i was at a red light in front of my school and the car in front of me opened their passenger side door and a lady got out and she was holding a handgun so my reaction was so grab my knife from my bag and unbuckle and get ready to jump out of my car because i was boxed in but they opened their trunk and tossed it inside?? and i got all amped up and ptsd'd out for fucking nothing?? and now im super on edge???
Did you take off your glasses?
Kirara 🚗
no, that would have been really dumb
But you can't see the lines with glasses on
Kirara 🚗
oh i see
Here comes the rain. Do do doo do
I swear there's been a non-stop thunder rumble since this storm started. Can't remember the last time I heard something like that. That or some jet's doing doughnuts above my house maybe.
Cool How far are the lightning strikes from you?
about tree fiddy
would anybody watch if i streamed myself playing sudoku
I can't. Got work to do.
I would, because i have nothing better to do.
Moon, do you know about automated theorem proving? Or like Formal verification of programs?
>>518622 i've heard of it but i haven't checked it out no programming is a little beyond me, even though i like algorithms, just because i'm slow on the uptake of things
Netflix to add interactive videos based on games, Telltale's Minecraft Story Mode to be first port.
Who even uses netflix
>>518626 Oh that's interesting. Telltale-style games could even be played using nothing more than a TV remote in some of the games. And it wouldn't be hard to develop ones that don't require complex input.
Probably could have chosen a less silly first port though.
i can't get window capture to work on this new OBS what gives it's just black
>>518629 I was also thinking The Walking Dead Telltale, but maybe AMC put its foot down on that.
>>518632 Ah,yeah. I've never played but I figured there was a good chance of that being the case.
Kirara 🚗
walking dead would be hard to play with a remote because it has some events you gotta look around and do really quickly
Kirara 🚗
could probably port a virtual controller to a phone though
And I'm pretty sure stuff like Bluetooth keyboards and mice can hook up to smart televisions too. So it's not like they don't have options, even if for accessibility it's probably best to keep it to stuff you can manipulate with only a TV remote.
>>518625 Automated theorem proving is pretty neat Form al verification of programs is like It proves that a program has no errors So it's rare hard to do for non trivial programs. *really
And just like that, clear skies again. The weather is really fickle.
tesla laid off a bunch of people and elon made a tweet about it and now tons of former tesla employees with newly made accounts are replying talking about how happy they were to work for elon musk and they're okay with being laid off because they had good memories at tesla
I have to submit this essay through Turn It In but I can't find the fucking link to submit it. I better not get late marks for handing in the paper tonight despite not doing this bullshit.
oops i made a mistake time to pretend it never happend
i gotta head to a meeting but ill probably watch more when i get there thanks
haha thanks for watching it's pretty dumb i don't take offense to people not wanting to i can't even explain what i'm doing
Kirara 🚗
it helped me calm down
Kirara 🚗
>>518678 i can kind of see your process work itself out, sometimes it's nice
i'm making loads of mistakes i just do it to warm my brain up when i'm feeling not quite up to speed ima stop the stream for now tho to eat thanks to the watchers
good luck at your meeting lemme know how it goes
i used to get 1:45 easies regularly top percentile i've fallen way down i'm so rusty
>>518686 never even hears of him pretty sure that guy's from EYE Divine Cybermancy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
after a quick google seems like he's a big boy for the arena folks and Elder Scrolls arena starts off with a quote from him
Kirara 🚗
ohhh gaiden i thought that said golden for some reason wow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Skyrim or no, this mod was pretty cool. The final bit is supposed to be Molag Bal's plain of oblivion and it's like a desert clone of the imperial city
>>518702 Parsing C++ is undecidable because C++ templates are Turing complete. http://blog.reverberate.org/2013/08/parsing-c-is-literally-undecidable.html
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the fuck is an undecidable is that like when you can't choose what you want for dinner >>518703 Evening
That paper that was stressing me out ended up being not due today, but the following Monday. So now I've got a paper I rushed to have completed for today that I could technically take back and review to hand in on-time. But at the same time I doubt it would change much if I did that anyway.
Either way I guess it's nice to have something completed early for once.
ow, ow someone help me escape from the bone zone i dont want to be here
someone buyed me a strawberry mango banana smoothie and we got some work done it was ok im really tired now but im also hungry!
that sounds swell a good snack does sound nice though im not very hungry i'm watching nelson sullivan videos to stave off the intrusive thoughts they're quite wholesome
im still kinda tripped up from that gun thing earlier
You should play with Laz.
