Can someone be my friend now. Please I'm clingy and if I don't cling onto someone right now, I will die. I'm basically a parasitic lifeform nowadays. Read this. This is not a joke, it's a legitimate cry for help.
>>356762 My day was fine, but I didn't have any fun. I did some assignments, got a haircut, went to class, and I'm going to write a paper in a little bit. I'll probably have fun after that since my girlfriend won't let me sleep after neglecting her all day.
>>356769 Yeah, it's only wednesday. As much as I love the weekend it would be a problem if the week was over already. I have things to do before the end of the week.
>>356783 actually the few shark speices that need to keep swimming in order for fresh water to pass through their gills never stop they just sleep on the go
>>356784 Several of the species who have to never stop moving will stop and rest in areas with strong currents. The currents will run the water over their gills that they need.
>>356785 Last night I couldn't sleep. Kept reading SCP articles until I [DATA EXPUNGED].
I slept well last night, but only because I didn't get more than 2 hours the night before. Well, I didn't sleep well, but I got enough sleep. I never really sleep well.
I spend like 10% of every night awake because I constantly and periodically wake up during sleep.
One of the valves in my heart is acutely prolapsed, so the blood just goes the wrong way sometimes, and then my heart flips out and tries to fix it by working really hard.
It's really painful sometimes, but I don't notice it more than an increase in heart rate sometimes.
>>356815 No and no. I don't really care that much about my genetic trail. >>356818 Nah. I'd have to hand over my DNA That's valuable data. They should be paying me.
>>356816 Is actually quite true the genetical mapping thing they do for the ancestral research is invaluable data concerning the movement of humanity and so on. And they actually make a slight profit out of it. Genius fuckers
I also often hear that the amount of African ancestral information that they manage to pull up is limited to the point of sometimes being uninteresting.
So I'm saving my money, your money, and they'll have to come out of their own pocket for me.
>>356826 Well, there's nothing I can do to stop myself from frequently waking up throughout the night. But I'm not just going to add an extra two hours of sleep every night just so I can get like 8 hours.
>>356823 Yeah, things like that is just whatever to me. I don't really care to know what country of Africa, I'm from. Not to mention, that such a thing wouldn't really amount to much of a cultural understanding since a lot of those cultures were tied to tribes rather than
>>356830 Finns are just an interesting group as people We can practically genetically be counted as our own race. And some weird foundings alway reveal that "ancient europeans were closest related to finns" Like that one mummified corpse found in SPAIN of all things. Makes you think was Europe 100% "finno-ugric" before we got killd by something or bred out of existence
>>356833 I don't have time to add more sleep generally. I do during breaks and I generally sleep more, but the longer the semester goes on and the less time I have, the less I have to sleep. I'm willing to sacrifice sleep for recreation time, generally, and I do.
>>356830 rather than the country borders we have now
>>356853 My brain categorizes and stores information in a way that leads to occasional problems like this. Tempest and Voting Gauntlet have the same feel to them because they are both FEH events.
>>356851 Don't uninstall! Give your flags to Faye.
Oh, I know about the Nephenee banner. That was the day I uninstalled. Jokes on me though, that new patch makes the game too large for my phone unless I uninstall every other preinstalled app.
>>356878 Yeah. Who do you find to be more useful for the voting gauntlet?
Amelia is so incredibly tanky that she can kill most stuff without regard for the weapon triangle, but my Elise is good at blowing things up and is also super effective vs colorless.
>>356882 I think they're probably about even in usefulness. As long as you don't use someone red, it's going to be more useful than anything on my friend list.
>>356885 My friends list has a ton of reds on it too. The people on team Faye though are you and someone with a super good Nowi. His Nowi is +2 with the upgraded lightning breath.
>>356892 Yeah, I'm not having any problems with Alm. The nice thing about him is even if there are no good units for him to attack, he can heal.
