one of my colleagues at work texted me "what does poggers mean? this client keeps saying everything is poggers and laughs when i ask what that means"
did you say "haha poggers"?
But really, what does it mean
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"it means ur a pogchamp"
>Hi HR lady, I am having problems getting the company Uber account to work with my app, it keeps charging my personal credit card. As far as I know I followed all the instructions for setting it up as you gave them to me >"Okay, did you do steps four through six on the instructions I gave you?" Ugh
I'm not sure where "pog" originates tbh, the furthest I can trace it is to pogchamp, but surely there was a 'pog' before that
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>897445 my favorite thing is when the troubleshooter doesn't listen to you
>>897446 yeah stuff like that usually has some weird origin
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
pogchamp refers to that guy being a champ at pog pog is derived from pogchamp most likely since the emote is just a closeup of the mouth of the pogchamp emote
no, that doesn't track
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like literally the pog game?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Iff there's one thing the person who insists that using pogchamp is racially problematic did for me is giving me the history of pogchamp
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>PogChamps is an online amateur chess tournament hosted by Players in the tournament are internet personalities, primarily Twitch streamers. PogChamps takes place over the course of two weeks and has a prize pool of $50,000.[1][2] hmm
>>897452 That was a right winger "satirizing" the left
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>PogChamp, one of the oldest emotes on Twitch, is based on Gootecks, a professional Street Fighter player, and is mainly used to express surprise in response to something happening on stream. PogChamp is based on this video from 2000, but was given the name PogChamp because of a Mad Catz fight stick promo released in 2011 for a tournament that Gootecks was competing in.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
thank you kirara
Internet history is always a weird, crazy ride. Half the time the explanations provide you with more nouns that make even less sense than the original you were looking into the history of.
Especially in the last few years. There are so many memes and references that you just probably can't get unless you've been aware for a long time. It's hard to jump right in because it's all so esoteric now. Memes mutate so quickly now. We used to have like, one thing that would last a year or two before it mutated into an unrecognizable form. But memes are unrecognizable after a few weeks now.
The culture evolves at a breakneck pace
Now I get to compile and submit four weeks of expense reports and hope they all go through. Because that's like eight hundred dollars in Uber trips
>isn't pachinko pinball? Gura no
I mean it kinda is. There's pins and there's balls
They look similar, sure, but in pinball the whole point is for the ball not to go into the hole And in pachinko, the goal is to put it in the right hole
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuckinnn STONKS
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally mental i didn't buy any palantir tho i would feel bad now i'm missin out on all the fun but this is fine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i always thought the Pog in pogchamp was for play of [the] game
Something interesting about youtube it's easy to tell official ads or content you don't care about to fuck off but if they analyze stuff that you're already subscribed to and promote relevant things from that which they've been paid to promote EVIDENCE: I've been subscribed to videogamedunkey for years. and his new video is 'should you buy a ps5' and now if i refresh the youtube home page, all the content constantly changes. Except for the new dunkey video, which constantly stays top right of the page, no matter how many times i refresh. so the theory is that they analyze your own personal content and then from among that they cherry pick stuff they've been paid to promote to put forward
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the algo moves in mysterious ways the neural nets think you will definitely watch his vid it's only a matter of time till u crack
finding out the queen's gambit is a fictional story and not even based on a real person has taken everything out of the story for me It went from "interesting story about an orphan who turned into a chess superstar " to uh, "story about a person who's just really good at chess" That works for many other things, sure, but her being very good at chess is only really communicated by putting a name and a fidi rating up on the screen, and then basically cutting to her putting them in checkmate Like if Rocky was just the final punch Rocky threw, and the rest was him and other people talking about boxing
Since someone broke into that abandoned building I technically manage for work, I have keys to that building now. When I was boarding up that window yesterday, I kind of got excited and put a hole some drywall with my hammer. You know, it's not every day that you can put holes in the wall, so it can't be helped, right? And it's not like I can get in trouble for it. Ah, but now that I've done it, I want to do it again. I could just go in and put holes in the drywall and I'd never face any consequences. All that drywall has to be replaced eventually anyways, so I'd actually be doing them a favor! But there's also something inside me that tells me I shouldn't go and wreck something just because I can, even if there won't be any consequences.
