>>893588 kannagis one of my favourite shows like top 5 but this dude that draws a small poochy mom drew her in kannagis outfit so i memed on him by commenting the song name
>>893637 i rly like brown anime girls and azur lane has like every american boat be brown lol theyre not very popular tho :/ even tho south dakotas a babe
>>893617 makes sense >>893639 you don't actually play though,right?
>>893640 no lol the onyl phone game i play is fgo and thats cuz my friends roped me into it i hate phone games if im out of the house then im busy and dont wanna play a phone game if im home i got better things to do than play phone games
and i broke my glasses this is a good day goid thing i own 4 pairs
byt those were my favourite
the poi image?
あべし that?
is that top kanji really the same?
if u mean the middle speech bubble its hiragana and i dunno what else itd be
アレクサ お前はもう
あ dunno what else it would be though
omai mou shinderu
Guh, I couldn't avoid Willie Wethand today
I dunno, someone who takes the stairs down from the floor my condo's on in the mornings before me who usually has wet enough hands to leave some wetness on the door handle
Also, I seem to remember some umineko anime movie where the whole thing with rokkenjima and stuff is kinda sidelined, and the witches just outright fight, with flashy magic and shit? Was that a fever dream, or did that anime exist?
It happens in the VN too, it's just things look much more flashy when done in animated motion and not just text and sprite effects. Rokkenjima isn't ever sidelined though, the magic after all is just a part of Beato's narrative.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, in some of the Answer books in the metaworld, the witches fight and throw magic at each other and shit. But that's really more of the side stuff that's happening and kind of represents different metanarratives of the Game
Is it ever explained how BATTORA's dad predicted he'd likely die in the first night? Other than, you know, the possibility that he actually didn't, and merely pretended to while hiding among the bodies?
I'm still utterly lost as far as the riddle goes, to be honest with you There's no way its literal, it'd be impossible to solve while on rokkenjima if it was Since, for one, there are 0 towns on rokkenjima And I'm pretty sure it's Beato's riddle, not the old man's
I don't know if I lack information, or if I'm not seeing it
I'll give one hint since it spoils absolutely nothing and I think Ryuukishi established it fairly early on in the series too. The riddle is also fundamentally unsolvable without reading/understanding the original Japanese writing on top of other things.
Welcome to the struggle. I got to read the riddle solution threads on Animesuki that a couple members of Witch Hunt, the fan translation group that translated Umineko and eventually became the official translators for 07th_Expansion works also frequented and contributed to the discussion of. If there's any gaijin who had an understanding of Japanese and were familiar with the text of the novel, it's them.
I guess it makes sense though, since like, this was translated before anyone knew a fucking thing about the riddle's solution
Oh I don't know when the fan translations first started coming out, but like I said, it was known from pretty early on that it was only really solvable in Japanese. I think Ryuukishi even like, literally hints at that being the case in some dialogue in the game too, using the English homonym of Good Night/Good Knight as example.
Well, if it's not actually reasonably possible to figure it out with my puny gaijin brain, is there really any reason at all not to just spoil myself on it outright? It's not like it'll spoil the whole story, I hope?
It will be solved on-screen with explicit explanation that even someone with only a cursory understanding of Japanese should be able to understand. Considerably down the line from where you are at currently, but it does happen.
ah, then I'll hold off I guess
day 3 of salt watering my nose starting to see a difference
look it up is an actually working method on clearing your nasal cavities and "salt" is bit sketch yhere, since you use basically same amount of salt as in sweat or tears or actually even less
>>893728 well no you take this horn like thing add a teaspoon of sea salt into it fill it and then pour it into one nostril with your head tilted so it comes out from the other and then at about halfway do it to the other nostril
nose wash/flush
Oh I think I saw something about that years ago From what I understood it was kinda a bad idea to do that, but I never looked too deeply iinto it
is not you just have to remember to keep the right salt amount and right temperature otherwise it can hrm your nose ofc basically follow the instructions
but is not something most need but if you have like me permanently stuffy nose due to wonky nasal and ear cavities then it does help
also does clear out the gunk from pollution or say pollen if those are an issue
Maybe I'll try it then My nose is almost always clogged up It's just uncomfortable though, I dunno if it matters beyond that
I just tried it finally after being pestered about it by my pops and brother for a year almost also only cost like 10€ and well I always have seasalt on me
that is an important part too sea salt and natural like no added or removed stuff
dunno if say iodine is added to salt elsewhere, but it is done here
I so much want to get a vr rig, but the cooooooooooooost first you need a pc upwards of 1500€ atleast and next ofc the vr stuff amusingly my current appartment has the space for it
and damnit I just remembered I will have to start drawing new overmaps etc and plan content for part 2 of the rpg campaign I am running for my irl friends
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
There really aren't any great VR headsets right now either. The Oculus needs a facebook account and is liable to permanently ban you for no reason, basically bricking it. The Steam one is $1000, the Vive is like $800...
