Kirara linked me that though I didn't sit through everything for that reason. I think I get an idea.
I sat through it all despite not really knowing Japanese. Like especially with something fantastical like this my understanding is conceptual at best. As I told Kirara I don't even know the details about Sakura Wars so I don't even have contextual anchors to figure out what's going on. It's a fun watch.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>871094 gossip accidentally sent to subject in 3...2..
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just swallowed pills without water for the first time!
I mean for sure it's easier to just have a drink, but sometimes that's inconvenient or just a bother But if I'm at work and I need a painkiller, I just use my saliva
Well not anymore since I work in a fucking grocery store so I can just get like, a soda or something
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i usually have water near so ive never really tried it before
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I usually take mine with just saliva actually.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont usually have enough saliva i don't think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
do you need me to loan you some of mine
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's very nice of you but i think i will pass
FormerRei@mobile This is really Japanese.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow i got DESTROYED in the market protip: dont dance
yeah kill her pet and post it on youtube they love that shit there
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Nice guys like sammers have it rough >>871125 she had surgery recently and taking a while to recover
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the cute redhead at work that i like had a seizure or ministroke last night and is in the ICU now with worsening kidney failure and like 60/40 blood pressure
>>871129 dang hope she's doing ok at least >>871130 fuck that sucks
>>871126 Check this out
This one is also in development. I think that if I actually got one of these it might encourage me to get back into hacking, or I'll just end up with a $150~ ir blaster and 2fa fob containing an angry virtual dolphin.
there's this bird around that I only used to hear really early in the morning maybe it's that's bird's season wish I could identify it
I have this automatic insect sprayer and every time it goes off it spooks me because by the time it goes off I have forgotten about it and it sounds like a death rattle
augustus gloop augustus gloop the great big greedy nincompoop
Oh Nintendo went ahead with the Mario 35th anniversary project. I was wondering if they might've had to put it on ice because of the pandemic.
Though 35th anniversary is still a weird anniversary to make a big deal about.
all these genshin impact ads
They did Tetris 99 but instead it's the original Super Mario Bros. That's actually a kind of neat concept.
>Release a Super Mario 3D Allstars containing Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy >No Super Mario Galaxy 2 ? ? ?
>René, a young girl living a humble life with her mother in the country of Ciel-Terra, was apprehended by the Knights who had broken into her home on her 10th birthday. stop appearing in my fiction /moe/
You'll never find me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck i am actually getting wrecked today
who knew that the second $TWTR breaks out everything goes to hell its the new canary
I like using apple products but buying them for not-me is harder.
I don't have anything ekse to reccomend unless she's really tech savvy Honestly the android tablet market has been shit for years I'll go look some up She can probably handle Android I would not recommend a Windows tablet
Galaxy A tab
*tab A They're like $230~
Disregard my statement about the android tablet market
This is fucking hilarious. It's a smart watch that you program to shock you in order to pavlovianly condition yourself.
I like this one place just had a simple footpump sanitizer getup a lot of the automatic ones break down pretty easy
I've seen some pop-up sinks that use a footpump in a couple locations. I like that much more than handsanitizer stations.
I have so many memories of pumping really hard only to get a tiny bit of water on my hands at music festivals I've just decided to drink the exact right amount of fluids at music festivals so that I sweat enough out and don't need to pee
>>871438 I wonder if they got permission to use it as BGM there.
>Sleep through the evening and don't eat supper >Come morning, make both a supper meal and a breakfast meal Nothing like some morning pasta to greet the day.
The Witcher 3 is getting an upgraded version released for next-gen consoles (as well as being pushed as an update for PC). But the console version in particular is interesting because it's a free upgrade for people who already own the game on current-gen consoles. I'm all for that and it's good ethics to provide it for free, I'm just wondering ... how?
geralt reminds me of someone dunno if I pin it down
also is dumping pics of some naked chick on the front page someone is
Indeed they are, yeah. I guess Samu's probably snoozing but he could at least fix THE REPORT BUTTON
>>>/watch?v=VlT-dOJN5x4 Time for Doga Kobo's yearly "we don't only do CGDCT shows" next season. Looks like it's a punk drama featuring the colour gang and hip-hop culture of Ikebukuro. Kinda like some of the more mundane aspects of Durarara.