I mean, I'd do it if I was there
But like Going there just for that seems like uh a problem
It's not next room, it's a totally different building! And there can't be any consequences for me doing it! If someone goes in and asks about it, I can act like a homeless person did it.
Nobody would think someone like me would do it.
yeah but I just mean the distance isn't the issue it's not a time investment thing
I just think it seems like a problem, like, with you, not for you
Oh, well, I'm an addict, you know. If something feels good, I'll keep doing it until I die. Like a rat pressing the cocaine button nonstop and never eating.
Actually in rat heaven, they only really did that cause they were isolated and had little to do but get high as balls In the more open community rat heaven, they did a lot less drugs
Not if you give them cocaine in isolation and then put them into a larger area. Once you have them hooked, they'll press that button until they die unless you take them away from it and put them with other rats for a while to let them recover.
But here I am with my own little cocaine button! Called a hammer and drywall
Oh, I have stuff 'to do' It's more like, I have very little keeping me from just throwing my arms up and giving up, drinking or smoking up what little money I have, and dying I sleep all day, browse the net all night, at this point I haven't even contacted the unemployment office yet since I quit my job
>>897552 See, that's all why I don't think cocaine would be the drug for you. People like that like benzos usually.
Idunno, I liked that boosted feeling ritalin gave me when I was on way too much, even though it made me really paranoid after a bit I kinda imagine coke is similar Like my brain's just going, and going, as long as I can latch onto something to focus on
Yeah, people like that who get addicted to cocaine actually become absolutely miserable when using it but continue to do it. Like lots of people feel good and are happy under the influence, but if you start getting paranoid just with ritalin, cocaine is gonna make you terrified of everything.
Benzos and stimulants are kind of similar where the people who use them are either always miserable on them and super angry and scared, or they feel really good and competent.
You can tell a lot about a person by their drug of choice though If I hadn't stopped using when I did, my drug of choice would have probably become opioids I got pretty lucky that I stopped when I did I actually usually crave percs and lean more than booze most of the time
For people who don't want to feel anything, opioids are the way to go. You just feel good and then you chill. Although it's not really "good" but more like the absence of bad which might as well be good when you've been having a lot of bad.
Booze is a lot like that too, since alcohol actually acts on the same receptors as opioids (and some others that opioids don't).
That's because booze has really complicated effects and touches GABA and shit like that. Opioids are nice and simple, the body is designed to process opioids because our body creates them itself. Certainly the body doesn't expect us to overuse them like we do, but we have the systems in place to use that. Alcohol is literally a poison on the other hand. Our body is better at processing and dealing with even cannabis compared to booze.
i do wish i could drink when i think about all the cool and tasty booze i never had an opportunity to try, i feel kind of disappointed this dumb brain of mine!
>>897535 my favorite part of the ~4-5 episodes I've watched of Queen's Gambit is hearing them hit the chess clock 3 times and then a pan out shot of the board happens and 10 moves have progressed
I'm not saying the new call of duty bricked my computer but it happened to stop working when I was playing the new call of duty now I've been troubleshooting it for six hours and decided fuck it factory reset time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yikes! ill cast a spell of cpu wellness suususususususuus
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmmmmmmmm watcha saaay mmm that it's all for the best?
well of course it is
the factory reset failed holy shit just kill me
what a waste of my whole fucking day off im having such a great fucking time
it was just 18k wasnt it whatd coinbase do this time they rolled out their debit card that was like last year tho
k make a bitcoin command $bitcoin then display the current price
Ooh that's a good idea.
Can we also get a random number generator? No, the dice don't count.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>897718 more drama they like to have bad PR always
I want something like Rand[x,y]
do the dice count
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who in their right mind would go to doushio dot com for high quality random number generation
me wait not me actually not just bitcoin just make a stock ticker $LUv disply price
>>897725 Sorry, O meant pseudorandom number generator. Although I know of some good webbased sources for random number seeds though. The NIST has one And this dude who makes expensive (but relatively cheap) hardware random number generators has a web service that sends out random numbers every time interval. Not sure what interval though Probably between a second and 5 minutes.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i should make a stock ticker tho that's for the rewrite
samurai cant make a random he can only do generated random
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the random number source i use for the dice is perfectly fine randomness wise but do you really trust me to deliver unbiased numbers
#1d20 (15)
Afaik doushio doesn't have secret dice rigging controls. Tano does though It has a repeating digits only setting And I think a no repeating digits setting.
