What a sinful playboy. Is this what you do. Save a girl from centaurs and ask her to marry you.
probably paid those centaurs to attack you too
>>355225 I mean, sometimes I fail to save a girl from centaurs and opt to just lap pillow on their corpse.
Koilassic could be an icecream flavour in japan
New Kannagi
>>355227 Necrophilic lap pillows don't get you the marriages.
Rate my trip plz k thx.
0/10 try again
>>355227 you do know centaurs always gangrape their victims
New Kannagi
You are as pleasant as always TN
>>355233 Go home Asanagi. >>355229 It's okay. I'll take her on a date through the Harathi Hinterlands and we can enjoy planting tents on the corpses of our enemies.
>>355234 I don't write aeons old lore on mythological creatures.
>I left my character in the Harathi Hinterlands last. oh yeah, I was investigating dust spots I should do the new story stuff. Or at least get into the new zone. I'm sure I'm missing out on some kind of daily foolishness.
What is this dust? Sounds like a drug
sorta it is for me anyway I just grind it and sell it the price has gone up and it's good money Radiant Dust is one of the fastest and easiest crafting materials to farm. And the prices goes way high when they announce new Legendary Weapons.
If someone told me that Radiant Dust was the new drug on the street and it came from russia, I wouldn't bat an eye
>>355257 Well, she's technically not my professor, but she teaches cognition and some other stuff. I'm her lead research assistant.
>>355260 By the way you describe it, you are actually doing useful stuff. Congrats on all that!
Kirara 🕎
The critical thinking stuff is just something we kind of stumbled on through conversation, but we ended up talking about it for like an hour and a half. We had to part ways because she has to go home to her son and I'm on two hours of sleep, so we'll talk about it more after reflecting on it soon. I think we're onto something, though, and we'll be able to work out methodology to test it if so.
>>355258 no. And if it did, I wouldn't tell anyone.
>>355262 Holy moly actual science and philosophy and shit on the making. Tell more.
Kirara 🕎
>>355266 Yeah, sure. I think you'd probably have some good insight into it, too.
>>355269 I can't really talk about the theory we started working on here! It's just about the development of critical thinking and how to foster it in people. I want to say but I really shouldn't.
I'm going to sell your theory to competing universities
>>355272 tbh you'd probably have to pay other universities to take the time to read whatever you want to put out there not to mention probably paying to publish it before they'd even consider it
Kirara 🕎
yeah it won't be worth looking at until we have something to show for it
at most other researchers would show interest in it but probably not too many because it sounds like it's really going against the status quo
Kirara 🕎
we also started planning a cognition course for the professor to teach the grad program and i got my assistantship position renewed like a year early
even if i remembered my appointment was today, there's no way i would have been able to make it there it's an hour and a half away and my back is in too bad of shape to be driving i can't even sit to work for more than 20 minues at a time >>355275 a course on cognition sounds really interesting but also sounds like the kind of thing that i would be hoping is way more developed and thorough than it actually might be i haven't taken graduate courses in psych so maybe it's a lot better than i'm imagining i just know i look at books and literature on stuff like that and it's like wow it's fucking nothing yuno what i mean
i think it probably wouldn't be as good as you'd like this year but maybe in a year or two when we've implemented our plans this professor and I basically want to remake the whole program in a way that better promotes competency and has less emphasis on tests and shit
yeah it was today at 11 i thought it was next week idk it'll probably be fine >>355278 i read some literature from a cognitive researcher at MIT who was focused on AI stuff and i thought wow this will probably be cool and it was just talking about feeding data into ML until it could produce art based off its learning feed and i'm like wow that's really not novel or interesting at all, high school students are doing that with music and putting it on youtube it's not even clever
Kirara 🕎
>>355279 the professor i work under is into AI and stuff, she's an engineer turned cognitive researcher that wants to learn about robot psychology and stuff like that we do a lot of human factors stuff a lot of human-tech interaction stuff she's pretty good too, she almost worked at apple and google straight after getting her doctorate and she gets to go to all those google elite tech conferences and stuff
>>355278 oh yeah i used her in shadowverse shes pretty cute in fate huh
>>355280 i'm not sure i'd want to work at apple or google anymore oracle's probably the place to be they put on some good conferences too
Kirara 🕎
>>355282 yeah, she turned those offers down because they wouldn't let her travel and she didn't want to live in silicon valley lok lol*
yeah i don't want to either i did want to but i don't want to i don't like it
how do i start fucking up commas
Darn sis needs PC see you later people (altho I wasn't even chatting but lurking)
>>355286 call your sister a whore and tell her that /moe/ is more important than whatever she wants to do Be a MAN
>>355295 She always says "lol you are talking with 4chan people haha". I mock her with her roleplays and stuff and she says "at the very least I don't care about them"
turn on parental blocks and turn off adblock
>roleplays >will think your a loser for chatting with chan people
>>355293 >she tells me almost anything she does How do you know she isn't witholding stuff I know I didn't tell my parents everything I did online as a kid
>>355293 i thought rping was for fat people you said your sister had a nice body did she get fat since then
>>355346 Why IV? The joke I was making was that with IIs leveling system the best way to grind was to just beat the shit out of your own party members Since taking damage increases their max HP
Oh nvm Cause FF2 released in the US and Europe on SNES was actually FFIV, and FFV was released as FFIII and FFVI was released as FFIV FFVII was the first final fantasy game released in the west with the correct number since the first one.
