Kageki Shoujo!! Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Scarlet Nexus Seirei Gensouki Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tokyo Revengers Vanitas no Carte Uramichi Oniisan
Oh right sorry lemme go check Huh well my Steam messenger is ... broken I'll ping him on Discord and restart my PC If that doesn't work maybe Steam'll be working again
Also we don't have nearly enough shows to wait for Bang so you might as well start picking what you want
Well he might be asleep, at best currently absent
There's at least Slime Isekai back again though, for easy watching with just us
I'm sure if it's something good enough to watch he can catch up on an episode or two on his free time The man did just watch through like fifty episodes of TLGH last week or so
oh yeah they reunited at the end I guess he's been inside for too long
He's a chum though
This series really likes using angel names for the ultimate skills
Oh now he's referencing Dragon Ball
Veldora definitely seems more genki than I remember him being when he was a dragon Maybe spending centuries in an underground prison made him kind of depressed
Wow I wish I could eat, drink, and forget about all the rough things I've been through recently
I wonder if a good cooking knife is all she needs to actually be capable at cooking Probably not though Someone does not create such an abomination like this just because they can't cut things properly
Well in that case, maybe a good kitchen knife will improve her cooking Since she can actually process things rather than tossing them wholly into the pot
I wonder what the endgame of a series like this is So far we haven't really seen a clear goal And there's always a bigger fish that pops up when the current threat is almost or already gone
This is a cute sweater Rimuru has It's definitely a more real world style than anything else most people wear in this world The other exceptions are Shion's suit and the butler outfit the demon guy wears The former of which was Rimuru's idea anyway
i'm here also i think i might have food poisoning i hope not if i don't respond at any point it's because i'm hurling but this alka seltzer seems to be helping
Yikes Any idea what might've brought it on?
if i had to guess gas station taquitos
Oh, yeah You were definitely playing with fire there champ
Really should've just buried Well I guess doing that saved his life But if the other guys he was living with had still been alive, running into the house with the money around his neck would have just been begging to have it taken from him
silver-haired mage girl is a good person the pink-haired spirit girl was a twist what's up with that
oh goodness i laid down to watch the episode and was feeling better and got in my chair to post and now i feel worse
The ED draws a connection between her and the older girl who was on the bus when he got trained Maybe he got isekai'd but she got to be a whole fucking goddess or something Lucky her
So you're telling me someone like him is born only once in a blue moon
Oh wait I remember a third thing I know about this series The manga is done by the mangaka for Pandora Hearts If that's a name that rings bells for anyone
im getting bl vibes
not that that's a bad thing
Well there was definitely fujobait in Pandora Hearts And Bones has been known to pick up fujobait-y series from time to time
Shounen these days is a broad category that doesn't really suffice as a genre anyway And barely even serves as a category to sort readership into Since anyone from ten year old boys to thirty year old housewives are avid readers of shounen
I was ranting about this to a friend and he told me I shouldn't drop it he said he read the manga and it gets better
my coworker said the same thing but i don't believe him
You'd think he'd gun straight for Naoto to get his ticket back to the past If they've had enough time to organize a funeral than it's been a while
Oh I thought it was going to be the clover necklace But it's pretty burnt up It's not like it was a particularly high-quality accessory either Pretty good luck it survived the car burning up
He's probably not entirely wrong though Like as nice a character Mikey can be at times He's also kind of a total sociopath And Draken was better, but more on a frame of reference compared to Mikey And a lot of the other hooligans we've seen out of the gang have been shades of psychotic too The gang in his middle school years was basically a timebomb waiting to go off
wait if he was in the shop when he came back... but isn't he unconscious in the present when he's in the past?
I was thinking about that too My best guess is by saving Draken he changed the future so much that causality couldn't just have him wake up in the coma like before
>Literally on death row >"Hey, you been doing okay?"
Even in the past he has them But I guess without the sparse hair he had, and with the bald head, it makes him look extra dead inside
Wow he's actually been kind of thinking this through I mean Naoto's right that Takemichi becoming the head of the gang is kind of ridiculous But he at least has a plan
I mean getting shampoo in your eyes does kind of suck I don't think Draken's got the wrong idea
Well that's already a snag in his plan Unless of course he's the new seat captain
it could be him but it could also be a tweest and it's kisaki
idk this episode was alright but now that i need to limit how many shows i watch it'll only make the cut if it's lucky i still think it's a pile most of the time
Honestly him being the captain would be the twist to me Kisaki would be more likely, or some other person we haven't seen or only caught a glimpse of being promoted.
it would be a shitty twist if it's kisaki because kisaki hasn't been shown to be in the gang yet so if he joined right after draken got stabbed and already became captain right now it would be for sure a twist takemitchy becoming a captain seems pretty natural to me though, especially after all that's happened and his rapport with mikey and draken
Well Takemichi did spend a lot of time in the future this time At least that's the gist I got from Naoto going radio silent on him for a long time If Kisaki is as cutthroat and determined as he's been hyped up to be I could imagine him getting in and immediately weaseling into all the right situations to fast track him to promotion
considering what's been shown the viewer so far, having him go back in time with the resolve to become the captain and then revealing that actually the villain was going to be the captain is pretty shitty
blue haired looks kinda like marianne from fire emblem three houses
Yeah I see it
Man this girl is really tall
Sarasa doesn't really seem to have an indoor voice Here she is, late for the entrance ceremony, and she's practically shouting a girl right next to her
This is a real "extrovert versus introvert" dichotomy
I have this strange feeling that these four will end up being the four season stars
Or maybe Lady Oscar is still a femme role Er masculine role
uh oh stalker-san is coming
>>958607 That would be kind of poetic At the very least Ai and Sarasa are the main characters, so them not getting the big roles would be a let down The other two are maybe-maybenots
i was thinking "probably not" at the beginning but in the end this show was kind of charming i'll keep watching