>>897775 Seems like it should have been you instead of Sammers who hooked up with that witch >>897772 Bang's a cool dude it's a compliment to be like him and merge personalities becoming a single unit
>>897774 the girl from no game no life she does have a library
>>897776 No, Phage isn't a witch. Her touch instantly rots any and all organic matter. Except silk Either because the writer forgot silk was organic, or because they wanted to depict her wearing clothing and not use some asspull to make it magically not rot (even though its a high magic setting).
Her name is Phage the Untouchable. Although she was originally Jeska but she got turned into Phage because two curses got mixed together.
im tryinf to get her to hook me up with her sisters friend shes a teCher and a gyaru right now i was like "hey have her dress up like a gyaru and ill give her my credit card" and we all laughed hahahaha like that
then you whipped out your CC and stonefaced
next time when im drivinf her home from my place
you just casually slip the card in her pocket
raise an eyebrow then just scream EEK EEK OOK OOK GYARU OOH OOH OOH OOH
two of my coworkers are called monkeys as a joke last night we were calling them back from the car to the backyard with monkey noises lol
wow japan is racist
they hate kokujin
nah theyre white and all soldiers
is it true that all japanese people wanna touch black peoples hair
i had a black friend who went to japan and according to him was hair molested like every fuckin day
not where i am okinawa hates americans cuz marines are always causing problems
give them candy it worked after hiroshima and nagasaki
they always protest outside the base every friday ill go to then and give candy ill get in big trouble but ill so it for u
give them morning rescue
or just sing the miku famimart theme at them
they actually listen to a lot of anime and touhou music at the arcade at least like nornie hot japs
ok i got it
sprint out of the base naruto ninja run style and just screm at the top of your lungs
se no
just scream out the entire lyrics of renai circulation and do that thing kids d o where they pinch the sides of their eyelids
if they still call you out as a gaijin move on to musou express
how about i just drunk drive and steal from all the family marts oh wait someone already beat me
I'd get a new one so I could sleep on both shoulders My left ear's the only one that handles the ear was properly, so now and then my right ear will just clog up because I've slept on it and put pressure in the wrong place, and it's a BITCH to become able to hear again cause I sleep on my right shoulder, and only my right shoulder
Every fucking time I see a screenshot of gachaman, all I can think is like "I'm... sure I watched half of this show, but everything here makes no sense to me" There are a ton of aliens I don't recognize, there's a faction called VAPE?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah VAPE is in s2
oh right there's 2 seasons of this show
New shipments to the warehouse seem to all but have dried up now that we're probably too close to Black Friday for anything to arrive in time for sales. There's nothing to do today! I'm happy to do nothing while getting paid but it makes me worried for the integrity of my job security!
Also Arknights server is down for patches and that's totally where I'd be burning this time otherwise
The ride home is much harder to stay conscious during if I don't have coffee in the afternoon hah hah Unsurprising how little I sleep though. Between it being rude to fall asleep in the back of a stranger's car and me not really wanting to be totally asleep in the back of a stranger's car, I'd really rather not!
but tea is pretty silly as a term here it by now means "any drink made by soaking plant matter"
tho it does clarify you get what nettle tea is instantly compared to "nettle drink" which might be a smoothie
I would argue hot water is a critical element of making tea. Even matcha I believe you mix the power into hot water as opposed to room temp.
true dat evdn vold infused ice tea is less tastier if you took the time to prep the tea and cool it down >>897896 i think from animu and actual vid i've seen you mix it with some water to make a slush and then pour the hot water in
cold brew coffee is cancer btw it just tastes wrong
I've yet to find a cold brew I've actually liked, yeah. But in all fairness the only ones I've had have been mass canned varieties from conbini.
i've tried quite many varieties thst were showcased in tech fairs
I think the real sell for me if I like it or not would be if I get it from an independent cafe or something. If it was bad even from them, then I would just assume the stuff's not my taste.
my opinion is always tge same "not bad, but cold coffee is better" maybe they all just use shitty beans
I could imagine it being like the principle of making food with very few ingredients. If only like three base ingredients are going into your food you best find the absolute best quality versions of those ingredients available to you. Maybe a similar concept needs to be applied to cold brew.
