>>921452 very few of them are comedies i mean like there's the whole gamera series mothra movies there are a couple showa era godzillas that are pretty silly but a lot of the movies are played serious godzilla, godzilla raids again, rodan, king gidorah, mothera, etc they're all serious
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just make sure you watch the JP versions the EN versions are usually heavily edited
I much prefer CGI, at least modern CGI CGI at the time was either nonexistent or at the level where the worms in that one x-files episode blew EVERYONE'S minds That's not even a meme, I watched the making-of of the x-files and they specifically talked about how proud they were of the worm, and it's like... so brutally fake by today's standards
>>921461 cos is 1st godzilla movie (jp) to have budget for cgi too
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well it's also because they used animatronics and because Anno was in charge who takes it very seriously. And Shinji Higuchi is probably the best sfx artist in Japan. He was responsible for the Gamera trilogy. And he's directing Shin Ultraman.
Hollywood CGI usually is not scary or interesting though
byt bonus of suitactors, is that aöl the effects look exactlt as silly as they did on the day of filming no matter how old
wonder how long did it take to make the beam scenes especially the first
>>921465 hollywood cgi is by the numbers no matter what the artists say and even if you did do something cool cgi or trad effects it all might ge removed and replaced in post, cause testing audiences didn~t like it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
remember when they pushed a patch for the Cats movie to change the sfx a little lol while it was in theaters
imagine being the sfx team of the thing 2011 spend almost a year to reimagine the original monster effects and they turn out great >replace with cgi said the executives
Idunno, they seem to work pretty well Sure, every now and then things end up tanking, but like... just about everything is focus tested By and large they seem to be working
It's hard to know when it comes to marketing since we don't really have numbers, but with movies we can SORTA tell, cause what brings people to the cinema on the opening run is like, almost exclusively the marketing material Like, a coffee machine, who can say how well the marketing works, you know But a movie, we can look at opening weekend\week in just raw numbers and see how well the marketing worked out And most of the big number makers follow a fairly consistent formula, to the point where it's a trope of its own
Though they also tend to dump more money into marketing, so
Big if true https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2021/02/22/Iran-supreme-leader-Iran-s-Khamenei-issues-fatwa-saying-women-in-cartoons-must-wear-hijab
from the few i've met it is either "yes" or "well yes, but i lived in the rurals"
but these are ofc people who can compare it to well say finland dunno bout someone who lives in the country and has quite limited scope of what is out there
I worked with an Egyptian girl, at least I think it was Egypt, and I had no fucking idea she wasn't born her until she mentioned it once I mean I knew she had ancestry outside of Norway, just due to her name being an exclusively masculine one here, but I just assumed her parents maybe were immigrants
Somalian guy I know and worked with, same thing Moved here when he was 8 or something, speaks the local dialect even, astonishing to me
Modern Egyptians are only Egyptian by nationality, ethnically they're just Arabs.
People who choose Persia over Iran might also just be not recognizing the way the country became when it hit the upheaval that turned it into Iran When Persia was Persia it was a considerably different place than it is now For some people that's probably a big sore spot
just drank calpis for the first time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do you feel?
