Gekidol Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Idoly Pride Episode 4-5 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Log Horizon Episode 4-5 Show By Rock Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu World Trigger Episode 4-5
Design-wise for me Miku's actually much cuter but she's just such a boring character >>918231 Not really, it was more pf -of a personality than "Futarou can do no wrong"
is it weird that i liked miku more when she was colder >>918230 yeah actually once she realized she liked futarou she kinda just became nothing but that
i think yotsuba and itsuka are cuter than ichika but i think i'd enjoy spending the most time around ichika
Normally I'm a big fan of Onee-chan characters but Ichika doesn't really do it for me If anything because Itsuki tries to be a replacement for their mom she's kind of more of an Onee-chan character
oh that was a good reaction miku gets points here
>>918233 i just think ichika would be the most fun itsuki might be less fun for like going on trips or dates or even just getting coffee
miku's being a good girl right now
lol nino is the only cook
her only redeeming quality...
I think the others are passably good at cooking Like they can make food to sustain themselves on
i feel like yotsuba is somehow good at cooking but she's way too busy
They're out from under their dad's yoke for the first time in years probably Probably creates something similar to the "moved out of your parents' house for university"
One thing I like about this second season using character designs more like the manga is the reaction faces are much better
>>918245 Oh no you're watching episode four aren't you
i hate this track captain
lied to me....
It's hard to keep track of who knows whaaaat You've been in and out of the anime threads so regularly lately I thought you'd know we'd watched episode four
No matter how I keep the list there's always things about it that trip people up I don't have the line space to list episode number for every single-episode show we're backed up on so I just list no number on the show we're up-to-date on
>Nino would probably be a dominatrix
Pretty bold of Futarou to pointedly ask his boss for a raise like that
I think with acting it's the kind of job you have to take weak or awkward roles early on to get some credit in the industry You can't be acting in your perfect cast right off the bat unless you're ridiculously early
Er ridiculously lucky
Wow his pie's on the level of Miku's cooking That's rough
Their producer sure is coming up with shady business ideas to avoid bankruptcy But she never offers herself up!
I guess this was the doll's scheme Get Airi unable to perform by getting her injured so that Seria's the one performing together with her for the performance
Who'd ever think a doll could stare with such eyes of rage
Also man Seria is still seriously fucked up She imagines herself as a kid crying into the lap of her dead sisteer who's she's imprinted on a robot
Oh the theatre's old star actor isn't dead That's kind of what I assumed it always was But she just got poached by that other guy who seems to have it out for their theatre.
Honestly never even mind the red eyes, the way the doll stares at Airi with absolute HATRED is way spookier to me
Well this kinda really frames the survivor guilt Seria has over Alice's death Unlike before where it was kind of out of her control, in this telling of the story she sent her sister to her death
Huh, I wonder if that's how the doll "normally" looks And we just see the grey-haired girl because she's usually within the domain of that holograph system that puts a proper body on her
>Airi, I want you to keep teaching me things Hmmmmmmmm
I wonder if the lady threw the doll from the rooftop or if it jumped itself.
Honestly what was a poor theatre troupe doing with an advanced android that could read your memories by staring into your eyes and then paint itself in the -in a character from your past anyway
This one's been surprisingly decent too It's not the sleeper hit that Gekidol is of the season but I didn't go into this one with much expectations and it's been pretty fun
>>918292 I was expecting "something" since it's by GoHands, the studio that brought us K and that weird show about kids that fought with magic weapons summoned by holding hands So they definitely have a track record of being a bit weird But Gekidol has absolutely blown past what I was expecting
1200 kilograms is HEAVY I think that's probably around the weight of a normal-ish car.
>It looks like you could survive if you jumped off No you'd definitely die if you jumped from the Kiyomizu stage
Weird that they've now got codenames they use for each other I could've sworn up 'till now they've just used their plain names over comms
I wonder if the bugs can listen to comms maybe they're doing it because other humans are around
I wonder thinking it might be the other people around too, yeah Some of the bugs do seem to have pretty developed intelligence, but nothing we've seen indicates they can understand human language
Hah hah point blank with what's so far been a sniper rifle
Oh their world also has a Doukakuji Kyoto has two famous temple/palaces, Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji, Kin for Gold and Gin for Silver respectively Though as they've talked about in the show, Gin in the "real" world isn't actually silver Kinkakuji is a gold-yellow though
Wow the old lady de-aged to suit up for battle That's pretty neat
oh she left before all the bad guys were gone to watch her shows
Well you can never get between an old lady and her TV serials They will bowl through any obstacle to make it home in time to watch them!
