Thread #521257
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Eager to start tonight, huh.
I mean I could type out the list but Saturdays are pretty static. Persona 5 Boku no Hero Academia FranXX Amanchu!
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YEah I guess I'm a pinch early tonight.
It'll still be like fifteen or twenty minutes past before everyone's here anyway.
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yeah that's true I did notify ika though
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i only just got home notify me when sir squiddo arrives and i'll let my people let your people know
A nine may
what part are they on in the p5 anime?
Just shortly before the student council president girl joins up I'd assume. Haven't played the game so I'm not sure where timings are.
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okay we have everybody persona 5! Just need Jan okay lets start!
Pre Saucer 5>>521265 Beep boop my man
s>>521270 boop beep tilde's man>>521269 jk i was testing you
okay watch without me i'll be here for boku no hero onwards
Ah right. The new Fire Emblem has characters done by the artist for the Persona games. I was wondering where I'd seen that style before. Seeing it here helped me see it.
i don't give a fk about worst girl
This lady needs to work out her problems.
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Him and Morgana not getting along was pretty funny in the game.
She got into a problematic situation pretty fast.
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Yeah, Makoto is the type that seems like she has it together but she really just screws everything up left to her own devices.
There's a certain degree of gap moe to that though.
Morgana must look like a really chatty cat to the rest of the world.
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This was one of the most entertaining dungeons in the game.
Ke i sa n doori
Oh that is kakkoii.
I guess they'll clean up the Palace next episode. That'll give them another cour to clean up the rest of the plot.
>>521284 since you can't understand morgana unless you've been to the metaverse it just seems like he meows all the time
Yeah, that's what I mean by a chatty cat.
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i think sojiro remarks about it being weird at some point he's like "that cat never stops talking, huh" or something
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okay boku no hero okay lets start!
this is going to be an amazing episode better than franxx surely!!
oh shit if this is filler then united states of smash will be the big five o i think tilde said it would be either this one or the next
Yeah depends on how they pad things out.>>521296 Are you okay.
Young All Might is a much different experience from full power All Might.
Tsuntsun Bakugou
Ohtsuka Akio's such a great choice for All For One's seiyuu. The sheer jeering tone he can pull off is perfect.
Aaaand now the whole world knows how scrappy he really is.
he's so lopsided
It's hard to say "poor Endeavor". But he's really so heartbroken.
>>521305 in the end it doesnt even matter
wow gramps got so short
Well your spine does shrink as you get older.
All For One is an excellent monster.
whys it raining
How's that for an Event Horizon.
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Was taht the arc where everyone was always worrying that all might would die?
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all might looks scary in his weak form
>>521314 Pretty much yeah. It was a huge toss-up if he'd fight to his death or survive. This arc was also a huge acceleration of action starting way back from the camping trip arc. We'll get a breather over the next week or two probably.
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well no time to breathe! I bet FranXX will be crazy too.>>521316 so it's up to deku now huh? orange for franXX okay lets start!
i dont think anything can beat that episode tonight
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also i like how thicc the lines on all for one/one for all are
Flan Ex>>521319 The line detailing was one of the things that drew me to the manga in the first place. It was a really good style choice. The anime staff really used that stylization to its best potential for this fight.
illuminati confirmed for aliens
Wow Hiro you can't go mind-melding with someone that's not your waifu.
is this evangelion now
The VIRM monsters are pretty coolcreepy looking. All legs and arms and no head.
>They said something about the planet blowing up >That's not normal! Yeah no shit Futoshi.
They still haven't explained why Zero Two suddenly has red blood now yet. That's kind of bothering me.
They looked a bit like the Macross aliens before they became Klaxosaurs.
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So they tanged themselves.
Oh hah hah hah. Those pieces of shit were imitation Zero-Twos.
she had a family all along and they're all assholes
RIP one of the little shits.
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WEll we probably won't see much of the nines after that.
>>521341 good
Dr. Wiley's pretty hardcore. He's not even a combatant and he's riding in the hand of one of the FranXX.
Oh they age the more power they throw into their blasts huh. I guess that's why Miku's hair was going grey early, her and Zorome were always at the forefront of the battles.
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Kokoro is a good one to leave behind. She can't die until her character arc resolves.
He's gonna teach this old, curmudgeonly lady who's forgotten about love what the POWER OF LOVE can really do.
Oh no Ichigo.
Holy shit Goro don't cliff yourself.
