Hold on, the locks on rokkenjima are tumbler locks? Regular tumbler locks?
How could anything possibly go through the keyhole then? It's not a matter of size, tumbler locks aren't like... they don't have holes that go the whole way through I'm pretty sure
Well usually it wouldn't matter because "magic doesn't real", but this time Kyrie said something was coming from the keyhole, on the phone I guess that's another one of Beato's tricks
It's kinda annoying when it's like this, because it feels like actually reading the story is very pointless Up until the red and blue text starts flying, there's an argument to be made that paying attention is meaningless After all, there's nothing happening on screen you can trust to have actually taken place anyway
>>894598 You can trust Battler's perspective for the most part to be authentic
>>894599 I don't know if I want to open this spoiler But if you mean the piece Battler, that's at least a bit of a relief, but that still means Kyrie definitely said something that shouldn't be possible at all It could be she was deluded, I guess
One of the fundamental rules of classic detective novels is that the detective's perspective must be honest. Otherwise there's no chance of a game between the author and the reader. Battler is obviously the detective here, therefore his perspective is accurate.
Of course rules are made to be broken, or at least played with. Agatha Christie herself has even written mystery novels where the character you're supposed to assume is the detective ends up being inauthentic and unreliable. But I feel it's a safe assumption that with how fantastical Umineko is overall, if Battler's perspective wasn't reliable, it would be completely unfair to the reader. Kinda like what you said above.
Ohooo Maybe this was one of Kinzo's demands at the conference, that while all will die, they must, no matter what, claim magic is responsible to the children And provided they do, the remaining child will get the inheritence, or something like that
just watch detectove conan
Conan is pretty good, I have a bunch of volumes here somewhere
i watched like 400 episodes but it was pissing me off with all the filler eps cuz i liked yhe episodes that aftually progressed the story
Ah, I never watched the anime at all By the time I was interested, there were already an enormous amount, and that alone makes me far less willing to start
After all, it kinda means there's never gonna be any closure It's just gonna keep going
sorry i didnt know
That said, I did actually watch all of Naruto over summer break once, but that was after I had already watched like, up to episode 50 something while it ran in a manga magazine here But man I was bored by the end, so I never got into uuh Shippuden? Whatever the adult series is called, before boruto
Did BATTORA just say "I'll kill you" in red text? High level
>Ronald Knox: 10 Commandments of Detective Fiction >Ronald Knox was a mystery writer in the early part of the 20th century who belonged to the Detection Club, a society peopled by such legendary mystery writers as Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, G. K. Chesterson, and E. C. Bentley. ok cool yup the classic detective rules >1. The criminal must be someone mentioned in the early part of the story, but must not be anyone whose thoughts the reader has been allowed to follow. >2. All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course. yup makes sense >5. No Chinaman must figure in the story. WHAT
Most of them are honestly actually pretty reasonable rules. >>894611 Hah hah hah This one is actually really good when you get the circumstantial reasoning. Knox was commenting on shitty detective fiction who, in lieu of having a developed and thought-out culprit, just take a random person whose ethnic or cultural region allows the writer to handwave their motives as "they did it because it's normal for them" Or to avoid racial biases of "they did it because they're a different culture and therefore obviously evil"
I assume Chinaman is a trope, not literally "chinese people"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I also like number 9 >9. The stupid friend of the detective, the Watson, must not conceal any thoughts which pass through his mind; his intelligence must be slightly, but very slightly, below that of the average reader.
>>894612 I would suppose the modern day equivalent would be a hypothetical murder mystery's culprit being a Muslim, who "did it because his religion demanded it" A motive not only like, insensitive in a very openly racist sense, but also anticlimactic and kinda like... boring overall Like other characters have potential motives, like jealousy, greed for inheritance, or whatever, and then there's this character who actually did it, but it just comes down to religious zeal
>The "No Chinaman rule" was a reaction to, and criticism of, racial cliches prevalent in 1920s English writing. yup makes sense
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
another good one by another guy >There simply must be a corpse in a detective novel, and the deader the corpse the better. No lesser crime than murder will suffice. Three hundred pages is far too much pother for a crime other than murder. After all, the reader's trouble and expenditure of energy must be rewarded.