there aren't that many good vr games anyhow most are horror I think, but vr and horror do go well together
I do wanna try beatsaber etc stuff I have amusingly the ps3 whatever motion control thingies what was it even called it came with some fun games that lasted the novelty
bought it with heavy rain, as it was like 30€ for the game and the thing
before you ask why was it so cheap tax evasion I sure loved that one company whose whole thing was not paying taxes legally and selling games and movies and series dirt cheap you sure can sell stuff for cheap when you pay 0% tax for them
there used to be a loophole conserning stuff imported through Åland I don't remember the specifics, but it was something like "anything that costs less than 100€ is tax free" on some products and since the swedes basically run this country anyhow no one tackled it until much much later
was amusing to look at my account on the site, since at best times I had something like 7k in orders, due to me using my platinum level account to get stuff for other people 7k in ONE year that is
i think the tiers were 100 for silver, 500 for gold 1000 for platinum and you got ll kinda perks and special sales as your account level rose I even went to 3 free movies with free snacks and a free dvd of the movie watched or some other thing handed to you
tax evasion company sure was fun back in the day but then they closed that loophole back in 2014 I think
most amusing was that few times I ordered a game from them before launch, I actually got the game BEFORE it was "released" in europe one naruto game I think arrived like on wednesday when it was ment to be out on friday was fun to have the game 100% when every other person in the world didn't even have theirs the web servers weren't even online
one was attack the block which was john booyegas or whatever his name first movie, now that I think about it
oh my gpu explodes when i actually try to watch anything, say anime, on the 4k screen
hmm i wonder if i could make mpc use the nvidia card and not the integrated cpu one
weird i can't connect to most websites using work wifi but /moe/ is working perfectly i wonder if we're having weird DNS issues
I've had similar issues here, though not today Twitter and youtube was unavailable, but moe and torrents and a few other websites worked fine Was a DNS \\\ not a DNS issue, the ISP had some problems with some other ISPs they connect through
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
DNS is a spook i use myself they have a free DNS encryption service
I use because Norwegian ISPs are required by law to scrub certain sites from their DNS They're not required to actually block the sites, just to not have them on their DNS interestingly, this is only the case for piracy websites, despite the existence of a banlist for like, CP stuff that's been around for a long time All ISPs here, as far as I know, do use that list, but they're not technically required to by law
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I;m thinking about thos Waifus
Yeah but how many waifus
wait, the filter is only 5 years old? I was certain it was at least 10 years old
This is just formal logic, Beato you bitch! It has nothing to do with the ravens Why are you bringing up Hempel's Ravens if you're just going with the setup of it, which isn't at all disputed The point of the paradox in this situation would be something like "one of the 18 wasn't the murderer" paradoxically lending credence to "the murderer is the 19th"
>currently trending topics >Space Karen >Herlock Sholmes hm one of those days i see
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're lucky for me it's fucking Ben Shapiro and Marxism as usual
I don't even check trending things most of the time. Basically only when I'm on my PC where the Twitter UI just displays them on the side.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's twitter for ya shovin irrelevant shit in your face to increase doomscrolling
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow i did a phone call last week recruiter just texted me to "double check" on why i left my last job this is weird and bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like, i already answered this question last week i wonder why they're doing this - they forgot or didn't write it down - they're suspicious of me - they're trying to weaken my negotiating position - ????
we watched a live dharma talk yesterday at my zendo, we watched Enkyo Roshi who is in New York, she's an elderly woman who lives full time as a monk and zen master, shaved head and everything. During the dharma talk, she used the word doomscrolling which really surprised me!
