Well we all know there's no other side It's good and evil I know right between, there's no borderline This is the punishment divine
Surrounded by night, I've been offered insight There is none but the sin of pride Am I wrong am I right? Am I losing my sight? Abandoning the superior mind
did you see his animations and stuff it looks pretty good
mattresses are so expensive... how are you ever supposed to be able to afford one and a whole bed frame and box spring and buy a desk and night stands why is everything so expensive
Desks and night stands can be IKEA'd, which helps, I guess. But yeah mattresses always seem kind of pricey. I guess that's why mattress stores always have financing options.
thinking about just buying a recliner instead of a mattress for a while?? maybe that would work
that seems like it'd be hard on your lower back they had decent mattresses at the place i was looking at for like 100 bucks plop that baby on the ground and that's not a bad way to sleep
>>520262 there's arguments both ways regarding the back and yeah tryna get in and out of a mattress directly on the floor is gonna fuck my back way worse i imagine
plus this place seems to have spidey problems i want some barrier between me and the ground
i slept on the floor for like 6 months and it wasn't so bad we've obviously got different bodies though oh whatever you do don't half ass it with a sleeping cot those things blow chunks
ive done it before and i'd usually agree my last move i didnt have nuffin for furniture and i did all my work on the floor and slept on the floor no complaints at all this place though ehhhh the carpets are fuckin nasty too the landlord is gonna replace soon
i like the recliner idea because i could use a more comfortable chair to do my work in anyway and i got no desk i imagine i could just use my laptop in a recliner comfortably but maybe not i dunno and i got a gift card
it'd best if you could test em out in store some of them could be alright but it's easy to imagine getting one a bit too small or with the arm rests a bit too high and you have to stick your arms up like chicken wings to type
tbh when i have my own personal bathroom my preference is to sleep in the bathtub it's cozy and insulated and doesn't get too hot or in those closets with long sliding doors i like cramped spaces
The capsule hotel I stayed at in Kyoto was effectively that. A little box of maybe 1x1x2 metres of space that you can shut yourself up in. It was pretty cozy.
I used to sleep in the bath tub sometimes. I'd close the bathroom door and read all day and sneak into the bathtub at night or lie underneath my bed
i would live my whole life in a capsule if i could i mean not every moment, but i'd be happy living in one and then leaving to go about my day outside and doing my work at the park or something i feel so at ease in tight spaces
/moe/ tiny house commune when
I am so used to living in small places that unless my room is tiny and surrounded in books I feel uneasy. I prefer small places
>>520277 Yeah, I don't know if I could spend my whole indoors day in one, but it's definitely a relaxing place to sleep or curl up with a book. I got hella feverish on my second or so day in Kyoto and couldn't bring myself to go out and about that afternoon. I just grabbed the novel I'd brought with me and forgot about the rest of the world for a bit. It would also be nice since if I had a capsule like that to sleep in I could combine my bedroom and "work space" into one room without dissolving a barrier between them.
quarx got really freaked out in tennessee one day because i had been locked in the bathroom for like over a day straight and he hadn't heard from me at all and was poundin on the door but i was asleep prolly thought i was dead i'm just like nah man it's hot af so i'm sleepin in the tub what up
one day we're all gonna just have personal sleep pods that are portable and probably not need traditional homes and there's just gonna be these people cocoons scattered all over the world it's gonna be so surreal to aliens it would probably seem like part of our biology, just like silkworms or other buggies >>520284 yeah i think they're amazing
You already see nap pods like those in airports and some universities. As long as they're secure and can't, y'know, be picked up and thrown in the river or something, I think a development like that could be nice.
Give them windows that can't be seen from the outside period and have sliding polarization on the inside. So you could just set one up and nap in the sun somewhere.
what are some other realistic alternatives to traditional beds hammock i guess >>520290 i lived in a family that had one of those as a kid it's more for lounging really and isn't sleep-comfy sofabeds are a little different i guess
Sleeping bags on the ground. I sometimes sleep on my desk because I don't want to sleep but I end up falling asleep
A futon comes to mind. Not a Japanese one, one of those western ones that operated as both a bed and a sofa.
