I was following this guy on youtube from years and years ago when he used to make comedy kind of music it looks like more recently he's been making serious emotional stuff It's not half bad >>>/watch?v=k6AkNFrFPsE
Speaking of paying and links. Your government is absolutely insane to charge websites for linking to news. Like I hate google a lot but that law is going to fuck over consumers way more than corporations. Facebook already made it against the rules to link to Australian news.
>>920535 smells like swamp ass you must have a swamp
>>920536 They almost printed a card called Swamp Ass in the joke set with all the ass jokes.
now u cant even hve black cards anymore
>>920538 Actually the real problem is that we can't have good white cards.
Although White is probably my second to least or least played color.
i like white cards cuz i like having infinite health i only really played mtg arena tho
>>920541 Black has plenty of lifegain Oh you only played arena Yeah you're missing out on a lot. Although a lot of people think magic might implode soon. I'm really unhappy with wizards of the coast these days. They're making a lot of poor decisions with card design, and also art direction.
i dont want to get ramen alone and my japs at violin lessons
>>920545 Using *Udon Ugh now I want using *udon FUCKING AUTOCORRECT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Anyways I was going to get udon last week at the Japanese minimall but I got there too late.
i think im gonna gwt pizza i havent hd that in alongtiime
ya lol good one im worse than trash tho im that juice that comes out after u compact the trash
that's actually the best par t bottle that stuff up and sell it to nyc hipsters at three bucks a pop
I had this odd dream these army dudes were aboard this train spaceship thing and for whatever reason their hands were locked into their guns and suddenly they all pointed their guns at their heads and shot themselves there was a few guys that broke their hands out of the guns and escaped for some reason there was also some scary creature roaming around I don't remember much else except the escaped guys changing clothes but then the cat woke me up okay frued tell me what it means
How the hell does my washing machine not have a "just water please" setting? I just want it to like, soak what's in there in water and then dry it Cause it is clean, I just forgot to turn on drying yesterday
i just bullied this very shy white player as back black weird usually white is supposed to dictate the pace of the game but this guy was just a sitting duck
did you rush king mid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i splatted their kingside good
The Perseverance rover hopefully lands on Mars today Rover landing is always risky business, so hopefully it all goes well
i'm climbin thru 1400 maybe ill actually make it to 1500 by next week
i'm finding it's not too hard to get an edge if i just do the basics right like, take the center, develop all the knights and bishops, try to stop them from castling, look for weak pieces, launch attack, trade down, endgame properly starting to get better at recognizing the different phases and needs at each
>>920611 It rinses the machine during the rinse cycle which happens after the wash cycle. Otherwise clothes would come out of the machine with soap on them.
I thought for a while that SatenxFrenda was just this one artist on twitter who likes them as a couple, but it turns out to be canon now, maybe? There was official art of them together
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well frenda is long dead she died like 10 novels ago and was replaced with her little sister who happens to look exactly like frenda only shorter and red colored
That makes it weirder
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the little sister came into play because there was a lot of pushback against frenda dying she was cut in half by meltdowner
Oh yeah naw I remember the jokes on /a/
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah what did you think of shin godzilla? it looked like you liked it
I love it Very disappointed in the canning of the sequel rather than using it as the jumping off point into an extended universe though And a little worried the extended universe won't hold up to it Cause I'm not even sure how you'd make a sequel to it, much less expand it But I'll be watching it anyway
Like, even thought it's OBVIOUS from the end of Shin Godzilla that the intent is for another one, I feel like it does actually... work like that Ending exactly as it did, wrapping up there, is kind of like... it works Godzilla is left in the middle of Tokyo, as an ever-present reminder of the terror of poorly managed nuclear power, a testament to the lasting damage it has
Well, as far as sequels go, it would be pretty easy to make a sequel with standard kaiju faire. Another monster shows up and they can't beat it, so they need to activate Godzilla to fight it. After which, they either have to deal with Godzilla again or Godzilla fucks off and gets away.
Well yeah, but I feel like a standard kaiju sequel would be extremely cool but also be a real letdown after this one Like someone made SG-1 into a sitcom in season 3
Cause there was so much more to like than just Our Boy, The Big Lizard I love the lizard, but there was so much more that I dunno if you could replicate for a sequel. But it's not like I'd hate to just have another simultaneous kaiju universe going parallel with the american one, either
Yeah, it's hard to continue with those kinds of themes. But the primary theme of Shin Godzilla isn't just nuclear proliferation and the need to care for our planet, but it's also a scathing attack on the government of Japan and the age-based culture of Japan which prevents young people from bringing in new ideas without being blocked by close-minded elders. Which is totally a theme that you can continue with, especially as you introduce more interference from the UN and other nations. One of the big points in Shin Godzilla is when they try to just give up and say "we'll resign ourselves to the UN because if we do that, the world will help us rebuild . So we'll just let the US nuke Tokyo." The need for a people to have autonomy and to not be bossed around by "stronger" nations is a big theme in Japanese culture and has been for 120 years or so, and provides more themes that they can utilize for Shin movies.