He's been decently good at killing though too since he hits pretty hard. Panic ploy is a good seal for him but not really that good for voting gauntlet since the teams aren't assembled with enough purpose to have good buffs. I bet it's really good in arean though.
>>356894 Maybe I'll put Quickened Pulse on him for the voting, then. I've been thinking about giving him Aether, too. I'm still not sure, though.
>>356898 Amazing! We can chitchat and be peachy then. I never played Fire Emblem, and it's probably overrrated since everyone likes it. I'm so agaisnt hive mentality.
>>356899 Yeah, I like Aether, especially for tanky units. The healing is nice too. I put Sol on my Mia and use it interchangeably with Luna depending on what I have her doing. The healing works really well.
I'm going to make a Saizo with an upgraded weapon, seal atk/def, and attack smoke. Or maybe speed smoke. I'm not sure. It'll be a really good debuffer with high enough DEF to tank.
Listen y'all, he doesn't understand none of that shit. If it's not English or French, it won't help. I'd bust out the West Indian, but he won't get it either.
>>356960 building gunpla Me and a friend rewatched gundam war in the Pocket and it was really good What are you waiting for? >>356961 What the fuck It just keeps going If I invested a week ago I could have had like a 40% return
>>356961 I haven't been able to (through google and Wikipedia) narrow down "west indian language" to two languages. Do you have a better name for these? Cause there's a bunch of west indian lanhuages.
>>356974 Did you enjoy it? 00 is one of my favourite anime so it's always nice to see people pick it up. Graham's so cool isn't he? The scene where he takes on a gundam throne in just a flag and wins is so cool
>>356974 The Rick Dom is a very dat suit. The heat rod is a bit like a lightsaber, but it's a physical weapon that happens to get hot
>>356977 You're killing me bro. Although you admitting that it was a lie makes my day easier. I was going nut s trying to figure out how a person (other than Rika) could be trilingual but be incapable of naming the ir two non primary languages.
>>356986 I don't think the doms reactor was capable of maintaining a beam saber, so instead for it's physical weapon they gave it something that could burn away armour. When was Graham a jerk? never 4get Lockon. He died a true hero ;_;7
>>356992 No I haven't. Too expensive nowadays and my prom trip class didn't wanted to go there.
>>356990 Do the beam sabers use a lot of energy? Why do they burn away the armor? I thought you could just crush it. I am not sure when he was a jerk. I think I just did not agree with some of his actions. Lockon was very cool.
>>356994 You can crush armour, but against especially tough armour it can be better to burn through it. Beam weaponry is so efficient in UC gundam because armour can't really defend against it. Like the original gundam had very good armour against physical blunt attacks, but you could still burn through it. I'm sure a real life physicist would poke holes in this explanation, but that's the shows internal logic. Beam weaponry in UC uses a lot of energy yep. It's part of why the gundam is so terrifying, because its generator is powerful enough to use beamweaponry wheras nothing before that could. So it could burn through zakus in one shot, while zaku machineguns couldn't do much to its armour.
I think Grahams fight against Setsuna was a bit selfish. By that point it was clearly he wanted to fight for the sake of revenge and beating a gundam instead of any higher cause. Lockon was like the glue that held the gundam meisters together. All of them were pretty dysfunctional, and despite having a lot of his own emotional baggage he was someone upbeat they could rely on. I really liked him.
>>356996 Going there is worse and far more expensive. Ever since PETA ruined nazca, it's harder to get there.
>>356997 He was a corrup tyrant who bought the media, and punishes anyone who talked shit about him. He also had ties with mafia, or so they say. He's now rotting in jail (if that comfy room he is locked in can be considered a jail) He wasn't THAT bad tho. Alan García was worse and caused literal economic crisis, but everyone seems to have forgotten about it.
>>356995 What is the armor made of? Would it not melt instead of burn? What is so good about the Gundam's generator?
That is true. I think Graham started to lose himself a little.
