Thread #353898
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>>353899 โ thread in what way
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The part where you get in the flight unit Playing it now, I'm actually able to be hit by it. The first playthrough I was too far away and couldn't get closer. As if I was out of the boundary of the play area. But I could still shoot at it. The only thing that could hit me were the rockets
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2017/12/05 (็ซ) 02:48 No. 353904
>>353902 ground is your friend say hi to it
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It didn't register to me as a bug when I played it the first time But I remember that part being really dumb because I couldn't even get a good look at it and my movement range was super limited. I couldn't move forward or backward. I was stuck on a circular radius away from the Engel and I just shot at it until it died and was like lol this was a dumb fight
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That's weird
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 02:52 No. 353907
you're all fucking losers
>>353907 I'm not fucking anyone
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I've never fucked a loser
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It's probably because of all the dumb stuff that happened before I got in the unit. I fell off the building and had the absolute HARDEST time getting back up.
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>>353878 โ I'm not messing with you! You can't beat the dong. It's some forward scouting position. You put your first three ships in the er you put your light ships in the first three and they get an evasion bonus, but maybe a firepower reduction. It's good for cruising to the boss.
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>>353911 Sou ka
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 02:56 No. 353913
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Wow that sounds like a mechanic that took a little bit of thinking. Go them
does it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 02:57 No. 353915
>>353914 I did say "a little"
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It seems a little too strong. But since the game is just annoying RNG, things that make RNG less annoying are good, probably.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 02:59 No. 353917
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Waiting warmly I should sleep soon
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:00 No. 353918
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i doubt kancolle can reclaim the base it's lost at this point
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>>353919 No, I think kancolle is definitely in decline. They're really out of interesting ships to add anyway, since they don't want to go full international.
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RIP kancolle
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:12 No. 353922
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Kancolle is in decline and yet Touhou still breathes chugga chugga choo choo
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Yeah, but even if kancolle is dying, at least it isn't touhou.
2hu and kancolle are losing to type moon now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:13 No. 353925
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Yeah, FGO is doing really well. The captcha is a little too merciless for me. Fate is a really good franchise though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:14 No. 353927
Yes, the captcha.
it's a very cruel gacha
>Touhou Actually fun game with great music>Kancolle Boring game with lots of grinding and clicking
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yeah, the cruel gacha is what keeps me from playing.
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It's all about the not-Kancolle boats now
azur lane has become very popular
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touhou is kinda like Nintendo at this point. It'll just throw shit out once a year All it needs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:19 No. 353934
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I tried to install azur lane last night but it seems like they hate the non-chinese.
just get the Japanese one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:20 No. 353936
Oh yeah that's way easier huh
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>>353933 I'd disagree Nintendo is always shaking things up in new ways Wheras Touhou hasn't really changed all that much I'd compare Touhou to like NES megaman >>353938 I liked 15
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:20 No. 353938
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I remember when ZUN changed mechanics for touhou 15 and they were awful. And then he changed them again for 16 and that game is fantastic. So comparing it to nintendo is very apt.
lol they're trying to make it legal to steal your employees tips
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>>353939 >tipping culture roflamericans
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:21 No. 353941
>>353937 15 is terrible.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:21 No. 353942
Like universally 15 is poopied on
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The best thing about LoLK was Clownpiece And when she went to Gensokyo, she took America with her. RIP America 2016
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Wow do I just have shit taste I like 15s bullet patterns and I liked the new death system
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:23 No. 353945
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Clownpiece is a big meme.>>353944 >I like unfair undodgeable attacks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:23 No. 353946
The difficulty in 15 compared to other games is artificial as hell. Just "here have walls of bullets" The final stage is 100% 100% ONE HUNDRED PERCENT enemies that only fire revenge bullets. If you sit still you get through the final stage to Junko with 0 bullets That's retarded.
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>>353946 It's sounds very Junko-ish though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:24 No. 353949
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Junko's theme of purity is cool and all but it makes her attacks very boring.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:24 No. 353950
They're literally just "bullet hell in its purest form" which means it's not pretty at all. Just black and white garbage.>>353951 This is a conversation for people who enjoy touhou clearly.
2hu is really bad
oh, you're telling me im not allowed in your conversation wow
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>>353932 I would play it if it had english.>>353952 That's okay I don't like touhou either.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:25 No. 353954
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>>353952 That joke aside, what I'd really mean by it is "this isn't really a discussion of whether touhou is good or bad as much as 15 is good or bad" And I hate 15.
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>>353952 That's right, go wear a seifuku, you sea navy dog.
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>>353953 Azur Lane is alright. It's very generous and cute.>>353954 so 2hu 15 is,, bad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:27 No. 353957
I don't really care for the boat designs all that much in azur lane though.>>353956 yeah
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Azur Lane Shigure is pretty cute. I could live with it. But I don't want to learn new interface without being able to read the language.
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>>353957 how unfortunate
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>>353958 AL Shigure is kind of slutty, though. I like KC Shigure more. The interface is really easy to learn.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:29 No. 353961
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but rika you learned the kancolle interface that way too
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>>353960 I think that Azur Lane in general is more slutty.>>353961 Yes and that's why I know I don't want to do it with azur lane.
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:31 No. 353964
If I recall the dialog in Azur Lane is also sluttier
>>353962 Yeah, it is. Many of the girls are more scantily clad.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:32 No. 353966
>>353962 Timurlane>azurlane
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:33 No. 353967
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Hmm I wonder actually how well known Timur is outside of history buffs and paradox players
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>>353965 Kancolle has a lot of nice subdued uniforms. A lot that aren't, but it was the tasteful clothes that drew me to it in the first place.
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>>353968 There's tasteful stuff in AL. Quite a bit of it. But then you also get
look at that fucking shoulder flag oh wait, it's a capelet
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>>353969 this
>>353969 okay I like this girl she's cute
she's HMS Hood i like her a lot
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>>353969 Oh, I do like that. But not enough to start playing.
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>>353971 nice
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>>353976 her Chinese sprite doesn't include the panty shot, they shortened the skirt for the jp version
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>>353977 >>353976
Sasuga Nippon.
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Unnecessary though, I feel ...what even are these paper stories
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:38 No. 353981
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I'm going to be watching blend s in the mornings and stuff so that's fun
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AL hiei is actually good
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the Brits are consistently the nicest looking battleships
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the room is also nicer and also passively levels the girls you put in jt
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tHAT LOOKS PRETTY NICE. oh caps but that looks pretty nice.
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It's easy to avoid using the lewd ones Although Takao over >>353971 is one of the best heavy cruisers so i still use her
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:48 No. 353988
>>353982 I like the classic one still.
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It's a good alternative to kancolle but neither are really amazing AL is a lot better than Kancolle though
>>353983 Sasuga the British Navy.
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Kancolle was a lot more fun when it was more simple.
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this is AL's naka, san diego
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:55 No. 353993
i just made shepard's pie
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She isn't as cute as Naka.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:56 No. 353995
>>353993 nani sore?
>>353994 agreed she lacks the same charm
>>353995 It's an oven-baked pie of ground meat (usually beef), with a top of mashed potato spread over it, in its most basic form. Then you can add a variety of things you like that go well with either to the beef mixture. Corn is a common addition, for example.
It's also fucking delicious.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 03:59 No. 353999
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Sounds delish wonder where the name comes from also get
It has its history in that a wife of a shepherd would take the leftovers from a night's dinner and bake it into a carryable pie for the shepherd to carry out on the field. Or at least that's how I heard it's origin.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:00 No. 354001
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Seems like it was called Cottage pie before, due to being a food enjoyed by the poor folk living in said cottages.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:01 No. 354002
but no mention where the shepherd came from a quick search>>354000 this seems legit or they just used sheep meat for it
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:01 No. 354003
mine has beans and corn and lentils
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:01 No. 354004
lots of cream cheese and spices with the groudn beef
>>354002 There's NO WAY a shepherd would have sheep meat just laying about man. No way.
We tend to keep our shepherd's pies simple and don't really add anything but a bit of seasoning for the beef. I'm not big on canned corn personally so I like it better that way anyway.
shepards pie is amazing
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:04 No. 354008
that was super good the thing is i made enough shepherd's pie for like 12 people and i am but one man and i think everyone else in my family ate already
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:05 No. 354009
so i guess shepherd's pie for a while
There are worse fates in life.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:06 No. 354011
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This event also has a strange mechanic where you sortie a 7 ship fleet. But you have to use the third fleet to do it.
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I slepts a ton tonight
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>>354008 that sounds good i made a whole bunch of cordon bleu pasta wanna do a tradesies i could use some shepherds pie
>>354014 weird
I'm always so worn by Monday night. I really need to get a consistent sleeping pattern running.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:21 No. 354019
ha ha time for sleep
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My chest hurts a little
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I'm sure ToN will understand if you tell him that you miss him.
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What did you do to it?
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I didn't really do anything, I don't think. Sometimes it just hurts. Sometimes if weight gets pressed on it or against it, it hurts later and sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it'll hurt if I exercise without warming up first, so idk why it hurts. Maybe it's exhaustion, too.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:34 No. 354024
I know that feel.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:34 No. 354025
Oh boy winter syarts tomorrow *starts 20mph wind and 32ยฐFahrenheit weather
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>>354023 Are you tired?
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>>354026 Yeah, but I don't want to sleep.
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>>354027 Well, I get that. Sleep is a drag.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:43 No. 354029
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>>354028 Yeah, seriously. I have to give a presentation tomorrow but I have an actual 100% in that class, so I could get a 50% on it and still have a 95 in the class. So I sort of feel like it's whatever and I'd rather do it tired than sleep right now.
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>>354030 Well make sure to still do your best!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:49 No. 354032
I just heard "may cause you to develop completely clear skin" in a medicine commercial. I'm not sure if they meant clear as transparent or as in clearing up a skin condition.
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>>354031 Oh, you know me. I can't half-ass anything. Or if I do, it's basically full-assed by normal standards.
>>354032 hopefully transparent
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>>354033 That's good, work hard!
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>>354035 I thought you were a member of the "Kirara should work less hard" club.
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Work hard play hard is my motto! You should take it easy more often.
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I want to take it easy. There's just so much to do, though!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 04:59 No. 354039
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>>354038 Sometimes you gotta take it easy though.
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>>354040 Yeah, but it's hard when there's stuff to do.
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>blushy-crushy Xenoblade sounds like a lot of fun
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>>354041 You gotta take it easy when there's stuff to do!
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>>354043 But then how will everything get done? Nothing will ever get done if I don't make it get done.
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>>354044 Taking it easy sometimes will maximize your work time!
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:10 No. 354046
>>354044 time museum would be cool
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>>354045 No way!>>354046 yeah
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:12 No. 354048
i mean that sign obcviously reads maritime, but still
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>>354047 Yes way! Work hard, play hard!
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>>354049 I play hard. I just work more than I play.
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It's important to take it easy a lot too though.
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It's important to play to our strengths my strengths are apparently working too much
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anime>>354053 โ >>354052 You should look for new strengths too, though!
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>>354054 I'm just not good at relaxing.
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you should practice! become like water.
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I'll never be good at it. I don't even know how to practice. The only way I can relax is to take care of all there is to do.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:29 No. 354062
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lol trump is creating secret police that report directly to him because he doesn't trust the intelligence agencies or military
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:30 No. 354064
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wat really? does he really think he will serve 40 years as president?
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>>354063 Oh, this is a new idea I wonder if any other politicians have ever done this
>>354063 wait really sauce?
>>354065 didn't hitler do this lol
Yeah the SS is literally that
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:31 No. 354069
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>>354067 he had SA first, but then purged them and created SS and Gestapo
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:31 No. 354070
Gestapo, by the way was the secret police, SS was his loyal body guards and an elite army unit, that was not under the normal army hierarchy, answering only to their own officers with Himmler being on top and him answering to hitler
Yeah even wikipedia lists them separately like The wehrmacht is loyal to Nazi Germany The SS is loyal to Hitler specifically
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:32 No. 354073
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Cause they are separate SS even hired non germans there was scandic SS unit, finnish SS unit dutch Ss unit I think even french SS unit
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Anyone seen tilde in the last little bit?
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:36 No. 354076
>>354072 Also Wehrmacht was loyal to the country and government it is just then ational army they had little on average to do with the party, eventhough you know it was rpactically required y law to be a party member but when options are>be member >be visited by gestapo which do you pick?
>>354066 >>354074 I have not
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The big F is surprisingly, uh, palatable and easygoing this time, isn't it Nonchalant, even
yeah it's chill
>>354077 >deep state enemies Purposefully vague enough to keep the new unit going indefinitely
>>354082 yeah this is bad shit lol
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:39 No. 354086
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Wasn't cia created for the very same reason that >>354077 is listed here originally?
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>>354082 I mean it's not like it COULD be anything but vague Because "the deep state" is a right wing spook
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:41 No. 354091
>>354077 Ah.fuck
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Then again, they labeled a non-existent organization as a domestic terror organization so uh the US government is kinda coming off at the hinges in terms of connection to reality
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wtf is deep state
deep state is code for "people i don't like that are evil"
It's literally without meaning
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Sorry to play the enlightened centrist here, but I see no real difference between people who label people they don't like as antifa and people who label people they don't like as nazis.
That's because you will look straight at someone swinging a swastika flag, shouting blood and soil, and beating black people and wonder if they're REALLY fascists or not, Rika Your inability to tell the difference between the two is irrelevant to me honestly
nazi shouldn't be a domestic terrorist organization either it doesn't make any sense
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:45 No. 354105
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>>354098 buzzword, but it basically means government officials within a government that aren't elected and can influence decision making without actually holding positions that actually havet hat power think like a state within a state. or a shadow government
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>>354103 but someone beating someone while holding an antifa flag shouldn't be labeled as antifa because it doesn't exist?
