I'll be working until around 9:00-10:00 pm today but then I'll be done with everything except a meeting and two finals
I also have been up since maybe 16:00 or so yesterday evening after sleeping in and out of naps all throughout the day. So I don't know how I'll feel by the time my shift ends at 15:00 later today.
unlimited bangarang
work + work = i wish i could go to giraffage tonight
I really wish I could just sleep when I compel myself to. But I've been having a tough time struggling with my impulses lately.
Kirara 🕎
sleeping has been hard lately well, always but motivating myself to sleep is hard lately
>>356019 As usual, it's both motivating myself to go to bed instead of staying up, as well as trying to resist the urge to just roll over and sleep more upon waking up. Even if I've slept a healthy amount it's hard to fight that urge when my head's still all groggy from just waking up. Not that I'd be particularly more suited to fighting the urge while awake anyway.
>>356021 I don't need it to be 4:20 to smake dank marijuanas ;)
>>356021 wow me too the four hundred and twenty hour hour
unlimited bangarang
i don't smoke it's like whatever man
good, smoking is bad for your lungs
unlimited bangarang
i mean i smoke but i don't
what does that mean? Is it like sucking dick but not sucking dick?
unlimited bangarang
i smoke tobacco but weed is expensive and makes me feel not so great i like alcohol better
makes since why smoke weed if it doesn't make you feel good lol for the taste maybe?
unlimited bangarang
yeah dude cause weed tastes so good
it tastes the best
unlimited bangarang
i mean maybe if you know the right guy or you live in cali or colorado
>>356037 I don't see how naivity would have anything to do with it. It's one of those scents that people don't really have any instinctual or biological reason to like or dislike the smell of, so it's pretty much entirely subjective.
I can't stand the smell in pretty much any concentration but I think I've got a pretty good nose and so my base dislike is probably magnified a bit because of that.
Kirara 🕎
>>356037 I'm not a fan of the smell when it's heavy but someone smoking weed doesn't bother me at all like outside of a weed joint (lol) in Denver smells fucking horrid
my gf lives next to a weed place, I always like the smell when going there
>>356038 That's pretty much sleep's primary function for me at this point. It's not like it does much for reducing how tired I always feel.
Kirara 🕎
>high of 84 in December
>>356044 that's how i felt for the entirety of 2015 and most of 2016
Man I know this is a fair bit in bad taste but at least you had a concrete point of origin for it. I wish I could go "oh I know why I can't ever sleep and be rested by it.
First something would have to be done about stemming the fad of cryptocurrencies though. Without cutting off the passionate interest people who are invested in them first, trying to do some hard regulation like that would only spur innovation and determination to resist authorities trying to cut down on the energy the network consumes. If anything, governments or institutions stepping in like that would probably been seen as authoritative controlling first, and would only add fuel to the fad's endurance.
>>356054 well that's like that house that was heated by bitcoins it must be some serious shit if you can heat a house
Kirara 🕎
power companies should just charge an extra $1000 to Bitcoin miners lol
and yeah, aren't bitcoins just rebellion against currency if someone tries to step in the reaction isn't going to be great, naturally
>>356056 Yeah good points. Bitcoins are still going to be used and otherwise they'll just use another coin for their illegal shit At most it'd stop the speculators in the country that outlawed them.
>>356059 Well that's not too bad, it's about as bad as an electric heater at that point.
Kirara 🕎
you can't even get them anymore, can you? it's dumb to be destroying the world like this
Venezuela wants to replace their entire currency with a crypto currency
unlimited bangarang
"i call my girl bitch because that's the only way she gets off anymore"
>>356063 You can, there's still more to be mined. Just very difficult to get them. I hope venezuela has some oil left over to fuel their power plants.
Kirara 🕎
>>356061 for some for many, crypto is just a get rich quick scheme
>government taxes bitcoin mining >an entire industry is created for disguising energy usage from mining as other things to evade it
Power companies watching usage only makes marijuana growing harder too, not impossible. People will probably steal electricity for buttcoins just like they do for teh weedz
Kirara 🕎
maybe we the people should take matters into our own hands
Bitcoin is bourgeois bullshit anyway tbh
If your worry is the usage of electricity you should just tax excess electricity usage
Sounds like another bureacratic hell
Kirara 🕎
i joke but i don't think government regulation will really work we are probably just doomed people will continue to mine imaginary money until we die
Bitcoins are just digital gold, yo It's gonna hit difficulties with capitalism's constant need to accumulate the currency and resources in a smaller and smaller population
>>356072 Depends what you define as works. It'll most likely reduce it. I don't see much point though, they'll just move to another country eventually.