Overall, I think they can do it. Especially with Ultraman stepping in, you know, I think those themes will really come out.
>>920623 issue just is that shin is damn accurate for its godzilla incarnation thing is a world ender
>>920626 common/greater good is easy to preach when you aren't affected afterall
I mean, I guess I actually read it as light praise of how put-together the government was, really, and honestly nuking the fucking lizard wasn't like, a bad idea, actually It's not like they know what we do, that nuking the lizard makes the lizard into an even more super lizard, and like... supposing the coolant failed, that's the only REAL option left at that point even if it'll fucking glass Tokyo
>>920626 also the bossed around theme is more like 200 yeaes old
>>920629 also different zillas react differently to nuks godzilla would get fucked by the explosion, but then it could restore itself with the fallout basically
>>920629 The government failed to react quickly enough at the beginning because they refused to react to what Yaguchi, the younger aide, was saying when he brought up valid points. At multiple points, he was dismissed when he said "we need to do this" and the same happens with the young biologist lady, who says that Godzilla will be able to walk on land, and they all dismiss it because the older biologists said that he would crush himself under his own weight if he tried. Which is why towards the end, a major point is that Yaguchi's mentor encourages him to run for Prime Minister, and also why the Asian-American woman encourages him to, because she wants to become president but is told that she needs to fall in line or she'll lose her ability to in the future.
The government is shown to do some things effectively and to legitimately care about the citizens, which is probably true for Japan. But it's also shown to just be super inefficient and struggle to actually handle things due to tradition and ideas of what's necessary. When the prime minister says he doesn't want to leave and that he needs to be there with the people in Tokyo, his cabinet convinces him to leave, which kills him and the entire cabinet. His successor is an old guy who "doesn't want to go down in history" and very reluctantly does anything. In the end, his connections to France are what give Yaguchi's team the ability to save the day, but he was shown to mostly be a lame duck.
Overall, Anno is begging Japan to change and allow a new generation to step up and take over, to allow Japan to grow and respond to threats in a better way.
Because the old folks believe that the way to stop this nuclear monster is to use nukes, even though nuclear material is exactly what caused the problem in the first place. Nukes would have rendered Tokyo uninhabitable for so long, so it was too much of a jump to try that before everything else was exhausted. In the end, the isotope generated by Godzilla was
but shin is self sufficient it needs just gases around it to prodyce energy no need to feed
also for all the needs of the few the helucopter face off would prolly have killed godzilla in its 3rd form
>>920632 going to be pretty much gone within a few years, allowing people to return to their homes and rebuild Tokyo. So the youth really saved the day.
That's something I didn't even like, consider while watching it, but you're right yeah I guess I'm just overall not that familiar with Japanese culture other than broad strokes, so I didn't really see it
Godzilla is really a uniquely Japanese phenomenon. It's the nightmare of the nuclear destruction that only Japan has faced. That's what makes the destruction of Tokyo so horrific and impactful when Godzilla first uses his nuclear heat beams. It's telling us to recall the horrors that Japan faced and that the world gave birth to.
>>920640 Indeed. And the scientist who developed the Oxygen Destroyer kills himself after Godzilla is defeated because he is so terrified of that technology being used against humans.
Godzilla is all about anxiety and terror. And Shin Godzilla really captures that well.
>>920638 Some say that they think he had fused with Goro, the scientist that disappeared, and that was how Godzilla started to evolve into that fifth form.
and the first movie also hsuntingly repaints the firebombing too
yeah a weapon more destructive than nukes
hell he was going to let godzilla rather destroy japan than actually build it
Even some of the 70s and 80s Godzilla films with those goofy scenes like Godzilla jump kicking stuff are really about anxiety. Because in all of them, the kaiju are mostly minding their own business and people know they exist but they keep fucking around and making things worse. Despite knowing the horrors of the nuclear bomb, we continue to build new ones, continue to test them, continue to propagate our horrors. Godzilla is a world that revolts against that and punishes us for our hubris.