>>355340 Productive is good! I was moderately productive but I feel pretty relaxed. I'm about to bite into E-3 in the boats event.
>>355348 Rei Everyone knows this No one refers to IV as II anymore
Two hours is a really unacceptable number, even by my standards.
Kirara 🕎
>>355355 Well, I was going to go to bed when you did, but it didn't really work out. I'm going to get at least six hours tonight. I didn't think I'd be able to function so flawlessly on two hours of sleep, but I showed myself wrong.
Sometimes it feels good to run on low sleep once you get yourself going.
Blue not around? I had a thing to show hhim.
>>355356 That's right, I went to sleep speciically so you would, and you didn't!
Kirara 🕎
>>355359 I tried to, but the room was really bright for some reason. I couldn't sleep. I ended up sleeping with a pillow over my head so it would be dark enough.
Why didn't you turn the lights out?
Kirara 🕎
>>355361 I said for some reason because I don't know where the light was coming from or why it was there. It's usually pitch black when the lights are out, but there was a blue glow shining in from outside.
>>355367 What I have is usually fine! I might invest in some, though.
>>355368 I have a few gadgets that glow a little in my room. It's a bit annoying.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The coffee machine at work has been out of milk for the past two days. I can't get my daily dose.
Kirara 🕎
>>355369 The light can mess with me really easily. I need lots of darkness or I can't sleep properly.
>>355371 I like darkness but I can sleep in whatever.
Kirara 🕎
I'll probably sleep well tonight. I'm going to go to bed in about an hour or so. So you'd better get your fill of Kirara before he's gone!
By the way, we got two or three new posters today.
i get disoriented without light when i'm sleeping i like to leave some candles going light feels warm if it's a low hue
>>355373 We got new posters, huh? I saw some reports on NEW POSTER but I figured it was just memes. Where did they come from?
Kirara 🕎
>>355375 I dunno. Some static board somewhere. NEW POSTER seems fine but they're still doing that new poster there where they act really pleasant. They seem pleasant to me for now, though. I think they want to go by Digi or something because they like Digimon and want Digi in their trip code? One was anon and the other, I didn't get a good read on since I was busy while they were around/
>>355374 I used to be able to sleep with light, but not anymore.
That's neat. I hope I get a chance to inspect them soon.
Kirara 🕎
>>355377 Well, we'll see what happens. They're kind of a normie, though. They're not really into anime. They first thing they asked was if non-weebs were allowed here. They're probably a prude, too.
i don't know where i am if i don't have a light on when i wake up in the middle of the night it's not totally unpleasant but it is disorienting to think i'm in a different room or different house than i am actually in
here's a magic fuzzy worm
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>355377 You make them sound like a new specimen...
it's got a string i don't really know much more than that these are old as heck though i was transcribing files for the moth and some lady was talking about how she got one when she was fleeing from yugoslavia as a child and it was the only toy she had i had to check it out because of that haha
>>355378 I guess we'll see! New people are always fun.