>>520288 Well it's been a while since you were kid, they might've had some improvements. I really have no clue though, and I do remember the last time I sat on one that I thought it felt a bit stiff for a bed. I would much rather have a really soft mattress than a stiff one.
that loft bed/desk/pullout-secondary-bed thing i saw on craigslist was super cool and cute i wish i had that
sleeping some couches/sofas are the worst. I've had to crash at a friends with only my coat as a blanket and lumpy pillows. I woke up with my neck aching so much
Counter point, some of the comfiest sleeps I've had have been on sofas. I've slept on more sofas than beds in hotel rooms in recent years. Fluffy couches I can sink into are so comfortable to lay on. The kind of situation that I'll doze off even if I'm just relaxing on the sofa without planning to sleep.
my comfiest sleeps are like on tables or in front of computers I've slept rough before thats really difficult, the brain doesn't want to switch off.
yeah i didn't mean to sound spoiled regarding not wanting to sleep on the ground or plop a mattress on the ground it's just ive been couchsurfing or worse for so long and so used to that so now that i can i'd really like somethin proper
It doesn't sound spoiled to me to want it. There's a difference between what you can do and what you'd like to do.
I'd like a much softer mattress than the one I have right now but I can sleep fine enough on it. And I can definitely sleep on the floor if push comes to shove.
Sleeping on the floor isn't fun, I wouldn't pick if I didn't have to, couches are the best choice for short space. as long as your aren't too big for them
i wonder how cheap i could just get a whole bunch of tatamis fucking this carpet is so disgusting it smells absolutely rancid too i hope it gets replaced soon
Honestly I can sleep pretty fine anywhere providing I can pull a blanket over my legs while I sleep. My lower legs lose so much heat while I sleep that it causes me a lot of discomfort to fall asleep in the open air. Ideally I'd like the blanket to cover my chest and arms too but the heat out of my core is usually enough to keep warmish.
>>520305 That does sound pretty unpleasant. I think tatami would be pretty nice to have for a bedroom flooring. Probably easier to clean than carpet, and at least gives you a small bit of cushioning.
i think what might be nice is like just having a futon mattress but having some constructable thing that i can plop it onto situationally like some blocks or slats i can arrange to be angled or flat or barricaded on the sides
The futon I slept on in Tokyo wasn't much more than a slightly thick blanket; on the wood floor of the bedroom, it wasn't very comfortable. I think I -it was half of what should have been one guest's bed though, that I split with another person. The futon-y mattress I had in the capsule hotel was thicker. Still pretty firm though. I think there's some really fluffy futons you can get.
I don't really think I could sleep on the floor too often in my bedroom. I've seen far too many centipedes skitter across it to be comfortable sleeping on it. I know they're not really likely to approach a big, moving sleeping lump, but I don't think that would bring me any ease.
i wish we had centipedes here i guess they dont live here i'd be much more comfortable on the ground if we did i might actually get some tatamis and just plop a futon on the ground
Do centipedes clean up carpets
no but they'll aggressively clean your house of almost every other pest seriously it's ridiculous how efficient they are
their bites can hurt if they happen to bite you but it's not very threatening, and it's really hard for them to bite a human anyway it'd be like you trying to bite a beach ball
I'm less concerned about the bites and more horribly uncomfortable about the hundred little legs skittering all over my body. At least when I'm awake I can avoid coming in contact with them, but I don't have that control when I'm asleep. And they're not likely to reach me when I'm in bed.