It is antifa But antifa isn't a thing It doesn't EXIST
the problem is that there's no organization called antifa people that are part of antifa aren't in any organization or anything like that it's something that "membership" is based on your actions with so anyone can be antifa declaring it a domestic terrorist organization just means you can turn anyone into a terrorist
Place your bets on how long this discussion will go for I'm putting 20 on at least an hour
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:46 No. 354111
Antifreeze is an unorganized movement *Antigua Fuck Lol
No I gotta go
Antifa is a demographic at best
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:47 No. 354116
Antifa is basically Anonymous 2 but not as effective, smart or funny.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:47 No. 354117
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>>354109 is basically saying that "civil rights" is terrorist organisation it isn't an organisation it is just a general idea for people to protest or collide into movements antifa is cancer, but it isn't an organisation it is an idea or a movement
>>354117 yeah exactly it's a movement it's not an organization
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:48 No. 354119
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Similiarly the now cancer alt-right isn't really an organisation but just a bunch of people and actual organisations either umbrellad under that term by media or identifying themselves under that banner
yeah now proud boys is an organization you can say they're terrorists but saying alt right is terrorists is ridiculous and bad
>>354116 we r leejun
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Is it splitting hairs to say something isn't an organization because they don't have membership rolls? They have a logo and common goals. It seems like something you can track from a counter-terrorism standpoint.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:49 No. 354125
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Alt-right is so good example of "retards thinking they are in good company" seriously, name a harmless movement that turned into the parody/strawman version their enemies made them out to be faster?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:49 No. 354126
>>354124 They aren't organized
>>354124 No That's like calling otaku an organisation
>>354124 no, there's no organization a person is only antifa when they are doing antifa activities these activities are rarely planned and are spur of the moment you can't say someone is a member of antifa because that's not possible
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:50 No. 354129
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BAMM is an organisation *BAMN but antifa isn't
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:51 No. 354130
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>>354128 is not either like antifa sprouted out of nowhere the blackblocks and such masked violent left wing protesters have been around way longer they just now have a convenient #hastag to rally under or to be categorised under
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They have to organize on some level to all show up at the same place at the same time. Someone has to be calling the shots on some level, don't they?
>>354132 no, that's not how it works someone says "there's an alt right rally" and people show up in black bloc without any communication people in these situations don't know each other and never will nobody organizes these people
>>354132 Anime conventions exist but I dont call anime fans am organisation Now an antifa faccebook group might be an organisation. But antifa itself is not There is no antifa president or high council
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It still feels like for lack of a better word, some organization like this, would be worth tracking from a counter-terrorism standpoint. Which isn't to say that antifa is terrorists or whatever (even though they do beat people) but it seems like you would want to track and profile groups that carried out stuff like that. Is the objection that the FBI is keeping tabs on them, or just that they used the word "organization"?
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:52 No. 354137
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>>354132 >>354133 There might be a "call to arms" but acn you really call that organising? it is just general "let's oppose this and go counter-protest" well if only they just counter protested violentassbags
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:53 No. 354138
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>>354136 this is the same logic that has caused so much trouble in your War on terror ISIS, Al queda etc they are organisations, but at the same time they arenรคt they are also movements and idealism it doesn't necessarily require any organising from their part to "arrange" a terror strike somewhere someone radicalised properly by their message deciding to do it according to guidelines can act all alone with no contact with the actual organisation
>>354136 The objection is that antifa as a terrorist organization gives the government the ability to consider anyone on the left as a member of a domestic terror organization e.g. i could be considered a member of a domestic terrorist organization now
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>>354138 Well, the biggest problem with our war on terror is that it was pants on head retarded with the right hand funding terrorists fighting terrorists that the left hand is funding all for the purposes of some vague agenda that involves toppling legitimate governments.>>354139 So your objection is that the government shouldn't be keeping tabs on these people at all? Or that it's too vague?
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:55 No. 354143
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war on terror exists just to fuel the arms industry and secure the petrodollar, though Nothing bad about that, securing your hegemony on the global stage isn't a sin in my eyes, I just wished the lot in power would be more honest about it. Honest imperialism>dishonest democracy crusading
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:55 No. 354144
>>354141 Don't forget the FBI creating domestic terrorists just to arrest them.
The hacker known as /moe/
>>354141 are you purposefully doing that it's so vague that anyone can be considered a terrorist Do you think I would do terrorism or go hurt people? Well, I'm a member of a terrorist organization because I oppose fascists now.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:56 No. 354147
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The vague shit that antifa and labeling them as terrorism is somewhat comparable to the hatespeech laws and the shit that the left are pushing. You can call on anyone saying stuff and say "they are racist scum and shall be arrested" on the arbitrary and vaque rules and legislations set by the governments that have bought into this crap too much. So basically, if you have a non-organisation as antifa being labelled as terrorist organisation, you can now pick up and arrest and prosecute anyone protesting on the elft side for stuff, even if they wren'รคt violent, but were in a rally that had antifa stuff going on or stuff tht could be counted as antifa, by the authorities with thier vaque labels
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>>354146 Well, I understand that you aren't a terrorist. I'm just kind of wondering what the proper reaction when faced with something like this should be. It seems like it's so vague that there are normal people mixed in with bad actors.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:57 No. 354150
>>354147 Hate speech laws can't really work in the US. Cause in the exceedingly unlikely event that one gets passed it will be overturned because it violates the first amendment.
>>354149 Yeah. Tons of normal people are considered terrorists under this. Recently, some people got arrested for organizing a counter protest. People that weren't there got arrested for it because they talked about it on a podcast which was viewed as conspiracy.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:58 No. 354152
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>>354150 Yeah but work quite well in Europe, UK and Canada and so on
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:59 No. 354154
My point is that they are in spirit the same bullshit to control discussion, to prevent oppositon and to control thoughts and completely against liberty and freedom
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 05:59 No. 354155
>>354149 It has a massive potential for abuse. In fact it is practically made just for government overreach and warrantless spying.
>>354151 wow that's retarded We should arrest news reporters in Syria for being terrorist conspirators
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>>354151 Well, I don't think you'll find too many people that dispute the fact that the extent to which we've seen the governement become more powerful in the name of counterterrorism is so great that it's a threat to the liberty of individual citizens. That's a many headed snake though, and it extends way beyond whow people are labeled and tracked.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:00 No. 354158
>>354156 FYI, reporters in the US have been arrested for associating with criminals.
reporters have been arrested for taping a cop break the law lol
>>354158 would you consider them valid arrests
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:00 No. 354161
>>354160 No
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:01 No. 354163
Doesn't mean they didn't spend time in prison.
>>354159 what were they charged with
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:01 No. 354167 Still a bit pissed about this.
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>>354164 nothing, they get arrested, roughed up, and then let go because cops can do that>>354157 Things are getting worse and worse every day.
>>354169 I didn't even know you COULD get arrested without any charges
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:03 No. 354173
>>354170 Dude what Like How What is your justice system like?
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>>354169 Well, things have been steadily getting worse in that respect since 2001. Presidents of both parties have been driving it forward, too.
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>>354175 Of course. Obama was worse than Bush in many ways when it comes to violations of our freedom. But now it's getting to the point where it's frightening. I have my FBI contacts so I should be fine personally, but I still worry. What if something happens to me because I have a "bad" opinion? What's going to happen to Fish?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:04 No. 354178
More whistleblowers were prosecuted under the Obama administration than every previous administration combined.
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Yeah, Obama did a ton of stuff to power up the oppressive potential of the government and then accidentally handed all that over to Trump. I wonder what he was thinking about how all that would end.
>>354173 I dunno but I just assumed you have to have a charge to arrest someone for something Like that's the whole point of arresting someone
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:04 No. 354181
>>354180 They arrest you and make up the charges if they don't have a real reason to arrest you.
>>354179 he thought they could just give it to Hillary
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:05 No. 354183
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>>354179 that is the thing I don't get about Us presidents how can you trust that someone who opposes all your views and ideals and not your intended successor won't ever come to power, after you build up all that power base to you and your cabinet?
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>>354182 Was he just thinking the democrats would win forever after now? Or maybe that the next Republican would be one of those guys who is part of the in-crowd and not all that different than the democrats?
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>>354185 They probably thought it'd be the in-crowd no matter what. They're the same on both parties, so as long as someone "sane" is elected, nothing changes. But then here comes Trump with no idea how to be a smart evil leader and does all this stupid shit with the power Obama got him.
>>354132 They don't have to organize for this The fascists do it for us. Because the fascists are why we're there
>>354185 Were you doing grand jury selection too then or is there this mass of confusion on how it all works?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:07 No. 354189
>>354187 Don't say we.
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>>354188 nah, they were going to use us for trials. The trial I was split off to ended up settling before we were all selected and stuff though, so that was pretty much the end of it.>>354186 Serves them right!
>>354191 Ah. That's pretty cool.
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>>354189 I mean, fair They, then Either way, Antifa doesn't just show up, and there happens to be fascists in the area
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>>354191 Yeah, but now we have to suffer for it. I shouldn't have to be afraid all the time!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:09 No. 354197
>>354194 Not gonna lie, it probably wouldn't be too hard to trick antifa to showing up at a non existent protest.
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>>354195 We were suffering before. We were going to suffer under Hillary, too. Maybe they will use this opportunity to reflect and decide that maybe going full 1984 is a bad idea.
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>>354198 Well, yeah, Hillary would have been terrible, too. I wouldn't be worried about right wing death squads with her. I still wouldn't vote for her, though.
>>354197 I mean, they'd just leave afterwards, so The other way did happen though, that was cool
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>>354199 I don't think you have to worry about right wing death squads too much now, but I think things would have continued to progress even if Hillary was in. It's really just happening because people are angry on both sides.
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>>354201 I think there are more than two sides now. Like the literal Nazis are a side that keep growing. And then there are the angry leftists. And then liberals that are mad that trump doesn't talk nice. And conservatives that are mad that liberals exist.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:13 No. 354204
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I would say don't stress over the molehills made mountains. You will notice when the molehills are becoming piles or hills and then it is time for stress and action but atm, they are molehills
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Dems are mostly upset because they have a fucking cult around Hillary
Sure is /pol/ in here.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:14 No. 354207
all politics is /pol/ now? hi ton
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>>354204 last time my people waited, they wound up in camps while the ones that saw the molehills growing got the hell out
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sure is /gay/ in here
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>>354202 Well, people are scared and don't trust the government to help them out. People are getting more extreme as a result.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:15 No. 354211
>>354208 and it was a country with no constitution, that just 20 years ago was practically an absolute monarchy that had just had democracy in all essence forced down its throat by enemies with people thinking they didn't lose, but that their government and such or something they could all hate collectively, made them lose and then a wickedly cunning man came along and played those feelings just right and abused the budding system that wasn't ready for a situation like that at all You live in a country with nearly 300 years of democratical tradition and a looooot of legislation to safeguard against that kind of shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:15 No. 354212
>>354205 #notalldems
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>>354210 And a government that follows the most dangerous extremists is really bad.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:15 No. 354215
>>354209 You would know.
yeah I would actually
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>>354214 All extremists are dangerous. Hillary's government would have just backed the other group of dangerous extremists. In the end it doesn't matter because extremists feed off of each other. Feeding one side makes the other side stronger as a reaction. It's a snake eating itself.
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>>354218 That's all well and good, but in terms of concrete things happening, the government is empowering people that want me dead.>>354222 also this >>354211 We don't have as many safeguards as we should Especially considering the president believes he can do anything he wants
Hehe, Hillary backing anarchists
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:18 No. 354223
fuck choking on mead ah didn't die
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>>354222 Propping up useful idiots is what the government does.>>354219 I don't really know that the government is backing actual nazis. Trump's government is certainly helping the right wing out though. All reactionary politics are dangerous though becuase it breeds these people.
>>354218 Even I don't think Hillary was extreme enough to support extreme leftists. That was more Bernie...
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:18 No. 354226
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>>354219 anyhow it takes more than 4 years to turn usa into a dictatorship, even with all the groundwork already done for that orangeyaro besides, I don't think trump is antisemitistic
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>>354224 Not backing. Just empowering. Trump's administration's anti-Semitism has empowered these people.>>354226 Trump is antisemitic. He has denied the Holocaust gas chambers and shit like that, and treats Jewish reporters worse than other reporters.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:19 No. 354228
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I am not going to say it hasn't happened but give actual sources to back that claim
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>>354227 Obama was pretty anti-Israel though. Hasn't Trump's government been a lot more pro-Israel?
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>>354229 Obama was pro-Israel in every way but rhetoric. Israel is also terrible. Supporting Israel isn't support for Jews, but support for anti-palestinian policy. Most Jews do not seem to support Israel anymore in the US.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:22 No. 354232
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I don't like to defend Israel, but their current actions are pretty much the result of their history. Which is "Kill the Jew t. surrounding nations and 30% of people living within their borders ps. fuck you israel t. UN"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:22 No. 354233
I'm really irritated about their lack of action against the illegal settlements.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:23 No. 354236
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They have reached a status that none of their enighbours can beat them militarily, be it alone or united so only threats to them are nuclear, which they also have and the internal threat
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:23 No. 354237
For real though The Palestinians should all just fuck off somewhere.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:23 No. 354239
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>>354237 At this point this just deport them have saudi arabia or something be forced to take them in or just deport them all to germany and sweden they like refugees
Israel should give their land back to the Palestinians
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:24 No. 354241
>>354240 You know that won't happen. Do you know what would happen if something like that occurred?
