And if you remember that anime with the cast of high school students that had a big messy love tangle that had two long episodes, there's two more, normal-length, episodes of that to watch.
I think they have vaguely similar faces and similar unkempt hair.
The bangs match, and maybe, maybe he's got Negi's eye tilt without glasses. But I don't really see much of a similarity.
We've got like three episodes left in the season I'd be surprised if the tournament goes as expected. Not that tournament arcs ever go "as expected" in shounen manga.
Oh that would do it.
A whole bunch of old characters from Negima are returning.
Looks like Fate found his way to sneak in. Or one of Fates lackeys.
It might be another one of the Fates. This one seems to be fi-
Well holy shit.
-to be fire-magic based, and Fate is more of a water or earth magic guyl --guy; can't remember which. There was one for each of the generic elements, if I remember correctly.
Yeah, I thought they looked familiar to Asuna's sword from Negima.
So why are Negi's friends helping him if he's possessed and evil?
I dunno there's a bunch of the manga I didn't read and this is smack dab in the heart of that.
it seems like an excuse to throw negimas characters in why would they help negi if its not negi or are all of them just illusions
The Mage of the Beginning works like this it seems. The rasuto boss of Negima was the Mage of the Beginning but instead possessing Nagi Springfield, Negi's dad. And I think some of Nagi's old squad were fighting alongside him despite that. I'm not really clear on the specifics of it because Negima's conclusion was a weird, complicated mess since Ken was forced to shut it down early. Part of the reason he started UQ Holder was seemingly in part to explain the ending to Negima in a better fashion.
well I guess we'll just see or probably not since we're unlikely to get a satisfactory resolution
youkai apt!
okay let's start!
Yeah, if this show is one-cour there's no way we're getting to anything too interesting. They'll probably fight off Negi and maybe one other plot thing and then make it a "and the battle continues" ending. Bit of a shame, there's some good stuff down the line.
Oh it was all his keikaku to begin with. Master Strategist Chiaki.
He's probably the only of them that actually knows what an oni looks like.
Their school council president has a very Kill la Kill Satsuki face. It's a little masculine too.