
Thread #895451

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winter has come
well this is weird
fava bean balls
not cheese
but fava bean
quite tasty actually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where is the cheek maiden
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this shit is too advanced for my 2020 brain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this shit is so sad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably bait i guess
i hope
Even shitty bait is still shit
People who perpetuate that kind of stuff even if it's made up aren't really great people either.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes of course
just sad all around

glad i'm not one of them imageboard addicts
just an imageboard OWNER
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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we give it back to you, the people!
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can't understand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just sit back and enjoy the explosions i guess
i am a man of cheap taste
i like gas and explosives
got any grapes?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guh huh!
i got apples
Wow there's a pretty big line to get into the grocery store- oh wait nevermind it's moving pretty fast.
Yeow me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's rewind
But Rewind is cancelled!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's hot
I would like to request a rewind
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
logjammed and pogchamped
hi kannagi
Heyo samurai~
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i rly like this girl she wasfunny
this scene i should say theres better girls
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she's the best girl she fights with a katana
thats cool
i like the main girls dtnamic with mc
plus shes got big boob crop too

mais cute tho and has a fricken gun tho
and that sums up every girl in this show
Itadori and Nobara's country hick duo dynamic is pretty great.
jujutsu must be pretty popular cuz they had it in the front of the bookstore by demon slayer
one thing about the anime is the shadow puppet dude (mcs boyfriend) hair is kinda weirdly drawn
looks flat
With Kimetsu concluded, Chainsaw Man being both kinda off-normal for a Shounen Jump series and also in its final arc, and Act-Age getting canned because its author was a pedophile, Jujutsu is the only real runaway success of Jump these past couple years that's still around hah hah.
It's both pretty popular and I wouldn't be surprised if the marketing department at Shueisha is pushing hard to keep it in the public conscious until they can get some more fresh action series that actually do good.
is the cooking anime not popular anymore?
or is that not considered a runaway success cuz its so old
ys that sounds right
Cooking anime? Shokugeki?
Shokugeki no Souma's manga run ended like last year or something.
I'm not certain if the anime seasons wrapped up everything yet but its popularity was in pretty steep decline towards the end of its run anyway.
lining into stores
so weird
By my understanding it's pretty normal anywhere with population density that actually cares about Covid-19 prevention.
I don't even think it's government regulation, this is a choice done by all sorts of commercial providers from chain stores to indepdently-run stores.
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I just don't see a store ever being that flogged if there are plenty of stores around
and if there aren't, then the population density must be low
Hm, this is probably the only major grocery store for a fairly decent-sized stretch of condo neighbourhoods where I'm currently living.
It's also a BIG grocery store, and covers both standard grocery needs but also has a fairly well-stocked ethnic and foreign staples part of the store too.
So the store's probably attracting ethnic minorities from even further out from its normal pull range that are looking for staples they want for their cuisine.
but lines to the casheers
damn those can be silly at times
10 people already make like a 30 metre long line
are there even enough people to form a line in finland
whats the population like nowadays 30?
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we form up queues of 1 km
at around maximum range of RK62
so you can ahve lines of kms when 2person attend the same store at once
nice speaking of long lines due to weapons
during army training a lot of times they make you stand like 18 feet apart in the chow line lol
sgt mjr gets mad if u dont and makes you jump to the ground like artillerys about to hit if u dont
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Maoujou de Oyasumi(…).jpg)
Everyone just goes into the store here. There aren't any capacity limits.

Me too. I haven't gone shooting since March because of covid.
They don't even skip lanes here. Everyone just crowds in next to each other like usual. Even the rifle range is always packed.
I miss shooting
i should when I have money join some gun club
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Fun fact, I can legally own a rk, if it is the "modified no full auto" version
but it is still essentially AK47
fun fact i can legally own any weapon cause im a fricken american
usa usa usa
I wish we did things like switzerland
I'd have my personal gun with me
and 3 clips
I mean I'm not surprised because Florida, but man.
It must be stressful going in to shop like that.

Honestly I'm pretty relaxed when I go in to most shops and don't worry too much about contamination risk.
But that's because I can trust most of the people living here to not be absolute dumbasses and also comply with store-enforced customer limits.
yeah I remember this
and then at around mid point they shout

and then everyone takes out their gasmasks
and eating becomes very funny
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Maoujou de Oyasumi(…).jpg)
>"The Governor will not lockdown and hurt families who can't afford to shelter in place for six weeks," a spokesperson for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said.

Our former governor and current senator just got covid too.

Florida will have 1 million confirmed cases soon.
We have 18,000 deaths.

I see people in stores without masks on still. Sometimes they are coughing and stuff, no masks.
People will get close to me in the line for the cashier and I have to try to create space without letting them fill it.
Life is hard.
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We don't have capacity limits even in high population areas
and I mean like actual 10-20k per square km or more
there just are a fuckton of stores wherever population gather

there are a ton of grocery stores in finland for some reason
Toronto is a bit weird in that there's parts of the city where everything is clustered together, and then parts where there used to be absolutely nothing until we got a population boom.
And no one bothered to do intelligent city planning so there's long distances you have to go to find even one grocery store, unless you have a small independent one near where you're living that has everything you need, which isn't too hard, but isn't really reliable.
Finding an apartment that's affordable, near transit, and within walking distance or at least a brief transit trip to a grocery store has been one of my struggles when apartment hunting.
take my home town of kannelmäki
it has
a giant hypermarket+shopping centre
two malls
and then added to those like 3 separate stores attached to 3 gas stations
and maybe more
and the area is maybe 2km2
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masks are around 25-75% here
depending on basically what is going on in the media
how spooked people are

but anyone with any symptoms of anything always wears a mask as we are dilligent
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i have not really been in a place other than home or work almost entirely
Gotta start bringing in like a six-foot pole tied to your back when going shopping so that people at least give you three feet of space either direction.
Can't encroach on your line space without getting poked in the shoulder or face.
City by-laws here prohibit people from being in commercial spaces without wearing a mask, so you pretty much see 100% mask use while in stores.
In the open outside it's definitely closer to 40-50% I'd say, but I wouldn't be surprised if that climbs higher since the province is seeing a concerningly drastic upswing in new cases and they hit the PANIC button on Friday, so most of the population that wants to care about this will probably be more concerned about it too.
you have more deaths than we have casesI think
21k, well almost
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I am still 100% surprised how our cabinet didn't do anything that infringes on civil rights
sure some businesses got the ax, but they allso get some support

kinda weird, when almost every other country in EU has gone full "haha u go out, u get arrested" levels

tho then again, so few just do things like finns and just obey suggestions with no punishment required
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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I wonder if it's against the law to wear a leather jacket with spikes all over it!
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theres a coworker here whose family plans to lay low for a while
but theyre going to lay low in fucking florida so like
Against the law? Probably not, especially in the States.
I'd count on being asked to leave the store though if you're there too long though.
and they arent from florida theyre going there
Sounds like someone wants to have their cake and eat it too.
Only this time the cake is mouldy and a haven for virus breeding.

Florida is not a smart place to try and weather the pandemic, even if the weather there is ideal for hunkering down over the winter months.
i should get some mountain dew cupcakes
thanks pan
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Jujutsu Kaisen - 0(…).jpg)
I don't know. Even with spiked armor, I don't think I'm intimidating enough to get asked to leave.

Can you imagine me in spiked armor? With my top grandpa hat and a mask with an octopus on it?
I'd look so goofy.
Fair enough.
Some especially Karen-y customers might complain about you though!
white hair dudes kinda cute
why does he wear the mask??
Because then nothing would ever get done since everyone would be too busy ogling how fucking gorgeous his eyes are.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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i'll just start wearing this
it's only $240 on etsy
$240 to improve your odds of dodging Covid isn't the worst investment.
It's certainly not a great investment but it's definitely not the worst.
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Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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I bet they'd let me wear spiked armor to work.
Although I don't know how therapeutic it would be to have a therapist dressed like he's running into battle to get killed by a demon
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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oh this one's good
it's only $420
You'd look like a mad max extra.
It's fine, you can just tell your clients "I'm running into battle to get killed by your demons so you don't have to!"
hey tilde get excited for witches tomorrow
How 'bout I DON'T
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Burn the witch
not sure if madmax or 40k
you MUST
god damn saturdays
it takes untill 1 am for the 4g to be free-ish
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cant relate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what bout my star?
>i chose this game because i thought it was a relaxing experience
>falls through the map 1 second after saying this
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gura broke it faster than amelia
she's so strong
Oh she's playing superliminal
That's a fun game, even though once you sorta 'get' what it's trying to do, it becomes very easy
It's definitely one of the more inventive ones out there
very fun mechanic tho
would definitely want to know *see a "how fucking hard making this was" documentary
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Gura's INT is so low that it breaks the system and goes into infinite INT
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all the holomyths are kinda low int
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Ina is ironically reasonably smart
even though she thinks she's stupid
She has like, adequate reasoning skills which the others lack
her biggest weakness is just lacking in video game sense
I just watched her hl2

and it just is her missing the basic guidelines of map design etc
which is basically learnt by sheer volume of experience if you ask me

like take me for example
I prolly have 8 years
in gametime total in fps games and the sort
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I feel like it's gotta be an affect for some of them
Like that's just part of their character
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, Ina is just inexperienced.

