Ahiru no Sora Appare-Ranman! Black Clover Fruits Basket Gibiate Episode 5-7 Koi to Producer Episode 6-7 Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha The God of High School To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 18-21
I thought I'd written Maou Gakuin into the list last night but I guess I skipped over it, whoops. Though we were pretty full up on good stuff to watch anyway.
>>870608 Being misunderstood is an important part of a maou's backstory.
So the human magic is kind of like the inverse of the demon magic. Demons get power from having subordinates, humans get power from having subordinates give it to them.
>>870610 At times it feels even more than misunderstood they're just refusing to actually listen.
Sounds like the Maou impersonator has been kicking around shortly since Anos let himself die two thousand years ago. But we've kind of been shown they're still around too. Rather than sit in the seat of power the impersonator seems to prefer to keeping to the shadows and controlling everything in secret.
Sasuga Anos-sama I was thinking this might be a trial he isn't actually well prepared for. Since it's been two thousand years since he walked the land, it might've changed geographically. But then he just up and teleports there. Takes all the fun out of it.
I don't know if Anos is trying to goad her or flatter her or is just kind of socially dense to what he's saying.
Guess this girl's gonna be the onee-san character. Anos' little harem/cohort doesn't really have someone like that yet.
I wonder if the human interpretation of the circumstances of Anos' death are their own pride or if it's tied into the revisionism that's been going on in the demon part of the world too.
I'm also getting the feeling this girl's history is tied up in the Hero's reincarnation. Either one of those four reincarnations they were talking about earlier. Or maybe a reincarnation of the human that killed him.
I thought they were going to do the you can't hear cause of the wind thing but then they just said it
Guess they wanted that silence to carry the weight of how ominous it was. Kinda like when you hear something that just kicks the world out from under your feet and it takes a few seconds to process what you've just heard.
ohh i'm out of order but yeah let's just do high school okay lets start
Oh not Appare? I mean the order doesn't matter to me.
Can't help but feel trying to save his grandpa and still make the tournament is biting of more than he can chew.
Geez this team they're up against sure look like creepy cultists. I wonder who they might be affiliated with.
Not exactly the look I expected of someone just previously wearing a cultist robe.
Oh he's like that Street Fighter character that douses himself in olive oil.
I still think it's really neat how she's trained in a lot of unarmed combat despite specializing in swordfighting.
Poor Mira. People just keep going for that spot on her side.
Another allusion to the Korean war and the North/South division.
So the team they're fighting against are impersonators then.
Mira really just gets the short end of the stick in fights. But she does need to win this fight since a loss in this round in instant disqualification.
Well South Korea has a lot of cult experience. The notion of everything just being the playpieces of a bunch of secret cults probably strikes a bit close to home with Koreans.
Okay I kinda had this feeling but the Charyeok? powers they've been talking about do kinda seem to be borrowing powers of mythical heroes. Since she just channeled Lu Bu there.
I really dig these kick moves Jin uses. I mean I really like kick-based fighting styles to begin with but the fluidity in his kicks is just so cool to watch.
In theory it's an interesting concept. Utilizing as much of the energy the engine generates as possible into forward momentum. Steam is actually a pretty good vehicle of energy transfer as long as you can keep it contained within the system it's powering, it just doesn't generate the volume of energy that a diesel or gasoline engine could. So I think Appare wants to use the "wasted" energy from the gas engine to generate/maintain more steam so that the energy isn't wasted.
In reality it probably wouldn't work especially in a ramshacle ship-car like his, but it's a creative notion.
It's kinda like hybrid cars these days which run a combustion engine, but generate electricity with the momentum created from the combustion engine to charge a battery, which can then also be used to drive the car. I'd expect that's where the writers for Appare got the inspiration for his hybrid engine.
>At the beginning, she was just a weird classmate that lived in a tent
I've at least liked all the OP/EDs for this show so far. Though there's some I've really liked. The current ED is a really good one.
It's a bit weird to imprint on a girl your ag- Oh hah hah he beat me to it. But yeah it's a bit weird to imprint on a girl your age the desire to be mothered. Though it's hard to blame Yuki or some of the other Soumas for trying to get motherly love wherever they can find it.
I don't think you get a lot of shoujo manga that have multiple social circles like this. Like there's Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru's girlfriends. But Yuki's also now formed a social circle with his student council that stands pretty much entirely separate from the other one. And we don't get a lot of time with them but there's also the older Soumas that interact together.
It must be weird to be Yuki in a scene like that. Like your mother being all flirty with her your new stepdad you really don't like.
Tohru's so incapable of being mean it makes her unwell before she can actually act it out.
Being scared of the opposite sex is one of those weird things maybe it's more common in japan
I can't really blame this girl for thinking Machi was looking down on Yuki by saying he's not prince-like. And honestly Yuki doesn't do -doesn't make things much better. He always tries to act composed and polite, so of course people think he's being prince-like.