>>920639 or that is how godzilla first began to evolve further for human stuff, he stomped on a lot of people
>>920643 the heisei era? is a goid fusion of messages, campiness and monster action the showa era stuff is too much for me and i have only seen the origibal of those
The American Godzillas like 1998 and 2014 are really lacking in meaningful messages. Godzilla 1998 starts off with a great Godzilla design, saying it mutated from iguanas and all that, and then it goes on and destroys everything. But it's an AMERICA HOO RAH movie where they solve the problem with more dakka and completely ignore the origins of the kaiju. They're just spectacle.
There are some Japanese Godzilla movies that were mostly just spectacle too since there were phases where it was really just about monsters fighting and toku action. But a lot of the Godzilla movies are really impactful pieces written for Japanese audiences who can understand the nuclear terror themes. A lot of later movies after 1954 Godzilla were produced knowing they'd be brought to the US so they're more actiony and explosiony.
uu ate an actual anime size burger 200g patty agoat cheese slice the size and thickness of the patty and it was over hmm prolly 13cm in diameter
>>920648' i think weirder one is the 80s godzilla v ghidorah since the plot is >people from future come back in time to destroy japan so it can~t become economical dominant power truly a movie of its era
Im spending the night at a friend's house and her damn dog won't stop barking.
Barking and yelping
>don't worry, the dog will stop barking soon
they all say that
Well I only left te door to the basement open just in case the cat wants to come down and hang out. I can close it if the dog doesn't stop. Anyways I don't really understand why people will let their dogs live inside but they'll lock them up at night. It's cruel
Aw fuck The gas fireplace started up again I didn't even turn it off, it turned itself off (I had thought my friend lowered the thermostat) earlier a few minutes after I texted her asking how t turn it off.
is someone set you up the bomb
Oh the dog stopped barking.
>>920704 senior pink is a fucking great character when his backstory hits
i hate goin to the px this early cuz all the school kiddies yabt out there
>>920763 If I had a few book delivered to your place could you bring them to t states with you next time you visit and ship them to me/drop them off (since I know you sometimes come to the Chicago area)? I'd PayPal moey for shipping.
i mean i dont mind but youll have to see if they ship to okinawa sometimes theyre racist when they see americans
AAnd I'm still trying to finish maxing my main in osrs.
God This job is brutal The hours are killing me I need a vacation
japanese tv is all the same
>>920846 I've got Shiori but never use her, but I don't have Hatsune and really want her, so it's an exciting event for me on that prospect alone I started grinding the event as soon as I could hah hah Plus you actually get quite a diverse assortment of other materials and resources from it, which are all pretty useful.
They've got kids together Which of course doesn't mandate marriage, but does usually establish a bit more firm of a relationship contract than only dating
>>920880 I'm too strong to be stopped. Sometimes I'll watch anime or vtubers in my office just in between clients. I don't even use headphones or anything anymore. Nobody can stop me because my boss is afraid to do anything if I act unprofessionally or anything. I have surpassed the feeling of shame and have transcended. My power level is so high that I don't even need to hide it. But I dont show it either because I don't want to crush anyone with my spiritual pressure.
>>920882 man maybe you should start like... looking for other places to work at cause your current place of employment seems like a sinking ship You're like the only one there right now with qualifications right?
>>920883 Unfortunately for them, I had this kind of power even when we had good staff. I'm hypercompetent at therapy and my charisma stat is high so I'm like the eccentric uncontrollable professor that everyone puts up with because of how helpful I am to have around.
>>920884 Haha, it's absolutely a sinking ship. But they might be able to pull it together and make it work. As soon as it gets too far gone to be saved, I've got another ship I can jump to, though, so I don't have anything to worry about.
oh alright then
just don't go down with the ship You're not the captain
I tell my boss all the time that as soon as I stop having fun working here, I'll leave.
>>920889 Corporate restructuring laid off a key member of the team and caused a neverending cascade of crises that we haven't actually recovered from. Then corporate tried to fix it by enacting more control over certain things which caused more problems and betrayed some of /// betrayed the vision that many of these people had when they started here. So feeling like their mission was violated, they've been resigning to pursue their mission elsewhere.
But I don't have anything lofty like a vision or a mission, and I'm happy just going from one thing to the next, enjoying myself and having fun.
>>920890 Actually, I don't really have any problems! My life is like a happy little dream right now. None of my problems really bother me at all and are easily handlable.
i mean it's not like I think it's possible for me anyway it's futile, but that doesn't mean I wish it wasn't, you know? I can't feel like a psychologist cares
>>920895 It's precisely because I'm so imperfect that I don't have any problems. It's because I'm imperfect that I can be so happy! Among other things.
