It feels like I ended up doing a lot of writing last night. In reality the notebook pages I filled in double-space probably don't fill near as much typed page, but the hand I was holding the pen with was really dead by the end of the session.
>>352966 A scene from a story I've been letting gestate for a while now.
>>352967 For another English speaker I'd say my handwriting is 90% legible. I generally find people can understand my handwriting without much issue.
>>352976 They want me to be there at 8:00! It's a little bit different commute than normal too, and I need to stop by work before I go to make sure some things are squared away since I won't be able to work tomorrow.
Yeah, I've heard that before, hah hah. I never learned "handwriting" in the sense of learning how to write fast and connecting lettering to maximize writing speed. Instead I kind of went all out the other way, getting excessively neat but somewhat speed-inefficient writing.
I don't think my handwriting has changed at all in 20 years or shit. No matter how much my elementary teachers tried to hammer the "magpie feet" out of me.
Mine has gotten worse Except for my math handwriting, some of it has gotten worse and other parts have gotten better
let's see i should have one notebook that has highschool stuff in it
My Japanese handwriting has also gotten much worse
Kirara 🦃
When I go stretches of time without doing much writing my writing loses a good bit of its consistency. I think it keeps being mostly legible though.
>I used playstation x square, circle, triangle as intendedation marks
>every left page of a spread is civics, history or religion >every right page is philosophy, math or swed/english hmm no sense in it, but atleast it is constant
and in that order you have a spread with civic on the left page and phil on the right, then turn page and next spread is history on left math on right and so on
man is it weird to go through your old notes
I've found a lot of interesting or stupid ideas for things written in my old notes in the margins. Especially from college.
Cause comeon, life eater virus is pretty much coolest way to nuke a planet
>virus turns all organic matter into goup >goup rots >original warhead lights a spark as the whole planet is filled to the brim with compustion gases >global firestorm burning the planet and its atmosphere into a dead cold barren rock
Speaking of slaneesh that also could be something in ton's campaign I mean, the particular hermaphrodite chaos god of sex, pleasure and pain was BONED into existence by space elves murder fucked to be precise. They murdered and fucked each other so much, that their desires explosively gave birth to a new god.
Rest of the chaos gods just over time popped up, from people blaming supernatural forces for wars, bad luck and disease and so on but that one murder fucked by space elves Who then also fucked up the galaxy so bad, that thei entire 50 million year old empire also fell and also created a physical manifestation of the hell space where the chaos gods live known as the EYe of Terror
Don't forget Doomrider
And as a side note, it also fucked up the fledling human space empire which forced humanity to near extinction too damn space elves
>>353029 do you want me to take this down as notes
my intention was to have a serious campaign but i guess we can do the cock virus mini campaign >>353050 penises arent established as an epidemic in the next campaign setting though dick virus can be an alternate universe where Asmodeus killed my pcs
it can be serious yet hilarious
Kirara 🦃
dick virus would be ideal in a space-faring adventure imo
also ton you should actually look into the warhammer lore on chaos and immaterium it is quite usable in any setting
maybe ill look into that
is kinda fun in short, whatever people believe in, manifests in the immaterium and the natural denizens of immaterium eat those belief energy and then become molded by them so for example, if people believe in santa claus a chaos god of giving our presents and joy is born but if people start to believe that santa also eats bad kids then santa chaso god will start eating kids too
Though originally it was just realm of souls for the deceased, but then you had a giant conflict between god like ascended lizard people and metallic robot armies with no souls and their cthulhu-like masters
oh shit kirara if its for asci fi we can play a game of lasers and feelings instead of 13th age
which fucked things up as about gigazillion of people died in the process and as the immaterium reflects the physical world it permanently started to reflect the violence of said war that spanned for millenia if not milions of years
Necrons aren't actually soulless though. I think, they fuck around with the lore too much for me to ever be sure.
anyhow the necrons, aforementioned robot army kinda got cheated by their lovecraftian allies later masters so when the war was over, they went "okay time to blast these fuckers into bits" and promtply did so and then imprisoned them into tiny quantum labyrinths for hopefully ever. and then looked at the state of the galaxy and went "okay space elves, rampaging demon hordes, and a lot of other nope stuff. Might as well go sleep for couple million years and see if the galaxy is more hospitable then" i mean, them being completely immortal what is a few million power nap to them? and so they did and then the space elves took over, got bored and boned a chaos god into existence
Deceived by the Deceiver because they lliterally trusted a guy named "The Deceiver".