>>356072 for bitcoin specifically I don't think mining will work for very long tbh. The more coins there are the more difficult it is to mine more. Eventually it'll hit a point where buying 10 gpus to mine bitcoin is a loss
Kirara 🕎
>>356073 bitcoin is already doing that it's bourgeois as hell
>>356076 Yeah, I mean I assume so But it's gonna get worse and worse
I'd get in on it but I legit do not have the money to
Kirara 🕎
seizing the means of Bitcoin production
>>356075 Yeah this is indeed a problem. One solution I've seen is asking fees for transactions (which are already implemented, just optional). Mining is also processing transactions, so there'd still be an incentive somehow.
>>356076 fo sho Speculators, like in capitalism, are just useless leeches. They ruined buttcoin
>>356102 yeah it was already funny enough the paper or whatever had difficulty lighting fire, but then another shoe thing happened haven't seen it since bush
so my father and brother are having a discussion about taxes while pop's gf is giving a 20min + lecture to her younger son hows your day
Kirara 🕎
>>356114 right? but macross was basically illegal in the US until recently SDF at least robotech violently protected the rights to the robot designs that they basically stole
>>356111 I like the .edu email accounts and the fact that they say lithium instead of helium
>>356116 Fuck Harmony Gold honestly It doesn't really matter that much now since you can just torrent it But back then it would have been way harder to get anything macross with HG cockblocking it
Then there's the issue with battletech buying rights to a bunch of robot designs but it turns out the people they bought them from didn't actually own them I think Harmony Gold was involved there too since some of those were macross designs
i dont know i need to try and see but i dont really want to get fucked up right now im actually in a pretty good mood after seeing molly the other day shes such a nice girl i forgot why we broke up
jan and i use kratom and my gf does too sometimes i don't keep a lot of it around anymore though because my gf likes it a lot and i worry she won't be able to self control and she'll get addicted to opioids lol
>>356184 its a plant from indonesia with a really cool dual effect its stimulating and sedating so its relaxing without impairing your mental faculty much
Kirara 🕎
moon also has used it
Kirara 🕎
>>356186 yeah this it's actually a little zootropic for me it clears my head and helps me think better than amphetamines
i was until teacup died and then i became an alcoholic and i went sober last december and then i needed something to help me so i ended up trying out kratom kratom is really good and has the added benefit of killing my alcohol cravings
i mix it into drinks usually chocolate milk sometimes i do it with orange juice and honey in a shot glass you gotta do a lot of it to get an effect so smoking it won't work you can get it in capsules too though jan and i were just talking a few days ago, i might start putting mine in capsules because it's hard to consume due to disgusting texture and stuff
>>356212 green is kind of even between stimulating and sedating white is more stimulating than sedating (although i don't get much stimulation out of it personally) red is more sedating, it's really good for pain management
green is like the best of both worlds so i use that
>>356211 im not gonna tell you its not but its a waste of money
yeah I guess I felt that but I'm anxious and stuff so it wasn't that unusual
Kirara 🕎
the thing about kratom is that you dose a little too high you get so fucked up a while ago i took a little too much and it took me out of the game for a full 8 hours i couldn't move without feeling like i'd throw up lol couldn't even lift my head without it but it's stimulating so i couldn't sleep it off lol
holy fuck that sounds horrible I see the dose is 5-7g, is that true or just for babies?
ive never had that happen to me but he did take way more than ive taken im on 4g right now and no nausea but 3g was enough for my sister to be puking her guts out for an hour
it kind of depends on your tolerance, body type, what you ate the usual shit like if you eat before you take it, it's like 90 minutes before you feel it but 30 minutes on an empty stomach too
my usual dose is like 1.5 or 2g or something like that and it's real good
2g to 3g is what i usually take but even as low as 1g is nice for pain management and anxiety
damn, does this website want to kill me? how long does it last and do you redose or what? this sounds very interesting
Kirara 🕎
is it kratom powder on that site, or?