I'm not sure, I think it can be hard to feign stupidity in some situations where they're just like, so infinitely stupid that I can't even fathom why they'd consider doing what they're doing
ie the chess stuff
Also do not underestimate how distracting it is to livestream things.
The necessity to monitor chat and provide narration for the stream means you're not paying full attention to the game, which is going to make you do stupid things way more often than you might while just playing isolated by yourself.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? that chess match was INSANE
it was horrific
it was painful
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definitely this
some games like hl2 for example, you will miss the story 100% cause it requires you to pause and look at your environment and stuff
not really stuff you'd do live
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What's really interesting is how different everyone's low INT is
Gura has no INT but she STRs through everything
Ame is all LCK
Kiara is WIS
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dont fucking remind me of that chess match it brings forth such a burning rage
im fucking disgusted where's my cat5 cable and my closet
There was another one earlier this week PAN!
Kiara's more CHA than WIS I'd say.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this week's wasn't quite as bad as the first one luckily

hmm yeah
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she is alsoq uite high luck
atleast judging by FE
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This part with the sign on 2 buttons is honestly the hardest part of the entire game
Just because it's fucking hard to get it placed properly even adter you know what you're doing
Yeah, that was genuinely pretty funny
softlocked herself in a puzzle game
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, Ame got rekt by this. It fell over and locked her in the room.
Pekora was having a hard time with it too.
The angles on getting it to be big enough while falling over, or the precision you need to keep it standing up, are both a pain in the ass to accomplish.
the overcooked collabs show who amongst them has most vidya sense
At least Gura seems to have grasped the... mechanic of the game
That's more than I think Ame did throughout the entire time she played it
Don't be too mean to Calli she's well aware she's bad at games.
She's also worked like three jobs for like the past five years she hasn't really had time to play games.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Yeah, Ame was just kind of vaguely grapsing in the // grasping in the dark making it work. It was all luck for her.
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Ame for real thought "up is big, down is small", and never questioned that revelation for HOURS
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Ironically, Ame is the only one in EN with gaming sense since she has experience with playing games.
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i ain't making fun
it is jsut an observation
and a fun thing to note for someone like me who has played vidya from like 4 years old
Yeah but it's all FPS
Did she ever get a rank in CSGO? I stopped watching after a while
She still wasn't high enough level to play competitive
I think she dropped playing it live because it wasn't a fun game to play on stream.
People kept coming on to troll her, like not even just stream snipe, but do shit like follow her around throwing flashbangs at her.
weird can't still get consistant speeds...
are there a ton of people still awake raping the 4g?
ususally I get like 50-max speeds now
and I am still at 1-4
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Not sure. I usually skip her FPS streams unless they're collabs.
is my fucking town actually filled with people watching gura...
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I'm interested in seeing how Gura handles the apple+fan one
That one was pretty clever
That, or you're playing competitive
But at that point, you have to choose between being 'a streamer', and respecting your teammates
Well she's got 39,000 viewers.
That's a fairly large pull number.
csgo etc prolly work best if streaming, when all your squad is friends only
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, that's like, more than the number of people in Finland
if you competive streaming, you need to actually be good is the essence
MVP and good k:d etc
it is afterall fun to watch someone be really good, even if they are basically silent the whole match
Instead Amelia does a lot of Apex, since that's a lot harder to troll streamers on.

She also plays Valorant every now and then, which despite being similar in concept to CS:GO, doesn't seem to attract the same degree of people who just want to fuck with her.
They could definitely do apex tho, yeah
THIS part, too, kinda difficult
trying to line up a ramp SUCKS
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I think the biggest fault of this game is just the pure physics
reminds me of skipping stuff in black mesa by building
>I may not be a brain scientist
>Hell I may not even be a scientist
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Yeah you didn't know?
Hah hah
there should be rotation both X and Y
and not just x
I like how the music just... stops
heh the exist sign is the flashlight
Yeah, the sound design in Subliminal is really well done.
silence is so powerful when used right
Oh, I wonder how she's gonna handle the portal doors
Those were fun to mess around with
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>is this a solar panel?
Oh wait, she's getting close to the first meeting with GLENN
That'll be fun.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It took forever to get that far, and she just went back

Granted, I went back to go up the center too
There are a few places later, where you can just cheese it because you'll get 2 items at once, so you can get really high up
and progress without doing what you were 'supposed to' to get there
aah I like developers like this
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
glenn time

I love how Gura gets frustrated and shows it and then just moves on
Well, I have something to watch while eating now, so I guess I'll heat up a pizza
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
She's not wrong
Fuckin' hell Gura I'm EATING
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh we're all eating
dinner buddies
we have a art/history/science gallery that btw has a lot of optical illussions like this
this whole game reminds me of that place
Yeah, the Ontario Science Centre, at least when I used to go as a kid, had a section on optical and sensory illusions.
Cool place, cool sience.
the whole logo of Heureka are 3 cubes, but actually 3 not cubes once you get close enough
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ring fitness
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wonder how much of the stuff they use for streaming they have to get out of their own pocket and if Hololive will purchase any of the stuff for them past the streaming iphone.
Circular Fitness Quest
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good question

I wonder are they employees or contractors
especially the outside japan gang
Streaming iphone?
The Live2D software Hololive uses is proprietary software developed by Cover, Hololive's corporation.
It only runs on the iPhone, so Cover provides all the Hololive talents with an iPhone with the software.
>it only runs on iPhone
For what purpose
oh boy I'm getting rav
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Assault Lily - Bou(…).jpg)
I assume they're technically contractors.
Technically, HoloLive is a talent agency.
So they link the phone to their computer, then?
Also for reference, there is also pc software that uses Live 2D.
Why this wasn't developed for pc, we just don't know.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Maybe COVER just liked developing for the iphone
Something like that, yeah.
I'm pretty sure a lot of them feed the video from the phones into their PCs through WiFi, but I don't know how it actually works since a) proprietary software, and b) I've never used an iPhone so I don't know their connectivity capabilities.
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mm those are weird contracts
but I bet they have a different deal for the abroaders, since stuff gets wonky once you work international
Honestly, that's just dumb enough that it makes sense.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Maybe their dev just
specialized in iphone
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Assault Lily - Bou(…).jpg)
Originally, COVER was focusing on VR tech and had demos for special VR and AR tech that could be used on the phone with VR headsets.
They probably just had proprietary software they already owned that they decided to utilize for vtubers.
Judging from Kiara not being able to upgrade her PC easily before she started getting paid by Cover, they're probably not compensated by the company for too much.
Though I think they also have some hardware in stock that they can lend to talents. Like Korone was having some mic issues the other week, couldn't get anything to work, and "got a new PC delivered" (Google Translate makes this a bit weird) that very day to be able to stream that day.
From what I saw people figured Cover has some extra PCs they can let talents borrow in case of emergency, and I think they also have some other gear like ASMR mics.

Not that those things would do much good for distance-employees like most of Holo EN.
they can prolly get you for free or a good deal a basic pc, but not prolly something that can do streaming and high end graphics/modern games at the same time

don't most big streamers have TWO computers they use for stuff nowadays
one doing the audio video and other doing the game
on the outside of your house?
is there a single witch or mahou shoujo amongst hololive?
Yeah, Murasaki Shion.
She's a smug brat of a streamer.
Recently got a cute Gothic Lolita outfit.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Shion is a witch yeah
Fun fact: this easter egg only exists on the legit copy of the game
Not there on pirated
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Assault Lily - Bou(…).jpg)
Oh, good point. Kiara once mentioned maybe going to the office to use a better computer once.

I doubt they are given PCs, otherwise Polka wouldn't have potatoPC.

But then it's like, Nene got a KU 100 so they must at the very least get deals on stuff through COVER. Otherwise... I can't imagine Nene made enough from HoloLive in two months to be able to buy a $10,000 microphone.
I have not been able to focus at all ony schoolwork.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm pretty sure I've told you pk but there's also a necromancer.
Which seems pretty your speed.
she mad
Might be that hololive has agreements with hardware stores and stuff
Like they've got a business rebate or whatever, but the aidorus themselves have to put up the money
I think they can buy things through Cover, yeah.
I'm a bit foggy on it but Kiara was talking about buying a GTX 3080 or 3090 and she would be able to afford it by Cover taking it in parts out of her salary/portion of Superchats.

