new as in progressed yeah probably new as in changed no probably not the situation's always changing but people seem pretty resolute and adaptable
im the same insufferable cunt as always, still archiving and documenting as much as i can and spiting everything i can't im waiting for mongolia to open up so i can go fuck off for a while to the south gobi for a survivalism who knows if it ever will though probably not
What are you documenting?
the life of anime
its funny watching a jap type english movie names in japanese forestu humpu gumpu
>>919105 natural language systems mostly but also rigid systems like energy capture or anime images
wtf they changed the nibl website >After a decade with a website that looked like it was designed in the late 90's, someone bored enough of being in coronavirus lockdown has designed us a new website! it looked perfect before you bastards
I hadn't realized the composer for the Assassin's Creed Syndicate soundtrack and Journey's soundtrack was the same guy, Austin Wintory It makes a lot of sense now that it's been pointed out to me, but it's still a pleasant surprise
No, but Canada has instituted various holidays province to province since it's not like any work worth doing is getting done in offices in North America on it anyway Here in Ontario it's Family Day.
>>919179 i don't say this often but for once we're in 1000% agreement >>919180 come on, you know what it means
Did world trigger just not air or something?
Might not've There was an earthquake in Japan a couple days back, if that aligned with the time the show was supposed to air, since it's public channels, they might've prioritized emergency information
Yeah I saw that, but was that yesterday? I guess it might have been
I ended up getting into a noob-friendly guild in EVE like, right off the bat They're mostly mining focused, but that's neat cause we're going to nullsec next week to mine Precious Minerals
I don't really wanna spend my time in this game mining, but it's an alright way to build up some capital and skills until I actually like, start paying for the game Which might not end up being necessary if my STONKS do well
There's of course a non-zero chance this is all a play to get a bunch of us newbies out into nullsec and having us mine up ore, then deleting us But even then, I've gotten a good amount of help from the guild chat, so at worst I'd lose a few million credits in equipment and ship costs
I'm watching that Brightburn movie from a few years ago. It's pretty bad. Well, as a horror movie it is. It's not scary or dread building at all. All of the horror is just "wow such gore"
>>919201 Yeah and i got totally dicked because I put all my effort into maxing one team and don't have enough scraps to make another two
>>919202 I've been having some mild success with it because upgrading all my characters is fun for me So while I don't have like fifteen characters all at rank seven or anything, I can break up my top-tier party of five character and pad out the rest with my weaker characters and have at least two parties with around 22,000 power Which is all I really need because it's a best out of three after all.
Oh actually they're 28,000 and 25,000 respectively.
>>919203 My main girls have been through so much together They must be good friends now I can't break them apart
>>919206 It's pretty fun A bit of a grind, but not particularly in an un-fun way Plus the building mechanics are fairly well-polished and it's a lot of fun to just build architecture. The game has a comfy aesthetic and is rewarding to explore and see what it has to offer. Content-wise it's got quite a bit already, but it is in early-access and still needs some additional content, plus a bit of polishing here and there. All in all I'd say like 70/100 soloplay, 80-85/100 if you play with friends.
>>919249 interesting, well i would feel like an asshole going into her thread just to say hi when i'm not even watching anime with them, nor would i impose on such a sacred thread with my presence and make things awkward
idunno depends on what priority I am >>919460 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Does the pfizer vaccine prevent the British strain?
I'd be pissed if I got the vaccine and it didn't prevent the new strain. I mean I understand that that is a risk (and was expecting a new strain to pop up for a while).
the pandemic is a scam and the vaccines probably sterilize you doofuses
>>919470 I'm fairly sure the vaccines have proven still significantly effective at preventing the mutated strains of the virus Not as effective as it is against the standard Covid-19, but still far, far better than just going up against the strains without the vaccine.