>>353063 I kinda doubt that was his name before the deal, though even if the lore says so
Hmm colour is good taste is bit too sweet but not that the honey really sticks out with I suppose most of the sugar having been converted into alcohol can't really say how strong this stuff is yeastiness is surprisingly low
First of all, she has been holding out on this information for a long time when I could have been getting some patties. There is no second, I'm just really distraught and I think the pangs of hunger that I feel is making me more guilty. I want a chicken pattie
plus she had like a professional relationship with them or something, right? Like they were working on the same thing as her. That stuff doesn't fly in a lot of professions.
>>353145 It was superbright when I was walking to the pizza parlour last night. Either tonight or tomorrow night is the full moon too, so it's pretty much at full power.
>>353187 you're probably going to want to run at least a little bit running and pushups are two of the best and most important exercises there are pullups are good too
I think I'm going to try to get visible abs again. My dad is getting us a family gym membership soon, or at leadt thats the rumor.
Biking is a decent alternative to running if you like keeping your feet off the ground too.
Like if you'd said you haven't gone biking in -since you were a kid and were hesitant to start, fine, I get it. But not learning to bike blows my mind.
Can you swim?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah swimming is easy
Can you rollerblade, roller skate, ice skate or skateboard?
Kirara 🦃
we'll teach you to ride a bike
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I probably can roller blade and stuff but I never ice skated. >skateboard I'LL SHOW YOU MY SICK WHEELIE
Ice skating is easy. Just balance on the edges and push yourself off something. The natural lack of friction will keep you going.
Kirara 🦃
just push yourself off the edge of eternity
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>balance there's the wrinkle
It's not called a wheelie, its a manual.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>current granblue event is all homos [skipping intensifies]
>>353202 Oh this reminds me. I don't have an adblock program operatingo -on my phone, so I some times get ads when I'm browsing places. And lately I've been getting ads in some places like "are you in a dark place? It's okay to get help". My phone is picking up on the depression humour I habitually joke about and is getting concerned about me.
Kirara 🦃
haha fuck i've been getting ads for drugs lately rip us
This game is full of really high level angry birds.
Kirara 🦃
i'm stuck playing tiger tiger over and over again until i get a technical manual for atk because i hate my life
>>353237 I liked how in XCX they just stuck the big massive fuckoff dinosaurs right in the starting area And you could challenge them whenever you wanted
>>353241 Well let me know if you find an attack mod in level 1. I would be interested in that. I kinda want to change my team roles around a little bit.
>>353243 I think that stuff will unlock as the game progresses. I had a perfect playthrough of stage 1 and didn't get to stage 2, so I assumt it unlocks later.
Kirara 🦃
oh wait i have stage 2 unlocked
>>353235 Whole thing should be on youtube, I watched in August.
Kirara 🦃
ehh i'm just going to not have an attacker i guess
New chapter of Thicc Elf.
Kirara 🦃
love these long drawn out battles in xenoblade in which nothing happens and you just occasionally press a button
Kirara 🦃
it's actually almost enough to make me drop the game
Kirara 🦃
i guess stopping when i'm bored and mad at the game is as good a time as any i'll have to go back to playing it in a few days when i have time again if i can build up the motivation for it
Thicc Elf got licensed and comes out next October. The adapted title is "Plus-sized Elf" Honestly that's o e of the better official title translations/localizations I've seen recently. Thicc Elf would however be a better localized title.
>>353249 Your lack of an attacker is really getting you down, huh?
>>353249 It's the game being kind enough to give you space to go make a coffee and read the newspaper
Kirara 🦃
>>353254 i got her back but then I got thrown into a 20 minute battle and i just don't think the game's combat is remotely interesting enough for me to deal with that
I don't understand the game very well and I am not as far as you, but I think I am doing a lot of damage. The chips seem to be multiplicative or something because I just dumped them into Rex's girlfriend and he's doing a lot of damage. He does so much damage that if I play as him, the tank can't hold aggro.
Kirara 🦃
yeah it's easy and quick battle until you get a damage sponge boss or pair of bosses
Kirara 🦃
i will have to grind for a few hours in a few days when i can play again
>>353216 Yeah, nothing really happened other than a real airhead moment , where I was like >Who's this fuckin idiot overtaking in such a small gap >oh wait maybe I'm the idiot
I have the problem of being really lost though. I have a terrible sense of direction.
