maybe one of those controllers that turns the switch into a pro controller is worth it >>960202 that's great
I like the silent jogging mode in switch fit but then you have aaa handful of excerise that are as loud if not louder than jogging on the spot you don't have to use those but you do have toggle it a bit
>>960238 ohh it's definitely a shit creativity test i think it's just a peculiar vocab test i kinda understood how to game it just getting the description i just picked the most obscure words that i imagined might still be in the system's lexicon that it pulls from it was like strata, circumnavigate, house, wheelbarrow, retardation, scythe, eagle, apple, scoliosis apricot, not apple i course a couple simple words so they wouldn't all be large words and i messed up with wheelbarrow because it's too close to scythe categorically otherwise it would've been over 100
but yeah idk how you could just test creativity that takes a lot more than a quick vocab test
I think one of the strengths of the test is it isn't necessarily a vocab test There's nothing stopping you from using common and simple words as long as you understand their conceptual difference from each other Of course having a broad lexicon helps since you have a bigger pool to fish from, but that isn't a requirement And in that case, it kind of expresses the elements of what makes good creativity, or at least literary creativity Creativity I think can be expressed as a relation of your knowledge and experience, and the understanding of how to apply it. People aren't just born creative; creativity is a skill you train. If you're widely read, you'll have a diverse collection of words you've picked up, but just knowing those words doesn't mean you understand their nuance enough to understand their conceptual similarities. And even if you're narrowly read, you might have enough of an understanding of the words you know to know how different they are. Though this is just one facet of creativity and knowing the similarities between words is just as useful tool for creativity than knowing their differences, perhaps even more so. But then again, knowing how words are similar helps you in knowing it's better to seek further afar for conceptually different words, so it ends up looping back into itself in the end anyway.
I think it's a
neat little test and while I'm not certain what it demonstrates is some quantifiable grade of creativity, I think it does help demonstrate your literary ability to understand concepts and abstract connections, which are generally very useful tools for the creative process.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just another day in paradise
Just another day with parasites
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
inventing new types of *deres
Doomdere They think the world is going to end but it's okay if it ends when they're with you
>>960483 thank god more reasons to not touch that shit card game
One of my coworkers is kinda ranting some of those Covid misinformation "I'm just asking questions" kinds of things That are rather less about things being wrong and more him fundamentally misunderstanding some basic things about flu illness Like "there are people who have gotten vaccinated, but then caught Covid" And I'm thinking, no shit Sherlock, that's just how vaccines work. They're not 100% effective
>>960487 freakin antivaxxers will get disproven a hundred times and keep coming back with new bullshit i don't even bother to engage i just shut em down
>>960491 I think one of my friends is antivax. Either that or just fucking lazy. But a good chunk of Illinoisans (what an awful word) are vaccinated by now. Anyways we had a zoo trip planned in March 2020 but had to cancel it because of the pandemic.
>>960518 I like the pic but in lore male viera are wild savages that kill literally anything that tries to get close to the village it's funny that they're getting pushed into this cute bunny boi archetype when every time they're mentioned characters are like "oh yeah don't fuck with them they'll kill you before you even know where they are"
did you get wawa while you were in Philly? the convenience id delicious
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah you best believe it i got a .... sub?
Philly is what made Kirara fall so much in love with Wawa They're a good convenience store I don't think I got anything from them which was particular unique to them, or even really to convenience store in general But they're definitely a good place
I I'm making eggrolls for my friends at a potluck for this saturday, trying to copy my mom's eggrolls that they've all had before and really liked Hopefully I can emulate even a modicum of her success
Kang is a time traveling interdimensional conqueror in the comics. He's Kang the Conqueror. He's suuuuuper evil. He has a lot of alternative versions that try to stop him. Like, different versions of himself that become heroes throughout the marvel universe. He's going to be the big bad in the next Antman movie. He's probably the smartest guy in all of marvel? Smarter than the big three geniuses. In comics he's a descendent of Mr. Fantastic but idk if they'll keep that for MCU.
>>960756 No, Rick wishes he was Kang. Kang is like, the guy. If Kang had been around when Thanos came around, Thanos probably wouldn't have managed to snap the first time.
>>960759 Thanos wouldn't have even gotten the stones probably. Kang would have figured out what was happening and just straight up stopped it. Kang is just a mortal, but he's basically a god despite having literally no powers.
>>960755 Like he wouldn't get the stones, or it wouldn't have worked?
How's he so good at scheming? Is it just an abnormally wrinkly brain? An AI or some other tech? Faux future sight like Azymondiaz?