Living here is the worst for bugs. they are everywhere. at this point I'd prefer a army of centipedes to all these huge bugs
https://www.govdeals.com/index.cfm?fa=Main.Item&itemid=1020&acctid=2172 w-what is even going on here
>>520323 Moon are you still awake? Me and Floop and another guy are playing mahjong We can grab a random for our fourth player, but I was wondering if you'd be interested
>>520361 cool get in 7557 7447 has too many randoms tonight
>>520362 it's showing like hundreds in here did i use the wrong url can you just link me
>>520363 that's a graphical glitch http://tenhou.net/0/?L7557 you're likely in the right spot, it just displays the numbers for /0/ for a few secs it should revert soon
>>520397 I was lucky I had a dealer turn there Good lord Lots of kans you had going there
I think in mahjong anything except fourth can be considered a tactical victory
you too nice upset at the end that was wp i folded into your last hand before that knowing that it wouldn't put me under and knowing it'd end if floop got his hand and i wanted a chance for a better hand which i got, but no bananas on the draws gg
my hand the game prior was so trash the last hand was p good but i kinda trashed it by calling the hatsu >>520399 if i won it i wouldn't have moved places it was a cheap hand
>>520398 You mean in the second last south fourth hand? I don't think that was trash. You were in tenpai with a decent enough wait and at least two yaku If you scored off of me it would have won Actually if it tsumoed off it would have moved to second as well *two han You had a red dragon triplet and the akadora Damn if that last hand went through, that would have been sweet
>>520402 bro just tsumo the 4pin magic sands of hell dude Fuck I did that once Let me check which hand it was I was furiten but I riichied anyway east round 3
>>520402 Yeah that's legal It's only ron that you can't furiten off of Tsumo is always legal so long as you have at least one yaku
ehh i didn't have two yaku hold up maybe i'm mixing my rounds up
yeah i didn't have a decent wait at all i couldn't win off a 4pin and there were no 7pins left one was discarded and i knew floop was holdin pins i was just tossing safe tiles
can you tsumo off a previous discard?
I'm not sure if you can menzen tsumo with a closed hand that has no other yaku I think you can
i was goin for glory i wanted a big direct hit on floop
>>520404 lol, which hand, the last one? It doesn't look like you folded it Oh I see what you were going for now I dunno, if I dealt in after you called the hatsu you could have moved to second
yeah that's why i folded the hand i couldn't do it on i cheapened my hand by calling the hatsu and it wasnt workin but it was worth buying
the biggest ballsiest play is having an open hand, ignoring a chance to call on your winning tile, and waiting for the guy in first to deal it instead I love that shit it's so manga
>>520407 ive done that before >>520405 eh, prolly, but i enjoyed the game anyway i like going for memorable moments even if they're not common it's just part of my drive
Ranked is fun but in a different sense to friendlies It's not about winning the individual game but getting a good average Which I think adds a good sense of tension to it all Busting out of fourth feels really exhillerating when there's something at stake It's like everyone's trying to kick each other down while they're climbing up a cliff
I'm so close to Tokujo. I just need one more first and a second So I know I'll choke
>>520415 That's a lot of fun When you know you're holding a tile someone else needs And you just keep holding them up It's fun to go through really old replays and trying to read peoples waits
>>520416 When they keep calling tiles from the same suit and you can tell exactly what they're going for Just hold onto those suit tiles Don't let em have them The funniest is when you get a stalemate hand and two players are in tenpai, and you open up your hand to show you had all the tiles they needed OR closed kan all four of someones waits It's rare but that is the cheekiest thing Especially if they've riichied on it And you can just imagine how they feel KNOWING that their tiles are completely out of the game and their hand is locked in
yeah i can really get into ranked friendlies are more silly fun i like tryna read my buddies' hands and hold out on em just hoard up their win conditions and deal safe
like when there's two chuns discarded and you got a hunch they've got one waiting on the last for a pair so you just keep it for no reason
You're gonna pay me for the service that I'm gonna perform. Now I won't give you too many details on my activities, because the less you know, the better for everybody involved.
It's annoying to feel hungry while craving something in particular. I end up just not wanting to eat anything. Not that I'm really hungry probably. If I nod off I'll probably wake up without much of an appetite.
I just whipped up some scrambled eggs. While not what I was craving, they did the job pretty well. In the end I think I'll eat if I'm hungry enough.