>>919472 ya the PLANdemic is a scam but prove they sterilize you
perma u should checj out this site with like minded people like us
Ugh Bad taste on my tongue I don't recognize it so it must be from my new medicine.
getting a rushed out vaccine for a virus with a >99.9% survival rate if you're young and not morbidly obese or something is like a litmus test for not being a moron
>>919475 i dont go there anymore and i'm smarter than everyone on it
omg youre soooo right it was just to get trump out of office....
isnt it such a huge coincedence once biden gets in office ( with mail in fraud of course) suddenly the rayes go down????
was lobster a grill also dash just stopped posting and went and did her own thing
i guess theres more people who said they were girls than i thought that one that acatared as the heterochromia doll from that one doll anime
>>919497 YYeah lobster was a girl irc >>919497 >Dash I heard that dash was actually a dude, thats like the only thing I know about them other than edrama
the one with the desu doll but they werent the desu doll they were the tomboy short hair one i never seent it i dont know
>>919501 Yeah the boku doll That's souseiseki Her trip is !Bokuuu or something That's the original sc She was popping up intermittently the past few mnths.
>>919509 you mean... those things AREN'T just in anime....????
ya !!! i went in and all these naked old men were in there and they had a vending machine with gakkult and milk so ur supposed to get some and go gulp gulp gulp gulp pahhh
>>919523 i think ur anime gf is jealous whenever u go to the gym and the asian BABES are ogling your 6'7" muscular foreigner body and want to get with you IMMEDIATAELy
its true i got called a greek statue the other day
i mean it was a draw u just walked to ur base on purpoise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got startled ok
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you like how I walk do you like how I talk do you like how my face disintegrates into chalk
valheim looks like wurm online
Perma !PYs0zDhPbw i'm enjoying how spectacularly horrible the top review of present day wurm online makes the experience suond
to be fair wurm online is pretty bad good idea and some decent mechanics but like that review said small community and devs make it bad
Perma !PYs0zDhPbw
i played this really weird cyberpunk fps mmo called neocron for a few days some years ago that's been up for like 20 years with a small dedicated community it was really archaic and i couldnt figure out how to do anything there's also a game called ww2 online that's been up for similar amount of time and is still played by boomers and it looks comically ouddated seeing people play it in the present year for $15/month when bf2 project reality or squad exist
Perma !PYs0zDhPbw
and there's people who still play swgemu which is pretty incredible
Like how else would he know you were referring to his name?
Like if "Fox Molder" responds to "An x-files fan, huh?" with "No. What's that? I just like foxes and mold" You'd be somewhat suspicious
in pms probably
wtf is a fox molder lol
The EVE in-game info for ores and stuff has "not the most valuable mineral around" on the description of what I'm mining, but volume-wise it's literally the most valuable thing you can mine in high sec, what the hell
Though as of right now "play" is a strong word, since I'm just on freemode working up some money so I can start actually making money But then I might end up buying a month of actual gameplay If I get bored, I get bored, I guess
I mostly wanna do ingame stonks though But I need to work up the capital to do ingame stonks first And that involves mining, at least early on, for the most part Later I can get a bigger ship and maybe do some hauling and such, maybe protect some miners in low sec, who knows
sell in game eve currency for real money
I mean, I think you need a LOT of income in the game for that to even be viable You can pay like 5 euro for 110 PLEX, which you can sell on the market for over 220 million ISK
a site i used to go on posted this vid a lot dunno why i just thought of it its got the funny 4chan frog and bear so if u dont like them dont watch >>>/watch?v=7v8wjmjY2LA
tho only time I ever ate at a "scandic burger" was this grill stall near my first own appartment they had damn good "superfuckingextrabigmeatbunswith toomany stuffings" the vietnamese? guy running it was damn chill too and we had good talks
>>919592 should it is a damn good story in short superman kills joker and then most of justice league starts to go ff the deep end batman v superman
other thinsg I would recc are old man logan deadpool kills mcu
and this I havn't read yet but seems damn good the Batman Heavy Metal or something
it has alternate "dark" universe batmans turn up in the main DC universe and they are all so fucked up