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Those two will be fine.
Now Zero Two is the snake whisperer!
RIP snake dude you were pretty cool.
Hiro and the Princess got really enveloped huh.
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Looks like we're getting another explosion ending.
She went full red again!
This is kind of weird.
i called the threesome though
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That is one very big robot.
Big robots are the best kind of robot
OH THE HORN WAS A BEAM CANNON IN THE END. It only took twenty-one episodes to come into action.
RIP Dr. Wiley. You were kind of an asshole but you at least stuck to your morals.
Wait what they're getting away. What.
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He died like he lived, with a science boner. haha and OH WOW that ending
Oh no.
Oh no oh no oh no
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who would have thought that an ending would top caligula this week okay amanchu okay let's start!
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fucking sugoi
Is someone gonna climatically die in this show TOO
yeah pikari is gonna get stung by a manta ray
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>>521377 Dying on her birthday would be way too much man. Oh but maybe she's dying of the NIPPONESE COLD.
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>>521378 this is what happens when you cross red and blue wires
I mean the show has already clearly shown in-universe that purple is a fucking deadly colour.
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she's probably okay just messed up from all the UNLIMITED POWER and trigger is just trolling the shit out of their audience as usual
Maybe the Princess overloaded the Klaxosaur in her and she's metamorphizing into a human bean. And now Hiro will be the weird oni/
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The big question is if we're getting a timeskip next episode or not. I bet they pull a timeskip on us.
Yeah I'm bracing for one too. Maybe not next episode but one is -definitely- coming. Either next episode or the one after. We've got Kokoro's pregnancy, a comatose Zero-Two to care for, and the ominous assholes from space saying they're coming back at some point.
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timeskip into anti-spiral arc would be awesome but there's not enough episodes left!
Maybe they sold their production committee on a third cour.
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>pikari is sick Not a good night to be sick on with the way the night has gone so far.
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>>521387 it's the deadly japanese cold she's DOOMED>>521388 i would hope so but wishing for good things to happen makes them not happen!
>>521387 I know eh. People are either being crippled or dying all over the place tonight.
It's funny that these two admit to each other they're pretty much crushing hard on Pikari. Peko is pretty gay/10.
her girlfriends both think alike
Cake overload!
kokoro's going to get it now too
He's too hot-blooded already.
Hah hah hah. This poor kid. He wants to be a guy so badly but everything about life conspires to make him effeminate.
>fellow pikari lover she makes it sound weird
>Can we stop fighting already? >Try as you might, I have already won
I wonder if Peko knows Kokoro is a guy. She has to, right? It would be weird otherwise for a girl to be talking like she's going to become a man.
>>521401 it could be either
Oh are they finally gonna reveal that this girl and Kokoro are siblings.
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she's got big lips!
Just like her otouto. Man Peko's got that "I'm a predator" look in full force right now.
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i think they're the only two with big lips in this show. i guess i could have seen it coming.
I had a feeling they were siblings from when she first showed up. Though I guess I get way into wondering about these things.
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oh well there it is.
Ah there it goes. Cat's out of the bag.
This show's got great stylized faces.
I wonder if Pikari knows Kokoro's a guy. She totally doesn't.
Hah hah hah. Peko is great.
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i thought she was gay
She totally is she just doesn't realize it herself.
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>>521416 she says no homo every time she kisses her girlfriend so it's ok
Pikari normally ties her hair in some way. It's cute to see her with it down like this.
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sasuga onee-san
she set kokoro up the strongest wingman
Peko is a great unintentional wingman.
Sasuga otouto-kun-sempai. Saw through the misunderstandings right from the start.
Ane-chan-sempai is still deep in the Nile though.
These community activities like controlled burning and stuff like that are neat.
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yeah it would be fun to start a fire with your friends
>Final episode >Finally getting back to diving I can't wait for Grand Blue next season and we can get even MORE of diving clubs not actually doing any diving.
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Yeah, we kinda forgot about diving somewhere along the way. Amanchu was comfy but it was hard to compare to the previous two episodes of anime. This was one of the best nights of anime in awhile.
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>>521427 hey they were diving into grandma's past last episode that counts amanchu was great but i'm gonna rewatch that smasshu
I've got to go re-watch that episode of Hero Academia a few times over now.
>>521429 Nice coupling
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dont cry again while rewatching it
My heart is fortified against sorrow. You won't get any tears out of me.
>>521426 where do you get frends