>Absolutely beautiful spacious magnificent lush suite Available Absolutely Gorgeous And prodigious Two (2) Bedroom stunning and beautiful Vast large grandiose basement suite...
why si the window so small
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you mean? that window is Vast, look at how much wall space it occupies
Today in "Can I Please Just be Left Alone To Sleep", I was met with a somewhat rude awakening this morning as a construction guy was let in to my unit to look at the state of the floor. Not even to start work, I think that happens tomorrow, just gauge the required material. First of all, kind of sucks that my privacy was intruded on. But this was also at 07:00, about forty minutes before my alarms are set to go off. Which might seem marginal, but when you sleep in at best three hours sessions like I do, getting forty minutes interrupted is pretty fucking lousy I mean I dozed back off to sleep but it sure wasn't a good remaining half hour and it made it harder than usual to get up when it was time to.
weird as hell timing to just dfo a random check up coincidentally, would be illegal here
Vice cracks me up sometimes https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkbq9n/meet-4chans-kommandos-the-armed-meme-lords-driving-gun-culture
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>958975 yow who's got your key y'know one thing i learned from staying in a hotel in detroit is you can never go wrong having a bolt on the door
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm reading some pick up artist's blog out of interest dis guy moved to japan and goes to subway stations and gets like dozens of numbers just playin the numbers game what a weird life i respect the grind at least, rejection won't phase him at all but like at what point do you get self actualization about hunting manko at all hours
>>958979 Security has a master key to all the units I didn't see who came in very well because I was in bed and not getting out unless there was a fire burning the building down But I presume either security or master architect can get into the units The building is still finishing the units so construction is on premises, and I know there are master keys since I saw one in use As far as private keys go only me and my folks have one
Oh nvm Places will put up "no nanpa" signs and police enforce them. Thanks Wikipedia.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
approaching women is illegal, yes you cannot talk to gorl ever
my stragety is decorating a mound of dirt with shiny stuff and dancing around it works pretty well and gets around all those pesky laws
Also known as the Magpie Approach
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
might go for that approach make somethin shiny better than this year of isolation one itis now that stuff's opening up it's time to figure out how to social again
I remember one time in student accommodation some staff lady randomly let herself in to my room and because it was Summer and it was hot as fuck I was sitting at my computer without a shirt on Not doing anything weird. Just because it was cooler. and I was alone in my OWN ROOM.
and yeah. she just got embarrassed and slammed the door shut
>>959008 thats super unsafe if you're living in a war zone or out camping, then yeah, do that. if you're at your safe little home then absolutely do not because it's unsafe to keep there especially during the day too easy for someone else to get, too easy for something to go wrong
>>959004 some people keep guns under their bed and stuff but it's really unsafe you should keep your guns LOCKED somewhere at all times unless you are using them a safe works because you can easily access it quickly if you need to but i dont have a gun safe so my guns are locked in their cases and the locks take too long to open for it to be helpful for self defense and given the layout of my apartment, a knife is fine
the quick gunsafes and locks are always so wonderful being able to be picked open with a twig or just shaken open not really an issue if you live alone, but if you have kids...
my pillow may not be a gun safe but it's the perfect place to put my gun if i want to accidentally shoot myself when i reach under my pillow in my sleep
>>959012 Well during the day for sure keep it locked somewhere, but shit gets wild in the US, so I'd probably feel safe keeping it and a magazine under my pillow when I sleep Not like, keep the gun loaded under my pillow, that's suicidal But available
Also i've been playing way too much fallout 4, I'm watching Loki and the camera panned over a bunch of cafeteria trays, and I went "got dam that's a lotta aluminium"
In my defense, the whole place has a very fallout aesthetic
>>959016 Even if you intend to lock it up every day, eventually you're gonna forget. And even if you intend to never keep it loaded, eventually you're gonna leave a bullet chambered. People who leave guns under their pillows inevitably are going to forget about safety since it's not important to them. Guns are super dangerous.
>>959016 Most modern day cafeteria trays would be made out of plastic though
that photo was from the first time we went to philly, I think I haven't messed with any of the photos on my account so I'm not sure why the time would have been changed
my rowing machine is really good i'm super happy with it when i PULL it blows wind on my face like im actually rowing and every time the wind hits me my brain lights up
finally more than halfway through critrole campaign 2 this shit is LONG >>959054 is it in my genes now to give everything the finger? even time?
we dont have any mosquitoes that can melt your brain but we do have amoebas that can if you arent careful and get in the wrong water they'll eat your brain like unironically they get in through your nose
Of course you don't have brain melting mosquitoes because those would be fairies and fairies don't real
Sounds like some Scandinavian death metal band's lyrics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
The CD features the entire first album along with three bonus tracks and more. The reissue was released on Relapse Records.
