maybe that's how AIs see the nsfw side of the internet it's a black hole that they're not allowed to crawl so easily in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think today might be a stay-in kinda day
It sure as hell is here. There's like a midpoint between proper snow and near-frozen rain going on outside and it looks DREADFUL I don't want to take a step out into it!
>>896288 I can They removed dedicated debuggers from their development team. All of them. Anything is possible.
I've tried every single supposed fix, and it does not fucking work And it's a DEFAULT OPTION IN THE SETTINGS
it also doesn't help that google (and youtube) do not differentiate between "spotlight" and "slideshow" in this context, even with quotation marks, so half the fixes are for spotlight Which is a separate thing, and doesn't do what I want at all
amelia is playing LA Noire and absolutely failing because she is calling people out on lies when she has no evidence although she managed to get it this time
battler crying, but it's amelia .jpg
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
@blue draw it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
LA Noire is such a bad game thoguh phelps is such a horrible character and the way you control him is so bad like you're want to doubt someone and phelps will be like YOU NO GOOD PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT I'M GOING TO SLIT YOUR THROAT AND FUCK THE HOLE UNLESS YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING
yeah, you just wanna go "i dunno about that chief...", and MC-kun will call the fucking army
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe thats just what it was like being a cop in the 50s
It also truns into more of an action game, after a while, and that's really not the game's strong suit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i remember on the first case my laptop couldn't really handle the game well so i couldn't chase the guy properly so i just shot him even though the guy told me not to shoot anyone and the guy still was like "great job on your first case"
OK so what I ended up doing is I got a separate app from the microsoft store that forcibly changes the lock screen wallpaper, and has a timer on it Love too resort to getting a third party piece of software to emulate a default options because microsoft sucks
Fuck no >Green water was seen floating inside a large Tornto, Canada, sinkhole on Friday (pictured) >Tornto, Canada
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn where's tornto is it close to toronto
my neighbor tornto
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get out the booze, friends we're gettin tornto
>amelia's letting the radio play
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
these songs are probably old enough that she won't get in trouble
it's fun to stay at the D M C A
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh someone pointed it out maybe you're right lol
never underestimate the google deepmind People have had their videos DMCA'd because it was played on a TV show, and then the TV network automatically filed a claim
Well the fire alarm went off in the condo Killing a half an hour or so outside in this weather wasn't exactly how I planned to spend my Sunday evening.
lol moon is still getting talked about for anime math
Was it actually Moon that posted the Haruhi analogy? I always had the impression Moon was close to the post or like, in the thread or something, but it wasn't clear how close.
reminds me of people who'd make auto-responses on IRC or MUDs, and they were lazy about it so you could use them to run commands on their client yourself
>>896331 No, it wasn't moon Moon was one of the people who facilitated communication between the people who were actually solving it.
Bells are a fun asshole tool in Minecraft You can set them up to a redstone signal and make them ring whenever the signal gets powered/unpowered Meaning with some of the faster ways of powering/unpowering, you can make the most infuriating noise machine.
Since I make 60% of the money I charge when doing outpatient therapy now, I decided I wouldn't see anyone for less than $100, so I'd make decent money with it.
But I ended up going down to $80 for all my clients stepping down to OP. I'm too soft. I just don't have what it takes to shake people down. Especially if I know them.