normal i think it was just sweet probably like 50g of sugar
>>921505 btw opinion on the new party map token in my rpg campaign?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fine art
saturday was amusing I was at about 12-13 going "welp I don't need to prep really anything is not like they can reach anythin on foooo... fucking hell I gave them a car"
panic mode and actually producing content for places they could visit that I had marked on them ap and quick brainstorm on improvisation poins I migh have to make
and then just hope they go either to the two places I actually had prepped/had time to prepare and not somewhere odd
Speaking of tabletop games, I did ADHD testing with this little super genius today who really liked tabletop games he was showing me all of these sketches he made of robotic eyes and stuff, pages full of equations that i couldnt even comprehend, and the kid is 14 he memorized Tolkien's entire elvish language and I was like "how long did that take you?" and he says "it took me a long time, like a week"
funniest moment in the session was pretty much >they trigger an ambush >they try to figure out what to do after being demanded by 5 elves that they hand over their truck >"okay okay no need to be violent we can solve things peacefully" -sorcerer player >i prepare to cast chaos pulse and cast it, while sayin this -splayer >"good try at diplomacy, but however, one of the elves counter spells you, this is against your PD" >few turns later >"i walk here and then teleport behind this elf (pictured and also a miniboss based off of a lvl 11 elite enemy, players at 5) and then cast chain spell at her" -splayer >you miss >her turn >she hits you for 30 damage and also 17 on going >her next turn, melt into ice >her next turn, the sorcerer is STILL JUST STANDING THERE NEVER TRYING TO RUN AWAY >she pops out of the ice and stabs you for (oh shit... she would do 15d10+30 damage if I actually followed the stats... *15d8+30) 5d8+30 damage, as her bonus damage got tripled after popping from the ice >sorcerer is still just 20 damage from death
why is this guy so suicidal
he usually plays like a "brave leader" when in combat, but sometimes he actually thinks he can survive in melee with elites
>>921510 dude they mcgyvered like 10 trucks into one truck, somehow managed to make a gasoline+magic hybrid car out of it and then slapped bencehs into the >>921507 backside where the partytoken is partying from a taxi-van with the mechanical skills the warlock and bard have, they can plausibly fix anything if they roll good enough, which is bit annoying to the gm at times
'sides i can just ask them to roll for perception checks to see if they can spot footprints left by these giant walkers during then ight should they drive over one, it will instantly stall the car and spawn a bunch of undead around them
the ambush was a stalling mechanism anyhow and also to introduce them to the elves in the current area.
point being elves=dangerous
tho to make it more amusing, as I made a gmroll whether they spot an ambush and then asked some of them to roll perception etc as I was making the gmroll the sorcerer player said something amongst lines of "what, we going to run into an ambush, no need to be careful"
and at that point I jumped to the ambush map without even looking at my result
made one quite gimmick enemy based on briar sorcerer
>base attack can inflict vulnerability >spell (targetting only vulnerables) keeps increasing chance to crit by +2 each time it hits on vulnerables >if enemy is crit by spell, they start turning into ice instead of critical damage (no damage actually) and just die aftet last gasps >to make it easier, I added a clause (atleast one ice sorcerer has to be alive) since I don't actually want random encounters etc to kill anyone
the ice elves anyhow were a damn surprise to them they all kinda thought "well just bandits" and then nearly got killed in the first few rounds
found this on the internet and used it for the dwarf town (think of chinatown but dorfs)
I had no enemies in it no rng encounters no nothing just them searching it, finding one npc group that they can hire for their ship and then something would happen on the way back
but damn the atmosphere I created made the party paranoid, both in and out of character
>you found... nothing... >you search the bar and find... no signs of life, looks like everyone lefti n a hurry
and the whole party is all "why did they leavei n a hurry, what caused this" etc while I am all smug in my head of course "well you know, the fucking plague when it first hit and actually escaped all the chaos before the city was sealed" but no one actually even thought of that
most amusing was them jumping at every mention of "statue" since I have already twice used statues that come alive as enemies
and with dwarves having created sentient machine servants, some even started to speculate a fucking Skynet skenario
