Thread #355740
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black clover chuuni taisen souma umaru x2 animegataris Is tilde around? oh that's convienent
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I was thinking chuuni taisen black clover umaru ep 8 animegataris oh and two car should be on the list a couple posts up, almost forgot about that again
screw sleep. testing how does mobile posting work here
>>355750 I'd needa moment to get the new shows but sure.
DIGI new poster on mobile 2017/12/06 (水) 05:15 No. 355761
wait how does this work. do you guys use just one general thread or wht
We tend to have one general discussion thread, yes. If there's a niche thing that a few of us are doing, we'll make a thread for that thing so that it doesn't get in the way of people just trying to talk about whatever.
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>>355761 A general thread is always running. We also make nightly anime watching threads for the anime group.
DIGI new poster on mobile 2017/12/06 (水) 05:17 No. 355767
>>355763 >>355765 oh so this is the anime thread. i better gt outta here
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that's right, as soon as tilde's downloads are complete we're going to be watching anime in here.
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Are we about ready?
About ten percent on either of the two shows you wanted to start with. Six now. Usually
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okay sounds like tilde is close so chuuni taisen okay lets start!
okl i bet rabbit is still alive He did a weird tongue thing
also where are monkey and bird
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Bird's last act was to order her bird friends to devour her. Probably because she didn't want to be a zombie. We haven't seen Monkey since Rabbit "died" but I imagine the reveal is that Rabbit is going to be not dead.
I seem to remember Chicken being entirely -yeah. Monkey vanished after she flung Rabbit up into the air.
>>355792 no but rabbit used bird's crows to attack rat and monkey didnt he
Yeah because they were all dead.
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yeah Rabbit used the dead birds. Chicken herself is gone though.
His Ox horns are less of horns and more like antennae.
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He is either kinda smart or kinda dumb.
He's certainly got some iron-clad convictions though.
maybe rabbit is monkey now necromancer magic
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Wow, she really started crushing on him.
Oh no.
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OH, the bunny reveal comes a lot quicker than anticipated.
And now the Ox doth rage.
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rabbit really ruins all of the nice things.
why is rabbit so strong
Because he's a necromanTIST
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hmm Do you think Mouse is the actual necromancer?
oh wow that would be crazy so the whole time Rabbit was dead already his eyes were black though
I don't think so. Rat can already read minds or something like that. I think he's another rogue variable in this Zodiac war though.
but rabbit could talk
ox better nto die while this is happeniong
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kill me systematically, baby
tiger noooo
And two plus one remain.
why did she lie
Lying was a last, selfless gesture she could make.
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It took her a whole episode of flashbacks to explain all that craziness to the viewer. There's no way she could explain it to a dense guy like Ox in what time she had left. black clover! okay let's start!
I t hink that was my favourite episode so far
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Oh right, this left off at an intense moment.
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I like this OP.
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This dummy who yells all the time somehow became endearing.
I beg to differ.
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I've come to like him.
the mc and reival remind me of the ace of diamond duo furuya and sawamura
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He needs a form of his sword that is faster. He needs a dex build.
It's not very smart to declare that's your last bit of magic.
what time i closed it by afccidetn
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I knew he was gonna do that. 10:45
ok thanks
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I knew protagonist-kun was going to whack the fire back at him like that.
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>anti-bird what on earth is an anti-bird that thing is just a weird looking bird
The mayor guy that was obviously not actually dead was actually dead all along. What a surprise.
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shocking truth
Her head's not enough of a bird's nest.
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umaru 8 ijay okay lets start
i hate mememaru
I wonder if the camera can make it through the episode without breaking.
RIP arcades. I guess even in their last bastion of Japan, arcades are a dying race.
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They hate that sound thing too.
She's so self-serviing. Probably a disaster in the kitchen though.
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Wow this one is a SCHEMER.
All this waste of perfectly good pancake batter.
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Oh wait I'm probably watching the wrong episode. RIP. Oh well.
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Your comments about self-serving and schemes kinda matched up with what was going on. The pancake batter comment had me wondering though.
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okay animegataris okay lets start!
oko k
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Last episode was a little hard to suspend disbelief for. That they could plan and put on such a good idol show while using like all of their time rushing to make an anime.
Oh no they're going to otaku-fy the entire school.
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It looks like it's causing some problems for the normies.
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Wow she gave some real fujo recs to the basketball club.
I guess they really need the school council president to be around to reign in all the stupid kids.
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Wow they are really dropping some references this episode.
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Wait a sec, the others are talking to the cat now. I think this is the first time this has happened.
Yeah I was thinking that too. The idolfag just starting -started a conversation with the cat like it was nothing.
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Actually reality in general seems to be unravelling a bit. Maybe this is a dream.
Oh and this is the OP. Talk about late.
super late
>Go volleyball club I feel that's a reference to Nichijou's Go Soccer club.
Also Minoa is the only sane person left in the school anymore. They really need the school council president.
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This has got to be a dream or something. Reality is coming apart.
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This has GOT to be a dream.
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Where's the point where we find out it was all a dream?
Wow the bishounen was a traitor all this time. What a crazy end-of-season twist.
That was a really shark jumpy episode.
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WHAT was this episode?
Well things sure went down a weird road this episode.
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Yeah, so much for my suspension of disbelief.
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thanks for anime! time for me to sleep
Mhm, thanks.