oh, was i late? sleepy tonight, don't have a good sense of time
Well in the broad view of things, not really, hah hah But in recent times we've been starting pretty close to 00:00 as opposed to more around 00:30 It's also that I don't quite have the energy to wait up for uncertain times these days. If you'd taken much longer I'd have probably just went to sleep!
Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 3-7 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-6 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-7
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-18
Honestly unless you really want to do five shows tonight, four would be good by me. Not as a permanent change back, just for tonight because we have been making real good on cutting down on the backlog, and because I'm getting a bit tired of only a few hours of sleep a night hah hah
And the last thing would be that Erai seems to be still a no-show for episode releases. So for anything new you'd still need to get it through someone like SubsPlease.
I guess it's a better fate than being forced to be a present to these godly people in Kanto. Like, it might suck on the Moon, but at least it's a suck the two of them are allowed to choose. Plus if they're immortal maybe they can figure out how to get back to Earth once they're not being hunte-
Oh no I guess the allure of immortality caught the attention of the Doctor.
oh tomorrow is friday rip
Ah nevermind she was the traitor all along. I guess that might explain why the oji-san policeguy never managed to kill her.
>The thing you think is the Moon is an illusion Why is it that the Moon ALWAYS gets destroyed in anime. Blue would love this development.
This is usually how it works you aslways get betrayed right as you're doing something cool like this
buy why didn't he just go in too
>>895132 Probably because he assumed if he went in, then the cops could just destroy the spaceship. Like it wouldn't matter to him or his sister really if they destroyed it. Aside from getting captured again, but it would kill Swindler.
I think he also had a bit of a hero complex from the guilt of seeing all his clone siblings dead. Had to make sure his imouto could get away regardless of the cost.
I mean ultimately yeah it wasn't a smart decision in any interpretation. Because if the rocket makes it to space and the Moon then Swindler's gonna die from the no-atmosphere problem of space. If it gets blown up or the flight plan has it crashing down then she's gonna die in the impact. There's like no realistic situation unless the imouto has some kind of magic she can use where Swindler survives entering that rocket, hah hah.
I'm surprised the town just let him wander into an inn with an entourage of slimes.
Both this show and 100-man kind of have a distinctly old feel to the animation aesthetic. Well when there's effort being put into the animation at least.
It sure must be nice being such good pals with your gods.
Oh he's responsible for the crossbreeding and external encouragement that let the slimes evolve those convenient slime subtypes.
Wow these gods have been bringing all sorts of people over from Earth. If they're not properly screening who they bring over, that's a bit irresponsible. At least they got lucky and had such a mild-mannered one this time.
Sounds like there's a handful of other gods too that we haven't seen yet.
Yeah. He has a pretty Tippy-esque appearance to himself too.
Learning how to utilize your skills through play is honestly a great learning mechanism, especially for kids. But I think in general more people would enjoy learning more if play could be made out of it.
Everyone except the truely naive girl are a bit worried about how good he is, hah hah
Man why, when you come to a world with ACTUAL MAGIC, the thing you'd want to bring is a shotgun. Like how absolutely boring can you be.
Yeah actually that's a very reasonable explanation for the guild master running his test. Can't trust anyone else to run it in a sufficiently dignified way in front of the duke and his family.
Yikes. This catgirl's shown up in the ED though. I guess she's either a popular side character or a recurring one.
It's good to be animated! Better than being static and boring
So the main trio are still the second-years, but the driving force in club formation is a first-year. She's even trying to bait her sempai with sandwiches!
I know it was second years in the first season was it also second years in the second? I feel like it was
Yeah, it was. The orange-haired MC from Aquors, and her tomboy cosplay friend. And then the musical piano-skilled girl.
Kasumi definitely seems a bit self-absorbed hah hah. It's kinda like Nico's mindset only Nico was at least aware of the professional neccessity of it. This girl just seems to love herself as much as she loves school idols.
Kawaii kowai!
Wow, gosh
Oh this short-haired girl has some real Onee-chan Energy
If this new series is dedicated to matching the chapter lengths of the original anime adaptation, then this should be the climax of this arc! Though I suspect it might need an extra episode hah hah. I guess we'll see. Man I've been excited for this episode all week long.