>>356999 yes, melt, melt is the right word The gundams generator simply had a higher output than the ones from before, and the federations research in beam weaponry was further ahead
Yeah graham went a bit crazy in season 2 he turns into a weaboo and people start calling him mr bushido
>>356998 I've heard that he was (and is still) popular.
>>357005 The Rick Dom was capable of damaging the gundam yes. Its bazooka and melee could have damaged it. An elite trio called the black tri stars almost beat the gundam. But by that point Amuro was very experienced at piloting the gundam and they struggled to hit him since he was just too good at it. And by the time Zeon developed beam weaponry Amuro was becoming a newtype. His reaction times were simply too fast for anyone to hit him
>>357007 Zeon didn't know Amuro was specifically the gundams pilot. Ramba Ral tried storming white base on foot which almost worked out until he learned Sayla was Artesia and was distracted enough to get shot and then an heroed
>>357008 New Types are like a future evolution in humans that comes from living in space. They tend to be highly empathetic, to the point of borderline mind reading. A new type can directly feel what others are feeling, and even become telepathic. In an ideal world they would have lead humanity into a new age of understanding and peace. But instead their advantages were used for war. Since Amuro could feel the emotions and thoughts of those he was fighting, he was able to read when and where they would fire, which appears to them to be incredibly high reflexes
>>357012 Everyone in charge of zeon should be shot
>>357018 I am aware that this is fictional. I am asking about the explanation in the show.
>>357020 It wasn't meant to be a realistic thing. They wanted to have newtypes be a thing and then thought "what bullshit reason can we give to explain this" and decided "we'll say its evolution from space".
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
>>357020 they stopped being on the same planet as australia
>>357017 tbh that's one of the weaker parts of the show Some characters argued it may have been from acting in zero g space and communicating over long distances Frankly I just take it as being something that's more mystical than scientific
>>>357015 I was onboard with newtypes until Unicorn where they started shooting newtype lasers and dumb shit Being able to read minds and emphasise fits the shows themes well enough and has some good scenes like Amuro and Lalahs confrontation
>>357033 Newtypes tended to evolve after humanity started living out in space colonies A lot of time newtypes appear in times of war too, so it's been theorised that it's a combination of space and extreme stress
>>357037 I am a little bored. How are you? >>357038 If already living people are becoming newtypes that sounds like they are simply unlocking capabilities they already had.
Just out of curiosity did any of your towns/cities do anything special today or did any of the news organisations have finn stuff on it?
>>357050 I hope Santa will forgive me. >>357052 I have not gone outside in several days. I have not heard anything on the news about that. >>357054 Are you really? >>357055 What?
Stuff + people watching when famous people get invited to the presidential party and shake hands with the president and their spouse not that I do that, but that is the stereotypical thing.
Always when I see pics of huge wildfires be they russian, australian, american etc I just wonder "couldn't you have snuffed it out before it became that huge?"
>>357081 YOU KNOW there is going to be fires during dry season so fucking patrol it a little more compared to the damage to the forst land, possible housing and infrastructure I bet you'd save money on the short, mid and LONG RUN
>>357086 Completely different climate. California is a hotbed for these fires because of how dry it is. well It's a combination of the dryness and the wetness. It gets wet and stuff grows, then it gets super dry and that stuff dies and dries out and provides kindling for the fire.
but yeah there isn't a place similiar to california that is true forested and that dry
Also in terms of just area needed to cover The amount of time and people required to patrol an area doesn't increase linearly
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
But california is still jsut what 2x time finland
California is in a terrible drought. It has had less rain than ever before for years now.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
and has what 50 million people living in it?