Very likely!
There's a specific hardware store in Japan that seems to regularly interact with the girls on Twitter and they seem to all be pretty familiar with each other, so I wouldn't be surprised if they have an agreement going on.
also I wonder what their deals are with the companies whose games they play
what kinda profit share there is
also that is an interesting case, since a private streamer can do whatever, but once it gets to a big thing like covers, it gets wonky
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Assault Lily - Bou(…).jpg)
I'm not sure.
From what I understand, they just have to ask for permission and then there might be stipulations, like the stream will have ads that feed part of the money to the company after the streaming is finished.

Let's watch.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara do you want to anime soon or should I wait by genshining or so
It's specifically because Cover is a registered corporation in Japan, and having a corporation making profit off another one's IP is a big no-no in Japanese copyright law.

beta testing is fun nowadays
either you PAY the company for the right to do it for free
or you do 40-60 hour weeks and get shitall pay and get fired imediatly after
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Uh, probably as with all other streamers, no deal exists and there's no money going to the devs and publishers

If any money changes hands there, it's the devs\publishers paying hololive or the girls to have their games played in the first place
Depends on where the streamer broadcasts from.
In the US videogame streaming is absolutely covered by fair use.
the talents need to request any game through covers
and it can at times take a long time for them to become available
so there clearly is some deal making behind the back, even if it is just an Email from a pr person towards the pr person of the studio
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I will wait warmly for u
I guess since they're a real company, they gotta make sure there's not gonna be any trouble further down the line

Though I still feel like streaming games has gone on long enough now without any big fuss, it's effectively impossible to sue because like "well, you didn't sue any of the other 100s of people streaming it, so you better have a good reason now"
Yeah, Japanese copyright law is REALLY asinine at the corporate level.
Like doujinshi and other doujin content can be made of corporate IP all they want, but it's handled pretty seriously at a corporate level.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Assault Lily - Bou(…).jpg)
As a major production company, they also have to act in good faith with publishers.
Especially being Japanese.

If a publisher tells them they can't stream a game, whether the law says they can or not, they won't do it.
I think doujin is technically illegal, but unenforced
as anyone striking down on it will get a massive pr backlash
It's absolutely 100% illegal.
It's just tolerated because it feeds the industry new talent.
Didn't gamefreak or nintendo go ham on that tepig doujin?
best to avoid any legal issues is always the best route to take
I think Disney goes after doujinshika though
And there was that thing with Apple like 20 years ago that I can no longer find any information about because google is such trash.
But there was a doujin anime parody of Evangelion but about Steve Jobs and OSX.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i arrive
I mean this is also why they are so carefula bout any singing
if you go by US parody stuff for music you can freely sing covers, if memory serves
but youtube bots might disagree
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Nintendo yeah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we need to make decentralized services
twitch, for example
this copyright shit has gone too far
I'm also pretty sure Rockstar has given Hololive the okay to stream games, but specifically only with Superchat and monetization disabled/going to Rockstar
Which is like, not AS douchey as they could've been, but still pretty douchey.
Disney is damn anal abotu their IPs, and this is a well known thing
but also if I was disney i would also hammer down on any and all furry porn of their characters
wow she actually got up tere
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>if I was disney I'd put the hammer down on the most devoted section of my audience
Disney has also been lately pullying some real copyright bullshit too.
With the Star Wars/Fox acquisition they acquired the ownership of a lot of novelizations and media written for movie franchises written by this one specific author who I unfortunately forgot the name of.
But they're now saying that since they aren't the original company he signed the contract with, they have no obligation to pay him the royalties from the books he wrote.
Which in addition to being absolutely cruel and asinine, is also a BIG DEAL for precendence in copyright law.
They're basically trying to assert that companies wouldn't have to pay royalties out to anyone as long as they weren't the original contract signers.
And at that point would you even EVER sign a contract for royalties from a company ever?
Rockstar pays out the ass for music licenses so I kind of understand that.
i think the most amusing case waswhen they threatened a school for painting their characters in their classrooms
Dude they will sue bakeries for putting their characters on cakes without paying license fees.
isn't disney basically the biggest lobber of making IPs eternal
atleast in usa

if i was streamer I'd playc lassical nonstop cause FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
They are responsible for a lot of US copyright stuff.
Whenever Mickey mouse is about to go public domain they lobby really hard.
Dude they inherited this from walt who was eternally buttmad that Oswald the Rabbit became public domain.
if disney was european, mickey would be public property
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, they did it for Mickey.
Did so much damage to art across the world
Well, so did tthe guy from the mouse versus the air pirates. Fucking retard got awful precedent set.
fun fact of US copyright is how it helps and damages other countries at the sametime
since you for example have much looser cover/parody song clauses than us
That's kinda what one of the Hololive girls, Luna, did when she was playing the remake of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Since that game features pretty much only music you'd need to get licenses to stream the audio of.
So she muted the music audio and played classical music.
Which was a funny aesthetic for a punkish skating game.
here music is the big thing when it comes to copyright
the legal mafia organisation Teosto will fuck your mother and eart the baby if you pirate even one song and they catch whiff of it
You could get claims from people who own copyrights on specific recordings.
I saw Cyberpunk has a streamermode, and u-
Oh hivemind
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Apparently Cyberpunk has a "streamer mode" with hahaha
nice coupling

Yeah it disables copyrighted music
anyhow youtube and law are different things
since youtube does what youtube does
Nice coupling
its cause the DMCA is broken
this is good
since even tho it is legal, >>895684
Usually streamermode is just like "hide your username and the potentially offensive names of others, and also the map", but here it's like
"Put this on or twitch WILL ban you"
once again reminded that the only youtube video I have is copyright deadlocked, and this was way before Jim Sterling ever told the world about this method
Oh she found the star room
This is a nice place.
If memory serves, you can't access the star room in the pirated version I got
fun question, is this the real starry sky
this kinda digital rights protection is what I support
"so you pirated it, kay, but enjoy not getting these"
It may or may not be because the pirated version is older, and it wasn't in yet
i think the best case was that video game studio simulator, where you'd eventually get fucked over bty pirates
Good commentary that piracy for the SOLE sake of not paying for games ends up just hurting everyone.
I still am doing 4mb/s on average and not 40

who the fuck are up at these hours
are there actually a ton of hololivers in my area
Maybe there's some big esports tournament running.
Finns like their DIGITAL SPORTS don't they
oh that might be it too
but it would have to be overseas one
prolly csgo something
that is biggest scene here
starcraft is poplar, but well there is only one name here
and he is pretty much best in the world atm
Doesn't it go "CS:GO -> DotA -> Everything else" over in CIS Europe?
pretty much
I think rainbow six has some poplarity, but I don't know about proscene
some biggest gamer streamers/ytbers do it a lot
like laeppavika, who by far isn't biggest, but one of the OG gang
dating back to like well amnesia
basically our markiplier/peds etc
Do you know about the stuff in Serious Sam?
Unkillable enemies spawn.
no wait that would be roni back or lakko...
I do
just once dled it to try it out
speaking of I should watch markiplier's playtrhough of this game

that guy is weirdly genius idiot
He's a smart man who is blessed with a natural idiocy.
he is like pan
bit salty that I was busy during the unus annus deletion stream
i like these devs
this is 100% what i would do
but I would hang a sign there taunting the player
is she actually stuck here now? I never went here
ah the "things get too small they stay small" is still a thing
this kinda reminds me, are sharks actually smart?
i mean they aren't even the apex predator of the oceans
that is Orca
or the whale from moby dick, but that basically just eats squids
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I mean, blue whales are at the top of their own food chain, aren't they?
Not like anything attacks and eats blue whales
Sharks are exceptionally good predators, but that is because their body is a perfectly-evolved machine of hunting tools.
They're markably stupid creatures otherwise.
yeah but they are basically just giant lawn movers
Orcas eat young whales
it is amusing to think that crocodiles/etc and sharks basically reach ed their peak design hundreds of milliosn of years ago
and just stuck here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Just goes to show that even evolution follows the ol' adage of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
the perspective mecahanic is bit wonky tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
neuralinked with robotic legs
*smashes thru door*
You're supposed to take advantage of the open rooms and distance from objects to really work perspective.
Something that, for one, most people who play this game don't quite seem to grasp, and two, can't be worked all that well in cramped spaces like that.
But at the same time the game was developed for the puzzle rooms, not these behind the scenes stuff.
Was that a Gyo reference?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what else would it be
I'm pretty sure she could have just put the piece sideways and she'd have been fine there
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on demand homicidal circus
New ICP album dropped?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man
i forgot about nice coupling
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the fucking upper wire behind my teeth got unseated
i can feel the tension now
it's there, slowly fucking my teeth up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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nah that's calli lyrics

buddy complex is a masterpiece
Oh no I've been dreading something like this happen to me
I half just want to get it ripped out before that happens so I don't have to feel it go in slow-motion.
The slow destruction of my teeth be damned.
i think there might be some hidden easter egg with the soda machines
I doubt it
I'm pretty sure they're just joke
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's fine i'll get it fixed on monday
it can't do any damage in two days
The... wire?
You have a wire behidn your teeth?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have permanent retainers yea
that keep the teef aligned
they also gave me a retainer to wear at night but fuck that noise
Oh fuck I know your pain, dude
It's a pretty normal end-of-care thing for braces.
I've got one along the top six or eight middle teeth in my mouth.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, I have permanent retainer too.