Kirara 🚗
he doesn't want to play
Then pet him Unless he also does nnot want to be pet As cats are sometimes
Kirara 🚗
he just wants to hang out petting him will probably not help much anyway my issue is the result of physiological stress
Does relaxing not help? I would find petting my dog calming and would do that a lot when I was stressed. I'm very tense and have a lot of difficulty relaxing but it helped.
Kirara 🚗
it's the aftereffects of being triggered im not currently stressed but i am still feeling the aftermath of getting triggered and being prepared to fight
You're ostensibly more ready than me You're just more aware of people being "unready"
the easiest night ever where i have to do absolutely nothing at all is still incredibly hard because my bones feel like they're on fire just lying in bed is so stressful so is doing anything else
Why do they hurt?
absolutely no idea my ribs hurt especially bad so even breathing kind of hurts
You're dying, no other explanation
about damn time
come sweat death
i can't wait
Jokes aside tho, maybe do some excercises?
I suck hard at 2hu latley, can't focus on playing at all. feels bad man.
I haven't played 2hu in a while.
The people that Nintendo have for hosting their E3 material are really impressive with how they seamlessly alternate between English and Japanese.
Trigger's apparently got some announcement coming up for a project in conjunction with Arc System Works. I wonder if they've got an anime announcement for BlazBlue or Guilty Gear.
I think it might be a good thing Ubers aren't cars that just go somewhere That's some underpaid dude's car, and he's spending his underpaid time ferrying you from place to place Being spared from the customer being shitfaced on top of that isn't a bad thing
Kirara 🚗
that's people's lives
Kirara 🚗
what does drunk person do when they can't get home without driving, sk
Look it's not like I don't see that issue There are taxis, aren't there? And designated drivers, friends you could call
Though I do think the decision should be on the driver
Kirara 🚗
lots of places don't have taxis lots of people don't have designated drivers Uber is very frequently a solution to drunk driving one of the few things uber has been praised for in its life is reducing drunk driving
Hm I guess they'll be spending that time in a shitty way either way, so they might as well be driving some drunk person
Kirara 🚗
when you work for a ride share service, driving drunk people around is part of what you do if you don't want to do that, you should find a different shitty job
we very much need to work very hard to keep people that shouldn't be driving from driving and taking away one of their options will literally kill people i would rather avoid that
It's so fucking messed up, and we're all so distant from eachother it appears as a thing that's just sorta 'happening' Nobody seems to think they can do anything about it
Kirara 🚗
the kids should go liberate the other kids just like in my favorite david cage game, detroit: become jewish
well that was fun too bad the AI is 90% "let's annoy player with our maphack and go steal empty castles and resource buildings as we know they are undefended despite fog of war"
>>518933 No he said the Rich control the media but he worded it just "they" but referring to a previous post fired at him by a journo upset about his "I will start my own media"
Kirara 🚗
it was a dogwhistle and the alt-right saw it as a confirmation that elon is "woke" to the jewish problem it was a very bad decision on his part
yeah, he shouldn't have written "they control the media" or whatever it exactly was that is just... No
atleast he had the sense to shut up for a while to not give his opponents more material
Kirara 🚗
yeah he went off the grid for like 12 hours after that probably talked with lawyers or something on how ge should fix it
Makes you wonder if it actually wasn't a trap by the journos
Kirara 🚗
it didn't look like iit
Very easy way to discredit your opponents nwoadays is to make them associated with the alt-right and neonazie crew afterall especially when it looks legit and not just empty shouting
but I still loved the oblivious reporter post at him what was it something amongst lines of "without us media the rich will control the world" like come on, in most western nations and non-western nations the mainstream media is controleld by like 10 entities total
kirara i'ma sit you down one day and make you watch a few of these nelson sullivan videos they're so cool he goes dragging in new york city with ru paul a few times in the '80s in 'em he's the, uh, "stopping at a mcdonalds in the 80s" videographer
Kirara 🚗
>>518943 they actually show up in my recs now haha i got a rec of one where he goes on a subway in the 80s i didn't watch it yet though
Kirara 🚗
was supposed to have a skype meeting at 10:00 but professor hasn't called yet ree
skype wattafux
Kirara 🚗
she prefers to use skype idgi
Kirara 🚗
ive been working on this dataset for weeks now my professor started all of this before i took over the team and the questions on this survey weren't formatted in a way that makes logistic regression simple and our sample is all college students so it's like, yeah, i can include income in my model, but 77% of the respondents to that question endorsed "less than 10k" income and like 10% of the respondents make up income brackets between 30k and 250k that's like 20 people making up all those brackets and 151 people in less than 10k ofc it's not helping my model
my professor did to be fair, she did it in like 20 minutes because we suddenly found out hurricane irma was going to smash us in a week and we wanted to get data im in charge of the survey construction now so it will be better in the future because i will make sure the questions will work with logistic regression but still
I did
Is she hot or an old hag?
