
Thread #522415

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pleased to meet ya, it's a whole new thread
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fellas is a 144hz monitor worth
thinking of buying one for my sister for her birthday she only plays games on PC
Kirara 🚗
is anything "worth"?
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what's on with the ton

Do it
What are they gonna do
Force you to work?
yakuza zero was worth seventeen dollars
more seriously though i mean is it a noticeable difference or what
it's impossible for me to tell because i can't view shit in 144fps on any of my devices as it is
money is no factor in this decision
i wanna go home and sleep
Kirara 🚗

I have no idea personally but people have told me it's noticable
144 hurts
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snakes are cool if only they didn't terrify me in real life
slippery tube dude is cute
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well i hope she likes it if not i'll just have to return it and buy drugs instead
This is snek
Also I got Dragon's Crown Pro
Totally worth it
It's great
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I had pet snakes once
sasuga satan
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
144 is huge for me when i play OW
hey kirara the new seasonals have been leaked
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I had a wild snake pop up at my window the other day.
apparently a bull snake.
just slithered up to the window
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It was pretty cool
wow look at that smugster
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also cute
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The squirrels that inhabit the tree outside my window have grown from two to three.
This doesn't bode well for silence.
waht squirrels aren't noisy
I beg to differ.
You can hear the CHUK CHUK WHRR it does here from a good fifteen metres away.
I guess our squirrels are as silent as us
Kirara 🚗
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>waiting at a red light
>look down at my phone idly
>look back up
>a naked man on a horse goes by
>hear sirens in the other direction
running off the rails on a crazy train
I wasn't expecting the horse to be there when I first saw you typing "a naked man".
Was the horse moving quickly?
Kirara 🚗
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I'm not sure if it was running quickly, but it was moving a lot faster than a person can run.
Well I guess any port in a storm when you're trying to get away.
Some of the peanuts in this jar are nearly an inch in length.
I can't recall even seeing peanuts that long before, let alone the three or four I've had in this jar.
Taste fine though, so eh.
Kirara 🚗
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It's a strange world out there.
Full of naked people on horses.

Really? Long peanuts are really common here, especially at baseball games and stuff.
Probably less full of naked people on horses than there were in the past though.

I'd say they usually don't get longer than 1.5cm or so in the jars and tins of peanuts you can get at stores here.
Though I don't really eat a particularly lot of peanuts, so maybe my sample bias is kind of small.
hello kirara
the new characters were leaked
Kirara 🚗
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>Probably less full of naked people on horses than there were in the past though.
This is so sad.

Oh, I guess they're deshelled.
Unpeeled, so to say.
err peeled
I guess they're more commonly long when they're in the crust, still. That's what I was thinking.

For what?
Kirara 🚗
1. why noire
2. what the fuck is she wearing
oh you got it
noire is hideous but who even likes her
i want tana though so i can have three flying blade tomes
Kirara 🚗
is tana confirmed flying?
i only see the pictures of them
Kirara 🚗
oh, i see now

i will not roll for any of them bc i am waiting for summer anna who we should get pretty soon
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zero books had an interview with zizek
How was I not aware
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
summer anna fucking never
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this has actually happened here in the city centre
I don't remember the details but someone thought it would be a fun stunt
Kirara 🚗
it'll be in the second round of units, they teased it already

this guy was probably not well
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Yeah well as far as i remember the guy who dunnit here years back also got a short sentence plus hefty fines
but that was ages ago
Kurt Eichenwald wrote a book about Enron in 2005.
Kirara 🚗
i will never understand the fascination with zizek
Kirara 🚗
sk probably doesn't remember enron haha
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what the fuck is an enron
Kirara 🚗
an american energy company and one of the biggest accounting agencies in the world, called enron, had some pretty big scandals a while back and got btfo and died
How the fuck can you be anti capitalist and not know enron.
It's practically the Hitler example equivalent for capitalism
oh rip
Kirara 🚗
surprisingly, leftists never really talk about enron
outside of the US, i doubt many younger leftists have heard it
which is really weird
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I mean I generally just don't care that much whether a company is following the law or not, in terms of my stance on capitalism
It's not very important
Go read about it
They fucked over thousands of their employees
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Also each country has their own shit story about some over greedy company or disaster case of a company anyhow
so if they have some story about corporative ludacricy, they most likely quote their local equilevant and remember that
than some us case from years back
Kirara 🚗
enron's corruption was literally something that had effects in nearly every western country
Enron was pretty big
Like hundreds of billions of dollars
And their corruption even affected politics because they fucked over California by charging too much for electricity and selling power out of state
Which lead to the California energy crisis
well we are a nordic country so
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Yeah I don't think it affected me much, if at all
One of the largest accpunting firms in the world went out if business as a result of it.
Enron's corruption consists of basically everything you would use as examples to explain why businesses are bad.
any news about enron would be blobbed by Euro and eu policies and the dotcom aftereffect
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Once again
there are better and more familiar cases in both of our countries or in the european market that affected us and are better known to us
so as big as this might have been
never heard of it
Enron scandal was post .com
Kirara 🚗
i'm not surprised you've never heard of it but i do agree with rei that any leftist should know about it
any anti-capitalist at least
I'm only surprised that sk hadn't.
Arthur Andersen probably had business operations in Finland.
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I feel like attempting to fully understand the effects of what happened is just a lot of work that's not super useful, that's all
Like of course it's important to understand why we are where we are in detail, but that's not something that comes up that often
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Who knows
but I don't remember ever hearing about it on the news or anything
only place I have heard of enron has been on moe
I mean seriously, 1999-2002 was all about Euro in terms of news coverage
and 9/11
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Also I was uh
13 and unaffected
Kirara 🚗
yeah but i just feel like it's the kind of thing an anticapitalist would know about
didn't know you were over 30 sk
if you were 13 in 2001
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I googled it and the trials were in 2006 so
accupuncturing firms
Kirara 🚗
my dad used to work for enron
I'm so sorry
Kirara 🚗
it actually worked out alright, their local natural gas stuff got bought out by another company which kept my dad on and it was actually a decent job
enron hubbard
I made that joke the other day but my friend didn't get it.
Oh cool
what a useless friend
I saw some guy handing out hubbard fliers the other day
Also Kirara
Did you know that the Brotherhood of Islam is now associated with the Co$?
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yeah they apparently exist here too
Kirara 🚗
haha really? what's their relationship?
Nation of Islam
Kirara 🚗
somehow that surprises me a lot less
I mix them up
>Since 2010, under Farrakhan, members have been strongly encouraged to study Dianetics, and the Nation claims it has trained 1,055 auditors.
Did you know that they also believe that whites were created by an evil black scientist named Jakub?
Kirara 🚗
this is the kind of shit that happens when you hand down leadership of the organization you run (while you're already fucking crazy) to your kid

elijah's entire line is fucking nuts
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We are jakub's evil white apes
and da blacks used to be KANGS
while you're already fucking crazy to your kid
Kirara 🚗
nation of islam is basically full of hoteps now, isn't it?