it just always tastes wronh like too mild coffee also it is at the end of the bitterness spectrum of how i like coffee >>897903 who knows it pretty much is just a fancy gadget it isn't even cheap
speaking of tea, still funny to think tea bags were basically accidental invention
or how far plants like coffee and tea have spread despite being a very one specific area flora originally
they should make a miniseries about the people who stole the coffee plants from mocca
I like how with tea, you can identify which part of the world traded with which port in China to get introduced to tea. Depending on who calls it te/tea and who calls it cha/chai
>>897905 The better part of the tea bags story for me is the notion that therefore, everyone before tea bags just got their tea in solid compressed blocks. Like, can you imagine in this day and age just buying like a sheer brick of dried tea leaf It's really comical to me.
well europe prolly got punched into tea by brits they wanted it or not
>>897907 'deed many okd ways are kinda "just why didn't they do x?" when it is so obvious now
okd old
Hindsight in 2020 is still 2020
>>897908 Actually you can thank the Dutch for sparking it in the first place. And funnily enough the Portuguese got the chai pronounciation first and have stuck with it since. Not to mention they're actually to thank for why Chai tea from India is even a thing, introducing it to them by that name. Tea's etymology is actually a super fascinating case study in international cultural pollination.
>>897936 i've got a friend here who is same he is going to his 5th covid testing now, yesterday his tracking app binged three times don't commute in metro
No, this time it's real. Your phone probably has Covid Tracking built into it now, but it won't work unless the state enables it, which it probably won't. Some states have done it.
You don't regularly come into contact with covid positive people, though, do you? >>897949 huh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The back tooth or so in the left upper side are troubling me today which is different
i think my current goal seems to be "catch everything but not covid of the seasonal diseases" so I have common cold down I may have gotten influenza, considering the 40 degree fever and how it took me like 4 days to get truly back on my feet
so what do I have left... the virus that causes pneumonia and...
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Didn't the dentist just tell you your teeth were mostly fine?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>897951 yeah I'm guessing left wisdom-kun is trying to catch up to his oniichan
My mom was born without any wisdom teeth and my dad only had two.
And yet, I had all four. My grandfather had all four and his grew in perfectly, too. He still had them when he died.
My mouth's a bit too small for wisdom teeth. I think my bottom jaw is large enough for them but I had to get them taken out on the topside otherwise I would've purportedly had problems.
for me they all came out nice and clean, but later on started to grow uuh crooked and that ended up either causing infections in the mouth where they chafed or in the roots
Apparently the wisdom teeth stop growing in the early 20s, but the roots don't fully form until the late 30s. So I should be fine as long as I don't get my jaw fucked up or anything.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>897964 nobuhiko okamoto (accelerator's VA) plays my favorite character (other than the MC) in yakuza 7 like a dragon >>>/watch?v=f8NkwELSYu0 listen to his song!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>897971 i like how his laugh is in the song i cant wait for bakugo to laugh
>Gura gets so excited to get out of bed in the morning that she used to jump out of bed immediately and pass out >Her doctor told her she has to get out of bed slowly now because she once jumped out of bed and then she passed out, fell backwards in her bathroom and hurt her back and hit her head >She passes out in the bathtub and shower sometimes gura...
I think that's moe. Did any of the English hololive girls talk about Thanksgiving? Don't some of them live in the US?
>>897994 Only Amelia lives in the US. Ina and Gura are in Canada most likely. Kiara and Calli are in Japan, but Kiara will probably be living in Germany again soon.
Amelia did a hololive Thanksgiving parade on twitter.
back massager on the stomach makes the food settle faster. tell your friends
high level strats
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we live in a place that is frozen in the past no longer do we wait for that sign in the sky we have found it ourselves it is all around us buried under feet of snow and miles of empty space we know what happens next
Revue is pretty great. The director was like an understudy of Ikuhara who brought us such wonderful series like Revolutionary Girl Utena, Mawaru Penguindrum, Yuri Kuma Arashi, and Sarazanmai
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>898040 yeah i don't know what's happening but i think i like it
Each match is bants and fun, and between matches it's Politics
My coworker in the receiving area plays a local news stream from his computer the whole shift and the upcoming collab between them in Among Us made the news hah hah It's do weird hearing things like Among Us making news segments.