the dark universe being some weird form of existence, where the nightmares of the main universe, ie. batman gaining flash' powers while the whole world is slowly decaying and all of the dark universes are destined to be wiped out from existence shortly after their respective nightmare stories reach their conclusion, but then some eldritch being starts hiring the most powerful and fucked up batmen and use them to invade the main universe
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eh deadpool kills the mcu isn't great honestly it has its high points but so many of the characters in it act totally out of character and in some cases, they even totally alter the way people's powers work to make them more easily killable by wade
it ain't great but it is fun
also it has a part 2 where deadpool force takes on the DPKMCU deadpool
>>919596 also most of the what ifs are weird like that ie. wolverine in old man logan in terms of his backstory
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the thing that really bothered me about dpkmcu was that he just killed hulk by decapitating him really good that bit me hard i'm still bitter 10 years later or whatever
mm yeah you can't kill hulk like that even in banner form
ie. in some ULTIMATE story hulk managed to transform and spit out a bullet when banner tried to sudoku and this was a WAY nerfed hulk from the mainline stories
also considering how he killed the rest of the avengers and then hulk >wait until he banners and decapitate uhh.. writers what?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah like they could have done something sufficiently dumb for deadpool without nerfing hulk by like idk deadpool suddenly accidentally fucks up a lab he's killing someone in and all the shit mixes into some chemical that manages to strip hulk from banner or something you know make it GOOFY and stupid enough that it doesnt look like some no imagination asspull goofy enough that you can shake your head and say "haha that's so stupid"
also why was punisher a major focus?
the wolverine part is damn fun tho "your power isn't regeneration, it is popularity" I laughed so hard
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah like make it goofy like that
goofy and meta
I dunno have deadpool inject hulk with something that actually makes the radiation work realistically and have hulk explode into a cancer
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pull hulk outside the 4th wall and make it work like it would irl lol
but the ending was so good
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean no matter how you look at it dpkmcu was pretty successful if we're still analyzing it 10 years later
honestly they should do more silly what-ifs like that especially if they're going to do some what-ifs for disneyplus? make some goofy fuckin one-shots
Free desk chair going by the side of the road if anyone wants
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need one with neck and shoulders support mayn
I really miss having my old desk chair ;_; I want this pandemic to be over so the condo I'll be able to move into when its done will finish Because I can definitely get my desk set up there and be back to comfort
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man you know what i want? one of those massage beds that you can lie on face down and a VR headset
I almost died today. I narrowly avoided a really bad accident by risking a really bad accident. Some idiot shot out in front of me on the highway, trying to turn into the lane of traffic going opposite to me. I was going like 80, and the dude in this big van just pulled out right in front of me, saw me, panicked, and just STOPPED. I didn't have enough time to stop so I was going to smash right into that dumbass. I swerved into the oncoming traffic lane while slamming my breaks and then quickly turned to go across the median back into the correct side of traffic. It was pretty tense because if I had messed up my timing even a little, I would have t-boned the moron, slammed into oncoming traffic head-on, or flipped my car over the median. Usually people say in situations like that, they have so many thoughts that time seems to go slowly, but it all happened really quickly for me without any thought. It felt really decisive. No thoughts head empty.
I'm glad I survived. It could have been really bad. But somehow I wasn't scared, and I didn't even have an "oh my GOD" reaction when it was over. It was just kind of like "wow"
I wonder if there's any correlation between ADHD and how it feels mentally to be in a life-threatening situation like that Alternatively maybe your adrenaline isn't pumping properly these days!
Regardless it's good you didn't get into the crash It's best when you're good and healthy
>>919630 I've gotten in situations like that before - usually because I was always trying to risk my life for no reason in the past. But I think it was probably my zen training that had me react without really any adrenaline. There just wasn't any need for such a reaction, maybe, since I was able to regulate so well. I dunno.
Yeah! If I had hit someone, I absolutely would have died. There's virtually no chance I would have survived.