oh no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Hurray I get to spend time with pan
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Some backside fun ahead, eh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
ask pan about the sacrifice he has to make to atone for his sins on fathers day
oh my
oh yeah you crazy west atlanteans celebrate father's day now
Kirara 🚗
yeah, we been in on the whole father's day thing for like 100 years
Kirara 🚗
oh, now as in, the present moment in time, not as in recently
i misunderstood gomen
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I will this sounds interesting
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here we celebrate it in november cause "it was a dull time in the business"
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Original date if memory serves would be at the beginning of march
some st.s day that was patron of fatherhood or something
Kirara 🚗
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it's super interesting

do y'all have any celebrations for it or anything
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same as on mother's day except for fathers
Kirara 🚗
what do y'all do for mother's day?
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This year I just went to my mother's place and cooked for her
Kirara 🚗
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I watched a baseball game and a movie with my dad and I gave him some glass airplant pots that hang from stuff.
as for last father's day, my brother invited him + his gf to a restaurant and then I got him a bottle of exotic beer
Kirara 🚗
is exotic beer in finland like, american beer?
naw it was some quite good belgian monastery beer
but it is exotic, in it is quite rare
the batches for those aren't that big, so they aren't available year around
Belgian monastery beer is hella good.
monastery beers and wines are damn good almsot always
also they come in those 0,75 or 1l or bigger bottles
with that attached closer
so they alone already look quite fancy
The headband on my headphones is -has almost completely fallen apart now.
Only like 20-25% of the sitching holding the headband casing still remains.
Even now I can't take the headphones off without needing to finnagle them carefully onto my head, lest the padding inside the headband falls out.

I really want to get a replacement pair but even an okay-ish approx. fifty dollar pair would be a bit expensive.
It's annoying.
Kirara 🚗
oh wow
i've never seen beer in big bottles like that
I think the Saku bottles Jan and I got last year in Philly were at least 750mL.
Might've been 500 though
I have seen US made beer in 750
saku isn't made in larger than 500
Kirara 🚗
yeah, it was only 500ml
i still have those bottles in my fridge since jan said he'd drink them

yeah i've never seen it like that
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but having beer in what is essentially a sparklign wine bottle is at times confusing
Oh wow
Alko sells beer in BARRELS
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oh I guess keg is the right word there

I miss when these mini kegs were a thing
Lidl used to have these 5l kegs during summers for sale, the beer was damn good and the price wasn't bad
something like 20€ a piece
Kirara 🚗
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one in picture is 40€
Kirara 🚗
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my client today was talking about how cool it would be to befriend a mob boss because he could help him find ways to make money
so i asked about it, and he was like, "yeah, we could open a restaurant or something!"
he wants to become friends with criminals so he can help them "come up with legal ideas to make money" lol
autistic people that are kind of low functioning turn into really pure adults
Season two never
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that's so pure
oh wow
there is a mead brewery in the capital region that makes honey mead
I should try it out someday
Kirara 🚗
season 2 is in my heart and it is our story
Motorbiking through a spunky and colourful Japan with the buddies would be pretty great.
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I just can't wait to watch FLCL2
Once the dub is out, cause \\\
The sub
I don't wanna watch the dub
I think they're still using the same voice actors for the dub
Kirara 🚗
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we'll meet all kinds of funny people like the old bonfire lady in that castle outside philly

bai bai
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But now, sleep
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#8ball (Would you kindly?)
Oh USA actually left the UN council on human rights
or whatever the english name
Kirara 🚗
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Oh, this album has the Rolling Girls version of STONES instead of the lesbian version
Kirara 🚗
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It feels like we're rarely around at the same times these days,
That council is a joke
It has plenty of human rights abusing members
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You've been going to sleep early and I've been showing up late.
Kirara 🚗
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Time sure is cruel.
I talked to Fish for a few minutes today. She said hi.
how is she
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Still amusing that some country has the balls to say it and act on it
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Oh yes tell her hi and that I've been worried about her.
How is she doing?
Kirara 🚗
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She's doing about the same as she was.
She's spending most of her time asleep.
They're still trying to find something her pneumonia will respond to.
She wants to come home but she's way too sick, I guess.
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How come they haven't transported her to a more civilized country?
Kirara 🚗
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I don't know.
They imported a doctor from Switzerland or Sweden or something, though.
That's good.
Oh yeah
Your post about your autistic client reminded me of a movie about mafia guys who open up a restaurant.
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Seems like the first thing you'd do is put her one a transport plane as soon as she was stable enough to move.
Kirara 🚗
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Haha, when he said that, I was like, "oh, mafia guys love food in all the movies so i bet they'd like having a restaurant!"

I don't know if she's stable enough to move.

I didn't want him to have to go out of his way to find a sacrifice.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wtf I have to die??
It's called Flickering Lights
It's Danish
that reminds me we were gonna right a screenplay about a prison barbershop quartet right
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She seems like she'd be somewhat stable after all this time, but maybe there's something to do with the air pressure involved in putting her on a plane that's a problem.
Not really sure about that. You'd think you could circumvent that with a pressurized cabin, but I don't know enough about airplanes and flying.
Kirara 🚗
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Oh yeah, haha. I remember that, and they'd break out while singing.
It'd be the feel good movie of the year.

I don't know. I think that even pressurized cabins don't recreate the ground elevation pressure.
Meido hasn't said anything about it, and I guess I didn't think to ask why they weren't doing it.
i was at like 65% oxygen retention when i had pneumonia and i got brain damage p bad from it
i would imagine risking oxygen levels is risky
Kirara 🚗
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definitely want to avoid that
i should ask what her oxygen retention is
i don't know a lot about the lungs and stuff, honestly
my mom is a respiratory therapist so i could ask her but she doesn't like fish so she'd probably lie to me
your mom is a fucking psychopath i would avoid any unnecessary contact
Kirara 🚗
yeah good point
last time i saw her she was like, "oh, boo hoo, i had to pull someone's life support again! it's so cool, but it's so painful!"
she can't even pretend to care well
I think the "mafia loves food" comes from both them being italian and welp
restaurants being the most common front for their organisations
>had to
i bet she did it voluntarily
Kirara 🚗
yeah probably
my stepdad apparently broke his wrist because he fell while walking around on the driveway or something
she probably pushed him
he's also suddenly got a hernia and heart problems
i wonder if she's going to finish him off

