Bokutachi no Remake Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Hamefura Kageki Shoujo!! Kanojo mo Kanojo Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Scarlet Nexus Shadows House Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. Tokyo Revengers Vanitas no Carte
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 9-12
Lot of new stuff today Also at least one thing is a double-episode release I think
Bokutachi no Remake (Double Episode) is either a timeslip or age regression series a la Re-Life, about a layabout adult who gets to revisit his college years I think, to try and set himself right
Genjitsu Shugi I think is an isekai about a guy who rather than go on adventures, preferred instead to take up the logistical duties of running a kingdom and live out his isekai life that way
Hamefura is Hamefura S2. 'nuff said Kageki Shoujo!! is a series about girls in a drama club I think. But like, normal drama club, not weird like that one show about girls doing theatre productions from a couple seasons back
Mahou Koukou no Yuutousei is from the same series as ONII-SAMA's anime, but instead the main character is his sister, I think
Scarlet Nexus is an anime adaptation of the game that just came out recently. It's animated by Sunrise, so they might get a chance to sneak in classic Sunrise ridiculousness, but I don't know enough about Scarlet Nexus to say anything about this.
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru is an LN adaption that has something to with mystery. I've been looking forward to this one because I've heard a lot of praise about the LNs, but I don't know too much. It's also a Double Episode
Vanitas no Carte is a shounen and features vampires, and may or may not be kind of fujobait. But there's a lot of high-profile staff behind it, and a lot of hype in less-niche communities than 4chan
oh no the new shows are here
well i have kumo24 is that what we're on?
just let me know what else to get
Oh there's also Kanojo mo Kanojo, which is a harem romcom from the author of Aho Girl Which I don't think means anything to Bang but Rika probably remembers it It'll probably be pretty good.
i saw an apology from the kumo people about the episode or something i don't know thw whole story
what bang shows do we have tonight what new ones do you wanna watch
i have no idea just feed em to me but i can only be here for like 3 of em i have to start being responsible about my bedtime which mean i can probably only watch like 9 shows this season
Well you didn't watch Hamefura right So we can do that by ourselves tonight
spider time >>957689 so just don't pick those okay so we'll watch them but not tonight
The other problem is two of the offerings tonight are double-episodes So to put one of them in would take up the two remaining slots we have with Bang >>957688 Yeah but they're also the most likely to be GOOD
Okay fine lets watch Genjitsu Shugi and Kanojo mo Kanojo with Bang
So she's basically unkillable as long as she doesn't get caught off guard by a school of magic pretty much all of maybe two people including her has access to
It looks like she still can't work the mouth on the human part of the Arachne body The fully humanoid version she had in the present was speaking though, so at some point she gets that working
She's still pretty new to interacting with other powerful creatures
Yeah, I'd been musing about it earlier in the series She's strong, but at least in the past story arc, unnaccustomed to how to fight against actually competent creatures
She also hasn't fought against many creatures with humanoid
Why are the elves, or at least the elf leader, a TERMINATOR
Hah hah hah The human head on her body is basically just a distraction
Also does this mean Potemas isn't actually dead I'm pretty sure last we saw of him in the present, he was a decapitated head But if he's only a terminator then is he really good and dead
So the enemies of the reincarnated kids are actually her allies
I'm still not 100% sold on the elves being evil-evil Like they're shady as fuck, and don't really seem to be good. But I don't know if Ariel is correct that they're the big enemy in the grand scheme of things
until they give me a reason to believe otherwise, i'm 99% on the elves being evil and like 90% on the humans being evil too this seems like a world where everyone is pretty evil overall except like commoners
There's a difference between being evil and being evil-evil Like they're not in the right, and probably deserve ramifications for their actions But I feel like all this fighting between Ariel and her team and the elves is just theatre
there's probably an admin who is evil-evil potimas might be like a pawn of theirs or something
i do think potimas is evil-evil though if the elves aren't, it's only because they aren't really decision makers they're apparently all completely controlled by potimas
I will say my opinion on Potimas is at best, he's so drunk on the cool-aid of whatever mission he's been on that he can't imagine himself not being righteous And at worst he's wholly on board with destroying the world in whatever way it is Ariel is trying to prevent