Honestly, though, what an idiot. He was waiting to be able to enter traffic at a stop sign. He was waiting. And then he just shot out when I got closer! Then he stopped and froze. After I recovered and kept going, he sat there for a little bit before he started going again. Maybe he was having a heart attack or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
poggers i was overwhelmed but i moved my queen to threaten mate in 1 and they blinded
>>919633 Could be they were looking at their phone or some other distraction and didn't look both ways before moving in And were totally blindsided by you coming along I'd probably also be rattled after that and have a hard time moving along
Well, I hope they learned their lesson about paying attention when they're driving. They almost killed people today!
My zen teacher once got a new car and as he was driving home with it, he got t-boned so hard that his car flipped and spun like a beyblade. Miraculously, he didn't get injured other than a minor cut on his head. And then he got out and was astounded that he wasn't angry or really particularly excited and didn't even get an adrenalin rush. Apparently the cop thought he was drinking because he offered to let the lady who hit him use his phone, haha.
If you think about it really, so much about car driving is pretty much just one bad decision from killing people It's wild how much reliance we have on a task that's basically us dancing with death.
I don't know what dingus thought attaching the curtain to a skirting board was a good idea but it was destined to come down with the slightest amount of weight
>>919660 she sacrifices the citizens to make the ultimate weapon her tits camelot
I don't want the kind of superpowers that come from a power-outage in the middle of a snowstorm!
Snow's still coming down really heavily
From what I can see it's near-whiteout conditions in a lot of the region They're expecting minimum fifteen centimetres of snow for most of the region, with some parts getting upwards of twenty to twenty-five centimetres by the morning I'm not looking forward to that.
>>919785 animals figuring out how mirrors work is always a fun process it is also funny, how basically same breed of cats and dogs have individuals that do realise what mirrors are and some that permanently think it is another animal
also this is rin, not the girl talking in that screenshot
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah mask girl is wakamo shes tryna kill my girls and talking about how much fun it is to get shot at
im gonna get shot on thursday :(
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with what
low caliber guns so that u can build resistance to higher caliber rounds just kidding haha just paint rounds, not to be confused with paint gun pellets paint rounds from real guns
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can't you just roll and use invincibility frames to avoid getting hit
i mean im gonna be a terrorist so i can jump between rooms in the house but im still gonna get shot cuz its just a house and clearing procedures pwn u
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but you know the clearing procedures too so you can plan ahead and come up with a genius strategy for the terrorists to win
yeah im gonna try and shoot them in the nuts
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah after you get them they'll make you commander
i mean its never really bothered me THAT much makes my beard burny a lot
but it is that >oh no moment you realise you goofed
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tear gas honestly isn't that bad unless you react to it poorly if you know how to deal with it you'll mostly be fine even if you're not masked although it still sucks
>>919811 ive had a gas canister thrown into a room i was in before so i get it
i like those old cold war propaganda films where they're like IF THE COMMIES DROP A NUKE ON US TAKE COVER!! FIND NEWSPAPER AND COVER YOUR FACE WITH IT!!
>>919818 well to be fair, if you aren't in thei mmediate blastwave area, that does help yout o survive from rubble and shit and the rest is just to keep you calm
I think those PSAs were mostly made just to avoid people panicking constantly Like, they absolutely should panic if there's a nuke inbound, but until the nuke actually comes, it's probably best if people THINK it's not going to end all that is
also the newspaper would help against some dust/etc inhalation, which by that point is radioactive and would stay in your system and kill you for sure, when the fallout might just cripple you
>>919820 any drill is to implant a sense of order and planning into you they might not work and they might be useless, but they will prevent panic and chaos, which would cause even more harm
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>919820 well it didnt work because people lived in absolute terror of being nuked until like 1990
also finland doesn't dub anything, but children's cartoons and even then say it is a disney movie, we do showings of original dub, finn dub and swedub
fun part of going into movies is ignoring not just the finnish subtitles, but also the swedish subtitles, as they are both on at the same time.