It's difficult being a nice person and having to set your own fees. The world must be much easier being an asshole and just gouging people for whatever amount you want.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've been stuck on a kind of dilemma. Personally I really would like to have an apartment in the city a bit closer to the city core than the condos my parents bought into and will be able to move into at the start of the next year. But rent is pretty expensive, on top of utilities and just the things I'd have to pay to survive. Even working full-time at this place that pays me pretty well all things regardless, I think after cost estimations (as best as I can estimate not ever having been able to live entirely off my own savings), I probably won't be able to save more than 50-100 dollars a month, which isn't a lot. And if I can get the chance to go back to school, then ... I'd have even less money freedom. So the alternative is take up the rental offer from my parents on the single-bedroom condo unit they've got. From a sheer pragmatic look, this is a really, really good deal too. It's a brand-new building, and a bedroom unit as opposed to a studio/bachelor which is the only thing I'd be able to afford otherwise. I could probably negotiate an insanely good rent deal from my parents and probably save more in the range of 300-400 dollars a month. Even my preference to not live so far out from the city core is kinda a flat argument these days since it's not like there's anything to do in this Age of Pandemic and I'm not likely to be leaving to go anywhere besides work or university next autumn, and by my estimations, the travel times aren't as bad as I previously expected they'd be. I know I should just take the unit my parents have but my irrational self would really rather find somewhere else, even if it's a shittier building and a tiny studio apartment. So I've been stuck between the sensible and the irrational like all weekend.
im doing aflu rodeo and i hd to give some shots to lil jap kids and the one boy was like dragon ball z!!
well, the lock screen changer I found seems to be working It's dumb to have to run a separate piece of software for this, but at least it's """fixed""" now
Not a whole lot to do this morning There's only one big shipment left from last week and some odds and ends that can't be processed for one reason or another left. And we're probably too close to Black Friday for anything new for those sales to show up.
I've swept the receiving area clean, I've de-cluttered my desk a bit, I've tried to clear up some of the junk stuff sitting around. There's only so much to do when shipments aren't coming in!
>>896557 Tyrone's commission guidelines are far more lax than even people who draw porn on twitter
>her name is Ronald backwards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I am John 4:20
>>896563 More so, her full name is Dlanor A. Knox. It's about as painfully blatant a reference to Ronald A. Knox, who came up with the rules she so faithfully follows, as you can get.
I mean yeah, I got the last part, but her first name didn't fully click (partially because I didn't catch the guy's first name to begin with)
>>896596 Thanks for making transparent gf thumbnails. *gif Honestly that was the feature I wanted the most. Now that that's done, when can we expect LaTeX support or external links? I assume never.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
latex: never external links: not unless i get a reasonable Content Security Policy working
>>896602 Hypothetically if I learned JavaScript and added LaTeX support in my oown fork, would you merge it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, it would be impossible to maintain and wouldn't work very well with this codebase you'd be better off writing a whole new doushio with that in mind
Would someone be able to do that by means of a link?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if they were able to inject some malicious text into the page then the site would get owned and allowing linkification of arbitrary URLs comes dangerously close to that
It's fucked up how when these people ask me to do something I get resentful about it, but when the cute girl asks me to do something that isn't even in my job description, I happily agree
Cute girls really are the strongest Their psychic persuasion stats are through the roof
Battler should just point out how Erika's seals all violate Knox' 8th, and Natsuhi is free like the wind once more
Beyond that, though, I'm really not sure how Battler's gonna get out of this one Everyone but Natsuhi has been stated in red to be unable to do the murders, because of the seals Rather, it's been stated they never left their rooms in the timeframe of the murders
hold your butts
I am paying close attention and readying my body for whatever weird way Battler snakes his way out!
snake oil applied
>>896616 I'm not clear on why Erika's seals violate the eighth. Even if she kept secret about then now, but they exist as given.
>>896621 They're pieces of evidence unavailable to the reader until used in the final explanation Until then, and seeing as they are vital parts of her case, it was simply not possible for the reader to guess at the correct solution
> The detective must not light on any clues which are not instantly produced for the inspection of the reader.
>>896623 Umineko uses a slightly perverted translation of the eighth, being It is forbidden for the case to be resolved with clues that are not presented" The case is not yet resolved here, so Erika is free to lay out evidence in this parlour scene for her "readers" who in this case are Battler and the witches, rather than you the actual reader.
I guess that makes sense It feels kinda cheap, though
But then again, it's kinda cheap for the detective to know something shady is going to take place and put a ton of effort into something like that to begin with
Erika is both an arrogant little shit and also obsessed with the mystery genre. Once she got stuck on the island there was no chance she'd pass up the chance to play detective and hack the fight in every way possible to her so she could get her handsome little parlour scene here.