Would be nice if they can get around to making more of this Though if they take as long from the announcement for season one to the actual season one to make a season two I might as well just learn Japanese and read the LNs
that dark knight guy looked REALLY evil also the twintail was cute
i count five but maybe there's something about them i don't know
oh this is one of those summoning isekai not a reborn isekai
Very classic Summoning Japanese people to fantasy worlds was isekai before isekai was cool
"oh shit it actually worked, this is crazy" the words you really want to hear when summoned
Oh shit a bearman
oh shit lizardpeople lizards are usually bros
He's a bit of a hard-ass Not unreasonably, but man, he really doesn't give a shit about this king
wow these guys that summoned him kinda suck they're all wimpy and they summoned him to sell him
how can they now just use their magic to make money lazy bastards
Well they weren't certain it would work So it must have been a lesser resort
oh it's a special rulke rule
dang MC is blunt
That said they all seem really incompetent as governors though
wimpy king! wimpy king!
The whole lot of them are wusses, getting intimidated by a slightly haughty young guy
Kid's like >The whole lot of them are easy marks I can just bluff them into letting me do all the work
on one hand the situation is ridiculous but on the other hand it makes sense given the iformation available he really did choose the most advantageous words he could
hmmm this merchant girl might be cuter than saberwife
yes yes, i see
It's probably a good call to not sell magical items under the purview of the kingdom out to merchants
wow a boat pulled by a giant sea serpent thing that's dope
yugioh moment
I don't think she's going to get his reference
The way they use formal Japanese like "genjitsu" for "realistic" rather than a more contemporary "rearu" is interesting I wonder if it's an intentional choice on the author's part, since even if the language we read/hear is Japanese, the fantasy world wouldn't have English loanwords in their lexicon
i thought this guy sounded familiar it's subaru and his new saberwife is rem
this one's a romcom right i didn't look into it i saw the name and was sold it looked like a romcom >>957796 such as?
Yeah Should be pretty silly The previous works by this author have been great comedies He's also written Touhou doujinshi about going around harrassing the various characters in lewd but non-sexual ways
>>957795 Well the aforementioned Aho Girl, about a girl who is so unbelievably stupid and the extremely dry and grumpy guy she's head over heels for
If she really wants to get through to him she should go through his girlfriend
if red hair says yes
Wow he went straight to Saki
I mean I guess it's commendable he didn't try doing this behind her back. Kind...of?
i would say that it's definitely better to attempt a non-monogamous reltaionship with consent from all parties involved i'd still say it's quite a few steps on the moral staircase below just you know not
He's not exactly smart Honest, but not smart And persistent But not smart
i guess getting confessed to over a hundred times over a decade would do that
He did confess to her a bunch, yeah It probably kind of messes with her brain Plus, in like all aspects, he's exhaustingly honest If she's his childhood friend she must know he's this way So it's hard to not take him at face value Even if the words are ridiculous
This relationship is going to be horrible for her becuase she's going to be constantly competing with the other girl who is kind of a pushover slut too She was happy before but now she's locked in constant stress and competition
i have more experience than i'd like to remember with openly polyarmorous relationships though i can kind of sympathize with a some of the decision making going on here i'm expecting there to be a lot of mental gymnastics, awkward situations, and chaos though which are the main reasons i watch romcoms probably
i'm down for the show probably
>>957831 Realistically, sure But I don't think that's the genre this series is going for Any actual prompt for stress or serious competition will probably get handwaved aside
wow he just said it straight up UP WOW HE JUST SAID IT STRAIGHT UP
I don't even think, in all my poor social graces, that I could ever attain this level of autism
>She gives me weird feelings, even as a woman
oh damn on one hand he's saying he'll absolve himself of needing sexual activity and on the other he's saying they can't fuck unless he gets a threesome
If he wasn't such an idiot you'd think he was playing the game here But no he's just an idiot
yeah i'm not a completely shameless person but tilde you at least know me enough to know i'm definitely watching this
There's nothing wrong with shamelessness I watch what I want to as long as I like it and I have the time
I don't know if I want to watch this next week I'll think about it
Do we have any other bang shows?