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Kirara 🚗
images are dead
And me
Kirara 🚗
4 us
images are dead and we killed them
Long live images.
Kirara 🚗
my professor read Kierkegaard's unhappiest man to my cohort yesterday and everyone was like "omg that's so deep and depressing"
i know you got other shit on you are mind but just a q it's fine if not
would you like to attempt to look in 4D again soon
Kirara 🚗
yes absolutely
maybe tomorrow night
i won't /// don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow night
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Kirara 🚗
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I am probably not going to go to Nigeria since I have contact now

the unhappiest man
Kierkegaard's short essay about how living is pain and the unhappiest man imaginable is someone that can never find the sweet escape from pain that is death
the what
he never wrote a piece called that
Kirara 🚗
it's an essay in either/or
most likely
or a chapter name
we lost ten entire posts with that blip
a whole history lost
a whole linguistic histology lost
Kirara 🚗
not most likely, it is
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I promise it's not like that FBI game i made you play
even though you didn't do the cookies subroute

I think that you will understand once you play a little bit
and imo i'd like you to take your time with it and do it over several sessions even if it takes months
it's def worth it
I havn't read any philosophy in years
maybe I should see if the local library has anything interesting
Kirara 🚗
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i just thought it was funny because everyone was like, "oh man this is so depressing and DEEP" and i've been sitting around like "shit living is nothing but pain" for years
it must be nice to not think being alive is painful
fuckin noobs
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well kierkegaard had his own reasons for those views
though existentialism is a fun branch of philosophy
Kirara 🚗
still life was fucking amazing
haha i really enjoyed it
it was fun as fuck
especially watchin you tryna lock pick
but this isn't that
D4 is swery incarnate
it's so fluid
it's the most fluid experience a person can have imo
Kirara 🚗
existentialism is my shit
my therapy modality is existential psychotherapy haha

i've seen some clips from it it looks nuts
the clips aint shit
it's a devil is in the details kind of game
i've watched dozens of people play the game already
it's entirely a unique experience every time
the things you pay attention to speak volumes
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I remember one essay I wrote last time studyin philo, titled something like
Would I exist more excellently, if I entered existentialism
with a head splitting hangover and still got good grade for it
not exactly titled like that, but it was practically only E beginning words on the title
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Kirara 🚗
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are you taking it easy?
that's what i'm doin

nice alliterations

is that possible?
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Yes, I am taking it easy.

Yes I'm doing well.
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good evening yuu how are you
which part
water you doin for supper
im havin a chicken marsala
i'm adding mozzarella cheese to it because i am clinically diagnosed with a dairy addiction
Kirara 🚗
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I've been trying to take it easy a lot lately.

Being different every time.
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it's totally different every time
maybe it's the same on some superficial level because the plot is the same
but it's a detective kind of game
there are more things to inquire about than any one person will ever explore, and seeing everyone enthused by different things is the greatest part
there's also a totally irrelevant wardrobe system and it's neat to see how much attention people pay to how they look, and it does inherently have an affect on the plot in some regards

rook totally rushed it, but it was still fun
i feel like D4 is one of the games where i can tell a lot about a person by how they play it
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Taking it easy is good for you.
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Amusing read, considering I wrote it back in 2010
quite a different person I was back then
Kirara 🚗
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I hope I'll live up to your expectations!

Taking it easy is pretty hard.
I'm like, up to date on all of my work, though.
So it's all I can do.
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i dunno if it makes sense but i really want to watch you play it with full freedom
not feeling like you're rushed or compelled in any way
even though i'm very obviously pushing you to
it's crucial to the experience
Kirara 🚗
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>colleague texts me: how did you do on x assignment?
>me: 84
>colleague: i got a 0%
Kirara 🚗
yeah that makes sense to me
Kirara 🚗
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Probably shouldn't have copied and pasted a lot though.
Kirara 🚗
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At least she seems aware that it was a mistake.
Kirara 🚗
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It's funny that people entering their third year of a doctoral program can still be the kind of person that would copy and paste.
This is for something for our dissertation prep class, too, haha.
Maybe I'm just particular about my writing, but even if I was literally copy-pasting content I'd probably still be writing/typing it out myself.
Even when I'm quoting I'll usually just write it out instead of copying it, unless it's like, three lines of content.

Not to mention, as a good rule of thumb, if it feels like something -might- be plagarism, it's usually safe to assume it is going to be considered plagarism.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 237x454, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 07 [7(…).jpg)
I could never stand it if I used someone else's words.
My way of writing academically is somewhat unique so if there's part I didn't write, it breaks up the flow of everything.
It'd drive me mad.
Never mind that also from an educational standpoint, just parroting what someone else has written or said flies in the face of what a student is supposed to learn in an academic environment like that.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (438 KB, 1280x720, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 07 [7(…).jpg)
Well, to be fair, having to do a dissertation is just an archaic part of the system that hasn't been eliminated yet.
We're a clinical program, working on our doctorates in psychology, not philosophy, so having to do a study is something that a lot of my colleagues aren't keen on. They just want to see clients and provide therapy.

I'm okay with it because I've been involved in research for like 6 years now, though.
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giving /mor/
wow i'm so blind
i need glasses

giving /moe/ fair warning abou tracked location surveys
i'd advise against answering or participating in questionable surveys
Yeah, that's fair.
There's so many fields of work that are still tied way too closely to academic qualifications where a practiced or technical qualification would suit them far better.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (618 KB, 1280x720, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 05 [7(…).jpg)
questionable surveys like my dissertation survey?!

we have technical qualifications we have to pass
we have to prove we can provide therapy, then we have to prove we have a good knowledge pool for psychology, then we have to prove we can provide therapy two more times before we can get licensed
plus our dissertation

i'm fine with doing a dissertation and want to do it though
it's an opportunity for me to utilize the resources of someone more experienced than me for whatever i want
no, just things which don't need to be a third party survey but are, specifically in our messageboard realm
e.g. someon could just tag my name or anyone elses with some ranomd strawpoll-like survey and ask a question
and respondent's location are tracked
Kirara 🚗
oh i see what you mean
it's not a new threat by any means and i wouldnt mention it if it wasn't that someone in particular wasn't fishing for info with it
Kirara 🚗
thanks for the warning
how do i quote someons in the past
Kirara 🚗
how do you quote someone in the future?
i wish i could make a PSA about unfairness but it doesnt/would matter
Kirara 🚗
is somethin goin on
how can i tell
Kirara 🚗
does it feel internal or external
what's the number again
my phone is bricked
im using a temp
Kirara 🚗
my number?
no the hotline
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
was it saved in your old phone?
A game I was playing last night somehow uninstalled itself since then and now.
It's not a big deal since the whole thing isn't even a gigabyte in file size but it's weird that it happened.
but i owe an apology to lobster, sugoi, and yuu, in tha // that order
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Oh, what happened?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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PAN is amazing at helping with campaign ideas
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 501x643, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 05 [7(…).jpg)
Second day in a row where I haven't had anything more than cereal, pasta, and carrots for meals.
Maybe I'll stop somewhere to eat out for supper tomorrow to celebrate the end of the semester.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 217x613, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 06 [7(…).jpg)
two of my classes end july 2nd and the other one ends in the last week of july
The spring/summer semester here runs like two months at the university I'm taking classes at, at least.
It's really rushed by.