also there is pretty much only one tolkien language that is even near language completion level as is I think it was Sindar
but even then, most of the tolkien you have seen in the movies etc are "neo-tolkien" with lots of additions by tolkien fan linquistics to make them actual languages
shame tolkien never shared his full ideas on the various languages he came up with
you just lost all rights to call anyone anything related to reading or watching media
i never seen a full lotr movie either thats like snore city zzz woops fell asleep
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
year LOTR isnt even a classic
i will fucking travel to florida and tie you into a chair and make you watch the extendeds clovkwork orange style >>921531 i am immune to bullets i have built the resistance
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can legally shoot you if you do that
also you got a gun?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have guns
so do I
yeah check these bad boys out :flex:
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but you cant bring your guns to my house tabun
yes I can unless you decide to enforce dearmament in the literal terms
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you have to get a permit through the ATF to bring a foreign gun into the US
I don't think I can bring a gun into a finnish airport even as cargo stuff
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one time i brought a saw and a kabar knife into an airport and a TSA agent saw them and told me to check them
My father got into a bit of a hassle when bringing me and my brother supersoakers from USA and our family friend's father got into full body search cavity for also doing the same thing
one time i was on a plane with one of the FBI agents i used to work with and they bring their firearms on the flights you know since theyre feds and a kid started screaming THAT GUY HAS A GUN while we were mid flight and everyone started freaking out it was great
while generally i am an advocate for having the right to bear arms I don't think I would ever want people to be able to just carry firearms on them openly or not
tho if this was the case, i'd be "enforced open" as in everyone who is carrying a firearm on them, should have it in the open
>>921540 Well yeah, obviously you can't have them in carry on.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk TSA has let me bring knives on my person before usually you should check them though
i brought a m4 on planes b4 u just gotta take the bolt out and put a bright bolt stopper in it :)
I remember when I was a teen and had those jeans with way too many metal buttons as my base wear always got super checked, as I just had that much metal on me
ah you see that never happened to me cause im not gay
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sometimes TSA just decides "man. we're so fucking busy. alright the next 20 people don't need to get checked. just go on through"
>>921562 it is a fine line to tread on when do you go into too lax territory because you have too few rules and stuff and when you turn into paper nightmare because you have too many
>>921566 Meme statistic? This is a very common statistic that's been around since like 2008. American society has too many laws most of which are vaguely enough defined that we all commit 3 felonies on average daily.
I could be fined for some amounts of arson quite many traffic stuff and atleast once actually felonied for DUI if I had been caught *JUST ONCE >>921576 sorry but me speaking about it doesn't make it into proof in finnish courts
keep typing your crimes im adding these to your file
if I was under investigation etc or there could be enough stuff to build a case based on me "admitting guilt" then yes but unfortunately there isn't
heres a list of my crimes: 1) i microwaved pancake powder mix to cook it 2) i microwaved toaster french toast sticks 3) i watched anime
as amusingly enough one law from 1760s I think is still in effect tho not enforced and it details how each land owning peasant has to grow a set amount of hops, that will be collected as taxes and any extra will be left to the peasant this was because the realm wanted to secure beer production
now I don't actually know, if this was entire kingdom spanning edict, as in whole of sweden or if it just affected the duchy of finland
also amusingly enough when russia took over they renamed us "grand duchy of finland" >>921581 dude I make illegal booze atleast 4 times a year bare minimum
I've never sped or ran a red light. And even if I did, those aren't crimes. They're violations.
those are felonies here on speeding, if too above the limit and red light is a felony immediately, it might not land you jail time, as in practically never but it will be in your criminal record for the next hmm 4 years?