ya boy's getting that fatty fresh probably two week break from work let's go
>>871453 do you have it confirmed or is it a break due to exposure
>>871455 i got tested today but the chef got positive so we're probably shutting down for two weeks whether or not ill actually be off the two weeks idk they might have me still come in and do cleaning
gotta keep it all clean
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit if pan is off for two weeks we can finish hamatora
guy was damn inept there was a good reason nobody had tried to sail tht route, everyone just looked at the estimations on how far away china/india was and went "nope" and even big ol chris barely made it to americas
came to the conclusion that the client i spent all day yesterday trying to keep in treatment is actually manipulating me and others at the center betrayed by a fellow jew how awful
meanwhile we've got a new client who might be legitimate borderline i'm pretty sure he's a murderhobo err antisocial, not borderline
the guy says he just really loves violence and nothing feels better than kicking a guy's teeth in he may or may not have committed numerous war crimes including torturing POWs to death when asked about his religion, he stated "i'm god. not like god in heaven but i'm the god of my own world and i do whatever i want" apperently he's getting into ayn rand satanism too
prolly a good choice it's been 10 years since I read up on the laveyan stuff, but while it initially was "harmless" I doubt it attracts people who are stable and harmless
all weird occult stuff attracts weird people anyhow case in point Crowley himself
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in a lot of ways it's a "might makes right" kind of thing you can use it to justify pretty much everything
apparently his oldest memory is his dad telling him "remember son. any problem you will ever run into can be solved with violence. there is nothing in this world violence can't solve."
>>871537 it's good the hinge has gotten creaky tho and it's a pain to actually go into the cage cuz its like four feet high so you gotta walk hunched the whole time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cats ar e settling in ok at least the first week was pretty stressful for them but now they get excited to see us and are eating regularly
grr why are tweet expansions broken in my firefox probably cuz i disabled tracking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Slept on and off for like thirteen hours. That's not normal.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmmm, depression sleep
Yeah, pretty much.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
had me some of that this week esp with my weird market based schedule
It's also been a bit chilly here lately so my body's all like "do you REALLY want to get out of the warm bed right now". And I don't really have the willpower to disagree.
@kirara we did it ya boy's got it
>>871559 i asked you earlier do you feel sick currently
Oh no did Pan get Covid-19
>>871560 oh i thought i answered no i feel fine mostly like i have a really light cold
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no. i can't believe pan is covid
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hopefully it's mild or asymptomatic
>>871562 ill be hoping it stays that way until it goes away, naturally
>>871564 im asymptomatic so far other than i had a cough like two days ago that went away and my nosei // nose is SUPER open right now
I'm super frustrated, /moe/. This client I've been trying to keep in our program and housing since Thursday has just been manipulating everyone so much and playing games and taking advantage of us. I realized she was manipulating us yesterday, but I had already arranged for her to stay in the program, so I had to let it ride out. But today she started being super belligerent and threatening my house manager and the case manager, blaming them for her relapse, etc. And we found out that when she was brought to the ER on Wednesday night, she left against medical advice when they tried to put her into detox. I also found out that she tricked the case manager into buying her $60 in food even though she could easily afford it and is actually pretty well-off despite the claims that she couldn't afford anything. We didn't even have her paying rent. She manipulated us into scholarshipping her into our housing, when someone else who actually needs that could have gotten it. And so today when she started all of this shit, I got fed up and had to kick her out. And I gave her more than she deserved with that, too. Her driver's license and other stuff was still at the hospital since she left AMA and I made sure the center paid for her lyft to go to the hospital to get it and then back to where her car was.
And after all of this, the generosity I've shown this week, how many hours I've put into her, she just started texting me shit like "This is fucked up and you know it. I can't go anywhere!" So I blocked her number. Bitch, you have an apartment back home. You have parents that live two hours away. You have $1500 in fucking cash. Fuck off. Ugh!
still cringing because last night I asked one of my co-workers how her partner was going and they apparently broke up 6 weeks ago he just said he didn't love her anymore and upped and left they had like two kids and whatnot
Poor kids.
yeah I feel really bad maybe I should shoot her a message some time
oh and I am pretty sure he cheated on her too hidoi yo
I guess that's one of the selfish advantages of sticking to just being significant others and not getting legally married. You can just dip when you're done with it instead of actually trying to work through the problems you're having together, since there's nothing binding you there.
oh that word partner I dunno if they were married come to think of it
If they had kids, and she referred to him as her partner, they provbably weren't married Well, the kids are a bit of an unnecessary aspect there, but I feel it'd be even weirder to refer to your husband, the father of your children, as "my partner" than if it was just your husband, you know?
that was my doing actually for some reason I have been conditioned to that word >>871731 this I do not know I'm leaning towards to the idea that they were most likely married though
I literally thought I worked with the guy tbh when I met him at the Christmas party I'm just not very observant
>>871730 If they were married and are the parents of the kids then she might have some legal avenues to getting him to chip in to help raise the kids at least. Still sounds pretty garbage but it might take some weight off her shoulders.