>>518951 you really have to identify meaningful metrics you intend to test before constructing it idk some of the qs and some of the endpoints seem pretty arbitrary
Kirara 🚗
err hurricane matthew* not irma, we're not doing regressions for irma
Kirara 🚗
>>518954 we're trying to predict students not evacuating so we have some stuff that was intended to be meaningful and should theoretically be predictive but i can't include them in my model because the way the data was collected is just ridiculous, like our numeracy measure
income of students isnt going to be reflective of much household income, maybe? a real question would be how much they have saved but that's not reasonable to ask
>>518957 income was just an example, she has me plugging random shit in to my models now
Kirara 🚗
another issue is that we have a dataset of like 200 people and 75% of them did evacuate i have a model that predicts not evacuating to some degree but it's not a great model i wanted to go with trying to find a different way to deal with this but it's just no good
and i really don't want to throw a shitty model into our manuscript bc we're likely to get this published and i don't want to knowingly be putting bad research out there
we should have a mario tennis /moe/ night
Kirara 🚗
i would like that
sometimes i cant tell but i think ive been talking to jan???????
i need to hang out with pan its been long enough he showed up in a dream
my dreams have been pretty weird lately idk if im even dreaming really
youre dreaming right now
Kirara 🚗
i dreamed that i was having a shootout in a parking lot the night before last night last night, i dreamed that i was fighting people in a mobile suit
was it really cool
Kirara 🚗
no, i don't think i wanted to fight in either dreams, but i was fighting anyway
we do what we must
i dont have such concrete dreams mine are just a mush of thoughts not much different from if you're just laying down and fatigued and your brain's swashing thoughts around without intention
intrusive thoughts really, though not necessarily distressing
Kirara 🚗
thoughts in what form?
plasma thoghts liquid thoughts
would be nice if steam had "display system requirements" in your library view
>>518941 Don't act as though the journalist somehow made Musk use a dogwhistle That's absurd
>>518974 i dunno they don't seem at all connected just loose not strung together into coherent threads
fuck that was messed up... I rewrote a bounty hunters memories so that her husband died during medical treatment, which now completely changed her motives from "trying to catch the MC for money to treat husband" to "avenge against evil corporation, cause they malpractice murdered her husband" I am supposed to be the good guy eh?
also it is 100% shit gamedesign to put your setting lore in collectibles casue that will make your players MISS them and then MISS YOUR STORY it is BAD game design
A quite solid game sofar the combat is at times clunky and more of an annoyance when having to deal with some limitations of "havn't really unlocked this thing yet, buth ave to use it right now"
the environment is pretty enough and easy to at times get lost at just looking at the cyberdystopia clean places or ruins of the old city which kinda irks me, with how linear the game is, but has those lorebooks to be found in sometimes silly places, that are yellow, which is a DAMN common colour in the world, from random food items to street lights so say having a lorebook behind a fence inside a store, but pick upable... is just irking me
rather they could have some explorable regions that you can go side tripping to find these things or something
also the game ALWAYS whenever you don't fnish a combo or the combo isn't fully unlocked pops up a "how to combo" note which gets damn amusing game I know how to play stfu and stay out of my face
If I were to tell all the shit that is wrong with quake champions, will anyone bother reading it?
Yeah Cause I am somewhat interested in playing it.
As someone who has played quake for more than a decade, the game is a terrible insult to the previous parts. First of all, the classes system, quake duels used to be like a game of chess where you actually needed a strategy, in qc it's just chaotic running around.
Long story short, just a p2w cash grab.
That's what I expected from it. I just hoped it would be decent.
It's meh tier at best, I expected more, I mean I know the game is still in early development but you cant even select the game mod you want to play, it's decided on voting, and in most cases people vote for instagib. so boring rail only.
Also no console, how am I supposed to configure it to my liking
q for tilde, kirara, or a very proficient english-speaker and grammaticist
assume there's some given collection cycle, doesnt matter what, and you're referencing how much time remains on it "There's three weeks of collection left" or "There's three weeks' of collection left" with a possessive on the weeks just like you'd say two years' salary, the salary of that period
>>519038 Yeah, I think you're right. It's like the difference between saying "two years' salary" and "two years of salary". The possessive apostrophe is unnecessary.