yeah you can redose, i've never done it, but some people do after like 6-7 hours the effects are usually 6-8 hours
>>356225 lasts for around 6 hours on me i stayed high the other day by taking another dose every 5 hrs with no ill effects surprisingly
Kirara 🕎
the first time i took it, it fucked me up and i forgot what it felt like to be sad and i was like, "i should be worried that i don't know how to feel sad" but i couldn't worry about it
Kirara 🕎
also kratom gives me the best fucking sleep ever if i time it so i am going to bed around the time it wears off, it's soooooooo good
>>356226 yeah it's powder is there another way? I see it used to be leaves from a tree
>>356227 that's pretty long this sounds danker by the second
Pretty sure the kratoms are off limits here I wannit
Kirara 🕎
kratom is like a miracle substance, no joke
Kirara 🕎
i've used it at school and shit too it got me through some terrible boring seminars
but i started getting paranoid that people would find out i'm on something because it gives you pinhole pupils
Kirara 🕎
we got like ex-cop teachers haha
I always act very differently when I'm high, I feel people always know
Kirara 🕎
i act pretty normally on kratom it's just those eyes i don't want anyone to see my pupils idk people think i'm a druggy because i know about drugs and drug culture to some degree lol
How dare this POOR PERSON own more than a single pair of shoes and a set of clothes, and ALSO want a to EAT? The ENTITLEMENT of today's youth!
>>356238 yeah I haven't done shrooms but when I did e it was the same it looks cool
Kirara 🕎
i want to try ayhuasca
now what the fuck is that? I must have boring friends, nobody uses these new dank things
Kirara 🕎
it's some old shit from the Amazon that the tribes use for insane spiritual hallucinogenic shit everyone who takes it feels like they're one with the earth or some shit and see a snake that talks to them about nature or some shit and that sounds right up my alley
>>356254 so many drugs to try I tried a low dose of acid once, now I wanna try a higher one
Kirara 🕎
i've never tried acid
i think its pretty neato
Kirara 🕎
yeah i'd be down to give it a try someday
buying it is kind of a crapshoot though, people call all sorts of drugs that are in the same class acid best to get it on blotters from a reliable source
guesd not
>>356262 also took a guy I know almost half a year to get any apparently difficult to obtain
Kirara 🕎
it'd also be hard for me because i don't know anyone here that i can trust to be around when i do it i'd probably have to do it with jan or rook or something
ask one of those (ex-)cops, they must know where to get it
Kirara 🕎
yeah they'd probably tell me too tbh one of the ex-cops makes illegal moonshine lol
excursion to where the DEA stores their seized drugs
police who pump coke that they stole from the broke
that's the life
do you think samu would have conniptions over this discussion
there was 245mil worth of coke busted in my area recently
Kirara 🕎
sam is cool with acid he was encouraging SK to enjoy acid the other day
strip me of the starry night stay untill tomorrow when spirit is strong only a small effort can create the world stay with me this night too stay untill tomorrow
love me as i love you
look outside can you see it people killing people under the bloody clothes leeches leeching off leeches
be a human to me as humans kill humans
love me as i love you
and you r smile and gaze take me to a new morning lile the first fall of spring rains if onöy i could latch pnto your soul you'd take us to tge future and some morning you'll see that i a, the rising sun
from the mounds, buried in the soil, tge ancestors look proudly upon their sons unemployment, booze, axe and family, snowpiles cops and final error this land of a thousand sorrows, in
thoudand lakes you can drown stubborn people whose self pity is beyond measure and reason who always lose their aces of their lives and the gates of heaven are forever closed of mike misfortune, they tell
>>356342 what else to do when youre taking a shit in the congress bathroom
I ain't following them, but they're like "woke" liberal
Kirara 🕎
they have a lot of reactionary takes but they keep on top of a lot of crazy shit so they're good for finding ridiculous shit that goes on around twitter they're not terrible i wouldn't judge anyone for following them even though i don't
I ran into my mom at the hair salon when I was getting my hair cut. She told my hairdresser that I was going to be starting to provide therapy soon, which isn't a problem because she's a family friend, but then she referred to me as "the rapist". So I quickly scolded her and told her that it was completely inappropriate and that she should refrain from doing that ever again, especially in public.
And she got upset and said I was being too serious.
that's completely inappropriate and not even funny especially considering the people you have dealt with and will continue to probably
Deshou? It's fucking ridiculous. I couldn't believe it.
