Bokutachi no Remake (Double-length) Kageki Shoujo!! Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Scarlet Nexus Seirei Gensouki Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. (Double-length) Tokyo Revengers Vanitas no Carte Uramichi Oniisan
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 9-12
Two new things tonight
Seirei Gensouki is an isekai where the MC is reborn into an isekai world and only starts to rediscover his past life in Japan as he gets older I'm not too sure what the style is besides that
Uramichi Oniisan is probably something that's kind of depressively comedic, judging from the chatter I've seen about it One such take I saw about the show is "Don't watch this if you're over 30 and want to be happy"
i can watch tantei and bokutachi or tantei and any other i wanna watch all of them but i mostly care to make sure i watch tantei the only one on that list i don't care about is nagatoro
Yeah I don't think most airplanes would call out for a detective
>>958043 I've heard pretty good things about the LN series Also I might be a bit incentivized to watch it because there's going to be Hololive cameos in episode three
This guy is kind of a disaster magnet
siesta is an odd name and still odd as a code name
This kind of game really relies on him playing in good faith No matter which answer she gives, he could always lie and do what he wants
It seems like they're covering a lot more than you usually would in the first episode of an LN adaptation Some LNs you could even fit an entire volume into this much screentime But I feel like it's probably only half the first volume and they do a big Act I / Act II
wait that's what the title meant
I mean the show title literally spoils this for you
Honestly I kept expecting to see her die in the first episode The title made me assume the twist but I didn't expect it to happen so late
what a ridiculous, strange, incomprehensibly weird show i guess i have to watch it
i'm kinda ticked off tbh the good outweighs the bad and i definitely enjoyed what i saw but i can't help but feel upset about it for reasons i don't fully have a grasp on yet
The premise for this really smacks of Re-Life to me But I think Re-Life is the kind of wish fulfillment I desperately need in my life these days so I'm not actually against that notion Also it might be an actual time slip rather than just age regression
Everyone wants a good nice trucking every once in a while
Even at twenty-eight he kind of has a bit of a baby face
And she was just adjusting her shoe, eh
wait no now he's gonna get a job no truck-san please
truck-san it's okay he doesn't need you!
More like Suck-ceed
tilde why
Because I am compulsive to reach for the low-hanging fruit
is because your own fruit fails to hang low whatsoever
I have no frame of reference with which to answer that question
Honestly even if it's kind of a lackluster job He has a whole room to himself as an office I would love to have work like this
Oh never mind he's work out in the main space This kind of looks like, hm I don't know if he's being overly relied on or being the labour mule It looks like the former though
Wow dev team feuds Also I don't want to hear a deve -dev team working on a social game calling other teams budget parasites
I guess with his team's project getting canned, Yeah Back to square zero
I think I'd immediately know if I were 15 years younger too
I'm not particularly great at thinking in the first few minutes after waking up I can kind of understand him mistaking his sister The rest I would like to believe I wouldn't take too long to pick up on
But also there is the notion that the human brain resists absurdity Like, it's nice to think you'd be able to immediately catch on something that by all means should be impossible But realistically, the human brain is very good at desperately trying to find a rational explanation for something Even if that makes the things you're thinking irrational
Oh she's turned this around pretty well I liked the parting message she left them with If you're going to be stupid, you might as well go as crazy as you can
I think she's just highly motivated My interpretation is she came into this program knowing what she wanted and is laser-focused on achieving it Which makes her feel a bit elitist compared to some of the other students Especially ones who are snoring in class
if i were to use just one word it would be "competent"
But I guess this guy with the cool family name is a big film nerd already So he can just rattle off screenwriting theory seconds after waking up
so aren't the three people on that platinum generation poster he had in the future aren't they the three people he's rooming with?
Presumably, yeah That seems like the logical development of the plot Maybe some of the Platinum Generation are some of the other kids in his program though The OP had a few other cast members I don't think we've seen yet
WHAT NINJA CLUB IN COLLEGE that sounds so fun
>One of the kunoichi girls is really hot Sounds nice
>>958209 well Shino Aki is definitely the artist he's super into because of ther name and N@N@ is definitely Nanako and i don't remember the other artist's name but it was a bunch of kanji i think so i'll just assume it's the guy with the fancy lineage
That and they both have blue hair
Oh no a mixer
Honestly getting raccously drunk with a bunch of other kids out on the school lawn seems really fun Especially if you're not paying for the drinks
Spoken like a true artist though She praises all the basic functions a human bean needs to do to survive There's just something about creative types which seems to draw the like who can barely survive as functioning people
oh okay cool it was so obvious, i was hoping they'd reveal it fast
I was looking at the isekai one actually if you wanna do that one seirei
That's fine too We can tell Bang to watch episode one and see how he finds it With any luck we'll find some things he doesn't care too much about so it's easier to accomodate his adult life
He said he wanted to watch everything new So we're inevitably going to leave him out for some things I think we just watch the episode since you're interested in it
wellll I guess we can finish that I don't want to leave bang behind on anything
at least not so early in season
nagatoro 9 okay lets start
As far as I know we only have one new show coming out tomorrow The new season of Slime Isekai So it'll probably be easy to get to things Bang doesn't watch tomorrow night Er get to things he does watch
>>958227 Wait shoot I'm sorry there's also the ONII-SAMA spin-off At the least I don't think Bang has been keeping up with that series
If you'd rather do that instead of Nagatoro
Nagatoro is slowly realizing she doesn't have a great reason for protecting Sempai but still feels she has to
Wow, the rare band of game losers who aren't intimidated by a cohort of girls like this
Oh here's Danger-chan really running rampant
I think I might know the real manga his manga is parodying here
Wow he's going to humiliate himself to let Nagatoro win What a good boyfriend
this is a pretty comfy thing to watch at the end sorry i've been battling with my mouse all night it wants to double click when i single click makes it hard to post on moe cause it opens and immediately closes the post
and yeah I'm going to get a new one
Sounds like you need a good catch Er mouse-catching cat I don't why my brain ate half those words
It's rare that I use my mouse to open new /moe/ posts Usually I just use Alt+n Er Alt-s
Wait no it is Alt+n to make a new post and Alt+s to close it Samu why is this two entirely different commands
I feel like the laser on my mouse has been slightly unresponsive every now and then I don't think the lens is dirty, but maybe my mousepad isn't properly absorbing light Though that's not a big concern
Oh my Internet went out It was kind of stormy here today, hopefully a line didn't get taken down
Well good night, Rika, if you're still here Thanks for anime!