>>959071 there's this dude at work that's super chill and we always make each other off menu foods from each restaurant but I have no idea what his name is been happening for more than a year now
>>959098 i already have a 2020 Volkswagen Tiguan™ S
he can finance about 20k and has a handful of G's to throw down so we're gonna go test drive a bunch of sedans if i was choosing i'd get a Jetta or a Kia Forte probably, but the Civic Hatchback also seems like pretty good value, just a bit more pricey when looking at this market segment
>>959100 lol people don't own things they finance them and are upside down forever
but yeah honestly every day when i get into my car i feel a bunch of emotions about how ridiculous the free market is and how blessed i am to have a halfway decent job
yo look at this billionaire ownign // owning a car less than a decade old
whenever i get in my car i think about the time saku said "why would anyone drive a car thats called killed in action?" and i said i drive a kia and he said "lamo"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>959102 i don't know about that gen, but the gen after (like 2013? 2014?) Kia Fortes had a really cool redesign, and the 2019 redesign was really really good the new ones are pretty respectable cars for the segment too
hornitos is pretty gud honeslty don julio isn't so much better that it's worth the price over cheaper tequilas but also I don't really drink much tequila so I don't know what's the best deal >>959099 yeah I was just shitpostin, I'm actually glad you can have a nice car mine is falling apart but I'm trying to hang onto it until I can afford a cheaper electric because gas engines are gonna disappear in my lifetime
I hear Cazul is really good, that's probably the tequila i'll try next if I ever convince myself to get something besides wine, gin, or whiskey.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>959107 its honestly not the prettiest car but i drove it into a ditch in the middle of a hurricane once and half my hood was underwater and i managed to just back out and keep driving so i cant complain
>>959108 if that Tesla Hatchback ends up being real and actually 25k, it'll probably be one of the best choices unless another company up and decides to make a decent affordable EV finally that said, the F150 lightning is looking _really_ good
>>959111 see if you can find some ki no bi gin, it's the only gin I've liked ever because I'm a secret weeb
Shit if there's Actually Weeb gin I might have to see if I can find it
I mean, it's brewed and bottled in Japan, the only way to make it more weeb is to slap an anime babe on the side
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sometimes i wish that i could still drink because there are so many cool boozes that i want to try i fucked up by becoming an alcoholic too early
>>959125 ye that's the shit me and my roommate convinced a liquor store near us to order a bunch on the stipulation that we at least buy a case from them drank a LOT of gin 'n tonics that summer and it was 100% worth it
i've been rocking can you feel my heart from the day the single dropped and now all these motherfuckers are meming it into hell and back feelsweirdman it's been like 8 years
>>959174 man this dude is just depressing and kinda rapey vibes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah :( i didn't actually watch any of his videos until now i feel like he's just selecting for an extremely specific type of woman?
my approach to romance is that if it doesn't happen spontaneously and nearly against my greater intuition than it isn't really worth pursuing
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that dude's face looks so fucking empty his eyes are so void
>>959182 kind of ruined that album for me maybe I just actually find it bad now >>959184 hard to find pua that isn't that
>>959185 I mean most people going after women are, but they're usually not selecting for women who have maxed desperation and submissiveness
>>959190 i think a lot of bmth oldheads feel that way and that song stands out from the rest of the album as being quite different (and indicative of directions they'd take later in their career) but as a whole i love the album and i'm glad bmth progreessed because i love the electronic influences and it's hard to deny in today's rock music landscape that refusal to change spelled death for the -core genres' grasp on the scene i think bmth's movement in that direction was also a big influence on bands like Code Orange and i also love bmth's newer stuff
can you feel my heart is a bit melodramatic but most of their catalogue is and the song is undeniably catchy if nothing else the quality of its production also holds up decently this much later which is _really_ hard to say for a lot of other bands' attempts at incorporating electronic production into rock-aligned music
it's not my fault I'm pregnant and I love drugs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's today's rock music landscape tame impala?
>>959213 i believe the running joke is "a desolate wasteland"
rock is dead long live rock >>959223 i think they're pretty alright, i don't get the hate they aren't amazing or anything to me but i feel like people hate them for almost no actualy reason
>>959223 I like them okay. Oh wait >>959213 GBV still puts out like 3 albums year so there's that.