probably because all europeans and especially asians suck at driving
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah only americans can drive
name the amount of american rally/race/f1 champions
oh wait
William Clyde "Chase" Elliott II is an American professional stock car racing driver. He competes full-time in the NASCAR Cup Series, literally first result on google
... ever looked up what nascar stands for?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stands for nasty car
as in sick nasty
national association
the champion of us only race is usa once again
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so what americans don't get to race with nonamericans because they'll always win so it isn't fair
you do know americans do try to partake in f1
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no they dont
well I said "try"
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they dont try because they know the europoors will prevent them from joining because of how good they are
Last summer during a fucking monsoon rain, where visibility dropped into like 10-20 metres I almost rearended a grey car because they driverd phatnom with no lights on and their car blending into the grey rainstorm thank god I was super paying attention, but still I ONLY NOTICED THEM BECAUSE THEY HIT THE BREAKS and byu that time it was lik 10 metres I think I would have rammed them had they not hit the brakes
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here we put our lights on at night but mostly it's state by state basis in florida it's a violation to drive in the rain with your lights off
I've been eating hamburgs with eggs and tomato beans for the last like... month or something cause it's cheap
I mean I can probably rely on my mom but I don't wanna rely on her more than I absolutely have to >>921643 Part of the long wait time is probably that for whatever reason, this is highly specific shit For reasons that are well beyond my understanding, an ADHD diagnosis for an adult requires a fucking "neuropsychologist" or whatever, rather than just a regular psychologist And in the area that's reasonably accessible around me, there are 2 of those In total 2 individuals
Chances are it's not gonna go through anyway though, so like, who gives a fuck man I assume the diagnosis will be fine, but I'm "capable of looking for work and working", y'know? Very much regretting having spent the last few years clawing my way through work-directed programs I could barely make myself even get through, which included lying about having sent out applications, now
I'm capable of working though, I guess, even if my life falls apart around me
jfc why did no single duct tape company sponsor martian matt damon is using duct tape everywhere
I can't believe i am friends with people who have not reador seen tolkien
what classics works of fantasy have you even read/seen >>921650 I really can't help you here, got no experience with the mental health stuff for health care, I ususally just overblow my condition to skip the lines
dunno if there is an equilevant for mental stuff especially when facing the doc
There were fucking sequels to Unbreakable, and nobody told me? I just watched Glass and it was great, actually
shamalama can surprise
honestly speaking he'd prolly be one of the best directors atm if he just let go of all his bad habits
Honestly I get whiplash every time I'm reminded Unbreakable was his doing Everything else he touches just turns to mud, but he struck gold on this one >>921715 Well yeah but I only just watched Glass literally 10 minutes ago
and so was glass
also he made a decent horror film some years ago
>>921716 I believe that was probably Split, which is the same universe
uuuuh I don't think I played Xenoverse 2 I played through all of xenoverse, I think, but that game's 5 years old so I'm fuzzy on the details, and the broad picture Really if I didn't do something in the last few months I don't fucking know a thing, but unless I pirated Xenoverse 2 I didn't play it
Sounds like a bother I tend to ignore that sort of completionist stuff in just about all games I play
I THINK I've legitimately gotten all the original achievements in TF2, but that's about it And it's hard to know in TF2 because for a while you could crank out some in-game cosmetics I think by fucking with the achievements and stuff, so they've been reset a lotta times and manually set equally many times
DB games are honestly kinda bothersome because I like DB but I can't actually fucking stand fighting games Or rather, the process for getting better at fighting games
doesn't seem to be any good dbz games maybe some of the newer ones
I like the lemmingball z game That one was a lotta fun
But it's pretty like... hm The actual game gets kinda weird because once one person starts charging up, the other one has to just to keep up, cause getting ahead in powerlevel makes you absolutely unbeatable, and once you get a KO you can charge up even more It's a fun little game, but playing with actual people gets weird like that
i'd say is xenoverse 2 budokai 3 lemming ball z for me
very basic had some weird supers that you could buy with "money" you earned by killing
however in each of those type of maps the most powerful and game breaking one was "mole" which gave you the chance of spawning in the enemy base dressed as the enemy soldier
it was usually instant wipe out whenever that happened
That Naughty and Nice nearby looks like it closed down nearby too How many businesses will the pandemic take >>921793 Million dollar idea Let me get my checkbook
ok so i went up in a helixopter in full kit and then the helicopter flew over the ocean then flew over a fake house we made with some engineer tape then the fryes mastet said ropes so i undid the ropes and they hit the roof of our fake house then i was told to go so i slide down the rope and the 3 other people followed me and then we pulled 360 security on a fake house
yeah thats where my jap gets her beiru from i go a lot