>>357088 i dunno about CA but in colorado it's usually that the forests don't burn on routine and then things get too dry and the beetles decay the trees and when it goes too long without a natural fire then things burn up too widespread because the trees are too dry
And I don't remember this right, but california's GDP is like comparable to italy or such at the very least making it already something like 8x finland's you lot just don't give a fuck do you? Or well Californians don't sorry to guilt by association
>>357112 you have a lot to learn but if we get down to business and you can learn to post
My best friend (who is a math major) is garbage at artithmetic. And it really bothers me. I have no reason to believe that's its due to any impairment. But he cant multiply two digit numbers by one digit numbers, or multiply one digit numbers by one digit numbers or add or subtract two digit numbers etcetera
Let's get down to posting to teach you manners Did they send me shitters When I asked for trolls You're the normiest lot I've ever seen but you can bet before we're through Mister I'll make a moe out of you
>>357114 i do that just so i don't make mistakes even though i don't make mistakes with it it's better not to risk it
>>357118 I honestly don't know anymore Probably, but whenever I ask what classes he's taking he says "I don't remember", last time he did this it was because he was retaking calc 3. But he should be fine. He just sucks at arithmetic and refuses to get better.
>>357120 It really only comes up during D&D. But it's still annoying when he's like "I do an empowered maximized fireball" and the dm asks for damage and he's like "lemme check my calculator"
Come to think of it who is their singer nowadays? Oh well the core members are there anyhow They do damn good lives and I have loved them every time I have seen them.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
floor Jansen havn't seen her doing the stuff but my good friend who is big fun hasn't criticised her so... shuld be gud
I rarely spend that much on tickets to see a single band. So I'm not sure. But ill check out there stuff.
not a single number on the powerball drawing hit any of my tickets my luck is atrocious even one number doesn't win anything and i didn't even get one non-winning match
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
the other membersa re elad singer and basist of Teräsbetoni the lead singer of Sonata of Arctica and the only one I can't really place anywhere let me wiki this Juha-Pekka Leäppäluoto who just has been with many bands
>>357184 why do we need more votes you said you could leave if I wanted you to not a consensus
>>357192 because I'm fat and the moment I start going for the top I slow it down and then it speeds up as I head towards the bottom like a sick roller coaster
>>357198 the burdens you bear are wighing you down weighing >>357201 you should value my vote as two votes compared to maria maria isnt a person he is gundam
You need to have a somewhat high charisma to pull it off and I only accept charismatic individuals in TN school of jutsu
>>357245 The code to remove the spam filter? What can I even do with that.
>>357246 >>357247 >charisma Well it was a good run and I tried my best. Thank for all your time, effor and dedication, senpai. I'll never forget the beautiful days of class, as well as all the effort we both did trying to uncover the mystery of life and it's surroudings.
>>357248 this whole site is freeware and is available in all of its glroy on Github if you knwo your code, you can read the bits and bats there is why nowadays there are so many /moe/ clones out there
>>357248 Defeatist I dare you to try it out if the situation is good just go to someone and go "trade your soul for a delish lolly" or something >>357256 No you can't edit the code of this place but you could take all of the code and make a /moe/ of your own somewhat easily
>>357250 So are you saying I can edit the code of this place freely? I don't think that's a good thing for me to do, considering I know NOTHING about coding.
>>357256 You can't There were some implications in my previous statements bbut I don't really feel like explaining them because with you it seems like it could take a while. Just forget it.
>>357278 You have to do a laundry list of stupid stuff to unlock the Z nodes. Then another laundry list of stupid stuff to unlock the ZZ nodes. Then you have to kill two different bosses.
>>357287 By pirating, you aren't supporting the creators of the animes you so dearly approve and like. And it doesn't counts for the anime's ratings or popularity.
>>357291 You aren't helping the anime industry if you do that.
>>357312 My distaste for RPGs is greatly connected to my hate for words and /moe/ knows this very well even if they don't remember it exactly.