i tried to get into detective novels before i think im just too stupid tho or maybe its cuz i dont read much at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my brain doesn't have enough social simulation software to be able to make good deductions about murder mysteries nor do i read them deeply enough to absorb everything
thats why i just stick to the robert downey jr holmes movies perfect for retards like me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with enough time and practice maybe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah yes explode onto the scene karate chop 12 dudes in 0.7 seconds detective work!
umm no i dont think that happens ever in the movie he does do a slow-mo detective his way through a bar or something though >>>/watch?v=ltFyEcoGnbQ and this dude
Sherlock Holmes is more detective fiction than a mystery novel anyway. It's more concerned with showing how cool it is to be a detective than creating a solvable mystery for the reader. Like we're not Sherlock, we can't tell where a woman was last thursday by the hue of some clay that fell off her boot as she came in the door. There's just evidence available to him that we don't get until he explains it.
Unfortunately, a lot of detective fiction falls into that "the detective has access to information the audience doesn't" trap Even if the information is technically there, it's often one specific possible interpretation of thousands, lining up like beads on a string, that gets the right answer, so it's not feasible to actually do it as a reader It's like we're just reading the one of many multiverses in which the detective got them all right, by chance
maybe us as humans just need to get smarter?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just predict the future 4head
>>894632 This why I really like Christie's novels. All the evidence is provided to the reader, though as a reader you're probably not going to catch the right details or successfully evade the red herrings. You can go back after reaching the solution and see the moments where the detective caught on to the necessary clues. The one thing to keep in mind is that the detective isn't obligated to tell you through the narrative that they've discovered a clue. And often the author will have a good reason for having the detective keep their deductions to themselves up until the finale. But once you've reached the finale, all those things become apparent to you if you read back through the novel.
just play so much and // among us you can solve any mystery 5head
ive played the menu screen of among us does that count
>>894653 Part of me wants to jokingly say Oyashiro-sama, but honestly I don't have the faintest fucking clue Forget being right, I don't have any guesses
The best I could do is like, "the typhoon itself"
There's actually something really interesting that came up in the Umineko anime, of all places. When Ange visits Rokkenjima as a young adult, long after the events of 1986. We've seen what the island looked like in 1986, but when Ange visits later, it is noticably different. In that there is a fuck-huge crater where there would've once been a mansion and mansion grounds.
>>894657 No comment. I am simply relaying canon evidence that would be available to you at the point in the story you had reached if you were following along with a different medium.
hmm theres an xmas party on the 4th for work but u gotta rsvp in the next hour should ingo
>Parties >In these quarantimes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a japanese party everyone will be wearing facemasks while they drink giant frothy mugs of asahi
I dunno if it's a party for Woah's work then there's probably going to be a lot of Americans there. They've been pretty garbage about avoiding the virus so far.
must suck living in america lol quarantine? never heard of it
None of us here live in America though
canadia is in north america?
(checkmate kiddo)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats were ur whong kiddo
oh man this preworkout is not sittng well in my tummy
>>894674 Sure sucks to be Beato though, eh. You go to all this effort to get him to TRY and solve your games and he still only comes up with half-assed, often silly theories (SMALL. BOMBS.) that you just give up and let him win.
In defense of battler, I don't have a fucking clue either
>>894678 Battler solves Beato's last riddle and cracks the truth of the gameboards by the end of Episode V.
oho? but there's still 3 more?
Unfortunately, there's some vulture-like Witches that are circling over the gameboards, that are eager for the chance to dissect and tear open the secrets of Rokkenjima, that have to be dealt with before a happy ending can be arrived at.
Also while Battler comes to understand Beato and her gameboards by the end of Episode V, the chances that you will are astronomically low. There might've been some galaxy-brain people that came up with theories close to the correct answer by that point, but as far as I remember seeing, it was really only after Episode VI that theories that were in-line with the answer to Beato's riddle and her plight started showing up.
Honestly the Epitaph riddle was correctly answered much earlier than Beato's identity and motive were.
because it's wednesday i stay up late for the game i've been TRYING to go to sleep but this ghost won't let us as soon as this game ends i'm hittin da hay
Oh yeah right. Forgot about that.
>>894698 Tell that ghost to kill you faster so you can enjoy the sweet sleep of death
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it killed me first then ton now pan and jan are trying to solve it
jam ball was better only because I've never tasted anything peanut butter chocolate that is good
and by that standard it wasn't very good
I thought my screen was cracked but then I remembered it had a glass screen protector on it luckily the shops are open later today so I was able to pick up another one
>>894797 I'm.. Alright. Trying to get it together a bit
And yeah. Course finished. I was accepted to do an honours year though so not entirely over Next year I gotta write a thesis.
