Gekidol Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 5-6 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Log Horizon Episode 4-5 Show By Rock Episode 5-6 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 4 + 6 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken World Trigger Episode 4-5 Wonder Egg Priority
oh here it is okay hmm let' lets do beastars 18 \ ah okay gekidol to start then okay lets start
Still starting with Gekidol then?
Uh I might need a moment to finish that download then.
Okey dokes
I sure miss not having to micromanage my downloads so much
I'm not too well-versed on most Shakespeare plays And among the ones I am, it's mostly the tragedies Since those are always what people want to teach.
So he picked up the broken Doll from the street and brought it back to his secret lab Guy maybe has an unhealthy addiction to the things Doll was showing him
Oh are we finally going to get into the weird giant crater that's been in the background of this series from the get-go Because that seems definitely weird.
This seems like a somewhat tame exposition ep so far
They were going pretty hard for a few episodes And with the android getting trashed the main instigation of drama over the recent story arc is out of the picture. So they probably have to build up to the next big thing, or the return of Doll.
Man I'd love a giant rice bowl with toppings like that. Not right now but that would make a great dinner.
Easy to sympathize with the other girls getting a bit jealous of Seria She definitely came in to the troupe kind of like a bombshell and quickly became one of their lead actors.
Wow she sure had a temper in the past It takes a lot of anger to try and hit someone over the head with a bar stool
I guess even for a couple years, Kaworu's still had that cane Wonder what her injury is that it's long-term like that.
Wow that's cheap Using her android mind-reading powers to distract Izumi
The well-dressed guy always seems like such a weasel. He's been poaching the theatre troupe's actors from the get-go, constantly pestering them to let him buy them out, and now he's putting on the same play as them but with all the money he seems to have against their perpetually in-debt troupe.
Papa Deer seems like a pretty cool guy Totally showing Louis how he's completely out of his depth here trying to jump into the deep-end of the adult underworld.
weird a cat is saying that felines have weaker jaws that canines
I kinda got the impression he was acting like felines are the ones at the top Which probably isn't correct, broadly. But he is a tiger, so as a big cat he probably has pretty tough jaw strength
Wonder if it's him now lacking the carnivorous urge that's weakening his jaw strength Or if forgoing meat means his body isn't getting the nutrients it needs and his strength is declining from being unhealthy.
Oh gobuta is having a tough time i see he's got some help now though
Gobta's fairly strong for a goblin but he is still a goblin I'm pretty sure these other isekai'd people are probably closer to the level of Rimuru than they are to goblins Plus they're playing cheap and have this whole monster-weakening barrier set up.
Humans really sure are trash I wouldn't be surprised if Rimuru goes full Maou once he gets back to Tempest and sees it completely wrecked.
She might be a pain in the ass but she's got a pretty sword It goes all chromatic when she swings it.
Rimuru was kind of responsible for Shizu's death, yeah Though she was under the control of someone and used as a piece to fight Rimuru So like he's been trying to say, there were circumstances.
Somebody is up to no good weird seeing rimuru pressed after all this time
I've been saying for a few episodes that I felt like Rimuru seems strong just because he's been going up against rookies or monsters From what this lady's been saying she's the right hand of God, pretty much Remember how he got completely one-sided by Milim when she was pretty much just playfighting with him There's power-levels currently far above what he's capable of going on here.
Rimuru hasn't had a reason to use Gluttony for a while Not really since he took on the humanoid body, since there hasn't been anything worth eating Guess when you're hard-pressed, it doesn't hurt to go back to the basics.
I was expecting a fun episode but I really did not care for that at all She spent the whole time going "ha ha ha that didn't work even thought you thought it did I'm impressed but you can't beat me" i understand the author needs to reset somewhat because he's build rimuru so much but it was a crappy episode
It's probably going to be a rough bit for a bit longer I don't think the sacking of Tempest is going to end on a happy note.
I don't mind that they're experiencing hardship, it's just that the author has chosen a boring way to show that the enemy is strong.
>>920108 she only has one attack though, it's just sword swing boring enemy
okay lets start
Rimuru getting outclassed by her to me isn't much different from him getting outclassed by Milim The defining difference is that she's an unpleasant character with a lot of attitude and no decency for actually listening to people.
Wow what Hori's dad really has no sense of personal space and social boundaries
The rumourmill sure started fast Highschool kids sure are a bunch of brats
I guess AW He just outright cut his hair short I liked him with the longer haiiiirrrr
See all the people who matter like his hair the previous way! I think he looked pretty stylish when he tied his hair back He should've just come to school like that instead of cutting it short.
>Fruit candy >Cheese
Wow That was a pretty sudden first kiss
She kinda seems like she could be a female Miyamura
I like how this show does both over-the-top J-drama stuff but also has its characters act like properly goofy teenagers too Like when she and Miyamura were fighting over Hori and Hori's friend just texted their other friend to come see the antics That's the kind of thing any teenager would do.
I'm sure she could probably swing either way She'd probably commit to being gay if Hori was available to reciprocate But if she could get over her discomfort around guys she'd probably do fine with one too.
He was the one that swooped in for a surprise first kiss while his friend was looking away I dunno if Hori's entirely correct in saying he doesn't make moves on her!
Is he gonna make rival groups within his big group of idols I guess that would be a way of keeping ten idols from being a bit much to all have on the stage at the same time.
Must be rough being a twenty-something veteran idol that never made it big
This new blonde one is a bit of a task driver, but it's probably good to have someone with professional dance experience on board
Okay maybe she's a lot of a task driver
She has a bit of an ojou-poi aesthetic but I guess she's probably pretty poor if she's working in a grocery store.