Also, I seem to have missed something In the timeframe Natsuhi supposedly entered the room and did the murders on the kids ...anyone but those sealed could have done that, including f.ex Battler, no? Oh wait no he was with the adults, nevermind
I was gonna call my dad at lunch but I couldn't because someone broke into one of our sober houses and I had to deal with it. Haven't talked to him in a while. Then he called me at like 5:30 and I was like, wow this is unmei! So I finally got a chance to call him back and we couldn't catch up because he needed my help with a crisis because my step-brother is out of his fuckin mind psychotic on addy (i think it's meth) claiming there are cameras in his eyes and hair and he's trying to get my step-sister to get the cameras out of his eyes with a knife.
Also a cute girl backed into my car at the shop on the way home and it wasn't really any damage so I said it was no big deal and she left, and then I was like ahh i should have exchanged numbers with her.
>>896639 It's okay Episodes VI and VII will all but spell it out for you. I'd say it's still pretty tough to arrive at the right solution based on what you would've read up to this point. You can probably narrow it down to maybe a few likely suspects, accomplishing the whodunnit, but even with that you'll likely find yourself with a few holes. And even then you still have the howdunnit and whydunnit Well the howdunnit isn't too important. But I think a real accomplishment would be coming up with a somewhat accurate guess at the whydunnit before it's presented to you.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the Fak bail! bail!
>>896643 I mean just by virtue of "who actually lives until the end?", it should be possible to narrow it down quite a bit Cause I assume it's the same person
>>896652 Don't worry too much, it's not an uncommon line -uncommon way of thinking about it! My personal opinion is that Erika was written into the story in part because Ryuukishi was seeing all the people who were treating his story like some kind of game to "clear" or equation to solve, as if by putting in data to all the variables one could solve for X, X being the culprit. As if solving the whodunnit was the most important part of the story and the whydunnit, the motive, was unimportant and could be pulled out of the culprit after they had been accosted. So he came up with Erika to point at this mindset and go "Hey, look at yourselves, look at what pricks you're being". Because there were a lot of people who reduced the story down to its factual elements to determine by cold calculus who Beatrice really was. I think Ryuukishi found this a particularly loveless way of looking at the story, and so both made Erika to highlight how he saw these kinds of people, and also made the ultimate solution extremely hard to understand if you approached Umineko in this fashion. I could explain this better once you've finished the story because it's hard to be more concrete without spoiling some things which are at the heart of the story.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>896651 wow kyaa you're gonna give me da bigg sponegy
>>896653 doesn't that mean I can't solve it properly atm? Cause right now, I don't have any plausible reason for... any of them to do this, except "the money", which goes for everyone, and probably isn't it anyway
You have all the information Battler had when he finally came to understand Beatrice and her gameboards when you were reading earlier. These "aha" moments in mystery novels are important indicators for the reader that the detective has come to the solution based off everything they've received before that point. I'm not saying its easy, it's honestly confoundingly difficult to arrive at a correct solution at this point, and would require a few hazard guesses and maybe some wild ideas. But like Battler going back over the previous gameboards with this new knowledge in mind, things do make sense if you apply the solution to them.
But you also do have a start, at least, on the mystery of who Beatrice is any -and why she kills the Ushiromiya family when Battler returns to Rokkenjima. Beatrice is punishing Battler for a sin, a sin he doesn't remember. A sin he committed on Rokkenjima as a kid, to someone who is either Beatrice or someone Beatrice holds very dear. This is what she left you as her closing message in Episode IV, and is probably the best place to begin. Information that you learned in Episode V will be useful as well, as well as thinking back to things Beatrice has said to people on the island.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the killer was actually on a boat sniping everyone
French class is mandatory up here from grades four through nine. But honestly six years of occasional French exercise is by no means going to make you familiar with the language. And since it doesn't get used after that for the most part you end up forgetting it all before you even graduate high school.
That said we have a lot of schools that offer immersion curriculum for French where students take a much larger portion of their classes almost entirely in French. And you can take that pretty much all the way up to high school graduation.
