Hi hey hello Hope you had a nice weekend I basically just shelled up and didn't leave the apartment. Not like the weather today's been remotely good for going outside.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm cold!
Oh please, what is it, 12C down there?
--Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Bloom Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 3-7 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 4-6 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-7 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-17
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
9C it would seem. it's been colder though
Well winter is swiftly approaching. You better buckle up now for when it gets colder
There should be a cool showdown this episode. Between Blindfold-sensei and the curse monster that was burning all those people in the famires last episode.
>>893385 It's not too cold for me when I'm under the covers in this apartment but the only place I could set up my PC is right next to the full-wall windows So it does get a bit chilly at night as all the heat seeps out.
This fire guy seems like the kind of bad guy that isn't going to live very long.
At the very least I don't think he'll win against Sensei. He was able to go toe-to-toe with Sukuna with ease, even if like he said Sukuna isn't currently at full-power.
There's a lot more you can do with that beyond just basic defense
Yeah I was thinking along those lines too. His current use of the power is pretty physical, but being able to manifest Infinity has a lot of conceptual application too.
Oh hah hah he went to go fetch Itadori.
Lord of the Rings!
I thought he was gonna have Itadori fight the volcano-head guy. Looks like Sensei's still gonna be doing the fighting though.
I guess this Domain Expansion is kind of like a low-level Reality Marble.
I finished book 3 in one sitting ish on thursday so I'm filled with excitement
Couldn't she just magic stoneshape the letters into the wall. Is ruining that man's perfectly good knife really worth it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah but not everybody can do that!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh did I mention you're in for another double feature this week
Yeah you did
Elaina's mom sure sounds a lot like the Witch of Travels from the book.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It must be pretty common for children to project what they know onto things they like. >>893419 They skipped over their chapters entirely so they have to show respect somehow.
Those muscle dudes sure pop up a lot.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I wouldn't trust Saya witha knife.
Well then where AM I supposed to carve my carnal desires.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
into the flesh of your enemies
Miss Elaina, tear down this wall!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
cringing at oneself so hard you tear down a
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
How very Aesopian
At least they kept the original etching by the Witch of Travels.
Wanting your first taste of alcohol to be delicious is probably a bit dangerous. If it's so tasty then you're probably gonna want to drink a lot. And if you drink a lot at your first time drinking alcohol, then you're gonna get absolutely sloshed.
their grapes mixed together will be the ultimate taste
Oh no A drunk witch is a dangerous witch
>>893452 Not quite, but that would've been a good Aesop too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Alright, time for this week's ToN differences corner
This was in order, chapters 12 and 4 of Book 3.
For part 1, there are some scenes cut that more heavily show that Tilde's "implication" is accurate, but it's flatout SAID in an EARLIER CHAPTER and DROPPED LIKE SOME KIND OF COMMON KNOWLEDGE and I had to reread that section like 7 times to make sure what I was reading was accurate.
Part 2, the grandson is hilariously uninterested in the story of the grape festival, and I dont even think the villages join and grandpa definitely doesn't get with Rosemary, but like the Mirapose chapter I like this ending better.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And as a side note, from reading book 3 to its ending, I would be surprised if they decided to marathon later books. Book 3 has a good ending and was apparently a stopping point for the author for a time. Plus we'd be skipping some Elaina character development, which I liked.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
But to clarify Yes, Nike is in fact Elaina's mom and that's hilarious to me because it means Elaina's favorite childhood book is just her mom's (auto)biography. Also, as a result of earlier information from a previous episode, that means Elaina's mom is Fran's teacher.
The fact that they're all white-haired is kind of a tip off. If they really didn't want it to be apparent then they would've gotten a different seiyuu to do Niké or had the seiyuu take on a different inflection and tone.
like hol up Fran is just writing a letter to her teacher and this is how flatly they drop this info on the floor
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Also REALLY hoping we get the object arc but I'm doubtful.
I wouldn't be surprised if they've re-arranged the chapters they adapt so the reveal drops for the climax of the anime.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well the thing is despite how nice that info is it's actually irrelevant to the ending. >>893464 Yeah, that chapter was a riot to read and it's equally good animated, I'm pretty happy.
Really looking forward to this week's preview in a few hours. There's a chapter from book 2 that'll make me sad when animated but I'll be more sad to see them skip it, but if they make up for it by getting all the necessary chapters for book 3's ending out of the way I'll be satisfied.
Or they can just leave me in the dust and move on to book 4 which won't come out for me until January.
>>893463 Whether or not it's relevant to the ending is unimportant, since these kinds of one-cour adaptations tend to be in part encouragement to go read the source material. Like they could have a n emphatic ending on the end of book three or some other nice closure moment, and then have some endroll credits stuff or post-credits stuff with Fran writing that letter and have the reveal be a BIG HOOK right at the end. Or reminscing about the letter since it happened when Elaina was her pupil -- not that this series so far has cared much for chronological consistency. Something like that can really be a big "WINK WINK read the novels" to the viewers.
Sorry to hold up gochiusa with my info but I am pretty excited and stuff.
One last thing is that book 3's final scene is so disgustingly perfect book-end kind of stuff that it's almost too easy to not use it. er you know what I mean >>893467 I'll have to make a judgement on it once I see where they go.
My hair too looks like a bird's nest when I wake up in the morning. It also just happens to look like a bird's nest when I got -go to bed at night too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I would like a haircut to not have bird hair but now's not a good time. sadly.