I haven't slept so that probably contributes to it
>>353261 Actually that reminds me, last time I did this trip, I ended up an hour or so off route, towards Yass, because my GPS was set to point North not the direction of the car
I figured this would be the kind of game I can't stand when I saw it. RPGs always look so nice but end up slogging
Yeah, that's been in the back of my head since I saw the first gameplay trailer for the game. I've played enough JRPGs like this to know they walk a fine line between being rewarding enough to get through the sloggy parts and not.
I want a JRPG without sloggy parts. Give me more of Radiant Historia You could tell exactly who the bad guy is from the start of the game and it was still great. PERFECT CHRONOLOGY SOON
>>353266 I really liked that games combat system With all the positioning shenanagins
These cinnamon raisin bagels we've got are supposed to be handmade and not like the mass-produced ones you can get in your grocer's bakery section. And they're supposed to be better or something in some way? But really they just barely taste of cinnamon or raisins and more of just faintly sweet, chewy dough.
>>353267 There's no reason why I should but I really enjoy hearing people like Radiant Historia's combat. Because I wanted to make a game like it a long time ago with a similar system. And then RH came out and I was like holy crap, someone did it. And it was great. I was so happy that it was such a fun game. There's just so much in there that tugs my strings as far as gameplay is concerned. I don't even feel like they pushed it that hard. It was pretty simple but really solid.
Kirara 🦃
two people living in adjacent apartments to me have apparently moved out in the past three days and that makes me feel extremely suspicious and paranoid
Kirara 🦃
or two apartments adjacent to me are empty now i should say
>>353310 If you have infinite free time I think you should do something that involves creation People like feeling productive even if they aren't actually being productive For me that's gunpla Something like drawing or writing Or competing in something
I'm working on the kancolle event finally, now that I'm done with tempest in FE. I had to get a new viewer because they stopped updating the one I was using.
>>353358 that's good interesting things are dangerous
>>353360 i can only PRAY that i can avoid interesting things forever
Well, jury duty won't be bad. It will be less stressful than actually working since i won't have to do anything. I expect that I will not actually be placed on a jury so everything will be okay.
>>353393 And also decide someones fate and uphold justice If you convict the defendant and they didn't do it then you might be ruining their life And if you vote not guilty and they actually did do it they might commit more crime It's a lotta pressure
>>353395 I'm assuming Anno was referring to the situation in which you actually got picked
Now I finally realised what irked me about Stellaris now The fact that each 1 unit of pop demands a 1 unit of "consumer good" which strains your resources as you expand and needlesly balances you with a smaller empire of somewhat large resources, while you may have HUGE resources, but because of your HUGE population your both incomes, thus your refresh rate of ships is about the same. Btu however THOSE SHIPS SHOULD REQUIRE MANPOWER and landing armies should require MANPOWER and so on so basically large population is only detrimental, while usually it is a big bonus in all kinds of warfare as "there is more of where that came from" when you take big losses however, in the current stellaris large population is only a DRAIN not ab onus they basically should either toss away the shitty consumer good system, whic hwas imo complete bullcrap and should have never been made or add a manpower system to the fleets and armies you construct A large empire is always a large empire and a larger empire always beats the smaller one, if there are no logistical limits or such to the invasion.
Is there any wonder? Why we came about, was it for love? Or to let sin abound? Isn't it a wonder awake from blood thick dreams? Remove all the stones from our heats, we must all believe Oh, will we find a away to the the other side. Heading for a light, who is holding the key? Why we can't see the dark ride?
I force the engine of your deadly sins Even through the darkest phase Be it thick or thin I'm your pain, when you can't feel
I know too well you'll follow me, you'll follow me down
>>353625 So it's sung to the tune of "I'm a cholo" by the Dickies. I call the song "I'm a Jojo" It will be about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, or maybe about the fanbase or something. I'm not sure yet.
an internet friend that i knew from playing ragnarok online when i was a teenager contacted me on steam earlier and they're like maximum furry now when i knew them back then, they were staunchly homophobic and got upset when he found out someone in our guild was gay and now he's fuckin got a furry avatar and part of these ERP steam groups i guess i shouldn't be surprised
look how cool this girl is she has four of them she's gonna be so popular at school
11.3k BTC christ i could have made 10K profit if i didn't get slapped with a massive heating bill last august it's really depressing i had the money to buy a coin and was going to fuckers
The more the rural U.S. struggles, company officials said, the more places Dollar General has found to prosper. “The economy is continuing to create more of our core customer,” Chief Executive Todd Vasos said in an interview at the company’s Goodlettsville, Tenn., headquarters. >“The economy is continuing to create more of our core customer, Imagine
whats dollar general?
