Idoly Pride Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Log Horizon Episode 4-6 Show By Rock Episode 5-6 Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 4 + 6 World Trigger Episode 4-5 Wonder Egg Priority
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-20
We can probably get Bang tonight but not immediately.
That and as a noble she's well-suited to be a representative head of state anyway Most of what she's been doing while situated in Akiba would be her job as its leader anyway.
Oh there's a bit of gender bias going on
Akatsuki carrying around a loot chest that's pretty much as large as herself is funny
She's always had a bit of one, she had that pretty strong speech in the first season when she was trying to persuade the adventurers to come to the aid of the People of the Land without clear monetary rward But even with people of strong spirit, they can often be weak to their parents or other guardians
Learning how to stand apart from your parents is an important part of growing up though
This man with the painted face is kind of the atypical lousy noble type He takes every chance to be a sycophant for his lord and looks down on everyone else with disdain.
Hah hah the aidoru has gone rogue and decided to run herself
Looks like a lot of the Log Horizon members are kind of running off and doing their own things
Yeah, it might be that it's only been a short while they've all been stuck in this world But a lot of these big guilds like Ains' probably knew Shiroe's reputation from his time in Debauchery Tea Party He would've know for a long time that Shiroe is the calculator of whatever thing he's involved in.
Wonder if he's going to try and get the town's warp gate under control From the sound of it, it works, but no one's figured out how to make it go where they want it to Being able to provide reliable teleportation as a social utility would be a big boon for the princess' campaign.
>>920426 I bet they use that gag a lot in the game. Seems like something that would be said a lot during tutorials.
Yeah, it's a good way to introduce new mechanics that as seasoned fighters they "should" know about, but don't because you can't give the player all the crazy OP stuff right off the bat
That one girl just wants to be alone and sulk but the rest of them keep dragging her along
They do as much sightseeing as they do fighting I wonder if the game is like this
I could see it maybe be character side stories you unlock It's kinda hard to tell without knowing what the mobage is like.
I can kinda see where the other girl is coming from But if she wants to be mercurial about her associations with the other girls, then her trying to set off entirely by herself isn't really the smart option either. This is a pretty dangerous world after all. If's fine if she's not interested in being close with the others, but acting like she'd be totally fine entirely on her own is just her being properly dishonest with herself.
The way everything they say about Antis here can be applied to real-life antis is pretty funny.
sould gems
Yeah I dunno how much I'd trust magic items from these two
Kuso kawaii is a fun term
It's basically like saying "fucking cute"
rika really do be livin in the streets tho
She's too prideful hah hah
Wow the chameleon is much bigger in the dream world
Ai you literally move in and out of dream worlds contending with the nightmares of girls that killed themselves And someone that can see and hear ghosts
Oh fuck
Well this has been like the whole season so far in the making The emotional subtext between her mom and the teacher has been as clear as a sack of bricks
Hey nothing wrong with a guy chasing an older woman!
Hah hah Rika But yeah Ai crushing on the teacher too is also something that's been pretty obvious
I'm still awfully suspicious of the teacher though He feels like a snake to me
>>920505 Really dumb people but it seems to be working maybe
Well you know how it is If someone thinks food is going to be expensive or a delicacy it could be literally whatever and people would still probably sing its praises They'll even confuse bland, artificial flavour for subtle flavour and nuance.
The pink one is such a kusogaki She's being a very two-faced kind of instigative to the other band
Someone must like her because she gets to be more animated than the other characters
She's a bit of a shortstack with a kinda bitchy S streak hiding behind a professional idol public face That's totally going to be someone's strike zone, yeah.
They got a lot more actual animation too not very much chibi animal animdation animation
Himeko's on cloud ten watching this Though I guess the inferiority complex is also setting in Now it's Howan's turn to cheer her wife up
Nevermind guess the inferiority spread to the whole band
AH I really like that classic Japanese trio They've got a crazy super-Japanese name I can't remember If they're showing up next episode that'll be great.