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:24 No. 354242
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>>354240 You do realise that they initially didn't even encroach on their areas but then just went "you know what, fuck this shit, let's slowly exterminate these people who want us dead"
>>354241 a lot of things would happen some good, some bad
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:25 No. 354244
>>354240 >>354243 Yeah an entire economy would disappear. You would be taking the country away from muktiple generations of people who were born there after the war for independence. And you know what For real The Palestinians would not do anywhere near as well in any area that the current nation of Israel has done. It would be just a giant waste
Israel is a terrible, terrorist nation on the level of Saudi Arabia they are actively working to kill arabs throughout the middle east it's not good
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:28 No. 354248
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Like I said before, while their policy is unacceptable, they can still justify it to themsleves, we were forced to this. The whole israle/palestine mess was just a fucking sutpid idea should have just given the whole region to jews and deported the arabs
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:29 No. 354249
>>354247 So is basically every arab nation in the middle east.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:29 No. 354251
Israel is by far my least favorite of our allies I wish I knew why we were so close to them
>>354249 in response to the western powers destroying them constantly >>354253 which happened because their land was stolen
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:29 No. 354253
>>354252 Which originally they started by trying to kill israel
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:29 No. 354254
I have nothing against jews either, I'm not that kind of person I just really detest the way Israel as a nation has carried itself
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:30 No. 354256
Though Israel/arab war was also another cold war usa v soviet proxy conflict>>354252 Land owned by Ottomans and then the British Empire
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:30 No. 354257
>>354252 Yeah It's been 70 fucking years. They aren't getting it back ever. I'm rarely one to say anything like this. But they lost the war.
>>354254 Israel is a horrid nation
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:30 No. 354259
Anyhow Balfour declaration was made in 1917 and that already promised the land of Israel to be given to the jews as a sovereign nation
none of that stuff makes it right
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:31 No. 354261
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It doesn't but the whole situation is a fucking big mess wsith many guilty parties I hold UN as one of the main ones, as they made the whole Israel/palestine split should have either not given that land to them or given it completely to them.
the UN is one of the worst organizations in the world they can do literally nothing right
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:32 No. 354263
United Abominations, that's the word
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:33 No. 354265
fuck my throat and chest still hurts from nearly choking to death I know that will happen to me one day
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tbh pretty much every country is incredibly evil and needs to go
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:34 No. 354268
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I dunno we are quite good
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:34 No. 354269
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We have no ill history with anyone unless guilty by being part of a former horrid empire is a thing and our only offensive war was practically a defensive one too. And despite idiotic claims that "we are guilty of sami genocide" lol that would make good part of europe also guilty of that or guilty of finno-ugric genocide
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:35 No. 354271
or many other genocide due to misplacing or breeding out of existence other peoples
>>354267 Good take
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:36 No. 354276
The whole sami thjing is quite weird they are called "the original people of finland and scandinavia" but finns have been here for about 10 000 years? Okay we came in second, but this isn othing like the usual "new people vs original people" both have been here before writing was invented
>>354277 very cool
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:38 No. 354279
>>354277 "supermoon"
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:38 No. 354280
also man that looks weird, so vertical rising angle
>>354279 do you have a problem with that term
>>354277 very nice
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:40 No. 354283
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Coppelion - 01v2 [FEFA(…).jpg )
>>354281 Yes cause now after that one actually rare lunar event they just call every big full moon during this time of year supermoon
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:41 No. 354284
Eventhough during fall all full moons are larger than usual
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Calling it super is insulting T. Black science man Not even joke
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I think I'm going to get some sleep soon.
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i will probably take off whenever you do
oh it's Haru's birthday from p5
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I didn't sleep too much last night because I had to wake up early.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:53 No. 354292
1 day until 1000
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:53 No. 354293
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I'll probably get about four hours tonight. I really don't feel like sleeping, though.
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You need to sleep more! That little sleep is not good.
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I know. I usually care about my sleep, but I just don't feel it today even though I will later. I'm doing something I know is a very poor choice.
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rattle me bones
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:56 No. 354298
>>354296 Wowme2>>354293 Ome
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>>354296 Well Since you already declared your intent to sleep when I slept, it's time for you to sleep!
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>>354299 Wow, fine. Be that way!
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>>354300 Have a good sleep!
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:58 No. 354302
I'm bang
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:58 No. 354303
night keery
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I slept OK For like, 6 hours, then I woke up om my own
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>>354301 Yeah, you too.
>>354301 >>354300 have a good sleep
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 06:58 No. 354307
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I had a weird set of dreams last night can't remember the first one but second one included tomb raiding and a looot of gold
good naito
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:00 No. 354309
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:00 No. 354310
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Oh fug i found something blue would like
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:01 No. 354311
what is oyasumi actually composed of?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:01 No. 354312
>>354311 O being the "O" you put in front of things to make it polite Yasu being "to rest" or so The mi being the conjugation or whatever
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:03 No. 354313
Technically its short for oyasumi nasai
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:04 No. 354314
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Oyasumi NASAI
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:09 No. 354315
>to be bang
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:09 No. 354316
My best friend's pet frog died the other day.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:09 No. 354317
how long do frogs typically live?
>>354316 that's a bummer
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:10 No. 354319
>>354317 Not quite sure for this species, but this one was about 16 or 17. I've known people who had this same type whose frogs lived to 21.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:13 No. 354320
Also when he gave me the news he said his frog had croaked.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:14 No. 354321
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>>354320 wow
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:14 No. 354323
>>354317 If I had to ive out an enlightened guess about average a year or two in the wild atleast
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:16 No. 354324
>>354323 Nah Longer Like 6 to 8 Depends on the species though
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:17 No. 354325
>>354324 Average counting basically all species
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:43 No. 354326
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/moe/ i am a little tired of hearing about mr. wonderful
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:53 No. 354328
this girl's ex i feel like ive been doing a good job of not being jealous so far but it feels like ive heard more good things come from her mouth about him, than ive heard about me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:56 No. 354330
Have you tried telling her how you feel?
i will try that
though, i dont want to appear insecure and jealous although im totally and clearly being insecure and jealous
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:58 No. 354333
You could play it off as if you only find it obnoxious.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 07:59 No. 354334
Although take my advice with a bit of salt since I've never really been in a romantic relationship. I do however have a decent amount of experience with dealing with bullshit between friends.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 08:01 No. 354335
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Soul_Eater_03_(128(…).jpg )
>>354332 Ask her where he lives and go remove his heart and then come back to her all Okay I don't got any stock lines for this but something about burning passion and then torch the heart with gasoline
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 08:02 No. 354336
Alternatively, eat it and gain his strength.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 08:02 No. 354337
"I have devoured your exes feelings and now I want to break up"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 08:03 No. 354338
Going bed Yasumi
wow rude there's no o goodnight rei
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 08:04 No. 354340
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep(…).jpg )
>>354339 He knows that to you lot he don't need to be polite
I agree
Samu ๐ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 09:18 No. 354342
hit it so hard that the next king of england would not be able to pull it out again
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>>354343 it is all over now !!!!!
nevermind it was just me after all ;w;
where is the sauce my brothers
I'm lost in the sauce once again
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 939x1216, DQQOALLVwAAma12.jpg )
>>354343 are you a newfriend do you like mecha and/or mahjong?
>>354350 i wike putting together gunpla
are you a bad enough dude to show us?
>>354352 i only have a few but i think i have some pics. lemme check.
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>>354354 that's pretty cool I'm not a gunpla man but I can appreciate the resolve you must have
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>>354355 BLESSED
>>354351 nice I also like gunpla>>354354 I see no nubmarks, good job
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Hahah holy shit imagine aspiring to be Tanya
>>354355 ty ty i like it bc it gives me like a big long tim hours and i get to just sit down and focus and listen to nice jams good music good tune>>354357 tytytty
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>>354358 agreed
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Tanya's ENTIRE character is being a fucking bootlicker lmao Is beautiful
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>>354359 It's a chill hobby. It's nice to just listen to music and watch a robot come together before your eyes>>354363 Frame arm girls are cute. I've wanted to do one of those MS girl kits but the ones I like are expensive>>354365 >put the Axis in the bag Haman
>>354362 yess. its really super duper great. the next two that i plan on doing are kind of..... uh. not so typical builds. here they are these two on gundamplanet: theyre both really cute and nice and should be fun to build.
i don't really like the frame arms girls the normal frame arms are pretty sweet though
>>354362 this robo looks like "eyyy gibbe da money an you can walk away wit no twoubles ayyy">>354364 most of the frame arms girls i dont like but i really like this one in particular. she is a nice.
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>>354359 I don't know if it's a bug or anything but I usually hit enter after I hit the post number so I don't end up purpletexting
>>354366 oh whoops
How did you find this site?
I was linked from another thread board place thingy
Okay cool welcome
welcome and enjoy your stay here at hotel doushio
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 1448x2048, DNYphJAVAAAO87h.jpg )
Hello Liliana.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 11:31 No. 354373
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hello kirara
>>354370 ty i am welcome>>354371 doushiIOOOOO>>354372 hewwo
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>>354374 What's your favorite chinese cartoon?>>354373 h e l l o
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SMBC is real fuckin' good A lot of the time
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yesterday in one of my classes, we were talking about a psychologist named Paul T Wong, and someone said he had a twitter account so i just opened his twitter and started shitting on him in class because he likes his own tweets and he has 6000 followers but he posts stuff like "going to be back in toronto in two hours" and doesn't even get a single like
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>likes his own tweets What a NERD
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lmao Engagement rate in the 0.0x%
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yeah this dude "pioneered" some therapeutic techniques which are "among the most effective" but literally all the research on its efficacy was done by him lol so when i found out he had a twitter i knew it'd be fucking nonsense
he did have a few good takes though
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dood none of his tweets have any likes what is this
his followers don't even look like bots i'm pretty sure he follows everyone back but like idk what's up with that shit
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this the kinda shit I'd quote tweet with BIG MOOD if my engagement rate was anywhere near his lmao
>>354375 favorite chinese carton.... mmmmmmm maybe probably denki-gai ? or non non biyori i like slice of life a lot big time thats kinda all i watch
>>354385 he's super anti-china too
Actually just checking random followers, they seem either inactive or like, brands Or you know, attempts at establishing a brand, not exactly regular people
I wanna watch the nazi witch anime now
>>354385 This is what I'd see people in HS tell themselves
Also they're all following like Thousands So when he does tweet, there may be 6000 TLs involved, but all of them have thousands of accounts tweeting on them
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>>354386 Oh nice. NNB is really good.>>354388 >>354391 haha that's some shit how do you even end up like that
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I'm assumi- OH Found what's probably a real person following him
>>354393 i saw that too they didn't look very real when i looked at their TL though
Yeah, 40 tweets 51 followers though, impressively
...oh it's a tankie Probably
i wonder what dr wong would do if i followed and started talking to him in his replies like boomer-style>how are you today dr wong?
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Suddenly one person is 500% more active with him than all his other followers And it's a communist
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He doesn't seem to actually use twitter himself though He's likely just using a followback bot, and tweeting out dumb shit like boomers tend to do He's replied to nothing
>>354397 drop some psych banter and see if he keep up
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haha he and his wife are practicing psychologists he'll totally keep up>>354399 >>354398 i wonder if he hates communists
the part of twitter that adds phd or dr. to their name is so weird to me even once i have my doctorate i wouldn't put it in there even for a professional account
this tweet as one like and it's dr wong?
>>354402 its so they can feel a bit better about themselves i think maybe
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maybe i'll change my twitter name to Dr. Painguin that Burned for Eight Nights
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>>354402 It's kinda tacky isn't it? It's useful for helping people find you though, if your name is common
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It looks really tacky imo Just give out your @ or say you have a doctorate in your bio
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>>354404 I worked for 7 years to become a doctor and damnit people are gonna know it
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>>354403 Slamming your knee into a food trolley to own the libs
>>354408 i worked for almost 19 years to become a 19 year old and gosh dangit you will know about it !!!!!!
>>354410 >I worked for 21 years and all I got was this lousy t shirt
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you move 16 tons and what do you get another day older and deeper in debt
>>354410 >he worked the full term of his life sucks to suck
>>354412 ton sure has a lot of clones
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i can't wait for cloned food to be easy to produce
>Why is it important to be an FAAP? - an faap what
>>354413 >he named liliana
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:04 No. 354418
Search [iqdb] (381 KB, 1100x1050, ad5f6c472cd71333bb5fe461b624c0b0.jpg )
yeah, you know a faap
Full Armoured Autonomous Person>>354420 Yours is better
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:05 No. 354420
fully automated anal penetration.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 09 (1280x7(…).jpg )
have you ever even EXPERIENCED fully automated anal penetration
Have you?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:06 No. 354423
Search [iqdb] (605 KB, 763x990, a2fd2cb820d1ad70eb6dffb208a83b0e.png )
>>354421 I try to keep my bedroom antics off of /moe/
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>>354422 You can't ask a cute, young, pure girl like me such a compromising question! Kyaa!>>354423 was it with pan
>>354424 >pure my lie detector is beeping
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:07 No. 354426
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>>354424 that's a secret.
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>>354425 Your lie detector can suck a big, fat, smelly Popsicle >>354426 hmm
you know what's a good popsicle rainbow paddlepops do you ameriaburgs have those?
>>354427 aaa all my pics of yun are on my other hdd right now proud of u for posting yun good choice ((but nene/umiko are best)) _~
that tupp when rejected from the new york academy of art
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 04 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>354429 Aoba is the True Best Girl.>>354430 what did you doooooo
>>354431 aoba is one of the worst x.x i have a commission of her on my wall and its nice but i got it before i even watched the show... ;; i mean its still cute but...
kirara I...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:13 No. 354434
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1450x2048, 713b9c963d059a41c96cc9f58c0ef3ec.jpg )
I saw a cute chino on twitter and then I noticed the r18 sticker on the doujinshi cover why do people do this.>>354432 >aoba worst >worst >WORST those two words should never be anywhere near each otehr. Meanwhile Maria>>>/watch?v=h-WfRmcXSZw
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"why am i so tired all the time??"
hajime underrated girl
>>354436 HONESTLY hajime is like. 3rd best. i think it goes.... nene/umiko hajime yun everyone else
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
i can't wait for my hifumi nendo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:19 No. 354439
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1680x2080, 6cad3b2b172d2b457bf19c18dca60be6.jpg )
Aobest Kou is good too Everyone Else except Nene Because I'm just not that big a fan of nene
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The Moderates in Sweden want to make it illegal in the central areas of Gรถteborg to panhandle The reason? Literally, according to their own spokesperson: "Because it's uncomfortable to be asked for money when you go to take the bus"
>>354438 i want so bad for a nene nendo it would b nice. she has to have an AR though bc umiko
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
I'm getting the Hifumi, Chino, and Cocoa nendos. Those are the ones I have preordered right now, at least. I got the Serval nendo recently.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:24 No. 354445
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Chino was sold out but now I'm getting a figure so it's ok
>>354444 right now im getting a aaaaa toshino KYOUkO nendo for christmas !!