The most important thing for an English speaker to know in French is "Parlevous Anglais?".
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Jokes on you that'll get you ignored.
Wait I spelled that wrong. >>896703 Yeah, in Paris maybe.
(Fun fact: Her name is a very elaborate and undeniable reference to a certain "Au Au" girl from Higurashi
Honestly at this point I'd accept it as fact if a dog showed up and you claimed it, a k9, was a reference to maebara keiichi, or k1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Shit dude she knows
For Featherine specifically, if you take the two Kanji that make up Hanyuu's name, you get the Kanji characters for "Feather" and "In" Feather In Featherine
The (AU)gustus (AU)rora part should already be obvious.
Not much You can highlight a chat message, or buy temporary access to emotes But now I'm at 0 So I'll have to bet all and work my way up again Granted, as long as I get above 16K, I'll be higher than I was when betting was introduced
Hell yeah look at that man's sexy swagger LORD Battler is the coolest
Oh right S C if you haven't been already, check the character page in the pause menu since it can give some interesting trivia. Especially this case of Zepar and Furfur.
It's undeniably her horns! Plus that extremely protruding hime-cut of bangs.
Oh yeah Kirara do you want to hear the other crackpot theory I saw chatter about for the new Higurashi that implies Satoko is the one who's looping
according to the ingame tips, featherine doesn't actually have horns, they're a horseshoe like thingie floating around her head
>>896724 Yeah, more specifically, it's a memory aid device that stores her memories and personality. And goes on to add that without it, it is very possible she could no longer continue to be herself.
And there's a fun subtle fact about Hanyuu's horns, that one of them has a clear chip broken off. Almost as if they sustained some kind of damage.
with hanyuu they definitely are horns though
Yeah, I forgot that Featherine's memory aid device also reportedly stores her appearance as well. So if the device got damaged, and the data of the appearance was corrupted. Maybe it's not impossible her form could change to have them be more properly horns.
hm, that does make sense But it feels like the chronology is wrong for that Though, chronology doesn't matter much in this universe, it seems
Time is just a bit weird in the meta-world the Witches all live in. It seems to acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of fragments Rika lived through to become Bernkastel as a linear experience, and the various gameboard sessions Umineko is composed of happen in linear fashion too. Linear chronology exists in the meta-world, it just doesn't move in coordination with the "real" world of Hinamizawa and Rokkenjima.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
phone battery has degraded to the point that it plummets to 1% and then stays there for an hour
The little 1% who could!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably cuz its cold out so its running on low voltage mode constantly
new wow expansion sure is meh which is a huge step up over bfa
>>896733 You can't go to the sun PAN that will kill you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wow you told him
normal authors: writes books for the audience to read 7th expansion: writes books for characters in the books to read for the audience
>>896730 That sounds like the miracle of Channukah.
wait who?
>>896738 The higurashi guy, you know The one who can't draw.
dammit is erika really gonna solve the epitaph again? I've had enough of the epitaph!
it's sat there for the roughly 35 hours or so I've spent on this accursed series, mocking me and my gaijin brain, going "it's so simple, a child could solve it", knowing perfectly well it fundamentally can't be solved by non-japans
Honestly it can't really be solved by kids and actually needs some additional understanding of English and Chinese
Though the Chinese really only serves as a layover between the Japanese and English.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
belle delphine why
>>896763 Well you have to keep a few things in mind. He didn't want the Epitaph to be easy to solve since he believed only his rightful heir should be able to solve it. Secondly, since only his rightful heir should be able to solve it, it requires knowing some things about Kinzo that you'd need to know the man to apply (This second point isn't entirely correct; people were solving the Epitaph in discussion threads based on the adults theorizing that Kinzo's "beloved hometown" wasn't the hometown everyone assumed he grew up in. But this is why Eva needed an atlas.) Finally, Kinzo was already going a good bit crazy and believing in the occult by the time he wrote the Epitaph so you should take into account this was written by an old man who was seriously trying to revive his dead one true love.
