Yeah, it was Umaru I was thinking about. I just forgot to list mahotsukai.
My list for tonight would be
love live kekkai sensen ballroom blend S
but maybe we could do mahou instead of love live is jan got involved tonight.
Also I checked the UTW site because I was getting fed up and apparently the delay with their Apocrypha episodes should be resolved within a couple days.
>>352606 Translator was sick or overwhelmed with other obligations or something. Which kind of slogs down the entire fansubbing process.
It looks like a really typical CGI show at first glance. I did not have high expectations for it when we started. I think it started to click around episode 3 or 4 or so.
Yeah. I rewatched episode one more recently and it's even kind of too weird at times. Like it has that one scene of Cinnabar puking up mercury and that really dramatic shot of her crying tears of the stuff too. Two is a little better, and three is when stuff starts to really get rolling.
something horrible just happened to me but i have recovered and i'm ready now >>352639 it wasn't really that bad it was just a little embarrassing so how was your day
Oh no. I hope you're as okay as you can be. So we're starting with Mahoutsukai.
>>352638 I laid in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, for like eight or nine hours. Slept the whole of the daylight away. Then I went and got pizza for dinner and did some writing.
I encouraged her to do it because I thought it was cute. She could put her paws on my shoulders and stand as tall as me and lick me in the face.
I couldn't be comfortable with any animal, let alone dogs, licking my face. It's a part of that thing I get bothered by that's not really germophobia but kind of similar. Even on the rare occasion where my cat licks my hands, I usually go straight to washing them after I'm done petting her.
Yeah, the production for this show doesn't always get lighting done well.
But I guess Elias is kind of super horrific right now and isn't exactly something that wants to be seen anyway.
Silky is a good meido.
why is doggo so edgy
He's a creature born from strong emotions that allowed him to haunt his previous owner's grave for who knows how long. Also he's a dog. Being overprotective and guarding for their family is pretty par the course.
>>352736 I hadn't checked if Ballroom is only two-cour or elsewise. They might be able to resolve this plot line before the season ends and cut it there. But it is sort of feeling like it might go longer.
Well I can empathize with him a good bit after that.
Oh MAN these trumpets. I fucking love me some trumpets.
The relation between Tatara and Chinatsu is so good though. There's a lot of complexity involved that you don't normally get out of characters in shounen anime.
>My body isn't the heavy one >This weight is...Chi-chan's Wow man what are you saying about the poor woman.
so he's basically having the same revelation chi had last ep
And true to Hyoudo's point, Chinatsu is leading him into the relevation. It's like poetry.
It's tough when people try to pressure you to adopt dogs.
It's even worse when you live with people that just bring them home without telling you.
Living right above your place of work would be pretty convenient.
Taking your shoes off when going inside is barely even a gaijin thing anyway. I've never been prompted to keep my shoes on when going inside someone's house here.
Er keeping your shoes on when going inside.
>adopt dog >take to pound >make up story about running away
>adopt dog >love and care for him forever and ever until eventually he leaves you
Wow this dog is a VILLAIN.
such a smart doggo
Oh that series from last season with the class with the points system might be getting more animated material. Not necessarily a second season but there's a possibility.