It came off one of my teeth I think two years ago?
I just went to the dentist and they fixed it. It was really quick and easy.
But the three days I had to go with it unattached were miserable.
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That's normal?
Well think about it this way.
Braces are supposed to right the way your teeth are in your mouth, right? Get them all straightened out?
But when you get them off, what's to keep your mouth from slowly settling back into the way it was naturally?
These wires are a very minimalist way of keeping the teeth still straight after the actual braces are removed.
They're dental-cemented to the back of the teeth and it takes a ludicrously crazy amount of force to break them off.
After a while you just forget they exist.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've learned in american culture, its important to have really good teeth
for whatever reason
from people I know
no one has permanent retainers, but braces are relatively common at young age atleast
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
They give you a choice when you get your braces off.
Most people seem to opt out of it.
is there a chance for teeth to move on their own after all have come and the problematic wisdoms have been removed?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wisdom teeth can move your teeth, but teeth don't move on their own without wisdom teeth.
I know you can at even adult stage get your teeth fixed, there was that gruesom thunderfoot timelapse where he shew his progress over like year or two
but I doubt many do that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i might just get the top part removed entirely
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thunderfoot did?

Only e-celeb teeth fixing I knew about is Boogie who got his whole fucking teeth inventory replaced outright
Just straight up, all his teeth are fake
he had the stereotypical british teeht
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've considered getting braces again to fix my overbite since I didn't do the rubber bands properly when I was a kid, but I really don't want braces.
It's really not worth the trouble, I don't think.

My teeth are pretty great, all of my wisdom teeth came in perfectly.
Why risk it?
he had some weird tension braces that had to be refixed every few months etc
that slowly realigned his teeth from wonky to about normal
over like 1 year period

prolly cost him and arm and a leg, but nuclear phycisist...
Not to mention the elastic bands are the absolute worst part of braces.
I did them like ones -like once when I was doing braces and went FUCK THIS and didn't do it again.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
braces are hell
im glad i did mine as an adult tho
i mean
im not glad. i wish i had done it as a teen
but im glad to have done it. my bite was all fucked up the year after i got out of college.
prolly consult a doctor, there might come some issues later on, but by that time you'll prolly have a lot more issues just due to age

I btw have perfect teeth and perfectly preserved 4x wisdom teeth in a bottle
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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We all know, you've brought up the teeth probably at least six or seven times since we've known you.
I know, but is my thing
if somthing is taken out of me, I keep it
i asked to keep my Adenoid too whent hey removed it for the second time
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Isn't it about once each time he gets shitfaced?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we loopin
I've been wondering if I might need mine taken out a second time too.
I had it removed when I had my tonsils removed but in recent years my nasal passage certainly hasn't been ideal.
So I wonder if it got inflamed again.
i wonder if i ever get my appendix etc removed, would they agree to properly perserve it in alcohol/formaline whatever
prolly if I pay them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to get my sinus embiggened
more oxygen Blease
it is weird to think that it just regrows occasionally
I could get my inner head canals enlarged to get rid of my stuffy nose and clogged ears
but that is prolly impossible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should hollow the whole thing out
i mean it is empty
And take the brain out while they're at it.
Gura does not seem to have understood the perspective mechanic properly either, upon further inspection
get it in a robot body
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
of what game?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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this weird thing happened to me
She's playing superliminal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that seems to be a crucial part of the game
oh dear
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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this is the image
this is spooky
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You did say you didn't order anything, and there is nothing there
5 stars
Oh no the food got dropped off in the V O I D
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
PPrProbably not
They probably send it to pathology after
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 2480x3508, EjgIK2bVcAAFH-v.jpg)
When I got the text, I went and opened my front door. There wasn't anything there.
Then I checked the photo and saw that.

I probably just let something into my house.
It actually makes sense when you consider the facepalm was accompanied by the message "they said they can find your order"
is the text from like, actually doordash?
when it is all over send it to some creepypasta reader
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (449 KB, 1281x2048, Em3H0HIVgAEF8-b.jpg)
Probably? The starting message is the standard Doordash message.
speaking of creepypasta
I hate /rnosleep
Sure, but I mean
It could be someone just fucking with you
gura spooked
She has a marvelous yelp
most likely neighbour number etc
I once got someone else's airplane ticket by sms
I managed to figure out who it was and sent it on though
Oh shit HoloEN are gonna play Don't Starve Together for today's collab
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of the more weird dreams ive ever had
i was in this house surrounded by a pitch black bubble
i think the implication was that the house was the whole world id ever known
and then like for some reason
i got thrusted head first into the black barrier and clipped through it
and became aware of this whole other universe beyond it
This part is pretty neat
This game is really just a really long collection of neat things
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'd say there is probably a 95% chance it was actually Doordash
Oh it became max payne

i found it funny when I replayed the game that I still remembered the speedrun shortcuts for those scenes cause I FUCKING hated them as a kid
The game started out as a tech demo for the perspective mechanic like six or so years back.
And then a couple years ago they said "Yeah we made it a full game"
So it was probably just them going "What other weird perception fuckery can we throw at players?"
and now it is weird portal/stanley parable story
I'd like to see weird mechanics like this somehow implemented to online games
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont like how a lot of fps puzzle games have adopted the glados style sardonic narrator AI
but they do not have portal quality bants
A true gamer at heart
Only through clipping reality can you see the whole world
real monkaS hours
but that kinda "inspiration" is common in every industry, be it conscious or accidental
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was fuckin terrifying
i woke up pretty soon after that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Dream within a dream
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah wasn't it that mirrors don't work well in dreams too
like windows
I'm not sure if it's that they "don't work", but they supposedly do something else than normal
Light switches don't work in my dreams
And faucets turn on, bbu not off
Which irritates me to no end
However I have discovered that if I ask someone else to turn off the faucet it works when they do it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lots of shit doesnt function right
noticing is not easy
The concept of reflection is a bit too complex for your dreaming subconsciousness.
But like >>895817
Samu said, your sleeping brain also just doesn't really think its wrong that it doesn't work so you probably don't even realize it doesn't work.
I never really have wonky dreams like this
I somehow always go "huh, this must be a dream" when things get too detached from reality in any way
and snap I am awake
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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I never get an opportunity to do my freudian dream analysis
Even though I'm trained...
i did use to get a lot of nightmares as a kid, so maybe it is some mechanic I invented to escape them
same what she said
You can do my dreams sometime if ya want
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you were offered to have neuralink installed on your brain for free would you do it
Pretty much tge only time I wake up before my alarm is because I noped out of a nightmare
but I very rarely remember my dreams
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell no
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
c'mon we gotta SAO
Even if I was paid I'd be less than interested.

Find me something not owned by Musk and then maybe we'll talk.
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sometimes it is fun to note how predictable my dreams are
ie. sometimes I just get a message like hour or two before sleeping

and then on that night I have a dream involving that person that is somewhat related to what was mentioned in the message
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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I've been playing too much Phasmaphobia.
That Doordash shit got me full of dread.
What can it do?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a bluetooth interface that provides like
a low bandwidth uplink to a bunch of spots in your brain
who knows what it can do
brainwash you? Maybe????
is that game even that spooki
would want tot ry, but how would it run
So I can like
Think "open notepad", and my PC will open my steam library?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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It's spooky sometimes.
Usually when you start playing, it can be really spooky, but if you play for more than a few hours at once it just becomes usual goofing around with friends.
And then next time you play it's spooky again.
If you played it alone and took it seriously, I think it would potentially be really scary.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know
i would think that would be the goal
but its two way communication
I've heard Phasmophobia is excellent for horror VR though.
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i generally have this issue with horror games
I get spooked by atmosphere etc
but monsters
those are just obstacles after first death

kinda why I never finished alien isolation
and outlast

I just got annoyed by the gameplay itself at some point
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I think I've already watched enough phasmophobia, it's just a checklist for me if I ever were to play it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Most of Phasmaphobia is atmospheric and dread building.
Never knowing if you're going to piss off the ghost or not, trying to hide from it when it starts to hunt, etc.

But it's also fun to find new ways to make it scarier, like doing a no-flashlight candle-only run.
A lot of ambient atmosphere sounds and silence until STOMP STOMP STOMP and a spook is careening down on your ass
the alien is scary as fuck when it is a schrödinger's alien
once it is on the map, it is a big middle finger to progress

also I think the pirated version had some hidden difficulty increase
Doesn't it give you a fucking headache with the ambient "hearing your own blood pumping through your skull" sound, though?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man horror games in 2d no longer bother me having tried VR stuff
maybe I will put the pavloved spooki song looping on my end to make me 100% spooked hah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Not for me.
I'm used to that sound.