>almost beat infernal michalis with armors >give Hardin Svallin's shield since that's the only thing that killed him >Also give him eschutehtothgn cause why not >Go back >They change their patterns
>put together a team Actually this team looks like it sucks >Stage 7 of 7 This team is amazing
It's ridiculous. Everything about this is ridiculous. >>520519 Wizard's Soul, I understand (even though I got really excited about Wizards Soul any time it updated) but I'm surprised you haven't read bonnouji.
Also what is with the 2hu artists going pro >make practically only yuri/semi-yuri >as pro make quite normal stuff
Kirara 🚗
their editors and publishers probably want them to focus on things with a wider appeal so they can bring in more money
i mean theres also the matter of 2hu’s cast being primarily women
they probably just make whatever they want and aren't held down by the necessity to draw yuri in themselves. Yumekui Merry is very touhou-ish but with a boy.
I'm using a beloved character of mine for this particular adventure. Would be best described as chaotic neutral. With a leaning towards neutral-good, sometimes.
my guy turned quite creepy once I started going necromancy >saves priests in temple >before untying guy, eats one of the dead priests >then harvests his organs and bones for later use >then proceeds to ressurrect the other dead priest >and then cuts free the only survivor
Haha i chose that because the descriptions are funy also yeah gold weight is cancer I have been thinking of removing that on my own, but never bothered
But really smithing is one of those things hwere skyrim shows it weak points >need X amount of WYZ ores >merchants carry only 1-2 >you need to travel between all the cities on multiple days to get all the materials >it isn't hard just time consuming like why? why add that as a feature I just console spawn the ores I need nowadays, cause fuck that hassle
and there aren't even mines or anything to get all of the materials but what I really don't understand is the LOW amount of stuff the merchants have of the crafting materials that is just fuckin stupid or the vanilla >600 gold
>>520588 no actual regulation coupled with 40 years of relative wage stagnation
>>520601 yeah but we are MORE expensive than usa, yet you have higher rent prices and we don't really have outright legislation on rent prices just market prices market prices inflated by wellfare mind you
Kirara 🚗
culture difference, though culturally, it's expected to raise prices constantly
But I guess the earning cap being greater there is what affects it most
Kirara 🚗
the rent around here goes up 5-10% each year
>>520606 no high wages for elites and ruling class middle class is pretty much gone there aren't even full time jobs available in the US most of the time haha
USA has high wages for the middle class and up, aye? but the lower wage groups have been practically the same since like 2000s or earlier
€ paid per month for first kid, second kid and so on
and if single parent you get 50€ raise to it for every kid you are raising
so my mother got about 250€ a month untill me and my bro turned 17
>>520618 haha we have maternity and paternity leave guaranteed by law maternity being longer and then there is "general parental leave" that either of the parents can use and if you fire someone for getting a kid and using the leave, you get a very hefty fine
and I think even jail time
Kirara 🚗
>>520624 it's pretty much unheard of here and even where it is allowed by the company, there's a stigma associated with it and people fear losing their jobs over using it
maternity leave is 105 days, 30 days before birth and 75 after paternity leave is 54 days, of which 18 can be used at the same time the mother is using her maternity leave or parental leave and parental leave is 158 days that either parent can use at will
Kirara 🚗
i wish we had even half of that
so a mother can take almost a year out of work if she uses all of the paternal leave
Oh I remember unions are when you take two sets and make them into a single set.
Kirara 🚗
>>520630 haha we can't, most companies don't allow you to and many will shut down an entire store if the employees decide to unionize
well it gets troublesome at times like imagine ALL your dock workers being in one union them goign on strike is 100% blockade to your country
>>520634 that is the thing here all store workers are in the same union
We have strong unions for some fields. And then other stuff depends on where you are. Unions are pretty strong in Illinois.
Kirara 🚗
the fields that are mostly government employees can get really strong unions the only strong union in florida is the one with NASA employees
then you have UNION UNIONS smaller unions umbrellaing under one bigger group so one big union going on strike can be at worst like 30% of ALL workers in finland going on strike
BTW tony has a HUGE holy in his chest when he got it removed and the shrapnel removed how did they fix that?