I swear if the answer to that damn chain lock shit is something stupid like "technically the red only says it can't be set from outside, so if you set it but unhook it from where it's fastened in the door frame, and then attach THAT after leaving, you're in the clear", I'm going to alt+f4 and delete the whole series
sorry babe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeet it into orbit >>896817 sorry babe im stayin in canadia dis season
i gained weight on my lifts at the gym im so buff dude samurai saw me at aweaak point... but now im strong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was so sall small
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dis guy must be massive
not trying to brag but i bicep curl 65lbs heh nbd
Well, time for a little nap The lock screen slideshow has mysteriously begun working again now, which is really strange A few hours ago, it still wasn't working I haven't done anything other than watch twitch, YouTube and read umineko since midnight
guys this has been one hell of a november 23, 2020 45 admitted the transition will happen ethereum is fukken go for launch delph posted tids i chatted with a nice girl what is happening
no way send me selph delph pic is the nice girl delpph
>>896925 I know but you can't let your jealousy make you bitter.
God I'm so fucked My super important assignment due in 8 hours is no where near done I just can't focus. I know everything thing need to do And how to do it But I can't bring myself to do it It's worth 24% of my grade.
>>896929 It's not even just getting distracted I can bring myself to do the research for it But for some reason I can barely get myself to type it in my summary document I used to be able to do a PowerPoint like this in an afternoon easily.
I'm giving up for the night. I'll just turn it in late.
Thank god I decided against taking adderal at 11pm.
>>896934 The problem is if I do poorly in this course I can't transfer into a real university.
Although I'm aware that there's no point in transferring if I am incapable of doing my schoolwork. This might be depression related, I think I'll cally psychiatrist. *call my
nah im not gonna im gonna start cutting for a month so that my abs are nice and crisp for mainland then i can go shirtless to the kogals and get lots of p*ssy
>>896310 Oh yeah the Tornto green puddle was on the news on the radio my Uber driver had on as I was heading to work this morning.
I inadvertently moved closer to wherever it is they're testing explosives around here, so now instead of a fairly loud THMBP now and then, every single boom is so close, it legitimately shakes the interior of my apartment My little toy safe with coins in it rattles around and shit
How exciting Hopefully they don't nuke themselves and you into annihilation
i was on a phone call talking about how this rabbi i used to know was a dick and while i was talking about him, he actually suddenly called my phone and left a message asking me to donate money or something lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit did you sweatFrog
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i fear no rabbi
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
booker are you afraid of god?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you think god stays in heaven because he's afraid of what he created here on earth?
>>897037 >using a corset to make chest look bigger Pffft Pfffffffft! --and the only way to judge women is by getting off you don't have horn-energy effecting your score!
>>897047 Isn't that one of the points of a corset?
>>897050 It's to slim your waist. The making your chest look bigger is a bonus. --Ah shit! /moe/ is black for me! ...and my trip is not on!
I would have thought quitting cause the balancing is fucking whack and Arena and Aether is impossible unless you go fucking hard which means whaling up
>>897101 Are you sure that it was ever fun in the first place?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I actually stopped arena and aether a while back even before now
Both of those modes are infuriating. I'm only "playing" to make characters I like nice and pretty--feather waiting fucking blows.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh man did you see that new mode with the uh vanguard or whatever where it's just horse races and you vote once and you're done what the hell is wrong with these devs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the thief mode is dumb too have you seen the stats on those enemies and then there's loki's pisswater or some garbage which I haven't even touched
Nintendo has actually hated FEH since it was born. They made DragLost just to replace...and...well--everyone knows that failed. Also Nintendos other mobile games've also seen the scores and proably played them. I have no idea why they hated FEH and still--but it's obvious they are just letting the Devs do what they want and bleed people's not like they care if the game dies, they would actually like canceling it.