>>355388 That's kind of sad but also kind of funny.
I wonder where they are now, though! The evening is the best time for posting.
Maybe theyre eurooopeans with normalish sleep cycles
Kirara 🕎
>>355391 Digi said his little sister needed the computer so he bailed. The other two disappeared in the early afternoon, I think.
On the return leg of the Craigslist journey. Got a bunch of D&D shit for cheap.
Like for a sixth of their market value, or even a tenth. I'm not an expert appraiser for this specific stuff but I'd estimate its worth at $300-$550. *their worth
Jeez. I feel like I was an specimen.
Btw I found this trip so I decided to keep it. Hello there everyone!
>>355402 He has much more typical autism than me so he's often antisocial for reasons no one else will ever know.
>>355406 Autistic, huh? How odd. I thought autistic people craved for people.
>>355405 So how are things around here? Getting active?
>>355408 I do because she needs help. My sis isn't like your sis, mine is somewhat nice.
I dunno I wouldn't oblige on anything for one of my sisters. That would only open her up to more and more arrogant demands. She's a pretty horrible person.
Kirara 🕎
Oh, that reminds me. That client that might get transferred to me is a male with autism. He has trouble with female therapists because he starts trying to please them.
>>355407 This is the activest time of the day! I'm going to bed soon, though.
>>355407 >I thought autistic people craved for people Dude what?
>>355409 Oh, I guess you don't have to worry about a pervert then. That's surprisingly boring. I was expecting an amusing situation.
>>355410 Yeah. Like, don't autistic people fewel alone because they can't interact with anyone due to social retardation?
Kirara 🕎
>>355411 Isn't it really great? It's rare that something so boring happens.
>>355413 I don't think it's pathetic or anything. He's trying his hardest.
>>355414 I'll never understand autism honestly. There are certain things that people shoul or shouldn't know when interacting with others. I guess I don't get it because autism manifests in different ways for different people. For example I get pretty autistic when it comes to creative creation, giving reviews of ANYTHING or Digimon. Specially Digimon.
>I'll never understand autism t. guy who is still into Digimon
Kirara 🕎
>>355415 An easy way to think about autism is to think about it in terms the biological differences in the brain between an autistic person and a neurotypical person. Autistic brains grow at a faster rate than NT brain during early development and then certain areas lag behind what's typical. One of these areas is the fusiform facial gyrus, which is one of the reasons autistic people have trouble connecting with others. Their brain doesn't recognize other human faces in the same way that an NT brain does.
>>355390 wasn't sad at all it was a really cool story they bought it for her at a singapore airport which she was saying was so cool because they didn't have all sorts of neat consumerism there
>>355417 But, if they are fully aware that they aren't doing something right, shouldn't they try to pinpoint exactly what is right? I don't get how someone who has been diagnosed as autistic doesn't knows how to combat it. It's not like depression or something else. Or maybe I'm seeing it wrong? What do you think is the answer to that?
>>355426 If we think of the brain as a computer The conscious mind is software And the brain is the hardware Autistic people have different hardware This makes some things really difficult for them
>>355423 I was expecting something amusing! Not something mundane.
>>355424 >Not killing people over Digimon >Not doing anything ever in order to make Digimon Great Again All those new PS4 games coming? All me. Sadly I have no PS4 to even play them.
Kirara 🕎
>>355426 Well, let's say there's a shelf that you want to reach but it's too high for you. You know what the problem is, but you can't just make yourself taller in order to reach it, right? It's like that.
Many autistic people have really difficult lives because of these built-in deficits.
>>355428 I hope you'll forgive my Stand for not entertaining you.
>>355427 I guess that makes sense. I just don't know how you wouldn't be able to deal with something like autism if you are fully self-aware. Unless being autistic makes you be not self-aware at all, then that makes all the sense. Does autism do that?
>>355430 You can get a table or something to reach the item. Just in the same way autistic people could get REALLY autistic to , I dunno... Watch all conversations done in docummentaries or among their peers or something? I have nop idea. Too complex for me.
