Appare-Ranman! Black Clover Episode 140-141 Enen no Shouboutai Gibiate Episode 6-8 Kanojo, Okarishimasu Lapis ReLights Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 19-22 Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
oh no it's that day of the week where i suffer through the MC of kanojo oh shit gimme a sec i need water
ready the title of the episode is "Lies and Girlfriend"
prepare your butts
We actually ended on a rather concise note last week. I wonder what will be thrown at us this week.
I guess he was getting pretty broke last episode. Too many rental dates.
wow what a nice girl
She's probably sensible enough to not pay a lot for the gift. Since it would be silly to pay more than she gets out of a guy for a gift for him. In her situation.
She likes him too but she's too wrapped up in her stupid job
he really should be a little more open to Ruka-chan even if she's a little more than a little crazy
The thing that confuses me about this series is, her job should be making her a LOT of money. Like she's been draining his wallet and he's just one of her clients. But she lives in a relatively cheap apartment and doesn't seem to engage in much frivolities.
Sure she's said now she works as a rental girlfriend to make money for acting classes, but that shouldn't be an arm and a leg, should it.
>>871863 acting classes are mad expensive my guy we're talking more than rent especially when the difference between a nice apartment and cheap apartment in japan aren't as drastically different in price than they are in the US, and definitely cheaper overall but those acting classes are probably at least 1.5k a month
alright that skit was hilarious old mizuhara and old kazuya still doing the rental thing is too absurd
Ruka's aggressiveness isn't an entirely unappealing character trait. Though her extreme clinging is a bit much.
well i don't mind aggressiveness myself but if i got blindfolded and the unblindfolded in a hotel room i'd probably use violent force to free myself from the situation that's like the same exact thing that would happen before you get murdered
She's attractive and all she wants is to be treated nicely by him he could do a lot worse
don't rush! yes! good ruka! ruka's at least teetering between good girl and waifu material much better than the rest of the cast
Well in her case I think she needed to take it slower because her heart issues were acting up again. If she didn't have to worry about that she'd probably have been waiting to pounce on him as soon as h-
Ah oh no. How conniving.
LOL i'm so down for this
I like Chizuru's cat-eyed glare. It works well on her.
kazuya's lies are always the most powerfully inconvenient ones
yabai is right, sir
Yabai desu ne Bang you should watch Princess Connect it's like the dumb goofy chaos of Kono Suba but like with 80% more wholesomeness and some really pretty quality.
yeah it's on my log of things i wanna watch soon likely after monogatari and i had another one lined up uhhhhh i forgot the name right now
Knowing how Ruka is personality-wise it's a bit obvious as the viewer that she's doing this morality argument a bit in selfish desire rather than from an actual moral standpoint. Not that she's not allowed to, just an observation.
if chizuru won't come to terms with her feelings, then ruka is 100% right here
Ruka's situation isn't very enviable because she's trapped between two retards she should give up
yeah she's definitely way too good for kazuya
You were talking about the MC being able to do a lot worse than Ruka earlier, but she could really do a lot better than him.
this episode, ruka gained many points
chizuru's losing a lot of points....
As someone who is often at risk of getting swept up in the flow of other people's actions I'm a bit sympathetic to her situation. It's hard for someone like Chizuru to put her foot down and stop this ridiculous game they're playing. The relationship she's formed with Kazuya is a total mess but it's one she's kind of trapped in now. I don't really think it's easy to slip out of even if she knows it's a mess.
having the grandma ask all these questions is making me depressed
ruka chose a very convenient way to look at it, for MC and chizuru
Arguments are for people who are going to change their minds though all we'll do is make each other mad
I have a negative opinion of Chizuru because of her job she needs to quit and be a good girlfriend
Are you really listening to yourself right now. She should quit and be a good girlfriend? What the fuck about what she wants? She wants to be an actress and that needs money. Money that she probably couldn't survive neccessities and school tuition with, without the job.
i think the best route is for chizuru to be honest with her grandma that's chizuru's best route for chizuru she doesn't care enough about her feelings to act on them, so it's obvious that kazuya isn't going to make her more happy or successful than continuing to be a rental and going to actress school
ruka's best plan of action is (short of gaining godly insight and realizing she can find better) to continue on her current path - patience and perserverence and kindness
kazuya's best plan is honestly there is no good plan for kazuya he's fucked himself over so bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
doo doo doo dododooo dodoodooo only my railgun can shoot tit
>>871900 See I told you that people were just going to get mad
She wants to be his girlfriend but she's a tsundere and he's not very smart either so they're going to keep playing the game they're playing and hurting innocent people like Ruka along the way
You're ignoring the fact that she wants to be an actress though. And probably at the moment she likes that more than she likes the idea of being someone's boyfriend. On account of prioritizing it over other things.