>Where's that thing we always use on our rabbit I want to cut this girl's hair with it
Looks like the trio are all apprenticing under one of the older girls. I guess Chino might get some help from Cocoa Oh especially if she's been styling on Tippy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Another outdoor haircut. Cocoa's having fun roleplaying a hair stylist.
Nani sore PRESSURE
Hah hah hah At least Chino has not much room to blame anyone but herself for that.
Geez Otou-san you don't always need to blast the charm full-power like that.
>>893502 I think image changes are more like around starting a new school or coming back from summer break that was always the thing in the west okay summer break is over i'm going to be a cute new me this year and then you get lazy and revert back to the old you
>>893508 I was definitely too social-dumb as a teen to pick up on that hah hah.
Funnily enough it's probably the same time of the year as it was for your anecdote. I think the show's at about the point where summer's ending and autumn is around the corner.
Er Sharoy Sharo Syaro
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you're so excited you called her the wrong dang name
Caffeine? More like caffiend
Man I really want some good third-wave coffee now. The cafes near my work don't really do niche coffee flavours and just all kinda taste like standard coffee/espresso.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"I want to try Chino's coffee" I cry myself to sleep thinking this.
That's still not distinguishing between different blends of coffee Cocoa! While sweet, Chino is still right.
Well only if you die in like half a year or longer from now. The border's still closed after all.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'll have them put me in the fridge until things blow over don't worry
>>893517 Yeah, lot of Chino focus this episode. We've been getting a lot of the younger trio this season with all the stuff about them moving into highschool soon.
>>893525 It's hard for me to not be happy when any of the characters get screentime. So I guess I like it best when they're all getting fair attention. Though caffeinated Syaro tickles me in some way I can't quite explain.
Yeah let's do Nana. I probably would've noticed you missed it the first pass if I wasn't kinda off-focus tonight for some reason. I definitely assumed we'd be watching it earlier when I was downloading all the weekend shows since I prioritized it over most of the other stuff,
>You're a crazy necromancer who screws her dead boyfriend each night Well she's probably not wrong.
The fact that Nana has the ace in her pocket of people assuming even if she's a traitor, that she can still read minds, is a useful one. In the past it's also been what has helped her have alibis and loopholes of getting out of Detective-kun's deductions.
Yeah she's done a really good job keeping that facade up
Spooky Wow Necromancer-chan's been going around digging up a bunch of dead students.
I guess Nana's not the first person to come to this island to kill off the Talented?
Doesn't seem too smart of her to hide in an enclosed building like this though. If there's even the most remote chance they still knew she was around Yeah, like this. Even if she can trap the entrance, she still only has one way out. She managed to stall for enough time though it seems.
I guess this guy is paranoid of everyone. We've only really seen it turned on Nana because they've interacted the most.
Isn't that Nana lying on the floor though?
I wonder how many layers of keikaku are going on here. I feel like that might've been her on the ground.
Hah hah hah I see what Nana's doing here. She's tearing apart her story. Probably because Necromancer-chan is lying and she killed the boy so she could revive him and make him be her boyfriend.
ooh this kinda sets the stage for her to spare healer girl and unkillable guy she might give someone a break if they're an innocent
Yeah, and as far as we know, Healer-chan is about as innocent and good-hearted as you get on this island full of people who are either legitimately crazy or absolute narcissists. Personally I think she's still gonna have to keep playing the cat-and-mouse game with the guy though, since I think even if she'd give him a break, he's too justice-obsessed to let her go for killing now like four or five people.
The imouto always had stalker energy though. And I guess the meidos are just along for security.
This author really does like his sharp-tongued meidos though.
Oh buttered potatoes sounds pretty nice. I haven't really been able to cook a lot of food since taking up residence in this condo. While I have been eating some nice variety of food as take-out from restaurants, I haven't had much in the way of home-cooked stuff.
>Lime udon Like what the fuck is this.
>It tastes like someone put lime slices on top of cold udon Yeah no why would you expect it to taste like anything else.
It's really fun when Tsukasa breaks character. Her flustered moments and when she goes kind of otaku-poi for the silliest things are super cute.
It's really kind of just okay. You can get it cheap from Japanese bakeries/conbini so over there it's definitely worth the money. But I've never seen it for those kinds of prices over here and after you've tried it once for the novelty it's not worth it.
I think she got shut down before the big reveal there's definitely something up
Yeah but you can't blow your big reveal so quickly. Reveals like that are the perfect bait to fish up readers and keep them hooked.
Marriage, or specifically monogamy, is kind of a weird mystery I guess. Assuming our common ancestors shared similar behaviours, modern apes definitely don't really have monogamous relationships. At some point in evolution it became more evolutionarily sound to form monogamous couples than the somewhat harem-esque nature of ape tribes.
Plus we're not even the only species to pratice monogamy, there's a lot of birdsdasdasdsadasdkimonocute
Touring Kyoto is really great though. I want to go back and give it a real fine comb some day. Three days wasn't really enough to experience it properly!
>I'll pretend to be your girlfriend, and you'll have to entertain me This is the kind of competition you'd only really see come out of a romcom manga hah hah
Gacha players hear odds like "0.0000034%" and go "yeah, I like my odds with that".
He's being an absolute nerd with all these equations and science knowledge he's dropping but still manages to stick the charming landing. This series is always very satisfying to watch but there's definitely a part of me that's positively envious hah hah.