>>959225 People hate them because they don't appreciate the irony of a band ripping off Led Zeppelin.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
two margs down time to bike to da beach and smoke a weed
Led Zeppelin has some amazing songs but only about 40% of their catalogue is worth playing even once
>>959236 saw these dudes live before covid hit and it was fuckin sick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bet they put on a high energy show!
it was a lot of fun lead singer came out wearing an american flag onesie which felt appropriate also despite the memes, red rocks is a really great venue
reminds me of when i saw SZA in berkley the venue that is
>>>/watch?v=Qkc849LJWeU this is one of their newer songs I like >>959253 red rocks amphiteathre is a natural rock formation out here in CO that makes for a good music venue, so a bunch of high profile musicians play there over the years it became the defacto place for musicians to play in the denver area and because of that the venue itself got a kind of cult following a bunch of people who aren't even into every artist that plays there will go see shows just for the sake of saying they saw X play at red rocks as a sort of street cred flex, and a little subculture of "red rocks kids" started to form around the place it quickly went from a bragging point to an insult to be a "red rocks kid" but regardless of all that shit it's still a fantastic music venue and if you ever come back to denver I encourage you to go see a show there
>>959248 I'll show you an organ *Takes out scalpel*
Ah wait There's Arcade Fire They're rock right?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this heat above live performance is quite good
I've seen This Heat live, they weren't very good.
Well Technically it was "This is not This Heat" but it was totally just This Heat.
hahah makes sense such is popularity a fickle pickle
>>959258 I looked it up and it looks really cool. Also you should consider going to this concert. https://www.redrocksonline.com/events/wilco-sleater-kinney/ I might be seeing their Chicago show in August.
oh yeah wilco would be fun I haven't been since wait I'm not sure, either deadmau5 or the 311/redman and method man show whichever was more recent was the last one
>>959293 Have you ever seen Wilco lve? *live I've seen them a few times, they're always good.
nah never live, but I've been listening absently since high school
>>959305 WWhen I was like 13 I met Jeff Tweedy at Pitchfork and told him that I hated his band. In my defense I had only heard Mermaid Avenue which I fucking hated so much my dad would use it to get me out of bed. He would put i the CD player and blast it and then I'd get out of bed and tturn it ooff. Anyways I called my dad over and he talked with Jeff and hus wife for a while and hung out with Spencer.
My cousin's husband met Jeff at Vintage Vinyl (best record store in St Louis), he ditched class at seminary school to go see hm perform and got there late and was near the entrance and then Jeff started the meet and greet by the front door so hevwas first in line. He said to Jeff "Before I listened to Wilco the only music I ever listened to was Christian rock, your band changed my life".
my nama jeff
what if your name was jeff wouldn't that be fucked up or what
i WILL its hard to be super invested in a movie when you already know the ending they should have done this movie before they killed off black widow?
should have had it before 1st avengers and had it also have hawkeye to give him more screen time he wasn't really a character at all before ultron gave him some screen time and a family
alternatively between the infinity war and end game
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it should have been there i think or right before infinity war or something but like doing it after she's dead seems silly
maybe after the movie ill change my mind, but black widow really got the short end of the stick
I think Johannson probably wanted the movie It's been in the pipeline for ages, long before Endgame came out They just could never get the staff to get it rolling The kind of situation where it's hard to cancel it just because it's gone past it's best before date
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>959641 Yeah, I think it's good they did it. I just feel like Disney could have managed to get it done sooner.
