--Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 3-7 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-6 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-7 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-17
Also episode seven of Ikebukuro West Gate Park is out, but no subs by Erai-Raws yet. There are subs by SubsPlease and Commie available if you'd want to watch it tonight. I'd just need like a show slot's length to get it.
yeah I grabbed ike I have no preference between the groups
100 man kimi to boku sengoku mahouka adachi
I don't either, but I didn't want to punch in a new entry for the list for another subgroup that probably wouldn't even be relevant in a day or two once Erai's version comes out. I guess I can just put it in though.
I guess the fact that their weapons are replenishable does mean that he's got a steel knife now. Er now got a steel knife that can be abused in all sorts of ways and still kind of keep its edge.
Hopefully he didn't leave his sanity down in that pit as he was climbing out.
He healed her up well I guess everything is going to get mixed up
There's some language bullying going on here. They were told to deliver some goods but were never told what the goods were. I wonder if the Gamemaster would've even told them what the goods were if they'd asked. He's been pretty consistent on fucking with them given the opportunity.
kimi to boku was this one bang watched that was kamisama right okay lets start
Yeah Kamisama so far is the only thing he's been watching. I think he's been trying to find the time to watch DanMachi but hasn't really had any good opportunity to.
i'll have a ton of time pretty soon here gonna be very bored thanksgiving week probably kimi to boku was the name of that all-boys SoL from years back, right?
Uh, maybe. This one is a fantasy series about a war between a tech nation and a nation of magic users and a guy and girl from each who basically start dating while pretending to be enemires.
what the,,,, yeah i'm thinking about a SoL about a bunch of teenage boys it was really cute and heartwarming
The full name of this show is Kimi to Boku no Saio no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen I think it translates roughly into "Our Crusade And The Beginning Of A New World"
yeah i'm thinking of "Kimi to Boku" from like 2014 or something
How archaic
I wonder what's up with the blue girl's shoulder. Maybe she's got magic cancer from going through that magic vortex.
Close enough! Looks like going through the vortex made her a witch.
Yeah I don't remember beong a witch is a pretty good upgrade
There are worse fates. It's a good thing her squad, or at least Iska, is a friend to witches. The other girl would probably happily help keep her secret too. And I think the other guy would be along with a plan like that as well.
It's cute how seriously oblivious she is to how hard she's crushing on him.
Gee, it sure is convenient then that their squad has been elected to undertake an espionage mission to the magic country soon. Somewhere that their magic-hating empire won't be looking too closely at them. Like hiding a leaf in a forest, what better place to hide a new witch than a country full of them?
Once again they keep bumping into each other. They really are on the same wavelength.
What a gentleman!
The weather in this scene is really making me miss summer already hah hah I miss when the sun and air are so bright and warm that you can practically see it.
Oh no did the meido poison him. Well yeah it's just a sleep drug.
This got kinda messy kinda fast. Oh cool her magic's flairing up a bit. Flaring up even.
Hah hah hah the episode name was even "Rin's Big Miscalculation" She really didn't expect him to just drink from something she offered.
I was about to say fighting this early in the episode is dangerous
Here comes Thor swinging his big hammer! Still wonder why he's all zombie-mode in here. My understanding of Norse mythology didn't leave me with the impression that Thor had much relation to death or the underworld.
Oh when Thor levelled the command HQ he took out the head general guy. I guess that means their airbase they've been operating out of probably gets to head command for the time being.
They did try to go after the regional big boss without taking out all the mooks first. Going after the King piece seems to have gotten all the smaller ones riled up.
I feel pretty bad for this pink girl though. The others aren't wrong that she can't do much in the air with her plane damaged and her healing from a head injury. But she's been getting a fair amount of kick the dog moments these past two episodes. They ought to give her a win soon.
;_; RIP Ane-go
This show's been fairly upbeat and positive for the most part so far. So this episode kinda serves as a stark reminder it is about a fight for humanity's survival.
Hm judging from that PV next week's episode might be a re-cap. I 'm pretty sure I saw a lot of shots from stuff that's already happened.
Though if I remember correctly so far this show's PVs have generally just been scenes from the week's episode and not really of what's happening next week anyway. I'll just do my investigation when the episode comes out over the weekend.
I had a feeling we'd get a death this ep this episode was just too dangerous
We got a lot of death! The Ane-go, one of Claudia's comrades from flying in Europe we saw back in the first episode. And the command HQ got Hyper Beam'd by the zombie Thor, taking out a bunch of the support staff we saw in the episode previous. Like they all said in the second half of the episode, the operation they undertook was a resounding failure.
Well she's for the most part at least around people who were already more or less knew how she felt. So it's not spoiling her secrets to anyone at least. Still I guess it must feel a lot to have your intense emotions spelled out to you like that.
Another bop of an OST track
I wonder what the point of the girl using that mask that disguises herself again is. Onii-sama's already proved he can dispell its effect in a moment.
Wow someone was able to disarm him. I guess this magic stick is pretty powerful.
I hope we get to see more of that android that's gotten hijacked by intense romantic feelings for Onii-sama. That kinda sounds like it will be fun.
Also the fact that this arc is called the "Vistor Arc" is kind of a neat double entendre. Like it's surface-level obviously referring to Lina and her status as an exchange student/spy. But also the parasite vistors from another dimension. Stuff like that is always fun.
>Does something that's born on Christmas shine bright? Can confirm it doesn't
The off-couple of Shimamura's friends are cute too. Plus it's nice how they saw her hanging out with Adachi and went "yeah we're friends now"
Oh yeah one of the things I was able to get out of vending machines in Japan was this hot ginger apple or ginger lemon drink. That was super tasty. When I got super sick towards the end of the trip I went through like three or four bottles of that stuff a day. It probably helped me keep functioning as I was dying of fever.
I don't think I've played in a really long time. Can't even remember the last time I was near a table for it even. I guess it would be pretty fun to play if I had the chance to.
Oh that friend of hers guessed right on which tea Shimamura was looking at. I half expected her to have guessed it right as a gdsads Wow. Okay. I totally had half a thought of what that was before she said it was a boomerang.
A girl in a china dress with a light coat on top wearing goggles while throwing a boomerang sure is a fashion choice.
Disappointing! I mean it's probably for the best since as far as we've seen from the chapters from Shimamura's point of view she doesn't feel the same way about Adachi and going nuclear would've been a disaster But still disappointing!
Some times you just want to see the world burn! Even on Christmas!