*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia Bokutachi no Remake Deatte 5-byou de Battle Fumetsu no Anata e Kanojo mo Kanojo Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Seirei Gensouki Tokyo Revengers Uramichi Oniisan Vanitas no Carte
The end of Gugu's arc was really heavy Though I guess March's arc wasn't much better I think we spent more time with Gugu and his family though
>he tried on many expressions >they're all suffering
>With Gugu's death, Fushi seems to have gained a new thing Yeah, GRIEF
I like that Fushi is sentient enough to acknowledge DM-kun isn't his parent And that despite not having the memory of her at the moment, still recognizes March as his mother
We're getting some nice info this episode at least. I guess Fushi is going to have to leave the comfort of society and family and stuff and learn to be a warrior
but maybe not tsince this lady is involved again
I wonder if this means she's gonna die next
he left his bag
wow this old lady is really cool
Yeah, super cool
>>960285 I dunno if she's the next to pass on or not, but I think she's the kind of person who'll die on their own terms
The architecture of the various towns in this world are kind of all over the place At first there was the very northern tribal village, and then March's village of houses on stilts That big city they were abducted to was kind of Asian, almost a dynasty of Imperial China Gugu's town was ... I don't really know how to place it, but it was more a mix of regional styles And then the village they were just at was almost a 16/1700s European village
>>960312 i'm wondering if the tournament will actually be the route to saving pioran or if strawhat realized that he'd have that advantage after watching him regenerate and realized she might profit from entering him in
She had enough decency to pull him from the prisoner lines even not knowing about his immortality So I don't think she's entirely an uncaring person At worst I think she sees it as a "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" situation
what the hell is deatte 5-byou de battle
It's a battle series about a kid who gets abducted by a shady organization which erases people from society and then uses them as guinea pigs for superpowers Outraged by this the kid commits to destroying the organization Or something like that
this show still needs to prove its worth >>960320 you say that like that's something everyone wants to do i kinda don't
All you have to do is let yourself marinate in the despair
There's nothing like a good ZETSUBOU soak every now and then
it's mostly that it's not even good despair
Kamiyan is a good choice for this main character though He really flips between cheery and "I want to die" on a dime
Yep that sounds about right You get maybe a ten minute high during the day where you feel good about yourself And then the rest of it you just feel sucked dry
I thought I would dislike this show but it's actually pretty good
I've been liking it a fair bit Definitely because I can relate a bit But I think it also delivers its comedy fairly well
i probably won't stick around for it it's mostly just the subject i think the jokes don't really land for me because they exist on a completely different paradigm than i operate on and feel counterproductive for me
>Both onii-sans have had their feelings hurt I think the one hurting most there was the onee-san though
>Aren't there times you can't bear the silence of being alone Not really no I am very good at being alone
The onee-san changes up her hairstyle from filming segment to filming segment Nice detail
>Little birdy In what way Is this thing even remotely A bird in any conceptual fashion
I think I'd lose my mind if I had to work around kids so often I can handle a few kids every now and then but being around them for hours a day on a daily basis would exhaust every fiber my being
;_; Poor cat
This guy really can't handle his sausage humour
yeah i don't really get anything out of this i probably won't watch any more
usually i don't mind beginning-of-episode recaps at all but this show gets so little done with its screentime already that i feel the recaps are literally just so they make less episode
Time to see if they were baiting us with the cliffhanger last episode or not
Those are some familiar eyebrows Also caaaaaaaalled it
They're still having to do weird holds on camera shots and obvious cuts to Wow damn Takemichi I mean I don't blame you But man
But yeah they're still having to avoid showing the Manju symbol It's kind of annoying
Also I guess they kinda glossed over the fact that Takemichi never actually joined Touman Which explains why he wasn't considered for the third captain placement
Oh but there's another captain's seat that needs being filled though
Two punches in one night This trip to the past is off to a good start
Kisaki really seems to be a snake through and through though
If that was your question, I don't think he knows. He knows Takemichi is weird, and I think he made a joke-guess at him being a time traveller But that was as far as he went
There we go Now he's actually a part of the gang A bit informal of an admission, but it works
>>960362 And Mikey's the kind of person you kinda have to take at face value that he'll kill you if he threatens it Not that it's a surefire guarantee, but the odds are pretty chaotic
Oh I was expecting him to be dead yeah It would be cool if he had to go further back to save someone to enable his current mission
Yeah that would've been neat Would kind of open a whole can of worms though Once you start nestling time travelling inside time travelling things start to get pretty messy
i'm just barely still interested enough to continue
Now that he's back in the past I'm fine with it again. We'll see if it majes makes me mad again
vanitas okay lets start
That was a pretty cool new ED
I thought with Mars Red ending last season I'd have to put an end to this joke But it looks like there's more vampires to put the pyre into
my coworker didn't understand why everyone thought the two characters in vanitas were gay or rather he didn't understand why they were being paired so hard by people on the internet his words were "why does everyone think they're gay" he's relatively new to anime so i had to explain to him how certain kinds of character designs and really _really_ subtle subtext can go a very long ways with certain elements of certain fanbases i am kinda hoping there's more of that too
Everyone who's spent enough time watching anime has a pretty well-developed gaydar Even people who aren't fujoshi or fudanshi
I wonder if vampires drinking their own blood brings them any kind of satisfaction In the end blood is blood
i don't think vampires self-suck though it seems like anime vampires will sometimes lick their own blood when they're cut but normally vampires aren't really supposed to drink vampire blood and sometimes vampires aren't even supposed to bleed there is this thing in anime where vampires will suck other vampires to kill them though
Understandable Vanitas seems to be a bit of an acquired taste
At what point did Paris go from being the City of Flowers to the City of Lights
That's a nasty crosshatch scar
The count had the decency to pull his butler vampire out from the trajectory of the desk as it got kicked across the room
i like this show
The purple eyes, white hair, and brown skin of the MC is still a great aesthetic
I wonder if a lot of these characters are named after famous authors/poets So far we've gotten a Dante and a Johann Which to be fair aren't quite exceptional names But two's a data set to work with
>last frame of the OP and you had to explain to your friend why they were gay
Surely it's just an aesthetic style shot! Nothing to be read into!