an added fun fact if you are annoyed by any kind of public announcement, say train stuff etc you'll hate living in finland, since we do them all in finnish, swedish and english making it extra nnoying
>>919841 We surprisingly only do them in Norwegian and English Well, now "we" don't do them at all because "we" sold the railroad services to corporate entities >>919849 I mean, we have two official languages, and also saami
But the two Norwegian variants are effectively the same
well norway isn't bilingual officially we do have officially two state languages and constitutionally, you can't have anything in just one language, unless you are åland
They haven't said it out loud, but I think it's also to give Nene time to recover. She has some kind of chronic illness that has been acting up. She talks about it sometimes in her diary.
>>919854 Well, it was supposed to be live irl but that got cancelled for covid so it's just being streamed. But yeah, this is the third Hololive LIVE performane.
There some sort of irl vtuber concert?
well same thing happened to Flare so it isn't he first time,
wonder how weird it is to perform a vtuber live... you are there in the stage area, but in another room doing the stuff while your avatar dances on the actual stage you are "with" the audience, but not really
COVER uses their own proprietary tech. Prior to Hololive, COVER was a company developing AR tech for general use, but it wasn't going anywhere. So Yagoo found another use for it that turned into Hololive.
Of course, Yagoo recently said they're going to be making more AR and VR tech moving forward, to create a big virtual world.
tho gorillaz are pretty much theo nes that did it first, atleast on a grand stage
Yeah, Tokino Sora started out as an advertisement basically for the tech that then got big
I still find it funny that the pandemic happened on the year of the rat
also that is a mouse
It's kinda dumb that you can't cancel on Ubers without penalty before they've dropped off their current ride Like nothing about cancelling on them is going to waste their time until after they've dropped their passenger off, but having to wait eleven minutes for a pickup that would normally be four minutes at best is wasting my time.
also funny thing I discovered about steam updating it actually, atleast for some games, creates a temp copy a whole damn copy of the game, while downloading the update and then has that temp replace the original installation
makes it bit annoying, when said copy can be 50GB or up at times on a folder that has 60GB free space.
They say mining in lowsec alone is suicide, but I'm making ISK hand over fist in here >>919881 lowsec are semi-dangerous systems in EVE, ISK is the currency, it's just credits
Lower security systems have more valuable ore in them Most valuable ore I mined back in the highsec systems nets me about 4 million credits an hour, this is like... way... way more I haven't fully calculated it yet tho, but I will once I return to a safe spot with this
guess one time nearly having trees fall on you in a storm is enough to leave an impact
Alright, seems it's about 12 million So 4-fold
which, if I do this for like 4 hours a day-ish, will pay for premium a month But still, if I do this for a month, I'll get premium and then it shouldn't be difficult to keep getting premium forever by mining even more efficiently And with actual defense so I don't gotta hop out as soon as an NPC shows
>if i toss it out of my balcony it isn't in my sight YOU ARE AT HOME USE A FUCKING ASHTRAY YOU PROLLY HAVE ATLEAST 2 TRASH CANS IN YOUR HOUSE
and with the balconies now having glass... walls around them you can't even blame wind hving dfropped them no it is this cunt tossing their trash actually down their balcony
thankfully they only do it during the winter but still I don't want a pile of 100 cigarette thumbs outside my window
>>919887 eve runescape wow these games really are jobs
This is only a 'job' cause I'm playing it for free, tho Once I have Omega, the premium package, making credits will be way faster, and paying for premium with ISK should be much faster as a result >>919893 I mean, that's what I want out of an MMO I don't intend to actually pay tho
a question how do you prefer your computer/work desk to be situated?