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 1024x576, [kdfffss] New Game! - OVA [DVD(…).jpg )
Oh, I have that nendo. It's got a good sculpture but it doesn't have as much customization as I'd like. It's good for displaying, though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:26 No. 354448
Search [iqdb] (647 KB, 1532x2162, 41c10957357a78a2239ead00e1db5477.jpg )
waiting warmly for amiami to take my money
>>354446 make sure you get an Ayano to go with it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:31 No. 354450
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 452x640, ecccbc8ad5c3d3d4b8964497ada19cfa.jpg )
meanwhile in tonland
>>354450 did she get hit on the head why the lump
>>354450 this outfit is not appropriate for military duty please meet me on the bridge
>>354453 the outfit is not appropraite PERIOD !!
>>354454 this tbh fam
>>354454 yeah she should take it off
hol up there what if she catches a cold
>>354457 you don't actually catch colds from being cold
how would you know did you ever catch the deadly Japanese cold
>>354459 no if I did I'd be dead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:41 No. 354461
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 957x1211, 90b29a632c6c56428f55d0ee6fe2c8da.jpg )
>>354455 Kamoi is a bad influence clearly.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 12:44 No. 354462
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I would love to sit here and post Akatsuki all day but I have to go to work
>>354462 have a (good ?) time at work bbbbye
>>354462 love you bye
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 488x706, [Kuusou] New Game! - 11 [1B601(…).jpg )
I hate group projects I recently did one, me and the other member have been working together for like 2 years, so we were able to just wing everything, completely aware of what each other would be doing with minimal communication and it was great this one that's due today, nobody communicates even though they don't know what each other are doing i asked yesterday if we we // if we wanted to meet up at 9:00 or 10:00 and nobody responded >>354466 I like group projects with people I know and trust
>>354462 goodluck>>354465 Does anyone like group projects?
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we had to write a paper to go with this presentation, so we were splitting it three ways one person wrote the entire paper which means the section i wrote can't be properly integrated and was also a waste of time so we have to scrap my work and the other person's work or the paper this one person wrote i swear these people i think i'll only have one or two group projects next semester i had four this semester i think
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>>354467 >wrote the entire paper why do MORE work instead of the 1/3rd
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It frustrates me because I originally offered to write the entire paper myself so that we could avoid this kind of thing because I knew it'd happen. And because I'm the best writer of the three of us. But whatever. I can get a 50 on this and it'll only bring my grade in the class down to a 95.
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>stark jegan has no MGs >only HGs Why Bandai>>354470 Is this project not worth a lot? A 95 is still an A+ Or did you just get perfect marks so far?>>354472 Yeah I was looking around online and I only see HGs Which are great but I feel it deserves a bigger scale>>354473 >ethnography New term to me You sound pretty assured
>>354471 wait, really?
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>>354471 This project is like 10% of the grade or something. I have a literal 100% in the class right now. So it's whatever. I'll ace the final, too. This class is kind of redundant for me since I do ethnography in my free time and it's a cultural psych class. I'm the most culturally competent student in my cohort according to the standards it's measured by.
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VERY confidence
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yeah i'm confident in this shit Stuff like this is where I shine the brightest because I love ethnography and stuff like that. Most of my cohort are really stuck in the trap of western thinking but because I've been immersed in people from different cultures for the past like 6-8 years online, checking my western biases is really easy. Most research on cultural norms between nations is between Japan or China and the US, and I know a lot about Japan because I'm a weeb. I also know quite a bit about Africa and quite a bit of Europe. And Native American cultures.
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>2am guess it's bout that time>>354475 howmuch knowledge relevant to Japan comes from weeb activity
goodnight sweet prints
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 07 [B421D(…).jpg )
goodnight mr gundam >>354476 probably all of my japanese relevant knowledge comes from weeb-related pursuits like attempts to understand cultural things that i see in anime or on 2ch or whatever So I do a lot of research trying to understand stuff
>>354476 nini smelly
Samu ๐ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 13:13 No. 354480
>>354480 yaho how's Odyssey treating you?
>>354480 quit yer bellyaching
Search [iqdb] (533 KB, 600x855, DQSNg7nVQAENj9E.png )
owostowfo i wanna be owostowfo
wow me too but there can only be one
>>354486 put ur paws up >:3 we shall settle this with a duel !!
unsheathes blade ur times up kiddo
nothing can defeat a neko AS POWERFUL AS ME !!!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:17 No. 354490
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 265x370, lilianasdefeat.jpg )
>>354489 Checkmeito da!
the mtg player has logged in
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:20 No. 354492
So I'm actually underdressed for the weather for the first time in a while.
>>354490 ;-;
yeah it's actually pretty cold here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:21 No. 354495
Well really I only need gloves and maybe to cover my face. Cause I remembered the 32ยฐF part, but forgot about 20mph winds. Might have some in my bag though. Luckily I'm on the bus.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:23 No. 354496
Windchill is about 20.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:24 No. 354497
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:25 No. 354498
Nope Just cleaned out my backpack a few days ago, must've taken out the gloves and bandana.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:27 No. 354499
The only real problem is that my headphone jack constantly pops out so I have to take my phone out of my pocket and mess with it.
I need to clean my keyboard or something they're super jammed
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:38 No. 354501
Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in again?
boi if you don't
it shouldn't be that hard but I'm still kind of wary of doing it I wonder if my roommate would mind helping
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:41 No. 354504
That's what she said.
oh my mom that's right I don't recall her saying that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:43 No. 354507
I'm doing a four hour Craigslist roadtrip today.
that sounds kind of fun although I don't know what that entails exactly >>354509 how do you know you haven't been murdeded and this is hell
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:44 No. 354509
Hopefully I don't get murdered (none of my Craigslist purchases have ever ended in murder).
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:45 No. 354510
>>354508 Driving two hours to the middle of nowhere to look at something and probably buy it. But I can't tell from the low res pics whether or not I'm going to buy it. But I probably will cause its a good deal.
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 469x625, 37cd3d27d38a4a11db945371163c2982.jpg )
>>354509 well there's always a first time for everything
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:46 No. 354512
Oh and driving two hours back.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:47 No. 354513
And by "driving" I mean "be in the car while my friend drives". Cause the thing is relevant to our mutual hobbies.
gonna drive four hours home sooonish>>354513 those times are fun times
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:49 No. 354515
Are you that Chicago area anon?
uh no I'm ausanon
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:50 No. 354517
Hrrm My bad>>354494 Thought this was a "yeah I'm near you and its cold" post.
granted it is 2am so it's not really peak psting times for australians
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:52 No. 354519
4U It's morning in the real world.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 14:52 No. 354520
Is your prime Minister still a Kiwi? Oh fug Bbl/brb
nonono we never had that in fact dual citizens were a problem recently
i have played xenoblade chronicles 2 for 13 consecutive hours
living the dream right now
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 329x650, 03- Are you sure this is my gi(…).png )
How weaboo is this place. Hopefully not much.
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 800x725, DQP5l7tV4AEWmEn.jpg )
we're all weebs who collect the scalps of normies and place them on the mantle next to our figs
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 329x650, 07- Where is my gift, Santaยฟ.png )
>>354526 >>354527 Crap. I think I'm pretty normie. Am I still welcome?
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 1253x1770, DQNXhGmUIAE4hta.png )
what an awful morning
>>354529 Are you saying that because I'm here.>>354531 Awesome then. Hello there. Also this posting style is awkward.
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 613x868, DQNHwecUQAAwAgn.jpg )
>>354528 Yeah I don't think anyone's gonna mind
Search [iqdb] (241 KB, 715x861, 43109469 - ๅใใใ - 25.jpg )
>>354528 yeah we have normies a few of us spend our time masquerading as normies offline too>>354533 Yes and yes. Just no lewd images (no panties or nipples or anything)
>>354532 Cool. Can I avatarfag here. Can I make new friends here.
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 607x703, DQAJYimUMAAhIvm.jpg )
>>354530 ??????????????//?//??/????//? ////??? who?>>354535 >prom I'm sorry, you're probably looking for Rika. The Prom Champion
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 329x650, 02- Thanks for the gifts!.png )
>>354534 Your prom date.>>354532 >No lewd allowed I finally have found my dream place! After so much time! Thanks!>>354534 Rika sounds slightly feminine. Me not like. Also Rika was the dub name of Ruki from Digimon Tamers. Which I do like actually but still you get me.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 07 [BD][(…).png )
>>354533 you can but I may want to kill you at some point
>>354536 I would be surprised if you did not want to kill me, honestly.
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1500x1500, DPVbUM0UQAEWAjr.jpg )
I got some soy milk it's actually kinda OK
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1050x1300, DQC_La1V4AAoJNv.jpg )
>>354536 and who are YOU
DRATS THIS PLACE DOESN'T ALLOW DUPLICATE PICS. I can't avatarfag properly then :( All my Hina Kurihata pics are basically the same.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 07 [BD][(…).png )
>>354539 I'm your prom date let's go
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1020x1392, Mใ Sใใใ๏ผ ๅง่จ้ๅง - ็ฝใดใใดใซ (66119190) .jpg )
Who are all these people going to prom This is a Rika conspiracy, i'm sure of it.
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 558x1000, 2199009.jpg )
>>354535 Sure. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Rika is our moderator. She posts with the name Yuu. Sam is the admin, he posts as variations of Sam and Samurai.
>>354543 My question is why can't I post duplicate pics. This puts a dent into my avatarfagging and it blows massive amounts of dung. Plz.
Search [iqdb] (215 KB, 550x779, 33405508_p1.jpg )
>>354544 Spam protection. You can change the sizes of the image and crops and stuff for it.
Search [iqdb] (664 KB, 858x1200, DP4CIoGVoAAYRmg.png )
>>354544 yeah what they said
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
dupe detector is to stop spam gotta get creative
I'm not used to this chatting style. It feels like if everyone was stuttering. Kinda like Porky from the Looney Tunes.>>354545 That's a lot of effort.>>354549 Yes I did. >>354546 Rats. Rats. Rats.>>354547 Can't we turn it off. It's mean and annoying.>>354549 What ... Forget about that other guy. I'll be a mainstay. I'm liking it here so far and that other guy just likes attention.
did you come from a static board? like that other guy that appeared recently
Search [iqdb] (596 KB, 900x1000, 53775148 - Kaho - ็ๆกๆฉ่.jpg )
>>354548 Life is effort!
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 329x650, 05- I DEMAND A RECOUNT.png )
>>354550 Not really helping your case there.
>>354548 >namefig vs avatardude u're both guilty case dissmissed
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 1568x2041, DPhQnu8UQAAS9TY.jpg )
Must be hard trying to use someone without thousands of quality fanart as your avatar
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 800x800, DO0oYgaV4AAs2XA.jpg )
>>354553 I became the soyboy No but really this is pretty good It doesn't even need to be cold, what a great product
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 329x650, 06- Stealing is a crime and cr(…).png )
>>354552 I can't even avatarfag properly. I only have like 8 Hina pics for each emotion.>>354554 I prefer repeating the same pic over and over because fanart ruins my I M M E R S I O N
Search [iqdb] (593 KB, 1000x1415, 48739752 - METO (ใกใ) - ใใฌใณใฟใคใณใใผใฎๆฅใใ.jpg )
>>354551 You'll survive!
yes but you wanted to be one nerd
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 329x650, 05- You made me go derpy.png )
>>354558 That's the only way people would be able to tell it's me :(>>354557 REMOVE SPAM FILTER. RACE WAR NOW.
Search [iqdb] (198 KB, 1078x1470, DPxr8kwW0AEkzE8.jpg )
>>354559 don't worry. We can tell. we're powerful
Search [iqdb] (250 KB, 2048x1536, DNx7hybUEAE2JUm-orig.jpg )
Man was born for love and slightly altering his images to dodge dupe detectors OnLine
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 769x479, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
who the fuck is scraeming "remove spam filter" at my house. show yourself coward. i will never remove spam filter.
Search [iqdb] (800 KB, 945x1087, DPz3IqUUQAEhwTk.png )
Did they pull up with a limo? Are you going to prom too? You TRAITOR
>>354560 But I'm new. No way you can tell.>>354561 No. Man was born to bring down the opression of spam filters.>>354562 It was me tbh. Nice furniture too. I like it.>>354566 I am a very radical person. If I was president, I would do anything in my power to remove spam filters from existance. Then, I would steal all of the money the country has and buy myself something cute, like a dress. Also I might buy those transformable Digimon toys that I used to have and I KNOW FOR DAMN SURE MY COUSIN STOLE GOD DAMN YOU THOSE WERE MINE YOY ASSOHOLIC BEACH. Oh well... Anyway here's a rocketship: 00====D AND POST.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1000x1000, DMvRvD5VoAAIw8I-orig.jpg )
That's a very radical position
>>354565 >comment etiquette my my my
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1059x1031, DJqV4UgVYAABk1N.jpg )
That is without question A Post
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 527x726, DJLZxZDUIAAjZY-.jpg )
I also got Jelly Beans They've not got gluten, apparently? Is there gluten in Jelly Beans usually?
Search [iqdb] (329 KB, 1486x2010, DQA0kg1U8AMEHL1.jpg )
>>354562 Kirara, what is blushy-crushy
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 1280x720, Fuck off Meiko, you are trash Meiko.jpg )
>>354568 Yes, I can see that.>>354567 Only the best and most respectful comments come from me. I'm what this place needed, but not what it wanted. I might need a new avatar for this place then. Because resizing pics over and over is too much effort.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>354570 I'm sorry?
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1770x1253, ใใจใผ - ๆฌใใฌใใฎใชใฉ๏ผ (66053289) .png )
Not everyone can be as dedicated as Bang
>>354573 WHO. literally WHO.