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
make her wear the lawson uniform
ok she will if i buy it she already wore a jk costume and she wants a flight attendant one
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow you should get her a godzilla costume
she probably would be relucant but if i say its my fetish or something she would do it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"this is something americans do"
her friend group has a lot of drama i dunno if i should stay involved with her
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should fix the drama
its unfixable
one of her friends had a kid with a marine but then the marine started dating their salsa teacher (they both go // went to salsa) and then for the paternity test the marine brought the new gf to the clinic and they were like kissing in front of the pregnant jap
and now the marine lives in the states and she lives in japan
then the marine said "if i win full custody of the kid im gonna sell it for adoption" however that works but he said it over text so the jap screencapped it and showed the court
now hinamatsuri is coming up and the jap was like pls buy ur blood daughter hinamatsuri dolls for / and he sends her 20 dollar dolls lol like 1 pair of 20 dollar dolls that did not make the jap happy so she went out and bought some 650 dollar dolls for her 3 year old daughter who was too busy playin with me to pay attention to the dolls
yeah thats just one of the friends theres this whole salsa dance group that my jap did a whole uhh one of those bubble plots of the other night
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Maybe you should step up and be the next one in the group to get your friend preggers and then head back to the states
i mean at the rate were going i havent been safe at all so who knows LOL im stuck here for at least until uhhh 2022 september
she was saying some dangerous things yesterday "if we got married we could get a nice ocean view place with a big kitchen" i dunno man talking about marriage already
what i should do is hook up with her friend that my jap was trying to hook me up with originally shes hot
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should marry her and then spend your life raising a kid with her and then join the yakuza
its a little hard to join the yakuza at my age and because im american
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I'm sure they would let you in if you asked nicely.
ok ill ask the two japs im close to if they got any connections for me
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
sounds like you're already getting plenty of connections ayooo high-five
yeah we went for udon the other day :) that was very connectable
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my zen teacher used to go to a yakuza bar when he lived in japan in the 80s ill hook you up
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
getting hit with the yakuza bar
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god i wish majima please hit me with you baseball bat ❤️❤️
anyone got the one funny yakuza game where hes wigglin the gif
Though I DO guess there's a bit of a novelty factor to it to too* Like I mean, it's not like I'm sitting around an opportunity for a tiny shock all day And I can't remember the last time I got a shock So I might do it just for the novelty, rather than boredom
im a lil hungry but dunno if i should buy anything from famuri marto and just wait and starve instead
>In Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, an updated version of Mario Kart 8 for the Nintendo Switch, the Inkling Girl character from Splatoon—one of the characters new to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe—made this gesture when taunting nearby opponents that have been successfully hit with items. On May 17, 2017, this was removed and replaced with a simple fist pump in the version 1.1 update, when Nintendo discovered that the bras d'honneur was an obscene gesture in parts of Europe. So that's what it's called
snack narcos
ok i got some family mart food
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whatd you get
they got this bakery type thing where they put food out so i got this random stick that had chocolate on the ends dunno what it is got a burger with a egg probably teriyaki and got a mini waffle snack thing
Fuckinn Duradel going HARD on the Black Demon tasks this is like the 6th one today And I still have them extended from when I was trying to make money off Demonic Gorillas It's an alright task, so i usually do it At least you can cannon.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
idk why i typed that all out. nobody on moe knows or cares what it means. I haven't slept enough recently. everything seems a bit surreal.
i know what it means.
>>922096 Writing it out like that probably helps you keep track of it yourself If it's an accomplishment or mission you want to do, having it concrete as text like that helps you evaluate it yourself So it's probably fine if none of us can understand it Since you can, and that's what's important.
lol the air force messed up the 2nd jump they pressurized the cabin and all yhe automatic parachute safeties popped
Do things like that happen often?
the one parachute rigger in chharge today was saying hes been to at least 200 jumps ad
and its only been close to happening one other time but the parachuters wear a watch that tells them the pressure and they stopped it before it happened
So you're telling me they were dumb as beans
ya probably or just not paying attention theres one dude thats in this chock thats really good at parachuting like really really good so he mightve been distracted
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what's a chock?
nothing much whatsachock with you babey
chock is a group of jumpers just a military word for a group its probably spelled differently but it soujds like chock chalk
In military terminology, a chalk is a group of paratroopers or other soldiers that deploy from a single aircraft.
