Hi hey hello Hope you had a good weekend But it's almost time for the workweek to begin!
Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Idoly Pride Episode 6-7 Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Log Horizon Episode 5-6 Mushoku Tensei Non Non Biyori Show By Rock Episode 6-7 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 4, 6, 7 World Trigger Episode 4-6
order to be determined by whether bang is here or not
I think he out to be We might also have another friend along for Mushoku so depending on when they're good it might be nice to shift it up a slot or two I dunno when the two of them will be along >>921184 Wow he ought to be even
in that case let's start with jujutsu oh oh okay jujutsu okay lets start
bang is here but start with jujutsu
I saw there's some super sakuga animation in this episode Not that the show's consistently been high quality from the get-go, but should be good for this fight
Yeah, they've put a good bit of effort into making this series look nice
Looks like the guy who can affect reality with his words is kind of a bit of one-shot hyper beam though He faltered really fast. Probably since he doesn't use his powers much, he doesn't have much endurance for using it. Or maybe that's just the fate of anyone with power like that.
Yeah, shonen usually gets weaker as it goes but i think this series is hitting a high point can't wait to see more
I saw some people wondering a couple months back if Jujutsu might end up being a shorter shounen series Kinda like Kimetsu no Yaiba, which only ran 205 chapters But I don't know much about how the manga's shaping up Kirara might be more on touch with that since he's been or at least was reading the manga
Rudy has to save the day. I guess he's not really a nobody though, since his parents are legendary heroes or something.
They're not really legendary or even famous His mom was the party cleric and his dad could've been a famous swordsman but dipped out because he wanted to have a family with his wife His dad's just a petty knight who owns a bit of land Which already makes him more relevant than any peasant but still probably fairly nameless to petty nobility and middle-class people like the ones at this ball
spider has turned out to be pretty cool i wonder how long it will be MAL says 24 episodes i wonder if it'll only be one season i guess it's anime original right?
i don't know how well it's doing or anything
I think it's only the Oh neat I'd only seen one-cour last I checked I guess that's why they took like four years to produce the series
>>921287 It's actually a long-running fairly popular web novel turned LN/manga/now anime
Chuuni Kumo
Wow I take offense to Chuuni being localized as Edgelord
Geez Kumoko, why does mom let you have EIGHT (8) Cursed Eyes
It's hard to tell what she does or doesn't know it also seems like improving your skills is dangerous kumo-chan didn't get the memo on that she has been getting a lot of dangerous sounding skills
Kinda seems like a lousy thing to warn against without giving a good reason for either Though we have seen there's a lot of skills out there that give you a Taboo moniker and the church 'round here seems to really hate people with Taboo
"only low level monsters live here" is code for "some big bad bullshit is definitely going to ruin your day"
That or that one guy who's been hating on his guts is going to try to make some shit
NO NO GET HER OUT this white haired devil can go and stay go
She's not a devil she's a paladin!
Wow that's mean Poor dragon-chan got left behind I guess while she's one of the isekai'd students she's still not technically a classmate And they have to keep quiet about the isekai'd nature of everyone from the public eye
i wonder if dragon-chan and kumo-chan are gonna have a big fight
Maybe if Kumoko really does go full Maou or something I'd figure they might be able to get along with each other because of sympathetic cirumstances
Also the dragon seems to really regret being a bit of a bully to Kumoko in their past life
I guess they keeping the fact that the dragon is one of the students even from the other isekai'd students Because this guy didn't seem to acknowledge who she is.
That means she probably does know where the others ended up.
>>921317 i think she must be part of some kind of shadow organization that overlooks things like this isekai'd people and stuff it almost feels like he was a trial and he just got rejected
bodybrain's new catchphrase when talking to mindbrain >>921321
The way they translate the skills when they're backwards to the viewer as backwards subbed text is annoying Like why even bother
Maybe this is what the adminstrator lady meant by raising skills is dangerous When too many of them develop they start to coagulate and combine into weird new skills
NNB is like the only comfy show i'm watching everything else is tense i guess go-toubun is pretty lighthearted
this OP is pretty nicely composed the instrumentation is all top-notch the drums and keyboard in particular are pretty well-done
>When a mentor character becomes a boss, they push you to the edge
mimimi's speech is gonna make hinami mad somehow
I think it depends on how low they play Aoi's gonna put on a perfect speech -- after all she's already stealing back the votes they got by bargaining for A/C and pumps
i feel like he's gonna pull a hachiman maneuver here
or maybe they just lose wow hinami's on fire
wait she's going full insurgency mode on the teachers oh shit
The teachers are going to need that A/C after Aoi's done roasting them
Hah hah this is goofy
no way it works, right
I think it's a better way of challenging Aoi than trying to match her perfection Or by playing dirty and trying to beat her that way.
It is kinda weird that she sent him over to work for the other girl.
Oof She got stomped
yeah i figured
hinami's approach was mimimi's but better and mimimi had to improv if she won i'd honestly be mad
Now I've been wondering if Aoi is gonna bully him into working on her student council
hmm i kinda dislike aoi even more now
She's a gamer, of course she's gonna be a bit smug about getting a win over her rival
this scene is giving me memories of myself i don't want to have
It's a good thing he's got easy mode for asking a girl out on a deito with this girl
When you look back at how he was at the start of the series, he's really come a long way though He's perfectly comfortable just going up to girls and having idle conversation
He didn't notice but he dodged that pretty well there As in he didn't disclose that him and Aoi are meeting privately.
Oh but here he goes half-blabbing it to another one of the girls hah hah
I think that's a bold overstatement! Mimimi probably just thinks he's fun to talk to Tama-chan warmed up to him because her friends are friends with him, so he's probably not a bad guy And Aoi just considers him her pet project
>Snarfle P-pardon?
oh a cliffhanger a weird way to do one too
Imagine if that cliffhanger came at the end of a LN volume and you didn't know when you were getting the next volume to pick up the threads
Oh yeah Ren-chon is both kinda dumb and kinda smart about things for a like six-year-old
this girl is breaking renge's understanding of basic physical principles
To be fair, for kids their ages, you kinda just have to take basic physical principles as fact Because explaining the nuance of physics is HARD for kids.
Oh no now we're getting philosophical Asking what "round" really means and all And musing that you've never actually seen something perfectly round.
These are concepts that are waaaaaaaay above the understanding of these kids hah hah
I wonder if you could keep a river crab like that in captivity for what's probably in the range of eight to ten months Maybe if you knew what you were doing, but Ren-chon probably doesn't know what she's doing.
aren't ponds like that pretty expensive to have?
Hm, they're probably not cheap, but not horribly expensive. Plus they're fairly common staples of decent properties in Japan, outside of like cities. It might've just been there since the family moved in.
Kani Kani Kani Kani Na ni
i can always count on NNB for a happy time
Looks like the red-haired spaghetti-chan shows up next episode She's always fun
thanks for anime, /moe/ pretty good stuff tonight
Yeah, the weekend build-up always comes with some good shows