Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life - Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S2 Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Scarlet Nexus Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Uramichi Oniisan
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 10-12
Wednesdays are Maiddragon night Having it in the middle of the week might be kind of nice for a mood lifter
Oh I see, maid dragon is back. It says S2, was this split cour?
Rika it's been years since the original season! It's just a season two It probably would have come earlier but pretty much every project KyoAni was working on kind of got set back when they were subject to the arson attack
which of these shows are bang shows everyhting new?
yeah i'm most interested in dragon maid and the new isekais
Oh but speaking of Maiddragon, there's a new show this season, Peach Boy Riverside I originally wasn't too interested in it and the animation looked kind of dull But the manga is written by the author of Maiddragon, albeit not with his character designs So I'll probably put it in for tomorrow night
if bang needs to go early ican sub mahouka and nagatoro in
i can probably handle all that
also there's totally 5 new isekai this season in addition to the returning ones that's a lot of isekai
Let us know if you're running short on time so we can do Maiddragon early Since I'm pretty sure all of us want to watch that
Yeah sorry I wasn't parsing the synopsi properly Some of them were more vague than others
two of them are about opening a business and in between two seasons of a show about a slime is the slime-killing witch there's a little overlap happening even
To be fair if I got isekai'd into a fantasy world I'd probably start up a cottage industry too Adventuring is a lot of work Just give me a cozy magic cottage to make things in
>>958750 i've heard that japanese gamers sometimes consider cheating in games to be like "if they never get caught, then they deserve to win" and "if you lose to a cheater, its' your fault you aren't cheating"
All these cheating isekai protagonists sure put a dent in the "cheaters never prosper" saying
Oh the dog is a girl
She should really put some pants or a skirt on Bloomers are not acceptable bottomwear!
oh i didn't look at any art ahead of time this looks like a comfy/comedy-type show for what amounts to basically no reason i was expecting something else but this is totally fine too
I could use a regular supply of energy potions These days it's rare for me to get more than five hours of sleep a day and after three or four days in a row of that my brain starts to become ooze
i usually get two energy potions for 5 dollars at the convenience store before work
Energy drinks aren't magical potions they won't suffice!
i'm pretty sure they are exactly that
They sure ain't magic because they barely have an effect on me
sorry tilde i kinda always knew this but i was hoping you could live your life without realizing that you have no magical aptitude of course they won't work on you
Of course I don't Magic don't real no one has magical aptitude
you poor lad
They've just dropped us in the world this time Didn't even get an introduction to how he ended up isekai'd
"why are you running away from me?!?!" *holds knife*
Maybe if you didn't walk around with your eyes closed you wouldn't bump into girls in the street
is this kazuma
Could be, yeah Yeah I'd say it is
yeah when he just said "kudasai!" it's totally him
wow he chops herbs with TWO cleavers he must be a real expert
He's got a whole crafting animation while making his medicines
yeah not even monster hunter has that
>Lack of sleep can make someone irritable or mentally unstable Shit
raijuu bakuhatsu
as someone who works a physical job and sweats for a living a magical deodorant would be pretty nice old spice barely manages to do the job
I fortunately don't need particularly strong deodorant As long as I shower regularly I'm effectively scentless
the problem mostly lies in clothing when you've sweat into an article of clothing enough times, even washing it doesn't rid it of the compounds that cause odor which activate with moisture which means each shirt is only really good for a couple hundred intensely sweaty days which sounds like a lot, but you really expect a shirt to last more than a year but yeah once you've sweat into a shirt enough times, it begins to smell the moment you start sweating we replace our company polos pretty often for this reason and it doesn't help that it gets so hot and humid here
that show was pretty good seems like a good comfy show to have on deck we should have three of those now this, kageki, and dragonmaid
maybe good wasn't quite the right word since i don't think it's a significantly praiseworthy show but it was comfy and bright
Knowing nothing about this game I don't know what to think about this adaptation On one hand, video game anime can be kind of ehhhh most of the time But on the other hand, it's animated by Sunrise. They can crank out some real whacky fun stuff.
i'm betting on it being trash but the game was meh and i kinda want the show to be great to spite it
looks like a rogue vs a swordsman oh a magic swordsman oh a magic rogue
Wow he doesn't even need to draw his sword to use it
they snuck into a direlect building to spar what bad boys
maybe this sidekick guy will get spiteful and do a big betrayal
wait is that the dynazenon kid
gonna check yep
I kinda like the fashion here The jackets have a neat highlight aesthetic and layering to them
tl note: fubuki means blizzard
Others really brings to mind the Neighbours of World Trigger
the ponytail and the red bow she' a childhood friend this is best girlk i can tell
She's a childhood friend though So she's not gonna win
well yeah that show aired last season she's still the best girl
Childhood friends have a few special moves they can use to win
Yeah like killing all the competition!
still thinking about higurashi?
