I'm just going to go month by month and pay it off by 2019. It'll build up my CREDIT I will figure things out properly once I start getting paychecks. >>357759 want some? I still owe you $25
>>357770 I like the replies >When does it crash >Define crash >Drop 5k+ in a day >After it reaches 100k, I'm sure it'll have fluctuations of that magnitude
Kirara 🕎
also kirara what makes priscilla a ton choice not that i disagree
Kirara 🕎
it's just that it's unusual and not something anyone else would normally choose
that sounds about right
i should have friended thag guy i just went into battle and someone sent my a priscilla
Kirara 🕎
i want to roll for lyn since she's on a banner but i also want to save for the next legends banner
I would actually choose Priscilla in this case. I don't care for Faye. And I don't like Tharja. And Rhajat is just second Tharja.
Kirara 🕎
i would have thought you'd choose dorcas
Who is on the Men's Side. Because I only remember the women's side when I saw the Rhajat reveal.
Kirara 🕎
dorcas and sigurd are the only men
... wait then, who are the other two
Kirara 🕎
that side is dorcas, sigurd, catria, and katarina
hmmm Dorcas maybe or if I was running just for points, Priscilla, since I have a Priscilla
fitbit randomly contacted me on Twitter well not randomly but unexpectedly in response to my tweet about the band breaking
this always freaks me out idk why
>>357796 Maybe they have some sort of investment in having (or appearing to have) good customer support or something?
WTF https://github.com/lalcmellkmal/dollars
Kirara 🕎
>>357798 yeah, i mean, i get it, but it always freaks me out idk it feels awkward for me to talk to them and i already ordered a replacement on Amazon although i guess an additional replacement wouldn't be bad
I think I'm about on the cusp of getting burnt out. It's doubtful that my sleeplessness lately has been helping. Hopefully having tomorrow off will help keep me sane enough for my finals.
blue your ideal blue crew got me thinking about who id slap together for my own waifu crew and i realized neither nah nor female morgan are in the game yet
>>357887 i'm wavering between feeling like something is very wrong or that i'm just sore from sitting and overworking and that it'll be okay in a day or so with some rest or worrying that there are too many scleroses that are degenerating the motor nerves and/or a severely pinched nerve iunno i'm also prone to anxiety guiding me to worst case presumptions so keeping that in mind too it's difficult to make any judgment and it'd just be my luck that i'd go to the ER and it woulda been fine anyway and put myself in a bad situation because of it everything's so fucked up and i'm so tired
>all bus routes from my place to city centre now stop at middle of nowhere espoo and you are forced to use a second bus or metro to get to the city centre like really THANKS for the first time ever I am going on a crusade of complaints
This is what you get for having too centralised state ownership the public transit doesn't give a fuck about passengers, as their customers are the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa
Actually, if I get a job at somewhere within the capital limits, car ownership would grant me tax cut on travel distance using public transit would give me nada.
>>357977 Most people say "please" is the good word, I think. Also playing video games. You?
Kirara 🕎
You Know I Had To Do It To Em
>>357981 drinking beer and cleaning out my car beer tastes weird out of a can for some reason
Supposedly if you hack an enemy from behind, you can control them but I've only managed to ever do this like twice. This is hard. Those two times only happened by accident
Yes, nep games ARE very fun. >>358039 why specifically the original
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>358040 I wanted to know what was different and then I looked it up and some stuff is pretty different. Plus, I got a PS3 and hacked it so... you know.
no wait I think Uzume actually is in Zombies. I don't remember though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>358050 the first beat em up (and probably the second) was made by the senran kagura game folks so it has clothing destruction if that's your thing. And since it's a nep game that's worked into the story.
>anime furry that naruto runs to summon lightning p good boss 8.9/10
>>358056 I played 2 and I found the combat really boring Just buttonashing And the ecchi stuff was underwhelming So it doesn't do a great job at either
very kusoge
I feel like putting it on a family friendly nintendo handheld might have been a mistake If you're gonna make a ninja tiddy game you might as well go all out
it took 14 billion years to make you and only 25 to fuck it up
>>358079 did you reach a common ground and leave everyone feeling resolved about the conflict or were people unwilling to recognize discrete structures independently
>>358077 Maybe I won't, just because you want me to leave so badly!