She hasn't talked about him, it's just that you've met him and her, and kinda pieced together they're an item Or they said they're together Or so- Look this is still very strange, did you find out they were together due to her saying they broke up?
I met him at the Christmas party and I've heard about him occasionally do yeah I just eventually pieced it together
Also a pretty awkward thing "Hey so how's Jim doing anyway? Haven't seen him in a wh-" "Oh he dipped, leaving me with two kids, like a month and a half back" "O...oh"
This is why my principles are to never ask anyone about their lives ever. I'm happy to listen if they want to talk but fuck playing in minefields.
My coworkers have always been kinda boring anyway tho Right now it's like, one bordering-on-workaholic dude, which is honestly kinda sad because he works in a fucking grocery store, 2 immigrant women who are alright but not like, cool or anything, 1 fairly cool guy I just have nothing in common with, and 2 other dudes who are like, fine I guess but still not people I care about talking to beyond work
Actually the new guy is fun to talk to though, but he's also a threat to my position as call-in help He's not incompetent, and that's bad for me
The cute girl quit too, so that sucked
Working in the factory was honestly, in some ways, a lot better in terms of talking to my coworkers For one, collective breaks, rather than staggered throughout the day Second, job not entirely dependent on being a ball of sunshine customers like
You can't have a real conversation with someone within the constraints of this kinda job
It has a feeling very similar to this person
>>>/@cellsatworkbla1/1302411194888839171 Cells At Work Black, the genderswapped spin-off of Cells At Work, looks like it'll be airing in January next year. I was kinda hoping they'd keep the seiyuu from Cells At Work for the main characters and just have them playing the completely inverted roles. Mostly because I wanted to see deadpan/berserk Kana Hana as the White Blood Cell. But this is probably fine anyway.
Oh wait the second season of the normal Cells At Work is also airing in January 2021. Guess we're getting a lot of HEALTH next year.
I understand the difference is very little between those two
All the characters that were female in the original are male, and everyone who was male are female. Maybe some exceptions but the main characters at least. The big gimmick is the Red Blood Cell is now a wussy, panicky boy and the White Blood Cell is a stoic/berserk girl.
So like, generic cells are gonna be mostly girls this time? Girl Cancer Cell real yandere hours
I think there's also some other substitute gimmicks though. Like the Platelets aren't cute, adorable kindergarteners but bitchy, bratty kindergarteners.
Plus I think the "Black" in the name sets up the series to be darker and vicious than the normal one too. Which is saying something since the original serious could get pretty bleak at times.
To me it makes sense for it to be yes, but I don't fucking know a thing about these things I think these kinda labels are overall kinda dumb, but not cause I'm "against labels" or whatever I just think probably most people are bi
As one of the probably most straight-oriented still regular posters on moe I might not be really the best to say but, like. If you say you like vanila and chocolate ice cream, saying those two together doesn't mean you don't like chocolate ice cream. It would confuse me if someone uses a broad-like term but then doesn't actually mean the full broadness of the term used.
But I'm also a dumb words autist and have to assume people are being literal at times or else I don't understand what I'm listening to.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gay is a catch all for homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc gay also means gay
Though, particularly weird is the "political lesbians" who think bi women don't count as lesbians, since necessarily 100% of them themselves are either bi or fucking straight You're not "politically a lesbian" if you're just a dyke, you know?
>>871787 god damned gays ruining our beautiful country
why is it other countries felt their versions of animal onomatopoeia was something necessary to create it should be universal that the cat goes "meow" not "nyaa"
>>871815 that's a wutface from me >>871823 oh i see what else happened?
>>871824 nothin we did a normal date i think went out to eat and then went for a walk in the park, we even went thru a cute secluded woodsy area. it was just kinda awkward and we made forced conversation the whole time fake laughing at eachother's jokes, etc.
I dunno if that's currently all that true. Current AI, even the more intelligent systems, are still really only specialized in limited purposes. I don't know if bi-directional communication with one would really make the human the peripheral. The AI would still be way too limited outside of the case it is trained/developed for.