I mean technology is quite advanced in MCU, but they don't have bone regrowing stuff and just regrowing your chestplate isn't something you can do naturally
I wasn't the best shot in the army, but even I got something like average 85 from 150m which would be 100% headshots btw but the top guys got easily close to 100
so landing a shot in that eye hole from 10-30m if you aimed proper would be easy
huh this scene uses a sound effect that is in my ears atleast 100% identical to an aircraft "respond" sound you get when you select an aircraft unit in total annihilation interesting
uhm... so is it just a screen of glass or something other transparent on the eyeholes? i always thought it would be metal under neath with cameras there, but I guess you'd awnt to see through if it got fucked up but still that is small enough to not get head shot
I wish more manga lik sinner in silent blue existed though hermit and scrolls are nice, but they are just so sol stuff some gamelike stories would be more interesting
Neither would I but that's the audience, isn't it? He makes games. For the people who play them. Making a manga when he could have made a game is just out-of-element.
I wonder what percentage of 2hu audience actually plays the games
for some reason I played a lot of th9 too bad skill in that game doesn't transfer to the other games
How do people play on lunatic, my eyes can't handle the speed, let alone react in time
But seriously th bosses aren't that hard compared to the mobs in my opinion bosses have patterns rules things you can memorise but mobs they are random
Also how does the heart thing work? Isn't it just a magnet that keeps the shrapnel away? Why would he have some heart attack when it fails?
that is never properly explained, I guess for obvious reasons
but still
Kirara 🚗
it is all explained
>>520813 where? it says "it keeps the shrapnel away" in the first part of the movie but in second and third part it is all "you gave me a cardiac arrest" and "Oh I am slowly dying for not having it" when the doctor guy says "people with shrapnel die in weeks slowly" so you'd think he'd have hours or something before it kills him
Kirara 🚗
they explain at the beginning you watch him use an electromagnet to keep the shrapnel out
I AM WATCHING HE FUCKING MOVIE RN it didn't really ever go into detail it just says "it keeps the shrapnel away" and then when he changes the power source he goes to pepper "you gave me cardiac arrest" so now it is also powering up his heart
Kirara 🚗
you don't need detail you see him use an electromagnet at the beginning
and then when bald evil guy removes the core he is all "slowly dying"
like his heart is failing not his heart got fucked by shrapnel, which can't be undone but it seems to me his heart is also aprtially kept going by the thing which I would just fucking accept, if it was said so but it is never said so all is said is "magnet keeps shrapnel away"
Kirara 🚗
it doesn't power his heart it's powering the electromagnet and his suits
then why "you gave me cardiac arrest"?
Kirara 🚗
what happens when you suddenly introduce high voltages into a heart?
anyhow it is quite inconsistent it is not a big issue but it is a thing I think they could have done better
Maybe he knew he wouldn't succeed or he wanted to make sure he didn't fuck up his relationship with her.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That demo wasw fantastic and I'm sad it's over
I mean I could buy pepper just being that stoic and refusing it in each instance or maybe it was because he actually liked her and is bad at those kinds of things which he is very much portrayed as being bad at socialising with people he actually likes
it doesn't even really connect to any of the other movies and the banner character in it compared to banner character in avengers and after are quite different
Nah, it does connect. The military guy villain of the Hulk movie is still kicking around even in Infinity War.
It's a shame Hugo Weaving didn't apparently enjoy being in Captain America. I guess he maybe found it a bit too silly. Sillier than elves and secret agent clones.
>>520868 well first one was quite serious and >lotr please he is british jis he?
but anyhow Tolkien is not silly what I'd question is that Cloud Atlas role he took
<blank>: In the early days you saw how many times you died. Originally, 212 can still be ok. The only non-three is just three. There is only one lina halo in the fish. Just how can it be used to swap blood in the road?
>You died a lot in the early game >212 XPM/GPM can be okay sometimes I can't parse this one. Or any of the rest really.
they ran an aggro trilane with slark/lina/pudge, which resulted in some deaths the 212 means slark prolly wanted to do 2-1-2 and that trilanes dont work anymore i think road maybe means lane, and how can trilanes be used to stop bloodseeker in the lane bloodseeker goes mid and does well, so even if they shut down spec it doesnt matter he was in the trilane with lina, farming aggro tri
Ah I see. Probably just wanted Lina with him in lane?