>>357314 i didnt know you were a word hater you would definitely not like xeno2 it has very many words except for tora and poppi you would probably like them
>>357365 Yeah, I wasn't disputing you. Anyway I like the accents.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>357366 You get me. Accents are just fun in general though. I can't think of how to expand on that. I used to be really bad about wanting to hear people's voices, especially the foreign posters, just to hear all the accents.
i hate that oral and aural are so close I don't mix them up but I keep wondering if aural is related to hearing or another sense because my mind starts to believe that it might be linked to one of the other three senses since I don't remember or know the descriptor for those.
My normal voice isn't very sexy, but my counseling voice used to get me hit on all the time at the suicide/crisis hotline. I think probably because I sound reliable and calming more than I sound sexy.
>>357386 Callers. I was asked out by lots of callers.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>357385 >getting hit on at the crisis line Wait, like from callers or coworkers?
>>357388 It wasn't that strange. It was really strange the first time it happened, though. I had been talking to this overweight bipolar woman for like an hour and a half at like 3am and she was having trouble with her sexuality. She was a lesbian (maybe) but was afraid of doing any lesbian stuff. So we'd been talking about it and she goes "Maybe I'm not gay and I just want my pussy ate" And this was within my first month of working there so I'm just like "uhhhh" and then I redirected it somewhere but later she said she wanted to go out more so I told her that she should, and she said she wanted to dress nice, so I told her she should. So she's like, "How would you dress up nice?" and I'm like "Uhh I'd wear a suit, I guess" "Mmm, a suit, i like that." "Uhh okay" So then she asked if I wanted to meet her in Orlando, so I said I couldn't do that because it was against policy and she got really disappointed.
She called again like two hours later and I told her to go to bed and she did.
>>357390 well not really "best" but best light or comedy song
>>357390 What song? Did Disney have a you are welcome song?
>>357389 Many people that are suicidal feel like they're completely alone and unloved, and I'm pretty good at making people feel like they're not alone and loved, so a lot of them latched on to me a little bit.
I also have a good memory for callers, so I'd sometimes talk to a caller once and then talk to them a few months later and remember our last conversation, so they liked that and it made them feel special.
>>357401 Well, it wasn't exactly policy to do that, but I was the only person in the building, and she wasn't actually in crisis, and I was trying to watch a movie, and she had a therapy appointment later in the day, so I knew she needed sleep. So I just told her that she needed to get some sleep and she could call again later or the next day. I can be very convincing so she did like I asked.
>>357400 The work was good but the job was bad. There was an incredibly toxic work environment that made the workplace miserable.
>>357385 How do you deal with suicidal people hitting at you.
>>357409 I was literally the only person in the entire building. So whatever.
Yeah, I'd break policy all the time. There were tons of stupid policies. They couldn't fire me unless I did something really bad and even if I did, my boss refused to even consider I was less than perfect, so he'd ignore it.
>>357407 Our supervisor stalked me and sexually harassed another employee and he was also racist We didn't have enough employees so anyone working after 7:00 PM until 8:00 AM had to work alone in the building, and weekends were completely alone, too. Our call volume got increased by 33% at one point and we didn't get a raise for it even though our workload increased so much that we started losing our voices. We also answered calls for a domestic abuse hotline. I got a call from an employee's wife who told me he abused her, and I found an arrest record for his abuse, but the CEO didn't want to fire him because he was too useful. So a domestic abuser was answering calls for a domestic abuse hotline. Our boss also super picked favorites. I was the absolute favorite, but seeing him treat everyone like shit pissed me off.
>>357431 I hated my supervisor. Me and the girl that was sexually harassed used to go into his office and fuck around in it when we were working alone or together. We'd move his stuff around, take stuff from his drawers, hide food in his chair. One time I melted an ice cube on his chair, and he freaked out on Monday and started accusing people of peeing on his chair.
We started replacing normal paperclips in his office with red ones. Slowly, we just got all of them. It freaked him out so much. It was really fun. We'd sit around and brainstorm ways to fuck with him. Eventually he got mad and said no one was allowed to get into his office when he's not there, but we did it anyway.