>>871904 Yeah, all that stuff is secondary to love She can just get a real job or student loans
Can she though? Is the student loan situation in Japan as generous as it is in the States?
i can relate to chizuru a good bit though i don't think those things are secondary to love for everyone and it seems obvious she's like me, in that love is secondary or even tertiary to other, more pressing matters
>>871906 actually i'm pretty sure it's easier and cheaper than in the states unless you're talking about community college in the states, which is also not nearly as high acedemia either
Well I'm never going to like her job because I see it as emotional prostitution which is just as bad as actual prostitution in my eyes. I'm sure that it's profitable but it's selling a part of yourself that you shouldn't sell.
i think that's just a fundamental difference in value that isn't worth arguing about so yeah i don't see it as severe as prostitution, i don't think it's exactly something upstanding people of moral fiber and integrity do, but i'd liken it to something like working as a paralegal or insurance agent actually i'd consider insurance agents to be several orders of magnitude more evil than rental girlfriends who have no-kiss no-lewd policies
Or a Vtuber
hmmm, it depends on the Vtuber tho some of them are basically the same as the stereotype that people throw Pokimane under (i don't know enough about Poki to say, but i'm sure you know the stereotype) but a lot of them are a little more similar to regular streamers for instance, Houshou Marine is probably closer to a "attempts-to-cash-in-on-sex-appeal-and-sating-loneliness" whereas Botan is much more just someone who plays video games well for a crowd
Okay I'll admit it was a 50% snarky comment but I do think anyone working in the business of being idolized for a living are doing similar elements of emotional selling-out as something like a rental girlfriend.
i think there's people who find joy in the consumption of their media/services/products and so unless they're hurting people somehow, it's probably fine and possibly a good thing i don't know that there has to be some kind of problem on the part of the people offering their personality for entertainment, as much as there needs to be blame put on people willing to let themselves form an artificial one-way codependency where the Terms of Service are quite plain and clear it's certainly more the viewers fault, the renters fault, the obbsessed fans fault more than anyone elses
vtubers are rental friends like all streamers though I guess stuff like hololive is as much idol as it is streamer
but they aren't selling intimacy you shouldn't sell intimacy, physical or emotional
it's harmful to both buyer and seller
i don't think rental girlfriends are supposed to be very intimate though i think chizuru's just bad at her job from the documentaries i've seen about the industry, it's really just supposed to be casual dates and stuff except the extra-legal rentals but that's yakuza shit
Or just too good at it.
of course men get overly attached but when it becomes a problem there's various ways the problem gets approached with the yakuza shit though, they just fuck you up
All right thanks you two for indulging in my narcissism. Sorry for getting a little pissy about it. I like talking about the shows we're watching but if it just ends up talking past each other because there's no point in talking when we disagree, it gets kind of hollow. I'll try to not get angry when I'm disagreed with but it's hard. I'm not very good at it.
hey so last night i started Koimonogatari and then i couldn't take my eyes off the screen until it was over and now i think i have romantic feelings for a male anime character
tonight i'm gonna start Hanamonogatari and i just can't imagine a way it's going to fill the hole that Koimonogatari left in my heart
Kaiki's focus in Koimonogatari was really good. The arc does a great job of demonstrating how well a good person can pretend to be utter garbage. It also really helps resolve Nadeko's stuff.
>>871920 Hanamonogatari will probably tear another hole in your chest before it's done
I'd say toodles but I suspect I'll hear from you as you get through Hanamonogatari.
>>871925 I'm always sabishiiiiiiii so what's different here.
if i can bring myself to watch it... kaiki.....
>How did you cheat to get here I guess from the views of plebs his teleport magic is probably a bit of a cheat. But it seems like legitimate magic.
I guess the Hero Academy is pulling some shit to humiliate the demons. Good thing Anos is here to counter-humiliate.
Oh he can also use the human kinds of magic too. Sasuga Anos-sama.
So one of Anos' cheerleaders seems to be getting along with his guyfriend. That's kind of cute. These kinds of series tend to wank the MC hard with a huge harem, so it's nice to see some secondary coupling.
Pretty smart. Too much competition for Anos himself.