That said, I would say "two years' salary" is definitely a more palatable way of saying it. While "three weeks of collection left" sounds better than "three weeks' collection left".
yeah it makes sense once i typed it out i just have to do so much of this stuff it's second to the main task i'm performing, so punctuating everything mostly happens subconsciously given the sheer volume of work i do i sometimes have pause over some pretty simple things
it's added confusion because you can tell from speech what a person's intending to say but it sometimes get jumbled up anyway, so you hear the inflection like they're saying "two years' salary" but just dropping an of in there by habit regardless
The form with the apostrophe is grammatically correct. But no one probably gives a shit.
By the way, do you ever consult style guides?
>>519041 Oh yeah, I wasn't even considering it from a transcription perspective. It's hardly likely you're going to get grammatically correct or consistent wording in speech, and it's gonna look messy when written down if verbatim.
>>519043 like ap and mla and stuff? literally no point given my job people aren't going to speak in a way that is formattable in a style guide most utterances aren't even proper sentences, but formatting them as if they were drastically changes the meaning of what's being said
>>519045 More like Chicago Manual of style but yeah I guess it pointless.
Maybe you should write a transcription style guide.
Spelling is hard.
Spelling is easy. Grammar is a nightmare.
Is it? I think the english grammar is pretty easy.
transcription is actually really fragile sometimes people will be like, "So is it really just a question of where, when, or why?" "Why." and preserving that context can be challenging because one person saying "Why" as a complete statement is so interpretable
I hate that I have to write in American so often. Fucking nobody but Americans punctuate after a quotation mark every time. So I'm using to typing like everyone else does, but then I have to correct my quotation marks and shit in all of my clinical notes and professional work.
>>519054 Not punctuating after quotes bothers my autism.
roughly 80% of all sentences people ever say start with "and" or "but" too which it's totally fine to have those at the start of the sentence but a big rookie mistake is just to follow the grammatical ruleset to determine sentence breaking and make it one long sentence you have to pay a large amount of attention to the content itself to understand what are separate contained statements.
especially with spoken languages, since the main thought thread will carry on beyond its diversions and people use things like "And" in reference to the main channel to preserve its current occupancy and communicate that more information will flow through it, so it needs the energy to remain stable as the focus or they'll use "But" to return to the main channel but diverge its present status and when it's written down, all you have is some content, sentence, then "But" and another sentence, and formatting it to reflect the actual dynamic system is a little subtle
so like, "That's why I think it's a good idea, but I don't like it." makes the second clause seem connected to the first it's probably not it's probably the end of a collected divergent statement, should be separated into a paragraph, then start a new paragraph with just "But I don't like it." Since it's probably collapsing the sub-dialogue and returning to the main point being addressed
Mr. A described a pattern of behavior in which he "snaps". and my supervisors correct it to "snaps." pleaaaase
>>519051 It's easy in that the grammar is super flexible and can be disregarded extremely easily, and yet a sentence can still be perfectly comprehensible to someone who is familiar with English. But it is beyond easy to break out of out of "correct" English grammar, which granted, is hardly applicable in pretty much any situation except academia and publishing. My point being that doing English grammar correctly is a nightmare, but in the end, that's not applicable really.
Well, I think that the most important thing is for people to understand each other. Grammar is important too, but I suppose as long as it's not too broken It can pass. That's at least how I look at it as a non native English speaker.
>>519058 I try to do grammar correctly as much as possible.
>>519059 Oh yean no, I wholly agree with this. Language is a tool for communication and therefore its prerogative is to facilitate understanding. As long as an understanding is shared between the "speaker" and the "listener", everything else is optional. Some times it's nice to go beyond that basic mechanic, such as aesthetically pleasant writing and artistic writing like poetry, but it's still optional to the essential language means of being an understanding.
>>519061 Yeh, this has been bothering me latley, I seem to always grasp the same phrases and words. It's not like I don't have a big vocabulary, I just dont seem to know how to use it.
>>519057 I think within your example, I'd agree with your supervisors. Oh wait no I'm parsing that horribly.
Yeah, I agree with your example. There are situations where I'd put the period and other punctuation inside the quotation marks though, like if I'm fully quoting something somebody says, verbally. Like when writing dialogue for a novel, I'd do something like, "And then I ate the chicken." Frank said.
Big vocabulary is kind of subjective tho, I just read a lot of vns.