And besides, there are times when I can feel my prefrontal cortex activating.
A sound like that is nothing.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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It's fun to play with the ghost, too.
Last time we played, I started singing loudly every time the ghost started hunting, much to the terror of ToN.

Before that, I was chanting Buddhist sutras at them
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but going back to that gaming sense stuff

it is kinda weird to see it in action like how I have this week
started watching hololive once my fever started

just seeing someone completely ignore stuff that I just instantly notice as "so this is where to go t. level designer"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, they tend to be not very observant.
and how ingrained it is to me
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I've dropped in on their minecrafts, now and then, but so far I've NEVER seen them do anything in there
I sat for 10 minutes and Ina never even left her fuckin' house
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yeah their minecraft streams are most of the time nothing

I think prolly most interesting one, i havn't watched anything aside clips
would be nether railway
but even then it is just railway in nether
Amelia didn't even do the Nether railway on stream hah hah
She did record it, because she knew her asshole chat would try to say she did it all in creative mode.
She played the whole vidoe at hyperspeed at the start of one of her Minecraft streams.
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I'd be fine if they did some of their grander projects in creative
cause that is really how you can build the more magnificent stuff

oh right
I didn't notice it but I did start to listen to that spooki song as bgm right now
should turn that off
If they wanted to do creative mode stuff, I wouldn't care.
But I think a lot of people who play Minecraft derive satisfaction from building the most insane and magnificent stuff entirely in survival.

Haachama started playing on the EN server since she's HoloEN Gen 0 and right off the bat she decided to make a castle based off the Tower of Babel.
But she's also a Minecraft building veteran at this point, where as all the HoloEN girls are relative newbies, or haven't played in like five years.
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I mostly just like to build things
and blow things up
and sometimes build things that blow thigns up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
100-block dong% WR
i wonder how long it would take to build/grow the world tree house I always build
in survival

it is as tall as trees can grow in the game
it took me like 3 days to build in just creative, about 18h total or so
A Yggdrasil-sized tree would be an insane undertaking.
Like nevermind cutting down all the wood blocks you'd need, harvesting all the leaves is also an absolutely mind-numbing procedure.
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well there is a height limit anyhow
ah you see this is where you are wrong
you don't harvest trees you harvest saplings
Eh, then you lack control over the design.
the trunk is built
but the brances are grown
yeah that is the beauty
the brances are all trees grown on top/side of more trees

and then you hollow the inside and build like tons of floors and waterfalls and vines to climb up the stairs etc
Even then it still ends up being far more cylindrical than a tree arguably would be.
Doing something like that does create something vaguely tree-like, but at large circumferences, you're not getting enough outward spread by rolling the tree gacha
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It was a giant oak/canopy tree by the end tho
why do you think it took so long
I just went around, snapped some unwanted branches/trees/shapes out
planted dirt blocks
about 100+ saplings
went to do something else
came back to repeatprocess

could have ofc used bonemeal but
it was actually faster, especially as the branches grew outwards and upwards to just plant and let them grow naturally
by the end stages, when I finished going around, the first trees had sprouted
base trunk was something like
50x50square maybe 100 to 200 tall
then from that 8 main branches in 8 directions about 30-50 wide from the centre
and to those branches I started planting trees on trees on trees on trees on trees

wouldn't have actually wanted to evver visit the top branches, as it kept spawning skeletons and creepers lol
hmm maybe I should just go do that
do a minecraft run of building the yggdrassil and see how long it takes
was fun tho
playing on a server with a friend
we had our creative mode weird stuff
and our survival side bases
and the Machine for Pigs
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hmm so the collab begins in 30 mins
whose stream to watch...
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Blue would say to watch all at once.
I mean
I could do that with my 4k screen
5 is uneven
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watch your oshi twice to even it out
but I think
1) my computer's shitty no nvidia card would fry
2) internet would fuck it up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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something in another room in my apartment just fell over
laz in my room with me
normal settling of things, or terrifying demon ghost monster preparing to kill me?
the answer is obvious...

is annoying i can't force firefox to run on the nvidia
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna accidentally say bitch or motherfucker and trigger a hunt or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is why i screw all my possessions to the walls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i use chrome exclusively for twitch
otherwise yeah im pretty much switched over to FF
postrer falling in the middle of the night is pretty much scariest shit ever
just to specify
laptop so most of basic stuff uses the intel integrated card
and not the nvidia part

and MPC when doing 4k
just dies with the intel part

and I don't know of any way to force normal programs to run on the proper card
and firefox at times can go bonkers too on the gpu part
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
old unsupported laptop
hdmi1.4 lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alexa play komm souzzer Todd.
what do you even do with an alexa?
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I wonder if someone has made the Alexa but COMMUNIST/GOPNIK a real thing
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I am so bored guys
I want a Mitsubishi Pajero JR or else I might kill myself
fucks that
oh yeah
I fhad completely forgotten
I want to get an old restored yamaha
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Alexa put todd howard on the TV
Alexa, play tell me lies
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the deceiver has taken over your alexa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you need a car to enjoy the marvels of being
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just biked all over the place
Where'd you bike all over the place?
wish it was still biking season here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i take a bike route that spans east-west over one of the main arteries
and also messing around in false creek
i hit a brewery today
and a coffee shop
of course
is there a law in japan that you're not allowed to make a work of fiction without referencing romance of the 3 kingdoms?
if so then I know quite many artists who should be in prison
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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false creek today at sunset
Sounds nice.
I'd love to live over in Vancouver or around there on the west coast.
But I don't really have any means of making my way out there or having something to do even if I did.
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I did a thing
You did your part
do you want to know more?
but anyhow it is like greek myths in that culture sphere, so making references or nods to it is as natural to them as well
greek stuff to us
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did not realize NPH was in starship troopers
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the gay dude from when I met your mother?

Yeah he's the psychic guy
also you watching it now

oh yeah that guy

I think that is one of his earliest roles
i think he is the only one of the main trio who got anywhere in the acting world
Neil Patrick Harris doesn't really care about movies.
His big thing is musical theatre.
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That's why he seems so out of place in the movie, too
He's a good actor, but someone else shoulda had the role
well if you want another weird experience go watch nightmare on elm's street
johnny deppp's debut
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it continues to be absurdly windy outside
It's been going for like, days now
since wednesday, maybe earlier
yeah there is a huge storm
you prolly have it harder than us
that is how it was forecasted
rain snow and then more rain
it has died down here forthe night it seems
so it is gura and calli who keep dying eh
I just started reading umineko again instead of watching that
I don't understand don't starve
I tried it once, but got bored very quickly
yeah the mainland finland is protected by scandies atm
but there is like 20m/s winds on the baltic
it is survival
with cute art style that is also damn creepy
Don't Starve has a really steep initial learning curve and not a whole lot in the game to explain to you how to not die.
They're basically being given the ropes from Amelia while learning the game and there's a lot of information being thrown at them.
Kiara's also playing a character that is a bit easy-mode early on and Ina seems to be handling things well.
it is like that
nightmare before christmas
that kinda wibe
Did anyone get killed by the trees yet?
but everyone except ame died during the first night
i am surprised gura's character hasn't burn anything important yet
huh so we are both watching tentacles
she was burning some bee\wasp nest when I last saw
Nope, I'm on Calli's stream.
But I know enough about Don't Starve to get the gist of what people are doing from their commentary.
she is staying alive at like 10-30 hp which is funny
Health is like the most irrelevant stat in Don't Starve unless you're actually taking damage.
Food is the highest priority, followed by sanity.
Temperature is important but you can ignore it outside of the winter/summer seasons.
the wulf event was funny
she had like 5+ chasing her and she accidentally kited them all to a village of pigmen
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rain and winter if I remember right
and winter was it a season or a biome I can't remember
Winter is a season, along with summer and a transitional season which doubles as spring/fall
By and far winter is the most dangerous season, as it should be, as the days grow short and the nights long, and the cold stunts your crop growth and freezes you if you stray too far from heat.

I think the spring/fall season is also where the most rain falls, which makes it dangerous to your sanity.
Summer is fairly easy, aside from the hottest points of it where things can spontaneously combust if you don't cool them off and you risk overheating.
it's been years since I played the game
it was still in EA I think
I have never once bothered fighting the wolves myself.
I'll exclusively kite them into a pack of cows or pigs.