We also got into his email and found out that one of our coworkers was basically his dog and was spying on us and collecting information on our opinions of him for him. And he'd talk shit about people behind their backs all the time. He tried to deny one of my coworkers a fulltime position after he offered the position to him and then tried to gaslight him about it, so we got proof of that in the emails, too. We found out that he had this crazy system where he emailed his wife from his work email, but he'd omit things and mark them like "see text 15382" or some shit so youd need his text messages and his email to see everything that was going on. But he did forward every email that my female coworker that was sexually harassed to his wife without any comments or anything.
We went to the CEO about this stuff but she didn't want to do anything about it.
Like there is a finnish joke about saying "the type of person to kill someone while buying a burger" that boss is kinda the same but in a different way
He has a Twitter account where he does stuff like @ the president or ted cruz to make fun of them with really generic liberal jokes He also tweets anti-GMO shit
I found it because he has his twitter account searchable by contacts So since I had his number in my phone, it showed up as a recommendation
>>357440 Well on GMOs I can't exactly be just pure pro for them they are quite un tested on the large >>357441 Is not really a joke but a quote from a show or a saying or whatever and that is how it goes best translated
>>357436 >forwarding the sexual harrassment emails to his wife gottem
>>357449 oh I did not see it. Ika usually messages me. I'll make the thread.
>>357445 As much as I want to hear about it, that might not be the best idea. Although I don't know the specifics of how much you are allowed to share about a person whom you do not identify.
>>357452 I can talk about some stuff without violating HIPAA or breaking confidentiality as long as I'm selective and substitute personal details with false stuff. I wouldn't talk about anything that would break confidentiality.
A lot of people are never actually trained to be able to understand confidentiality and stuff like that. In fact, if it weren't for my FBI stuff, I wouldn't have the skills necessary to confidently talk about stuff without breaking confidentiality.
>>357432 I did. It was more like I woke up yesterday morning and one of my first thoughts was "wow, fuck The Crucible. This shit is fucked up."
Now I'm finding out that this girl with all the cute polkadot bows is Abigail Williams I've been saving all of the ones I found left and right since yesterday.
>>357479 military stuff, work related stuff and one completely different
>>357466 The Crucible is a book about the Salem Witch Trials Guy gets accused of being a witch. Instead confesses that he had sex with the girl accusing him (even though he's married and she's super young) and then they bring his wife to testify if it was true, and she lies and says no so he dies spoilers
>>357478 Okay that's what I thought, I wasn't 100% sure.
I might actually need security clearance for some student research when I go back to school. A lot of non military national lab projects are still classified and my school does a lot of research with the Department of Energy.
>>357473 The arms feel a bit small for the rest of the body but that might just be image depth. And the skirt...thing she's got around her waist isn't realistic but whatever.
>>357496 Likely the lowest level. But it depends which thibg I end up doing. There are one or two (last I checked) that require a slightly higher level since they have military applications.
Anyhow my sitaution isn't unique in anyhow here any person in a relatively same position as me, has to do a lot of signing unto NDAs due to accidental hearing and seeing and reading of vital strategic information potentionally Not that I fucking recall anything dunno were they for life or for X years add to that one or two I can't remember now company related NDAs due to similiar reasons and the special case and that is 4 or 5
And Nasu turned Abigail, his accuser, into an eldritch abomination with cute polkabows
>>357503 Iirc you can't get secret if you have a large debt or something. I remember hearing about that from someone, might be wrong though.
>>357487 My biggest problem stemmed from the navel being in a place that technically isn't in the middle of the body, but it LOOKS LIKE the middle. So the other "half" is like... it looked FAR out there Or I guess it could be the middle and the way she's turned just fools me. But I was confused for a while.
And I do also have few contracts that would get me sued if I revealed the stuff I was taught in some marketing lessons for some companies but those aren't NDAs and more over some weird form of copyright deals
>>357508 Hrrm Not sure how I feel about that change. I guess its good in sone ways. But security clearance really is something you should be strict about giving out.
