Thread #353374
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aaaaaaa nime
two car 3 gatsu houseki umaru love live animegataris imouto ireba and another umaru it seems
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so love live houseki 3 gatsu imouto let's do that and let's get started love live okay lets start
All right.
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more sister showdown
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poor flight attendant
Dia's "buh" thing hadn't happened much this season. I hadn't been missing it.
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why do the same years have to stick together awlays
Because the writers aren't particularly creative. Also was that the rival group from the original Love Live there.
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I feel like the first group wasn't this segregated by class year. There were some sub-cliques between students from different years. This time it's really clearly split among year lines.
i think the sunshine group is overall better
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The first group had some really colorful characters, like Nico and Kotori. But it also had some literal whos. The only character in Sunshine that really really stands out is Yoshiko, but Sunshine doesn't have any complete literal whos.
>>353402 I dont think thats them
Yeah it's not. The hair on one of them was familiar.
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They have really gone all out with this performance though.
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hello bang we still have a little bit before imouto okay houseki>>353415 antarctica got stolen by the cloud people and taken back to the moon phos got gold arms okay let's start!
rhr I forgot what happened last week
Sorry washroom. I'm here now.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 05:53 No. 353417
okay well get tilde to message me because i am a GAMER who is GAMING and also i went downtown tonight os im aufckning BLASTER
Phos has lived a rough life.
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Phos can only blame herself for a good bit of her suffering though.
antartica was fun probably like my second favourite
Your favourite is the angry diamond, right.
no i like kotomine
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I bet his favorite is the cute diamond oh I forgot about the boss. That makes sense.
who are your favourites
Yeah, guess so. Buddhist Kotomine is pretty good.
I'm a sucker for Phos. Suffering is cute.
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>>353425 Diamond is super cute.
Her hair is kind of like Antarcticite's now.
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diamond is the white cutesy one right
super serious phos
I guess she's PTSD Phos now.
shes become antartica
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The memory loss and geting fused with all kinds of weird stuff has probably taken its toll too.
And she's also got HEELS now. Become sexy Phos.
Aw she can't run anymore now though.
Yeah I was going to say. Phos is changing at a really fast pace too.
I wonder what it feels like to be Sensei, seeing Phos becoming human.
Oh no.
Poor Shinshaa
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>something seems different you don't say
Aw they powdered over her legs. I kind of liked the candycane design.
Wow they're they climbing all over Phos.
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>let me fix you up she said, swinging a sword
It almost was like she'd found a sympathetic spirit in Bortz. And then Bortz was axe-crazy.
they're alll craazzy ppor phos poor**
They all feel a lot more genki and childish than before. I wonder if they've got spring fever.
Wow Jade got lucky.
That's more of a coma than sleep.
She had two hands on one arm there as she was waving to the twins.
black is the strongest right?
Toughest gem. Makes her a good fighter because she's durable. Probably the strongest.
how strong is red
Who, Cinnabar?
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Extremely weak, isn't he? I think Cinnabar is not hard at all.
Yeah, in terms of hardness, Cinnabar is more fragile than Phos. But Cinnabar is a compound of Mercury, and she can harness that pure element as a weapon. And Mercury is exceedingly toxic to most organic lifeforms (and Moon Hinduists apparently), and seems to corrode the gemstones.
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3 gatsu okay lets start
His sensei needs to calm down.
What an unpleasant father. No wonder they cut him out of their lives entirely.
GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO>Is that a motherfucking JoJo reference?
RIP Nikaidou. Oh Shimada finally shows up on the scene again. I've been missing him.
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I guess Rei put him in the hospital.
Nah, Shimada remarked on it-- Actually wait no, he might've knocked him out. They didn't say who Nikaidou's last opponent was, just that Rei won the tournament. But Rei was fighting some no-name for the finals.
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He was amazed at what a monsterous game it was, surely it was against Rei.
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no bullying plot development this time, I guess. okay, father bang and jan! gather them too
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 06:48 No. 353487
Yeah, weird, eh.
I can't get Jan.
