Hi hey hello Time for the end of the weekend proper.
Appare-Ranman! Black Clover Episode 140-141 Fruits Basket Gibiate Episode 6-8 Lapis ReLights The God of High School To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 19-22
I guess the bigger scope of this story is a battle between railway executives and the newer car companies. Though as far as real history goes we know how that won out.
Can't leave the Wild West without at least one train robbery, eh. Gil's band of outlaws sure are vicious though.
Yeah, it's been obvious from episodes where he stopped squinting that something was up with his eye. But I think this has been the first time we've clearly seen what it looks like.
Some pretty good gun kata coming out of this though.
Even Appare at least has the common sense to be frightened in the face of death.
I wonder if the samurai will really die seems like it but this doesn't seem like the kinda show that will kill peeps
i think he'll live somehow
okay lets start
Yeah I wasn't expecting character death, not at least from one of the two actual main characters of the show. Especially since it was only two episodes back that Kosame unlocked his full power.
>>872502 Do y ou want to do High School first like you planned?
I'm pretty sure this shark boy is the same seiyuu as Gil from Appare just now hah hah He sure seems to get type-casted for the vicious type.
This girl's pretty built. It's a bit hot.
Ah yeah I thought that strike she did to his ear was gonna do something. Your ear's inner organs are actually really important to your sense of balance. Send them ringing and it'll slip someone off balance.
I can understand this guy is worried she'll get heavily injured like their other friend did. But Daewi has generally shown himself to be a kinder person than Sharkboy.
lOOKS LIKE oh caps looks like she did get beaten up pretty badly though
It's probably hard to win or lose a serious fight without getting beat up. But it's more I would expect Daewi to not do something like intentionally shatter someone's leg or another serious injury.
This evil cult leader guy kinda looks like an inverse mode of of the MC.
I thought the Park guy's sign was supposed to be a cross but maybe it's not? The weird cult guy has an Omega as his.
Oh I guess there's two Parks in the series now. I think Park is a really common Korean name, like a Smith or something similar. Still kind of annoying to have two characters share a surname while being unrelated.
Man we're getting into some Eldritch shit now. A bunch of cultists joining together to summon some shadowy monster from beyond the pale?
Hah hah he's stealing some of Mira's moves now. I wonder if he's gonna do the same for some of Daewi's karate.
Ah well that didn't take long.
This episode sure is a juxtaposition of some crazy shit.
Looksl -Looks like it wasn't always that way. I guess something happened between her being a big hero with her aidoru unit and present day that crushed her spirit.
Oh maybe the tiara is magic and keeps them from dying of magic sickness.
The palace guards have some kind of doofy-looking hats. In particular that grey vertical bit at the front looks really silly. Though even without it I think the hats would be a bit much for even formal guardswear.
>Looks pretty sturdy >She manages to bend them a fairly significant amount Man she's a bit of a gorilla.
They're really having to Metal Gear Solid their way through this. Oh they got spotted in the end anyway.
Well everything can be fixed with a hype up scene because it's an idol anime
And a nice comfy shared dessert.
They've still got to defeat the big boss of Tiara's onee-san though. She's probably still gonna disapprove of anything Tiara wants to do that doesn't involve just being a princess.
A bit out of character for the onee-san we've seen lately to not just throw them out of the palace though. Maybe she's not as grumpy a person as she's trying to be.
Well they definitely commented on it when they first did the casting a few episodes back.
I think the clique of girls in their class that really hate Tohru gamed the vote to make her the evil stepsister to show Yuki what a mean girl she really was under it all. And since Yuki insisted on stepping into a lighter role because he had work as the student council president they couldn't make him the main prince.
Casting a tsundere in the lead role is probably a bad decision too
Well it should be a play and they should be able to act out their roles independent of their actual attitudes. But I guess Kyo is kind of impulsively incapable of doing anything that doesn't derive from his emotions.
Well the play was certainly Cinderella-poi.
Hana really has the hots for Kyo's Sensei. He's a decently handsome man and runs his own dojo. So he's proably -probably a good catch.
Though cutting his hair did age him back like ten years.
Uo did make for a good prince.
Another slight rumple in the weird anachronism of this series as it tries to update the time setting of the series from like the early 00s to kinda-modern-time. Like who uses DVDs in this current day.
>>872584 Yeah, that's funny A lot of the style is old though everyone is weirdly frumpy
They probably don't want to overrule the aesthetic chioce of the mangaka but they also probably don't want to be stuck in the early 00s.
She's a nice girl even if she doesn't mince words. As far as strangers go she's like the second person to clue in on what Yuki's really like too.
With Yuki admitting he's kinda maternally imprinted on Tohru rather than crushing on her, he's kinda bowed out of the race for her heart. Which just leaves Kyo and Tohru sorting out their problems.
Not that that's any small accomplishment Kyo is reaaaally fucked up.
It was a very 00s-era high school anime episode. Episodes like that from stuff that aired or was serialized back then is kinda what made me fall in love with the cultural festival episodes of anime. It's like peak-wholesome dumb highschool antics.