So far I think I've done a pretty good job of not doomscrolling. Like when I use Twitter it's pretty much just checking on my feed from people I follow and that's it. I don't ever really check in on trending topics or hashtags. Am I using social media right?
I don't even really know how to check trending topics
I don't really doomscroll either. Occasionally I'll find myself doing it but I usually just check Twitter here and there if I'm feeling depressed or something close to that. When I'm doing well, I barely check my political twitter and only really use my images twitter to find pictures of cute girls!
Isn't her ability to even show him this stuff proof something's afoot, anyway Maybe she's not a witch, but clearly something resembling magic is at play here If you killed me and then I came back, and then you showed me the events of my deaths in stunning true-to-life renditions, as though I'm truly there, it'd be hard to pretend magic or extremely advanced technology wasn't involved
But that's beyond the scope of the game, I guess
What's not to say these are all delusions Battler is having as he's laying there dying after whatever it is that ultimately kills him? As a way for his subconscious to come to terms with the sheer shock of someone he would've trusted or even loved as family going around causing a massacre. That's a boring, mundane approach though, and ultimately you need to remember that there's two levels of narrative going on here; the events on Rokkenjima, and Beato sitting there
Yeah, I guess It'd be really cheap if the final chapter is like "Battler's brain was just firing random neurons as he choked on his own blood ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
showing/narrating to Battler her story of what happened there. Battler in the meta-world is not the Battler on Rokkenjima, he might not even be the Battler from Episode I somehow revived and forced to play this game.
I guess Battler's claim is most accurately "There are no witches in the world Rokkenjima exists within", rather than "there are no witches (including in this weird metaworld)" It's hard to see how he can really compete though, when the events on screen are whatever Beato says, and he can't access reality other than through her But he only has to show each murder could be done by humans, it's not like he has to care about the rest of the events on any level
Precisely, you're getting the gist of it. There's a reason Beato can't say "Magic killed your family" in red, even if she literally shows it to his face. Though it's also good to remember that there is always at least a grain of salt involved in the magical theatrics, and even if it's clearly unrealistic, that doesn't mean it does not hint at some kind of truth. Battler of course just needs to prove that the murders could be done by humans while working within the constraints of the red texts, but ideally he should be trying to arrive at the correct answer, yes?
>>893794 Ideally he should, but I'm not entirely certain there is one correct answer The events change drastically each time Beato hits the reset button The same culprit, even, would require them to fake their death in some, and not in others, provided it's one of the 18 Though really I should be saying 17, since I think it's fair to assume it isn't Battler
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck $TSLA
>>893796 There is a correct answer to each Episode, though they aren't easily solvable at this point in your reading.
So what, the older runs are revisited? Cause I don't think there's enough information in the first one to say anything with any level of certainty when it comes to whodunit 6 people die immediately and are never seen again, for one, it could theoretically be one of them Really the only person I can honestly suspect is Maria, since she's the one claiming to have seen Beato (who doesn't exist)
>>893810 design costs but also these last forever basically some of this shit is from my grandparents etc
uuh there is one company that just deals in used lundia's buying, rernovating and selling them should check them up at some point if I need something specific like support parts I am lacking in backboards and those X shaped thingies you use to reinforce the shelves
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm a bitch i'm a lover i'm a child i'm a sammer i'm a simper i'm a taint and i do not feel ashamed
Alright, Eva's solving the riddle now, and wow, it legit can't be solved without the original japanese, huh? I mean I guess you could rewrite it entirely for a different language, but that's not something a fan translation can really start doing without compromising its own integrity
i didnt have a face it fell off because i was too busy laughing
Oh I hate it when I don't have a face
Kyrie: Also 0 chill
Kyrie's bitchiness is the best. The other ladies night try to justify their action with dignity or "for my family's sake" but Kyrie is totally "yeah I'm a bitch and you can suck my Winchester"
This has truly become a lot more fun to read Eva's got PASSION
All the crazy of being an Ushiromiya woman, but now with the power of MAGIC, BITCH on her side
mona gets too much art wheres the other genshin babes i dont care about monas eyebrows and leotard bodysuit butt....