>>357510 They're really strict, still. They do tons of background stuff, contact people you know, contact people you went to school with sometimes, etc. They go back pretty far. They ask if you're loyal to the US and stuff like that.
>>357514 My latest deal might involve debt knowledge, credit information, tax information and otherkind of stuff the ordinary bloke shouldn't know so... they finally made us maintenance people serving in the company occasionally sign those shit
>>357515 Possibly, but making an exemption for that alone would have been reasonable.
But I mean in terms of stuff I could have done in just "plant maintenance" >assassinated the prime minister >made everyone applying for art school fail or someone specific succeed >fucked up budget deals for several vital state organisations >fucked up budget notes for several big companies >planted countless bugs on dozens of companies Man if you really want to be a spy, you just need to manage the plants of a company
>>357535 Pretty much the same but petrol is the biggest lobbier in USA against it and they spread it world wide asswhores Good thing We and France atleast dfidn't buiy it coincidentally After Iceland in being green, france is next cause france is like 85% nucelar powered Iceland is almost 100% powered by geothermal energy due to location
Hippies are also anti nuclear power.
so called green countries aren't that green fuck you sweden and germany especially you germany
I'm hoping Germany gets better before I finish undergrad, cause i may go to grad achool.
>>357542 pr0 is "woke" as fug and it is the local reddit or 4chan but that still is like just the internet age people not the majority
>>357552 No, you pick words that only barely apply as a proper description for a handful and act like it's the truth and statistics for the entire situation.
>>357555 OKAY you go read our information then don't trust me who actually researches and reads this stuff oOkay YOU CANADIAN who can't and won't and never will reasearch into this proper is the one who must be trusted because HE is the politically correct one >>357553 mostly iraqians, so those are either legit refugees or not then there are afghanistani sudanians somalis and a lot of other african people and just people who lie about their oirigns but those are a tiny minority similiar 0,1-1% I don't fault the people
If I was in their siatuation I would do the same I fault the system on my national level and on EU level for not actually dealing with this shit effectively
I have never had eggnog before Or even seen it in stores It seems like a very American thing
>>357573 My christmas shopping is all done already
>>357575 Then we're probably the only ones missing out Maybe it's a winter thing Since our christmas is in summer
I'm pretty sure it's a European thing too.
Man that reminds me of this really fucking DUMB thing said in doctor who once They said that christmas was a constant throughout the galaxy, that every alien planet had their own version of christmas that happens in the middle of winter to celebrate being "halfway out of the darkness" Which is dumb because christmas happens in summer if you're in the south
>Eggnog is traditionally consumed throughout Canada and the United States at Christmas season every year, often from American Thanksgiving until the end of the Christmas season. Eggnog has also gained popularity in Australia with supermarkets stocking pre-prepared versions of the drink. Oh well okay, nevermind.
>>357573 I dunno I will buy a few presents and few games for sure
and i fucking bet you will buy a game from christmas/end of year sale
>Eggnog or eggnog flavoring may also be used in other drinks, such as coffee (e.g. an "eggnog latte" espresso drink) I'm somewhat curious about the taste of eggnog and coffee. But also kind of hesitant.
And even if mats here has less time, he will have more money and money enables that time to be made into much more enjoyable and useful that you are left with
>>357603 While I can't say about american students, Anecdotes from acquintances point that while people miss the parties, work life is much more enjoyable
It's not so bad here. Though it's weird, I think it's warmer at night than it is in the day these few days. When I went to work in the morning the cold was no where near as biting as it was on my way home.
>>357667 geh COuld have offered you a good lesson in vic2 is the most complicated gs game out there if you ask me hoi series is for babbies if you ask me especially 3 and 4 well not 3 3 is just for no one
Listening to old podcasts by Tjen Folket (Serve The People) like "These guys been looking at my tweets, I been saying all this" But the podcasts are older than my relevant posts