I wanna see what this big weapon they've been trying to escape with can do But I guess it's probably like a single-shot super nuke or something I bet using it here would render it useless.
I guess in the game these are their big special skills They even each all have their own catchphrase for them
Hah hah her suit's UI is in English What a bad choice for a Japanese high school girl
They're on a bridge why don- Yeah their ship AI- Oh he was warning her not to blow up the bug because it would destroy they bridge with them still on it
Hah hah wow talk about a lucky deflect Pinged right into the bomb car
I guess that's why she couldn't beat the boss for them
design okay it's ep 5 right?
oh okay do you just want to do 5/ ?
okay lets just do 5 kets start
I wonder what wild things we'll see this time
Ah damn it this is another one I skipped It looks like that whole weekend of Jan. 29-31 I forgot to get episodes of shows from
>>918314 Well we never watched episode four because I forgot to download and list it when it came out
Again this is a fairly non-chronological show so it wouldn't probably be a problem to watch it out of order I can just make a note that the next episode we have of it is episode four
>>918314 It's that or wait the 6/7 minutes for my download to complete. I'd be fine with watching episode five if you don't want to wait
I guess there was a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of the episode though But I bet it only happened right at the end of it.
Oh wait huh This OP's sung by 96neko She's a classic Nico Nico Douga singer that's been performing for probably like twelve or more years I remember listening to covers of stuff she did back in like 2011/2012
Insects are always some of the creepiest animals out there
Hell sure breeds some weird characters
>In Hell we can freely adjust gravity and oxygen levels That's second bit actually's really important While lower gravity certainly helps with sustaining big animals, oxygen being plentiful actually facilitates big animals too That's one of the theories to why there were giant creatures back in the age of the dinosaurs, the oxygen levels were drastically higher and could sustain a much larger cast of big animals.
>>918322 I've been enjoying it a fair bit Normally these shows that do a bit of "edutainment" can be a bit flat at times Like that show with the little wolf girl and all the other animal girls, and Kemono Friends, both were kind of , eh. But this one keeps things fun
A three-headed crocodile dragon is pretty spooky
The B-team's design is actually fairly clever though Using the cold-blooded nature of reptiles to cut down on food necessities is smart
I guess this guy from Hell is a bit loose with the place's budget.
Does approved for hell just mean the animals live in hell
Yeah. This job request was to design animals that would live in Hell anyway Though this Hell seems to be more of a theme park than an actual realm of suffering
Crocodiles are pretty neat animals I still wouldn't want to get anywhere near one But if I ever have a chance to go to the zoo again maybe I'll go watch the crocs for a bit.
Oh yeah this guy with the green blazer had a thing of wanting to eat all the creatures they come up with
That's true Otters don't really seem like they'd be aquatic creatures from their body
Everything the otters do are cute Yeah as soon as they started talking about the otters having cold hands while they slept I thought it would arrive at how they hold hands while they sleep
That was an almost intoxicatingly cute back half of the episode
now we get to see hwat happened to the little things okay lets start
The one advantage of being up to date on stuff is that it'll make it easier to not miss it Though the next episode will be out for tomorrow anyway
Some of the immune system cells can be pretty brutal even to cells from their own body It's kind of the problem with cells being as simplistic and function-driven as possible After all complex design requires more resources to power
The memory cell sure loses his mind whenever he needs to remember what a dangerous germ is
Yeah I figured it would be something like that The notion of a dangerous flu is kind of topical because of Covid But strains that evolve every year to be impossible to overcome with body immunity alone is pretty normal
There's a species-advantage to having such short lifespans! Because they're constantly replicating and birthing new generations they evolve at a rapid rate compared to complex species like animals So they can stay ahead of the body's ability to develop immunity
Man she sure lost morale fast once she couldn't kill a few viruses
Stress can have a seriously big impact on your body's ability to maintain an immune system though It's kind of what I've talked about in episodes of Black If you're in a stressed out environment your immune system isn't going to respond as well as it should
Wow he's really got dirt on all the other cells What a dangerous person
I guess even he can't get dirt on the Macrophage cells though They seem to be immune to this But they're also always motivated to do their job so I guess it doesn't matter.
>I should apologize for being the one who scared you He says while torn up and absolutely drenched in blood
They've put plenty of time into establishing the characters in this series by now So it's probably fine to do multi-episode arcs by this point Plus the cancer return seems like it might be a later development too still Since they've still got to finish up putting these lactic bacteria where they ought to be next episode