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okay then imouto ireba>>353492 because you're already here! hello slow people are you going to be joining us?>>353495 no I have to wake up early tomorrow I don't hav etime for you people to drag ass okay let's start!
why not
Because I don't have means of contacting him. Oh hi Jan.>>353496 Hmmmmmmmm
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 06:52 No. 353495
ready>>353491 sometimes slow is good like during night battles ah shit
kkk i mean kk
That is some amazingly well-detailed underwear though.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 06:56 No. 353498
i lost for a second let me know at end of OP and i'll skip to it
>>353495 1:55 2:00 2:05
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 06:56 No. 353500
oh if i skip OP i'm perfectly on time
it all worked out
Uh. He wasn't naked in the OP before.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 06:57 No. 353503
but this episode is about nudity
Yeah it makes sense. I applaud their attention to detail. But he's still suddenly naked in the OP.
so this is the stupid thing that is coming between them
It's kind of a beautiful thing though, isn't it.
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editors face when
More like>Oh boy here we go again
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 06:58 No. 353509
>this logic
Holy shit this girl.
>They're there for no logical reason beyond I wanting them there! Itsuki has the right idea.
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Even though I'm rooting for Myaa these two would be a good couple.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:00 No. 353513
Now we've got an imoutocon, a butt fetishist, and an underwear fetishist in one room.>>353515 He probably should be arrested, yeah.
isn't this guy a criminal
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>>353515 He's a dangerous person, but they're all dangerous people.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:01 No. 353517
maybe faggo-san is gonna oh no maybe not
Well it makes sense. He leaps at any chance to see a bare butt.
I like that she's some kind -she's not some kind of hidden prude but is actually a total fucking degenerate like the rest of them.
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this girl is getting mad dogged for her love of underwear
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:02 No. 353521
rika is an underwear fanatic obviously how's it feel to be on the wrong side of things?
Editor-san is really not into this.
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Her manager is really zen though.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:04 No. 353525
jeus s
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:04 No. 353526
>I'm not saying it's wrong [to use pantsu as a ribbon] NO. IT'S FINE TO SAY THIS SORT OF HING -THING IS WRONG
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She's crazy.
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Oh and Itsuki adapted to it. His versatility is really quite impressive.
I really like her linework though. She does some really cute girls.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:07 No. 353534
what a thing to have feelings about
How informative.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:07 No. 353536
>how to tie pantsu ribbon
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:08 No. 353537
Aren't you happy they instructed you on how to do it?
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:08 No. 353539
spending time at home with kamikou!
Nayuta is a super cute name though. Like it's an 11/10 given name.
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I'm a bit surprised that you can make a ribbon out of panties.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:08 No. 353544
are you going to try it?
why would you want to?
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unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:09 No. 353547
just making sure
#1 on the most useless trick anime has ever taught me
You probably shouldn't wear your underwear in the shower.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:10 No. 353551
yeah don't do that
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:11 No. 353552
nayu can't draw
what's wrong with wearing your underwear in the shower wash your clothes while you wash your dick
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This girl loves showdowns.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:12 No. 353555
Competition lights fires in her heart.
Holy shit Nayu.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:12 No. 353558
she has a point
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:12 No. 353559
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:12 No. 353560
nayu has had a lesbian awakening
The contrast between their hair colours is pretty nice.
I wonder if there's going to be a difference in the BD releases for this show.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:13 No. 353564
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:13 No. 353565
I dunno man the LN art for this scene is a lot raunchier than this has been so far.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:14 No. 353567
myaa's face
And here's the second lesbian awakening of the episode.
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but the bds
>i'm a manga artist, so i'm very good with my hands i'm slain
Makes sense to me, man.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:14 No. 353572
this is.... too powerful...
Well that was pretty lewd.
wait she just had sex with an underage girl
>The only breasts I know are mine and yours Oh no. Myaa. Run.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:15 No. 353577
>this lesbian encounter just saved senpai's manga from underwear
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:16 No. 353578
this fuckin show man
>Only two minutes later Myaa really doesn't have much willpower.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:16 No. 353581
this fucking show
He gave Myaa a good compliment there without knowing.
gay threeway leads to best manga ever made
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:17 No. 353584
>he doesn't know that the anime tiddy was based on the girls' chests in front of him
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wow what was this episode
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:17 No. 353586
honestly no fuckin clue
>>353585 see>>353583 i give it a ten outta ten gotta love this show
Something beautiful.
>A lack of problems is all you need Preach.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:18 No. 353590
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:18 No. 353591
that's the best i can do
that was something
Something beautiful.
>their staple food is konjac
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:18 No. 353596
yeah that was some shit
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well that certainly was an episode thanks for anime!
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/04 (月) 07:19 No. 353598
thanks for anime see yuu tomorrow
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thankerino mi amigos