>>894810 can't be doing too bad if you earnt honours! congrats! you can take it easy for now at least I'm doing okay not great but not bad either me and my roommate are going away at some point to see a train not really my idea of a holiday but it's more of a present for him/// thing for him there'll be a beach around at least
I think I'm due for a dentist visit there be trouble a brewin
Nice It'll be fun to get some CLAMP character designs again.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
For sure!!
>>894823 They look less like noodle people than the usual Clamp designs.
I received some Elgato products this morning Wonder if that means this store carries a variety of them. Could maybe get a decent capture card for consoles through the store in that case.
While doing research for the school project I'm avoiding right now, I found a soviet picture from the 1920's about the cotton industry in Uzbekistan. It was kind of interesting.
Oh yeah, didn't there used to bbe a Doushio steam group? I couldn't see it when I was looking at my groups.
Elgato capture card confirmed in stock A bit pricier than I was expecting.
>>894831 Would you consider it to be a good quality one? I've generally seen them considered high-quality but I personally don't know capture cards.
>>894836 it works for me i use it w/ OBS to capture switch and it's pretty good the passthru port means i can actually play smash on the monitor with no video lag though my setup gives me a lil bit of audio lag and the picture is good. once in a while the audio or video fucks up and i have to restart
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it fucks up during setup time, that is, not during gamplay
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gamestop is the lil stonk fella that just won't quit
In the end, Battler's really just a guy trying to figure things out. But his goal was never to solve the mystery explicitly. Just to prove that it wasn't magic.
True, but at the same time, the game's rule was never that he had to find the culprit or anything, technically Even if he supposes a different culprit for each murder, he's still playing by the rules
Episodes I-IV are gameboards crafted by Beato for Battler to solve, Episode V is Lambda bl -is Lambda going "I'm bored so I'm gonna play with Beato's dolls"
Exactly! The witches are joining the game and getting themselves super involved. So the game might be the same, but now the context of the game has changed. There are new people involved, so obviously they'd arrange the pieces according to their own satisfaction, right?
Don't straws become worthless at a certain volume? At least for a human being, but even for large pumps I think I read somewhere there's a fairly hard limit where they just stop being possible to use anymore
A wide aperture straw that could fit in your mouth could still probably suction up cereal pieces. They're not all too heavy after all.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could probably add a pump if you needed it to be reallllllly wide not to do everything but to help in sucking
Well, I'm not sure about the cereal pieces really they'd likely be the last to go, right?
The bigger concern about strawing up cereal pieces would be the pieces flying up the straw and shooting out into your mouth, potentially missing the chewing part of the eating process and getting lodged in your windpipe
I mean even a vacuum cleaner will sometimes struggle with somewhat heavy stuff, unless you put it on high I guess the surrounding liquid might help?
I put a big 1.5l bottle in the freezer with some water in it, sideways, yesterday, so now I'm using it for cold drinks while I'm here at my computer I'm a genius It goes along the side, the ice, so it's not just the bottom layer that gets cooled or anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
smoke trees
This level of reasoning is possible for Furudo Erika.
Bern, whomst control Erika They're not the same person, but she's seemingly playing AS Erika, so
Well the full name of the Bern from Higurashi was Frederika Bernkastal. Frederika Fred Erika Furude Erika Though that was also Rika's family name back in Higurashi, Furude. I think it's pointedly different Kanji
Yeah but Erika's name is Furudo, not Furuude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you have to have SOME fun when making a wordplay like that
Oh yeah whoops I forgot about that. It's been a while.
>>894893 Furudo is still arguably a pronunciation of Fred. Kinda.
Yeah, it's honestly closer than Furude, in any case
Also is it really cheating though, if Bern used her powers to find a fragment with Erika in it? Who ever said she couldn't use all her abilities to solve the game? Remember, Beato isn't the Game Master this time around, the idea of fair play is going to be markably different.
I guess that's true I guess technically all she did was load saves and look through everything relating to the riddle one more time until she pieced it together
But she also gets to be part of the game board, and has access to info the reader doesn't So it feels like she's cheating
My manager just came by, handed me a can of beer, and said "for after work" Totally surprised me hah hah. Would be funny if I didn't drink though. I'm sure another one if the warehouse staff would've appreciated a second can though.