Kirara 🚗
>>519056 this is something i've noticed a lot, it seems like people aren't very good at identifying the nuances like this even when it's really obvious
>>519067 yeah ifkr i hate that so much but everyone wants it INSIDE what a fuck
>>519064 yeah, exactly it's conditional if i'm quoting a word or several words, the punctuation should go outside, but if it's an entire statement, then i can understand the punctuation inside the quotes sometimes
>>519057 oh, the period inside the quotation marks yeah fuck that that doesn't belong there unless it's part of the contained statement in the quotes period should def go outside of it, and when it's something like idr want to come up with an example but when it's used mid-sentence as just an operator and not a quotation and it's followed up with a comma, comma def goes outside of it as well inside of it has special meaning and if it's not what's meant it shouldnt be done
What about commas. Like I'm listing adejctives someone used, saying they found it "slimy," or "exceptionally bitter", and a "bit too lukewarm to be enjoyable".
Kirara 🚗
>>519068 i think outside here inside just has a different meaning in the US, for professional manscripts /// manuscripts and clinical notes and shit, they want the commas inside the quotes it drives me up the fucking wall
Hodgepodge language with too many users to make creating a comprehensive ruleset feasible. They're too scattered too, and likely to not always agree. Like could you imagine making a consistent ruleset between different States in America, let alone asking the various parts of the UK their opinion. I'm not even convinced Scottish English could be considered English anymore.
Kirara 🚗
what dae mean
Kirara 🚗
>my computer is slow so ill restart it real quick ive left it on for a while >UPDATING NO I HAVE CLINICAL NOTES TO WRITE
I really want to branch out on my own and start getting my own clients i'm actually developing some stress just from operating under someone else's process infrastructure >>519075 i know right had this happen while i was working and already pressed for time windows stopped recognizing the audio device so i couldn't play any audio, so i restarted started updating and i couldn't opt out of it
>working on updates 100% complete >two minutes later >working on updates 100% complete
>>519076 working under someone else's infrastructure is def a major source of stress for me
I dont even update!
The last time I saw the windows is installing updates I pulled the cable out, like I'm gonna wait for that to finish, nigga please.
The last time I updated I just did it at night while I slept.
i've seen "congratulations" used ironically so often that i can't see it as anything but inherently diminutive now maybe it always was and i'm just now able to realize it i can't think of any context it'd feel good for someone to say it to me just me particularly though
What about omedetou?
Kirara 🚗
oh it went from 100% to 20% nice
i tell people congratulations when it's their birthday all the time though
people usually say like, "nice!" instead of congratulations in my experience
>>519086 Pardon me but I cant resist Nice job team!
nothing really feels like an achievement ever worth congratulating if i've worked real hard at something, the earnestness of the effort has just acclimated me to move forward in whatever space i've opened up with apprehension and not letting any guard down it doesnt feel like something has suddenly gotten easier or anything's been achieved, just a state change
maybe all my gambling in my early life has left me with some gratification syndrome taxed out all my dopamine
It's not really meeting them if I don't talk to them!
He talked exactly like Connor and said weird stuff that sounded like what a corporation would assume customers want to hear. I signed the receipt and he's like, "Now, I've got the important part!" and handed me the package He said it exactly like Connor and had one of those made-for-radio voices.
my work is goin way slower than i expected i thought i'd have twice as much done now as i do i'm roughly 20% done with this stuff and i've got like 16 more hours of it if i keep going at this pace i was hoping to have about 9 hours left boop i should go to the store and buy some pepsi or something i'm gonna be thirsty and working all night
i figured out a good way to recode a bunch of variables so i could actually use them in my regression and managed to come up with a model that had like 85% predictive value for what i wanted
>>519110 what's holding you back? was it just rougher work than you expected?
the work is fine, just overstimulation if i dont take my benzomeds i get so much friction every minute feels increasingly more grating (of any task really) it's the same problem i had in school and before with my work i can work without them but it feels like it takes way more work, like running an engine without lubricant it's like having a teapot // tea kettle on the stove and any time you start any task, it's like heat gets applied to the tea kettle and in order to stay focused on the task, you have to sit there and remain to do it despite the kettle is whistling so loud and demanding your attention, and the only thing you feel able to do is just get up and shut it off
that's what it's been like my whole life really to try and focus on anything, unless what i'm focusing on is the precipitate of that compulsion to get up and turn off the kettle just a whole bunch of stimulatory expulsion
so i was only getting about five minutes of work done at a time before needing a break for five minutes, tabbing to listen to music for five minutes, et cetera hopefully now i can pace through the rest of the night suitably and without too many bones
>>519112 does the kratom help with that at all? i would imagine not when are you gettin your benzos
>>519113 yeah, i'm actually up-to-date on all of my responsibilities (except one) for the first time in what feels like years the one thing i'm not up to date on isn't due for two years though so i'll be able to get back on track How are you?
with that sensation yeah, but not with work it's a very high-energy job and my fingers get heavy with kratom and i just wanna sit down and do nuffin i can and have done it and it made it super cozy to do my work, but given the volume i gotta do still i dont want to be slogging or sleepy
ive got my benzos im just not always taking them when im not on them i dont feel a strong desire to take them a little problematic because i can easily fall into a state where i dont recognize that i need to take my meds usually someone lets me know though
Fuck I really need to get this job. That way i can put it on my resume and get a similar job but in the city of chicago which has a higher minimum wage. And then i can finally have work experience on my resume. Cause I'm not keeping the company that only hires people with autism on my resume.
