It's currently storming pretty bad here so if I go AWOL for too long it might've knocked out both power and cell reception But it'll probably be fine
Back Arrow Hataraku Saibou Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 5-6 Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Log Horizon Episode 4-5 Show By Rock Episode 5-6 Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 4 + 6 Urasekai Picnic World Trigger Episode 4-5
The weather is really special all over the continental US right now
back arrow jujutsu world trigger 4 picnic hataraku
>>>/@AlysonMetzger/1361286341217181700 Yeah I saw this earlier today Temperatures almost entirely across the board are way off-norm for where they should be this time of year
>>919675 oh i forgot about that let's replace world trigger with it
okay lets start
It's a bit chilly here but not too wild for this time of year I'm more worried about the snow; we're expected to get somewhere between six to ten inches of snow overnight/morning here Even the safe estimates of that amount of snowfall is probably going to make getting to work on time a real pain tomorrow morning
>>919672 Do you want to do Tatoeba Last Dungeon instead of something on that line-up, or would you rather save it for another night
Looks like driving the ship does kind of take a toll on her
>How did you find it? >Well, I'm a genius It doesn't take a genius to read a map!
Oh looks like the figured out how to make the ship go without her needing to drive.
I wonder if it'll still be a mental strain on her though If the robots are a manifestation of your convictions, then it feels like to me that just it existing would be exhausting for the user.
This black-haired guy was seeming a bit like a typical petty noble but it looks like he was just playing the game to give the girl a chance at not getting executed
It seems like they were genetically-manipulated livestock Which is to say, slaves Hard not to blame them for being more than a bit weird.
Oh they're getting a name for themselves now That's got both benefits and downsides
I really don't like that old man cowboy He's always whining and whining Doesn't have any respect for anyone except his granddaughter
Yeah, figured this was their game
Arrow's a fun kind of selfish person He's got no problem helping people if it doesn't get in the way of what he wants but he's always acting like he's done with this all as soon as it starts to interfere.
yeah, these people he sent are going to end up being friends for sure though
Well RIP to that plan though Looks like the senient cursed spirits have shown up Crashing this little game of the Jujutsu sorcerors
>>919702 This doping guy might need to be knocked down a peg or three before he does though He seems kind of wrapped up in the circumstance of his family line And I dunno if Megumi is the person who can handle that.
>I don't care if I'm right or wrong, I just have faith in my own good conscience That's a good mentality to have
The more traditional art-style way the cursed spirits and their effects on the world are drawn is really cool I love aesthetic difference like that.
Hah hah hah The way the other Tokyo students can understand what the, uh Ah I can't remember the name for using words that effect reality like that But the way he speaks in onigiri ingredients, and they can understand him It's funny.
Yeah, I figured this one was a cursed spirit of nature or something Born of the vehemence the natural world holds towards humans Albeit definitely somewhat fairly.
With a negative emotion that strong it's unsurprising it's so powerful.
I wonder how long it'll be before we see Sukuna again
Oh he makes a good point 'Round here there's a lot of man-planted forests that have the pines and fir trees planted in perfect rows It's interesting to a point but there is an artificial blandness to it Natural-growth forests do look much different.
Them pronouncing Treant as "trent" is messing with me It's always been "tree-ent" for me.
Wow they're going to try and poison Lloyd I'm sure this will go exactly as planned.
I feel a bit bad for this girl She's some kind of agent and definitely a bit of a slacker But she seems to get harrassed a fair amount by her boss.
Also man there's a whole lot of misunderstandings already happening here Everyone thinks someone else is the host of this treant seed or something.
Honestly if a hotel is offering massages they should probably have both male and female masseuse on hand in case the guest has a preference.
Oh that's not good She's the marriage proposition they were talking about earlier.
There's some rubble out there in the water though Did they find their way into the tropical regions of the Otherside?
The bit of the OP that goes "The scales of compassion have tipped / as friends" Is kind of funny to me because from what I've seen from chatter about this series, it does eventually get proper gay some time down the line.
>Getting drunk and then going clothes shopping Sounds kinda fun honestly.
Man Okinawa really doesn't want them to leave.
First it drags them all the way from Tokyo and now it pulls them back in when they try to get to the airport.
Getting drunk on the Otherside is probably a bit dangerous It's not quite the environment I feel like it's safe to go around in with your brain a bit addled.
beach weirdos in an odd place they have a weird skin tone
Yeah I'm pretty sure they're not human.
Man Sorawo doesn't flinch But maybe she was Yeah, I bet even when she's not trying to use her true sight she has a feeling for what's real and what's not.
This episode sure whiplashed fast back into the super weird
Every spook of the Okinawa Otherside seems to have come out in spades to bully them Looks like the Satsuki lady Toriko has been trying to find has something to do with this too
Yeah I don't know why you'd go hang out on the otherside for fun
For some people the real world doesn't really offer much in the way of attraction and enjoyment The Otherside might be dangerous but it's also way more interesting than the real world I can kinda understand it. If I knew how to freely go to and from a place like that I'd kinda want to try exploring it too.
they get plenty of danger oaky hataraku okay lets start
Okey dokes >>919752 I'd take more danger if it meant a more exciting life like that!
I wonder who's idea it was to write the chibi bacteria into the series They even feature kinda prominently in the OP with their "gnyuu"s featuring in the OP song So they feel a lot like mascot characters. Were they an idea of the mangaka's or were they an encouragement of the editor's?
There really are an astonishing about of bacteria that just go about living in your body I think when you total them up, they end up being almost as much as the cell count in your body. Which makes you kinda wonder Is your body you, or is it just a host of bacteria masquerading as a human bean?
Oh the chief Killer T cell got a job change into Memory T cell He's still probably as brutal as ever though.
Judging from where they are, somewhere in the large instestine Maybe it's able to help the body with dealing with invasive bacteria too.
Man the platelets really just swarm when things seem fun It's a good thing their leader is good at herding them all
Kinda seems like this body is on the precipice of a serious threat though If the cancer cell is on the return, that might get real bad. And it seems like the lower intestine has been plagued a lot lately with high levels of invasive bacteria.
But as usual with this Hataraku, it might just be the fact that every thing seems serious on this scale of reference. When really this is just a blip in the day of your body functioning healthily and the body handles problems like this regularly without issue
I think the only one that's a real problem is the cancer.
I wonder if the body itself can fight off a cancer by itself entirely Or if it's just a countdown until you need medical help in removing it. Because it really seems like this cancer isn't going away just by the immune system trying its hardest.
Cancer showed up earlier than I was expecting though Figured he'd be more the end-of-season boss.
White blood cell kinda took over as the protagonist for this one. You don't see as much of red blood cell anymore.
Maybe once they get through the Helpful Bacteria arc, she'll switch in for focus again. It's kind of hard to have her in regular rotation because of how they're spending so much time with this Normal Cell that adopted the bacteria.