Honestly from the hubbub going on at the other side of the warehouse it sounds like some of them have already been going at the beers already.
And I was just wondering earlier today about them!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>894892 apparently it's written フレデリカ ベルンカステル for bern's name in higurashi furude is 古手
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for reference, bern's name in umineko is spelled the same as in higurashi and erika is 古戸 ヱリカ
so the first character in the family name is the same, but the second character is different
>>894585 (OP) how do I not quote the OP this is retarded
oh i see
You press reply
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the real retarded was you all along
I know anon I know
The real retarded was the friends you made along the way
The Oh fuck
Too slow nerd
Just teting this software out might use it for my imageboard
Is this related with Meguca in any way
Meguca started off using the Doushio codebase when it was first made. In its later years it was rebuilt, I think, and was probably a considerably different creature by the time it shut down. But this was the original liveposting board.
>>894915 is it better in any way? also does Doushio only use Google's recaptcha or does it have any simpler option without third parties?
>>894916 Is that a bug? I don't think text after a reply should be greentexted fuck I just did it again
not a bug
maybe bug
its def a bug trust me in im basically the creator of this site
there's no way it's a bug, it's been that way forever
I trust whoakun he talks like he knows
>>894917 If you hit enter and make a new line then your text isn't green. It's a side effects of a new line on a reply still technically starting with a > and therefore making the line a quoteline
to prove it post one anime girl
>>894924 I know about that but it isn't that way on every other IB software, atleast not the ones I've tried
Well that doesn't make it a bug. It's just how Doushio works.
if it was a bug, samu would have altered it by now Whether it's intended or not, it's certainly not a 'bug' At most it's an irrelevant detail Samu doesn't care about one way or the other
Well I don't know if I'd give him that much credit. He still hasn't fixed the report bug the lazy git.
Last I checked you can't post reports. Like you can choose to report a post, get past the Captcha, and then it still just refuses to post the report. Samu's known about it for a while at the least.
>>894930 No that's clearly an instance of a mechanic not working as intended.
by post the report yoy mean like the report goes through?
I love this software I just imagine retarded anime girls slowly forming sentences
How would us regular mortals even know if a report goes through or not when there's like 2 mods and samu
they used to work back in the day
>>894934 Oh does it now? Last I was checking the report was giving me an error message and not going through. If that's the case sorry for calling you a lazy git Samu.
>>894949 Yeah but it greentexts when I write after a post ID and it has a ton of dependencies + no PHP captcha and no SQLite I think but haven't checked
>>894950 dang moe sucks hug huh >>894951 no cag from granblue is a dude...
>>894952 These things I said sound like easy fixes, I could maybe make a fork, this real time thing is real fun, like what imageboards of the future are like
im not good with programming but i will trust you >>894953
>>894954 cute anime bird she looks grumpy but its just her hair
ok now that no ones around lets post half naked anime babes lol >>894956 good idea whoakun loo lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's multi board moderation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>894953 honestly bruv i need to rewrite this board in React it would be so much simpler and have better real time
uh oh the police are here quixk everyone talk sh*t about samurai
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no john you are the popos
>>894958 I wish you the best Samu, just know there are maany IB owners out there me included searching for a better IB software, consider SQLite inclusion.
>>894957 TinyIB was made for IB's with a single board, this means everytime someone spams on my 12 boards, I have to go through every single one of them and ban him 12 times.