I'm a little anxious because I was hoping to get contacted for some work before it ended though.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 603x579, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 06 [7(…).jpg)
My summer semester is like June 13th to last week of July or something.
I'm getting two new clients this week, so I'll have lots of clients to keep me busy once the two classes end.
This pack of hairbands I have has an assortment of five colours, but the first of each in the vertical way they're packed is a little fancier with dots of reflective material spaced evenly along the band.
It's weird.
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Kirara 🚗
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im a cat
Neko jya ne shi
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You can trust me
I"m a rat
Playing Breath of the Wild again.
Wonder if I'll ever beat it.
How much did you accomplish?
You could probably beat it today if you really wanted to. Hyrule Castle and the Ganon fight aren't that hard
Unless you're talking about 100% completion in which case good luck mate
I'm not certain about 100% completion but just beating it won't quite cut it.
I gotta squeeze emotional satisfaction out of the game.
You have it on switch or wii u?
you guys are fucking COOL
you hear me
you're just fuckin STELLAR
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You give me the world, you gave me the light.
So if it take for me to suffer, for my brother to see the light...
Give me pain until I die.
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I don't get enough sleep when I've got the day shift
I guess I gotta just start going to bed earlier, cause this is awful
Compromising sleep, personal interests, and work is always a nuisance for me.
There isn't really an atypical workshift that suits me and lets me sleep at a "proper" time or whatnot.
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night shifts are fine
but day shifts are just painful
Night shifts wouldn't be a problem for me if I didn't have things I really want to do during the time they'd be running.
I wouldn't be able to watch anime with /moe/ if I worked regular night shifts.
And because I stay up late I can't sleep a lot at night and start a job that needs me waking up at 06:00 or earlier.
So I gotta compromise some other way.
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it's a pain no matter how you do it really
Well yeah.
You die if you work.
anime >>522710 →
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Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
see the way we all run
when we know it all by heart
everybody's gotta live their life
and god knows I gotta live mine
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Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
ain't no hanky panky
we straight spankin
Don't spank
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
can't stop the spank
nagi the fuck
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
it's not something you can stop
it's not something i can stop
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That change from microsoft emojis to twitter emojis tho
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
spank me daddy
I'm sorry your SpankBank tm account is overdrawn
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
shit redo
no redos
we in this for real
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
always blame the bugs
b b b b b ang
Loons mate for life.
The motherfucking world is a ghetto
certified cock mechanic
clearly it's a pool
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don't worry we've got this
Why am I awake?
you can help me look for hand puppets if youre bored
Kirara 🚗
ICE agents are getting doxed haha
they sure are
hopin people stay safe while doin it
Kirara 🚗
i hope we can start making their lives hell
there are some detention facilities locally
my people might go to one
do you have any suggestions
Kirara 🚗
i don't have any legal suggestions yet
but if we can rile up enough liberals we might be able to get them to storm a camp or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png)
Have a good time
i was looking for a kizuna hand puppet but i guess they dont exist
that's more PR type stuff i'll let you work that stuff
i'm only good with the granular stuff
Kirara 🚗
it would be incredibly dangerous
and probably not in a fun way
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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what a shame, I'd love to have my hand in her backside.
then what's the fun in that
i really like puppets in general and am an aspiring puppeteer
ask kirara and jan theyve seen my love for puppets
Kirara 🚗
it's about saving lives

can confirm
might have some ICE puppets by the end of the day
Kirara 🚗
hell yeah
kitchen leaking
what do you do after storming the camp. Is the goal to try ferrying the people in the camp to a hideout or something
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (472 KB, 1280x720, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 03 [7(…).jpg)

you free the kids, some of them that are old enough to manage on their own can be left alone, but some of the younger kids will have to be helped more
their parents are all incarcerated, though, so we can't reunite them
bringing them to a hideout is foolish because it'll be easy to snatch them back up
it's better if people just disperse and make themselves scarce
and >>522824
we have to make sure they can't solidify this stuff
no from the rain
the important part is not to let the process solidify
Kirara 🚗
we all know what happens when you ignore concentration camps
i'm not comfortable being one of the people that looks back in 20 years and thinks can't believe i didn't even try
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gotta unretire
Kirara 🚗
lmao at separate but equal
what the tf
Kirara 🚗
what does that even fucking mean
the air force and space force are separate but equal????????????????
it's obviously said just for normalization
regardless of how many people notice it, millions will hear it said and not think it significant enough to pay any attention to
Kirara 🚗
yeah it's so stupid
all of this is so maddening
they've been pushing it and pushing it and suddenly liberals are like, whaaaat, i can't believe thiiiis, this isn't america!!
do you have any orthogonal sources for tracking this
Kirara 🚗
not that i can think of unfortunately
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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what about diagonal sources
Kirara 🚗
this isn't really a joking matter, this is about the beginnings of actual real life genocide
he's just havin a laff at my awkward terminology
it's ok
us being serious about it doesn't need to dictate /moe/'s energy and mood
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's true
it's difficult tho
i gotta research
but i can't do so objectively through conventional resources
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
yeah, it's really hard
i dont even mean intentional stuff
just the threads of thought in the way the information is attained obfuscates how i probe the information
the whole process is really destructive of information
do you wanna open a discord for this or something to organize information
Kirara 🚗
sounds good to me
Kirara 🚗
maybe something less tracked would be better though
thanks pan
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just twenty bucks for an amazing cat?
amazing cat, 10 hours
oh just ten hours wrf
this should be fine
Truly I am
Kirara 🚗
new darkest dungeon dlc
dankest dungeon

did you see everyone but tana has a weapon with rainbow blow
Search [iqdb] (221 KB, 1445x2047, Dft4wJUU0AAWvaT.jpg)
Sup blue
whenever it is summer, I wish my senile grandfather hadn't sold the family cottage
sup blewd
Kirara 🚗
i wanna do some rainbow blow
I'll bet
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Kirara 🚗
The future is here.
considerign the dry field underneath that seems bit risky
Yeah it does.
Still cool though.
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Well one can presume whoever did that had some extinquishing stuff
We can only hope.
Maybe they have a second quadrocopter for extinguishing fires.
anyhow harvested fields are super dry
those can go up in flames 100% from just a small spark
speaking of forest fires, it is amusing to think that autumn would be the best time for them to happen
if it didn't rain so much
wow oliver sure is worthless
comparative of olive?
I just met her!
olive oliver olivest
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 531x666, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg)
wow 28way split on second tier price on eurojackpot
but no one got the jackpot yet
so 28 people/group just got 900k€ all over europe
90 million still waiting for a winner for 4 weeks in a row
I didn't know you guys had an idiot tax.
That's what I call the lottery.
It's a tax for idiots.
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 469x490, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg)
sure yeah if you spend like 50€ a year to it
or even more