Team composition gives a lot more context to this.
I used tot hink when I saw the iron man court case in iron man 2 to be so "hollywood" but then I saw say comey case or lizardman case and noticed how fucking ridiculous these US big publicity cases can be
>>520879 havn't seen it, but the movie is silly isn't it? atleast the roles I understand he had a female role too
I've read the Cloud Atlas book, it was interesting. Though I've heard the movie does modify on the concept a bit.
btw the man has aged bad he looks like 10 years + his actual age
He cleans up nicely though. He was looking that way when they filmed his scenes for the Hobbit movies and he was relatively indistinguishable from how he looked in Lord of the Rings.
>>520896 I thought this would feature a musk invention like a tesla in it but guess I won't now need to be on look for it I still find it funny
Kirara 🚗
oh, sorry, hope i didn't mess with your rhythm
no nothing I was just starting to think was this just random or did he include this in part of some "promote muh tesla" I mean this is abotu to feature a FUCKING RALLY SCENE so that might feature say tesla car but if it was for set stuff it makes sense too
I don'ät really watch GT nowadays, tough the new cars just don't have the same feel and sound as they used to
also monaco is worst GT location in the world the track is so narrow, that you have like 2 places to go by someone? what is the word bypass? anyhow, you can barely advance your position during the race so the time attack kinda sets the course of the race almost 100%
people diss iron man 2 as a bad movie and yeah it really lacks in almost everything a normal marvel movie has but it has fuck ton of tony stark character development
Kirara 🚗
yeah but it was super forgettable it was a lot better than im3 though
you could skip it easily and it wouldn't affect anything but it really dfoes change tony's character
IM3 though >ptsd that he has in no other movie and is dealt in with just one movie it has fun action though
though it does support Ultron a bit
Kirara 🚗
im3 is important for MCU timeline but the movie still sucks unfortunately
but I am thinking in terms of MCU IM2 and 3 are most "winged" movies in the series everything else is somewhat planned and has a kind of preplanned or at some point planned spot but those two they kinda got added to the picture to fill in
AoU is so forgettable
Kirara 🚗
age of ultron would have been better as an iron man movir civil war should have been avengers 2 because it's one of the climaxes of the MCU
yeah that would have actually been better
Kirara 🚗
probably could have moved tony's IM3 development into /// IM2 development into 3, and then worked off the PTSD after Avengers 1 for tony
you can kinda see Whedon's breakdown and tiredness as director and creator in avengers 2, though
the hammer guy reminds me so much of E3 people
he has a good taste in dress, though few people pull the gray suit well
Kirara 🚗
aou just has such horrible pacing
yeah and such a waste of talent Ultron was so great
Kirara 🚗
should have ended with ultron escaping and then sarkovia accords to hold avengers accountable for that then civil war ultron could have come back later with thanos or have been destroyed by thanos or something
Ultron could have BEEN the factor behind civil war
>ultron did evetything cause he knew of thanos and was trying to save earth from him
Kirara 🚗
yeah, there are a lot of things they could have done turning an avengers movie into a monster of the week was a big mistake
it is a wonder there isn't that much "marvel exhaustion"
Kirara 🚗
the movies are pretty good and all of them are pretty unique
>>520930 Helps that a lot of them have different settings and heroes They don't do two avengers movies in a row, they pad it out with stuff like ant man or deadpool movies If people get sick of movies on Earth you can just do one set in Space or asgard
I wonder do superhero universes sell superhero/villain insurance?
what I like about scarlet, atleast in her earlier apearances is how she actually taked sown people with skill instead of the typical "punch to face knockout" or gadgets basically thing you can actually believe compared to the really unrealistic women just punching men out, that hollywood has way too oft well not completely unrealistic, but you know what i mean the "tiny super model woman punching out body builders" thing
welp litre of booze I shouldn't have drakn, but drank in two days no reason to have bought it but bought it nonetheless I don't feel guilty but I don't feel happy either
Kirara 🚗
>>520949 i don't understand how nature allowed them to become this way
Some creatures are just sheer weirdness that found a niche to survive in. >>>/watch?v=mbnBYh-BJ1g This guy's recently started doing videos again and he does a really good job of highlighting how weird some animals can be.
aren't goburin sharks like living fossiles?