Nah, they're easy to kite and ping damage on until they die.
But that's time consuming and time is an all-important resource in this game.
So it's inarguably better to kite them into a pack of something nearby.
isn't it basically suicide unless you are that valkyrie
or the werebeaver
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I think there was some weird way to use fire to killt hem too
At least until the fire hounds replace them!
never seen those

also still no tree monster
so btw what is the teddybear bernie?
aside from something that turned into a giant monster
also I am disturbed how long they have gone without starting farms or digging up berrybushes
Not sure since I didn't catch it.
It might be one of the seasonal bosses that show up.
Each season has a themed boss which will spawn and stomp around.
Most of them are pretty harmless unless you aggro them but the one that comes around in the winter is a mean bastard.
when inas sanity was low and it was on the ground
the shadows started attacking it
then it turned giant and started chasing gura
>Bernie is a Survival item/mob in Don't Starve Together, which can only be crafted by Willow. Bernie can be equipped to the hand slot to exclusively provide Willow warmth and sanity. When Willow is insane, a Bernie left on the ground will become BERNIE!, a large mob that taunts and fights most other Mobs. He cannot taunt Bosses, however. He has 2,000 Health and is capable of dealing 50 damage per hit. Only one BERNIE! will become active for each insane Willow player in the game. BERNIE! cannot be placed in the player's inventory. Shadow Creatures killed by BERNIE! will only drop one Nightmare Fuel each.
Oh it was gura's
that is why it went after her
she must have dropped it and ina picked it during the 1st night deaths
That might've been something they added later on.
I know they've been going back to early characters and re-working them a bit for Don't Starve Together to make them worth playing over other characters.
so there is a chance the bernie is coming back at some point, heh
why would you want fire that sucks heat
are there desert biomes?
In the hottest part of summer things will spontaneously combust if not kept cool -- the player included.
The Tom Barton aesthetic of Don't Starve is definitely up Calli's alley
btw if you havn't checked, go see from ina's hl2 stream of today the timestamp she first time shoots the turbo gravity gun
the expression is priceless
Oh yeah I saw the moment.
She goes full gangimari about it
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100 books in a year is an absurdly high amount
how much do their avatars actually emote and when do they need to press buttons to make them do stuff btw?
The Live2D captures iris and eyebrow movement, in addition to trying its best to mimic mouth motion, and can kinda understand how to create the effect of tilting your head up and down or side to side.
Some girl's rigging is better than others, Calli's for example is stiffer than Kiara, but I think Calli has better eye tracking and jiggle physics

If you ever see like a clear shift of emotion though, like eyebrows changing how they're rotated on an angle, or the shape of a closed mouth/top line of a mouth changing,
Not really
If we count tankobon i definitely read like 8 times that at least. For a good chunk of my life I read llike 100 non comic books a year though.
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it is also fun how different their models are built to animate

and I think gura rl has either half closed eyes or really small eyes
since her eyes derp a lot
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That's nearly 2 books a week, though
That's a lot of reading
Unless they're particularly long books that's like 5-8 hours tops.
I am 99% sure ina for example has "frown button" since her model defaults to a smile
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That still seems like the kinda amount where you can say "I read books" and you'll be justified
If you'd let me get to that point, the software they all use has a hotbar they can use to quickly switch into different emotions.
On occasion one of the girls will software gore up their "webcam" layer of their stream and you'll see a bunch of buttons with expressions on them, probably what they'd be clicking on to swap emotions on the fly.
I don't really read much anymore, the internet has ruined my attention span.
do btw the others have a blush button or is that just gura's model?
Some do, but I don't think it's a universal thing.
I think some of the other girls have an excited/gangimari face as opposed to a blush.
It just kinda depends on the girl's character I think. They probably get to choose which emotes they'd think work best for them as they're hashing out the character concept.
would prolly be useful to get an additional control board for that
and at that point a soundboard cause why not
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I don't actually know why I stopped reading
I used to read a lot back in grade school
Either way

But at some point I just didn't read much anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the moon is right
it's half moon, so no
I still read relatively lot, but it is pretty much 95% digital
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more experienced streamers from Hololive do have a streamer deck set up to help them with emote switching.
Though, hm, the only one I know who does have a streamer deck is Roboco, who's old enough to be one of the few girls in Hololive with no Live2D model and instead only using a 3D model.
But I'd bet Botan has one since she's a tech nerd.
I don't count light novels but I do often read a lot of those, web novels too.
Doesn't Kiara just go with that by default?
The excited face
Her pupils are always tiny
just realised there was only one case of kiara going at callie in the don't starve one
Hm, nope, I think she usually has a passive content expression on.
I think she actually changes very rarely and it's usually just between that face and her sad one.

Too hard to ship yourself with your wife when you're all desperately trying to not starve
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ah my rusty germany becomes useful when watching kiara
Yeah but just wait until she starts on her native German dialect, which I think is south German or Austrian German.
amusingly enough I relearned A LOT when I decided spontaenously to play a german boogieman salesman during kirara's halloween fate game
it did turn somehow into hitler jokers, tho
not austrian
i think I recall seeing the clip and she is from south maybe bavaria

austrian accent is something else
I can't understand it
I knew it was one or the other, just couldn't remember which.
I've got an Austrian friend, though he doesn't really use German at all unless he's talking with someone who is actually German.
So I don't know how it sounds compared to other German, but I know another German we once knew ragged on him for his Austrian dialect.
tell your friend that
"ich habe einem wassermelon in meine lederhosen"
Hah hah, I haven't really talked with him in probably a year or two.
I'll keep it in mind if we get back in contact.
trinkgeld means tips
i didn't actually know that
makes me think of danegeld
which btw means "danish gold" and was the ransom given to vikings to not raid them
germany is btw weirdly polite language
even imperative form is like
"your plural selves, please do this!"
speaking of german
for somereason during my middle school german lessons
one thing that was...
I don't remember was it in a spearate printout or in our actual text books
but we learned german insults
and how much you wouldb e fined if you said them to a cop
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pope francis bootyass investigation
I bet he liked it on his own
but that would imply the pope knows how to use twitter
hmm there should be an antipope
there hasn't been a proper one in 500 years soon
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Another shady character has arrived!
why is she wearing a king on her left arm?
Chess features heavily as a motif in umineko
the fuck is she wearing
a bunny girl outfit with a blue cardinal cloack over it?
A leotard+habbit combo
also her hat disturbs me
those are the papal keys but
they don't form a cross, they form an X
and final dobule also
the neck thing
that isn't something you'd wear as a priest/cardinal (this ignoring thel eotard already)
that is not a good combo, atleast with purple being hair
don't think it works with the opposite either
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This has turned into...
...a difficult situation
see this works eyewise
and the neckscarf tie firts the priest theme
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Umineko sure does a good job making what would otherwise be a mere exchange of words into a thrilling battle between literally heaven and hell
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hmm weirdly enough I think 3 colours is the max rule of main colours on any character design
after that
it rarely works
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no mate tho
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Wow don't bully Dlanor like that she's a nice girl who is just unfortunately stuck working under an absolute bitch.

The Kinzo's escape plot is one of the best parts of Episode V.
Especially since Battler knows by now that Kinzo is dead before the gameboards even begin.
So it's just him absolutely bullshitting the FUCK of Erika.
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But this is pieceBattler
At yeah I forget at which meta-layer things happen.
It's been a while since I read the series.
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It's easy to get lost with Battler in particular
Everyone else, it's easy to keep track, especially Beato because she's either both pieceBeato and metaBeat at all times, or she's uuuh, only pieceBeato because metaBeato is AFK
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yeah not confusing at all
It isn't with Beato
Beato on the gameboard IS the game master, except in episode 5, where Beato in the metaworld is AFK and not participating in any capacity
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In ep 2-4, Beato is like the DM with a self-insert character that literally is the DM
Omniscient in a literal sense
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hmm that would be a fun way of doing a campaign, but prolly damn hard
where you play the DM as the DM who is also a character in the campaign
Well it'd be hard to do it in DnD because making a character be the manifestation of the DM makes them literally omnipotent, capable of simply speaking reality into existence
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which is why the "but"

I did already play a character that knew it was a character
and knew that I was playing it
and was manipulating our reality to make me play it
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You can certainly do it, and make it work, but not in the same literal sense as with Beato
With Beato, pieceBeato isn't a character or anything, it IS the game master
I'll give you a little treat, it might be a bit of a hint, but it's not a spoiler, more rather a concrete stating of things that have already been laid out for you.
Any time Beatrice appears on the gameboard, you can be certain that it is THE Beatrice; ie. the answer to Beato's last question of "Who am I"
The reason for this is because Beatrice is inimitable, kinda like Kinzo. No one would mistake another person for Beatrice.
Now they might not look like what you're seeing as the reader (through meta-Battler's eyes) to the people they're engaged with on Rokkenjima. They might be disguised, they might not be.
But it is undoubtably Beatrice.
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That's a big hint!
I didn't realize, I thought that question was in a more metaphorical sense
Which is why I half-heartedly guessed something like the typhoon earlier
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Oh oh oh, I have a follow-up question though
Is Beato the same now as the Beato Kinzo claims to have made a deal with for the gold originally?
does that track?
Or is present Beato a separate entity from that?
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oh yeah I forgot I was going to make more of these

gotta start relearning pic editing and vidya editing
I guess this also means that when Maria claimed to receive the letters from Beato, she definitely did?
Well, at least for a few of them, particularly the envelope with the key, she absolutely did get from Beato, whatever Beato is?
That is not a question I feel comfortable answering based on the knowledge you would have at this point.
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That's fair
This is just clarification though, for what you mean by "appears on the gameboard"
Beato certainly was directly stated to give the envelope to Maria
Hm, alright
Yeah, precisely.
Maria had Beatrice appear before her and there is no way that Maria would mistake another person for Beatrice.
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red truth: these memes are shit and I will shoot you in the knee with a shotgun if you start doing this here
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we can't even redpost here