here all lottery money goes to charity work concentrating on education, youth sports and so on
And people do.
Neat, it goes to government stuff here too, usually education.
But in many states that means "oh we can give less tax money to the schools because the lottery covers it" so it becomes an excuse to defu nd education.
See Florida for example.
veikkaus is 100% non profit organisation so
ofc government gets the lottery tax share
God Florida's so fucked up.
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg)
Well we aren't a nation of corrupt and selfish cunts so
We aren't either, it just so happens that that minority is good at getting into power.
though who knows in 20 years
since EU wants that
Although I actually do live in a super politically corrupt county. But the politicians here aren't corrupt and inept. They actually get things done. They couod certainly do better. But all the non corrupt people who run just don't have the experience.
Chicago's the third biggest city in the US. You need more than a pure heart to keep it running.
As much as I hate the corruptness the current mayor gets a lot of things done. Except in education. The pubpic schools in the city are a huge mess.
Although as usual a lot of this goes back to the previous administration.
Well, it's more than just the schools.
Although part of a really big problem with them is a statewide thing that goes back a bit.
The tl;dr is that people borrowed against pensions of the teachers union or something like that and never paid it back. So starting any day now people retiring won't have their pensions.
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it is just broken window theory
y'all need to replace the broken window as soon as they are smashed
Broken window theory is not supported by evidence.
Although I get what you mean in this context.
if you didn't realise, that was sarcasm
Yeah I did, i just felt like pointing it out.
Anyways the system is pretty broken but its (here) getting a lot better.
The previous mayor was supper corrupt.
The current one is like a 2.5/5 on a corruptness scale.
He's fixed a lot of stuff.
but I can see broken window stuff as a factor why a neighbourhood starts to go bad, but bythe time that is happenign well...
it most likely is bad
Also our last really non corrupt president got fucked over really bad.
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come to think of it, I have no idea who is in charge of my province
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Functioning democracy at work
surprising one is the swedish party
well this si about 40% swedish speaking province
wow the "mayor" hasn't changed since 2000
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Guess he has enough support to keep going
amusingly read that if the current social and health reform goes through, this province gets fucked up to 8 million € a year in income and loses control of their own functions, them being relocated to a higher level, combining several provinces to work under a shared social and health system
Oblongar's stuff is pretty great.
signalize is pf great to begin with
it's one of my favorites
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looks like an owl
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for you sk
I don't understand fully how people get these pictures, but they're fantastic
im gonna ask you a question /moe/
there's a reason behind it and i'll follow up but i just want to ask the question first

why do children cry when they hurt themselves
it hurts, probably
it’s an instinctual cry for help
okay, so we have "to get help", or to bring attention to the situation, et cetera
any others?
isn't it like, a stress relief function?
and we have "to relieve stress"
both are obviously true in some sense
the child cries because something has happened, and crying signals the mother (or whoever) to help
both valid statements

this question was asked on /sci/

everyone just said "to get help from its mom" et cetera, along with some insults about the obviousness of it
my response is probably obvious about how unexpected situations in an underdeveloped brain can cause stimulation and evoke a physiological response

i thought it was p obvious that that's what the OP was asking about and wondered why i was alone in answering it
i don't know how hard i'm projecting though

just an internal point of contention i was trying to get some illumination on
Well vocal crying out is a pretty consistent reaction to pain across many animal species.
Producing tears at pain, at least mild pain like a child would even cry at, is a little less common?
It might also be that they haven't developed a personal evaluation of pain yet, so everything that hurts them hurts REAL bad.
Crying tears is also a reaction to being emotional pain too, like being scared or put in an uncomfortable situation, which is an important analogue I think isn't really touched upon in the original question.
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I think in all cases it's an overstimulation thing
but that aside, it's just a preparatory question

my real question, or prompt i guess, is the observation of the trend of responses
Why does a child cry when hurt?
1. To get attention/assistance, so social signalling
2. Innate response to stress/overstimulation physiologically

two totally different whys here
one being what a child gains from crying
one being what causes a child to cry

i'm ruminating on that a bit so i'll leave it open ended for commentary, if anyone has any
and if not, it's not really a significant thing anyway
note my interest is in the linguistics and dynamics of Q/A and not really in the child crying
children cry it's what they were invented to do
i think cause and effect are relative to the systems at play
physiologically, the children cry because they're presented with an unexpected situation which their brain can't internally resolve the immediate action potential overflow from the incoming nervous signals from the pain receptors, and also from their brain organizing things in a way with an expectation that was not met such that they now have previously unresolved action potential + new incoming signals driving the action potential up
so the brain outsources to the nervous system, the nerves are overexcited and look for ways of externalizing it, one of which is crying (also laughter, shouting, or in serious cases, seizures)

evolutionarily it's just good for the lineage to signal to elders that something is wrong so that you can get assistance from informatic superiority
and individually it's done just because it's learned that crying equals help and attention, things which the brain is very fond of

i guess my gripe is in the usefulness of language to present these conditionals intuitively
a fairly simple question has a broad range of applicable systems in play

the amount of elucidation necessary to pinpoint context is overbearing to the point that it's no longer a social exchange but an academic one
i dont really think that needs to be the case
i feel like there's a much more streamlined channel of communication that could occur here
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exactly according to keikaku
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That dragscope THOOOOO
>Well, it’s free, it’s fun and it has a very silly, offbeat sense of humour. While PUGB has a serious, realistic visual style, Fortnite: Battle Royale has very bright, almost cartoon-like graphics as well as loads of ridiculous items and costumes, such as space suits and dinosaur outfits.

You play as a pug in a battle royale for the best treats.
>20 pugs face off in a free for all to find out who is a good boy
To find out who is the GOODEST boy.
>golden retriever shows up
There's a special game mode where the pugs have to take on an Alaskan Malamute before he gobbles up all the treats himself.
>Horsey Fatback
Well I guess that's one way to call a camel.
have you ever seen those hunting games
i always wanted something like that with online pvp where some players are the bear/elk/etc
I've seen snippets.
There's similar games, like that one that has players take turns being a shark against some swimmers.
And more fantasy games like that one from a few years back about being a team of monster hunters going up against a player as an OP monster.