if there were better then why havent i heard of them i think ur lying
>>894967 anime girl captcha, but you choose the worst girls to advance
>>894968 wait nvm does doushio not use some form of SQL? I don't see it in the dependencies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://github.com/lalcmellkmal/kanatcha >>894970 we use redis solely which is kinda a problem cuz it uses RAM exclusively i half baked an archival system that would turn old threads into HTML files but i never got around to finishing it
>>894971 that sounds kinda like a mess ngl I hate SQL in general but SQLite seems to be the most portable and simple, its like way better flatfile
can u do hiragana i dont jnow katakana yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
redis is suuuuuper simple and great for real time updates its just not good for storing the archive ideally, archived posts would just be dumped into a SQL db and deleted from redis
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would use postgres personally but sqlite is fine for the usecase too
are the old posts still archived or did u delete those
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im sure there are some copies floating around in storage
ok i need every instance of hello everyone whys my text orange i cant delete my text wtf
You purged quite an amount
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no someone's phone just made a mario-became-smol hit sound or was that the pipe sound either way im sweat frogging
what does server-less even mean idk but SQLite is server-less
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
server-less means you can deploy lil functions instead of having to deploy entire servers sqlite's advantage is its portability but its not really a very featureful or performant sql engine its good enough for many usecases at least
>>894995 i dunno i think it's funny when someone gets mad because they can't report the scantily clad anime girl because they can't pick an entry level character
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what if i embedded Doom into the site cyberdemon captcha
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
rei would cum
yeah make it so that whenever someone posts it plays the doom song and it doesnt stop until the end
the power was inside you the whole time you don't need my probably lost 200 line jquery hack
ok to the new anon hold shift and press w until ur screen blinks black theres the moe hack
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit Roblox filing for IPO
i might buy some roblox tbh i bet hype will give it a couple dollars at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they have an insane number of players and ive never played it once maybe its time to try
its actually a lot more complex than the memes make it seem they got pretty impressive game modes and stuff its not just legos my cousin played it a lot he was like 5 or something it was funny he made my dad play
they played some bee game where u kill bees and farm honey and stuff and deposit it to level up and leveling up gets u more areas to farm bees and u can buy cool bee stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cool bee stuff!!!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it reminds me of custom TF2 servers i guess thats the closest analogue for me
Went in to the game store to pick up the Switch port of Rune Factory 4 and left with both it and a copy of Three Houses since the latter was almost 40% off
Ame-chan said the // that Rune Factory 4 on Switch was pretty good.
I played it on the 3DS when it first came out and it was a fantastic game. It's been on my mind ever since it was announced that I kinda wanted to get it.
>>895025 Dunno, as should be obvious from me buying the game tonight, I haven't played it before!
>>895024 They're a neat blend of farmlife sim gaming a la Harvest Moon and hack and slash dungeon diving The level cap is pretty crazy high and the endgame really requires you to push those limits and utilize all the crafting systems in the game to keep pace with the difficulty scaling. But there's no time limits to the game so you're free to chip away at those objectives while the farmlife gameplay keeps you going day to day.
ok theres a cute green girl with drill hair and the mc girl is cute shes in smash and has a cute outfit and uhj this one redhead hmm who else
>>894996 i only need to name one thing it was something rei wanted
i think rei wanted kanji actually that was the compromise
Kanji capture would be a stupidly elitist option for a board whose userbase predominantly speaks English as a first or second language
Captcha even
itd be an option for daily japanese thread on 4chan dot com only if u can see the kanji can u post
But that would also be stupid! If it's a thread to help you learn Japanese, why gate interested people with a Captcha they'd only understand if they already knew Japanese? You be walling off the very people you want in the thread
>>895034 No, it's important that people who know Japanese can post in the tthread because they teach. If you don't know Japanese you need to lurk moar.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
learning japanese by only reading and never attempting to communicate in the language
the daily japanese thread should hve a donation fund once u pass the test they send you to japan free of charge
>>895038 Yeah, it's pretty dumb. If you put up a Kanji Captcha walling off a thread like that you wouldn't get any actual language practice. You'd just get posters who sit around circle-jerking that they're all elite enough to know the thirty or so Kanji they need to get in. While interested people just take one look at it, shrug, and go elsewhere.