>>871933 Plus they're both Anos cheerleaders in the end anyway so they're birds of a feather in the first place.
Lay is good at being the gentleman. Anos' (well-deserved) ego does mean he kinda just smashes through social norms at times. Though he ultimately does usually end up being quite gracious.
This new Sensei is a considerable improvement over the previous one. Though it wasn't really a high bar to clear.
The humans here are being really consistently conniving and underhanded. Both this and the previous display were designed from the get-go to humiliate the demons.
The hero's girlfriend seems like the type that would die
She'd have to far from where Anos is at the time though. He seems to be able to perfectly revive anyone as long as he's in the area.
Man everyone in this world are a bunch of assholes.
The demons are plagued with some extreme caste system oppression based on racial blending. The humans are xenophobic dicks that go to lengths to humiliate their opponents rather than just win. I wonder if the other racial societies are any better.
Anos' whole reason for letting himself die two thousand years ago was to create a world where conflict no longer plagued the four societies. Looks like he's still got a lot of work to do before he accomplishes that.
Hah hah hah sasuga Anos-sama.
Ah here we are. Looks like we were right last week. The onee-san human girl is an OP probable member of these elite humans that are reincarnations of the Hero.
Yeah the members of that elite class seem to be marginally better than some humans in that they aren't underhanded assholes towards the demons and rather just straightforward assholes. But they still seem to be cut from the same asshole cloth.
Yeah, we've seen wasps that can turn people into Infernals earlier in the series, but I think this is the first time they've made Oni Infernals out of a person.
If the Evangelist came from beyond the rift I guess - ah yeah Shinra's confirming it too. Both her and the Lady in Black did. I wonder what's beyond that dimensional rift then.
This is some real Illuminati conspiracy shit. I mean I'm here for it, I love this kind of stuff in fiction. It sure is fun.
Shinra's such a good boy.
Oh I was kind of under the impression it was the Evangelist herself that was the sacrifice inside the Tokyo Tabernacle. But I guess with the scraps of her personality we've been getting recently that does not really fit with her. Especially if she's some kind of Ur-God that's been manipulating this world since time immemorial. Being an imprisoned sacrifice wouldn't really suit that.
I was kind of expecting the anim
Hah hah back into the tripping gas on the way home.
I was kind of expecting the animals to come with them back to Tokyo though. The talking ones at least.
>She looked like she was crying That didn't look like a tearful face to me.
What, there being LIES and falsehoods in holy scriptures? Impossible! There's no way that could be the case!
Back to civilization and the city with the lot of them. It can be comforting coming back home after a long trip like that.
Yeah, the kinda goofy afro scientist that's now chummy with the Eighth was previously hanging out with that eyepatched guy who antagonized Shinra early-ish on in season one. I guess we'll finally be getting back to their relationship next episode.
they came back to japan faster than I expected okay uzaki
okay lets start!
>>871979 They didn't really get a lot of answers to the questions they brought with them. And left with even more questions probably. But I guess their mission for that excursion wasn't "find answers" but figure out what the energy signal from out there in the wasteland was. And the energy signal was the Oasis Tabernacle, so I guess that's mission complete.
Yeah really not much happened. All they did was killed a midboss.
Tabernacle is such a fun word. I don't know shit about religious cultures but man they've got some fun words for ritualistic stuff and objects of faith.
Uzaki's mom sure has a good poker face. She's quite different from her daughter though.
She has one or two things in common with her though.
Two things of particular note. I think I've seen some of the manga Tweets from the artist and Uzaki's got a sister too. All three of the women in this family seem to be similar.
>Wakkaaaaaaaa The glasses girl has a slightly bitchy inner narrative hah hah. Like it's harmless but that kind of snarky critical mindset I'm sure a lot of people have anyway.
Yeah, surprising she raised an agent of chaos like Uzaki. Though to be fair Uzaki seemed to be kind of mild-mannered before her second year of university.
She's a cute lady though. I can see why Uzaki's dad married her.
Uzaki's blended both her mom's "ara ara"-ness with her usual bratty teasing. This is a new level of powerful.
>Why do you take damage when someone is nice to you? I know this feeling very deeply.
Looks like both Uzaki and Sempai got a win this time around. Uzaki made Sempai admit his mistake and Sempai landed another good charm moment with her.
Hah hah Detective Conan Man there's a whole lot of Conan here.
Uzaki and Conan don't even run in the same serialization so it's surprising to see so much cameo. I guess since it's literally what the airport is stuffed full of they can use it as background as much as they want.