Apparently with the severity of acid reflux I have, I'm supposed to sleep sitting up to prevent acid fom *from getting into my lungs and suffocating me.
>>893854 There isn't any sort of furniture in the house I could easily fall asleep sitting on.
just sleep in the recovery position
>>893858 That's actually pretty close to my normal sleeping pose. But the problem is that te reflux has been coming out of my nose. Anyways I can pretty much only fall asleep on my stomach (I'm aware thats unhealthy) or my side. But it's much easier for me to fall asleep on my stomach.
Funny story related to reflux nose vomit Last Saturday I got up at 2am and ate a big piece of birthday cake. At around 11am I woke up with reflux coming out of my nose. Later when I was blowing my nose there was blue snot because of the blue frosting.
u sure u dont just got blue blood?
don't eat cake at 2am
but it was his bday...
sometimes im worried that im just too buff i might flex and rip my shirt
go so buff that you can hulk out by flexing
and go for carreer army and become a major and then flex at people
no the militarys so gay lol
finnish saying "what is gay in civil is friendship in the army what is gay in the army is friendship in the navy what is gay in navy is illegal in civil"
can you say it in finish
mikä on homoa siviilissä on veljeyttä armeijassa mikä on homoa armeijassa on veljeyttä laivastossa mikä on homoa laivastossa on laitonta siviilissä
>>893876 Yes it is a real card It's from a joke set though.
>>893873 basically I mean our defense force exists only to fight russia pretty much and well they could just missile strike our country into oblivion in a week (no nukes needed even) the idea isn't to win it is to make the attempt so costly, they'd nevr try
you wanna see a real life picture of bang at the lowest point in his life on the cusp of final, complete, utter defeat a man captured in the finality of his despair, before his metoric rise to the absolute peak of content and self-resolution that he now enjoys!?!?
>>893936 no, but i now realize there might have been some technology overlap it was a VN but with 3D modeled characters that mostly stood still or had small animation loops i don't really remember much of it now or even the name but i wish i did
The only person who can **** the Predecessor-sama is Battler!
So these yoghurt tubs I get, they say on the side that a recommended portion is 175g of the stuff. But the tubs themselves also in them 650g of yoghurt, which is fifty grams less than four even portions according to its own metrics. Like I get there's gonna be some inaccuracies regardless but would hurt to not try and make things nice and even.
I'm guessing Beato's red truth was something very simple, like "Battler was there observing Eva the whole time, yes, but that doesn't mean Eva didn't do it, it just means Battler saw her do it. Which doesn't matter, because she then turned the gun on Battler right after"
The red truth never specified that Eva *didn't actually do it*, after all, only that Battler was there the whole time, and Eva couldn't do anything without him noticing He wasn't an accomplice, but he couldn't possibly have stopped her. She had a loaded winchester, after all, and he's like, 18 and kind of a dipshit
tsch I might be running a fever also fuck me for still not buying a proper thermostat or whatever ot os called fever measuring tool
yeah I went out and bought a thermometer a while ago because of this never really had to know about temperature stuff before but I guess there's always a first
dunno how accurate a cooking thermo would be that says like low thirtys body temp is 36
the answer is not
not much but I know what it points always when I don't have temperature
>>894112 cause it is on the table and isn't showing my stuff anyhow normally it is at around the 35 bit over so absically 36 now it is almost 40
my normal body temp is 36,7 C
>beato writes her name in katakana She really is kinda cute, isn't she?