She's playing among us with a few streamers and a buncha leftists though the overlap between leftist and streamer is p heavy here, there are some "non-political" streamers in there Such as NL His community is heavy left tho As are his co-streamers during the NLSS
hello there fellow kid was that the line?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Clefairy files anti-SLAPP motion against Jigglypuff
>>898112 There's a lot of indie or small-group Vtubers out there! The really popular ones might have had initial funding provided by investors but I'd be surprised if they weren't self-sufficient at this point.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trump's gonna become a vtuber just in time for 2024
>>898127 as a reliable senpai i would never prey on my kouhai i'm just gonna help her become a better psychologist and also possibly protect her from a psycho
doesn't matter how high your elves are when facing against gunpowder and a lot of it >>898154 been there done that as in the other imposter
but what I mean is the imposters not killing anyone unlessthey really have to get the crew to vote out and only kill to get the voting going, if it isn't already and then to finish it up
I mean, the impostors can't win without killing someone >>898157 It happens, but you need that to happen... 6 times
i've seen all alive lobby toss someone out who was innocent so
0 kills is basically impossible dream but 1-2 kills isn't
yeah with a few kills you could do it, maybe Really hard tho
But 0 kills just can't be done without the whole crew throwing hard and yeeting people for literally no reason
You can get the first one out by hard accusing a vent, maybe, but after that it gets dangerous Second if the crew is particularly bad, but then the 3rd yeet will be one of the impostors
yup trhere is something fundamentally funny about playing a joke faction that only has gunpoweder weapons in a fantasy setting Bow before my mass artillery and tanks you magic bitches
>>898167 It wouldn't be a big stretch to say the magic fire popping into existence is equivalent to an explosion A gun designed with that in mind, allowing for a LARGE magical fire to be produced behind where the round is loaded, could use that
>>898169 make the metal pellets large and fill them with explosives
and then fire a 1000 of them at once
But if you have access to explosives you probably have access to gunpowder At which point why bother using fire magic (probably a resource unless your magic system is unbalanced) and just make normal guns/artillery?
>>898172 this is why warhammer ahs many factions use gunpowder it is more reliable and esier to get than training wizards
Hm, maybe I will incorporate this into my WIP, permanently-on-hiatus story which is a few sentences long
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe my railgun can schut it
>>898175 Pretty much. If you're a creative with half a mind you're not gonna just have fire magic that's infinitely expendable, and either balance it behind some concept of exhaustion or selective userbase. Which returns guns to their classic branding as "the great equalizer", a weapon that with enough oomph can probably take out any magic user.
There's a podcast, Writing Excuses, in which one of their early episodes explains it with a candle analogy. If there's magic in your story that can create small, harmless sources of lights, then what does that mean for the candle industry in your world? If there's not really a candle industry, then what does that mean for the industries that provide the materials that candles are made out of? Magic can really upend your ability to make a fictional world if you don't put too much thought into it.
In Joe Abercrombie's The First Law series there are ?/12 Magi Disciples left in the world but magic is dying out So one of them uses his empire to research gunpowder His enemy magi takes his gunpowder and makes it into cannons Said enemy magi at one point nearly levels an entire city with his magic alone sometimes you just dont want to cast
>>898183 Also on quora.
>>898185 Pretty much any magic system worth its salt will have the use of magic be some kind of exhaustable resource or issue of stamina for the user, which is so nicely abstracted so oftenly as MP or spell slots. If you have to choose between exhausting yourself using magic, or taking advantage of a technological option that will get the job done, why exhaust yourself? Laziness is the progenitor of invention, after all.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don do any majick
kill the witches
My stomach is fuckiis fucking Killing me
live healthier
not that I am one to talk
I don't even know why it's like this now I'll just try to sleep it off
Ah, think I figured it out Pretty sure something was stuck in like, the tube where food is actually processed Pretty sure I just felt it dislodge and move, and now the pain is gone
This is a finnish saying first let's build up to it "risuaita" meaning "twig wall" but also means #
so a usual way to refer weird alphabets in finnish is to call them "risuaita" anything that is not basically the basic roman alphabet is "hashtag stuff"
so many languages that are written in Hashtags have a funny "pronounciation rule" in finnish "jätä risut, lausu aidat" ignore the twigs, pronounce the walls/fences
as in ignore basically half of the letters when saying it out loud
and funnily enough french applies perfectly with that rule, but it jusst lacks the hashtag letters to make it easy
>>898221 was good Although it was constantly referring to external materials that was part of the universe but not covered in the ovas and because I wasn't familiar with it, it kind of threw me off a bit I had to read through the wiki at a few points just to know what the hell was happening
>>898223 DDiDid you wtch gxp? I suggested you watch it before starting s3.