Of course the future brings with it all sorts of frightening prospects but I don't think there's that kind of thing to fear from "today's narrow AI"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
perhaps idk it's not clear what he means by peripheral
but an AI that had direct neuronal access... scary stuff
first my roommate says there's possibly a cat woman that steals cats to cook them, that took our missing cat and now he wonders if a hawk or an eagle took it
>>871944 Or maybe the cat wandered in to someone else's household and decided it liked it better there. Not every ending has to be such an awful fate, gosh.
Though I know what it's like to have a cat just up and vanish one day and never see it again. It sucks. Sorry it had to happen to you.
>>871952 yea, I think the truth of the situation is a lot less interesting the cat probably just upped off and walked somewhere and maybe got stuck or something it was nice cat though I did enjoy it's company shame
TITS REMAIN FRAZZLED GOD DAMMIT /moe/ still drops me all the time why >>871988 tilde look at my cat girl doesnt this outfit look fucking sick
Oh yeah that's a cool aesthetic. I'm not big on the goats skull mask but that's mostly because I like faces and hair a lot. The rest of the outfit's neat though.
>>871993 well most of my outfits have no helmet so i wanted something different i had a few people be like "nice hairstyle don't see a lot of people with it" but i dunno why its cute i guess people think its not girly enough for their waifu avatars
I'm partial to long-hair sure but that doesn't make short hair bad. I guess that might be true for a lot of people and make short-haired waifus rare on XIV.
>>871997 i swear to god most actual girls in this game have avatars that look lesbo >>872004 oh fuck lol my bad mistook you for someone else but i know who you are now
>>872026 yea its alright ozarka is what nestle calls it here even though its not from the ozarks spring water is good for you its got minerals and shit >>872030 why the fuck would you buy a switch and not set the dock up unless you only wanted it for handheld mode lol >>872031 i prob havent played since a few weeks myself not since i got really wasted with my sister
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you see sakurai admitted that they can't show wifi vs ethernet in smash cuz it would make too many wifi players upset freakin nintendo put an ethernet in the dock already aaa
there's a cheat code to losing weight i did it in 2012 just live in asia for a few months i was slightly emaciated by the end of the trip
>>872078 Canada's a pain for that because we technically should be doing things in centimetres but since we're so close to the States feet and inches slip in for stuff like height measurement So I kinda just keep track of both approximately.
>>872080 the two weeks I spent in Japan were actually really good for my eating and activity habits. But that might've also been the fact that I was a tourist. Dunno if I was living there if I'd have been as successful.
>>872080 i did a cheat code for losing weight in 2019 its called cocaine
seriously though im 182cm and 71kg how do you fuckking gain weight assholes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>872082 i never managed to do any regularly but i believe it
>>872083 Eat food and do nothing. I'm a sedentary motherfucker who can't even find the willpower to get a job or do a lot of exercise regularly. So I totally consume more caloric intake than I can process in a day's worth of activity. I don't even eat a lot I just don't do anything to burn it.
>>872084 i spent about $4500 on cocaine in 2019 i think barely ate towards the end of the year yeah im a loser
thats how i managed to book a flight and forget i fucking paid for it and have to explain it to my boss when i went on vacation last time lmao
>>872081 the imperial system still manages to slip in here even though we stopped using it probably a century ago
>>872086 like why not though i went on runs all the time when i was a NEET it was fuckin great you can do pushups and crunches anywhere its fun i swear
I just don't have any desire to. Like consciously I acknowledge that it would be a healthy and inarguably benefitial thing to pick up. But the problem is that logical argument does nothing to spur my lizard brain into giving two shits about the activity. -I- understand the need for shit, but I can't convince my brain it's a good idea.
i got picked up by the cops a couple times on those runs though cause i guess taking shelter from sudden rain when you're 20+ miles from home is "suspicious"
>>872090 i don't really think it matters what is healthy or not im historically not healthy i was addicted to drugs for like 5 years i just think it feels good to do the exercise i like the feeling of burning PAIN
i dunno dude i'm just sick of here there's a ton of places i'd like to be anywhere without people who tempt me with shit i am supposed to have quit is good I like a lot of places and people I'll be happy anywhere they let me be happy
Yeah I think I can kinda know how that feels. I wouldn't quite say I'm sick of it here but I have lived here now almost twenty-eight years. A bit of me would like to just be ... not here.
Some of that might be a bit of the "fresh start" delusion that a lot of people who are having a rough time feel, like moving to a completely new city in the middle of nowhere -completely new city totally away from their old life will help them reboot and get to be a new person. But I think I'm also just tired of here.