I don't think you understand When the show is airing It is extremely rare that I am not thinking about Higurashi
wow the transformations are cool
Some of these monsters are really weird
clairvoyance girl uses a gun i hope there's a cool scene where she shoots a bullet where something unexpectedly shows up right before the bullet impacts
That would be a pretty applicable use of her power, yeah Or shooting without looking knowing the bullet will land
being clairvoyant would be kinda rough in the moments before your death
precognition and clairvoyance hmmm
Oh yeah I guess that's the kind of thing that's different Clairvoyance is seeing and precog is knowing
Seems like there's some time travel involved here She didn't look much older than she does right now, saving him as a kid
that little kid can teleport stuff like kuroko
>Feed on human brains it's different of course, but it reminds me of Eighty Six and the brain hunting that went on in it
They have a fairly high profile set of seiyuu for these three guys though Kamiyan for the MC, Sugita for the bunny, and Nakamura Yuuichi for the bear
And this guy in the green vest is Mamoru
I'm pretty sure he's just describing depression
indifference is how i treat inconveniences or frustrations or hardships when i'm generally happy depression for me tends to be feeling broken at every misstep and foible
I don't think "generally happy" is an accurate descriptor for this man though
Sounds like they got Mamoru to sing it Which fits that he was in the show
i didn't entirely dislike it but it also didn't really give me any reasons to watch i might have enjoyed it more when i was a depressive fuck but this kind of thing feels like a drag at the moment
There's definitely a part of me that takes some delight in seeing someone with more contempt and futile despair at their current lot in life than me But I also can empathize with it a bit And I think some of the bit deliveries were fairly well timed
From some of the chatter I've seen about this, this is an isekai that people seem to hold in fairly high regard But who knows with /a/ some times you get the people who like stuff like Mushoku Tensei and all the worldbuilding and characterization it presents And other times you get the people who are really into Sword Art Online
>>958845 it seems like generally a lot of people think alicization is actually pretty good i hear a lot about people disliking the second cour of the first season which is what made me stop watching i've been meaning to go back and watch the rest so i can have an opinion
Moonlit Fantasy is a very poetic name for an isekai
Yeah I think it's no big deal to be upset about only being level one when your potential is already this high Just imagine how you'll scale if you actually level, yeah
I mean he shouldn't take people at face value based on appearance since he's in demon land but it seems like those guys actually were bad guys if they were subjudgating the orcs
but yeah destroying a torii gate just out of the blue seems like a bad idea
seems alright probably the most interesting one yet
tonight, i mean
Some of the chatter I saw about it said they were compressing a bit of the material They probably want to hit certain story beats and they've only got so much time for it
realist king, kanojo mo kanojo, tantei, and bokutachi are my favorites so far
This was a bit doofy but I really enjoyed it Serious fantasy is my home field so any time we get an isekai that thoroughly thinks stuff out, I'm 110% down for it
The first season cut off right before we got to Iruru and I can't wait to see the reactions of people who don't know the manga Because she is ridiculous
something seems... different is this show higher than 720p natively? the animation has this crispness and fluidity i'm not accustomed to
fhaaaanaaaa >>958891 Yeah this is lovely fhana is a great band
>>958890 Most of KyoAni's stuff in like the past six years has been animated at near 1080p nativity I think it's something like 980 or something in that range There's virtually minimal upscaling for the 1080p release
I really like Elma's design Like Tohru is Tohru of course but Elma just hits a home run for me
Waaaayyyy back in season one I thought Iruru's appearance would be the season finale Because as the manga goes that was where they would have gone next Instead they did the arc with Tohru's dad Was kind of a let down honestly
One of the things I like about this series is that it acknowledges that even when times are good, people fight and bad things happen. And that good times come to an end.
>>958931 I wonder what it's like for KyoAni's scriptwriters to write things like that Considering the developments >>958941 Yeah but you can return to things like that after tragedy and it's a completely different experience to write it