GXP is a lot wackier. It ended up getting an accompanying light novel adaptation that went wy past the end of the anime and had some really interesting lore.
Do you care about a spoiler for the novels tbat doesn't matter in the anime?
It ties in wirh Dual and is why Mitsuki is there.
Although you might already know it.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
no i don't care
Keina Err Seina from gxp is somehow a reincarnation of the guy from Dual. And random other characters in GXP are reincarnated characters from Dual. I don't know how exactly that works though. I honestly don't know if Dual is in the same universe as Ryo Ohki. Oh speaking of universes Tenchi Universe is decent and the best Tenchi movie doesn't make sense if you haven't seen Tenchi Universe. Tenchi in Love and Daughter of Darkness are trash. But Tenchi in Love 2 is really good. Good enough that I considered ripping it off and writing a screenplay similar to it but I couldn't make it work.
There is no point in watching Tenchi in Tokyo unless you really want to watch more Tenchi stuff. I might've watcged tge whole thing like 15 years ago but when I tried watching it again last year I couldn't make it past the first few episodes.
...ah I mean that makes sense, but I'd think that could be handled on a case-by-case basis? You can mod in all sorts of crazy stuff in bethesda games, too, after all Maybe it's just a case of "it was one of the main reasons anyone streamed it to begin with" >>898289 Well what I meant is There's a lot of other stuff you can do in Second Life
Anyways, isn't Rance not on the banlist?
>>898287 II'm sure they have a gotcha in the ToS that covers tthat.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
list is not exhaustive this list seems to be some of the worst offenders that lack an ESRB rating of Adult
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno oh i forgot about this
>>898291 That name makes me kek everytiem I did not know about Battle Rape though Oh, is Grezzo Deu on there?
Yes it iis Grezzo one shouldn't be on there I doubt more than a few people even have it God Grezzo 2 is so funny It's this ultraviolent Italian Doom wad that is highly critical of Catholicism, Italian politics and culture and has plenty of obscene stuff in it. I've watched some playthroughs of it and its hilarious.
Okay so fun fact about the guy game One of the girls who has naked pictures in the game Lied about her age And was under 18 when the photos were taken So it's legally child porn. Thats all i know about it
"the guy game"?
I think its a trivia thing where if you get correct answers you get naked pictures and video but I'm not 100% sure.
I just don't know what game you're referring to, that's all
It's literally called "the guy g game"
oh I thought it was a game you'd mentioned already but couldn't figure out which Well then
I think it's super normal to be interested in pornographic games as a millenial kid. In fact, it's probably weird to not have been interested if you had access to such things.
a newgrounds flash animation got me into Ranma 1/2 and consequently anime as a whole well it was either that or an earthbound fansite getting me into FLCL
>>898323 idk i have never played before but i have started and it is absolutely fascinating i started with uhh the sensitive psychology build idk what in doing but i am really liking this
I'm going to get trained as a Doan for my zendo. The Doan is the person who does the bells during practice and service. When we're meditating or doing service, the Doan is the most important person because even the zen master is following their lead. It's a lot of responsibility, everything at the zendo is signalled with various bells.
When we do full body bows (we bow so deeply we put our foreheads to the floor), the Doan signals to everyone when it's time to stand back up, too.
So the Doan doesn't really get to do the bows! And sometimes they don't get to chant because they have to work the bells to keep the chanting going properly.
So on one hand, it's kind of an honor to get to be Doan sometimes. But I really love chanting and doing full bows, so it's kind of a shame too.
Since my Japanese is okay I might have to do the drum sometimes when someone else is Doan too. You hit the drum on every syllable, so it's really easy if you have like, a kindergarten level ability in Japanese, but I'm the only one who has that other than sensei and the monks.
Maybe all of that doesn't make a lot of sense, but basically I have a feeling so complicated.