>>959644 eh thats just how MCU does things like throwing in Zemo and stuff like that some incredibly important characters in the comics are really just not that important in the MCU so they dont get fanfare
>>959643 but taskmaster could have huge potential especially in a series
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but taskmaster wont work in a series because there's already going to be a moonknight series and there was a daredevil series taskmaster doesn't bring anything new because his entire shtick is stealing other people's moves his best bet is going to be as a villain maybe if he survives he'll show up again in some series
>>959653 in comics maybe in mcu just super trained or something unless the movie specifies >>959660 i don't remember any movie stating that just that her training was from basically birth etc, involved removing uterus or something and also fucked up and ballet
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>959659 no im pretty sure in MCU she has a variation of SSS or something related to it
they never state it that was in ultron between banner and natasha
but I mean, they had the winter soldier project and shit, so who knows, they prolly injected their top operatives with stuff is not like they don't do that actually
would make sense of hawkeye too, that he has some superjuice in him
I dunno if it was so much rushed as it was lacking in acceptable vision >>959669 Not really Rushed implies they didn't get enough time, I think they just weren't allowed to do anything esle
i mean, those two are basically the same
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think they had enough time basically the first four episodes set up nothing other than worldbuilding and then the last two episodes rushed the conclusion to a barely cohesive plot if they had 10 episodes or something i think it could have been a lot better
if you don't have a vision, you shouldn't proceed as anything youa re doing is basically rushing ahead without a plan be it 5 years into production or 5 days
Well then you misunderstood me I think the authors might have had some sort of actual like, point But making that point would make marketing upset
Not that I'd necessarily like their point
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah the fight choreography in this movie is really weird none of it looks even remotely practical
It was so fucking stupid, by the way, how they'd show this guy, who the audience has only known to be fighting for like, his and his family and other refugees' lives, taking off his mask, playing music like "birth of a villain" Like, are you stupid, director-san? This is the closest thing to an unconditional good guy in the show so far
>>959673 which is kinda weird, since bw has had really good choero as a character dancing between what is believable for a woman of her size, showcasing her incredible skills and also being cool as hell and not something *while not being way too ridiculous that makes you go "uuh, wa?"
if you wanna good example of the latter, think of resident evil series with the milla jovovich' character
>>959699 No I mean They don't exist anymore Nobody has goons anymore
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he has a hood hes just not wearing it he just looks like a paintballer
>>959700 it's so bad "let's take his iconic design and make it something that could maybe be in real world" no that is something no one could take seriously
>>959703 i mean this design is something you'd see in the real world if you look at proud boy rallies you'll see a hundred guys that look like this
but this is an elite russian operative not a basement dwelling loser trying to start a race war
it's paintballer gear yeah so you'd see it in some to be riots, now that you mention it
>>959705 Are they... are they trying to go for the Actual Modern Fascist look?
the only thing riding on this battle is the fate of a nation- compared to our individual rights and freedoms, a nation isn't worth that much" god i love this show
Also seeing as he has a name, and is thus a leader, shouldn't he be wearing a suit and tie, and have a selfie stick to film himself?
they do a lot there's no notifcation on your GUI that they're affecting a decision but you've probably made a lot of decisions in your life based almost solely on pheromone interactions without needing to consciously think about it
most common noted example is "when you for the first time meet someone but just dislike them for no reason"
It's true, pheromones play a big role in human interactions. But humans have lost the ability to identify pheromones so we don't realize the impact they have on us.
You don't know me too well if you think you can make me feel better about being uninformed
the most important link is the last one which consists only of an abstract in which it is brought forward for contemplation the notion that a lot of this stuff isn't solved or completely explained (much like literally all scientifically studied phenomena) which is an important perspective to remember when it comes to literally all biological and especially behavioral science but yes pheromones aren't a bogeyman and they probably aren't worth worrying about but they do exist it's not like their mere existence should cause you to change your decision-making consciously in all but the most non-zero of scenarios but dismissing something existing without any knowledge whatsoever (or dismissing something not existing likewise) is just such asinine behavior it has triggered an autistic response from me and i highly reccomend you instead at least attempt to know things before offering judgement or opinion about said things
not only the worst marvel film by far but without a doubt one of the worst films i've ever seen in my life this movie was a horrible slog of poor characterization, bad fights, boring plot, and frankly bizarre decision making if i could use an infinity stone to go back in time and prevent any film from being created, i would stop this film over indiana jones and the crystal skull
the single point of praise that i can give this movie is that a character with like 20 minutes of screen time throughout the 2:13:00 movie was likeable.
that's a lot of screentime
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well i'm probably exaggerating a lot
that's nearly 10% of the movie
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah maybe 10 minutes of combined screen time they didnt even show the character fighting or anything though his fight with taskmaster happened entirely off screen
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this movie didnt even bridge the gap in her characterization between everything else and end game it all takes place immediately after civil war
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all it actually does is make her character arc feek less complete
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she murdered a child because she was impatient and faced absolutely no consequences whatsoever
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my god. is the villain of phase 4 actually elaine from seinfeld?
In other news, I kinda broke again today and wuit the work trial thing I started on Monday, so that's something
Before, I'd have made something up, said I was sick or something But I just don't Wanna anymore, wnd I don't know how to deal with it really
Cause I always lie. I don't tell people the truth about this stuff. But this time I sorta didn't, and that's new for me
The thing is that even if you want to turbonerd and no-life it and grind you're still hard-capped by the gacha mechanic that limits how much you can do each day. Like your energy resin stuff.