It shouldn't have surprised me, but she actually managed to catch me off guard with that one. You'd think something like that would obviously be unacceptable, even to her.
your mom continuew to be your mom continues
to be continued
Steam no longer accepts using Bitcoin for purchases
its a collab so they slapped in two gettable characters and a weapon and summon to grind for so there's that (the weapon and summon can be flb i believe)
but if nothing else costumes are good
Kirara 🕎
which characters
>>356353 I'd make that joke to a friend if they became a therapist. Probably not in public thougj. *though
>>356382 Hi hi. Not much. Just getting real obsessed with SCPs really. I guess I could actually make a story about them. Since they are common ground, unlike Digimon. Altho I bet Digimon staff is really nice. Come on, the staff of Digimon gifted me (and only me) a Lilimon in DIgimon Heroes for being a "great fan"!
copying anime to my harddrive not a real lot otherwise >>356387 ara ara just like my horror animes I'm copying like a terabyte of anime from a REAL OTAKU
>>356386 What anime is it. Hope it's not a weaboo one or else I might have to murder you in your sleep.
>>356386 I'm going full yandere. SENPAI, ONEGAI. I need a hardrive to save my own anime. I want Digimon on hardrives darn it. What anime is it tho, the ones you are copyin. They aren't weaboo garbage, are they?
only the finest taste from this guy honestly if you want to come and kill me I'd be down for that
>>356389 >being so confident in yourself Oh nvm. You arne't confident anymore since you would be Ok with me killing you. I was gonna say something like "darn you are sexy as hell for being so confident" but now you ruined it you little weakling. Bet you wanna die now, don't you? The sweet embrance of death you little emo? 00========================================D
roleplaying? on MY /moe/?
who'd have ever imagined
>>356391 I dunno maybe. I am new so I don't know if you guys do that stuff.
I generally erp in private like steam or skype not on moo
I've been thinking about my obsession with playfighting and dancing recently and what physicality's place is in human society/culture and I'm starting to think that I'm the normal one here because in nature we see lion cubs and wolves and dogs and stuff always playfighting And you see it a lot with cute couples, because they're comfortable with each other and adults like to pick babies up and toss them into the air and stuff and my guy friend whom i found out is a physical guy, this would explain why we're always fucking beating the shit out of each other >>356398 W E L L our senses of smell are weaker that's why we don't do that
>>356424 How the hell could you not know what gaia is if you were into neopets? I'm pretty sure that there is a pretty big intersection between their populations.
>>356426 Nope. Never heard of Gaia in any place of Neopets. The only other games I heard of while in the Neopet days were Habboo Hotel. And that's pretty much about it.
Also I played Subeta for a while. But it got really SJW really fast.
>>356468 I'm saying lol because there's another poster here who will potentially be rich What country?
Is Peru nice in spite of 3rd world status? Hang around long enough and maybe you'll absorb our monetary aura Or someone might just buy you a steam game or something
When is the blue business bank of trust coming out
brb food d
>>356465 i was gonna buy at $950 last year and i fucking got cockblocked by a screwup from the heating company that took four months to resolve and i never got to i would've made my yearly income by doing nothing if other people didn't get in my fucking way all the time
The way you see posts come in bit by bit throws me off because I read kinda fast and also I wish I could stop making this sentence and make a normal entrance but now I'm stuck doing this holy crap why
>>356479 if you're here because liveposting is fun and novel, there are some sister boards that are more of liveposting playgrounds that you might have more fun on than here it's pretty vanilla here
>>356504 I do not. Why? Do y'all play that a lot - oh word. Is it a Windows game or something or you just play it online
>>356505 I think I'm gonna be fine prolly. At first I thought you were just gonna say "pleasant and lewd" I was like "CAN DO!" But then "oh". But yeah someone told me that lewd shit isn't allowed. Wait I can curse right?
>>356514 We have a moderator named Rika. She posts with the name Yuu. We also have the admin, Sam, who posts with names that are variations of Sam or Samurai.
>>356522 I don't think he has before. What's SamJam?
>>356523 That makes three years, huh. It only took you this long to find a job, too! When are you starting the training for that, anyway? Wasn't it early this month?
>>356546 Because it's the only way I can be noticed. You guys are bitcoin tycoons, scientists and the like and I'm a twat who cannot even complete Kirby without being hit.
>>356547 One of my favorite posters and best friends here dropped out of elementary school and works at a gas station.
One of my favorite posters and best friends ever was a recovering addict with no job and lived with his mom in his 30s. He's not around anymore, though.
Well, I generally like all our posters, but there are a few that I've met in person and feel I have a special bond with. The second poster I mentioned is dead, though.
