Okay I'm here now Just give me a moment to put together the list
Dr. Stone Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Idoly Pride Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Log Horizon Episode 5-6 Show By Rock Episode 6-7 Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 4, 6, 7 World Trigger Episode 4-5 Yakusoku no Neverland Yuru Camp
Chrome saved them from falling into a trap with their tank too.
Tsukasa's tribe probably doesn't have the time to set up more traps in a different location now too They were expecting Senku to barge in against the prison so that's likely where they were spending all their manpower building traps
making traps is something the others will notice too
higurashi more satoko suffering i hope we see what she's up to okay let's start
I'm hoping we hit the climax this episode I've got a few ideas of how she'll start looping and I'm excited to see if I'm at all correct.
Rika meanwhile has become full ojou celebrity
Satoko's not entirely wrong, that's kind of the problem Rika might not have lost her affection for Satoko but she's not handling this in a decent manner. She's trying to have both worlds of her closeness with Satoko and enjoying being an ojou-sama In doing so she's not really giving Satoko the affection the amount she praises her deserves
Especially if Satoko is actually still terminal with Hinamizawa Syndrome, then this is really all just festering the dangers of that paranoia.
Though well Satoko's definitely not in the right either They're both kinda fucking up their relationship together.
... Why does an all-girls' private school have a solitary confinement prison cell
wow that's a solitary confinement cell oh they have a lot of them too
Is it just NORMAL for girls to act out in a manner like this
That one faceless girl totally just completely sent this situation into a critical state though Satoko now properly thinks Rika threw her under the bus
I wonder how close we're going to get to Umineko's timeline here Not that it's likely Umineko and Higurashi happen in the same world But we're inching awfully close to 1989
College-age Mion!
We'll also get to see late-teen Keiichi and Rena I'm excited for that.
Yeah, that's the vibes I've been getting from them too
Oh he tried to run
I wonder where her walking around will take her There's a few places I can think of.
Hinamizawa is probably on its way to being a ghost town though I can't imagine most of the kids from 1986 are staying around in it after graduating And as we've always seen, Hinamizawa is mostly old fogies Without new kids it's probably just going to fade away
Though she still definitely has aspects of Hanyuu there But I'm pretty sure that's Featherine's seiyuu not Horie Yui
oh those two white blood cells are still alive at least.
Poor White Blood Cell Yeah, the red blood cells are cheering her on but that kind of cheering is just as stressful as no cheer at all
We see much more external assistance in combating infections and other body dangers in this series than the regular Hataraku I mean it fits the bill of the series, with how unhealthy this body is
Yeah. at least he's good at getting medicine to take care of himself well at least he takes medicine
but all the cells are having a hard time.
And now he's becoming exactly the kind of red blood cell he was afraid of being It puts the toxic way a lot of cells in this body act into an understandable sympathetic frame
It's good to have friends who can help pull you out of your own head when you're too buried up in there
This was a rare episode where they ended it on a positive note
Though on the other hand, the next episode being >Ulcers, Friendship, and Loss Doesn't exactly bode well, hah hah
He probably shouldn't coddle the new cells too much because they'll have to realize how messed up the body is eventually
okay yakusoku okay lets start
At least the body needs them to work hard too Even one exceptionally skilled red blood cell probably can't do the same work as himself plus two rookie cells That might be true for actual human beans in some fields of work, but as far as red blood cells go, you need as many of them racing through your blood vessels as possible!
Oh right, the cliffhanger for this kinda cooled a bit since we didn't get an episode last week But this was a pretty exciting moment too
I still don't trust that he's out and about freely But if he got moved to a different House then maybe he was able to escape there on his own accord But let me emphasize again, I still don't trust it
Hah hah Smee That was Captain Hook's first mate from Peter Pan
I see that explains why they can't just eat animals
Yeah that's actually a very nice explanation for it Still way out there in fantasy realms but that's a non-issue The fact that it fits into the world and explains things sensibly is good.
Oh I guess this is where we get That Line There's a page from the manga that got everyone in a tizzle Oh maybe it's not up yet. But soon, probably.
Though come to think about it, how do those two demons from earlier in this season maintain their humanoid forms then Even if they were kinda deceving the kids there, they did seem to not eat a lot of human meat.