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 06 [BD][(…).png )
im bang
Search [iqdb] (563 KB, 707x1000, ใใผใ - ใใธใฃใใชใกใใ('ฯ')ใ(65761412).jpg )
>>354574 precisely
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 995x1141, ๅฅณ็้ไธ - ็ก่ฒฌไปป (66081468) .png )
>>354572 n-no... I'm sorry. in advance.
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 200x200, Bastemon tucked in.png )
>>354575 Hello Bang. I'm new.>>354576 >brown person in anime What is this. I thought they didn't exist.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 290x650, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>354577 uhh okay
>>354578 u thought ur were gonna get a treat but instead u got trickd
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kekkai Sensen &(…).jpg )
>>354578 We're everywhere.
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 365x205, Cuckmon.gif )
>>354581 No way. I can't escape chocolate, can I? I'm doomed to eat chocolate for the rest of my life.>>354580 Jokes on you. Tricks are better than treats. Also jeez this file is taking a while to upload. It's just a darn gif.... THERE IT GOES.
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kekkai Sensen &(…).jpg )
>>354579 It'll be okay. Perhaps I should also play video games.
>>354581 big dipper style blood technique: Dick Suck
the u ltimate technique
blue did you cry manly tears at the twins y/n
wait blue doesn't watch anime
Search [iqdb] (377 KB, 1390x1408, 916462.jpg )
anime is for nerds.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 329x650, 02- Thanks for the gifts!.png )
>>354588 I unironically agree tbh. I don't like anime.
i like some anime
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 696x986, 47550174_p0.png )
I can't think of one redeeming quality anime supposedly has. It's all terrible and for nerds.
>>354590 I like some anime too. But anime as a genre is really shallow and bad. Even worse than western cartoons.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1764x2508, ็้คๆฒนใใฉใ - ใใคใใฟใผใใ ใใฐใใงใใใใใค (660(…).jpg )
I've been asking this a lot today but who>>354588 the fuck>>354591 are you
>>354592 anime is a medium, not a genre, but i understand what you mean
>>354593 inaban 2.0
Search [iqdb] (483 KB, 243x270, 1410122203838.gif )
Sorry I have schizophrenia.
>>354594 My only doubt is: How come every anime looks exactly the same. Do all japanese artists are brainwashed to draw exactly the same. There must be a conspiration here.
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Space Dandy 2 -(…).jpg )
>>354596 So you do. Well, back to video games. Clean your name field before you get purged by a person who cares.
>>354597 they copy popular styles and themes to try and be popular and successful too most forms of entertainment media do it to some degree and the style that is en vogue changes with time
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 267x189, DDkQPesUIAAka7-.jpg )
I'm bored of this person now
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 329x650, 04- Am I getting FUCKED this c(…).png )
>>354600 Weeb o plz.>>354599 No but like they are exactly the same. Literally. It's so odd and it's creeping me out.
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 911x611, 1378750754312.jpg )
>>354598 What video game are you playing?
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! - 09 [BD][720(…).png )
so what shithole do you hail from traveler >>354604 fuvk you bich
>>354603 Do I look like a cloud to you to be "hailing" on places.
>>354603 probably canada
>>354586 what
>>354606 popola and devola their story was so sad ;_;7
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 329x650, 01- Christmas time is here!.png )
>>354603 I wish I had a smug Hina pic. Or any pic, for that matter.
>>354607 haven't gotten to them yet only about halfway through part b I guess I saw them in A but they just gave me a thing
>>354609 oh ok yeah they dont do anything until the end of c i think
>>354608 well WHOSE FALUT IS THAT
and that was it
>>354611 It's my Falut tbh. I'm not proud of saying, but it was all my falut. Falut is such a weird thing but we need to realize when we have a falut. I did and I feel better. START BY LISTING YOUR FALUTS HERE.
i have substance abuse disorder
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 637x590, 1331565631808.jpg )
My only falut is that I am too handsome. Handsome to a falut.
mine is imgay
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 480x480, Hina and the babies.jpg )
>>354615 I find that hard to believe.>>354616 There's nothing wrong with being gay.>>354614 There is all wrong with abusing substances.
Search [iqdb] (1s, 933 KB, 1052x946, KnK_skirts2.webm )
>>354617 Name one thing not wrong with being gay.
>>354618 } You can't breed.>>354620 I bet you do weed.
>>354617 i was just kidding i dont do that much cocaine
>>354618 sweats nervously
>>354619 ive never done a single drugs in my life actually. nice projecting.
Search [iqdb] (1s, 949 KB, 926x1000, KnK_skirts3.webm )
>>354621 My reaction when my family asks me about my love life on christmas and I sucked off 5 guys earlier.
>>354622 Coffee?
>>354623 that was my last easter tbh
>>354624 coffee isnt a drug dumbface caffeine is
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 752x1063, Shit I'm burning.jpg )
>>354627 you shouldnt have come here for any reason honestly
>>354628 I came to meet new people and make friends :(
Search [iqdb] (2s, 966 KB, 1280x720, KnK_skirts.webm )
>>354628 This tbqh.
>>354629 go outside instead ots healthier and easier
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 404x720, 2 girls 1 egg.jpg )
>>354631 >easier Not really. Plus I can only make female friends and I would like to meet guys too.
going outside is as easy as opening a door
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1480x2000, 43635652.jpg )
I find it hard to believe you can make any friends at all.
>>354634 I can make friends. But not maintain them.>>354633 And then?>>354636 I thought you were agreeing with them :(
>>354634 this image doesnt make sense to my brain
Search [iqdb] (320 KB, 1024x576, 1334683269864.jpg )
>>354636 Says more about you than the image.
man must be nice to have schizophrenia
theyre too round to be her knees but the anatomy is wrong for her tiddies it looks wrong to me
Search [iqdb] (โซ, 1s, 858 KB, 1280x720, Tsugumi_pop_sound.webm )
>>354638 It's actually pretty terrible. I get anxious in crowded places and my meds don't make me feel 100% normal.>>354639 I dunno man I am not an image expert.
>blue >anxious in crowded places >wants to go outside what a complicated life
Search [iqdb] (2s, 995 KB, 1280x720, Tsugumi_poke.webm )
>>354641 Who the fuck are you quoting mister?
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 284x284, 1450683717054.png )
who knows anymore
>>354641 >me >anxious in crowds
>>354644 every day must be living hell there huh
>>354642 koiboi should I watch keijo
who the fuck is anno anyway
I am anno. I am legion. I do not forgive. I do not forget.>>354646 No
>>354646 yes
>>354648 shut the fuck up
>>354648 thanks
The fuck happened there? No it's shit, much better boobie shows out there.
well it's you nerds against someone real so fuck it I'm watching
Oh, I can succeed at saving the kid this time maybe
>saving anyone why bother world is a fuck
>>354653 Don't tell me we didn't warn you.
>>354655 I am trash droid
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 371x357, 1336435531133.png )
>>354655 Why bother with anything reall Only reason I'm alive is because my parents had sex and I haven't gotten the balls to end it yet.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1024x1396, Hina Chibihara.png )
>>354647 Me.>>354653 This must be the initation because I'm new.
call me when you find something reeeal
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 540x960, Its a mystery to all.jpg )
>>354660 I'm real!! I exist. I'm a human bean.
i am so real i am STILL feeling the realness
I am pretending to be two people at once on /moe/ talking to myself.
must be nice
It's better than the alternative.
also check em
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 454x637, Come to Brasil, play Digimon Links.jpg )
>>354666 amazing.
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, [EcchiNyaa] Henkei Shoujo 02 [(…).jpg )
I wanna tear apart my heart
Search [iqdb] (910 KB, 1162x1200, 44551759.png )
>>354667 Thanks I tried very hard.
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 256x256, I can translate! I can do everything!.gif )
>>354668 I want to tear apart your heart. Would be the first time I do it to someone, instead of having it done to me,>>354669 It shows. Congratulations.
>>354669 but in the end it doesn't even matter
>>354671 Yes it does.
I dunno it didn't matter all that much for the dude who sang that
>>354673 That dude was edgy.
>>354674 That didn't matter now did it?
>>354675 mind blown.
now to blow something elseunzips shotgun
>>354677 Such as. Dont kill yourself. I have yet to befriend you.
normies get off my liveboard ree
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 329x650, 02- Thanks for the gifts!.png )
>>354679 no.
then perish
unzips superior japanese damascus blade
>>354681 >>354682 *unzips mouth to scream like a baby*
>>354682 ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ
>>354684 **lol**
Search [iqdb] (3.5 MB, 2268x2066, By God as my witness, shes bro(…).png )
>>354685 Please don't kill me. I wanna make friends.>>354686 BE MY FRIEND.>>354689 YOUR PROM DATE.>>354688 He dresses in black and purple and I don't like that.
>>354687 ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
>>354687 ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 600x600, 33092760_big_p0.jpg )
>>354687 Is there something you do like? All I see is negativity coming from you.
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 500x281, ecks dee.gif )
>>354690 I like making friends.
i will be your friend if you suck my dick.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 800x600, This 3D still holds up well.jpg )
>>354692 Darn. You had to add "my dick". I was ready to tell you all the reasons why I suck as a person.>>354694 You guys are MEAN.
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 600x684, 1360403204226.jpg )
I am also willing to be your friend if you suck my dick.
Search [iqdb] (1015 KB, 500x439, 1362563514222.gif )
>>354693 Suck my mean COCK
>>354693 i thought you wanted to make friends
Search [iqdb] (408 KB, 900x1154, HELLO. AS YOU CAN SEE IM AN EMOJI.jpg )
>>354696 I do. BUT ON THE BASIS OF SHARING A COMMON GROUND. Not on the basis of me doing sluttish acts with you!>>354699 >>354696 >>354698 >>354700 I feel uncomfortable and sexually abused. I'm calling the police.
suck my cock dude
>>354697 be my friend on the basis of sharing my cock and balls
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 1280x720, C0E4.jpg )
>>354697 So if I suck my own dick we can be friewnds?
Search [iqdb] (15s, 1.3 MB, 1280x720, skinship.webm )
>>354697 Call them. They can suck it too.
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 500x362, Sad anime girl.jpg )
>>354701 WHY ARE YOU SO LEWD I THOUGHT NO LEWD WAS ALLOWED HERE WHAT THE HELL. >>354703 What in the world is angel dust. Is that a more powerful dust bunny?>>354704 Well, it could get lewder I guess. So nothing wrong with just jokes about me sucking cocks RIGHT. JUST JOKES RIGHT?
>>354697 the angel dust makes me immune to their tazers
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1548x1280, Lilith kimono.png )
>>354702 Only rules against lewd images, not lewd text.
>>354702 its phencyclidine
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 550x700, 1345823384951.jpg )
>>354702 uhuh m8, just jokes of course just a prank now suck my cock as a joke
>>354702 i want to pin you down and forcefully throatfuck you until youre a gibbering mess haha just jokes fam
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 320x240, bleh.png )
>>354705 I thought you said you didn't had substances in you. What.>>354706 tbh I prefer this:>>>/watch?v=6p-lDYPR2P8 โซ โช Come on you know we're leavin in a material world โซ โช>>354708 >>354707 This is worse than those prank channels on Youtube. I'll have to timeout both of you.
Search [iqdb] (342 KB, 782x720, 1350762711929.png )
Oh no I'll suck you off if you don't time me out
shit not timeout lets think of ways to get back at anno for this like making them suck our dicks two at once
Search [iqdb] (10 KB, 180x150, sNAIL GIRLS NEVER CHANGE.jpg )
>>354710 >I'll suck you off Ew. I would rather be the one doing the sucking. >>354711 I changed my mind I would rather not do any sucking. How about we suck lemons instead.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 593x540, 1348251816228.jpg )
>>354712 Well go right ahead then.
>>354714 I mean, if I had to choose between the two I would. But I don't have to do anything.>>354713 Wanna know what's hell? Practising Kirby no-hit runs and get hit on world 3 for a stupid reason.
>>354712 i bet i could beat you at a dick sucking competition
>>354716 Probably because I'm not a whore. smh tbh.
>>354717 you mean you arent even good for pleasuring dirty old men you washed up skank
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 1323x740, Kirby hit.png )
>>354718 I'm not a skank! Skunk maybe but not a skank.>>354715 pIC RELATED. The whole kirby fiasco.>>354720 I said "if I had to choose between sucking or be sucked I would rather suck"! That's all I said.
Search [iqdb] (907 KB, 1276x2177, 1336709268127.jpg )
You were just talking about sucking our dicks, of course you're a skank.
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 248x274, 1450619289231.jpg )
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>>354719 If I had to choose I'd no neither, Says a lot about you
>>354721 repent, sinner that is the on only way
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 640x480, FIGHTING BY THE MOONLIGHT.jpg )
>>354722 The thing about choosing between an option or another is that you HAVE to choose. >>354721 Not until you become my friend.>>354725 >>354726 Jesus might forgive but I'll surely not. Don't kill yourself, when you could instead be my friend and die slowly on the inside.
>>354723 ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ผฉใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
ใ ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ
>>354725 jesus will forgive you and embrace you into his holy realm
all you must do is repent honestly and you shall be pardoned my son
>>354724 ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ผฉใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ผฉ๏ผ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 711x1000, Nade-Nade.png )
>>354728 But I'm new and don't know anything about you and your past. You could use it to trick me and feel better about yourself. And I would be none the wiser. It's a win-win for both sides, really.>>354730 I don't know. People say it's good to mock dumb people. I'm pretty dumb and I don't mind being mocked. So win-win for everyone.>>354731 It's OK. I always have a water bottle around. Good luck with that game. Have fun.
why would tricking an idiot feel good
man i am on fire im going back to xenoblade bye newbie
>>354728 ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
>>354731 Have fun with your video game.
>>354733 thank you it is very fun
This feels like a very slow and stutter-y chatroom.
It kind of is yeah. Also most people in the chatroom and friendless dweebs who like anime.