But yeah no this series is hella gay
errrrrrrr ED
There's even some funky inverse dom stuff going on With the human character drawing his fingers across the vampire's neck Normally it's the human whose neck is a thing to be protected against the vampiric fangs but they've kind of inverted that around for that shot
>>960397 he mostly watches shounen also he thought they were both interested in amelia but yeah he was clueless
Having roommates feels like it would've been kind of fun to experience as a young adult I wouldn't want to do it at this point in my life if possible But it is one of those atypical university/college things I completely missed out on because of, well, me.
what a baka
having roommates is okay i guess it really entirely depends on the roommates there isn't really a situation where having a shitty rommate is okay because of the context
i live with roommates right now and they're pretty chill so it's cool but i'm really lucky well i'm really lucky that they're chill and i'm also a pretty good roommate so that helps bad roommates tend to create bad roommates out of any they find
One of my roommates in school really liked being naked or walking around in towels and stuff in the apartment one time she laid on my bed naked and I was like what. are. you. doing.
Hah hah hah wow Some people just like being out in the breeze eh
>>960407 It's not quite about it being okay or not Like I can hear people's horror or heartwarming stories about roommates all they can share, but I can't experience that for myself at all any more And sure, not every one needs to experience all the stereotypical tropes of youth If I'd actually been doing worthwhile, enjoyable things at that time, I wouldn't be regretting it a bit
She also had really weird body odor she was like mixed race, white with some southern asian and she had a strange odor to her
I don't really have any natural smell at all to me I hated pulling her laundry out of the washing machine because it smelled like her and i didn't like her smell
>>960409 oh no, you definitely can... in fact some people have to always find their living situation by meeting roommates on craigslist.....
Yeah but I'm in my late twenties now I'm not a fresh adult That window has passed, so that experience is locked out for me unless I try real hard to mentally regress myself to
I don't know! I was talking about missing out on the somewhat stereotypical experience of having college roommates and stuff like that That's an entirely different thing from having roommates in your adult life
I'm 100% confused as to why he got so upset about it
Train stations are really good liminal spaces They're places where people are constantly coming and going from
>>960422 you know when the biggest anxiety in my life right now is finding somewhere to live in the next couple months and knowing that i'm going to have to meet a bunch of strangers and make a decision about who i'm going to be living with
and to have the experience of looking for roommates be associated with needing to mentally regress to being a kid just feels really fucking shitty especially coming from someone who - from my perspective - gets quite a bit handed to him
and for you to not realize from some of the things i was posting that it should be obvious i'd feel pretty bad hearing that
i don't know it's like you weren't even reading
you think i'm fucking proud that i can't afford to live on my own you think maybe it might actually be the scariest and most terrifying insecurity to have to live with when every underpass is a fucking tent city filled with homeless people who had lives just like mine before the american dream caught up with them
so maybe it's a little unreasonable for me to react like this but that doesn't make it hurt any less to have my situation compared with that of mental regression
Well I hope things resolve well for you bang. I have some work induced anxiety lately so I know that feel
>>960424 I could say the same of you Missing out on key things I'm saying to attach your own anxieties to it Let me be clear I don't see your need to find somewhere to live as associated with mental regression. You're a working adult in the adult world, that is an entirely different scenario than what I was establishing As someone who has incredible issues with meeting strangers and having to put trust in them I sympathize with your fears about finding roommates -- the fact that I am this way is why I've never done it and I have a lot of gratitude to the people in my life who have let me survive the way I have I'm sorry you're in a space of incredible anxiety right now But please don't put words in my mouth.