>>894115 welp probably too late to go out to get a proper one guess just go get tested if you're worried if you're negative it's a good sign to go get one anyways
>>894128 if it gets bad I know where to call generally the advice is to not go to the doctor's if you don't need it i'll book testing tomorrow for thursday or friday depending on my feeling and decide on if this is just some random flu or the thing >>894131 ye I already got tested once i can do it with an online site or an app and it is just a stop infront of the health centre where you go get poked by a pasta stick
I mean I guess, but you're also supposed to get tested if you have symptoms, right? For contact tracing and such
but yeah my nose atm is completely clear and I went around sniffing strong scented stuff and all of itwas quite dull so that does have me worried also the fact that I do have atleast 38 degrees fever, most likely closer to 39
you have to wait for the traffic signals in the new yakuza if you go into the street when the crossing light is red, you'll get hit by a car sometimes which really hurts
I was listening to prank calls and they called him on it
I can barely just barely smell the fishy smell on fish roe paste weird feeling
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reading WSB is kinda like twitch chat half these posters are horny dudes talkin about the chicks on CNBC "noo you can't just hire hot finance people and run a tv network"
Kinzo sure is strong, picking an adult man up my the collar using only one finger Of course, this too is likely Beato's deception, since Kinzo could not possibly be that strong without some magical power
I suppose it wouldn't, technically, delegitimize Battler's position to accept that Kinzo has access to magic Technically, the game is about witches, not magic per se And kinzo is no witch
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this guy initiated a fight with me in the middle of the road in yakuza while we were fighting he got hit by a car and died
Was it scripted?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, you can just get hit by cars lol
Wow Are you yakuza in Yakuza, or are you up against the yakuza? Or are you more like a mercenary
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well in the other yakuza games you're yakuza in this yakuza game i'm a former yakuza i got banished by my family i went to prison for 18 years to protect my family and when i got out i went to find my patriarch and he shot me ): now i'm working at a soapland
well i didn't do anything another guy killed a high ranking clan guy and i took the blame for my family, even though i was innocent voluntarily, i said i'd do it and part of that was that they banished me so they could shift blame off the family and onto me, a "former family memebr"
Isn't that still very unusual, though, for someone to be banished from the yakuza, but remain breathing?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah, i think it happens sometimes especially to lower ranking guys like ichiban was and they were planning on bringing him back in later anyway, since he saved the family
Honestly I feel like all of the stuff surrounding Ange's life is kinda... superfluous Feels kinda unnecessary, you know? As a character, she only just began to exist, and her only real role is being an aide to Battora
For some reason, there are several websites, like reddit, that I just can't access for whatever reason, haven't been able to all day Even if I check what their IP is online, I can't ping them either It's very mysterious
Since it affects reddit, it seems unlikely it's my landlord's doing, although I'm starting to suspect foul play
I can access them with 4g, after all, on my phone
It functions using tor browser, so it's unlikely to be an ISP issue hm
Seemingly so I noticed when dutchfriend linked me to a reddit thread earlier
I can't really think of why this is happening except my landlord having set up some sort of ip filter on her router But surely she'd have told me if she did? Actually, I'm pretty sure she'd have to tell me
it's not something she could get away with in the long term, you know? If she did that, I'd find out sooner or later, especially since it'd obviously be as a response to my browsing habits rather than, well, her own
I considered it might have been like, a computer-side issue, like my PC had some sorta virus that blocked me from accessing a few websites, but that wouldn't affect my phone as well hmm Maybe it's my own router? >>894210 Gets no response at all
If it was a DNS issue, there should be a LOT of people reporting issues, since it's not my ISP's DNS I used until just now, and I swapped it to without any success >>894212 Sure but it's very, very annoying to have my internet access stifled like this
Yakuza kinda makes me want to drink Not in a craving type way but like "ah, i want to hang out at a bar with my friends"
Yeah I can see that. Games that take place in Tokyo like it always make me want to be able to live in Tokyo. I fully acknowledge the idealism wouldn't live up to reality and there's monumentous roadblocks and complications involved in me being able to, but still. I just really love that city.
I could never live in a megacity like tokyo
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>894215 Ah, the new Yakuza actually doesn't take place in Tokyo! For the most part. But I definitely get what you mean.
I mean Yokohama isn't technically part of Tokyo, sure, but there's like no geographical separation between the two. I could make a Greater Toronto Area analogy here but no one would get it, and I don't know enough about the districts around NYC to confidently
make an American equivalent.
>>894218 I'm pretty sure everyone here kows *knows what a "greater metropolitan area" iis.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what's a greater metropolitan area is that like where you get ice cream a lot
>Put water on to boil for pasta >Salt water as water reaches boiling point >Go to get some pasta to put in the water >No pasta >Remember you finished the pasta last time you made some Well that throws a wrench in my dinner plans.
>>894235 Okay it is still going. I read some of hs twitter stuff, he sounds like he's doing better depression wise. But also he's 52 and still working on a webcomic with a self insert. I haven't read Penny Arcade in a while either. Those guys were pretty cool, at least by webcomic creator standards.