You don't need to have a job to fit in here. Lots of people don't.
In a little less than a month, it'll be the third anniversary of Teacup's death.
>>356558 I am but that's not the point. What morries worries me is that dead person can be more likeable than me. ALso I have thanathophobia. I don't mind talking about death in fiction settings, but real life kind of scares me. I can joke about it but it's odd.
>>356558 he's prety great. if you ever want to watch some really funny off-collar shit you should watch it. that or it's always sunny. my kind of comedy.
>>356563 You're going to be hard pressed to become more likable than the people we lost. You really should not worry about it. >breaking images you bitch
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
Kek, I crashed images
Kirara 🕎
Rika probably won't be here to fix it for an hour or so.
Also no lol he's not he just has his own show on Adult Swim.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
wait could it actually happen peridiocally as in, X amount of pics posted -> it happens?
I crashed.
>>356576 That explains it. Oh well, we go full chatlog now.
Kirara 🕎
I think it's a RAM issue.
>>356575 Uploading images will end your post for now. We hit a bug so images can't be posted until Rika or Sam fix it. Rika will be here in an hour or two and she'll fix it.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
Ram would make sense, since sammy is aware of it and hasn't done anything about it. if it was a simple glitch or even a complicated glitch, it would be somewhat easily fixed afterall.
Kirara 🕎
Well, it is what it is. It'd be cool if there were a couple more of us that could fix it but I presume it needs some kind of admin access, so only Rika and Sam can do it.
>>356578 Pfft. Images are overrated anyway am I rite guys. Let's make our own images instead:
(oWo) Cute anime girl.
Kirara 🕎
if you paste a large amount of characters, you might get time-out errors for a few minutes and be unable to post just an fyi
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
time to ASCIII IT
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
>>356580 or just generally make too many posts in a too short time
Kirara 🕎
yeah, that too
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
you get a bout a solid 1 minute cooling off period that resets each time you try to post if that time hasn't passed.
What is the posting cooldown here is it like 15 seconds?
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
0 seconds
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
Kirara 🕎
There's no cooldown unless you spam and get flagged for it.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
seen, you jsut get with a "speed limit reached" at some point, though the error message varies going too fast is the actual meesage, but it might jsut give you an "out of sync" etc.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
In terms of dumping images, about 3 images a minute and you won't get slapped with it.
Kirara 🕎
I had my last class for the semester today. Now I just have a paper to turn in tonight, a meeting tomorrow, two finals on Monday, and a meeting on the 18th.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
I have karaoke little christmas party on friday and that is it for me this year and a week of oddjobbing during 27-31st
Kirara 🕎
Gonna sell fireworks again for new years?
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
yup is good solid money 600-700 for one week of work
Kirara 🕎
That's pretty good shit.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
is why I do it would even do it if I was regularly employed and had that week free though it would be quite taxed but still nice money for a quite enjoyable job
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
Not to mention is fun to catch up witht he locals they all remember me now also rip veterans they are either dead or locked in facilities no more war stories and also rip epic jazz dynamite guy, last time he was walking around with an IV or something attached to him or was it an oxygen tank
Kirara 🕎
oh shit the epic jazz guy has it bad, huh?
>>356599 >no more war stories Good. No one wins in wars.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
>>356600 Yeah, he told stories about jazz gigs he took part in or was a "carrier" at or about some other crazy shit last year he repeated all his stories, despite remembering me 100% which kinda implies he has started losing his memory first time it happened. bit sad to see someone's health deteriorate even if it is just a guy who stops to talk on 2 or 3 days a year basis
speaking of independence, it's a shame that spain did what it did in catalonia there's still a chance for independence though, it looks like pro-independence people are getting voted in in the new election
>>356610 yeah, i agree absolutely that'd be the best outcome for everyone
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
>>356607 Well yeah when first guy went with EU line, some I can't remember who went "Who are we to condemn an act like this when 100 years ago we did 100% the same" was like DAAAAAMN
Finland has had 3 wars that we ourselves fought as independent nation Civil War against the commie scum and 2 wars against the Russian menace Lost on the latter two, but only a bit of territory well.. total 1/4th of our territory and a vital resource region and access to the White Sea.