>>358084 i'm gonna be autistic for a moment and say "want so badly for me to leave" would have been a less vague sentence structure unless her desire is for you to badly leave
>>358083 Somewhere between the two I figure. Really the actual argument was whether an existence can exist where there is neither free will nor determinism. And thankfully it seemed personal beliefs didn't factor too heavily into the discussion.
>>358086 it's fine but it has two interpretations and one of those interpretations was too funny for me to ignore >gurl you leave so good
I got up to the bus platform from the subway just in time to see the bus driver pulling off. I waved my arms at him and he turned to look at me, and then just kept driving away.
What a fucking ass.
Really it looks like a better bus for getting home should be pulling up in a few minutes, but that doesn't really forgive douchery like that.
>>358095 One bus driver once slammed the doors on me waveda t me and sped away on a half empty bus from the FIRT STOP the main bus terminal from the platform it starts the route
is it normal to thank your bus driver? I've been told new Zealand is weird for it
I do it almost every bus I get on, providing the driver isn't a cunt. I try to exit through the front door so I can do so, but some times it can't be helped that I have to go out the back, so I can't thank them then either.
>>358098 they try to campaign for that here, but why would you do that when you leave from the centre or back door? just shout obnoxiously THANK YOU cause unless you shout the driver won't hear it
Other notable instances >last of 4 people lining up into buss >bus driver starts closing doors on me >stick hand between doors and go "hey I want in too" >driver opens doors I pull my hand away >slams doors while pedaling away
>bus arrives to stop 10 minutes early forcing me to run full speed into it >bus driver quips "that was a fun run?" this guy was also the >>358097 guy here
>waiting on bus at the stop >bus just speeds by without stopping driver even waves was also the same guy as above
>press stop button >bus driver still ignores the stop >I shout at him "hey that's is my stop" >ignores and only stops at the next one
One-way roads are pretty essential for major city traffic throughfare. Incorporating a mixed assortment of road sizes and types in proper fashion can drastically reduce traffic build-up.
how do i know whether to use a heating pad or an ice pack
>>358124 >>358125 I wanna do a roundabout that connects to both of those streets fucking similiar things exist here but nooo I have to have 5000 people to build more complicated ones
there is a Blu Ray Nier Automata Soundtrack concert that is 2 hours long and I can't wait to beat this fucking game so I can watch this fucking movie of a concert and cry for two straight hours
>>358128 what exactly are you feeling are you in a lot of pain
>>358131 It's a mixture of things it seems but yeah a lot of muscle pain, but also bone pain, and nerve pain which is not a particular issue compared to the other two since the other two are keeping me from being able to walk i would think heat would be better but i don't know if it's just doing more damage instead of the ice i don't think ive ever done ice for anything other than like a migraine headache
>>358132 Skylines does sort of lock you into super simple design concepts as you progress through their unlock system. It kind of tries to encourage you to build small systems that aren't really meant to scale up into mega city functionality.
Though if you go on the Steam Workshop you might be able to find player-made blueprints for roads/rail/etc. layouts that fit your need.
>>358132 put two roundabouts on the other side of the roads -- not connected
>>358141 the latter not sure if i pinched a motor nerve in my spine or if there's a vertebra obstruction or something else it's not very fun to not be able to walk at least i can get to the water closet thankfully but i have to use a staff
>>358142 nosurprise Although really I don't see many reasons to care about the vgas
>>358142 The trailer for its second DLC pack also came out today. And the pack is releasing tonight too.
hey tilduh i had a nice idea for a comparative writing exercise earlier wanna hear it
I'm all ears. Eyes.