Mega Tokyo started going downhill after Rodney Caston left anyways. (He left in 2002, after 2 years of writing)
Wow Rosa really is terrible
She's got a lot of life baggage but yeah. She is not a good mother.
Ugh Encyclopedia Dramatica is down I wanted to see what sort of stupud shit Fred has been up to in the last decade. *stupid
>>894244 I think he might have a real job now though too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres always the internet archive
For a long time reading umineko, I didn't realize the stakes themselves were the seven sisters, so I thought they like Went into rooms, and the clanging sounds were them hammering the stakes in Like little gremlins
I dunno My main issue with the stuff happening with Ange and Maria isn't really like "Oh, I don't like this", but more that like All of it is fundamentally irrelevant to the game, because Battler doesn't get to know any of it
>>894254 >>894255 I think you'll be surprised by what you see in the Answer arcs.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but I need my kama fuuuuuund
Judging by the length of this introduction I'm not convinced I'll ever get there!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean the 5th book is what convinced me to actually read umineko at all. I watched from the halfway point of it to the end and was like I gotta read this
A fair criticism of Episode IV is that the Maria and Ange stuff does go on for a -long- time. Much of it is [REDACTED] and needed to set Ange up as a character anyway since she's such a late addition. But there is definitely fat that couldn've been trimmed from the story.
I feel like it could at least have been sprinkled in throughout instead of dumping all of it in before even the first twilight It's interesting and all, but it's starting to feel like it's own spinoff now
>If I hadn't hurt her, the incident may not have happened But Ange, you were like, surely 12 or more whe- no, that happened after the fact You went to that school because of Eva in the first place
What you're saying is impossible to believe unless you fully accept magic
This reminds me, haha. Back in the DameDame days, I infiltrated the viewer IRCs and threads by avatarfagging as Ange. That was really funny. People thought I was making really good judgments because I was writing the story and leaving clues I could use as Ange to mislead people. But it was all just me fucking with them.
Yeah! Most of the clues Ange attached to were meaningless things, and the whole point was to steer people in the wrong direction. For example, an error in the encoding left the letter D in an episode out in the middle of nowhere. So I connected that to a bunch of other meaningless things as Ange. And people ran with it, thinking that I really knew what was going on.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
didn't she deny magic because she was being bullied
Is Ange just that far gone? Is her ability to put things in chronological order damaged? Did the auth- ...did the author use her adult art for her when she was an actual, younger-than-Maria child?
Kinzo is intense! But how will he make his bet against Beato without the epitaph, I wonder Surely, that was not merely deception, I'm pretty sure it was part of the first book, which I'm pretty sure I'm expected to take at face value
>>894288 I remember that I stopped reading it on the page where the mc started jacking off.
>battler, george and gohda returned with various types of food that wouldn't spoil after they barricaded themselves Do they intend to stay for months? There's no way there's enough food in the guest house to begin with that it'd actually spoil anyway, with 6 people It's only supposed to be 4 there to begin with, and all food is usually handled at the main mansion
I wonder how long 6 people could stay holed up in what is essentially a small apartment before their sanity starts to crack anyway Only one person, it's not an absurd amount of time I think
>>894301 I think it being an island in the eighties, it would be fairly pragmatic to have a lot of food on hand that wouldn't go bad if the island lost power. Even these days, I think you wouldn't want to be in an isolated place like that, especially in Japan which gets some really bad typhoons that would render trips to the mainland impossible, without a good stockpile of non-perishables.
Oh, that's very true It's not inconceivable, for example, that their boat could break down, or a communication problem could occur, so they end up stuck there until people outside think to check on them (likely the tax man)
I suppose then, the guest house doubled as a sort of pantry? Since they surely didn't leave the guest house's immediate vicinity for the food, that'd be very risky, especially for Gohda who saw the events firsthand
Well it's definitely possible the guest house would have its own food stock and kitchen. Might even be where they kept the emergency food anyway I always figured they did go out to the mansion though, which is why they sent the men to do it. Dangerous work is the men's responsibility and all.