>>920799 Well, there's only two dancers er two answers
the eat humans or they eat smart demons
Kinda funny that the demons are basically the personification of "you are what you eat"
In the manga there was a page with Emma crying out that line about "I don't want to kill the demons!" The series kinda got a lot of mockery, at least on 4chan, for that My assumption was because it might've came out of nowhere and was just the mangaka throwing a drama plot hook into the series But having watched this build-up to her convictions, it was kind of obvious for a long time that it was coming.
Oh they're covering the matter of those two demons The gist I think we got was at least the guy of the two have no qualms eating humans though But it might also be that while he has no qulams -qualms about it, he might've not actually ever ate humans. Kinda hard to tell at this point.
Ray is a pretty good friend for her I guess they've been leading the troupe of kids for a while now, they probably emotionally lean on each other a lot.
I wonder if that means all demons eat humans just they mostly get the dumb ones
We've seen some proper bestial and monstrous demons before Like earlier before they met up with the two "nice" demons, when they were in the forest, the smart demons sicced two dog-like demons on them.
Ah, that's a bit much
I mean these other humans, it's kind of fair that they've got much more venom for the demons than the Grace Field kids The Grace Field kids knew love and care and good lives while they were there But these humans, they were experimented on and abused Them having much more vicious feelings for demons is almost kind of fair.
norman didn't seem too happy that she was alive, yeah
That or he's cooking up a story on the spot to keep Emma and Ray from wanting too much to keep some demons alive
But he was able to assume one of the demons they were talking about was a girl without them giving him a gender if that was the case I mean it would basically be a coinflip for his lie as to if assuming a boy or girl for his lie would work
But I'm just having fun here, he probably knows something about her that Emma and Ray don't.
>>920814 oh yeah I don't trust norman at all he's super shady
okay lets start
All this really is, is that I still don't trust Norman But I do think by now that he's probably earnestly trying to exterminate demons He's just trying as hard as he can to not weird the more gentle Emma away from helping him while doing so
But yeah I'm ready for Yuru Camp
As per the usual with Thursdays, while we might watch a bunch of stuff, my head's still in Hinamizawa, hah hah Higurashi always ends up occupying so much of my brainspace Thursday nights.
>Cape Ohmama I didn't know Johnny Bravo was involved with naming geographical locations in Japan
I was thinking, Nadeshiko wants to go solo camping but lie to her sister that she's camping with friends More than anything, when you're camping somewhere solo, you should probably tell someone trustworthy where you're going who can bail you out in case of emergency.
Honestly if you want to practice solo camping you should probably start it during the warmer seasons than the heart of winter like they're in right now.
Hah hah poor Rin That would've been the perfect time for Nadeshiko to invite her along!
Solo camping during winter does seem hard and dangerous
Well at the least Japanese winters are generally more mild than we get in this part of North America Even if she's going up into the mountains, and in the heart of Japan's main island like where the cast lives, where the temperature is generally colder than it is on the coast.
Ah gosh that seems amazing I'd love to experience a home-style cafe like that
Yeah, see For January night temperatures, going as low as 3c is pretty mild Though maybe those were the day temperatures
Hah hah hah Nadeshiko can't resist the smell of good food Kinda mirrors the way Rin couldn't resist that pizza and other hot food when she was solo-camping earlier in the series.
Big tree! A nature reserve of giant cedars sounds like a great place to explore
This gomoku shigure seems somewhat similar to okonomiyaki It involves a similar assortment of ingredients and a cooking method
Oh the trivia even references that it is. Sounds like a great meal honestly.
These days I'm always getting quite a bit of sleep in the evening before anime, so it's easy to stay awake Not that I could fall asleep in this miserable chair, hah hah
>>920832 Well like the ED's theme goes, spring is next Though we probably won't get to that by the time this season wraps Hopefully they can do some comfy spring-time camping in warmer seasons
Yeah I feel like we're stuck in winter but that's okay I think yuru camp is best at winter
The aesthetic of the series has definitely been the comfort of thick clothes and establishing comfiness despite the weather so far But I think even some springtime camping could be plenty comfy. And it's a long way out by any stretch but autumn-time camping would be absolutely gorgeous in Japan I'd bet.