>>358159 we take some really poor writing, like maybe read one chapter and take a certain segment of it and try to rewrite it better each independently then compare same narrative but better exposition, you know
Oh that sounds fun. I've had to do similar stuff in creative writing classes I've taken before; intentionally write something horrid and lazy and then improve the quality.
oh we can talk about this later i'm interrupting anime summoning i think now nobody will notice anime friends yer' bein summoned
>>358162 nah, you aren't interrupting anything. Ika isn't here.
ika isn't here ika isn't queer and i'm not used to it >>358161 i've had that exercise in mine too but very specifically i'm reading empress theresa, which is really pretty awful but it makes me think a lot because, no matter how bad the actual story idea is, i can still compartmentalize that and see what the author's trying to do and how he could have better executed it i think when you're not working on an entirely blank slate but trying to make guided improvements, then that comparison about how something could have been done better, contrasted between your critique and mine, would be really interesting to see how they come out differently and compare
i can't see past my own horizon afterall and your style is probably a lot different than mine it would be fun
Reminds me of a trilogy of (what I presume are) self-published books that my dad got a while back. He bought them because I think he knew the author before the books came or had the first one already or something. It's a story focusing on a roguish type in a low-fantasy fictional world. The plot isn't particularly bad, though uninspired, but the actual writing is such rotting garbage that I finished the first book and couldn't bring myself to crack open the second.
yeah that's kinda what i mean and rather than comparing each other's own original writing, which would be too offset to share common ground, i think taking someone else's bland writing and set story and just improving the exposition of a couple pages would be a fun exercise if you aint doin shit this weekend we oughtta do that empress theresa is great for it because the story is so mary-sue bullshit and the writing style is so bland just don't change the story -- goes as is, awful as can be, but just improve on the show dont tell aspect and reader engagement well, i dont want to rope you into it but i think i'm going to do that on my own and it seemed like something you'd enjoy and i think it's more fun to do things with other people
except for watching anime that's best done in isolation
I might get a little busy; this weekend is my last weekend of the term, so all my classes are (literally) coming due. I'll look over Empress Theresa and see what's what though.
oh yeah no problem them >>358167 uh, if you want fair starting ground on that particular thing, you should watch the fredrik knudsen video on it which is how i got exposed short-ish video >>358169 hi
i can't even go outside to have a cigarette this is hell >>358179 hold off if you got shit to do for classes ya know ideas are best when fresh i don't want your garbage ass stale ideas that have been sittin out for a week
Man my best ideas are the ones that get to marinate in brain juices on the backburner of my mind. I get what you're saying though.
>>358182 i agree, if there's some stressor, like a deadline, that forces you to work with it after procrastinating and marinating but moving things to the backburner that are for fun or side projects just moves them permanently to the backlog in my experience which might just be me
man this whole book is a special kind of special though
The Thieves of Stonewood is the first of that lousy trilogy I mentioned above. I was going to see if I could find an example of the lousy writing to type out but I've moved them off my desk to somewhere else I can't remember. Surprising to me they've gotten more than decent ratings on Amazon and Goodreads, I guess quality of writing doesn't necessarily correlate to unfavourable reviews.
>you can't have pedestrian pathways connect to roads oookay
>The beginning of Part C My smile is gone. faded hacked
>>358199 Hrrrm I'm honestly not sure how to feel about this. At the very least I feel that there is more love in this than ghost in the shell. Cameron's been trying to get this made for over a decade now.
Blue check this out https://goodgamery.com/2016/03/odric-flippy-flappy-tactician/
they really did away with the concept of needign your master's mana in the newest fate servants are using their power with practically no limit
>>358253 That's retarded It doesn't include twisty ties or the plastic thing that bread that comes without twisty ties comes in. Also >putting the bread in a breadbox without keeping it in its bag Have fun ccleaning up stale bread crumbs after you throw away your bread
Six months is fairly short yeah. Only if nobody speaks english to you can you learn it in a few months. the language I mean
Yeah Immersion is good for language learning. My highschool Japanese classes were immersive. You got in troubke fir soeaking English. *trouble for soeaking English Fucking shit Anyways, you had to ask in Japanese "How do you say $englishword in Japanese?".
that's pretty good when I had french in school there was no such thing, probably one of the reasons why I barely know any french
The teacher also did a very good job of convincing us that she wasn't completely fluent in English. I found out for sure after graduation because when you see her as an alumni her English is much better when soeaking with you. But in class her English is awkward.
She was really funny though. In class when we were working on assignments instead of asking "are you done?" in Japanese, she would ask "are you from Finland?". Since Finish and Finnish are homophones.