>>922223 Last time I tried to get steak from Jewel the guy at the butcher counter said that he wouldn't cut one for me aan that if I wanted a ribeye I'd have to buy the whole hunk. I was pissed Bastard probably cleaned the slicer early aand didn't want to clean it again. It was an hhour before closing too.
lol get owned probably why they closed the one by me guess im gonna get fast food cuz chilis would take to long and i gotta go to the gym
>>922224 shoulda asked if they had anything outback
>>922226 Hi hazy Speaking of outback I was supposed to go there for dinner two Saturdays ago but then it snowed rrereally hard and the roads didn't get plowed until after it closed.
you ever been to wawa
outback dont exist in america :/ were not all aussies here
>>>/watch?v=7ogYo_C22kI >>922241 I'm only familiar with bk or subway oh taco bell I had once pretty eh Mexican id go for bk or subway personally but I'm also not hungry rn so shruggingkaomojiman.txt
charlies is shitty subway manchu wok
manchu wok is shutty panda express anthonys puzza is shitty pizza popeyes is fried chicjen qnd thats about it
Huh? I torrented a bunch of old kaiju movies like two weeks ago and they weren't like that. I got them from piratebay though, so maybe you can't access that?
That's where I get all my movies, really Different torrent, probably
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What stuff are you grabbing? There's also some stuff on nyaa like the Gamera showa trilogy
fuck it's always right after the commitment is made in contracts that shitty clients start being shitty they were so nice for the last four months when i was doing this literally for free
It's easy to be nice when money isn't involved Money really does a good job of drawing out the awful in purple
In people even Autocorrect please
they dont pay anything the government pays me on their behalf they don't really do anything i just have certain guidelines which i go far out of my way to exceed
>>922251 mothra and mothra reborn, for now The one I was talking about seems to not be downloading though, so it doesn't matter
Hit my data softcap again with still like eight or nine days left in the data cycle Maybe I should try again to upgrade my ownown ... my plan Honestly this current plan is like 7.5 years old I'm surprised I lasted this long rarely going over data cap But the last time I tried to change my plan they told me I wasn't eligible yet which is kind of ???
>Rolisica was created to serve as a stand-in for the then-two world superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, in order to avoid controversy. Rolisica's name reflects this, as it partially combines the names "Russia" and "America." Politics in my movies reeeee
Guess who dropped their phone on the concrete floor of the workplace, rendering the screen a flickering mess and phone widely unusable Guess who needs their phone to schedule rides to and from work each day I'm really just so tired of this I don't even want to be here
I'm probably just going to visit one of my network's stores after work and see if they have a phone I'd like and get a new one It fucking sucks, I'd much rather just get it fixed But not having a phone for three, five, seven days will make getting to and from work a real pain the ass Nevermind having no ability to reliably wake up without an alarm Why this
While I -was- just talking about wanting to upgrade my plan, which would probably be easiest if I went into a store anyway, meaning this is kinda killing two birds with one stone The fact that it involves buying a new phone kinda makes it killing two birds with one diamond When really I'd rather just kill the one bird with the stone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
welp can't change it anymore
wow GME what are you doin
I saw that it hit a weird like fraction of a minute price point of around three hundred dollars earlier today Maybe that was a precursor to some weird antics happening again
dont do it bros its a trap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's definitely a trap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"fuck it im in"
no... people from 4chan are saying its going to 5 digits thaat means its going to 1 digit
The phone shop redirected me to a nearby repair shop that should probably be able to have my phone’s screen repaired by early tomorrow, for far less than I’d have to spend on a new phone, which is nice The repair place
was even nice enough to give me a loan phone for the night Though it is an iPhone, hah hah Still, far worse than what I was prepared for.
