division/
of course They have to know about our terrible internet culture
Nope. Just an android, real time water evaporation, and butts
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>52229 I think its important that you know that they are also really nice butts.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>that feel when you are so tired that you can barely keep your eyes focused >that feel when you are super tired despite just waking up and taking stimulants and drinking a coke
Film is my least useful stat. You can't ask me about movies or the people in them >>52237 Well, I guess that says all you need to know about what I know about him.
>The US government I never really go back to things that are dated. Chris Rock's stand ups were among my favorite but I don't think I've really watched many. Like I've seen clips of a number of stand up shows but now that I think of it, I'm not sure how many I've watched in full. The only ones I'm sure of are Chris Rock, one of those Redneck specials, Dane Cook, Pryor, and one other that I'm forgetting the name of. I know that I haven't seen a full Carlin show. He's great though
richard pryor was probably GOATest of all time
Anthony Griffith was really talented Blue, you'll remember him from The Moth although he wasn't doing standup there
Oh I remember that I don't think I've seen Silverman
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'll go grab a short clip of her, I would recommend her "Jesus is Magic" special but I'm hesitant to ask you to watch something over an hour long of a comedian whom you are not familiar with. Do you have any preference on clip length? Like how long a clip would you prefer to watch?
I think it's kind of wasteful to watch the standup in segments like that i mean the whole performance is one piece, it's about developing the mood to snip something out just castrates the humor
This was a good episode for images And also a good episode overall
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>52258 these are from random stand up things shes done, also that entirely depends on the comedian Steven Wright for example who primarily uses anti-humor, one liners and non sequitur is perfect for taking short samples
Time to actually watch Mob Psycho and not just kinda have it running on the side
The opening fight thing is kinda boring, I'll be honest here Super colorful, though
A friend and I are always like "girls only need to be skinny to be attractive" but he's not really about that life. If I showed him a picture of a skinny girl with a certain type of face he'd be like "ew gross" I'M about that life
Is there really a difference between won't and can't?
depends on the person
I don't see how that could depend on anything
>>52296 "can" describes something being physically possible within the given circumstances "won't" describes something that may or may not be possible but that someone or something is not willing to do in some cases it may describe simply that the future does not hold such an action
so in terms of effect, they're the same
it's important to remember that subtleties have effects of their own
if someone can't help you, you are likely to be more forgiving than if they won't help you in the end you are unhelped but your perception of the situation is going to be different
Something that won't happen is exactly the same as something that can't happen Neither will happen
No, reverse that. Things that can not happen, will not happen Things that will not happen can still happen
>>52303 no they're different something that cannot happen cannot happen something that won't happen can happen if you change the circumstances
One signifies possibility, the other certainty. If there is no chance, then it is certain to fail. But failure does not mean it is impossible.
Like I have SEEN THIS AS A JOKE, likely on The Chappelle Show
It wasn't a comedy I promise you
How the fuck do you watch that trailer and not think it's awkward comedy about a black dude who gradually discovers just how nuts his gf's family is Complete with the family accidentally killing themselves like in that uh, Chuck And Dave Vs Evil? >>52336 No that's a fucking comedy trailer That's like an actual skit, you could put this RIGHT INTO THE DAVE CHAPPELLE SHOW FUCK
Most horror movies can be dismissed as 'Why would you go into this terrible situation? This is some white shit." But this horror movie is some black shit. Going out into the woods to meet your white girlfriend's family and you're greeted by a cop who wants to see your ID without driving? Go back home son. Go home. Red flag. >He didn't go home
Oh god is hypnosis the plot device You can't force hypnosis on people It doesnt work that way
>>52348 It's a horror movie apparently So you can invoke supernatural
>>52347 That's really not too uncommon to be honest. I've been asked for my ID every time I was riding with someone who was pulled over. I could refuse, but generally if they've got the opportunity to check out everything's okay, they'll take it.
>>52351 When is a horror movie trailer ever not dramatic unless they're playing on one of those creepy children juxtaposition things. >unimaginative trash
YMS has gotta make a review for this How could he not
It's the hotness
I think this movie was so good because it was easy to relate to it People who haven't experienced marginalization probably won't be able to understand a bit of the character motivation for some stu
horror becomes comedy naturally because the things that the character does isn't something you can relate to. It becomes an instance of "Well, you get what you deserved for poking at fire." It's a lot less of relying on the audience to have similar experiences and more "This is finally an experience you can probably relate to."
>>52397 It doesn't But you won't really understand him if you haven't experienced marginalization That's just reality
E.g. you probably can't imagine being afraid someone is going to beat you up and kill you enough that you don't leave the house without a knife So some of the things I do probably don't make sense to you without me explaining it
>>52397 You're right. It's not good at telling that character's story, but that's precisely what you don't want to do. You need to show their story, and have the audience feel their story the more broad you make its relatability, the less interesting it is Until you've just got a biography that would get stuffed in an encyclopedia Great job, there you go. Now everyone understands the whole story and has felt nothing of value.
There are things about it that you could definitely put together in a comedy sketch. But the trailer was definitely not comedy. It's right in that position where you dance on a line of absurdity and it's either really funny or really terrible.
>What am I doing in space on a ship with aliens >Why am I not getting the fuck out right now
Remember Deep Blue Sea where Samuel L Jackson dies while telling everybody to stop being retarded. >>52417 Comedy in hindsight is a common problem with horror.
That is in antarctica
White people do some DUMB SHIT Everyone else fuckin bails
Most hortor is comedy anyhow, but that is more because of the film makers being bad at genuine scary, and oåting out for safe methods that are boring and crap, but amusing at times to watch. For somereason that shit does attract wnough audience to makw back the budget snd profit >ouja series People PAID to see those And didn't ask for a refund
Any time I talk about horror films, I always remember The Unborn, and I can never unhear the grandmother going >It all started at Auschwitz
Unborn was unintentional comedy gold especially that oldman flups his head I remember shouting "transform and rollout!" And then me and my friend began to call it transformers
Why did I even WATCH that movie, who did I see it with? I don't watch movies like that out of my own volition. I don't watch movies PERIOD out of my volition
Apparently my parents have been thinking of purchasing condos in the city. The use of which would be to rent out to us children so we no longer live at home. It would work as a way to circumvent the obscene rent prices that otherwise would make it impossible.
It's kind of a nice gesture but for some reason they were awfully mum about the idea. I had to pretty much complain about how moving out would be impossible before they mentioned it to me.
Ya'll gettin the fuckin boot
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I could get nier/nioh I guess But like I have a huge backlog
Yeah until about three days ago I thought nioh was just a weird shortening of Nier automata
Haha wow Nioh is amazing though One of if not the best shit I've played Gonna stream Nier