what if you integrated Anki into the captcha learn vocab while posting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
only problem is you would need to have some kind of account or cookie
And unless you put it on a timer or only have it when you log in to the account, having to do Anki reps everytime you wanted to post something would really bog things down. Maybe that's not as big a deal for static posting boards, but for liveposting boards like /moe/ it would suuuuck
Channel points have added a lot to twitch now that you can bet them like saltybets
I just arrived at the very end of the stream of a streamer I watch a lot, and RIGHT before I joined, a lot of people were a bit miffed, chat was in uproar, because the wrong result had been clicked, so the bets had gone to the wrong people So to remedy it, chat and The Streamer decided "just make a new bet, everyone who lost points chooses 1, everyone who gained ill gotten gains chooses 2" So long story short i just doubled my points
Oh, I'm unlikely to be the only one who scummed the system here But a lot of people just dumped a ton of points into 2, even though they didn't even bet in the initial one, just cause they have a ton So it evened out
>>895062 The first bet on his channel was rocketleague, and I think most of the viewers expected it to be a one time thing, so a lot of people who have been watching since before points were even introduced just dumped ALL their shit into what turned out to be the wrong one So the community's filled with people who have DEEP DEPP point pockets
I started with 16K when the first bets started, and now I'm at 57K
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he picks 2 bwa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a fled flex
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ouch big waste
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have nearly 100k vinesauce points thats pretty much it
didnt look yet but its not a special day so the same as usual fast food line which is hamburgers and cordogs and french fries or chicken rice vegetable fish
rice/potatoes vegtablesx3
yeah guess ill just go check out the army food
chicken fish chilimac black beans green beans potatoes and something else i forgot
not excusing him but it probably shouldn't have spiraled like that either like bit of misinformation causing people to speculate of some mutant strain and suddenly you can't go outside for six days
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>895231 Yeah. You're probably right People just don't want to be accused of not acting fast enough if ever was really serious so they're likely to jump the gun a bit
u know when ur at the gym avout to hit a pr so u look at a half naked anime babe to get that t boost
grre im so buff ahhhhhh
lol this weakling next to me omg doijg the same exercise with 20lb dumbbells?? hello??
is snowy outside, but i still not recovered fulky put wanna go snow hmmmm
decent storm going on out hope it stays in the distance
it was sprinlking by me i used that as an excuse jot to run :)
Gonna be a long day today I feel Only two hours in and I'm already at no energy. At least the weekend's almost here and I can just fucking sleep it away
do u got any monster energy to drink
Drink es
I'm just going to put these items away and go get a tea. I'll go for a coffee in the afternoon
Problem with buying a game on Thursday Or well starting it more so I guess Is that I don't want to do anything today other than get the workday over and get back home so I can keep playing it.
i had some weird dreams i don't usually remember them but i remembered last night there was the recurring late-for-airport dream it's the same dreamscape airport every time but the shops get changed i always miss the 8:30 flight to sf so i have to wait around for 2 am instead
also had some kind of brief sex dream but let's not go into that safe to say that girl needs plan B
wait a second late for a plane late... yoghurted a girl... what do girls get late for? their menstrual cycle when theyre preggo samurai ur prgsnt.
>>895257 oh no last night i was supposed to zoom with this girl but she bailed at the last second
lol get pwned
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a sign that, or the brain tryna compensate lmao
is this the twitxh hoe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no she's a hinge gorl who put her location at nearby but she's actually in northern canada for another month and i'm like "fuck LDR" but ok i'll do one zoom if you want
just drive to her bring some roses and chocolates
No amount of tail is worth driving up into Northern Canada
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>895264 just drive 4head this is CANADA driving t he nearest major city takes 12 hours
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on to the next girl this one's in .... wlliamsburg god dammit
i wonder if i can roll a third chance at wuflu this year 2 chances in 3~ weeks and there are 6 remaining
Clean up on front page Also fix the report function Samu!
me: hi, we need to update our memorandum of agreement with you. can you give me some advice on how we can switch our tax ID with you? we recently split the business in two so we now have two separate tax IDs and would like to use this one. also, we didn't get this MoA until yesterday and it's due tomorrow, may I have a short extension?