>>920894 Are you saying that psychologists don't care or that your perception will always be that they don't care about you?
idk i remember this but there was a post on 4chan a while back about a guy who used to save his cum, dry it out and put it into little baggies and then drop it around clubs and see if people would snort it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's kinda gross
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
And? Did they?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also uh I tried this thing called mouthwash and ummmmm why did no one tell me about this sooner my mouth feels fucking awesome
your dentist told you about it every time you were there
>>920900 saaa Who knows I like to think they did It brings a little more magic to the universe >>920899 Yeah. That's probably why I remember >>920902 They also try to get me to do this "flossing" thing too but I'll never fall for that scam.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>920902 bold of you to assume I can remember 8 years ago
Oh yeah I guess that makes sense I'd probably still be playing if not for having had to restart and then getting bored of redoing everything Can't do that I can't redo stuff, I lose steam so fast you wouldn't believe it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also marsh I don't know if you have them all but I've been using Mona Ganyu Albedo Jean as a team and it feels great
Anyone who thinks you can actually legitimately make money from EVE is a dumdum Sure, you can make money in a very technical sense You can make money in any MMO by selling the ingame currency But you can't make a living
But the more rooms as house has, the longer the loading times, and adding a bedroom for the maid would have meant that the house was a 4x4 instead of a 3x3 because unfortunately she can't just sleep in the menagerie with the other pets. So i had to get rid of her.
My friend's gecko, this was taken late at night only illuminated by a UV lamp with a narrow band so its not a great photo. I didn't want to use the flash or turn the light on because it's a nocturnal animal.
Tilde I realized that you don't need 3 teams for the princess arena you only need two and then you spank them hard in the first two rounds so it never even reaches the third.
Great question. It's what they call a 'virtual level.' Since you're right - you can't actually level past 99. But you can get xp. and the rate at which you need to get xp to advance a level follows a set formula. So when it shows levels post-99, it's the levels equal to the xp that they would have gotten if the game actually did go any further.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
For context, a level 99 is about 13 million xp and this guy has 200m xp in several skills so basically getting the equivalent of a 99 several times over.
This is a good one shot, iitiit's by the guy that does Jujutsu Kaisen https://mangadex.org/title/60166/kamishiro-s-sa
>>920965 Yeah but long-term you want three polished teams Since you need all three teams for successful defenses Otherwise they'll just switch around their two good teams to always guarantee they can 2/3 you
lol@ the drunk dude trying to use the self-serve checkout stumbling, slurring his words trying to tell the assistant that he thought there was a special on.
At one point in time that could have been me.
Also I was 100% serious when I said that stuff about LBJ.
>>920987 Sounds like a character >>920989 Push him over and see if he can back up Free entertainment
>>920994 I read up on him amd he apparently did a lot to fight poverty and bunch of civil rights ssstusssstustuff Although he also advanced the French Indochina conflict.
Oh, and oone of the most effective campaign commercials ever made.
today's hilight: >sorcerer got granted teleport as a once per battle free action for shits and giggles >how to use it >teleport behind the obviously strongest enemy >blast them with a chain spell >not hit >get hit by 40 damage next turn and 17 ongoing >instead of trying to flee stick to there >get hit next turn with 60 damage dropping him dangerously close to death genius
also whole encounter beginning >wait wait wait, we don't have to fight we can do this peacefully -shouts the sorcerer >and i cast chaos pulse
amusingly enough I had given one of the present casters an ability to counter cast surprise spells, should they be focused on the party
and an amusing moment about 4 hours before session for myself >hmm don't really need to prerp anything I don't have in stock, is not like they can make anywhere on foot... >i gave them a car and then rapid fire the nearby point of interests etc where the party could possibly arrive and quick think on other places they might go and what I can improvise.
giving myself a big ol' fuckin PAT ON THE BACK for my japanese listening comprehension skills since i got the gist of this short skit without that many visual cues >>>/watch?v=Dp4-sTORecc
And when I read through some comments i was pretty much right.
hidden beneath tall spruces deep inside the forest is a place most secret guarded by a lynx cat if you knock three times on the old oak tellt he owl the secret words the ground shall split apart you'll be *you'll descend on a pine cone elevator
I don't get businesses some times The option on the left is a deal that comes with two free toppings and a dipping sauce The one on the right is just the basic offering of a medium-sized pizza Both are at the same point in choosing toppings and preparations -- that is to say, the very beginning But the option that comes with free stuff is cheaper than the one that doesn't ???
