Thread #522322
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-10 Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Devils Line Golden Kamuy Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 9-12 Last Period --Episode 9-10 Mahou Shoujo Ore Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Uma Musume
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I let Ika know. I think the list tonight will be devils line mahou shoujo ore golden kamui tada-kun will change it around a little bit if no jan
Yes hello?
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hello no sign of jan I take it?
He doesn't show up for Monday nights often.
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Oh I guess that's true okay mahou shoujo ore okay lets start!
Man this show has been weird.
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Yeah. This was a crazy twist.
Wow the onii-chan was the HIIRO all along.
All the fairies are kind of scruffy aside from Hyoe.
Oh no.
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I wonder what the final boss is like.
I think it's a super-evolved army of the demons. Like an AI that's gone rogue while still abiding in the STRICT DEFINITION of its established orders. It got kind of super sci-fi for a bit.
Ah here's the other team. I wonder if the shitty plastic-bag cyborgs are going to show up too.
Geez that's a name.
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That's a long attack name.
Hah hah they de-QUALITY'd everything.
Wow Saki can actually sing now.
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They're not very popular was girls.
how many more eps does this have one?
This is the final episode I figure. Wikipedia has it at twelve episodes too, so I figure thisi -this is it.
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Feels like a final episode. This show really was something
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Let's do kakuriyo 9 okay lets start!
Good to see weird, unique stuff is still being made.
This show had a bit of a cliffhanger last time we watched it. Though it seems like her captors aren't really menacing, just interfering.
I figured the pendant would have some kind of magic he could track.
The husband is the one that talks to her like he's human but he's the youkai. And she talks all formal and polite.
this show isnt that bad its probably one of the better average shows
It's pretty relaxing even when it's dramatic. Some of the characters are a little silly but it's pretty okay.
She got lured off by the EVIL GAIJIN
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That happens to dumb girls. okay hmm do you want to save golden kamui for jan? usually i think it's out a day earlier or something
No, it's always out for Monday nights. Some times we have Jan for it, some times we don't. I'm sure he'd be fine if we watched either it or Devil's Line without him.
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okay in that case golden kamui! okay lets start!
Golden Cabbie
Oh there's another tattoo.
>Everybody, Get Together! >It's A Murder Hotel!
Well that's one way to flirt I guess.
He definitely has no idea who she is. Not that we really have any idea who she is either. Hah hah hah Shiraishi please.
At least it's to be expected of Shiraishi. Though she's probably done something to be unrecognizable anyway.
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I wonder if escape man will screw up her plans. Escape man is strong.
I don't know if I'd call him strong. But he does have an aura about him that anything people try to do inevitably goes wrong. Oh this'll be her undoing.
Poor Shiraishi. Hah hah hah he doesn't even realize it's her. I guess he probably has an inkling now.
Ah I guess these two don't know they're in opposing factions yet, hah hah. Sasuga Sugimoto.
>At this rate we'll end up killing each other More true than he probably realizes.
haha that face was so funny
Asripa's faces are the best.
SAPPORO BIIRU I was wondering if we'd see some, considering they've come to Sapporo.
Hah hah hah.
I figured Asripa to be underaged. I guess they didn't actually show her drinking though.
This series has some great humor.
yeah its so funnyy
This guy is too drunk for this shit.
Oh no.
>Old man I mean I had a hunch she'd be a guy. Considering there's no way they'd have a woman in a male prison. But I didn't expect him to be so old.
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I guess he's a very talented crossdresser.
Ew. HELL YEAH SUGIMOTO Don't touch Sugomoto's daughter dude.
Sugimoto even.
ASdssdassas Can you stop getting fucking skewered Sugimoto.
Things are going horribly wrong for this lady(male).
Oh no.
So much for the hotel.
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I guess that's not the end of this arc. okay tada-kun! okay lets start!
Well that's probably plus one tattoos for the Shinsengumi dude.
Ijiun is a pretty good friend. He's sensitive to when his friend is feeling pretty down. And tries to help cheer him up.
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nyanko biggu
i like nyanko biggu's name
It's a very good name.
That must have been weird for him. How often do you find two pairs of friends with the exact same hairstyle.
mitsuyoshi is mad that she left him like his parents did
Yeah, I was thinking that at the end of the last episode. It must burn hard to have it happen so many years later.
I wonder if this is Tada's seiyuu singing the ED here. I'm pretty sure it's Teresa's seiyuu in the normal ED.
i lik ethis version more
Ijuin please. Though I guess he's got something to say to Alec himself, probably.
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Looks like we'll get our happy ending. Thanks for anime!
thank you
Amigoto yo