I feel at least though if I gave them an Android phone to repair, they could give me an Android loan phone in turn! Also this phone came with like 25% battery life tops It’s a good thing my mother has an iPhone otherwise what am I going to do with an almost dead loan phone
Man this feels awful and clunky after using Android phones and barely ever touching an iPhone How do people even manage this
> A bird that appears to be half-female and half-male has been photographed in Pennsylvania by a birder who rushed out with his camera when he heard a friend had spotted the northern cardinal.
It's hard to imagine that it will bring in many new people but who knows maybe it will
Yeah, I'd agree Probably not too many, but more than none Plus I think there'll be plenty of people who play on a different client that move to Steam because brand loyalty Even if the other client is still just "in your browser" like I remember it being hah hah
we'll see if she matches me if she does then its pure memes cuz i dont think she speaks english particularly well and that's a deal breaker
Yeah I can kind of understand that I'm not very good at adjusting my speaking habits for people who don't have much English experience So it would probably be frustrating for both me and another to spend a lot of time together.
im at a kill village this yime dang theyre doin a whole town breach and clear
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's numbing to see how many of these girls use the same damn photos and lines but i guess the dudes arent any better im pretty desensitized to the numbers game at this point just makes girls who actually have something uniq goin on stand out more really rip ghost girl
bro samurai u look good just get a couple professional photos done at and then make ladies swoon also u can just cold talk to them then learn to pick up chicks at canadian college
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol alright thanks
no problem heres another tip have drugs handy and go to edm concerts boom instant lau lay
I don't think there are any EDM concerts running at the moment
oh ya forgot canadia was duper locked down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea dating is rough rn i have been gettin along w this french gi girl
also ghost girl sent me an email but she thinks im someone else LOL it's very tangled up
i sent her an anonymius email a while back and she replied with a hueg whack of text an hour later so then i gave up for good now she's emailing me thinking im this other guy she was pining over life's weird love triangles and shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the only reason shes confused is cuz i wrote in a vague and metaphorical way the way she does and she's completely somehow projected that story onto this other guy
Kinda rough for the other guy too hah hah Now she thinks he's selling something he's not
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea if she contacts him directly he's gonna be confused and she'll be PISSED so uh i hope she doesnt do that the other guy rejected her tho, i think they had a ONS and then he dropped her like hot garbage hence the lingering attraction
im gonna pick up canadians by buying tinder plus and putting muself in canada then im gonna give them the cold shoulser make all women auffer !!!!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
poor girl has suffered a lot at the hands of men
>>922379 I guess romance is a struggle for everyone, eh
why cant two guys like samu abd i who have similar interest just get married
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tis even if you're literally one of the cutest chicks ive ever seen you still have Problems
Well you don't have to worry I'm definitely not one of the cutest chicks you've ever seen
thats basically what gappened to me free lodging free * free food
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the Gappening
*grabs car jack*
the gappening grabs the middle class
someone told me that the mars landing was fake because theres no way that nasa has radios powerful enough to send images back to earth his reasoning behind that logic is that he operates ham radios and they arent powerful enough
It's a good thing NASA doesn't use ham radios to communicate data on an interplanetary level
I don't want to watch a stranger's hamster either!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>cast magic missile at hamster
Oh the two creatives that made Avatar, who previously got picked up by Netflix for the live-action version and then not long after jumped ship, are back at Nickelodeon Who have established a whole sub-studio dedicated to making more Avatar content, starting with an animated movie That's a pretty surprising turn of events.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow its quite the formidable IP
In terms of enduring popularity, it's probably Nickelodeon's best thing after Spongebob I'd wager there's franchise IPs that in their time were way popular than Avatar, but Avatar remains pretty firmly lodged in the consciousness of North American kids who could watch Saturday morning cartoons in the early/mid 00s And the release of the series on Netflix has also brought a lot of post-serialization interest in the world in as well Ironically because Netflix wanted to build interest for when they launched the live-action series, but now it seems like people will probably flock to the new Nickelodeon stuff instead.
water fire earth air these four people ued to live ib perfect harmony that is.... until the fire ntion owned some scrubs