A bear might be a fair chance but I think an elk would always be a little unfair for the person playing the elk.
Oh gross the caps again
You get what I'm saying soe Far Cry 5 shit
Kirara 🚗
google is so bad
im trying to find out information about the luminosity of different phone leds and it's only giving me ads for phones and reviews of phone screens that don't have that information
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i hate that it's literally impossible to search for, for instance, Steven King
no matter what you do it'll think you mean stephen king
if you put it in quotations and put -stephen, you'll just get forum posts from people that are still referring to stephen king as steven king
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>only humans can produce emotional tears
I... is that so?
probably not
but hey, it's the internet
and whatever forum has a thread that the most bored housewives click to from the search results is what google defines as worthy of having a special caption for
teddy k was right
technology is a social poison
we need to go back to nature
damn straight
tonny speakin da troof
Kirara 🚗
fucking hell
Try "Steven King" -stephen -horror -author
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>go to store to buy coffee
>forget coffee
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yeah but this guy is an author
it's also logistically impossible to search for marionette dolls with an anime theme because there's an anime called marionette i guess
the ultimate in encryption/privacy technology: naming your crow Russel
good luck fbi
what is this expression trying to convey
Annoyance, I think
no it is turtle
>What do you mean we can't paint our bedroom pastel because you spent the money on gachas?
i wouldnt mind betrothing myself to someone that fun
Someone that fun might mind you though.
i'd be happy just to have someone who appreciates pastels
>email received
>let us know why you cancelled our service!
>send feedback
>it's sent as a support ticket

fucking hate this
you asked ME for feedback
i didn't ask for support
gonna call the suicide hotline and ask them about turnips
you shouldn't
why not
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>open pornub
hey sk
are you workin
what time is it there
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I'm at home
It's 9
I've got day shift this week, so I'm going again at 6am
sounds good
i haven't really said it but im proud of you man
seems like you've made progress
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I've made a lot of progress in a lot of areas over a fairly short timespan, yeah
And thanks, it means a lot coming from you
i'm happy you've done well and found purpose
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It has been very positive for my overall mental state to have a purpose, yeah
I tunnel vision hard on stuff I'm interesting in though, so it's like that Cage the Elephant song

It didn't stop there
It consumed me
i have found porpoise
I cant remember if I took my vitamins this morning or not
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This reality is depressing
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>hey since I accidentally clicked on me3 icon, let's go do the first few missions
>oh forgot EA is so shit at their own games, that the LOAD CHARACTER function doesn't load my character proper and I need to completely redo the face
why does anyone give EA money?
Kirara 🚗
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we and my peeps might march on one of the local concentration camps
weve got 5 of them in florida
don't do anything stupid
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I'm not sure how effective you'll be, but god bless
Kirara 🚗
well ICE offices around the country are being closed temporarily because of protests and cops are begging protestors to let ICE agents go home to their families which is hilarious and not going to happen
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Haa really i feel like bashing some ea/bioware guys in the head with a mallet
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I've seen reports of it just ending with the cops showing up and beating the christ out of people though
Kirara 🚗
i haven't seen a single report of that
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Not that I think that's a reason not to do it
Maybe I've mixed something up
I was sure I saw that scroll by on my timeline while I was at work
Kirara 🚗
we have 18 ICE agents that got doxxed in our area
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I'm still in disbelief at how quick this all is
It wasn't good under Obama either, I'm aware of that, but the hostility has certainly been ramped up
Kirara 🚗
that's how fascists do it when they want to rush
three steps forward, one step back to appease the blind idiots, then right back onto business
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 800x720, Df_VbT-V4AEiMks-orig.jpg)
It's just incredible
I was sure this would all be a lot slower
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Are there enough of you to effectively besiege the facilities, though?
Kirara 🚗
if we coordinate properly, we can get 50+ to start
after that lots of unrelated people will probably join in, including libs
Search [iqdb] (587 KB, 893x892, __gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto_ga_(…).png)
Oh yeah, libs are fine with joining in I guess
Well I hope you'll be able to affect the situation to some degree, but be safe
Kirara 🚗
we'll have to see if trumps decision to put families in concentration camps together instead of separately is enough to appease them
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I don't know US law well enough to verify it, but
This person claims it's a play to begin with
And honestly, wouldn't be surprised because it fits
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if it passes though, the liberals will likely calm down
Kirara 🚗
if it passes
it's an executive order so it automatically passes
when he signs it, it's law
people will have to sue if they want to get rid of it
but yes, having it eventually struck down is probably trump's goal
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 1000x1550, DcpK-AaVMAIBOdc.jpg)
Oh I see
Then I guess the play won't work out for him, since who the hell would sue over this
Kirara 🚗
people who want the kids separated
I thought even executive orders went through the supreme court like, automatically, if a bit delayed
Kirara 🚗
no, you can think of them as the president writing law
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Those are the same people who kinda like Trump and don't want to go against him though
Kirara 🚗
but they would if he asked them to
That's entirely true
Though, political suicide considering their own base would reject them
Kirara 🚗
you realize that basically anyone effected by it in any conceivable way can sue right
Yeah I don't see that happening, though
Like who'd sue over this and revert the situation to separating the families?
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
if nobody sues, indefinite camp time for kids
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Rock and a hard place, huh
oh yeah since no one enforces that
what was it 2-3 days max at the initial holding centres?
Kirara 🚗
an executive order isn't even necessary here
he can just tell ICE to stop separating kids

something like that but yeah nobody enforces it
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I don't think executive orders should be a thing, unless there is some form of crisis happening
Kirara 🚗
they absolutely shouldn't
obama set the precedent of using them constantly though
so now Trump can too
I mean
1) they are like king's authority to me
2) any executive order will just be repealed by the predecessor
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There's always a crisis
hue hue
you get my point, though
Executive orders have their value, in tht you can quickly rush in sayr elief bills if a hurricane hits
or say war happens
actual war not the "not war" usa has been waging since 2001
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The pandora's box
whenever someone abuses an existing feature, everyone will
justifying "well my predecessor did and you were fine with it"
And I don't blame the presidents for that
it is so convenient tool of power that who wouldn't use it when in that position
Kirara 🚗
president doesn't need executive orders for anything pertaining to war or disaster relief
he can just issue normal orders
yeah the president's only legal restriction as far as war goes is he can't declare war, isn't it?
so why does it even exist?
Really US president is a monarch elected every 6-12 years
Because the state isn't built up for you, it's built for those in power
hue hue
also the state isn't built for those in power
it is built by spiders
Kirara 🚗
he can now, Congress gave pres that power ~10 years ago