them: if you turn it in by the end of next week, that's fine
AI Dungeon is kinda fun to toy around with, but man it breaks down the moment you do something unexpected Like, it bills itself as generating endless content from user input, but you have to actively fight to keep it from just progressing the story down a predetermined path
"You find an old book, and take it home" I go to sleep, and read the book tomorrow "You read the book immediately, and decide to go to the mountains" I head to the trading district to acquire some tools for my journey "You arrive at an old temple, which you recognize from the book you found in the crypt earlier"
it is essentiallylike trying to speak witgh cleverbot inthe end
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sometimes the AI ignores your input, just hit refresh in that case i've played it a lot, it's certainly not predetermined it's random, and it knows some tropes, and sometimes it randomly decides to shoot you in the head with no warning, but it's absolutely not like the old chat bots, this is real neural net output
It's more dynamic, for sure, but it definitely tries to force you down a path it decided on a lot of the time
rule number one of any adventure is to never read weird books
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it doesn't decide on story arcs or anything soo no no it doesn't GPT2 isn't a schemer
you can also control all of its output you can play it like a game, and see where it takes you, or edit it heavily if you have your own ideas in mind
I mean, I guess I've had it forget who I am a lot of times, too, though Like I'm alone in my room, and it decides hey, <your character> has been standing next to you this whole time, and begins to speak
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yup it does that a lot sometimes it even decides "you're gonna be viewing from this character's perspective from now on" randomly it's pretty funny
And other times I've gone into a store with a jewel I just stole like "hey I'd like to sell this!" And the shopkeeper goes "great, how much will you give me for it?" And then the AI decides to speak for me, and I've now bought my own stolen jewel from a shopkeeper for more money than I had
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for sure it runs on dream logic, there's no accounting or object persistence or anything
the paid Dragon engine works a lot better but it's still pretty schizophrenic
dream logic might be the best word for it, because whatever you choose as a baseline, at any time you can kinda say the wrong thing, and you're now the king in the middle of a war Sure, a moment ago you were a detective hunting a serial killer or something, but now you're a medieval king fighting a dragon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, i use the undo button liberally when that happens i should try doing a survival mode run see if i can 'win'
The quests are a bit wonky too The rogue starts out with the quest "steal enought money to retire", but you immediately win if you count your money, because the mere existence of money is more than the threshold
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
quests are pretty much useless ime the pushpin feature is helpful at least but yeah there's no point in playin AI dungeon if you just want to achieve goals it's not for that it's for japes
it's persistent lore that gets fed into the AI at every step, so that the AI hopefully doesn't forget crucial rules about the world
Oh I see So you write something like "The king is friendly with me" or something, and the AI remembers that?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a better chance that it'll take that into account yes i usually have some basic info in there like "You are a knight named Alfonso. You seek the holy grail. You live in a swamp filled with alligators" etc just pasted from the intro, and then also paste any salient info as the story progresses
So it's basically like the quest journal in games, but this time it's to make sure the game itself doesn't forget
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah. you can also put lore into the globe icon but that's more for when you run out of pushpin space. this stuff is all to manage the limitations of these neural nets ideally they would have perfect memory but they can only take so much input into account for each step right now
This damned headache just won't go entirely away. It's a lot better now than it was when I was getting off work, but I can still feel that like last 4% of it pounding away in there.
i was feelin sleepy and a lil headachey but some tea fixed me up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of the great things about AI dungeon is its been trained on so much of the internet that it has lore of many IPs i started a Railgun based adventure and i don't even need to tell it what to do
I had a headache building almost all day at work and there wasn't really much I could do but drink water and hope it got better. It didn't, and by the time the workday was over it was hurting pretty bad. I took some ibuprofen and had a nap as soon as I got home, which seems to have helped a lot, but there's still a bit of the pain knocking around in the back there.
I think you need to already be in a relationship to do anything long-distance. Or you're a rare couple that doesn't desire much physical intimacy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it was mostly out of curiosity like, maybe she's comin back for good but she's in NW territories now, comin back next month, then she's goin to fuckin Nunavut for 3 months
Yeah I think I'd have a hard time with that too. If I like someone I usually want to be able to be close to them. Of course I'm also a bit of a child after all and want my distance when I want it too. Being with people is hard.
nunavut more like gonna get nutted
nunavut nun a wat?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
vhat a nun
>40k people living in area 3x that of finland sounds like an ideal place
tho I bet hey have shitty internet up there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it wasn't even a province until 1999 sorry territory they chopped it offa another territory
>>895337 you made more territories? exact opposite of us we've been busy fusing the old provinces and counties into larger administrative areas with zsero naming sense turning historical places into just "west finland" etc cause "efficiency" i meani t does save a lot of money, but then you end up with places that due to merging have 500klick drives to nearest medical centre
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i guess it was Actually a territory for a loooong time in history? i don't know the history
Nunavut was established to be a land for the Inuit people. Kinda like Quebec, it's a region of Canada specifically separated from other parts of the country so that the Inuit people can maintain their culture and traditions. The land it's composed of used to be just more of the Northwest Territories.