Kirara 🕎
>>355431 And that's how we help autistic people. We're giving them skills that are like a table that allows you to reach the item. If there's no table or something to stand on, you can't reach it, but if someone helps you get something to stand on, you're good. Due to the nature of the deficits autistic people generally have, just watching other conversations is difficult for them to learn from. Their brains aren't interpreting human interaction in the same way that neurotypical brains do. The processing is completely different. Of course, there are varying degrees of autism and how much it impacts your life. My girlfriend is autistic, for example, but people talking to her often can't tell.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If the coffee machine doesn't have milk tomorrow I'm gonna riot
Bring your own milk.
>>355432 Why weren't you my psychiatrist. The one I had sent me to the crazy bucket.
>>355432 I'm at the point where people who don't know me that well just think I'm a bit odd at the worst.
>>355432 Jeez I thought people in chans were all losers like me but there are actual intelligent people.
Now I feel kinda bad and uneasy to post.
Kirara 🕎
>>355437 I'm not really that intelligent. I live my life doing one stupid thing after another. I just happen to be working on my doctorate while I do dumb shit. Working on my doctorate is one of the dumb things I do, too. /moe/ has a lot of people from all walks of life with different knowledge bases and everyone is generally intelligent in some way or another. You shouldn't feel bad or uneasy posting. I'm sure you're knowledgeable about something, too. And if not, /moe/ is about having fun, not brain contests, anyway.
>>355438 I guess I can try. I just can't help comparing myself to others. Specially if they are THIS smart.
>>355442 I'm actually a failure in maths. In highschool, my teacher passed me out of pity. LITERALLY OUT OF PITY.
>>355437 i recall you're quite well educated in maths
Kirara 🕎
>>355440 I'm not really that smart. I just know a little bit about a lot of things. I sound a lot smarter than I really am.
I'm super dysfunctional, too. You shouldn't compare yourself to someone like me!
I'm just perfectly normal.
>>355443 I'm disfunctional and I don't have the brains to even it out. But enough about self-pity I guess. What's good for you all guys right now.
Kirara 🕎
>>355445 The only reason I have any workable level of functioning is because my girlfriend helps me so much. I can barely do basic tasks without her around.
I'm really tired right now. I'm going to go to bed pretty soon.
Oh shit this new desk light can change the colour of its light since it's LED. I can do the whole orange light that helps with not killing your sleepy feeling.
>>355446 >tfw no BF who acts like Kirara's GF does Good night when you sleep.
Kirara 🕎
>>355448 My girlfriend probably wouldn't be able to function without me, either. We're two incredibly broken people that work together to be somewhat functional.
>>355449 You guys are literally those broken heart necklaces that look like trash unless they are together.
That doesn't makes me feel any better you mean.
Good going, calling them both TRASH.
Kirara 🕎
Haha, I actually really like that metaphor.
They're weak on their own but if they gattai they can take down anything
>>355451 Gotta insult others to feel better about myself smh tbh fam
>>355463 No, by having nana die The ice climbers are nana and bobo If Nana dies you can still use bobo But if bobo dies and nana is still on stage she poofs out when you lose the life
Kirara 🕎
I don't really feel like sleeping even though I'm so tired. I want to stay up and have fun.
>>355464 that sounds more like you took one stock after already acting with Nana before she died
I have never played smash bros.
Kirara 🕎
This is a secret, but me neither.
>>355466 ? She automatically dies when he does, but he doesn't die automatically when she does. You can still use him, he's just a bit weaker.
>>355469 I know I'm stating that Bobo is shitty without her which is the joke
This new desk lamp has a really light base. I can adjust the neck but I need to be careful where I move it or else it starts to tip over. I need something of a paperweight to put on top of it.
was it the sandwich the soda the bottle and a half of pringles that was eaten throughout the day time will tell
I did some training the other day and they mentioned food poisoning can lie dormat for quite a while I did not know that also I managed to the same training day twice
>>355588 Yeah maybe you need some heavier curtains.
>>355643 that's not funny my brother died that way
unlimited bangarang
Yuuunlimited bangarang
my friend came over and we watched the first three episodes of sora no woto now i want to watch the rest of it but i don't want to leave her behind so i guess i'll find another anime to watch
people don't come from texas because people come _to_ texas one of the fastest growing places in the US with amazing economic numbers to boot
>>355676 No, it's steers and queers. I can't believe you haven't heard that one, you'd think you would have heard it since you're from Texas. The implication is that you're not a steer.