it exists so presidents can say things loudly
and for
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I thought that was still the case, but just sidestepped by not explicitly declaring war, rather uh, 'intervening in a destabilized region' or some such
move the troops, but don't declare war
Kirara 🚗
they still do that
they can just declare war now iif they want to
by why would you if you don't have to?
just thinking when was it given to the president
cause I doubt the mind set back in 18th century was giving a singular leader that much authority, considering they revolted against a monarchy
Kirara 🚗
presidents just started using them for things they weren't supposed to and nobody stopped them, so they have just kept on doing it
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Just slowly expand what precedent says you're allowed to do by doing things few will object to
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I don't really need any of these three companions, but the chatter is welcome distraction during less engaging parts of the dungeon crawling
which should I pick
magic illusion girl?
too serious templar?
Or arrow thief?
The necromancer, obviously
I am the necromancer
that is why I don't need them
Then you already have companions
they don't talk
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make them
too bad game doesn't allow that
Kirara 🚗
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Love too have law enforcement parrot the president's rants about the fucking lugenpresse
Kirara 🚗
senior advisor to the president, Stephen Miller has been doxxed and his phone number is now public lol
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Today I learned that Good Humor searches twitter for "Strawberry Shortcake".
Gimme the ice cream GH
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Okaeri Rika
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hello hello
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Kirara 🚗
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I like her whistle theme.
Kirara 🚗
haha the whistle song
the kill bill one is usually called twisted nerve, after the movie it's from

the tokyo ravens one is really good though
Kirara 🚗
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Tomorrow is going to be rough.
I have two new clients.
Both of them have mommy issues!
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Seems like you'll be able to relate at least.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (965 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 15 [BD][1(…).jpg)
I wish.
Their mommy issues are that their moms are fucking dead.
sounds like something you can fix
Yeah just learn necromancy problem solved
Kirara 🚗
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Or I can help them process their grief!
I don't believe in that kind of hocus pocus
let's keep it scientific
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psychology is a sham we gotta learn magic
Now that's a real science
Kirara 🚗
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Psychology is magic.
I just sit there and talk to people until they're not sick anymore.
I'm casting spells!
the rail wars OP always makes me feel like fixing mommy issues
Search [iqdb] (22s, 2.8 MB, 960x540, derailment.webm)
that is such a great OP
People say that Rail Wars is a bad show and they are wrong

just walk in and say a prayer
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Oh I guess yors are aa little different.
I'd rail her war.
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I'd like to meet the first person who dislikes rail wars and walks away alive

me too man, me too
I'd... I'd... I'd run a uh... a train on her

they only say it on the internet because they're bitches
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 15 [BD][1(…).jpg)
I'll get there someday!

Light some candles and talk to the spirits.
Pull out my luigi board.
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please dont run over others with trains
I'd enter then exit her tunnel.
Host a dungeons and dragons game with them and talk out their characters problems with an ingame therapy session

I'd spot her train

have a good one
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Time to leave for work early so I can get ramen on the way
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1003 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Good luck.

You've got 7 ICE camps in your state, if you didn't see the pastebin, by the way.

That sounds complicated. We can do roleplay without that.
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tell the trains I said hi
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I never knew you were gay Maria.
Congratulations on coming out.
>I roll a #D20 (4) for confronting my inner personal demons

I'm not gay
You're gay
it was pretty obvious fam
maybe I have some congratulations to give to you as well
>I'd spot her train
Futa is gay Maria.
woah slow down
Woah you're misunderstanding the metaphor
I'm saying that I'd spot her at the gym
Good friends help their friends train
What's wrong with you anonymous
Why are you interpreting eveything as being dicks

I do a little exercise at home but I don't go to the gym
i'm pretty weak tbh
But you don't go to the gym.
Do you even work out?
asking the real questions over here
Maria-chan is on the spot
masturbating to gay anime doesn't count as exercise
can we find a way to make it exercise
he wants you to be gay so he can suck your D
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 515x953, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Y'all need to chill out.
There's nothing wrong with being gay.
Being gay is super cool.
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wow that's really gay
Maybe if he offered a brojob, but sucking d is gay

yeah there's no way I could be gay I'm not cool enough for it
Did you just assume my gender?
name one thing not wrong with being gay
I'm waiting
I don't assume, I know
>I'm not cool enough for it
But isn't it Winter in New Zealand?
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it isn't even below freezing though our winters are nothing
you're nothing
don't be mean to winter-chan
Kirara 🚗
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Being straight is for losers.
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maybe if she did a better job I'd be nicer
you convinced me I'm sucking 25 dicks right now

well cirno is shit but otherwise you shouldn't be mean to people who try
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Winter-chan isn't even trying
She doesn't even deserve a sticker
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Wow! Hang on, champ.
I appreciate that you're gung-ho for being gay, but you gotta take things easy.
Let yourself build up a tolerance.
25 dicks for your first time is a surefire way to need your stomach pumped!
That must be a quite awkward hospital visit
>this man needs to get his stomach pumped
>what has he eaten
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 439x720, Sakurai ass.jpg)
it's only as awkward as you make it
damn this is like my third time getting dubs I'm on fucking fire
but what about
these dubs

damn I didn't know the director of smash was such a hottie
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what about these dubs #10d100 (26, 7, 38, 91, 14, 13, 32, 23, 61, 95 = 400)
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 837x853, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 13 [BD][1(…).jpg)
It's happened to people before.
People having to have their stomach pumped due to large amounts of semen, that is.
how much semen is that
like how much did they ingest to the point they needed a pump
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (768 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 23 [BD][1(…).jpg)
I dunno.
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That's both gay and slutty.
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wouldn't it get digested by the acids anyhow?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 689x795, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 23 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Well, semen is a liquid, so it's not digested.
how do you know it's not a woman who got her stomach pumped

yeah that's what I was thinking
Good morning rika
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I don't want to think about it any further
not really something I want saved on my harddisk, "how semen reacts in human digestion tracts"
remember when a demon literally ate a dick and balls in fromt of you
I would've describe you as a demon, but I do remember
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (841 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 23 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Liquids are broken down by saliva and enzymes from the pancreas and then absorbed into the bloodstream or turned into waste.

Thinking about it logically, there's no reason someone should have to have their stomach pumped. Semen isn't /// has a ph similar to water.

I would have to assume that the cases where people had their stomach pumped for semen, they were also getting it pumped for alcohol or other substances.
now I want to dip some pH paper into my cum
I'll take your word for it now, but soon I'll know for sure
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Because you're all talking about being gay and using male pronouns.
nobody was talking about being gay until you just brought it up
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 847x963, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 19 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Why would you just bring up something like gay here! How uncouth!
isn't homosexuality not only illegal but also immoral?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 837x853, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 13 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Speaking of gay stuff, I got a really big, nice beeswax candle that smells like honey.
It's very comfy.
don't burn it all at once
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1087x919, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 15 [BD][1(…).jpg)
It should last like 48 hours.
oh nice
i want some candles
i have nowhere to put em in this place tho
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 587x1071, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Non-paraffin candles are so expensive.