myself: I would always prefer if possible to have it facing a window and most preferrably be right next to the windowed wall so I can gaze outside
I prefer to neither be looking at or with my back to a window Having your back to the window is self-explanatory, the glare fucking sucks Looking at a window sucks for basically the same reason
looking at a window will just annoy you, but not affect the monitor just as a note
It annoying me is a big drawback though
i don't mind it, and since all finnish windows come with blinds, it is easy to block
Mining isn't really what I wanna like, 'do' with my EVE time, but it's a good way to actually get to premium Maybe I should invest some skill training into offensive stuff so I can become the mean ship protecting the squishy mining ships in lowsec for a cut of the profits I'd have to research how common that is and what the profit margins are though Cause at the end of the day, my daily income needs to be at least enough to cover the premium
how many glass panels does a norwegian window have btw we usually do 3 1 on the outside then a air cushion and then a double layered window with another small air cushion between the two panels
also makes breaking through a window a quite pain, since you have to clear a fuckton of glass
uuh, I think we just have 2? I've never looked into it though Hell it might be 1 for all I know
Oh the upcom Direct is going to be fifty minutes long, wow I guess Nintendo's gonna be rolling out a lot of hype to make up for how rough the pandemic year was for them after Animal Crossing
>>919920 don't think I can have anymore gives me chest pains
The worst part is that pretty much all of my social connections are to people that I work with, in my irl stuff. So now all of these people I've been building relationships with for so long are being scattered and it'll take effort to keep up with them all. And in a pandemic, we can't really just hang out.
I'll probably resign from this job in a month or two. I told people I'd give it four or five months but right now I don't feel like I want to do that. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow.
Yeah, my side-gig right now is private practice. So I will just go private full time. I'll make more money for fewer hours but have to pay more taxes. But it's also a more active job where I have to go and find clients instead of just being given them.
I wouldn't mind paying more taxes if my taxes were used for things that helped me and others instead of just for blowing up children in the middle east.
But they'll probably take 30% of my income for that.
>>919966 oh yeah btw the spear of longinus is not lost or anything
and also like any jesus christ related artifact there are like 1000 of them
by the way I do have to ask why keanu reeves tho? guy looks nothing like constantine who is blond, blue eyed and IRISH
checked it up just to be sure my memory is right the lance that hitler took from austria was returned back into austria as were all other artifacts he took
This will be the first time in over a year I've sat in a room and interacted with strangers might need to brush up on my basic social skills anyone got a good wiki page? Touching faces - in or out?
lol larry king omitted his wife on his will and shes going to court
what case does she have even on that aren't you free to do whatever in your will in murrica?
she is claiming /// they were filed for divorce Nd shes saying it wasnt finalized i dunno shes probably gonna get some money cuz they were married for 22 years tho
and tilde swinton as an angel lotsa familiar faces and the fmc is the actor from mummy
remember when hitler had sunglasses and had an eldritch monstrosity supporting him while he swung around the lance of longinus >>919988 i played the ps2 translation patch get owned
>>919993 nyarlie was doing this game where he made people think that rumors were coming true, and one of the rumors at one point, was that hitler was back.
>>>/watch?v=2EsQy7PULfQ I saw this browsing stuff on YouTube late last night and the music in it is really good I might check the game out just for the music alone
I went to this meeting thing about honours and they're all like >I know you're all stressed and anxious >it's important to take breaks >it's okay if you feel like crying
but like what i need is someone to tell me This is pretty serious. You should try to care and put some effort in
>>920031 Spoilers, if you're in a postgrad or graduate program, you should already know it's pretty serious! Ironically it's because they're not going to coddle and child you that they can remind you to not work yourself to exhaustion. By now you working hard w hard should be obvious So don't be stupid and remember to be a human bean every now and then
Does that work better for your craving for tough love?
>>920149 no i havent watched anything this season yet
>>920151 No he just brings this up on odd occasions
back in high school the epic meme was to tell people how ducks erections looked
>>920155 This afternoon I was talking a nnanap and my dad woke me up and told me to go shovel I put it off for an hour and then went out and started to shovel but then a neighbor came by with a snow blower and offered to clear it all for me. I love it wwhwhwhen putting things off pays off.