>>520951 i watched First Man on curiosity stream today it takes some really big liberties on portraying our early ancestors but it was still really good i think you'd like it it made me think a whole lot about information
i got curiosity stream just for it after seeing it in a youtube ad i really love watching proto-human movies/documentaries always have it makes me feel something ethereal
this is going to sound weird, but earlier today, it was 11:00 and then after like 30 minutes, it was like 10:00 i know because i had an alarm set for 11:00 and it went off it went off again at the second 11:00 too
>>520966 did you dream it went off i do that sometimes have a dream that i way overslept and that i got up and it was hours past when i needed to be up it solidifies so well in my brain, and then i wake up and it's still like 5am
>dream your alarm went off >wake up >think you are LATE >look at the actual clock >2 hours before your wake up time >but can't properly calm down from LATE feeling >have real bad time catching sleep again >be tired when alamr actually rings
I dream anime girls all the time. feels good.
Kirara 🚗
>>520971 nah, i don't think i could have been asleep i was doing a purification thing that i don't think i could possibly sleep through unless i passed out, but i probably would have died if i passed out
I had a dream today where my brother broke into my apartment with the spare key I gave him and ate all my bacon and sausages, and he was borrowing my father's car and when I asked him to go buy me eggs and milk(+ new sausages and bacon) he refused
I have a key but I don't have an apartment
also he makes like fucking 50k a year so he shouldn't have a problem with that
like last time I saw vid from that location I think it was from last autumn he had real rough voice so I was bit worried
He's still genki that's the important part
Can Gordon Ramsay make the hourai elixir?
yeah he still has that full blast energy
>>521013 yeah, but it'd get ruined by his addition of olive oil, pepper and salt
imagine him taking a bath >pour olive oil >water in >have that water in just the perfect temperature otherwise you'll ruin it >season it >gordon in
>rub soup on the meat carefully >you need to do it finely, but tenderly otherwise it won't be clean and tender >don't soak your gordon too lon otherwise it will get all wrinkly
based Gordon
He looks pretty normal for someone of fifty-so years of age.
but in terms of actually learning to cook, jamie's food channel is better
cause gordon has a tendency to use bit too bourgeisie ingredients
I think most likely I might ressurrect it in the future
but I don't want to find a religion a church no organisation
no perons to donate money to nothing shit like that
just faith
cause christianity for sure went wrong by organising too much communities are good, but churches are bad
So basically making a sex cult and snaging all the money?
eww you really need neo-gnosticism
There will be dispute no matter what, it's a can't be helped situation really.
Kirara 🚗
gnosticism was never able to capture my interest honestly western faiths rarely do
your faith is a western one, though
even islam is a "western" one as much as we want to deny it middle-east is so tied up in european history, that they too are western by all fashion we just fucked the m up well not we I didn't or my people didn't but europe and west in general did
Kirara 🚗
i may be jewish but that doesn't make judaism even remotely interesting
i have some ancestors from wales that were into the whole druid shit way back when that's interesting shit i also have some ukrainian-siberian shaman ancestors and that's super interesting too
and also the imperial russia didn't expell just ukrainians to the territories it expelled everyone russia was never racist, it was just elitist they expelled anyone not aristocratic or enlisted
Kirara 🚗
>>521059 the 1700s is indeed recent but i don't consider it to be that recent
>>521061 naw what I mean is in the past it was anyone peasant in soviet times, recenth istory, it was outright ukrainians
>>521069 Because people really really liked Infinity War so now they're more popular than ever Also Black Panther was a huge succes because it was good and because of a lot of race related whatever going on
It's a shitty Marvel movie, how can people t ake it seriously
Kirara 🚗
>>521062 well yeah my point is that i had ukrainian ancestors that were forced into siberia, though some of // well, one of them got involved with a nanai girl
>>521074 It's kind of silly that it's "Captain A**rica" the first time around but "Captain America" for the second and third times.