>>354732 thats what i had yesterday tbh
>>354737 I wanted to, but I didn't know how to start.
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 329x650, 06- Stealing is a crime and cr(…).png )
>>354736 >friendless >then I try to befriend them and reject me No wonder you are all friendless. I'm literally swarming at you guys and you reject me.
>>354738 ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
Search [iqdb] (1s, 1.0 MB, 1280x720, Steph_shiro_wash.webm )
>>354740 Well yeah We're not friendless due to some devine command from jesus himself. We're just terrible human beings.
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 329x650, 07- Watsapp.png )
>>354742 I thought lewd pics wan't allowed what the hell. Also breasts do not work that way. And you guys aren't terrible. You are just bad at first interactions!
dutch clam the fuck down
>>354741 no but if thats how you guys get down ill join you
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 714x720, Steph-fox.jpg )
>>354744 make me you fuck>>354743 They aren't, don't post them or I'll get angry.
>>354746 B-b-b-but you are posting lewd. And it's OK. My PC has no lewd saved at all. I'm pure in that regard.
>>354745 aight see you on wednesday at the pub
Search [iqdb] (1s, 367 KB, 778x720, NGNL_boing.webm )
>>354747 You're posting lewd.
>>354748 sounds choice im off on wednesday ill be there
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 329x650, 08- Some people dont understand.png )
>>354749 What. Quรฉ. Comment. Quoi. Como. How.
Guys it has been like 2 mins. Where are you. I miss you already.
ใ ๏ผฉ๏ผ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 400x600, 1426233835804.png )
I'm looking at all the lewd boobie images I have on my pc
>>354754 Why would you do that.>>354753 You say you are a voice, but I can't listen to anything right now.
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 662x951, 1417197234594.jpg )
>>354755 So I can pick which ones I'm going to post here.
I misss you
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 329x650, 03- I still hate my body.png )
>>354757 But lewd isn't allowed.>>354757 Can you go inside my head too.>>354758 I miss you too anon.
Search [iqdb] (221 KB, 850x1227, 1417519427359.jpg )
Is it 2018 yet?
>>354760 holy shit smoke weed
>>354760 I am also wondering what timezone is four hours away from me.
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 960x960, HINA.jpg )
>>354760 Dude, weed lmao.>>354761 Not yet. But soon.
>>354763 netherland time
And with four I mean two xd I suck
>>354763 dude what
I'm going to poop. Brb my new sweet friends. I love you all.
>>354765 B-but it's 18:20 here the fuck you talking about
>>354768 die in a fire
do they call you dvice because youre a tool
>>354770 >>354771 Nicest things anyone has said to me this week, to be honest. was the dvice post to me.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 2040x2940, 1417530000446.jpg )
>>354771 uh yeah I guess
>>354772 No sorry new person it was for me :(
>>354773 jk you cool pls post more we are sorely missing your quality contribution
Search [iqdb] (778 KB, 2555x2521, Lillymon.png )
>>354774 Oh. I thought they were talking to me because Digimon had Digivices and since I'm posting Digimon and the like.>>354777 Awww! Nice! I thought it was something mean at first.
>>354772 you're okay kiddo
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1280x1729, 1421413930489.png )
>>354775 I can imagine this board pretty much only had me for quality discussions and thoughtful discussions>>354776 Sorry but that sounds like some nerd shit.
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 320x180, Digimon Tri, why did you failed me so.jpg )
>>354778 It'-it'-it's not... :(
>the netherlands guy >good discussions
>>354780 its more like GREAT discussions tbh
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 1280x720, 1401549428967.gif )
>>354779 Who's your favourite digimon? Mine's probably pikachu>>354780 Hey man, no reason to be so mean with all your greentext implications.
star platinum is my fav digimon
Is that from a newer generation? I've only played until Sapphire/ruby/emerald
its from snap actually. snap exclusive digimon not even in the tcg
i main pikachu in digimon tournament though my aerial crossups will blow your mind
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 480x270, 1395177259942.gif )
>>354785 What's ur snap I'll add you bby I promise I won't send many dickpics>>354786 What's your friendcode I'll add you on my DS
I main kirby on my scannerz
>>354787 sorry i threw all my old consoles away when i bought a switch, i had to make room to fit nintendo's cock in my mouth
Search [iqdb] (921 KB, 500x281, 1395246814047.gif )
Yeah their cock is massive, can't blame you.
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 640x480, I don't like that one bit.jpg )
>>354782 Pokรฉmon is TRASH. I came back from pooping just to find more dung in the thread? Stop this at once.
oh mah swirls
Search [iqdb] (834 KB, 1280x720, 1386749695785.png )
Toilet at my place is pretty terrible and clogs often hmm this isn't the right trip Did sam change the way they work?
I dunn o you're the nerd here
Search [iqdb] (266 KB, 481x531, 1376238606211.png )
Fuck dude I didn't come back to get some ATTITUDE looks like this one works
>>354795 Shut the fr*ck up kid
Whoa-kun !wHoaKUnkfM
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 17:38 No. 354797
Search [iqdb] (601 KB, 800x1130, 1376123854004.jpg )
>>354796 Seriously you don't want to mess with me
oh shit the lewds
>>354797 (nice pantsu) Wtf dont post lewd on moe...
whoa the fuck are>>354798 YOU
Whoa-kun !wHoaKUnkfM
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 17:39 No. 354801
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 600x800, 1372451454319.jpg )
>>354799 Sorry clicked the wrong image>>354800 another newfag probably lol
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 664x1200, DQNY0YoUEAAgryE.jpg )
Lamo newf*gs ok I gotta go save lives again and by save lives i mean go to my truck in the motor pool again
don't forget to name your origs
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 555x505, 1370765343842.jpg )
>>354802 Save me from myself
Looks like trips with unicode get fucked
>>354778 did you just post hotaru in her underwear
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 190x190, A Beta kills himself.gif )
Can you guys stop posting lewd or, at the very least, post something lewd that can be enjoyable.
>>354806 hell yeah motherfucker>>354807 where did you find this picture of beta get him to say hi to gamma
>>354808 youre a CRIMINAL
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 1280x873, 1375276122544.jpg )
>>354806 Yup>>354807 What kinda lewd do you enjoy? I don't have many male nudes sadly but I can see what I can do.
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 1280x720, Fuck off Meiko, you are trash Meiko.jpg )
>>354810 I don't like girls posing in provocative manners. It does nothing for me and makes me angry, Makes me want to punch something.
Search [iqdb] (608 KB, 1524x1064, GirlFriends1.png )
>>354811 Sorry I didn't want to rustle your feathers
tickle your jimjams
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 413x720, Madan side boob girl.jpg )
You like embarassed lewd or does that touch your flimmyflammies too?
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 640x480, pickle rick.jpg )
>>354812 I don't like yuri either. It doesn't makes me rage but it feels so forced. Like... It's clear the one who made it is a guy!>>354814 My ZimZums are rustled pretty easily. I do not like it.
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 1274x2148, Princess-bed.jpg )
>>354815 The artist for that mango's actually a woman but I get what you mean.
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1869x1242, __assassin_of_black_and_rider_(…).jpg )
why are your timtams rustled so easily
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 736x893, Mobile game with ads up the ass.jpg )
>>354816 Tripcode accurate, huh?>>354817 I dunno. I'm just like that. I hate lewd because I can never get pleased by it. IT'S NOT FAIR.
Search [iqdb] (2s, 1.5 MB, 1280x720, rolling girls gambare.webm )
>>354817 Don't mention their timtams, it messes with their gimgums
you'll cowards need jesus
Search [iqdb] (580 KB, 1733x1402, Saenai-cousin2.jpg )
I need some fucking crack rock marijuana
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1557x1342, __mandy_kay_and_rider_of_black(…).jpg )
I don't need anybody but a cold brew
>>354820 The only thing I need is a way to do no hit runs on Kirby
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1916x2131, MM-Mio-nurse2.jpg )
>>354818 Is that related to your blatant homosexuality or is that unrelated?
>>354818 come to brazil we will cure you
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 205x246, Is this tumblrยฟ Darn it is.jpg )
>>354824 Homosexuality is one way to put it I guess. Not accurate but it gets the point accross. When I see lewds, I self-insert as the girl so I prefer images with guys so that I can self-insert.>>354825 But Brazil is ugly. A brazilian hacked my Neopet account and I haven't gotten over that yet.
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>>354827 yeah me too
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 704x396, not looking at you.jpg )
>>354827 >>354828 No bully. I thought I could share MY LIFE STORY WITH YOU.
>>354826 >A brazilian hacked my Neopet account and I haven't gotten over that yet did he steel your metalgreymon
Search [iqdb] (463 KB, 838x581, So you said I should study lit(…).png )
>>354830 I played Neopets for 7 long years non-stop. Since I was 10, til I got 17. He stole my Neopet and all my Neopeints (Over 800M)
Search [iqdb] (โซ, 14s, 2.1 MB, 1280x720, exercising.webm )
You deserved it tbh. Maybe not then but you do now.
>>354831 did you ever consider that the overall hapiness in the world increased>>354834 no
>>354832 Yeah I know I deserved it.>>354833 Did you died midpost or what.
>>354834 Don't say that. Nobody deserves to get hacked.
Search [iqdb] (723 KB, 1200x1148, but its just a theory... A GAY THEORY.jpg )
>>354835 What. But you just said that.>>354833 It did not tho
Search [iqdb] (270 KB, 1600x1156, 1411273212177.jpg )
>>354836 Are you calling me a bully? Not very nice
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 599x757, 2451a7e7752a1d92ec91482fb6fd1e3f.jpg )
yall weird
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 650x650, 56228890_p0.jpg )
y'all gotta avoid that lewd shit oh my name is still turkey on this computer
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 1771x2500, DQSJOdwVAAAVpoS[1].jpg )
I'm a perfectly well adjusted human bean
>>354837 But you were bullying.>>354838 I know you are, but what am I.>>354839 >y'all gotta avoid that lewd shit Yes please. that would rock.>>354840 >Hatsune Miku No. Not really. You aren't. At all.>>354842 Bully VS bully
Search [iqdb] (1s, 182 KB, 1280x720, 1399237667955.webm )
>>354841 You're bullying right now
>>354841 how about I rock your cock
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 782x1000, 56630338_p6.png )
i have an hour until my next meeting What is everyone up to?
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 498x668, 1400733060491.jpg )
bullying this new poster hbu?
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 329x650, 04- B-but I'm still a virgin!.png )
>>354843 You are doing this to annoy me aren't you?!>>354845 I KNEW IT. >>354844 Just chatting here and trying to get a tripcode. I dunno how this thing works tho.
>>354845 yeah this tbh
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 750x1371, 56788210 - wawa.jpg )
>>354845 You're def one of our best hazers.>>354846 You just type #something into the name field to get a trip code.
>>354848 I want my tripcode to be a cute word tho.
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 599x799, 1398849738057.jpg )
>>354846 Click identity at the top and put a hash following with a string after ID. For example this nice tripcode: #f0n(j4l5
>>354849 here let me make you one
liliana !.Des0mHjm2
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:02 No. 354852
hewwo oh whoops i messed it up
>>354852 Begone. This is MY place now.>>354854 >Roll Caskett Good stuff!>>354851 No you will get something wrong.>>354854 I tried and it crashed.>>354850 I don't want to try ut but I will
Kirara ๐ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:02 No. 354854
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 768x1024, 56873255_p0.jpg )
>>354849 Just use tripcode explorer.
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:02 No. 354855
does this one work ? oh yay it does
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 329x650, 03- I still hate my body.png )
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 800x1000, 49281637_p0.jpg )
You failed just like everything else in lfie life
Kirara ๐ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:03 No. 354858
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 807x1920, 57073661_p0.jpg )
>>354853 How old is your computer?
New !0HfaGGOt3o
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:03 No. 354859
>>354856 test again.
lol he fell for it guys
>>354860 >>354859 As expected.>>354858 Pretty darn old.>>354857 Including you? You are part of life too.
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:04 No. 354862
Kirara ๐ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:04 No. 354863
that was probably you oh wait it wasn't haha
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:04 No. 354864
it wasnt me
>>354860 ayyyy
Kirara ๐ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:04 No. 354866
Search [iqdb] (439 KB, 700x988, 57448099_p0.jpg )
>>354861 Oh, I guess that's why.
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 480x270, 1341157437688.gif )
>>354861 I wish I wasn't
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 329x650, 02- I feel fantastic, yay yay yay.png )
>>354866 Do you have to know where do I save OpenCL.dll so that a tripcode explorer can work.>>354867 It's OK. You can be my friend still.
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 386x379, 1343334304304.jpg )
I'm not friends with homos
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 329x650, 05- You made me go derpy.png )
>>354869 I'm not a homo. It's worse than that but still!
Search [iqdb] (373 KB, 1000x1300, 33126538.jpg )
There's nothing worse than that
homosapinality is a sin
>>354871 There is actually. I can tell you if you become my new friend.>>354874 I downloaded something else a friend recmmended but I can't make it work.
Kirara ๐ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:07 No. 354874
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 1000x1632, 57583862_p0.jpg )
>>354868 I dunno. The version of Tripcode Explorer I have it just an application. Mine's from 2008, though.
Search [iqdb] (459 KB, 1032x744, 20649743.jpg )
>>354872 this tbh>>354873 Spit it out already and I mean the thing that is worse and not the semen from last night
Kirara ๐ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:08 No. 354876
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 2000x1589, 57686133_p0.png )
>>354873 What's it called?
>>354875 The only white substance coming out of me last night was saliva because I was sick and swallowing my own saliva hurt my throat a lot.>>354876 MTY I think.
that's hot
>>354877 >>354876 Got it from here:
Search [iqdb] (606 KB, 760x1120, 95105f0504fe61270a1fe824757d8fe4.jpg )
>>354877 sick af ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
>>354878 Well, my body was hot and I sweating. But that's what a flu does to you.>>354880 You know darn well what I mean.
Kirara ๐ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:09 No. 354882
Search [iqdb] (567 KB, 900x697, 57740956_p0.png )
>>354877 >>354879 Never heard of it. Maybe your friend can tell you how to make it work?