He's just Smart. So when he gets time travel tech he basically becomes a god who is able to scheme over billions of years. In some incarnations he found time travel stuff and in others he invented it himself. It sounds like in the MCU he invents it himself.
I dont think he's gonna be in Multiverse of Madness so unless they decide to add him into more series or Loki S2 starts before AntMan then we might not see him until 2023.
I mean there's no way they're gonna have AntMan, on his own, whoop this guy ONE of him literally grabbed hold of the whole fucking literal timeline of the universe and controlled it like a video game, we can't be expected to believe AntMan can do a fucking thing against like, 5 of him
Yeah, it could probably be any Nathaniel Richards that becomes Kang. HWR is more like the Immortus version of him. Immortus gets depression and decides to dedicate his life to ending conflict in exchange for immortality.
It's just a roll of the dice every time one of these assholes loses control of the timeline, cause we end up with either a fucking lunatic genocidal maniac, or a lunatic genocidal maniac who's doing it for ostensibly good reasons
I actually do kinda love that aspect of the character as introduced though He's not **immortal** But he is immortal Like, he can be killed, but like a mushroom, not in a way that matters, because the moment he dies, the timeline fucks up again, and the variants of him in the past duke it out, and one wins, takes control, and shows up again
That's a real cool concept for a character
well, in the future for us, but in the past for him
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I was really pleased with it. And the actor was perfect for it.
I watched it for a while, but at some point I stopped watching and I can't remember when But what I did watch was real good
Is it the same guy who played the main guy in that?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, John Major plays HWR and the MC of LC.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually when you think about it antman was the reason the gang was able to stop thanos so it would be hilarious if he was the reason they were able to defeat kang
Well, only because he's hogging the shrinking power Which surely Kang would have appropriated for himself
Actually how come he's not suped up? You've got time travel and a brain so powerful it uses a nuclear reactor just to keep it running, but you didn't steal some Captain America juice for yourself from 1938?
Well, it's not like he needs to. He can do everything just fine using technology. I mean, Kang generally has power armor so fucking good that its not like anyone could get him anyway.
Well sure But I mean, there's a lot of supes oiut there who are effectively unable to die, just in general, too Like swap places with Bruce Banner, what are you fucking doing?
Depending on the iteration, after all, the hulk literally can not actually die
He just doesn't need to! Besides, there's no way to know that he'll get the favored results just because he does what someone else did to get powers. I'm sure tons of people would die if a radioactive spider bit them. Peter just had the right genetics and other factors to make it work. It's a big risk.
Fair point, I guess And I guess if he's wearing a space marine suit most of the time anyway, then being the Hulk would be an unnecessary failsafe to begin with
That and I'd be cokcy too if I was him, conquering the universe after killing off literally an infinite amount of myself all capable of the same thing, and nobody else seems to be trying except other mes
In his original incarnation, Kang gets tired of fighting and is depressed after failing to save his son a few times in various timelines. So the Time Keepers give him immortality in exchange for him preserving timelines instead of conquering them. 2depressed2conquer
In the end, he's super smart but he's still human. So his flaws can come out sometimes.
Does he do EVE online shit where if he does somehow die, he's got a clone with his memories that kicks into action?
My adhd rediagnosis session thing is coming up soon, in other news Had a preliminary like, phone question session with someone from the place today
I don't think it matters anymore cause I think disability is off the table, but I'm still gonna go through with it anyway But I am pretty worried about the whole thing
Dutchfriend keeps telling me i should look into if I've got uh CPTSD? I think that's what he said. We're cool again, so we sometimes talk again now, like on voice and stuff
CPTSD isn't a Real Diagnosis despite how often it's talked about, though.
The thing is I don't fucking know, but the whole period of time when my dad was together with that cunt when I was little... probably didn't positively impact my mental health
I can't remember clear details from that far back though, but when he visited here a few years back, he, my dad and I got pretty drunk, and I got particularly drunk cause I didn't and still don't know when to stop, and I like, completely broke down crying and shit about her I don't remember it too well but he does cause he wasn't nearly as fucked up
I mean there's more than just that, obviously I get noticeably heated whenever I talk about what I do remember, or I just refuse outright cause I feel like I'm not really supposed to even have a problem with some of the stuff I remember
But I also don't trust my memory too well
It's just a lot
I think a lot of my confidence issues at least are supported by her having been in ky life, cause some of the stuff she told me as a kid, I catch myself telling myself now
I haven't really bothered looking too much into it though, beyond chats with him, cause I don't see a real use case Like what'd I even do with that information, you know?