Isn't Texas full of hillbillies and the like?
unlimited bangarang
>>355680 in the rural areas yeah but those areas are steadily shrinking and the majority of people in texas live in suburbs near major cities and work middle or lower-middle class jobs
>>355680 Hicks yes, hillbillies are an Appalachia thing iirc
unlimited bangarang
there are rural areas in most of the states though texas has more by sheer landmass but Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, and Austin are all large major cities that are crucially important to certain industries
lol im not even from USA
unlimited bangarang
i'm not even from earth you are like little baby
I'm not even from this universe. Get on my level.
unlimited bangarang
>>355679 i am probably neither, and rhyming jokes are probably not good indicators of state-wide trends
>>355679 Bangs not from Texas, he just lives there.
I thought Bang was Australian when I first met him
unlimited bangarang
technically i'm from california but my childhood was mostly in arizona and my most important formative years of adolescence all happened after i moved to texas
>>355702 If I had a penny each time a closet lesbian as said that...
I wouldn't have that many pennies. But still enough to afford a candy or something, I guess. Maybe a lolipop. One of those strawberry ones I like so much.
I have returned to my true home. My bed Well, the foldout couch in the basement I'm sleeping on cause I'm in the middle of doing a ton of cleaning in my room and the bed is not currently usable for sleeping.
>>355920 how messy is your room My room never got that messy
The bed is covered in stuff and I have boxes i need to move in order to more easily remove the broken furniture tgat the movers decided to put into the room for some reason.
unlimited bangarang
Anyways the layout of the room itself (disregarding its current contents) is poorly designed which caused half of this problem in the first place. >>355925 No, I've played Nethack though.
i wonder how one would best instill that fear into someone maybe when they're a child, you drip honey all over their hands but then they just might eat it, and honey is bad for small children or maybe you cover the floor in elmer's
good thinking 99
hey that reminds me sk what's your experience with sweden like?
>>355955 a quite lot and not just neighbours like swedeb estonia, russia and norway
unlimited bangarang
i haven't left texas in longer than i can remember 2010 maybe
>>355965 hmm london or wien krakow had cheapest best quality beer though
I've never been anywhere in Europe before. I really want to travel to more places some day.
unlimited bangarang
Texas is pretty big though leaving Texas is actually pretty difficult
unlimited bangarang
wow i wonder if this is accurate
unlimited bangarang
I just had this realization that national identity must be completely different in a lot of other parts of the US, specifically because of their state A lot of Texans identify as Texans first and Americans second This Trump thing must be so much more serious for people in states with much smaller identities
sk 🖤
How do ya mean? Like people who identify more as American than their own state think he's better, since he's big on their particular identity as Americans?
unlimited bangarang
No, I mean like If you're a Texan first, then the happenings of America as a whole are kind of secondary. People who live in states that are much smaller or less important economically or politically have a lot more of their identity as citizens resting on the nation as a whole. As long as Texas is doing fine as a whole, we can still be proud of it.
unlimited bangarang
I imagine Californians can somewhat relate, as might New Yorkers or some from other states. Maybe New Yorkers a bit less, since they're often seen as somewhat representative of the U.S. in the media.
>>355974 Woulda thought there was supposed to be like, a thing the knife fell into as it passed over some position on the table Or something I dunno if a quarter chance to stab a knife through your hand is a good bet for a trick
unlimited bangarang
it would only be cool if you slam your hand down on 3 of the cups and leave one standing, andthen pull the cup up and there's no knife, and then pull a knife out of your throat with a cherry stuck on the end
with a lot of the people he interviews, you can read the self-destruction they're internalizing "why did my career put me here, where did i go so wrong, why didn't i look into this"
>>355973 New York is probably a special case since you have to separate New York and New York City, because New York City is a culture so complex it might as well be a nationhood unto itself. When a city gets that big, it becomes way more than just a city.
unlimited bangarang
honestly i wasn't even acknowledging the existence of upstate NY there and i mean like, i was consciously not acknowledging it too
Poor New York State. Delgated to irrelevancy because of its city.
I'd love to go to upstate New York
>prepare 20 mins berween bus and train >bus is 16 minutes late that was a good run