it's a general store there's little selection but the prices are usually very reasonable it's cost-conscious shopping for general goods like Aldi but with household goods instead of groceries
Today is really news filled but I'm really out of it right now The Muslim Ban is in effect thanks to the Supreme Court Venezuela is making their own cryptocurrency Some other things I don't want to talk about MegaMan 11
Remember how they tried to ban those six countries from entering the US And then we banned (stayed) the ban And now they undid the stay and I think they're going to discuss it soon
>>353720 They were promotional cards given out to attendees of Hascon, Hasbro's convention. And Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast, the creators of Magic the Gathering.
They generally make one promotional joke card a year.
so i just finished a talk with this girl and id like to bring this up with her now, but i dont wanna be possibly starting arguments over text so im gonna do it on /moe/ instead
so im all like "how am i gonna make enough money to keep you around" and shes like "oh well just use really thoughtful gifts" but just 5 minutes prior, shes telling me about how the most appreciated gift she got from a guy, which made her cry and everything, was just straight up $200 dollars cold hard cash
talking about gifts like that sounds really weird to me like it's obligatory or something
>>353743 Did you manage to finish your work day, then?
>>353747 When was that? Maybe money means less now.
>>353748 listen its weird only because i didnt provide context and i dont remember the context enough to confidently say it now without feeling like i might be telling you incorrect context
>>353749 mmmmmmm i dont know but given what i know about her ex, either 1 or 2 years ago
>>353747 Maybe she said that thing about thoughtful gifts to appear modest or polite Or maybe it's like, "the $200 gift was nice but I get that it's not really feasible" tbh asking questions like how you're gonna make enough money to keep someone around sounds weird to me
>>353751 Was money tight for her? Maybe she realizes now how bland a gift that is...
Anyway, "thoughtful gifts" is usually code for "I like nice things that cost money".
>>353753 i should have already said this, but it was after she had her phone stolen, and the $200 wasnt gonna cover the phone but it was enough for the down payment or whatever
>>353755 Yeah, so it sounds like that was the thought in that gift, you know?
>>353756 sure but i mean if it was just a $20 cell phone down payment
that already sounds really different to you and i
>>353755 That one soundslike it was the best gift because of its timing The guy swooped in when she was in a bad spot
anyways i was bringing up the 5 love languages
and now im kinda worrying because it seems like her highest is gifts and my lowest is gifts and my highest is physical touch and her lowest IM THINKING physicaly touch
which is the most stereotypical shit of men and women isnt it
>>353757 I'm with >>353758 I mean... The value is less the important part than what it was and when it was.
Anyway I think reliability and timing is what's key in this situation She was in a jam and he busted her out I think if you combine panic and loss with that sudden feeling of being saved, it's pretty powerful That's specific to that scenario though I don't know what I'm typing about now
>>353759 That kind of thing is why stereotypes exist
>>353764 Oh, I see. So you feel like there's some incompatibility in what things you value?
>>353767 Yeah sure I think the thing too about the fact that it was 200$ is that it showed that he's willing to commit something to her, that he's willing to make a sacrifice If he was a millionare, it would have meant a lot less It would have been like giving change for the bus
>>353772 There are people on this board right now who aren't planning on marrying a robot maid Just think about that Disgusting
>>353771 Are you worried that you won't be able to work through it?
>>353774 i am sure i will find a way to dive into the world and lifestyle of being a gift giving person
but im less sure of her willingness to be more physical she already doesnt like kissing on the lips, well no, its not that she doesnt enjoy it, but she avoids my kisses a lot and never open-mouth kisses me. Its all little pecks, and sparsely so
she says she has a story to tell me about why this is the case with her, but wants to wait to tell me so im sure she has a really good reasonable reason, and i am OF COURSE, a G E N T L E M A N,
but FUCK
>>353773 yeah but which is more valuable love or money Think about it like there's an exchange rate between money and love and one piece of love is worth more than one dollar You can't just like BUY love but you catch my drift
>>353780 This has been the greatest fallout on my timeline today
>>353777 we dated in highschool for like 5 months, and broken up for a stupid reason(s)
and we've reconnected and we've been talking for about a month now okay the first 3 weeks of that month span was rocky and i dont think/feel she was fully into it because of this outside reason that i dont want to share with the internet and we stopped talking again for like a month but now, that outside reason is much less of an issue now, so we've been reconnecting again this past week its a lot of shit but this past week has been magical
Kirara 🕎
>>353780 Saw this as it was happening earlier and it was fucking great that dude talking shit when he can't even pay his entire damn rent without making his gf's parents do it lol
>>353780 >just broke up with my gf >gotta post about it on twitter
>>353786 >arguing with your gf in a public space instead of in private why would you do that
>>353784 it's not even "just broke up" they broke up because of shit they were going through and they went the whoooole stretch on twitter
Kirara 🕎
during the argument, he locked himself in a room and wouldn't reply to his gf except for on Twitter
Kirara 🕎
>>353784 he wasn't responding to DMs apparently lol she had to drag him
>>353782 It's really great that you're working through it. A lot of guys would be dicks about her apprehensiveness. I hope it'll go without too much trouble for you.