Besides, following the spirit of umineko, only Samu and the mods could redpost anyway
Can't anyway since there's yeah
No red post for text in the first place.
tano can get quite
annoying with that shit
and this was before they added actual red text
>The only coloured text available to us plebs is the green text
tano has
! as red
and `as blue I think
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green text is stronger than both red and blue, anyway
green text can throw aside red truth to make a wild claim!
I don't even know why they were made
aside from making the french and russian flags
coincidentally, on tano my namespace is literally the flag of finland
someone made it for me, I don't remember who
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Whatever the truth of rokkenjima is, maybe the world is better off without these lunatics having all that wealth and influence
I mean a bunch of them are chodes, sure.
But this specific situation was all of them agreeing on something to just stop Erika from being an insufferable piece of shit.
True, but also all of them have a vested interest in denying this
Krauss , Natsume, the kids, and the servants don't!
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Krauss is MIA, the kids are all dead except battler, and Natsume's the accused!
Natsuhi, actually, but I fuck up her name too
As opposed to metaphorical years.
Not that there's anything but metaphorical years.

I've re-read some clips from some Episodes here and there but for the most part I haven't read them back entirely since I read them the first time.
Though funnily enough I'm pretty sure Episode V is one of the ones I have re-read parts of the most often because it's jam-packed with just so many GOOD BITS.
Episode V is like a roller coaster of events from start to finish.
so this is a fun thing to notice
music video desync of lipsync is very easy to notice on a 55'' 4k monitor
epic rap battles can turn from what you used to see them as
to "is this a bruce lee movie"
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also what did I do to deserve this
on the othersite, just a while ago I think it was maria doing umineko
you bring the curse to me on this site

what next
my telegram`?
Didn't Kirara and I get S C on the Umineko bug because we were theorycrafting how the new Higurashi show might tie into Umineko
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After I finish this, I might read Higurashi!

Is higurashi also linear?
I don't wanna if it's got a ton of choices and I gotta savescum
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but that kinda discussion is at most once a week

not the "20+billion" novels of umineko that take weeks to finish
Yeah, Higurashi is constructed almost exactly like Umineko is.
Linear story, episodic chapters.
Divided into the first four question arcs and the second four answer arcs.
Though I think Higurashi is a bit different in that the respective first, second, third, and fourth arcs of each halves reflect each other as well.
Where as Episode I and Episode V of Umineko have pretty much nothing to do with each other.
not to mention pastachan is like me who likes to post their geim experiences for everyone to share
be they interested or not

can't really complain, but still
I find it amusing that umineko discussion has kept following me everywhere I am this year
Probably has to do with the announcement and now airing of Higurashi, overall
I never liked higurashi that much
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Higurashi was one of the first anime I watched as it aired, I think
Well, "in one of the first seasons" anyway

I remember walking to school and thinking about how much more fun it is to watch stuff as it airs and talking about it on /a/, once
And that was about Higurashi specifically
taking aside the shounen stuff
my first anime are weird shit like
full metal panic
excel saga
ninja nonsense
and so on
I didn't watch Higurashi as it aired.
when did higurashi air?
I think I watched it quite new
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no yeah actually that tracks, I screwed up my brain wires
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def watched it as it aired then
2006 and shit was streaming sites only mostly for me
sketchbiook full colours was a fun one
the final episode took like half a year to translate
that pissed me off

I only really got into watching shows as they were airing in 2009, maybe late 2008.
But I also went back and watched a lot of things that I'd missed, like Higurashi and all the early KEY VN anime adaptations.
I think I finished CLANNAD right as they were getting ready to debut After Story.

Oh one of the first shows I remember watching as it was airing was Toradora.
Which is a pretty solid show just as it is, but because it was one of my firsts I'm particularly partial to it.
I remember back in
2008 or 9
when I bought this external "elements" WD hdd
cost me like
for 1 TB
girl is old
bought it purely for anime
also I have 2 DVD what are those called
like disc books
filled with DVD-RW/Rs that have a fuckton of anime on them
there is all of naruto (- fillers)
original fma
lucky star

used to burn a lot of my anime to discs cause it was way cheaper storage
Oh Toradora's first episode was October 2008.
Guess that settles when about I started watching things as they were airing then.
I probably found my first "reliable" anime streaming site at the start of that school year.
and I still have prolly 80 DVD-Rs on me since I bought like 300 of them at one time
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I guess I stopped watching anime as it aired when I went into the army, obviously
and then repicked it up during r/a/dio days
and dropped it quickly cause I just didn't watch stuff that way anymore
I had become a marathoner

I havn't really watched any anime since 2016 october anyhow
just havn't gotten back into watching new stuff

since then I have maybe watched 10 shows total that aired between 2016 october and now
It's really having a watchgroup, or for the most part partner these days, that keeps me so in touch with airing shows.
If not for that being scheduled, I wouldn't watch nearly as much as I do.
It's not impossible I might barely watch anime at all honestly.
It's just hard for me to get around to watching stuff on my own accord. Even if there's people here or elsewhere to talk about shows with, without having something dedicated to watching shows, I probably just wouldn't.
My brain is just too apathetic to the things I actually enjoye -enjoy to reliably get around to doing them.
watchgroup would be fun but
your times are odd
and my finnish friends/acquintances do actually LIVE watching at the otaku club house
which is 1,5 hour travel away from me
one direction
r/a/dio is how I ended up here in the first place
g'ol r/a/dio
how did it even go

Ah used ta talk all weird back in ze day
zis weird combination of deutch an' scottisch accents
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I was only here for r/a/dio threads, and left with them, until one day I just sorta showed up here again, and I don't even remember the reason
I think I came by to ask if anyone knew where some person had gone off to?
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I jumped into r/a/dio to make a 2hu raid as was my habbit when bored and/or drunk
and then that became a habbit
and eventually i became a regular
some of the streamers hated my guts tho
who was the guy who did the tuesday streams
that guy especially
I don't remember any of their names, except "bear", but I only remember that being the name of one of them
That or Cl...Claud?
Something like that.
i think
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I do recall a Claude floating around
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tuesday stereams were slower and more jazz oriented
the guy usually only had to make like 1 or 2 threads on /a/ with image limit rarely reaching limits
but then you add me
and hehehehe
I do remember there being an egg, now that you mention it, yeah
I did my quick research there is a Claud but I'm positive the jazz/chill vibes of Tuesday was Eggmun now.
there was claud but it was eggmun and rip ekureiru as the main streamers
as in tuesday and friday
i think claud had sundays
Something like that.
Claud still streams occasionally, I think he handles stuff like V/a/lentine's or other holiday sessions that aren't a big party.
and then therew as one guy who had the same name as a restaurant i lived next to
I wonder if u413 still exists in some form
That was an interesting forum
Very exclusive, though
since r/a/dio is on uuh
i wouldn't go near it
that site is cancer
Meguca is DEAD
The admin pulled the plug when one of its members got arrested for planning to shoot up a ... something.
Synagogue or Mosque, something along those lines.
it got nuked?
anyhow I visited it back few years back
and there was no one of the og scene left save the streamer
this surprises me 0%
it was pretty much 8chan
didn't that new zealand shooter post his manifesto there too?
It wasn't planning, he actually went out and did it.
He failed though, couldn't get past the door.
Which is why people called him Doorcuck
Or Herr Doorcuck.
It was with a shitty DIY gun and ammo too.
Ironically it was an experiment that kinda proved Samu's point about not letting improper content linger on /moe/.
You let people post whatever on a site, eventually it's going to attract the kind of people that only want to post stuff there they're not allowed to post elsewhere because it's disgusting content.
And then since they're all posting awful content, it chases out the normal, decent people.
Until there's only racists and unapologetic pedophiles left.
kinda shame, since lat and whoever else worked on the site did a lot of wonky shit with it
lotsa options that you could enable and disable and so on
the german one?
I never knew
still he did atleast make a working diy gun
even tho its accuracy was shit
It's really not that hard to do.
And he didn't test it either.
His post about it was literally something about how the incident ws going to be the test.
I think I came by to ask if anyone happened to know whatever happened to renachan

Which is not a person, but a forum I used to frequent
okay that is disrespectful I think he shot atleast 1 guy in thek ebab place he raided
and they died
if memory serves
it's germany...

he should have just gone and went with a slingshot
they afterall have the grand uncle of lethal non weapions living there

let him show you its features
it is still so amusing how much Joerg's channel blew up
some cunt tried to censor him

without that piece of media
he would have remained relatively small timer
The Streisand Effect is as powerful as it always has been.