It doesn't help to just know what's wrong with you, not really You just have to cope with the symptoms at the end of the day
There's also stuff like just how habitual and instinctive it is for me to lie, and lie, and lie, every time it seems like telling the truth could have some negative consequence, and every lie I just dig myself furter down
I'm not even sure who I've told what lies about what anymore
It's like magic that forces your brain to reprocess traumatic memories through eye movement.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did some Emdr with a therapist seems to have helped me integrate one (1) childhood trauma
it's funny i used to do this shifty eye thing sometimes as a tic
Huh Well no, nothing like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she wasnt even very good as a therapist imo not that ive talked to many but it felt clinical and cold but she went thru the steps clinically and eventually we got thru it all then i stopped going lol need a warmer therapist
all i need to do is get my driver's and then im freeeee and all i need for that is to collate some documents and ive been putting that off for three months now
bluff 'd you coulda just taken back w ur rook brah
>>960822 Copy it and paste it into the url bar and then click play.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it's like an online show
>>960825 Well, it's also broadcast on the radio in St. Louis but yes. Tomorrow they'll upload a recording of the show and leave it up for two weeks if you want to hear the rest.
His show ends iin 8 minutes.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have no headphones on me so listening is impastable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chess is hard when you're three beers also when you're sober esp when it's 2 am
i just interacted with apple support over iMessage and wow is this shit scripted or what it's so artifice
I feel like most support services these days have a pretty narrow script to work with They don't want special unique experiences they just want the employee to shuffle you through their twelve-step process
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I should be the one thanking you for giving me the chance to help you out today!
babe nooooo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bottom MORE bitch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanted to search for a video clip but it's been apparently scrubbed from the youtubes >for fifty cents ill suck UR DICK!!!
>>960944 >>960944 I had a virtual ticket to see it through some streaming service. There are links to stuff like that on the movie website.
>>>/watch?v=Bg-kiqmelaE >>960949 ah thought it was something like that they also have it on a bunch of bullshit streaming services like Apple tv
the model for streaming services these days really doesn't seem to work all that well imo who wants to subscribe to like a dozen or so services just to fill small niches of original content
yeah it kinda sucks i guess they do well enough sucking income from the upper-middle class but the majority of people just don't get to watch stuff
this chrono trigger music sounds like perfectly nice music to listen to while pounding out the grind of a jrpg >>961059 and then you date thw the models even if the app doesn't work out
a dating app that also happens to be a rideshare app
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like sekuhara lawsuit: the app
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
didn't some dude bro make an app that was entirely for dating him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>That guy is Aaron Smith. He created the app to sidestep all that dater-against-dater competition. Swipe through and you'll see photos of only him. >There's Aaron in a Santa hat. There he is playing guitar. There he is playing guitar again, this time in a floppy wig. And there he is holding an adorable dog and making puppy eyes. Aaron is 32 and "gainfully employed," the app reveals. >The Greensboro, North Carolina, resident is indeed employed, in technical support.
gainfully employed? oh weird never heard that term before
>>961080 i ddrink eds a lot just convenient to grab one if tired during commute and no need to finish it in one go either (i only buy bottled) ofc i grab a few when drinking too one to grab one point during drinking, usually a bad idea since drunk and super tired but wired brain leads to interesting things
and one for hangover day, since i don't really sleep on those
huh there's a guy driving in the back paddock probably hunting the area here is super flat and everybody here has insanely bright lights so you can see them for miles
My boss was telling me he went through a list of "tik tok" slang with some clients the other day and everyone had fun, and that he was surprised by some of the slang. I asked him what his favorite slang was and his eyes got kind of shifty so I asked "which words do you plan on integrating into your vernacular" and he was like "that's a better question. i think i'm gonna start saying 'throwing shade' i'd never heard that before."
It made me feel really young.
>>961150 Too flat, too old, too American, too many hurricanes, no half-decent public heathcare, barebones public transit, no reprieve from humidity I can think of a lot of reasons!
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
Imagine driving straight down the middle of a roundabout By accident Because it was raining and there wasn't any light Or safety barriers or anything
Man I got some really nice sleep for the first time since like Sunday Too bad it was the evening and not at night But it's nice to get more than like two hours of sleep for once
im kind of expecting aquatope to be my second favorite show this season even though i've only seen one episode as long as you guys save that i can watch the rest on my own
wow sun goin down at 10? it goes down so late in some places here the sun goes down at like 830
Fluctuates with the summer, and how far north you go Here I think sunset is around 21:15 right now I'd like to live a bit further north in part because I'd love to get even longer summer days Although it would make winter nights even longer
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Damn. At parts of the year, the sun goes down at like 1800 here!