>>521078 btw if you do identify as ukrainian, it is the history of cossacks you want to look up cause those most likely are yours too
>>521080 Pay more fucking attention you Swede I'm not this new Anno.
Liking marvel is the same as liking naruto if you ask me
>>521082 well as long as you get that geography wrong I can say fuck off, lad you mexican shit
Kirara 🚗
>>521081 yes, my great great grandfather was a ukrainian cossack
btw the cossacks if memory serves were against the bolsheviks explains a lot what happened to ukrainians later
I am not 100% on that anyhow Ukraine wanted independence post ww1 and that was against bolshevik policy though ofc, ukrainian independence was backed by austrian and german interests, as it would be a buffer state and grain supplier for them
>>521083 Nobody is asking you. Take your elitist assholery and go somewhere else with it.
Kubo did an interview with Shounen Jump recently. I wonder if he might be bringing a new series out soon. Or if Shounen Jump would even roll out the red carpet for him with a new piece. Bleach certainly wasn't amazing in ratings towards the end.
>>521105 I don't think SJ would be good platform for him I'd place kubo in th Monthly one not weekly he is a good author, but he needs time He isn't suited for weekly releases and bleach made that painfully apparent
More than time he needs editors to not completely undermine the pacing he has for an arc.
that too but I think he just needs time too >>521110 but remember that anything post aizen defeat was rushed as fuck he began to be pressured to end it quite quickly
I'm still mad about ichihime shit, he had one job.
>>521111 Even though "end it quite quickly" ended up being like three or so years.
Yeah for a "wrap it up okay" it was fucking 2 year long quincy arc plust that 100% useless fullbringer year
Final fight was so fucking anti climatic
no shit youy really could see the AX of editors and SJW at that point
He should have at least finished it as he itended, but eh
and it is shame I think he actually had a decent plan for the quincies
btw ever read a manga about a mangaka who gets stuck into his manga that is about to get axed it is fucking genius you'll end up feeling "man was this axed" despite it ending as it was supposed to
Prison School end was a 10/10
the cgi they made to make captain america actor look small is fucking genius
>>521118 Nah, he just made shit up as he went along, he just re read the manga and added "twists"
Blue's not around, so Kirara, I'm torn. I have Lyon, Arvis, and Julius. I could build Canas or MMorgan They both complete a full set of reds but Canas has the correct type of hair color but MGrima // MMorgan isn't as uh meh
I'll just leave. It's obvious I'm an intruder here
Kirara 🚗
it will probably be fine for you to stay if you lurk to gain an understanding of the culture here there's backlash against you because you don't quite adhere to our unwritten social rules
>>521166 what kirara says we don't really have rules here aside don't post lewd We just don't like well I'll let him explain
There are kinda two kinds of rejections on this board the common kind which is what kirara here is talking about where you just don't fit and then there is the GEH expulsion where you usually get also banned and that is what i am good at spotting
anyhow, like he said, you don't really fulfill the former and I don't have any geh sense on you so far atleast so just if you like what you see, well read rather stick around and see what happens
is what I did and I learnt to behave, but fuck was I awkward when I popped up here first
>>521166 hey newfriend do you like mahjong I ask every newperson this
is weird always to be bothered by soviet exculsion in us made ww2 movies but it alwasy happens to me I mean fuckers were invading us at the time and even in my family people died to the war but still I just dislike exculsion of soviets when it comes to the whole ww2 bungle
those are the guys who really died in the grinder
we will jam their tank treads with human bones
quantity approach is fun, though
amusing how zola is portrayed as "has slight conscience" in this movie but in winter soldier he is all "I am 100% hydra"
It's impressive how enduring some complaints of people have barely changed over thousands of years. Like how even in the Classical Greek culture, you had people complaining how the younger generation was too out of control or in contrast to the previous generations morals.