yup that kinda stuff is always so baffling
The kicker is you don't even need to choose a dipping sauce You can literally just get the pizza you want with two of the toppings free for less
i somehow have a feeling that the us pizza is very separate from what we have here europe anyhow has 2 pizzas on its own already the "kebab" pizza and italian pizza
last one i had was frutti di mare variation tuna, shrimp, shellfish/we you call dem oysters and surprisingly lime slices
this has become one of my favourites recently
I'm not big on non-fish seafood with some few exceptions Shrimp and shellfish are generally a no-go though.
shrimp is graet on pizza
Not if you don't like shrimp in the first place!
well yeah then no i just generally don't have almost anything i don't eat
To this day I would still say I'm a moderately picky eater But I don't want to say no to offered food and will rather try my best to avoid being in situations where I'd have to eat something I'd have a hard time stomaching than insisting on other people take into account my picky eating.
I think some people assume it's taken from 今 (こん) 日 (にち) は, literally "This day is" Even though 今日 is pronounced きょう, but there might be some truth to it
>>921075 is kinda what I was thinking tasting the word since it kindadoesn't mean what it means when broken down
Japanese is a bit of a weird language where it's both a hodgepodge of Chinese phonetically-adopted words but also just their own developed language as an isolated island culture And then they kinda reverse-engineeered the Chinese characters for Kanji to fit the words they were already using. Which is why while Chinese people might be familiar with the Kanji characters, quite oftenly they're not actually used in Japan the way Chinese people are used to them being used.
but most interesting ones are always phrases and words that on their own and when directly translated, don't basically mean what they mean and ofc trying to trace back, why they have become as they are.
Pretty much all language is that in degrees, aside from maybe the most basic of basic nouns But even there there's often a discrepancy between what one language "means" by tree, versus what another does. It's subtle and honestly I am kinda splitting hairs here, but it's there.
It's kind of why there's the notion of "you can't ever truly understand something by subtitles" comes in
Whether you're going to die or not, it sounds pretty exciting to look out the window and see that. I bet it really makes you appreciate being alive right then and there.
Well planes can still glide on one functioning engine As long as the engine didn't detonate and take the whole wing with it, the plane would likely still be able to make an emergency landing So since you're safe, might as well enjoy the spectacle
>>921123 interesting... you say you've seen them on ninjas... but if you can see them, they aren't ninjas, now are they? ninjas are known for their stealth, after all
I decided to slowly start using deepdanbooru to tag my images, and my solution for all the tags I don't use is I've aliased them all to "trash tags" That way I don't need to deal with them
>>921145 Taking "Our house, in the middle of the street" a bit too literally there
I'm actually enjoying this so far Jim Carrey's still one of my fav comedy actors The man's gone off the deep end IRL, but as an actor he's still pretty funny, even if some of it is still probably nostalgia
>>921155 Carrey's always been a fantastic actor, his personality doesn't change that His bread and butter might be comedy but the man's also got acting chops for other roles
Which based on my base level knowledge of the movie, is kinda appropriate
I've got some pretty bad leg and back soreness Kind of like a muscle ache Hopefully this is just because I've been stuck sleeping on a shitty pull-out couch bed again and not, well, the other common winter cause of muscle ache
man just got a fresh cut i look so good look at me? wtf? wow
obtuse unknown mother goose
acute known mother goose
giant moose chocolate shake
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
close your eyes stop breathing don your protective mask
I'm still feeling kinda achey, and now it feels like my temperature's not fluctuating properly Hopefully I'm not actually feverish
did u take some anti pyretics
Yeah, maybe half an hour or so ago Hopefully it'll make my life a bit easier when I lay down for bed in a bit I'm more worried about the morning If my condition's not getting better I might not be allowed to go into work They might be pretty strict about me having Covid-esque symptoms Though I still have my sense of taste.
no risks ur 2 week quarentinecl or until a neg test
I died on runescape because I was distracted complaining about furries
>>921418 yeah if you want to co-sign a patent loan for me not a serious suggestion my credit and income history keeps me down and banks don't wanna deal with me i gotta work three jobs, all from home thankfully, but there was a fuckass power outage today for the whole day and besides it being cold, it killed my whole day and now im behind schedule
just frustrated and everywhere i look is a boundary it's a tough time, i know it is for a lot of people and i do count my blessings but damn it's hard sometimes
thanks for listening
It's good to vent /moe/s been my wall to scream at very often I don't really know if it helps, but I think it's still good to
Man road conditions are pretty terrifying out here this morning Almost-liquid snow coming down in sheets, and slush and water all over the highway For once while I'm grateful to my driver for driving quickly and getting me to work ASAP, I'm also kinda spooked by what's probably slightly reckless driving for this weather Still, no complaints as long as he gets me there in one piece