Can I add that I have seen a 1000 animu to my resume?
Will I get the job then
I have confidence in my skills as an animefag
Well maybe It really depends on the rest of your resume.
It's not that great
I'm as dumb as a brick
Have you ever had a job?
Wowme2 Do you have a college degree?
Nope, Im currently studying, but who knows what will come out of that.
Oh you're in college. Don't worry about it then. College degrees look good on resumes. Good enough that there are jobs that will hire people with no work experience as long as they have a college degree and know Microsoft office.
animeexpert (has seen over 200 animes)
There are loads of jobs that hire you if you say you are good at excel and spreadsheets
>>519142 Yeah If you have job experience or a college degree I've applied to literally scores of jobs like that and have not gotten a single interview.
College degree has become a must now really, you cant do anything with highschool, or should I say it's now the same as in finishig highschool? well you get what I want to say...
>excel and spreadsheets made a spreadsheet for my animulist, since I refuse to use MAL now.
>>519144 You can get mcjobs Or like simple secretary stuff My problem is that I'm 24 and have no degree or work experience
You don't even need to have any qualifications, there are job agencies look for shittons of people for data entry There are huge offices hiring loads of people just to type shit up for hours.
>>519148 I've applied to jobs like that and been rejected Like temp agencies that specialize in that have rejected me
>>519149 You usually don't apply for them you what, why would temp agencies reject you? They literally just hire anyone and don't really give a damn, at least thats my experience.
>>519150 I live just outside of the third largest city in the US. People hiring can afford to be picky.
The turnover for those jobs is really high though, people quit them all the the time. especially high speed data entry and any data entry with phone lines. Most peoplen get the experience and try use that to get a different job.
Well, when you get to grad school, you'll be able to pay less, too. My undergraduate semesters were much more than $10k.
>>519164 I found a program through the German government that pays in full for Americans to go to grad school in Germany. I plan on doing that.
And enough of their schools offer enough of their classes in English that I wouldn't have to take any courses in German. I think by the second year I'd be proficient enough to take a course in German though
>>519162 you can enjoy beer outside without any friends
>drinking beer why not a nice cuppa tea and sitting outside in the rain
>>519167 I enjoy it inside without any friends >>519168 I don't like tea. I just drink it when my throat is sore.
I'm getting a new client on Thursday. He's a super suicidal recovering alcoholic that's being forced into therapy by the halfway house he's living at. I hope he will be pleasant. I heard he's pretty laid back.
>>519180 Depends if he's laid back while drinking or not, maybe he's a jerk sober
>>519182 he spent a year in the state hospital for something, idk what yet
State mental hospital?
i guess i am moving really slow from two hours ago to now i only moved forward 27 minutes i was really hoping for 20 minute hours i guess it probably is the content afterall city council stuff so speakers tryna fill their five minutes as much as possible
>>519184 yeah, sorry we always just say state hospital haha
>>519186 I'm surprised those still exist. So many of them closed down after Reagan cut funding in the eighties.
what are the conditions like there
Kirara 🚗
like two years ago a bunch of patients tore each other into little pieces and a nurse had her eye gouged out it's not a great environment
i wouldnt mind getting torn into little pieces
Rip my life into pieces
Kirara 🚗
i know a schizophrenic that called Homeland Security and threatened the president (Obama) to them, and he spent like 6 months in the state hospital spending a whole year there is pretty excessive he must have been considered unsafe by the docs
>>519211 It'll be like that old PS1 gundam fighter with big zam that takes up half the screen You don't play as Exia you just play as like, Exias lower half Because the rest is off screen
>>519212 I have a Chibi Robo tshirt. I sort of won it in a contest.
Kirara 🚗
add Iwata to smash
His Mii was available for download in the past. Might still be but I have no clue. With the Mii Fighters it wouldn't be hard to add him that way.