So in that respect it's different form Wow or osrs
>>959779 Jesus Fucking Christ Gacha was a mistake.
Apparently, "whale" means pretty much everyone who spends $25 or more on a game in the account's lifetime
>>959748 Cause it never actually goes anywhere It's always just going to do a regular job for nothing except the ability to put it on my resume, and that's it And I guess I'm just not able to keep that up anymore, it's just worn me down now Cause I used to be able to do it by just like, inhaling a lot of hopium and letting it run its course, but I don't have any hope anymore, at all There doesn't seem to be any sort of end to this cycle of unemployment > "work training" > unemployment > "work training" And some of that is probably my own fault, but it's not like I've avoided trying on purpose the whole time, even if I've stopped trying at all at this point. I used to try a lot, and really follow through as best I could on every part of these programs and courses, but I just can't keep that up anymore It takes a lot out of me, and just doing it at all, I kinda need to actually believe there's a purpose to it, and I don't anymore.
I'm probably overall more stable when I've got something to do, but a lot of that comes from having had at least some sort of belief that it was going somewhere, that it wasn't just killing time and feeling like I work too slow 8 hours a day for nothing Some of it is just having a routine too though, probably
>>959804 psshh. Show me someone who has only spent $25 3staring Floor 12
Well no I meant like, that's what the industry types mean when they refer to a section of their customers as "whales"
So I guess if that challenge is pretty much locked off unless you spend a lot more than that, turbowhale is probably accurate I wonder if they have terms for people who spend A LOT or if they just treat all whales as fundamentally the same
I think it might also do you good to realize there are times when people are jokingly calling people whales when they spend five dollars every month or so on a gacha game And then seriously calling them whales when they spend three hundred dollars trying to pull a specific character.
>>959818 is it just artifacting from the downscale to a twitter clip, or is that an absurdly blatant greenscreen behind whoever that is pushing a rod into an oil barrel or whatever that is
that really is laughable though, and probably not intended have this big scene and then have the character shout something stupid like "this was fun" was this a goof between these two? just really bad writing
he was in monterey in california on base but he's being honorably discharged for medical reasons his flight arrives in a few hours and then we're gonna go car shopping
no wait pretend I posted this someone tried to tell me prisma illya was good I don't I'm gonna start with that don't think*
season 1 wasn't _terrible_ it was slightly better than mediocre and had potential season 2 opened up with a declaration of war against things i consider to be okay and i dropped it very fast before what they did at the beginning of season 2 there was an argument to be made that the show wasn't completely devoid of morals and all that was thrown right out the door
was s2 kaleid liner? maybe I'm confused a little
the first season was called like fate/kaleid liner PRISMA () ILYA with a star instead of parenthesis the second season was just called S2 i think or "the second" or something bas- oh wait it was german it was like zwei and then drei and so forth the first season was mostly about ilya, her friend (miku? mikuru? miyuki?), her magic wand, rin, and drills girl and then second season was mostly about ilya, her friend, and a new character who was mostly brought to the plot so it could become a yuri love triangle the first season made some lewd jokes and wasn't completely devoid of fanservice but it wasn't completely fucked up about it the second season amounted to little more than masturbation material without any other value to it and i'm still pissed about it all these years later
oh right I just remember those webms/videos came out (presumably from season two) and were cemented in my mind as fate/prisma illya kaleid liner so I could've enjoyed the first season if not for that ah well probably avoided the disappointment you experienced
if you're looking for something to watch, i love giving recommendations
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>959839 season 1 and 2 were absolute dogshit loli bait season 3 actually starts adapting the decent parts of the manga where Shirou becomes a main character
>shirou becomes the main character but this is why i didn't like f/sn
the show about Waver interested me a little bit have you guys seen that one at all?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>959845 its good shirou where he embraces his love of swords and becomes a sword
>>959846 there isnt any fate material i havent seen!!! el melloi II files is really good
waver and rider were great in f/z i really really liked f/z and the pedestal i enshrine it on is one of the reasons i have trouble enjoying other fate/ content
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
most people whose favorite fate stuff is fate/zero don't really like anything else fate because fate/zero is so different in themes from everything else
and most people who are super into fate don't like fate/zero much it's weird
i mean it makes sense urobuchi's part in it definitely makes it a very different kind of thing and f/z was also really high production value and brought a lot of new fanbase in, which in every franchise that has ever had a hardcore fanbase, is the kind of event that causes some backlash the only animated fate stuff before f/z was the deen f/sn right? i haven't seen more than maybe 30 minutes worth of it but it looked pretty whack to me i also played the fate route in the VN and enjoyed that quite a bit but have lost that hard drive since