>>894309 That's true, but this would be no more than what, 15-20 minutes after the killings, I feel like it'd be inconceivable for Gohda, no matter his sense of duty as a servant and man, to return so quickly Especially since he's definitely a bit of a coward
Not that you'd need to be a coward to avoid going back to where you last saw the Siesta Sisters Scary bunbuns
Likely that guy made that edit, and changed the title to that after it went viral so it's easy to find the original one, for views and (You)s Hot memes have a tendency to get reuploaded a massive amount of times by people looking to get some attention to their channel, hoping to grow
Though I don't know if there's any sort of protected status when it comes to labeling your video the Official or Original one
>>894316 There isn't and I doubt that's the original. They probably jjujujust put official to get views.
Possibly Unfortunately, youtube doesn't let me go further back than a little over a week when ordering chronologically, so I can't confirm if a version older than that one exists or not, so it remains a mystery
Oh, there is one from 3 weeks ago actually, so that certainly isn't the first youtube upload So I dunno, it's probably either what you said, or maybe it was released first to some social media, and then later uploaded to youtube, but that's still a week or so after others did as well
amusingly this time the pastastick didn't leave an uncomfortable feeling dunno if the nurse was better or i just don't feel anything in the upper canals
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how are you feelin what kinda symptoms? still got a fever?
sounds like ur getting night time cough medicine or something
well my smell is still gone aside when i salt wash my nose
actuallt now it is completely gone yesterday i could atleast slightly smell wxtremely strong scents
oh well i have upgraded my nest once more tier 3 has extra bedding mattress from my spare bed and more blankets
well would you look at that my cooking thermos and actual body temo thermos give the same result
are you talking about real life
ye i've beennusing a roast thermos thingie to measure my temp past 4 years and now i cpnfirmed that it is actually accurate whivh also means i hit about 40c yesterday now at 37~
i dont know what - wait yoy dont mean like a mean thermometer do you
Whatever actually happened on Rokkenjima, it sure is weird as hell If I am to accept these envelopes with money, then something really fucking weird happened on Rokkenjima, and there's no way it had anything to actually do with Eva
I mean it's 17 people, that's not super small for one perpetrator But I mean, there's more to the rokkenjima murders than merely the amount of people
This is like, effectively a rich family, where one of them just slaughters the entirety of everyone else, servants and all, and then either just... gets away with it??? or keeps blaming a magical being for it all Like I don't think there's an instance like that, not that I'm aware of anyway, where the cops just went "eh, we can't really prove all of this was murder, technically they could have all just simply died" and gave up I'm sure there are some cases where someone has killed and then blamed a spirit or something, but not this amount of people, I would guess
>The only known incident where a very large number of people were indiscriminately killed in the Edo period was the 1696 Yoshiwara spree killing (吉原百人斬り, Yoshiwara hyakunin giri; "One hundred Yoshiwara slash"), where a wealthy lord, Sano Jirōzaemon, had a psychotic fit and murdered dozens of prostitutes with a katana in Yoshiwara, the red-light district of Edo (modern-day Tokyo). Over 100 were killed in the attacks and the following process of apprehension. Despite his class and heritage, he was treated by authorities as a spree killer and was later sentenced to death and executed.
History says he was a spree killer.
And on the page for it, it says >A rampage involves the (attempted) killing of multiple persons at least partly in public space by a single physically present perpetrator using (potentially) deadly weapons in a single event without any cooling-off period.[1]
So that means it was multiple attacks, but it was in a single event without any breaks.
How do you even stack up 100 kills before being stopped? Surely red light districts had like, guards and stuff? >>894510 I mean the katana is the world's greatest sword
And with a katana too! This dude just slicing people in twain with a single strike. Maybe he killed all the cops. I guess that was the era of samurai still, so they must have had some dudes walking around that could have helped, but maybe they chose not to.
There's no way some fucking noble was actually that skilled, he'd outperform like, a bunch of trained soldiers Motherfucker probably hadn't been to the dojo in the last 10 years All he knows is watch tv, eat hot chip, and kill
Well, it was in the time of the 5th shogun of the tokugawa shogunate, so there hadn't been a war in probably 100+ years. So there probably weren't many trained soldiers. After all, periods without war makes a people weak!