Kirara 🚗
add rika to smash err not our rika, furude rika
Kirara 🚗
im kinda miffed there was no Metroid prime content at e3
I think that's still too early in development When they announced it last year it might have been a situation where they had only just started So anything they show us now would be really, really unfinished Or they might just be saving it for later in the year It's better to not blow your load all in one E3
Yeah, it's effectively what Bethesda did with Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI this year. They're just letting us know they're in production. Nintendo did the same with the next-gen Pokemon Switch games and those won't be out until late 2019. I mean the Pokemon announcement and the Prime 4 announcement were pretty much back-to-back. At the best I thought we might see a teaser trailer for Prime 4. But Metroid is not on the same level as Mario or Zelda for Nintendo so it's not surprising it doesn't get that either.
Kirara 🚗
what about the prime remakes though surely there's more info on those
I hate Bethesda.
>>519223 That's one I thought they'd at least port the Wii U release of by now. Maybe they're waiting until a bit closer to Prime 4's release to help keep the franchise in people's minds up to its release date.
>>519224 Same I'm still unhappy they bought id Also Donald Trump's brother is on the board of Zenimax, Bethesda's parent company.
>>519226 My thoughts exactly ruining classic games with shitty reboots
Doom was actually supposed to be pretty good. Just by modern standards though. I've heard complaints that it is too linear. Also it's not a reboot its a sequel.
Kirara 🚗
when are we getting information about the next god of war the game has been out like two months already!! i need more
I think I saw some talk during the Sony conference of some New Game + content for God of War.
>>519228 I haven't played it, but it seems they are making a new one, gotta milk the popularity. Is it? The last doom I played was doom 2, the story wasnt that important.
NuDoom was a fun game and I'm glad it's getting a new one Milk its popularity as much as you want Bethesda
>>519228 I've heard some valid complaints about the way enemy encounters are placed In nudoom there's a lot more singular areas that are full of enemies, so it sometimes feels like you're going down from corridor to the next room, fight enemies, then corridor to the next room
Kirara 🚗
>>519230 yeah haha im looking forward to it that game was a masterpiece i still can't believe how good it is
>>519232 To me it just looks like the enemies all come jumping on you at a certian time and thats it. New doom is too casual.
Also the lack of mod support is lame aas fuck. *as
>>519233 Sony seems to have really knocked it out of the park with their second-party game releases. The PS4 has some really solid games out and coming out for it.
I do like that Microsoft is finally wisening up and embracing PC gaming support. Even if I'm not looking forward to adopting the Win10 Xbox store as a gaming service.
I should finish plutonia experiment wad, I think I havent touched it in years. was stuck.
>>519232 What about key cards? Do you collect key cards?
Also because of the way copyright shit works if they took it to court and they had good legal counsel they would win. Because it had existed and was tolerated by id for like a decade and therefore was implicitly given permanent permission tp limited rights of the Doom name.
Who;s // Who's the person that does the votes and role call and stuff at a city council meeting is that a council clerk or some type of secretary what's that person called
It probably has a proper title, doesn't it. I imagine it is some kind of clerk or secretary though, yeah. Maybe a records keeper in some places.
>>519394 give him a big rigorous, vigorous belly rub and tell him that momma moon is gonna come see him soon and if he aint been a good boy then i'ma gonna bite him right in his fat belly
>>519401 his quantum consciousness is storing memories of me that function on a level separately from time his mind remembers me even if his brain does not it's to be expected
>>519403 one of the wedding skins in the china release had their panties falling off in the damage art so to censor it, the English version ended up just editing the panties out entirely and i don't think it had the desired effect
>>519404 I wonder could this actually be atleast theoretically possible for a quantum computer to process information now, that is inputted to it in the future or something among the lines of >>519406 why not just use actual wedding dress designs instead of fan service that looks thematically like wedding dresses?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Because they want to give people boners.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Joker is confirmed dark element by the way Thank god
Kirara 🚗
actually they did the wedding dress event to advertise for the firearm manufacturers apparently haha
>>519411 even more reasons to use good designs instead of lewd designs
Kirara 🚗
nah, they're selling replica guns to chinese weebs, they don't need to use real designs
TN we gotta call our unelected overlords and tell them not to vote for the thing they want and we have no power to stop them from implementing
>>519421 well meps are elected so they can stop it, but not permanently prevent it
Are they elected by... us though? Well, you Not me, I'm not in the EU
not you well us yup
Like you specifically vote, or do you vote for a guy who votes for the guy?