>>356615 >>356617 Finland? That's a spongebob joke, not a country!
the bill said that people who were assigned male at birth had to use male restrooms because if trans people could go into other bathrooms, they'd rape kids
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
There is a solid argument there if you go with the actual extremist view on gender, as it has already happened pervs going "I am now female" and going into female bathrooms without you know having any kind of actual case of it except muh feels
>>356672 That technicality seems like it could be abused like what if there's a typo and you're assigned the wrong gender at birth
>>356669 When you are so much of an egg that you go into complete denial and try to opress trans.
>>356673 I think the "gender" concept is flawed and shouldn't be used, honestly. There is only sex, and transexual people feel the opposite sex, that's all. No such thing as gender.
Kirara 🕎
>>356673 i can imagine it's happened before, but there's not a single case of it happening anywhere in the US that anyone could find so the argument was ridiculous
the anti penis proposal
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
>>356676 it's practically a fringe thing anyhow just like actual trans people are like what 1% of society or less still is no case to encrouch them of basic civil rights and to treat them as individuals like anyone else, but I just hate any kind of minority rule or minority pandering legislation in the end.
Also Youtube Rewind 2017 is out and I died of cringe.
>>356683 she should quit so she can be on /moe/ full time
>>356681 I feel conflicted. They included All star but seemed to imply it was death, whatt he hell.
>>356682 It was kinda OK but now they cover stuff that is not youtube related. ALSO WHAT THE HELL WAS STEVE COLBERT DOING THERE.
>>356683 Don't. I'll spare you of it and tell you how it went: Normie here, normie there, despacito song, normies, fidget spinner, normie normie, a "dead trends" graveyard, All star for a second, then shooting star. Then for no reason they talk about TRAGEDIES IN REAL LIFE like Ariana's grande concert. WHAT IS THAT DOING WITH YOUYUBE?
>>356696 This Infected Mushroom would be in someclub here, but >going clubbing
kizuna ai is great
Kirara 🕎
were those really the biggest normie youtube memes of 2017
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
I think they were I only recognized dabbing and poppy and even poppy is irrelevant since the whole creepypasta backstory no longer is going on.
Kirara 🕎
how can normies be so fucking banal and dull in what was probably the craziest year in the last like 70 years
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
Trump is magic like that
Kirara 🕎
we're watching civilization fall apart in real time over here in the US and people are making memes about dabbing
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
Nah, it is just the culmination of past 20 years or so I don't like to say "I told you so" about it, since I am not sure about which parts I was right and which went off to the wilds but I told something like this would happen.
>>356704 This was the craziest? I think 2016 takes that one.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
nah 16 was just more visible because of the elections this has been crazier
Kirara 🕎
this year has been way crazier 2016 was nuts but 2017 was the year that reality finally started to completely unravel
it all comes tumbling down
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
>>356710 Well the buried conflicts that caused the elections of 16 just kinda finally caught fire
>>356716 nice this is from the 51 new comics? I read about the 10 first issues, they were actually quite solid the batman&superman comics
Kirara 🕎
>>356714 if we don't want to include politics, we saw the most dangerous and powerful hurricane in history which exceeded the theoretical top strength a hurricane should be able to reach and literally defied physics in doing so hottest year ever on record if you want to include politics, we have all the stuff where the quiet part is now the loud part we have nazis walking around freely in the streets like it's no big deal
oh yeah, we had tons of really dangerous earthquakes too and tsunamis
spain started its slow descent into death we have north korea, syria it's all crazy
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
hottest year ever though that will actually be EVERY YEAR henceforth
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
on politiks you have acceptance of violence as a political tool by the both extremists and their less radical supporters you have japan changing legislation and allowign their army to legally invade you have all of trumps shenanigans for good or bad you have decline of isis, that gives spark to new conflicts like Kurdistan You had revolution in Turkey that got squashed and Chief Roach took absolute power You had the RUSSIAN ARE OMNIPOTENT HACKERS Spain North Korea Resurgence fo refugee crisis with even more people wanting to migrate to europe more terror attacks than ever
>>356735 the guy was part of the group that genocided muslims kebab removers though to be objectional here, the opposition ALSO genocided their side.
>>356740 >>356739 Oh yeah I just found it. >confirmed his sentence for involvement in a campaign to drive Muslims out of a would-be Bosnian Croat ministate in Bosnia in the early 1990s. Truly a hero.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
the yugoslavian conflicts were a cycle of revenge basically one side did a heinous act, the other side took revenge with an even more heinous act ad infinitum untill NATO did a good deed and
Kirara 🕎
oh there's also venezuela where people are led into another country at gun point so they can