I have been primarily using candles for light in my house for like a month now.
Lazarus is surprisingly good at not knocking them over.
that's clever
now going to bed late will be quite expensive over time
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 1292x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
I mostly go to bed when it gets dark, anyway.
I have an oil lamp, too, but I don't use it as often as I do candles.
going back to the basics eh
are you shitting in the woods too?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
If it were an option, I would.
I can't stand artificial lights anymore.
So I just avoid them whenever I can.
The only artificial light in my house is like, LEDs on my modem, my laptop screen which is pretty low brightness and color temperature, and my phone, which is also low brightness and color temperature.
reminds me of when I was in the Sinai and I was expecting it to be dark as fuck
it was actually quite light from all the surrounding cities in the distance
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (915 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
i would like to be as far from artificial light as possible
when i was camping in the forest in the middle of nowhere in utah there wasn't any light pollution
it was so dark at night, the only way we could see was with our fire or flashlights
i wish it was always like that
yeah forests are like the only place in today's world, ignoring things like caves
never really did camping in such dense forests, the times I've done it, it was still pretty light

not the Sinai sadly, at least the part I was in
I don't remember how the Namibia deserts were at night, don't think I was outside during the night
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 538x772, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
deserts too!
i love deserts so much
deserts are the best
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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i want to be a mountain forest hermit
what's stopping you?
Kirara 🚗
it's illegal so if i do it, i have to be ready to escape my home at any time
and constantly having to abandon the home i built and all of the stuff i've built like my gardens and stuff probably isn't a better way of life than i have to have now
the world sure changed the past few hundred years eh?
Kirara 🚗
there used to be land that was free but now it's all been stolen by the rich
maybe we'll eat the rich in our lifetime
wouldn't bet any money on it though
Kirara 🚗
even if we do a bunch of leninists will just take over and make everything exactly the same as right now but with more jobs and free health care maybe
guess I'll just have to keep doing drugs
Kirara 🚗
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america is a magical place
I want to visit it in my dreams and get shot by sausage canons
Kirara 🚗
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i will shoot you with my sausage canon
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that sounda (sounds) a bit homoerotic
sign me up

planning to go to asia first, hopefully I can secure an internship somewhere over there
been thinking about japan, korea or china so far
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1014 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 03 [BD][1(…).jpg)
go work in north korea
I was looking at some scholarships for doing an internship abroad and a few listed north korea as possible countries
bit odd to be honest but I'll take it
Kirara 🚗
they are opening up
this is the site I checked
there is one more scholarship that applies to North Korea compared to South Korea
Oh hey its dutch
hello Rei-san
how's life?
Not great but i may have found a job

Waiting to hear back.
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what kind of job?
you think you'll like it or is it more out of desperation?
I'll like it but it is out of desperation
is it related to research?
Data entry thing
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you excited for overlord 3 next season?
I must misremember you liking overlord
you looking forward to any other shows next season?
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Death Spaghetti
Yuuragi Yuna
might be cool
I like the potential ecchi part
is it too late to look in 4d tonight
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 605x585, Kaiji grows up.jpg)
>Tonegawa anime in 12 days
my last exam is in 12 days
My last exam was tonight.
Back to being a NEET for the moment, I guess.
Oh there's going to be a fighting game for Kill la Kill.
I wonder if they'll have a campaign with the anime's story or if they'll write something different for it.
who is makin it
Some pretty much no name studio, A+ Games, is developing it.
It's being published by Arc System Works though, the folks known for BlazBlue and Guilty Gear.
So maybe they'll bring their know how to the development process.
not surprised
that's what first came to mind, was ASW
i like the way they do things generally
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Fighting games are pretty popular.
I suck at em
Yeah, their games have been pretty solid.
Bit too technical for me but I can appreciate the quality of work.

Studio Trigger had announced some collaboration work with ASW a few days back, and I think most people figured it was gonna be an anime adaptation of one of their games.
Don't think most people had their money on it being the other way around.

I can enjoy just about any fighting game because I suck at them and don't really understand what makes a good fighting game
blazblue already had an anime
i dont think many people watched it
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Blazblue anime had some cute parts to it.
I suck pretty bad at some combos but they are fun especially story ones.
like Melty, Touhou, Blazblue, etc
It was a pretty lousy adaptation, I think.
But maybe a Trigger adaptation of one of their more recent games could have been fun.
And there's still Guilty Gear, though I have zero idea what that game's story is about and if it even translates into a cohesive plot.
gotta love anime girl culture but like, the stress for not being cute is something.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 500x260, tumblr_p6m7a6YH7e1ubnlmeo1_500.png)
The stress of not being cute is real
i have to get documents before the first week of july. i got the first letter of my loan.
take it in the most stereotypical way then.
cute's a subjective term in the ee /// eye of the viewer

I liked Hisoutensoku a lot
Mained Meiling even though she's low tier as fuck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this image is fucking strong
I've got a lot of shit to deal with when I get back to England, student loans to arrange for and flats to look through.
and basically everything I need to do to set up my life in the north of the UK.
i mean england has a slightly better level of welfare compared to what I have.
but it always sucks
can you take me back with you
Heck yeah, I am sure I could squeeze you into a dufflebag.
I am mostly not looking forward to a new GP, I have to start over and deal with everything with a new GP and thats a fair bit of anxiety
also the fact that the student maintence for the uni is like only 5000 for the whole year.
On minimum wage I'd get a bit over 1000 a month and yet I gotta live off 5000 for a whole year. I don't even know if it'll be as high 5000.

Uni being just for the rich is feeling pretty true.
Especially with the rent being stupidly high
Uploads are too slow here
I'm pretty hungry.
And tired.
Food soon at least.
Ramen was nice
Ramen is pretty nice.
I'd have to get back on a bus to go anywhere with ramen though.
And it's not really in my budget either.
i am imagining the Hinamatsuri girl eating ramen now.
or cup ramen
Ramen is great when you have odds and ends, its useful when you make ifits.
As far as I can tell my professor didn't actually give me the grade for my final paper anywhere on the actual returned paper.
On top of that he hasn't been uploading our marks to the online service the school uses, so aside from the 20/25% of my final grade that I've gotten returns on, I have no clue how much of the remaining 75% I actually have until the final grade comes in.
It's not a big deal since I have confidence I'll pass, but it's annoying on a fundamental level.
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I want a love like this
Vaguely detailed and unrealistic?
you want a koi kokoro?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why is koishi fucking 4.3 feet tall
why aren't you?
Because he's a big guy, for you
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 800x819, IMG_20180603_145853.jpg)
How can I find a woman like that?
You become them
Search [iqdb] (375 KB, 1454x2048, IMG_20180612_205535.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
PAN says 'elementary school' so take that however you will
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I'll take a dollar
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ok fam show me that patreon
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anime >>523208 →
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 960x720, slide_2(2).jpg)
hi moe
Evening Moon.
Search [iqdb] (1005 KB, 2000x1362, 69284638_p0.png)
I hope this song makes you feel the way I do.
Kirara 🚗
>>523223 →
>>522415 (OP)
>>522415 (OP)