For a long time now I've wanted to go live on the West Coast closer to the mountains and the ocean. But I don't really have any means of getting there and I don't really have any skills that would let me live there independently. And a whole bunch of other messy shit means I probably can't leave this city for a while if I don't want to risk being homeless or dead within a year. So I'm just stuck here. Which certainly doesn't make me feel better about being here as well.
i've lived here specifically here in this neighborhood and east side of this city for 26 years and i've done so much shit and know almost everyone i see and i don't fucking like it! i don't like them. i don't like what I did here. I don't like what I did to them for money to do things I don't like. I hate it! I'm fucking ashamed of it. It's complicated to explain. But I want out without making it seem like it's for some reason my family doesn't know, even though it is.
>>872103 I can't really live outside of a major city right now since I'm legally not allowed to drive. At least anything bigger than a normal road and not without a full license holder in the passenger seat. And honestly I really like living in high-population density parts of the world. The towns out on the shores of Lake Huron are nice, but not really where I want to live.
>>872109 she just wants to know what passes for a paid service among my misbegotten kind if you knwo what i mean >>872110 idk if anything in southampton counts as a big city tbh its a fucking island of hicks and natives afaik
They don't, hah hah. I've never been to Southampton I guess but I've been in the area and I know what the lay of the land's like. Place is only like a two and a half hour drive from Toronto though if you somehow end up there I could definitely figure out some way of swining -swinging by every now and then for a weekend.
>>872114 i was wondering if it was a show i'd be interested in but then you described it as a show i wouldn't really be interested in >>872117 yeah that
>>872116 its a show about a girl who makes cosplay outfits for a bunch of kids who are really wise beyond their years shes a fucking loser among her age bracket idk what the target audience was supposed to be but it seemed kind of lolicon focused to me was kind of cute but couldn't shake the feelling it was aimed at some weird mother fuckers
im not a reigning expert on anime i've only seen like 600 shows but it felt like a lolicon show to me was kind of good anyways
The WataTen manga is/was serialized in a yuri magazine so the target audience is a bit of a weird one. That's a genre that can attract both guys and girls. WataTen for me felt like it leaned a bit on the side of Mitsuboshi Colors in that the main cast has a lot of little girls so sure, it appeals to lolicons, but the focus is more on the little girls being brats and making trouble rather than fetishizing them.
>>872122 Yeah I mean it's worth noting tha a lot of for-lolicons shows are kinda good in their own right, and even the "for lolicons" tag is kinda hard to apply with anime since like, that's... arguably a lot of 'em IchiMashi is probably for lolicons, but that's good too
fuckin ashamed of sober jan tf you tryin to quit or something pussy
nah man sober jan just cares about your liver
he has to cause you won't
goddamn right i wont
jk sober jan was probably just broke
i dont think so he doesn thave to pay his families bills cause his dads unemployment pay finally came in 3 and a half months after he got laid off
damn that's fuckin rough TWC sucks
he should have money again
fucking loser had to sell his broken car and dreams of fixing it lmao
u still at that same place in arlington?
yep i make a whole $11.50/hr and work almost 50 hours a week
i'd tell you to give it a try out here but i wouldnt have a place for you atm plus i like the way my car smells right now ayoooooo
still trying to get hired at the automotive plant and still not getting called back
fucking lol
i swear i havent chucked it in a minute officer
maybe when the rona chills out i can make a visit up there
hopefully by the time the rona chills out i'll be in south carolina
oh man idk about south carolina my guy my ex was from there, and everyone she knew from there was whacko
last time iw // i was there i was laid over on a flight and got extremely toasted with some people in business suits they shared their edamame with me and i let them hang out around my bar seat and said they were with me then we hit up the rest of the bars in the charlotte airport waiting for the fucking layovers
last time i had a layover was on my way back from wait no on my way to Evo2019 and i played breath of the wild the whole time shit was so cash
>>872181 i mean everybody she knows sounds fucking whacko even the people i talked to
id rather just go somewhere else with her but like i don't know man
>>872183 damn dude how did you like evo whatd you watch
i went 0-2 in pools for BBCF i watched the DBFZ top 8 and oh my god that was so amazing SC6 was pretty lame tbh BBCF was hype af for me and the other 10 people watching it unist was pretty cool honestly DBFZ was so crazy though it's hard to remember much else Go1 and SonicFox had one of the greatest sets in fighting game history
>>872202 sounds like you need more power dude heres my last gift to you before i fade away for a month or two again >>>/watch?v=3CVd8y_RfJA special video nobody watches
>>872204 That is a video that almost no one has watched, wow. Too bad I still haven't played Automata or a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. Sounds pretty good though.