>>353782 well it's good to hear things are working out better
>>353790 man i really have been spoiled by being MODERATELY SOMEWHAT popular with girls and girls who are totally all about physicality and this girl is soooo wildly different in that regard (and many other regards)
ill firstly brag more about my frugality by saying that it stems from my practicality and logical abilities and stem this into a romantic statement by saying everything about me and her is so illogical and impractical and im so okay with it
>>353799 bad times are always eventually followed by good times but that means good times are always eventually followed by bad times BUT even those bad times are even yet further followed by more good times
>>353815 I don't know yet. I'm assuming it's a male, though. I'm not sure how comfortable I would be taking a female client that's looking for a male clinician.
>>353821 Yeah, but I feel like there might be something more to it if it's like that. I don't want to be in a situation where a client might be into me or looking for validation specifically from a male.
Women that are only willing to talk to a male counselor are usually trouble.
Phobias other than social phobias are easy to fix because like 40% of all therapy research is dedicated to stuff like anxiety and there are really good techniques like exposure and virtual exposure that can go from a crippling phobia to comfort in 6-12 sessions.
In general, depression can range from easy to very hard to treat. Depression can be one of the easiest or one of the hardest. Social anxiety is frequently hard to treat because it is a little different than normal anxieties in tiny ways that make big differences, and we need more research on it.
Bipolar can be hard to treat especially considering manic states. Psychotic disorders are difficult, too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>353823 I don't even like letty but this image is good too
>>353815 i saw ita and thought there was some interesting context so i started looking before i realized it was just a typo
Kirara 🕎
>>353831 it is, but it's incredibly painful for the client and there are alternatives that are as effective and more ethical
>>353828 The idea of exposure therapy really makes me laugh for some reason >we noticed you have a fear of spiders >so we're gonna lock you in a cage full of them until you get used to it
exposure starts with something simple, like let's think about spiders then you'd up it to maybe looking at a picture of a spider then looking at a spider in a glass container then maybe touching it then maybe bringing it home and having it in that container in their house
exposure is one where you slowly expose them to more threatening stimuli and let them acclimate to them
Kirara 🕎
im worried that I'll enjoy giving people exposure therapy too much sometimes i can't help but laugh when someone is really freaked out even if i don't think it's funny
>>353835 Okay I find the idea of flooding to be funny then
Kirara 🕎
>>353837 i think it's easy to find a sadistic pleasure in it
>>353842 Do you have the image where he says something like "I joined the police so I could hold a gun" I love that one
>>353841 >The common form of attachment therapy is holding therapy, in which a child is firmly held (or lain upon) by therapists or parents. Through this process of restraint and confrontation, therapists seek to produce in the child a range of responses such as rage and despair with the goal of achieving catharsis. This sounds horror movie tier
Lo Kek
Kirara 🕎
a lot of old therapies are like "what if we just abuse them until they're better?' very American
What if we just use so much negative reinforcement when they feel anxious that they stop feeling anxious?
Kirara 🕎
i like gestalt therapy where you can just talk shit and stuff your client will say something and you can just be like "that's bullshit and you know it" but you have to have really good rapport for that so i won't be able to do it probably until im private practice
>>353846 That sounds like a good way to make a spree killer.
Touhou really is good for your vidya skills I was able to get through some of the plane levels in Cuphead in co-op that my friend was having trouble with.
I finished it without him, and told him to git gud.
Kancolle added a new formation. It's kind of a pointy kind of formation. So the meme for this event is "can't beat the dong" It seems like it's a good formation.