Hah hah, I thought it would be light enough, or at least lean into comedy, to not be a bother I was vaguely familiar with the premise since I've seen a couple chapters and a bit of chatter Sorry that it kind of set you off!
no more bang shows tonight because no more bang it's sleepy time
They're kind of cute, the little shadow things Reminds me of the sootballs from Spirited Away
Oh he screwed up The servant dolls aren't supposed to talk
I wonder why the tiny Shirley is doing so much to help them out Like the rest of the kid Shadows and their dolls have kind of built a friendship of sorts But Shirley didn't have a personality back when they were all interacting
It's neat how the various pairings have different relationships with each other Like Kate mentors Emilico and uses her as an emotional support John and Shaun kind of butt heads with each other but in a constructive way Patrick might be Ricky's master but Ricky is the one that is always telling Patrick how to act
Well you know these kinds of people They pride themselves in being perfect chessmasters, setting up flawless keikaku And then when their plans get foiled by some rascally kids, they lose all composure
Hah hah hah I guess all the kids have been put through one of Edward's sadistic debut trials, like we saw earlier in the show So none of them bear any kind thoughts or sympathies to him
But I think the way that the shadows house operates probably is still very shady.
Also in the end, it's not this cadre of higher-level Shadows who calls the shots here The final say, is the Lord Grandfather, looks like Who probably doesn't care too much about disgraces like this, as long as he gets a fun show to watch
Edward probably has his thinking on backwards though It's the "malcontents" that are likely who interest Lord Grandfather the most And as much as he might hate the higher-level Shadows, they obviously have risen to be closest to Lord Grandfather for a good reason
Yeah, that's what I was saying >>957851 here The one that died was Shirley Her doll is Rum The little lilac ribbon it had was very clearly the colour theme of Shirley
Unfortunately in the end this series was little more than an introduction and commercial for a source material I'll never look into further. I liked the series but I don't see this ever being a complete anime.
It's probably not translated and even if it was there's other stuff I'd spend my time on.
It's actually fully translated, up to it's most recent chapter Fan translations, of course, but you don't strike me as someone who'd really go out looking for the official provisions anyway
yeah and I have a rule about reading incomplete series that are being fan translated it's a road to heartbreak
okay hamefura 2 ep 1
okay lets start
Well if I see buzz about it being finished, I'll pass it on I think the manga might be building up to some kind of climax, but I don't know if it's finale tier or just an arc climax.
Oh it's nice to see Bakarina's sloppy face again
By my understanding, the first season of this actually had a lot of anime-original content to it They only covered a fairly slim number of the LN volumes
Bakarina is such a force of nature that everyone falls for her, regardless of gender or prior sexual preference
Well in building it for the time being, she averted mortal danger Though having a harem composed of powerful magic users from some of the most noble families in the kingdom, does sound like high portents for new disasters
Keith is highly intimidated by Mary's menacing atmosphere This lady is full of dangerous gay energy
Bakarina in the meanwhile is getting HORRIBLY THE WRONG IDEA
His voice doesn't really match his face Not this one, or his actual one
With the immediate crisis of not being on a track to death averted, she's turned to more serious concerns, such as avoiding marriage into a royal family that would totally be a nightmare to go through as someone without proper nobility training
Aaaannnnd she's getting the wrong idea again Though at least this time she's not worried about it resulting in her death
Oh We knew there were four princes in the family Geord and Alan have been regular characters so far, but I guess we finally meet the other two