>>358290 When my uncle was in the military college he Err in the military and in college (at the non military college) he was doing poorly in French so they sent him to France to train with the French foreign legion. He picked it up pretty quick after that.
Well, actually that depends on your interests. German is good if you like math and physics and engineering. French is good if you like math and chemistry.
I can understand some german so that'd be easier yeah. Learning german for those things is becoming less relevant though. Most science and engineering comes from the US nowadays, that's where most of the books are written now. Used to be a lot more relevant though. My dad's books were all in german.
There's still shit tons of important books in those fields that still haven't been translated. In the US up until recently (past 20 years) all physics majors were required to take German. I keep finding references in my books to books that have still not been translated to English, so some of these old works are still relevant.
>>358302 don't know about those, so can't really say much about them chem engineering is pretty cool, but I am starting to lose interesting in studying at the moment been thinking about doing something else for a while now
Also the fact that Europeans use , as a radix instead of . really bothers me when reading German math book (I only own one). It's a bilingual one published in German amd English side by side.
>>358305 Imagine how I feel when americans use their units in books and papers
>>358306 Using imperial units for science and engineering is cruel and unusual. Even amongst Americans you aren't really supposed to do it. Although its a bit more okay to do it in engineering because reasons. But its still awful.
>>358310 Roy Moore isn't a virgin though. Well He hasn't been elected yet. I'll be extra fucking pissed if he does get elected because Franken stepped down.
It's gonna filter out anything that isn't oxygen from the top and dump it in the bottom, where there's a machine that makes hydrogen and oxygen from water And the pipes are gonna put the oxygen in the room up top, and the hydrogen into the machine on top there with the bar on the right, cause it uses it to make power
Gonna attempt to ho bsck sleep for an hour or do. Yasumi
don't die
Kirara 🕎
>>358312 he'll probably win franken stepping down was Good either way though
Yup quite addicting is fun how there are some really traffic jammy places as the city has grown quite organically so not every spot is really designed optimally
>>358336 yeah figured that out the hard way in the end you basically design your city almost purely to ease up traffic roundabouts were the way to do it when I played, if I remember right
When I am done, I will reguide the raffic, so that between major "districts" you will have to use the intersections and the highway to move around and only few roads connect the districts proper also I now need to build a subway system
Had a little flooding issue with it, though that is hopefully delt with now
Oh well next time >sparwling ore industrial zone >giant highrise zone >a small building zone that will get high land value so boushies have somewhere to live in
Oh and small residential building zone on the shore that is polluted by waste water because fuck you
Once I get good at the game I am going to make the largest industrial hive city one can accomplish, without actually being able to build buildings on top of buildings like so
Kirara 🕎
people on my timeline trying to tell me that everyone in the us should be forced to watch a video of a murder
social media is a good way to get a portal into the world of retarded people I feel like there should be a cooldown so people can actually have the time to think about what they say
>>358358 heh yeah that's pretty obvious. You can't really get more energy out than you put in in most cases. Especially in this process where a lot of the energy is also in the O-O (oxygen) bond
>>358364 i asked people not to retweet a video of someone being murdered and this guy jumped in to say everyone should be forced to watch it and that not forcing people to watch it would mean i don't care that people get murdered by police
lol that's a crazy premis, not worth engaging really
maybe they mean it in the way that ignoring such videos makes it easier to ignore the problem. Being confronted with the astrocities makes it much easier to relate and get an adverse reaction to it. But perhaps video isn't the best way for that, only if it happens to them or someone close to them will they care.
someone liked one of my tweets so i looked at their profile and it says they were born 1999 and then their pinned tweet was an asshole and dick and im like great now i have porn of a minor in my shit
There is no stronger bitterness than being right, being in the position to win, and then coming out with peanuts. No one is more bitter than me. But I can live with it.
I just find it really funny that all those perfectly normal people where actually delusional thinking that a ponzi scheme that only benefits criminals would ever gain traction. They all really tried hard to sell the possibility of it being used for normal things to normal people. But they chose not to and now look at all the bitterness.
Kirara 🕎
my flat earth twitter just got a 1000 follower commie follow lol
Kirara 🕎
>>358411 yeah seriously this stuff is really something