Evening Sorry had to take a moment to see if I could figure out why there's been no new Erai releases today either. Gonna put what's come out in the past couple days on the list anyway, but they might be things that need to be found from other groups like SubsPlease.
--Erai-raws Akudama Drive Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 3-7 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-6 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-7
--SubsPlease Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Reaaaady At least come tomorrow we'll have three new episodes of some of the pretty good stuff.
I can't remember if Bell's ever had to go toe-to-toe with another person in lethal combat. He's got plenty of experience fighting monsters who are trying to kill him, and he's fought people before. But I don't think any of them have been trying to actually kill him proper.
This guy's still kind of a dick but at least he's got a pretty good reason for being completely crazy. You'd probably be too if you had a n inescapable impulse to do something you don't want to do constantlynagging your brain
I wonder if all the sentient monsters have something like that thing he ripped off her forehead. Though Wiene did look distinctly less monster-y than most monsters. It might be something partial to her species that did this.
Huh, that spear ended up being less durable than its fanciful design made it look. Bell's knife is pretty high-quality but I would assume the spear is at least equal in design quality.
Pretty cool tag team moment from Bell and the lizardman.
Bell really needed a heal like that.
Oh actually if the foxgirl is here then she can use her level buff on Bell. That would probably give him what he would need to go up against.
Oh no here's Aiz' familia. This will probably be the Aiz and Bell showdown the OP has been hinting at.
i guess this is probably almost done with this arc
ikemen okay lets start
If it wraps up next episode we'd only have like four or five episodes left. I guess they could maybe do a less complex arc in that timespan. But I could also see this arc having further complications, especially now that Bell has outed himself as a monster-lover. So far we have not seen the general populace of the city be kind to monsters.
Oh yeah we got the first multi-episode plot last episode.
More of these animal mask people. Oh hah hah that camera was still rolling. Talk about a big blunder of this assailant.
This buzz-cut guy has really committed to fighting his old boss. Even being told who he should direct his revenge at can't stop his hunger for power.
Man everyone's just ragging on his acting.
Makoto trying his absolute damnedest to keep this town from from blowing up like a powder keg.
There's a lot of ruffians in Ikebukuro! It's the kind of town that attracts punks and kids with too much energy to burn.
Shadow really don't fuck around. He talks like he's a grown-up around all these kids but what kind of grown-up goes around calling himself Shadow and dressing in a hooded mantle like that. Guy seems chuuni as fuck.
Doraibu Uh No I think we watched episode five last.
Yeah we're on episode six.
>I know you were hurt, so why did you leave me behind? Lady you seem even MORE hurt than he is. Maybe bringing along an injured person isn't a good idea.
Hah hah RIP Doctor again I wonder if she'll be okay this time. Probably.
This oji-san police guy sure is a raid boss though. He's basically solo-ing all the Akudama that are combatants.
Brawler sure is a fun guy for being a fight-obsessed musclehead.
Wow Cutthroat is a lunatic though. Cut off his own legs to save Swindler and then stabbed straight through the boy to get at the policeguy.
And she's alright! She might not have this near-magic regeneration the boy has, but the Doctor's kind of crazy in her own right.
The entire episode so far has pretty much been a non-stop battle between the old man policeguy and the Akudama. I'm not entirely sure where the downtime has been.
Fighting in the rain on a roller coaster track sounds like a bad idea. That's a lot of slippery metal.
This is the kinda show where people die though not as much so as dangdangaronpa
It looks like the old guy took Brawler down with him though. Brawler was cool too, RIP.
I wonder if Hoodlum will be able to fight the police lady though. Those lightsabers are probably pretty easy to use, but I doubt he's fought with them before.
The show's pretty good at leaving off on cliffhangers though. It always keeps teasing what's coming next as it leaves you to wait a week. Though we should have the next episode by anime time tomorrow hah hah
Wow ow I guess she beat Hoodlum. Oh but the PV seems to indicate he's still alive. Well knowing him he realized he couldn't beat her and bailed. Though not before taking out one of her eyes? If he was able to get that much damage on her how did he not manage to kill her.
kimi to boku or was this a bang show he's kamisama right
okay lets start
Yeah we went over this the last time we watched it hah hah
I was thinking, if all it took to infiltrate the witch country was a tattoo that looked like the witch sigils, then why is it so hard to sneak in. But I guess it's a MAGIC TATTOO that doesn't just get noticed because it's not magic.
She's pretty cute when she's not too pre-occupied with fighting this war. What a waste of a nice girl, being stuck in a war.
Oh he shook off the sleep drug faster than expected. I guess he'll go along with their little scheme for the time being.
Alice has a good excuse for treating him nicely though. Can't be going around being a tyrant to her prisoners when she's supposed to be a dignified princess.
His first big roadblock to overcome is winning the good will of the meido. Getting with the princess will be tough as long if her maid doesn't approve of him.
Most of the time when you catch your man with another girl on top of him, it's a whole other reason to be angry!
No it totally does look like
Wow this is some interesting S&M play.
But yeah it looks like the empire side is using Iska's friends to accomplish a different goal entirely. That glasses lady seems to have a lot of information on hand, so she probably knows Iska isn't in that prison they're sneaking around.
All the girls in this family have some kind of drill hair. Guess they inherited it properly from their mother.
We haven't really seen her do much other than use bear magic and bear things. Neat to see she can still style on people with more conventional fighting methods.
Coming from Japan, Yuna's probably pretty comfortable walking around a big city like this. Though I guess she seemed like a bit of a hikikomori back in Japan.
Oh she found herself some potatoes now too. Another invaluable cooking ingredient! And cheese too! Looks like she's gonna be making some more good food again soon.
Hambaaguu Hambaagaa
I guess if she ever gets bored of adventuring then cooking might be a good second career in this world.
Oh yeah when they said earlier that a lot of monsters had been showing up in -up near the capital I figured something was a foot. Looks like someone's intentionally gathering them up.
sorry I drifted off a few times tonight only got 4 hours of sleep last night
Same here! It's pretty normal these days for me to get somewhere around 3-4.5 hours of sleep a night. At this point I think my brain's just wired to take it and run with it as best it can.