>>354882 Messaged them but it seems like they are busy. I'm just going to use tripcode explorer.
>>354881 do you have a webcam where I can see this
Search [iqdb] (7.9 MB, 4961x3508, 57768623_p0.jpg )
>>354883 Good luck.
Search [iqdb] (785 KB, 178x240, Mimi plz no die.gif )
>>354884 Anon please. At the very least take me to a virtual date first.>>354885 Can you share your tripcode explorer. Where do I download it? The one I downloaded doesn't seems to work.
Search [iqdb] (3.0 MB, 853x480, 207252bb1950477b7f7c2bd27ed33b1a.gif )
All bets are in. Will new anon download a random executable from an unknown person?
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 634x385, 1344138445945.jpg )
>>354886 alright drinks on me babe
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 400x300, I guess Ill go fuck myself.jpg )
>>354887 That pic is lewd what the hell. And I would because I know you are cute people and wouldn't hurt me.>>354888 I don't drink, nor do I smoke nor do I do drug.
Search [iqdb] (205 KB, 592x800, 58382562_p0.jpg )
>>354889 Here you go. It's an old version, though.>>354887 I'm trustworthy!
Search [iqdb] (666 KB, 1273x1394, Medaka-best.jpg )
Prepare for some cryptoware Do you know where to buy bitcoins?
>>354889 okay how about we just choke each other until we pass out
First to pass out gets their dick sucked
>>354892 OK. But only if I choke you first and you do not choke me at all.>>354890 >>354891 I'm scared now.
Search [iqdb] (686 KB, 1278x1444, Medaka-fan.jpg )
Don't be, most cryptoware gets detected by your anti-virus Unless they can work around that of course :3
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1556x2200, 59063464_p0.jpg )
>>354895 I'm trustworthy! Also >>354896 It's not going to get past your security if it's not good. I'm a psychologist, not a super hacker!
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 670x710, 1506167556197.jpg )
you can defo trust the fbi guy>>354895 ARIGHT
>>354896 My antivurs is avast.>>354897 Well you don't post lewd so I can trust you.>>354898 It might take a while. My splindy fingers aren't too strong tbh.
Yeah the FBI has a good track reccord for not hacking ppl, you'll be fine.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1771x2007, 59291743_p0.png )
I'm not working with the FBI right now!>>354900 yeah this FBI has never killed anyone either
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 3020x1699, 1397490051589.jpg )
The CIA gives a bad name to intelligence agencies the FBI is perfect
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 333x500, 1395529502366.jpg )
that swf when you never will work at asio
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 600x849, Me IRL.jpg )
I installed the file now, Kirara! Hopefully it works.
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1514x3641, 59447729_p0.png )
If it doesn't, I can generate a tripcode for you.
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 310x310, 1346540013574.jpg )
Lol he fell for it
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 1063x753, 1507460267970.jpg )
what are you gonna do when the y come for you
>>354905 IT WORKED! Searching now.>>354906 I fall for anything and anyone.
Search [iqdb] (822 KB, 1200x1600, 59644105_p3.jpg )
>>354908 Omedetou.
>>354909 ????????
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1379x1950, 59698358_p0.png )
>>354910 Oh, I forgot you're not a weeb. It means congratulations.
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 540x540, 1506563312099.jpg )
thanks I love yours too
>>354912 I love your meme.>>354911 I know just the basics like dasket, onegai, itadakimasu and stuff I see in some series.
>>354912 I didnt posted any.
Search [iqdb] (432 KB, 560x800, 59901040 - i-ใใณ.png )
>>354913 Dasket? Tasukete?
yes you did??
it's a pretty good meme, don't be shy
>>354915 Daskete. But dunno what tasukete is. Sounds like tatsunoko, which I think is seahorse?>>354916 >>354917 I have no memes in my PC tho. Only on mobile.
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 665x1000, 60084231 - weasel.png )
>>354918 Daskete isn't a Japanese word. I think you might be mistaking tasukete as daskete, since tasukete sounds like taskete
>>354919 Oh. Shoot. All my life was a lie.>>354921 Stop you SLUT.
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 1278x1081, Cute-girl.jpg )
>>354918 Haha good one
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 864x1200, DQNmucKVoAAsmRM.jpg )
I don't understand your patience
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 896x704, 1333928446096.jpg )
The first person to correct their dasket. You actually shouldn't have so they could be embarassed more in the future
>>354922 Mine or whose?
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1243x1754, 60160983 - ้ๆ้ป.jpg )
>>354920 It can't be helped.
>>354923 I have never used it before tho.>>354925 I love corrections. Make me perfect.
Search [iqdb] (1007 KB, 1000x1414, 60220481_p0.jpg )
>>354923 Yeah, that might have been funny, haha.>>354926 Perfection is unattainable.
>>354927 something something hindsight something something 20/20
>>354927 i can try tho.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:25 No. 354931
You get your comp with a tripcode generator yet?
>>354931 Yes... But I can't generate the trip I want. It crashed too. My trip is too elaborate I guess.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:26 No. 354933
*fry What the fuck
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 1068x980, 60360008_p0.jpg )
>>354928 Isn't it weird how looking behind you cures your vision irregularities?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:26 No. 354935
>>354932 Nice
Search [iqdb] (3s, 1.4 MB, 960x540, bouncy_maid.webm )
>>354934 yeah kinda everyone seems to understand it so I never dared to ask how it works
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1395x1500, DQLt6G-V4AAqCPw[1].png )
I just close my eyes and walk away
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 470x800, Neopets Go!.gif )
Oh it didnt crashed. It just got minimised. Has been searching for 8 mins so far. Btw guys look at my Neopets comic. Back when I played I did these.
>>354932 it is going to take quite a while to generate anything more complicated than 5 or 6 character sequences
>>354939 I tried to look for Digimon.
>>354938 That's horrible holy shit
Search [iqdb] (625 KB, 867x1036, 60400912 - ้ณ.png )
>>354940 A digimon trip is going to take a long time. You might never find it. It might be better to settle for DIGI or something.
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 211x238, Sexy livier.jpg )
>>354941 I know.>>354942 I can wait I guess.>>354944 yEAH, DON'T CARE.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:28 No. 354944
I kind of want to save it just in case I feel like trying to find out who you are, but at the same time I just don't care.
>>354943 we are talking like literal weeks to months
Search [iqdb] (266 KB, 850x1193, __seiran_touhou_drawn_by_ke_ta(…).jpg )
hi new poster here, how are you all today ?
breeding like rabbits huh
>>354946 SHOO SHOO. I should be the only new one here. Begone.>>354945 Then I better give up.>>354949 If you don't play Neiopets you won't get it.
>>354938 where the fuck is the joke
Search [iqdb] (959 KB, 1200x1200, 60525559_p7.png )
It seems like we suddenly got three new posters today.
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 236x323, Iris kawaii.jpg )
>>354951 More like one and two corpses. Because I will kill them if they keep posting here.
>>354951 its all dutch talking to himself though nigga is cray cray
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1280x2000, Ririchiyo vector.png )
did I take my meds today? I always forget>>354955 You're fun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:32 No. 354955
Dutch is fun
>>354954 im sure its fine, but ask dvice to make sure
Search [iqdb] (756 KB, 850x1200, 60591979_p4.jpg )
>>354952 Most of our new posters don't stay so that's probably what will happen.
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1890x2577, qlifu.jpg )
>>354950 That's not a nice thing to say. >>354957 I plan staying because, like I said, I neeed new friends . This sopam filter is really annoying me tho.>>354959 SHOO.
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 733x424, 4c286721a0bb60a196a5bcbcf826027f.png )
I've been instructed to stop posting here s-so bye ;w;
once upon a time i was a new poster trying to be amicable and friendly and i trusted kirara now look what happened get out before it is too late
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 344x400, 3f805f2220c461af49d4fe0561aecc(…).jpg )
>>354959 woow I can't believe you're actulay fucking dead
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 550x700, 60711511_p1.jpg )
>>354958 Well, we'll see about that! I like new posters, but it's hard for people to integrate here. Our last new poster that stuck around went fucking mad for some reason and started going after people all the time.>>354960 Yeah, this. I told this guy to trust me and now he's like this.>>354959 It's probably fine.
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 561x1080, maid plant.jpg )
>>354958 Weren't you doubting anime boob physics earlier and now post a chick with a missing nipple?
>>354960 What happened.>>354961 I told you I would seriously kill them.>>354963 It's trash Ik now. But Qliphorts from yugioh have ZERO fan art.>>354962 You sound like an incestious community. But I know you aren't.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:34 No. 354965
>>354962 Are we talking about the Brazilian troll? Cause I don't really consider them to be a "new poster who stuck around".
Search [iqdb] (400 KB, 738x1056, 61045822_p3.png )
Nah, floop was the last new poster.>>354964 We tend to be somewhat tight nit. knit too
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:35 No. 354967
>>354966 Ehh? What about maria? Also I thought floop predated me?
wow really? floop even happened in my lifetime
maria is gundam
g u n d a m
maria isn't new he's a fucking gundam
>>354966 That better include new people.
Search [iqdb] (5.1 MB, 1414x2000, 61097358_p0.png )
>>354967 Nah, floop showed up during that period of time where you weren't around for a few months. And Maria was before floop, I believe, just less frequent than now.>>354972 It does if they integrate and get to know people!
>>354971 newtype maybe
>>354972 Nope fuck new people
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:36 No. 354976
>>354973 Ah
>>354975 B-b-but I don't like lewd!!>>354973 I'm getting to know people.
xenoblade 2 is fucking perfect even the combat fite me matt
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 623x738, 1335235192253.jpg )
m8 if you dislike lewd you're in the wrong place
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1062x1500, 61400112_p0.png )
>>354977 I've known a lot of the people here for like 3-5 years now.>>354978 The combat is fucking brilliant like 99% of the time but then sometimes there are fights where it's a total drag.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:37 No. 354981
>>354979 This desu senpai
>>354979 >>354981 I dislike most lewd because I'm sexually repressed and frustrated.>>354980 It has been THAT long?
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 500x353, give me a hug man.jpg )
we're all about the anime boob here
>>354980 oh i thought you were hating on the combat in general the other day sometimes it does get annoying especially when a boss or unique RUNS LIKE A PUSSY ALL THE TIME
>>354983 Ew. I prefer the anime BEPIS. Here's a rocket: 00=================D AND POST.
Search [iqdb] (532 KB, 640x1136, 61477759_p0.png )
>>354982 I've been here since 2012. There are a few of us that have been here since then, like /// since then, or since 2011. Rika, Ika, moon, sugoi, Samurai, Marsh, and I are the oldest posters that are regulars, I think.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:38 No. 354987
I just saw a guy riding his bike on the train platform.
Search [iqdb] (591 KB, 1280x1301, 1357755886147.jpg )
>>354982 Ain't my problem homey masturbate or fuck your mum, idc
>>354988 Masturbating give s me massive headaches, nausea and depression so no dice.>>354986 Oh well. It's the current year already so get to know new people.
you should suck your own dick
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:39 No. 354991
Get so depressed that masturbating doesn't make you more depressed. Worked for me
>>354991 That sounds like a problem to fix another problem. >>354990 Eww. I would rather suck someone's else.>>354994 Not me. So TOUCHร.>>354995 Nah. It brings PAIN to me.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:40 No. 354993
>>354992 It's more of bonus cause I just happened to get really depressed anyways.
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 441x600, 61484735_p0.png )
>>354989 I get to know everyone!>>354992 I'm sure I'll get to know you if you stick around.
>>354989 that's not supposed to happen. It's supposed to give you semen
>>354992 you can bend it back into your rear if you want hol up there's a video somewhere
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:40 No. 354997
>>354992 Gay
>>354994 MY favouritue colours are pink and blue and I ahve 24 years old. What about you?>>354993 Who doesn't gets depressed online?>>354996 Yeah I ... I pass.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:41 No. 354999
>>354998 Yeah sorry, by depressed I mean "the parts in my brain that are supposed to make me feel happy don't work properly so I feel terrible a lot of the time" not "I feel sad".
>>354998 I only get depressed offline also check em>>354999 nice trips
i have never been depressed before whats it like
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 552x972, 61497818_p0.jpg )
>>354998 I don't have a favorite color, but I'm also 24.
>>354997 Probably.>>355000 lucky.>>355001 How about you become my boyfriend and learn what depression is about. I can't imagine a worse fate than being stuck with me. >>355002 Samezies! Also you guys should really remove the spam filter of this one board. No one comes here!
>>355001 it's kinda like that feeling when something bad happens, like you break your phone's screen but for a long time
>>355002 i thought your favorite color was white power
>>354998 >>>/watch?v=hX0GO4_OWTE >>355007 no click this TRUST ME
>>355006 I'm not watching that.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1431x2013, 61502342_p0.png )
>>355005 white power(ade)>>355003 I think it's fine.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:43 No. 355009
>>355001 Feels good man
>>355003 if we dont have the spam filter a certain poster will get drunk and autistically spam the same image 400 times
>>355006 This is a good video everyone should watch it
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 716x1011, 61511413_p0.jpg )
>>355010 this tbh
>>>/watch?v=3nKVZcdi1nQ >>>/watch?v=NzNpcSScXeA
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:44 No. 355014
>>355010 Honestly I find it to be really funny when bang does that.
Test !xKvzozvsSk
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:44 No. 355015
>>355010 Has that happened before? Also testing tripcode. Nah it looks like GARBAGE. WHAT THE HELL.>>355013 Not watching.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 827x1169, 61517841_p6.jpg )
It's happened plenty of times.
>>355014 i think its kind of funny for a few minutes
>>355015 well fine I'm not being friends with a total narc
>>355015 You gotta open it in a text editor that supports some kind of japanese encoding if it has special characters
>>355018 I am zero percent narcissistic and 100% ugly.>>355019 Oh. I better choose another then.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:46 No. 355021
That's not what narc means.
>>355021 Oh.