I just like Fire Emblem that much I keep logging in and building heroes. Three Houses didn't even help...cause it's obvious it was supposed to be a 3DS game and they changed it to be a Switch game--it's also ugly and bare bones as fuck.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but DragLost is also boring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
meanwhile I'll be over here enjoying FGO.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Games with Auto-mode have spoiled the hell out of me...Fate hurts me cause my caveman-spoiled-brain doesn't wanna click shit.
no you have to press skills as opposed to having an auto fight function
Oh no I'm so sorry That you have to play your game.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also hol up just saying it's rock paper scissors is like saying pokemon is rock paper scissors you're not wrong but you're missing out on a lot of the complexity.
>>897119 Dude, every game now has an auto'd be also simple to code--what's Fate's deal not even having one for lazy-asses? They could even brag they always have set people online doing things...when they are just autoing shit. Brag data dawg!
Even Arknights has an auto-mode and its probably more of a timing intensive game than Fate. At least Fate is turn-based. Well I think it was turn-based I only played it for like two weeks.
Wait I thought I wwa talking to tilde If there's two people posting anonymously who capitalize the first word and also punctuation i ccacan't tell who they are.
>>897134 Instead of whaling in FGO why ddont you invest into the stock market and watch those nmbers go up instead?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
because those numbers aren't cute
S.C. Bokuuu
Fate hates my fucking guts. -- I saved a whole damn year for Summer many saved up...SO MANY...and when the banner finally appears again--I didn't get any hero...not even a Silver...NOT ANYBODY
I wouldn't listen to anything that would make spotify suggedt
*suggest anything with Miku in it in the first ace *place
S.C. Bokuuu
Lots of Nip DJs like to use Miku in their songs or at least her voice clips--nothing kills a song worse than feeling the groove and some metallic robot voices cues then won't shut up.
b >>897229 wow you really dun fucked your ears huh
S.C. Bokuuu
>>897227 >when you install new Steam game and open it for the first time
>>897228 No My ears have ringing constantly since I saw Slayer last year. It's just that starting a day or two ago its been louder.
S.C. Bokuuu
>>897229 Sounds like needing to go to a doctor. >Slayer You should have predicted this...
>>897231 I wore ear protection so *also >going to a doctor >she thinks tinnitus is treatable The first actual treatment for tinnitus only started this year. Err, clinical trials started
You gotta ring your ears at the exact opposite vibration to cancel out the noise.
S.C. Bokuuu
>>897232 Oof. Wonder why the other "SC" even wants to be called a "She"'s fucking awful. --could have just brought up >American Health care if American too.
>>897235 Oh I thought you were the other one. My bad
>>897234 Actually tinnitus is caused by the brain thinking yur hearing stuff though Not real soubds *sounds Anyways, the treatment for tinnitus involves putting a device o to your tongue that electrically stimulates specific spots which stimulates the brain And then doing it for like an hour a day for a few months will make it go away for 3 months to a year kr something >>897235 I actually currently have good health insurance. Ironically not through my mother who works for a health insurance company.
>>897246 It's not that part of the brain The guy who came up with the idea discovered it while poking around in someone's brain for something else and accidentally cured theitheir tinnitus.
ask her if she wants to try a summoning ritual you know then blindfold her and tie her to your bed
>>897284 I don't think its unreasonable to not date someone because of crazy beliefs/behavior. Would you date someone who claimed to have psychic powers?
S.C. Bokuuu
Never trust mages.
Mages != witches though!
S.C. Bokuuu
Don't trust magic. Death to those who use magic!
Also As the great Dr. Dre once said Witches and *ain't shit but hos and tricks
>>897309 I was trying to put together an exercise bike and one of the pedals came out while we were testing it, leaving a little bit of damage on the hole it was supposed to screw into
Konjac is a common name of the East and Southeast Asian plant Amorphophallus konjac, which has an edible corm. i dont grt it
edible korm...
mmm korm
>>897382 The jelly that's made from it is usually formed into thick rectangular plate like structures. Which are cut into cubes and served a tooth picks. It's also used in pranks in haunted houses Like it'll be attached to a pole with string And you gently swing it so that it touches the bbaback of someone's neck to make them feel gross and spook them.