Wow Satoko's really suspicious of Keiichi right off the bat.
Oh I DIDN'T like that close up of the incinerator there.
So then this is probably Shion then? So far in every Higurashi series so far, Mion actually has never gone crazy from the Hinamizawa Virus. It's always only been Shion disguised as her.
what time are we at? I accidentally tapped teh scan bar thanks
6:15 6:20 6:25
Well the first arc of this series did totally throw the twist at us of it not being Keiichi that went terminal, but Rena. They could totally do something similar with Mion here. But at the same time I almost wonder if Mion always being innocent is something Ryuukishi is insistent on.
Also this Mion is really acting a lot like Mion though too. With the kinda boyish attitude. When we've seen Shion impersonate Mion she hasn't quite hit those notes properly.
So far this has followed the way this arc turned out for this visit he made to the Sonozaki estate though. And that time it was also Shion disguised as Mion.
Well this is different though. In the original Watanagashi-hen Shion disguised as Mion had Mion locked up down here. When Keiichi rushed to the imprisoned Mion, disguised as Shion, Shion got behind him and tasered him.
Makes me wonder if this is the actual Mion, who, while serious, isn't actually insane right now.
Yeah, this may actually be Mion. based on that last bit
it's good how they keep us guessing on who is who
Who's their minion?! Shion? That paramilitary group Takano hires?
Oof ow no don't Wow okay.
I was going to say that slamming your shoulder into a metal grate jaildoor like that is a good way to break your shoulder, but I guess the door hasn't been replaced recently.
Oh nevermind Rika did die I guess Mion was crazy this time
but We don't know if it was really Mion or Shion there'sno way to know which is which but I think Mion was probably Mion
I guess everyone is dead but K1 maybe Rena lived too
I feel the Mion that shook the ladder at the school was Shion. And between them parting ways after school and meeting up to go to the Sonozaki Estate, Mion confronted Shion about everything and drowned her in the well. Because it's just hard for me to believe that after Mion's gone through so many fragments not going crazy, that she finally would,
>>895191 eah, I think this one is a case of crazy Mion adachi
okay lets start
Each of the arcs have had a title that reflects the ones they're replicating. The first arc was Oni-damashi-hen (Oni Deceiving), reflecting the original first chapter of Higurashi, Oni-kakushi-hen (Oni Abducting) The second was Wata-damashi-hen (Cotton Deceiving), reflecting the second chapter of Higurashi, Wata-nagashi-hen (Cotton Drifting) This one is Tatari-damashi (Curse Deceiving), reflecting Tatari-goroshi (Curse Killing)
Tatarigoroshi-hen in the original Higurashi was the arc where Keiichi kinda has Satoko have him replace her brother. And then Satoko's asshole uncle returns to Hinamizawa and has her live with him again, which makes Keiichi go a bit crazy and kill her uncle, but then it turns out he didn't because he was already at the serious hallucination stage of the virus.
Adachi's kinda got a shrine to Shimamura at this point. The indirect kiss can, and the boomerang/goggles set.
Adachi here is struggling with whether she's sexually attracted to Shimamura or just platonically in love with her And Shimamura's just at the point where she's thinking "Yeah I probably don't have as strong feelings for Adachi as she does for me but that's okay"
She literally fantasized about touching Shimamura for THIRTY MINUTES.
Shimamura's diejob coming out kinda gives her a bit of a punk look. Which fits her school delinquent nature but not really her personality hah hah
L // I like how this off couple basically just does weird friend stuff.
Well that's kind of romantic. I guess even if Shimamura doesn't have consciously strong feelings for Adachi like Adachi does for her, Shimamura does have some kind of special feelings for her.
thanks for anmie sorry for sleeping through the last bit
we're almost low on slows
Yeah, we've almost worked through the show build up. I did say at the start of the night we could've probably done four tonight, hah hah.
Though the weekend's coming up so we'll be getting the usual deluge of stuff. We might be pretty close to on top of everything by the end of next week though.
But yeah, thanks for anime. Enjoy your weekend if I don't see you around.