I guess, possibly, him being a noble or whatever meant the cops or whatever just... let him, at least until it got really out of hand It's kinda like, sure, technically the law applies to him, too, but let's be real, usually it doesn't
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's like some GTA shit. He was just killing dudes and chicks and eventually the cops come to get him and he kills them too while trying to get away
Man had 2 stars by the end of it, Edo sure is something else
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>A Tale of Sano Jirōzaemon, Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, 1886. People rumored that Jirōzaemon murdered his lover with a cursed sword. The kabuki drama Kago-tsurube Sato-no-Eizame (1888) claimed that his sword was forged by Muramasa. oh he had a cursed sword that explains everything
I feel like that was something that came up AFTER the whole spree killing thing Like "You hear about this dude who went fucking nuts? Yeah I heard his sword was fuckin' cursed, so it can't be helped, you know?"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I can't find any real sources to describe what happened. If only I knew Japanese...
Learning a different language to become more worldly, or maybe read interesting books: I sleep Learning a different language to learn about famous mass murderers: real shit
"We believe you, but we still gotta execute you." Understandable, have a nice day
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if his family was disgraced and lost their nobility
maybe the cursed sword story came about to protect themselves from that?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
possible although i bet it just came from how much cooler the world would be if it was because of a cursed sword instead of just a dude going bonkers randomly
Like how Rokkenjima is a lot cooler if Beato and her witch friends were up to no good rather than one of the servants killing the rest and then himself, and then Eva found some gold and killed off everyone else despite technically only needing to visit now and then to grab a few gold bars or something
Really, Eva auctioning off everything on that island is really weird if she actually did find gold, isn't it?
Maybe Eva, despite being a kind of shitty person, was still extremely traumatized by the events of Rokkenjima and wanted to be gone from there as soon as absolutely possible and have it as far away from herself as possible. She was pragmatic to take
the gold but didn't want anything else to do with the island.
Or alternatively she didn't actually take all/any of the gold and it's still hidden there. The Ushiromiya family was stinking rich even without acknowledging the gold, and once everyone was dead and she was the de facto head of the family, the conventional Ushiromiya wealth was more than enough to pay off Hideyoshi's debts and still have her live an obscenely luxurious life.
Aside from being tortured every night by the deaths of her family.
Also don't forget the rumored gold is TEN (10) TONNES of gold. That is a metric fucktonne of gold. To move that much gold in a night or two as one person would be superhuman, if not flatly impossible.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
praise be our lord and savior elon hallowed be thy name
Ew no
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its ok as soon as the stonk drop again ill curse his foul sinful existence
Still seems like auctioning still would take longer than the gold, but I guess it'd make sense not to call too much attention to it after you just murdered your whole extended family
ALLEGEDLY Allegedly murdered your whole extended family
I can accept some weebshit, the 2hus and occasional memes are fine but this is just... it's lost its way Like I can't at all be invested anymore because somewhere along the road it went from Umineko to Umineko-but-it's-actually-a-parody-work
It does get a bit goofy in the action parts of Episode IV. It's okay because the Tea Party is where shit gets real.
But yeah also the siesta sisters are kinda goofy, but that's fine by itself
>>894554 I'm not going to put this in spoilers because it won't probably ever make sense unless you ask me about it later. But that might be a bit of the point.
The other interpretation is that Episode IV was the first Episode that Ryuukishi wrote after the passing of his close friend and partner in creating stories, BT. While Ryuukishi did the actual legwork of writing the story, BT apparently helped him keep a head on the broader narrative and was always there to edit/review the game scripts. So it's definitely a valid interpretation that Ryuukishi did lose a bit of his direction after BT passed away.
I think he still sticks the landing, especially once you get into Episode IV's Tea Party and ???, though.
Jesus CHRIST it's windy today
So the mangaka who did this really lewd martial arts manga I like has been tweeting about the English scanlation. He seems to really like it, especially the translator's notes.
>>894558 Oh, I thought it was all a solo work to begin with
Like I said, Ryuukishi did all the legwork. BT was more of a sounding board and trusted friend to bounce ideas off of.
Man I had the most delightful Uber driver tonight. This cheerful Jamaican guy who kept up a nice and friendly conversation the whole ride long. 10/10 human being