Keeps referring to alpha males >>920155 Weird school We just jerked off onto a biscuit and made the last guy eat it
It's weird how "talk radio" is like, just A Guy, Talking And pretty consistently explicitly conservative at best But "talk show" is like, a host and a guest, talking to each other And leans more liberal
I actually tyhought that guy was older though Man looked like he tipped 100 in the 90s
Oh Xenoblade character They should've put in Nia instead.
They're kinda in the slog of games that probably sell well enough but don't really drive hype for the console at the moment I wanna see the exciting thinnnngssss
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta make it thru another 20 min of this what do you think botw 2 teaser?
That, Splatoon 3, Metroid Prime 4, or some new big IP/franchise announcement
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ima pog outta my gourd if splattytoon 3
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my name was better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Saltiron War what the FUCK is with these names
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Hughette? Crustadorf! Sorsley?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
symmetra voice actor i think noice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(WORKING TITLE) oh my god
So Octopath Traveller Tactics, pretty much The strategy elements seem kinda neat though I'm interested
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Untitled Triangle Game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
zynga in a Direct
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dangan ronpa gaem
*dungeon grandpa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a jebait
Yeah it's pretty funny Surprising that Skyward Sword got remastered though Was personally hoping it would be Wind Waker
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
absolute jebait
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pog pog pog
Splatoon 3!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
splatoon horizon zero
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pog supply: dwindling
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok its good old splatoon nice
is there a nindirect or something what was good anything
>>>/@SplatoonJP/1362176730098589698 Splatoon design is always absolutely amazing Like everything about the game's visuals are incredible from a detail and worldbuilding aspect
when i saw this part of the movie in theaters it was so impactful that i teared up five years later its happenin again
the european space agency is sending amputees to space Parastronaut Feasibility Project.
Looks like Twilight Princess is trending on Twitter I guess fans are upset Skyward Sword got the HD remaster on the Switch while TP got shafted
Honestly though I think it's more likely we'll be getting a big Zelda game compilation like the Mario 3D All-Stars and Twlight Princess will be a contender to be put on that.
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it's currently 9% but its been dropping slowly over time
The property damage is so much more real in this than in American movies, somehow Even if Godzilla looks goofy af
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That's Japan for you. Japan is a place that's experienced horrific property damage so many times. Americans have never seen it. So you can opt for cheaper destruction and less convincing destruction for Americans, it won't hurt their suspension of disbelief. But if you show such silly damage in Japan, the people will laugh.
Anno is also a Big Nerd for this kind of thing, what with being a GAINAX guy and all, I guess
Anno was big on social activism and environmental concerns even before he was an anime director Guy was literally in the student crowds protesting as a student in the late-seventies/early-eighties Which was a WILD time to be an activist in Japan
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Anno takes things very seriously and has good attention to detail. And >>920311
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think Godzilla is kind of a sacred thing for Japan, too. You have to go all out.
There used to be rumors that Shin Godzilla was going to evolve to the point of becoming an eldritch god because of the appearance of some of the forms he's displayed in various materials
They better not start unloading dinky rifles into this fucking thing It's so stupid when they even try that with monsters like this in movies It's not gonna work, the damn thing just tore a skyscraper down with its gills, motherfucker, if that didn't even seem to hurt it your shitty NATO rounds won't even piss it off
For a moment I was like "wait I thought this was from 2016", then my brain booted up and reminded me that wearing masks is actually very normal in Japan
This movie has such a different aura from American movies of the same genre Like the ideas are different Anno truly is a master
Americans don't like the idea that a monster can't be defeated with enough explosives.
I mean the new Godzilla+King Kong franchise embraces that part But it still has a very, very different approach to like, everything surrounding and apart from the monster itself
Sure it's still Godzilla, he's got the lazer beems and can't be nuked But like, the view on how we as a species and society do things is very different Not just "nuclear waste was kind of a bad idea, huh?"