>>895342 More or less. When I say it's kinda like Quebec it's really nothing like Quebec because the French colonies at least were extremely similar to the English colonies being both European and there being barely any difference between the two cultures anyway.
well wasn't all of quebec originally french territory, so when the brits took it they just switched flags and told "pay taxes to us now" and generally left them as is
oh yeah that one weird case of a village's population completely disappearing was in canada in one of the native regions a spooki case
Still surprising how french quebec is considering how little actual settling france did with theircolonial policies and instead relied more on trade posts and hunting posts etc instead of the british and spanish way of shipping people over en masse
yeh but in this case it is kinda moot point to start forming a "sami nation" since everyone here has lived here like 4000 years at minimum hard to go all blood and soil, when everyone has spilled a fuckton of bloodo n the soil
tho there is a bit of a joke about the sami, inf inland atleast, how about 50% if not more of them live in the capital nowadays yet go full "let us keep doing our old traditions" when a good chunk of them havn't been living or following said traditions bit funny, but ofc no one is actually encroaching on them, atleast most of the time.
some sami families are turbo rich due to their near monopoly on reindeer raising
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>895351 oh lol yeah i don't even know why i made those releases they didn't reflect any kind of milestones in reality also the codebase has been pretty much dead for like 4 years except i did a little work this year modernizing some of the JS
I don't believe there were originally plans but that's also entirely up to kirara probably
i think we entertained the idea after halloween
Oh yeah the apartment building I was most interested in getting a place at finally got back to me. They'd taken down the listing for the unit I was applying for so I was worried they'd just skipped me or I'd gotten there too late. I'm a bit worried they might be trying to fuck with me a bit and they'll have me looking at that new listing which is an extra ninety dollars per month in rent. Which is probably still in my affordability range but is a bit tighter hah hah. But it's in a nice part of the city and from pictures the apartments look pretty nice.
what kinda ownership does it have company private person foundation?
>>895366 that is basically 2-4 weeks food extra, tho
>>895368 Maybe in Euros, and in Finland. Here ninety dollars might cover 1.5-2 weeks of food, unless I try really hard to be frugal with my- Yeah. >>895370 I know how to be frugal, I just don't want to! It's more effort to hunt down frugal options and monitor for sales on things.
all depends on how frugal you live and how oft you can prepare your own meals oh sorry
it is still weird to think other countries being more expensive than finn since we are like top 10 most expensive countries, when you remove the micro/small countries filled with megarich from the list
but i suppose canada is on that list too lol
Canada overall doesn't have a terribly high cost of living. But Toronto is definitely the outside case of the country, probably only matched by Vancouver, for cost of living being pretty high.
but take like 700g of mashed porkbeef 1kg of frozen veggies 1 kg of onions 1kg of taters 1kg of carrots
that is basically 7,50-8,50€ at maximum 10€ and will last you for a week at least
add to it past/rice and you are set
ofc at first the spices et al will add to the initial cost
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I feel like the amounts of those things might be differently priced elsewhere
>>895372 price of food is pretty much unviersal here, until you hit the "supply chain impossible" regions rent changes real much like the place I am in 507€ with water included for a 352 *35m2 would prolly be 800-1200 in the city
'musingly enough single apartment houses are highly valued making it sometimes silly when you have a single apartment house going for same price or higher than some 2-3 room place that is 10-30 squares larger
potatoes are ,50-70€ kg carrots about 1-1,5 kg onions same pasta is about ,50 kg rice is more expensive, but you can get it at 1€ kg, but it isn't as good and especially you can get it cheap, if you go to some asian markets and buy it in bulk meat ranges in 5-10€ kg depending of what you buy, of course with better cuts and so on being easily up to 50€ kg and that being not even theh igh range, but then we are entering gourmet range
pork being cheapest than chicken then beef then the other animals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im playin a fuckin christmas song on the bass its easy but i hate myself
jingle bass jingle bass jingle all the way how its fun when one chord snaps and hits you in the eeye
i'm going to go to a friend's house, a colleague's house (her brother is a professional chef, their thanksgiving dinner was so good last year), and then my mom's house
i am bit surprised that I can actyually imagine that
but what if the eggman is jim carry eggman?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he looks like the round eggman except without the facial hair he's friendly but he won't get a job and he lives with my colleague so she's always upset about it
a chef without a job eh i think that is way too common
Any of you interested on seeing posts on a chan from 2008? https://web.archive.org/web/20090407031847/http://28chan.org:80/ shit is interesting but sadly all the images are offline
icy rain and windy as hell i sure picked a weather to hit the stores when not 100% thankfully hot water uncharastically wasnotout when i came back time to maje perkele broth