Don't tell them narc definitely means narcissist
Imagine New going through his life using Dasket and thinking narc means narcissist would be so funny
>>355023 get the gat out we roasting hogs tonight fam
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:47 No. 355027
Test number two.
that looks dumb wtf get it at the start cant you do anything right damn son
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:48 No. 355030
>>355029 Fineee :( And no I can't.
that tup when msrah isn't awake to see this
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:49 No. 355032
What about this one.
even worse
keep trying man I believe in you
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:49 No. 355035
>>355033 >>355034 darn
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:50 No. 355036
What about THIS one... OMG IT LOOKS AWFUL. NVM
I thought it couldn't get worse use this you goose
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:50 No. 355039
Search [iqdb] (219 KB, 1024x1546, I watched some porn, the girl (…).jpg )
>>355038 Alright thank you.>>355037 Tell me about it.
Search [iqdb] (โซ, 2m1s, 3.7 MB, 640x360, please give me cock.webm )
>>355040 What's your language of choice for website?
hello /moe/
>>355042 hey anno welcome to the party>>355044 ehhhh
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:51 No. 355044
Please tell me you like this one guys.
>>355044 It's worse than >>355035
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 1463x2048, 61538761_p19.jpg )
Shouldn't you use one that you like?
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:52 No. 355047
>>355046 I prefer people liking me. I like that. It validates me.>>355045 Omg. How am I gonna get a good tripcode
>>355047 Just be patient, it's only been like 30 minutes
gotta wait for the bitcoins to genereate
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 471x184, Beta x Dutch.jpg )
looking at old images
The Internation Olympic Committee has banned Russia from participating in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games due to its complicency in atheltic doping. Atheletes will be allowed to compete under the neutral banner of Olympics Athelete from Russia.
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 700x512, 61589684_p0.jpg )
>>355047 I don't think your tripcode will play a big part in that unless you put something weird in it.>>355051 as expected
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:53 No. 355053
>>355048 >>355049 Fine tehn I'll wait.>>355052 I just wanna put Digimon. Because I love Digimon.
Search [iqdb] (289 KB, 1000x962, 61600043_p1.jpg )
Finding a seven letter tripcode probably isn't realistically feasible.
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 675x672, DQTdvOQVwAAa5FI[1].jpg )
>>355053 why don't you marry it
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:55 No. 355056
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 400x315, I am gonna EAT SHIT.jpg )
>>355054 I'll let it on overnight I guess.>>355055 I would if I could.
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1200x2771, 61667202_p0.jpg )
>>355056 Good luck.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:56 No. 355058
>>355057 Thanks. What now.
Search [iqdb] (806 KB, 1200x1600, 61689898_p0.jpg )
What do you mean, what now?
Mine bitcoins while you wait
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 680x962, DLXaZqQUQAE4IgN.jpg )
mine pictures of ass
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:58 No. 355062
>>355060 How do I do that.>>355061 No thanks. I pass on that one.>>355059 What do we talk about now.
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 2149x3035, 61736686_p0.png )
>>355062 Talk about whatever.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 18:59 No. 355064
>>355063 So... What should I know about Kirara.
>>355064 They can't live within 200 yards of a school
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:00 No. 355066
>>355065 How wait WHITE are they.
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 637x1050, 61755251_p0.jpg )
>>355064 What do you want to know about Kirara?>>355066 I'm Jewish.
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 1300x1839, DQMyNc5VwAEqpj8[1].jpg )
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:00 No. 355069
>>355068 You arne't even trying to keep is SFW now.>>355067 Whatever Onegai My Melody Kirara will tell me.
How is that not sfw?
Search [iqdb] (640 KB, 500x833, 61784712_p24.png )
>>355068 Please follow the rules and avoid posting stuff like that.>>355069 I'm more-or-less an open book, but I have a lot of backstory and background lore.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:01 No. 355072
>>355070 How is it.
I'm at work and safe.
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 1000x1449, DQMyMTGV4AA8TBe[1].jpg )
there's the good shit>>355069 why would I want to be shockwave flash
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:02 No. 355075
>>355071 Tell me all about that sweet sweet lore.>>355073 No you aren't. I'll murder you slowly.>>355074 Safe For Work I mean.
Search [iqdb] (531 KB, 986x1500, 61809261_p1.jpg )
>>355075 I was born one night, it was drizzling rain. Fighting and trouble are my middle name.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1598x2000, 4cd14930a90bf77660f04d0a817f9e35.jpg )
I have nothing but the clothes on my back to my name. I spend all day working drunk for the police department. This is my story.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:05 No. 355078
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 210x240, Might as well fucking use cell(…).jpg )
>>355076 >>355077 I love a good story.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 633x900, DQNfRFZV4AASdHW[1].jpg )
well this is not one of those
Search [iqdb] (257 KB, 942x975, 61913685_p6.jpg )
>>355078 I think you'll probably pick up on stuff over time. It feels a little weird to just infodump about myself.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:07 No. 355081
>>355079 I love stories about good people then.>>355080 Fine then. I love it when people dumb stuff on me but alright. Let's take it to a time before time.
when dinosaurs walked the earth
Search [iqdb] (802 KB, 1200x2005, 62090682_p3.jpg )
>>355081 Isn't it more interesting if you have to figure out pieces of the story as it goes? It's like the Dark Souls of friendship.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:08 No. 355084
>>355082 Not so far back.>>355083 Dun dun dundun.. dun dun. dun dun dun... dun dun dun dun... dun dun dun. dun dun dun>>355083 Do i look like an archeologist to you.
>>355084 what's this song I swear I hear it at the cclub the other night
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:09 No. 355086
>>355085 This one.
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 616x800, 3e47788e9efb9f306dfc4eae1cbb77f5.jpg )
>>355084 Yes, because I have a large bone for you to examine
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:10 No. 355088
>>355087 I fucking fell for it. I fell for it like a rookie.
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1594x1787, 62157734_p0.jpg )
>>355084 You'll have to be if you want the full story!
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:10 No. 355091
>>355090 fine then. At the very least riddle me this. Are you a boy, a girl, a demigod, a trigender, a raccooon, an eagle, a slime, a white gorilla with cannon for arms, a president or a white box with nothing inside of it.
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 708x1003, 63183086_p28.jpg )
>>355091 I basically identify as agender, but I don't really care how I'm referred so I generally just go by he, even though I'm fine with any pronoun.
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 1290x927, 1507298022216.jpg )
all the better to see you with
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:12 No. 355094
>>355092 I didn't expect a serious answer.
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 724x1024, 6c6151d961e1425c192009413e4629ab.jpg )
>>355093 Woah she has very big eyes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:13 No. 355096
>>355094 That wasn't a serious answer.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:13 No. 355097
>>355096 Seemed serious to me.>>355099 I told you I was guilleble. >>355098 Help me I KEEP FALLING FOR TRICKS and randomly capping words.
Search [iqdb] (351 KB, 1417x2126, 63243192 - ๅ้ขจๅฏ.jpg )
>>355096 Yeah it was.>>355094 I gotta keep you on your toes.
he fell for it again
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:14 No. 355100
plz respond it has been 1 minute already I need you guys,
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 3000x2131, 15dbf09354cd5e69c893fa7248d0c62b.jpg )
>>355100 A response just for you :)
>>355100 reply 4u
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:15 No. 355103
>>355101 >>355102 Score! Life is worth living once again,
>>355100 (You)
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:15 No. 355105
>>355104 Me too thanks
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1080x1320, 63802565 - i-ใใณ.png )
You really ought to cool it with the lewd stuff.
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 640x800, 19bf0d35c7a1da03634410205a297822.jpg )
Never will I let the party elite of the so called worker state tell me what lewd I can or cannot post.
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 904x1598, DMtsKysV4AAS5AY.jpg )'s this folder that's why
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:16 No. 355109
>>355106 Thank you! You tell them, boss!
Search [iqdb] (449 KB, 708x1003, 64387647_p0.jpg )
>>355107 implying /moe/ isn't a free // freely associated group
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:17 No. 355111
>>355107 Being a commie is wrong.
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 600x530, 1508865577182.jpg )
it's that time again
Search [iqdb] (247 KB, 425x425, spooky.png )
>>355111 Communism is inevitable, not wrong. It's only a matter of time. The contradictions inherent to capitalism are going to bite you piggies in the butt.
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 2149x2811, 64978513_p0.png )
>>355111 anarchism is right
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 768x768, DP9fSULU8AMvMvl.jpg )
The spooks are here
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:18 No. 355116
>>355113 You bettr be kidding because I unironically had a communist BF and ended up hating communism when it broke our relationship. Screw Marx, screw Stalin and SCREW ALL SICKLES.>>355114 Nothing political is right
What did he self-crit too much lmao
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 950x1344, 65245645_p0.jpg )
>>355116 yeah we should be getting rid of the political state and move forward to an apolitical anarchy
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 600x896, C_JU8BrUwAEsHJM.jpg )
fellas the ancaps have to go
Search [iqdb] (862 KB, 1169x900, gentle labourer.png )
farming tools will prefail
Search [iqdb] (393 KB, 986x666, DNPOOcUUQAEUveP-orig.png )
We call this the real movement which abolishes all cities and gender norms
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:20 No. 355122
Crap I should be getting read to pick up my sis.
>>355116 Leave Groucho out of this>>355124 >he doesn't know
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:20 No. 355124
>>355118 That's not what I meant. AQs long as it's not communism I guess I don't care tho. >>355123 WHO.
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1500x1415, DNdA7cHVQAElYSY-orig.jpg )
>>355118 Very cool take
Search [iqdb] (242 KB, 1200x1600, 65367276_p0.jpg )
>>355124 Anarchy is just another kind of communism. Stalin and shit is Marxist-leninism and stuff like that, which is the opposite of what we are down with.
Anarchy is de facto communism
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 517x811, 1508361716719-0.jpg )
this went from 0 to commie real fucking quick
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 854x640, DQNzmYUVoAA6h2i.jpg )
You know it
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:21 No. 355130
>>355128 Commiest are zero tho.
>>355129 I have literally never seen a bad meme with this cat
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:21 No. 355132
>>355126 Oh. I don't want any communism.
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 500x500, DQDjmB2UIAAPXU9.jpg )
>>355131 They're all extremely high quality, it's beautiful
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 744x992, 65411209_p3.jpg )
>>355132 It can't be helped! The capitalists can't stop giving us the tools with which we eliminate capitalism.
Search [iqdb] (437 KB, 1208x1208, 1512497615155.jpg )
I don't know about this depres chan spam shit but this is a quality image>>355137 wow rude
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1500x1500, DPVbUM0UQAEWAjr.jpg )
The best communist propaganda is live footage of congress lol
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:23 No. 355137
>>355134 I think I don't like you anymore :(
Fuck that's a tweet
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 820x820, 20170609012540.jpg )
>>355137 That's a shame! I just want a world where people can be free to follow their hearts.
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 208x207, an owie to one is an owie to all.png )
>>355135 It looks like a picture, but also not at the same time.>>355137 Your true colours finally show.
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:24 No. 355141
>>355140 I'm 10000% anticommunism of any kind. >>355139 You are free to do so tho. But don't expect to get far in capitalism.
ใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผคใ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผฒใ๏ผกใ๏ผฆ๏ผต๏ผฃ๏ผซ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผงใ๏ผฃ๏ผฏ๏ผฐ
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 800x800, DO0oYgaV4AAs2XA.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 800x1247, B5ZQcY-CQAIXKaZ.jpg )
>>355141 That's the problem. People can't truly follow their hearts under capitalism. Capitalism is oppression of the poor.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 736x522, 1511470975164-0.jpg )
>>355141 you're 10000% gay lmao get fukd kid
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:25 No. 355146
>>355144 Communism is opression of the people. Because under such regime everyone is poor. Bread lines are SO FUN. >>355147 >>355148 Communismt not being a tyrant regime? Point me where that has happened.>>355145 DAMN ROASTED.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 576x768, DOra07_XcAEf7eq-orig.jpg )
>>355145 I really should read Stirner>>355146 >regime
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 1024x1024, brantini.png )
>>355146 Well, we don't believe in a regime. Like I said, that's Marxism-leninism. That's not what we want. We want the absence of a state. >>355146 Most early tribal societies, many medieval cities before feudalism, etc.
Search [iqdb] (8 KB, 552x327, fishook_orig.jpg )
>>355147 You should. I ordered the newest english translation. Afterwards I plan to read The German Ideology by Marx, apparently he rips Stirner's arguments to shreds in a text that is larger than Stirner's book.
>>355146 just pretend it's a waterslide line werks for me
2017/12/05 (็ซ) 19:27 No. 355151
DARN 2:30 PM. Brb Picking up my lil sis from school.
have fun say hi to your sis for me
>>355149 marx really needed a fucking life
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1000x1100, DMy8m4oU8AAkm5Z-orig.jpg )
Wasn't Marx an Extremely On The Town boi?
have you ever played assassins creed syndicate? marx is in it it's really funny
Search [iqdb] (596 KB, 2480x2480, DMKBhUJUIAA_jLL-orig.jpg )
I was meaning to, but I never got around to it Isn't he like, liberal beyond reason in it?>>355157 Oh yeah that sounds exactly like Marx The capitalists will sell us the voting booths to hang them
marx wants to achieve socialism through a vote in it he does ask you to kill cops though
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I hope the new posters will work out.
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 721x262, oh okale.png )
nah they should skip the gym and read some motherfucking Marx
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where do you work out?
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We should propagandize at the gym, get some big bois in on this whole antifa and insurrection thing
antifa super soldiers
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 561x499, CE6wkL4UEAACWt4-orig.png )
Seize The Means Of Gains>>355162 But actually this time
antifa super soyldiers are planning to kill white middle-class parents
they're going make your kids drink soy
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 510x412, itsokay.png ) what the hell
Wow that's pretty useful.
high level impact auts
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 588x1024, IMG_2677.JPG )
>>355172 โ >>355172 โ >>355172 โ
and you don't seem to understand