Yeah, the closer you get to the equator, the more standardized the nights get In the heart of winter, the sun sets as early as like 17:00 here, and it only gets worse the further north you go So when you take the midpoint between the earliest and latest times, you get probably about the time the sun would set at the equator year-round
hey, we are down to just 18h 54m days might actually get dark soon
it's fun, but long days lose their charm after a month
>>961259 and also less seasons you get equator is more of a 2 season thing, which sounds dull
I'd take it if it meant being free of winter
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>961388 Hey, you know where you'll never have to see Winter again?
>>961440 I don't like rain but I also don't like snow But I like heat and warm weather and don't like cold So by my reasoning, a climate which experiences a rainy season but mild winter is way better than one with not much rain but a lot of winter and snow
>>961445 Much better. I'm going to my flgs tomorrow so I can't be fat and have an ukempt beard. *unkempt In other news
idk why i would want it i'd rather game on a PC with an ethernet connection or a switch not a bastard hybrid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are they gonna jam an x86 in there battery life is gonna suffer
>>961494 Yeah I'm kind of interested just cause its portable and cheaper than a gaming laptop which I knd of want. This way I don't have to pay ot tththe aasass ffofor a ggagamgamigamingaming llalaolaptop OOnOne ssesec
love it when you change isp or power provider the previius one comes crawlibg on knees "pls don't we love you"
might be cool but valve has a pretty bad track record with hardware I'm expecting it to sell kinda poorly and then they drop support in four years
>>961500 This way I wouldbt have to drag a tower back and forth from school.
>>961501 love it when you change isp and the first one makes you jump through five hundred circus hoops to get them to actually cancel service
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
now if they could get an apple M1 in there you'd have the battery life and possibly a real nice puzzle game machine but good luck prying that outta tim cook's fingers
that's funny i coukd order a 5g internet service from my old provider here, but not phone wonder how that works per se, or are they just lying hmm could also be that for xertain services the isps share infra, but for others don't
Pretty fun evening. Went out for drinks for people from Lawyer school
Except at one point there were just three of us still there talking and it was like me and one other guy and a girl and the two of them seemed kind of in to each other so i felt like a bit of a third wheel..
i would likw to start a surveillance network that tracks cars if you own a truck or other monster vehicle just to commute one person you're goin on the list
>>961612 this is so horrible tbh honestly i think ready player one was like, the biggest symbol that our culture was essentially dead and stuff like this just cements it
seven apples on a witch's tree with seven seeds to plant inside of me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seed & feed they call me the planter
they call me the sneeder
zack sneeder brr it's really chilly today wind be crazy
yeah kemuri's my first choice my bro decided on the korean place, oseyo
kemuri is from the same chef as a couple other places in austin, most notably Ramen Tatsu-ya which is arguably the best ramen you can get in central texas, and probably just texas the other place in austin usually mentioned in the same breath, Michi Ramen, is also very good though
tatsu's places have this insane atmosphere though they're some of my favorite spaces in austin without even considering the food
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna put dat on my list if someday somehow i make it to texas
may be I need to dilute this stuff it's just lemon and lime cord labelled for margs I felt a craving for tequila but if I'm just gonna do shots or something I might blackout
see? I see you yeah, it is p2: [[0, 1, 3, 6, 16, 5], 4] okay you can just click on it in the box to cop it, the notation box in the client I*j10, I*h10, I*f10, I*d10, I*b10, I*a10, Rc*i10, Rc*e10, A*j9, A*h9, A*f9, A*d9, A*b9, Q*k11 done done A*e4 end end N*e6 N e6~e4 N*e6 N e6~e4 N*e6 N e6~e4 N*e6
that's wierd k mine's p1: ((8, 13, 16, 6, 4, 3), 1) Q*f1, H*e2, H*f2, S*d2, S*g2, N*b3, N*j3, Ro*f3, Ro*d3, Ro*h3, S*b2, S*i2 N b3-b5 Ro f3~e4 Ro d3-e3 Ro e3~e4 S i2-h4 H f2~e4 S h4-g6 S d2~e4 N*d7 S e4-e5 S g6-g7 S g7~h9 H e2-f4 H f4-e6 S e5-e6 N j3-j5 Q*k4