Even Gura probably owes a bit of her explosive success to it.
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come to think of it
which one of us became a regular here first`?
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I'm pretty sure you were here before me
But I don't fuckin' know
see the answer here is obvious
where did your name come from and did you use it before moe
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my name originated here because I mentioned I eat spaghetti from the pack as a snack
I still do that, but less than I used to
poasta ofc but
My name was birthed in R/a/dio but I can't remember when it canonized.
We might've still been on ... 38chan? Whatever that poor sod of a server we crashed on after the exodus for a while and melted the servers of.
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I kept crashing it whenever the clock became "post 2hus o'clock"
I think you had stuck around before I started posting outside of r/a/dio hours
There are so many chans I've been a regular on
On one, I ended up as one of the in-site radio streamers, I had the audiobook of Call of Cthulhu playing and some techno tunes sometimes

I mean, if you stuck around directly following r/a/dio here, you were almost certainly here before I was, because I showed up again on a whim far, far later
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it is bit funny how I eventually started to form a
"schedule" for my touhou dumping on r/a/dio
whenever people started dropping
and posts died down

that is when I just went "okay time for the 2hus"

so the streams kinda ended with a 100+ pages of 2hu doujins being posted
yeah I was, but i didn't post outside them until much later
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my first few posts outside were prolly
"sorry for the inconveinence, we drunk and wild"
"also what are the rules"
since I was kinda shot caller of the drunk brigade
as in literally
also it was before 38chan
noway anyone could have been named on that confusing site
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I still don't really understand why the mods became so anti r/a/dio
it was contained to its own threads
and it was anime related
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I think it's just because it wasn't directly related to any anime, but rather to a subsection of vaguely anime-related music, and the community itself
Normally, not a problem, but it was a regular occurance, so it was a bit ofa problem, I guess
wasn't Cirno one of the bigwigs, too?
There was a band of tripusers on /a/ around that time, that were all a bit of a community that enjoyed farming attention from people.
Headed by ... I think it was Siztra? Some name like that.
They ended up getting really pissed off at Eku for some reason and decided to launch a crusade against R/a/dio because of it.
It ended up with them lobbying the mods of /a/ until the mods finally agreed that, yes, R/a/dio threads on /a/ were technically an unpaid advertisement for an external site and were breaking one of 4chan's global rules.
At least that's how I remember the story going.
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38chan a ded board
I do remember the arguments and theirs had little value except repetition repetition and so on

I guess enough whining gets the mods to side with the loudest side
as per usual
that is a name I havn't heard in ages

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that was a name even I've heard of
from 2013
even though I didn't frequent /a/
I wonder do I still have the "not german.gif"
something like that
we shouyld have appealed to moot
he would have sided with us
my first post on /a/ werei n some weird rp kagami thread where "kagami" answered questions of anons
and I went some weird
"How do I bury a body inside a barracks?"
this was 2011 summer, I was locked in the barracks for 2 weeks with 0 things to do
as all my superiors were on summer vacation

so I just checked into my office
took my laptop
an watched anime

some military service
I couldn't tell you. I didn't pay them any attention whatsoever, so I can't remember the names.
I only remember Siztra because they're an inextricable part of the story of why R/a/dio was exiled.
Carrying stories like that is important to my identity, kinda.
I had tasks
but I completed the bulk ones in like 2 days
and everything else was date specified and took at most 1 hour total
so I had like
5 hours/week of something to do
I think I remember a cirno
le irc boogeymans
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I wonder what happened to my "pirate crew"
the german guy graduated and got a job
that was the last I heard of him

dash is somewhere

and the others I don't even remember who they were
well, it's 8am, time to sleep a little
even though I'm not really that tired, the alternative is staying up until I get tired, and then sleeping until like 6pm... again
oh wait
there was the lightswitch guy
and his husband who I at some point thought was tilde lol
but nop
BT/Charlie/Husbando and I were really often on the same wavelength.
It was nice having someone like that.

Husbando, Lightswitch-kun, and Schwenk are still all fine, I think.
I haven't talked to them in years, but I know where they are.
That's enough to give me piece -peace of mind.
I am still confused
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you used ~
he used~ to tease lightswitch
so what happend to dash in the end
I do understand there was a loooooot of drama going on with them
I was briefly friends with him on steam.
friendship ended with formerrei
I'm still friends with Anonymous of Gensokyo and SakuraFish.
I was friends with Miyabro but he seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
Sakura Fish was the every day until you like it poster.
AoG was just a Touhou shitposter.
literally who
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do remember
my 4chan experience is basically lurk
except when I did 2hu raids
Dude, sakurafish made a thread almost every single day on /a/ for like eight years.
I used to for somereason be somewhat poplar on /jp/
cause I had all the doujins
and a bird eats a worm every morning
Oh right this might be relevant to your interests PK
I like that one

not speaking about video
that reply
there is some infinite levels of smug there
it is like
updated version of thank you Captain Obvious
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I forgot levan was finnish
cat grooving to that street player brought it back
that is a hololive?
Yeah. Akai Haato, or as she almost universally goes these days, Haachama
She's one of the older JP girls (in seniority, not age).
She's been studying abroad in Australia for like a year or so now and out of all the JP girls that aren't Coco since Coco was born in the States, she's got the best English.
A lot of her videos are weird-as-fuck short content stuff and she likes to make absolutely fucking horrifying abominations that she calls cooking.
And then eats them.
well in the first place
there are lyrics
there should be a finnish 100% nationalist and insane vrgirl
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poor girl stuck in this shithole
how good are voice changers nowadays
asking for a friend
I dunno, haven't really looked into the serious ones.
I think there's a doujinshi artist who became a female vtuber and uses a voice changer to fit the appearance.
But I haven't listened to any of their content.
but why does no one actually DO THE SONG
ever heard of Hyadain?
Yeah Hyadain is pretty legendary.
he uses some damn good voice changing shit
but then again he is audio master
you checked any episodes of
"in hyadain's room?"
Nope, not at all.
I only really know him from the Nichijou OPs and my surrounding information of him comes from my habit of picking up trivia while reading chatter online.
he is doing video interviews with some jap big names
from his bedroom

but damn he has gotten old
the first quest amusingly stated it as their first thing
"damn you looked so dashing in the last music video"

i guess that happens when you are out of public eye for like 6 years+

he afterall is like a japanese ...
555555 band
thank you
daft punk

he makes mixes and makes background shit and so on for others to use
Daft Punk
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He prolly is uncredited or half credited author of so many idol songs
and this has sadly for some reason killed his passion to make his own songs

I guess they never made that many bucks
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Then again
even in finland there is this one basist
who like performed for 50-100
music industry can be weird
It's almost globally incredibly predatory and really you're only going to be successful if they want you to be successful.
Otherwise you languish in "just enough to survive"
Session stuff is how most professional musicians make a living.
and here is one example
BUty tthere was
Leevi and the LEavings
who never single once
performed live
and recorded
16 albums
and the only reason they disbanded was because the main guy and singer died of a heart attack
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and you gotta take this into perspective
a band in finland
surviving and thriving
with only CD/casette sales

in USA their sales would prolly be 300 million per album
unique sales

so yeah it isn't impossible
okay maybe not 3+00m
but you get th point
here is a song by them
Hammer and Nails

it is a song about a man trying to build a house on his own
taking years and years
so long that his wife and kids move away
and how nothing works

but with grit and guts
he will succeed (fail) eventually

this being a very common trope in finland, or atleast was
that a man has to build his own house
even if he has 0 idea how to do it

not only because of the "manly factor"
but "because it is cheaper"
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as a final addition
are quite good example of the weird finnish type of singing about very sad, serious, and even death
with quite happy attitude
with one song for example singing about a wanna be race driver
dying in a car crash
all aroun being whole
"you are the best guy, best driver"
but it is all bout his crash and operations in the ER
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is there anyone on moe nowadays anyhow who likes to talk about music thematics
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there was bang, sugoi and moon, but all of them kinda hated me
then again who doesn't
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heres the yaoi doujin i made in gbf
nah this is yuri
this is this girl
holding her yaoi comic
showing it to her gf
i made another one before that but it wasnjt very good i dont think
The first vocal yaoi fan I ever knew was a lesbian.
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Any of you guys see this?
yeah def

btw wanna play a game of music
it is a "is this a sad or happy song"
Maybe some other time.
I'm listening to my classical playlist right now.
Night /moe/
it's all me sided
every single time

it is me sided
one sided
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don't forget to name your origs
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what's the tanned guy's role in fate
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Sleep is being put on a moratorium.
an insane asylum
never sleep
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I require van gogh
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I require more energy
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Oh yes you do
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