meps are elected on candidate basis and candidates are elected by the amount of votes they get each no political party bullshit or anything
however, meps have no actual power, they can only vote on things the real people in power are the bureaucrauts hired by the comission, which is unelected though their "term" is ratified byt he MEP
but any issue MEP says "no" to can be infinitely, without change, be brought back before them so basically EU can just keep pushing an issue untill they get the answer they want, as they have been doing
if I remember right the European Council, made up of the heads of governments of the uniopn countries is the highest body the european commission holds however most power, and is formed by the president of the commission, nominated by the MEP, but chosen by the memberstates who then forms the commission, 1 commissar from each member state and those two bodies make the legislative bullshittery and hire the bureaucrauts and pen pushers who do all the work and stuff and then MEP just votes yes or no to things
The world isn't flat but I support your efforts in making it so
>clear temple of necromancers and save the priests ofa rkay >proceeds to enter the temple with 3 reanimated minions >eats one of the dead priests that was just killed >proceeds to reanimate the other killed priesta s a minion >Hi I am here to save you, also don't mind me collecting bones and flesh and organs from your dead colleagues
Kirara 🚗
>>>/@AP/1007607132869545985?s=19 ???????? ?????????????? ????????????????????? this war was in the fucking 50s and we killed 20% of the north korean citizens in it they what just kept us soldiers bones for all these years??
>>519458 Well we stille xhume both finnish and russian soldiers from the old battlegrounds yearly so... maybe?
Kirara 🚗
idk it's pretty fuckin fishy trump was claiming the parents of korean war vets asked him to reclaim their kids bones but there most likely arent any of those parents alive, they'd be 100+ years old
Super shady I bet they're fake bones >>519461 >The parents Dude what My great grandfather (the parent of a Korean war vet) would be like 120 this year.
I'd understand spouse or kids asking for their parents' bones
But anyhow exchanging and returning the dead of wars is a common occurance atleast here in the old world well was nowadays it hasn't happened, but we do discover some old mass graves or quick burials occasionally from ww2 and then do a joined operation with the russians to identify them and see if anyone would want to get them a more proepr burial if not, they are buried in some "veteran grave for ww2 soldiers"
Yeah it most definitely isn't an asian tradition as far as I know
Trump is quite amusing to follow not only does he half the time just say the darnest things but in the eyes of media he can never do right >cancells NK meeting big halo on him not wanting peace >meets KJU big halo on him DARING to meet with a dictator and how "nothing will come out of these talks"
You could actually HARM him legitimately by just reporting on the actual mishaps and mistakes he does instead of constantly painting eVERYTHING he does
basically, in terms of media consumer, EVERYTHING TRUMP DOES IS EVIL so basically, by that logic, the actual evil things he does, he gets a free pass on
Kirara 🚗
yeah i hate it ICE is literally going after US citizens now and kidnapping them and putting children in cages ICE is playing tricks on immigrants, telling them they were taking their kids to get baths and then never bringing the kids back - literally what nazis did and this is all under trump's orders
>>519471 i know people that have been affected by this personally and there are videos of the kids in cages
dunno about that and especially since those kinds of topics are filled with lies from both sides I wouldn't trust anything that isn't verified But he already has his love for coal industry, which is so short term stopgab measures it won't do anything good for USA and then he continued with hard on for fucking voer the native lands >>519470 also illegal immigrants
Kirara 🚗
sometimes undocumented immigrants oftentimes documented ones
Kirara 🚗
media is ignoring it though just like how they ignore our other human rights violations
>>519473 Well ofc the side that is backing trump wouldn't want their pet project to end and the opposition, democrats, don't actually give a fuck about these people they just want their votes
Kirara 🚗
there's no opposition it's all one team
>>519475 Not really but the "shadow government" for sure is a one team
Kirara 🚗
my friend got a local dem to agree to fight for universal healthcare and the Democratic party ceased all of their funding to him within a few days lmao these are all the same people they think they're on different teams, but they all want the same exact things and are fighting for the same exact goals
Well in terms of USA political parties that one pic with boot stomping on a voter, with him crying "next time I am voting the other party" with the other boot stomping on the next voter, shouting "I will vote the other party"
Some core ideologies differ, but democrats, republicans two sides of the same coin, when it comes to fundamental ways of running the country People like trump fuck over some parts of the population, while cashing in money to the cronies while hillary like people fuck over the other parts and cash to the globalists
>>519484 Maybe not the goals, but how he conducts its *it it is very reminiscient of how Putin does it
Kirara 🚗
he conducts it the same as everyone else he's done the same things as obama, bush, etc, except trump doesn't know how to do it, so it looks superficially different the only actual difference is that trump has no goals for foreign policy, he just loves whoever complimented him last and does what they ask him to do