i hear the ufotable f/sn is good but i also saw some things that make me wonder about that
there was also the DEEN ubw adaptation movie which was as bad as the F/SN anime and carnival phantasm was out but carnival phantasm is literally a high level work because you need to know KnK, Tsukihime, Fate/Stay Night, Kagetsu Tohya, and some other minor Type/Moon works to really understand a lot of the jokes in that so yeah fate/zero was the first big adaptation that was decent
the UFOtable UBW is good i havent watched the Heavens Feel movies yet because ive read the VN and i was waiting for all the movies to be done which happened recently
carnival phantasm seemed fun to me mostly because of melty blood but i'm probably not going to watch it ever
i'm more likely to read f/sn than i am to watch any of it but even that is pretty far back on the old backlog
i've probably said this more than a few times but i'm watching the newer readaptation of Legend of the Galactic Heroes and it's pretty damn good i might rewatch the old one afterwards
>>>/watch?v=2kFt60HlLF8 >Walking simulator in a city where the world is seen through a realtime neural network, which is fed simple colored blocks that are translated to textures and forms.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>959825 that's florence pugh! >>959827 it's a quip gotta have a quip every ten seconds lest the audience lose all interest and keel over in their seats
this lady went to me "you haven't been to so-and-so place, they've got a case of covid now?" (even though most cases stick to the realm of Sydney) and I asked her whereabouts the case was and she didn't know exactly so I said "I'll have to look that up later" but according to her it wasn't going to come up online? like it was a secret case they were trying to cover up? come on lady
last time I went to this lady she said she had a friend who drove all the way frot from Goulburn to Sydney to see their sick father in hospital but she rang the hospital to tell them to not let them in
methinks this lady likes to tell tall tales I'm just not going to worry about this so-called secret case some shady org is trying to cover up
like she said it's "in pathology" whatever that means how do you know that without knowing the general area
it was a pretty smooth ride also it had a massive tablet in it and it made silly sounds and we just made fun of our buddy for having a tesla all day
hybrids and electrics are so quiet
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
Man.. I opened moe in a cofee shop First thing on the front page is that spam bot porno thing with the shady links
One of these days That's gonna get somebody into trouble
Yeah it makes me a bit worried to open /moe/ while I'm at work I have thumbnails disabled on my phone but for some reason it doesn't always work when /moe/ is the first thing your Chrome app opens up on boot
leo is definitely cool and he's also pretty fun he's very aggressive on offense and he has defensive options too his front-facing combos are really fun now that i'm learning them and there's a lot of room for mechanical improvement because of cancelling backturn stance normals
but also people get really frustrated and call leo players gorillas which i mean i am kind of a gorilla
actually it was "I only know of bonking" mb which by itself is kind of sus
My curiosity is sated.
nice kemono friend reference
I'm watching this let's play of Yiik and they're at 29 episodes and counting with each episode going twenty minutes after editing such is the tedium
More like yikes
>>960159 Thanks >>960160 I've seen people trash that game a lot. Also isn't the protag a terrible person or something? I remember reading that somewhere.
he's supposed to be terrible yes but the writer never progressed his arc all that much beyond that
I don't know if it's recent but the chain I work at pushed out their own no name protein stuff like shaker cups and powder and I think protein snacks too I had some of the vanilla powder, it was alright I like design of the ball thing that breaks up the powder too, the wire ones are prone to unraveling but this one doesn't
not a bad move on their part imo also I thought keto was just like high protein, moderate fat and little to no carbs but my brother is doing it and there's urine testing huh?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I Think the urine testing is to detect if your body is in fact in ketosis modo
figures seems like you just eat some complex carbs to get your fibre too interesting diet
oh yeah bby reap those benefits 💪 >>960175 hey sam you wouldn't happen to use or know of any good third party joycons or do you just stick to the pro controller
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>960177 i use the pro and also a third-party pro clone my joycons have seen little use also, gamecube controllers
fair fair, I don't need to tell you about the perils of the joycons the click has gone on one of mine might need to clean it or send it to ninty >>960180 oof with a capital F
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
come to think of it i had a pro controller that had stick drift rip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>960179 oh noo the light has gone out inside but i still work
and the accelerometer is a bit funky on the other? I tried a calibration to not much of a result hope it's nuthin
actually I hope it's something something I could figure out and fix nothing would just mean ??? there seems like something wrong but who knowa